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SW Toys!

Discussion in 'Archive: Cleveland, OH' started by Jade-Walker, Nov 23, 2003.

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  1. jedi_master_sal

    jedi_master_sal Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 20, 2002
    I hadn't realized this was frowned upon. I do this so often in my group and am a member with the special collectors thread within TF.N (You have to be approved and I believe only two people from each chapter can be accepted) I guess that's why, I wasn't concerned.

    And yes, Krash, I'll look for you as well.

    Rest assured that I'm a respectible collector and would never intentionally do things against the rules of TF.N. (Believe it, I'm very "anal" when it comes to rules to a fault and several of my fellow Pittsburghers will tell you that)
  2. Krash

    Krash RSA Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 11, 2000
    No worries I said if I was going "by the book" I'd make an issue of this. But we know you, and know you're on the level. It's all good my friend!

    BTW, Great Northern Mall is having collector's show all weekend...and across from Spencer's, there is a guy Em and I have gone with in the past. LOTS of SW toys, and some of the new LOTR figures (Witchking, Ghost King) Tell him Krash recommended you to him..and he should take good care of you. He'll also be at the toy fair next to Pittsburgh ComiCon, and he knows we're going Saturday.
  3. jedi_master_sal

    jedi_master_sal Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 20, 2002
    Well, I just tried leaving you a message with my cell phone and the battery died, so here's what I said:

    I was able to find both the Ultra Obi-wan and Jango. I found them at different stores and there was a $1 price difference. I got the Jango for $9.99 (Total of $10.69 with tax) and the Obi-wan for $10.99 (Total of $11.76 with tax) for a grand total of $22.45.

    These will be waiting for you when I see you at comicon.


    (I still need the newest Unleashed and 12in figs if anyone can help.) Know that they would be going to a very appreciative fan/collector.

    I can't wait til comicon to see you folks again!
  4. TheRandomMenace

    TheRandomMenace Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 13, 2002
    Yesterday I was at Toys R Us near Randall Park Mall... they had plenty of Han Solos and one Boba Fett Unleashed if anyone's interested.
  5. Anrev_the_Jedi

    Anrev_the_Jedi Jedi Padawan star 4

    Mar 14, 2002
    I just picked up the new Tie Pilot 3 3/4 fig. VERY NICE. I will be moding mine to match my costume.
  6. Jade-Walker

    Jade-Walker Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 21, 2002
    Oooo! ARe those out now?
    I want one. :D
  7. Jedi_Outcast77

    Jedi_Outcast77 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 10, 2003
    I picked up a Luke (Hoth) and Master Yoda Unleashed last week. That gets me up to six so far. I had hoped that would have some of these on their site but all they offer is a 6-pack of Wave 8, giving you two of each Luke/Chewie/CT figure. Finding the previously released figures is going to be tough.
  8. jedi_master_sal

    jedi_master_sal Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 20, 2002
    The long awaited Sandcrawler is just about kaput now...

    And it ain't good news. According to Hasbro, between the time Star Wars Insider #75 went to print and began to arrive in collector's mailboxes, Target chose to drop this exclusive from their line up. Hasbro confirms they are currently shopping the item around to other retail outfits, but have nothing to announce yet. If the Sandcrawler is picked up by another US account, they "anticipate" the vehicle will be made available in other countries, but if not, the Sandcrawler will most likely not be released anywhere.

    Got this from
  9. TheRandomMenace

    TheRandomMenace Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 13, 2002
    Yesterday I picked up my second Aayla Secura figure (so I opened it). I got it at the Target on Rockside and Warrensville. They had quite a bit there, actually. A bunch of Aaylas, the Darth Maul and old Obi-Wan figures with collectible glasses, a bunch of electronic and mini sabers, and Clone Wars Anakin, Mace, and Asajj figures. Check it out if you want.
  10. Jade-Walker

    Jade-Walker Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 21, 2002
    Just found this on Big Bad toys--loose and vintage figures. Looks rather cool. :)

    Big Bad Toys
  11. jedi_master_sal

    jedi_master_sal Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 20, 2002
    Be on the look-out for the "Endor" wave at your area Target stores. We've got them here in Pittsburgh. (Though they've sold out QUICK!)

    The Endor wave includes:
    Lando (As General Calrissian)
    General Madine
    Han as AT-ST driver
  12. Jedi_Outcast77

    Jedi_Outcast77 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 10, 2003
    Good news for any Unleashed collectores out there!!! The new wave of figures for the summer have been announced, along with a preview of what will be offered for the fall. I know that there are some fans of a certain "blue-skinned" Jedi here that might find this interesting ;).
  13. jedi_master_sal

    jedi_master_sal Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 20, 2002
    The Aayla looks GREAT! I like Bossk in the 'hissing' pose. Tusken is okay. Reminds you of the pose when one was over Luke in the Jundland wastes.

    Now the next wave...IG-88, Aurra Sing, and a Stormtrooper!

    WOW! I like most of the bounty hunters and these two are no exception. I wonder how they are going to give a normally static looking IG-88, a wonder pose? Aurra Sing was a given. I just didn't expect her to made so early on. She's going to look AWESOME.

    I have some speculation to the stormtrooper though. I wonder if there's going to be a running change like what was done with the Unleashed Clonetrooper. It went from an all white one to the Captain with red markings. So will we get a standard Stormtrooper then say a Sandtrooper with the orange paulron???

    I'm excited to find out. Regardless if it's just the standard one, I'm buying it.

    This line just keeps getting better and better, IMHO.

    Now if I could only get my hands on a reissued Unleashed Sidious, Leia, and Vader (face reveal) I'd be set!

    Luck in finding these folks.

    As always, if I can help...
  14. TheRandomMenace

    TheRandomMenace Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 13, 2002
    Wow... that Aayla figure is nice... on so many levels. [face_devil]
  15. Jade-Walker

    Jade-Walker Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 21, 2002
    Yeah. I have to get one of the Aayla's!

    Sal, if you hear that she's being offered online, will you let me know? I've checked them all and none are offering her yet. ;)
  16. jedi_master_sal

    jedi_master_sal Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 20, 2002
    Will do!

    One place to keep an eye on is:

    Sometimes they can be a little expensive, but they get EVERYTHING!

    Also you can try kebcotoys. I think their site is either or

    I've heard mostly good things about them, but you should always take a "buyer beware" attitude, with anything you may purchase through the net.

    If a website offers these as a case it's almost always cheaper to get them like that. For one you can save on shipping per case than per figure.

    If your interested let me know...(I don't want to be against TOS so I won't make a "business deal" here in the forums).

    PM me if you like about the case offerings.
  17. Jedi_Outcast77

    Jedi_Outcast77 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 10, 2003
    I have the Sidious figure and it is pretty sweet! You can switch between the standard hands and a pair with Force Lightning coming out of them :cool:. I'm really looking forward to these next two waves cause Sidious is the only "bad guy" that I have. The addition of the bounty hunters will create a nice mix to my collection :).
  18. Krash

    Krash RSA Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 11, 2000
    Aayla Secura Unleashed looks awesome! I've always liked the grace/agility of a female jedi, and this type of collectible really plays well to that aspect of her character.

    A Sandtrooper Unleashed might be a possibility. Another way to go might be to have a the same type of pose as the Clonetrooper Unleashed. Be kinda cool to put the 2 side-by-side to show the progression of the trooper development.
  19. Jade-Walker

    Jade-Walker Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 21, 2002
    Yeah. I'd be interested. And it looks as though Geoff would be as well.
    Geoff, Em, Roseanna and I all ordered Luke/Sidious together on ActionFigureExpress and got a great price. :D

    I think it's silly about the rules about this. It's one thing if it's really soliciting. It's another if it's just friends looking out for each other.

    Anyways, happy hunting. :D
  20. jedi_master_sal

    jedi_master_sal Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 20, 2002
    Jade-Walker, I agree. I think you folks know I'm a straight up guy. (Demonstrated by the transactions from comicon)

    Also, I'm a member of a special collector's board here on TF.N

    Only two people from each FF are allowed and they must be "vouched" for. This keeps out those that might seek to gain profit, etc.

    So you know, I'm not in this to promote any specific sight or my own interests. I truly like to help out my fellow friends/fans/collectors.

    Krash, I like the idea of the same pose Stormie. That would be very cool to see!
  21. REBO1971

    REBO1971 Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jan 13, 2004
    The Unleashed figures are some of the nicest Star Wars collectibles currently available.

    Has anyone seen the animated Clone Wars Yoda? I can't find that little guy anywhere!
  22. jedi_master_sal

    jedi_master_sal Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 20, 2002
    Animated Yoda is out. Try Target stores as that seems to be the best place to find the animated figs.

    On another note!

    Here are more pics of Unleashed Aayla in different poses at the Prototype stage:

    Here to view them altogether:

    or here to view them seperately and closer-up.

    This looks AWESOME. Even though no color has been applied to it, you can tell the sculpt is fantastic!

  23. REBO1971

    REBO1971 Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jan 13, 2004
    The Targets around me have everyone BUT Yoda :(
  24. Jade-Walker

    Jade-Walker Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 21, 2002
    one of the online sites has the next waves of unleashed up
    Go to the thread on our website for ordering planning.

    BTW: Roseanna, you might want to check out that place. They have a "one of every figure" club
  25. jedi_master_sal

    jedi_master_sal Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 20, 2002
    Oh yeah the OOEF club is great for collectors. At least you know eventually you will get one of each.

    But I will stress that in some instances you might wait awhile for certain figures (this does not include variants BTW). Example: Ephant Mon took longer for people to get because he was short packed 1 to a case (of 12 figures). Also you may not get the "card" in minty fresh condition. So just be aware of that should anyone sign up for the OOEF club. It's good but it has it's flaws.

    BTW, I did a very quick colorization of one of the Aayla Unleashed protoype figs to compare with the unpainted version. You can go hear to see them:

    If you can't get to the link take out the http:// in the website and you should be able to view it.

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