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Discussion in 'Denver, CO' started by nnaydolem, Sep 13, 2010.

  1. Taeriel

    Taeriel Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Feb 9, 2003
    Fandom is so amusing sometimes. From the Supernaturalwiki twitter:

    "We currently are busy carving Enochian symbols into our database to stop malware. will be back online shortly."
  2. nnaydolem

    nnaydolem Jedi Master star 6

    Nov 8, 2002
  3. QueenHighMistress

    QueenHighMistress Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 8, 2005
    Everything's funnier in Enochian.
  4. Taeriel

    Taeriel Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Feb 9, 2003
    New episode tonight! Yikes, I hope everything turns out ok. I mean, I think it will, but this is Supernatural so you never know...
  5. QueenHighMistress

    QueenHighMistress Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 8, 2005
    I just got caught up to 7.10.

    GAH! Why? WHY?!?!?! Half the time I want to smack Winchester heads together, and now the ONLY SANE PERSON IS GONE?!
  6. nnaydolem

    nnaydolem Jedi Master star 6

    Nov 8, 2002
    i refused to believe that he is gone...nooooooo!!!!!!
  7. Taeriel

    Taeriel Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Feb 9, 2003
    I just don't know. I would hope that Bobby isn't really going to be gone, but OTOH, well, look at the show's track record for killing people off. It's not like they are shy about it.

    I do wonder whether TPTB might be planning to end the show this season, though. It's like there is a long-range symmetry developing. The show started with just the two brothers. Slowly over time they picked up allies and friends. And over more time, the friends died. First all the others: John, Ellen, Jo, Rufus, and then Cas. Bobby was their first and closest friend - family really. Now Bobby... perhaps they are bringing the show full circle, and now we are back to just the two brothers again. In addition to that, the show began with tragedy: first the murder of Mary (family) and then of Jessica (going to be family) to launch their course of action for over 20 years. Bobby was the last of their family, leaving me to wonder if his death could be analogous to a final bookend on the overall story as they wind down. I hope this isn't the case, but I think the possibility is there.
  8. Jedi Girl of Corellia

    Jedi Girl of Corellia Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jun 23, 2000
    Spoke with Julie McNiven (Anna Milton) and her husband(who will also be on a future episode of SPN) on the phone today. Fixed their internet. Both are VERY nice people. I guess this is one of the few perks of my job.
  9. Taeriel

    Taeriel Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Feb 9, 2003
    Very cool!
  10. Taeriel

    Taeriel Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Feb 9, 2003
    Spoilers for last week's episode, and speculation based on that:

    There were a few interesting tidbits in the episode hinting at stuff. Of course, first there was Dean's missing beer. While its possible he forgot that he drank it (further illustrating his alcohol issue), I think a lot of people are wondering if this is a 'Bobby ghost clue'. After all, the previous episode had left us hanging without knowing Bobb's final decision- whether he went with the reaper or stayed behind as a ghost. "I'm gonna haunt your asses...and drink your beer. Idjits!" Or... maybe It's a red herring. Maybe the writers knew we would jump to that conclusion, but in reality Bobby did move on.

    I was also very suspicious of Dean's little nap, though. Granted, he was undoubtably utterly exhausted and in dire need of passing out. At the same time though... The way he fell asleep so instantl was very striking. He stayed asleep through everything the other guy did (and it's not like he super trusts this guy), and for 36 hrs?? It seems rather like one of Cas' finger sleep mojo things to me. Makes me kinda wonder if some form of Cas was there, making Dean sleep like that.

    Anyway, jus a thought. And now, back to work in the spice mines.
  11. QueenHighMistress

    QueenHighMistress Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 8, 2005
    One of the Tarts speculated that Dean may be experiencing time slip -- that time is moving differently for him; the beer, the nap, and there was something else she mentioned, but now I can't remember. I haven't posted Tart links in a while, have I? I'll have to figure out where I left off and fix that.
  12. Jedi Girl of Corellia

    Jedi Girl of Corellia Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jun 23, 2000
    I absolutely LOVED this weeks episode!
  13. Taeriel

    Taeriel Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Feb 9, 2003
    Spoilers/discussion/speculation related to 7.11 and 7.12:

    Timeslip - hmm. I guess I could see how it could explain some things, but it's definitely convoluted. If this is the case, sometimes Dean's rate of time is faster, and sometimes slower. For the nap, it looked to the outside viewer as though Dean fell asleep instantly. However, if time were moving relatively slower for Dean at that point, it could be that he fell asleep at a more reasonable rate from his POV. However, flip side - if Dean's time rate were slower, and Frank said he was asleep for 36hrs from the outside POV, then that would imply Dean was asleep for much longer than that from his POV. That seems somewhat unlikely, no matter how exhausted he was. The other possibility is that the timeslip isn't consistent. Possibility 1: the slip occurred only when he was falling asleep, and after that his time rate was the same as everyone else. This would mean he did sleep roughly 36 hrs. Possibility 2: the time slip is variable. Dean's time rate was slower than the outside viewer while he fell asleep, but while he was sleeping the slip reversed and his rate was faster than the outside viewer. That would mean he slept less than 36hrs from his viewpoint, while the outsider saw 36hr.

    Beer - if the beer disappeared because of evaporation, that would imply Dean's time was moving faster than the outside POV. He thought it was only a short time, but the beer experienced a time period long enough to evaporate. My question here is - if that is the case, how are he and Sam not noticing that a different amount of time is passing? While they aren't in the same room all the time, wouldn't they realize that a lot more time has passed for Sam (outside POV) than Dean?

    Certainly time fits with the theme of the subsequent episode 7.12. But can Dean's experience with Chronos in 7.12 explain the hypothetical time slips in 7.11, before he met Chronos? Yes, time travel and all that, but 7.12 seemed a straightforward case of traveling back to 1944 and then returning to 2012. The question is, could that interaction have impacted Dean before it happened? Or is the time slip coming from some other cause? Or is it not timeslip, but some other factors in play?

  14. Jedi Girl of Corellia

    Jedi Girl of Corellia Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jun 23, 2000
    For the time slip thing... I honestly thought it is Bobby and possibly Ellen causing this. These time slips didn't seem to be anything bad, if not beneficial for him. Dean needed sleep, so he slept, drinking is one of his more serious vices that could cause problems for him, so they got rid of the beer before he could drink it. Just an idea. So it may not be time travel at all, just some well intentioned spirits looking out for Dean because he's a pain in the ass and refuses to reach out for help.
  15. Taeriel

    Taeriel Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Feb 9, 2003
    I tend to agree... my first suspect is friendly ghost(s). I had assumed that the disappearing beer was Bobby, but I like your idea of Ellen being involved. There was that mention of a message from her in the psychics episode. And I still think the way Dean passed out so quickly was quite reminiscent of Cas' finger-whammy. Is there such a thing as ghosts for angels? He certainly had unfinished business. And remember, Death said he would one day reap God, which implies that entities other than humans experience something similar in terms of dying.

    Q, are there later Tart articles? The most recent I can find is for the wedding episode.
  16. QueenHighMistress

    QueenHighMistress Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 8, 2005
    This one just went up today. (7.09)

    I think 7.10 goes up next week.

    7.11 & 7.12 will go up in February (I missed the deadline for 7.12 -- stupid migraines.)

    The way the Tart deadline schedule works makes it hard to be timely with the articles, unfortunately. :(
  17. QueenHighMistress

    QueenHighMistress Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 8, 2005
    Oh, I also like Sarah's idea. I hope it turns out that way.
  18. Taeriel

    Taeriel Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Feb 9, 2003

    So funny! [face_laugh][face_laugh]
  19. QueenHighMistress

    QueenHighMistress Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 8, 2005

    OMG, yes -- I needed that! The unicorn, OMG -- I was thinking "Why are they telegraphing that a unicorn is going to kill this guy?" Well, dummy Q, because that wasn't the punchline! The RAINBOW was!

    Oh, man, Jared got to have all the fun this ep -- clown anxiety, hilarious fight scene, and being horrible at playing 'bad cop.'

    [face_laugh] [face_clown] [face_beatup] [face_laugh]
  20. Taeriel

    Taeriel Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Feb 9, 2003
    I have a hard time deciding the funniest part. There are so many to choose from.

    Unicorn. Funny on it's own, because hey. A shiny white unicorn. On Supernatural. And then it got better - rainbows out of its ass. I about died laughing. Love the reference back to the earlier season.

    Sam's clown phobia. After everything he's been through, it's so funny that clowns will panic him to the extent that monsters, demons and Lucifer will not.

    Lampooning of Syfy ridiculous movies of the week.


    Sam. Covered in sparkly glitter. [face_laugh] I was right there with Dean and the cracking up.
  21. QueenHighMistress

    QueenHighMistress Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 8, 2005
    I totally agree.

    Dean and the giant slinky.

    "The ball washer." "The what?" "The ball washer." "The what?" "The ball--" *disgusted look*
  22. Taeriel

    Taeriel Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Feb 9, 2003
    [face_laugh] I forgot about that one!

    On a separate note, regarding the previous episode "Slice Girls"... While I can understand why the plotline went the way it did, it made me sad. First, I know it couldn't have gone any other way - this is Supernatural - but I found myself wishing that there had been at least something of Dean in Emma. Second, and I think this bothers me a little more, I wish the end with Sam shooting her had been handled differently. Yes, that end point had to be reached. And yes, Sam had just been on the receiving end of another Amazon trying to kill him, and yes, per the plotline Emma was not redeemable. But... I wish that Sam had wanted it otherwise. Had at least expressed regret that Emma had not been other than she was. Clearly this was meant as a consequence/opposite bookend to Dean killing Amy. I'm not sure whether the intent is to establish that there IS no grey area, not anymore, or if it is to show (perhaps negative) consequences of what Sam learned from Dean's earlier lesson. But I miss the old Sammy, who could see at least the potential for shades of grey.
  23. Taeriel

    Taeriel Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Feb 9, 2003
    Wow. Did anyone else get a strong deja vu from parts of this episode? First the semi that Sam almost plowed into, and then playing "Bad Moon Rising". It certainly seemed like the writers were trying to evoke the season 1 finale "Devil's Trap". It seems like it was meant to lead up to Frank's demise, though I was a little uncertain on how well it fit. The foreshadowing was from pretty powerful stuff, but the boys' weren't that close to Frank. Maybe it's just that he's like almost literally the last person helping them?
  24. nnaydolem

    nnaydolem Jedi Master star 6

    Nov 8, 2002 we are now moved to Wednesday nights....

    we have a new watcher since we all last spoke....sith_chick :)
  25. QueenHighMistress

    QueenHighMistress Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 8, 2005
    Yeah, but she's not caught up at all....