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experiences while seeing the movie...or before

Discussion in 'Archive: Revenge of the Sith (Non-Spoilers)' started by Darth_Sacrilicious, Jun 6, 2005.

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  1. Darth_Sacrilicious

    Darth_Sacrilicious Jedi Grand Master star 2

    Apr 30, 2003
    i went to the midnight show and there were these two people having a lightsaber fight in front of the screen and they were going at it VIOLENTLY and then one of the YELLS "I am Blade" which made all laugh. and then five minutes later, Blade walks in with some popcorn. Freaking funny.

    what did you guys and girls see?
  2. Bacon164

    Bacon164 Chosen One star 8

    Mar 22, 2005
    I found it odd that the majority of the people at the midnight screening were children... [face_thinking]
  3. marajadebean

    marajadebean Jedi Youngling star 2

    Mar 11, 2005
    I didn't necessarily see so much children, unless you're referring to the big child in all of us. ;) I did notice a lot of kids and what I mean is more high schoolers. I saw more children actually in my third viewing last week. They were kinda talky but I didn't mind so much, probably because this one is most shocking to kids. They loved the beginning though.

    I'm glad I went to the midnight showing, I just kinda wish there were more personable people there. I had a nicer group with me to get the toys than when I went to actually see the movie. I'm not saying people were mean, it's just it would have been a really grand experience to see it with all of you fine people of the 3NS.
  4. stormcloud8

    stormcloud8 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 24, 2002
    I have to say, in my three viewings I have not heard a single snicker or laughter at an unintended moment. I consider that a victory.
  5. Darth_Sacrilicious

    Darth_Sacrilicious Jedi Grand Master star 2

    Apr 30, 2003
    storm, you refer to the utter silence during Anakin doing the killing, i think. i was shocked at that. and the yoda messing with the imperial guards made it bearable.

  6. Jedi Greg Maddux

    Jedi Greg Maddux Jedi Knight star 6

    Aug 3, 1999
    AOTC was the first time where I actually waited in line. It was a pretty cool experience, even though it was a 9-hour wait. Lots of people were dressed up in SW costumes and were having mock lightsaber battles. People who parked on the top of the parking garage had cables connected to their car battery so they could play video games, watch tv, and stuff like that.

    I bought a $15 folding chair at the sporting goods store and pretty much sat and did nothing. I didn't bring a book, so I went to Radio Shack and purchased a handheld sports trivia game (I haven't used it since) to bide the time.

    The theater opened up at 7:45 and everyone was checked, two at a time, before they could get their seat. For the first couple of hours there were contests for best costume and the like, then prize drawings (I won a Lego set of an Imperial Star Destroyer). Then they showed a bunch of fan films, including the quintessential TROOPS, a Monster Garage spoof, a South Park spoof, and most of the others which were too lame to remember.

    At 12:01, the lights dimmed and the show started. The trailer for the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe started to play, but then the camera got all messed up. It took quite some time to fix (a good 10 minutes) as the crowd was getting restless. But all was well.

    Best. Movie. Experience. Evar. :cool:
  7. generalgreivous4

    generalgreivous4 Jedi Youngling star 1

    Feb 5, 2005
    Out of the two viewings I had, the first was by far the best.

    Some scenes at the beginning made some laugh, including me. "Oww!" followed by the R2-D2 being kicked over.

    Then after the first battle scene, should I call it, it became a lot darker, and fewer laughs.

    The slaughter of the Jedi was very chilling and sad, I was emotional with those scenes, and anakins god this was an awesome movie.
  8. Darth_Banal

    Darth_Banal Jedi Knight star 6

    Jul 22, 2002
    I have to say, in my three viewings I have not heard a single snicker or laughter at an unintended moment. I consider that a victory.

    Indeed. My 2nd viewing, this 40+ year old idiot was giggling at every emotionally tense moment in the film.
  9. generalgreivous4

    generalgreivous4 Jedi Youngling star 1

    Feb 5, 2005
    this 40+ year old idiot was giggling at every emotionally tense moment in the film.

    What an IDIOT!

    There is a boy I know who says that he found most of the emotional bits funny...I didnt reply.
  10. JediRac

    JediRac Jedi Master star 2

    Apr 10, 2001
    Before the movie:

    - Taking pictures with all of the costumed characters

    - Complimentary popcorn, candy and drinks for the premiere :cool:

    - Seeing Stormtroopers and Empire officers holding up seating placecards and threatening to shoot anyone who didn't take their seat right away :)

    - The charity advertisement which got lots of applause. Very uplifting.

    - Dead silence before the 20th Century Fox logo appeared, followed by huge cheers


    - Seeing the opening crawl and knowing it was the last 3NS moment and SW movie.

    - The audible gasps right before Anakin kills the younglings, and when Anakin is dismembered by Obi-Wan.

    - The cheers for Yoda, R2, Chewie, Obi-Wan and when they showed the inside of the Tantive IV.

    What a memorable night.
  11. bswb

    bswb Jedi Master star 1

    Dec 2, 2000
    A few memorable moments from opening night:

    One brave soul in an entire Chewbacca costume. He kept taking the head off to breath, but he put it on and walked around for a few minutes to loud applause.

    My basher girlfriend whispering "Don't do it" to herself as Anakin had the lightsabers to Dooku's head. Even though she reverted back to bashing a few days ago (and having only seen the film once, but read a bashing blog review and then deciding her opinion on the film changed - don't get me started), Lucas had her sucked back in for one night.

    The audible gasp as Palpatine's lightsaber dropped to his hand. There must have been a lot of non-trailer folks out there cause people seemed really surprised by this.

    The "WHOA" comments that traveled through the theater when Grievous unleashed his four sabers.

    On my second viewing, I had a couple behind me arguing towards the end as to whether Padme was going to have twins. That was equally irritating and amusing.
  12. Lexi

    Lexi Jedi Master star 4

    Oct 9, 2002
    I had a bad experince today when I saw RotS. I sat beside a really young boy and his mum who read the subtitles for him throughout the movie. It was really disturbing hearing the lines repeated in Swedish, especially during the emotional scenes. The boy must have really liked SW, though, because he knew who Kit Fisto was and pointed him out for his mum.
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