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Im having trouble

Discussion in 'Archive: Games: TCG' started by JEDI_COUNCIL88, Jun 23, 2005.

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    JEDI_COUNCIL88 Jedi Youngling

    Jun 7, 2003
    I know i may sound stupid but i really dont get how the Trading Card Game is played
    can someone help me and give possibly simpler instructions?
  2. RedneckJedi

    RedneckJedi Historian, JediOKC Manager Emeritus star 2 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    May 20, 2002
    Like any game, it takes time to get the basics down-pat, and the SW:TCG has a quite a few basics for new players to absorb. Before I go into a potentially long dissertation, have you read the Revenge of the Sith rulebook either from the starter set or downloaded it from this link on-line? If you haven't picked up a starter set, I HIGHLY suggest you do so, and start with the simplest pre-setup scenario and work your way up from there.

    Let me know so I know where to begin helping you.

    JEDI_COUNCIL88 Jedi Youngling

    Jun 7, 2003
    well the only problem im having is where the dice come in and how the force meter works.
  4. Artie-Deco

    Artie-Deco Jedi Youngling star 3

    Aug 23, 2001
    Dice: I assume you mean during attacks? See page 21 of the Revenge of the Sith rulebook. You also use a die for build points; see page 16 of the rulebook.

    Force Meter: Are you talking about the Force Meter on the playmat? It's just a way to track how much Force each player has. At the start of each turn each player gains 4 Force. Each player may spend Force during their turn. Just move a marker up or down the meter to keep track of how much Force you have.

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