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Orlando, FL January Meeting

Discussion in 'SouthEast Regional Discussion' started by Pikaroth, Dec 22, 2003.

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  1. Sabacc

    Sabacc Jedi Padawan star 4

    Dec 9, 2001

    Congratulations folks on reaching 300 posts!
  2. Pikaroth

    Pikaroth Jedi Master star 3

    Apr 22, 2002
    This is, without a doubt, absolutely amazing. I have a tear in the corner of my left eye, hanging there, waiting to fall. 300 posts. 300. Not 299, not 301, but 300 (well, this will now be 301, but you know). Campbell, congradulations. You have accomplished a task that no other could do. You 'da man!

  3. Ruckus

    Ruckus Jedi Master star 3

    Apr 2, 2002
    I think when this puppy hits 400 whoever posts the 400th post- posts their deepest darkest secret or perhaps a most worthy post of substance and quality. I hope I hit 400- you guys will love the secret. MUUAAAHHHAAAHHHAAA!!!!
  4. Ia-Bou

    Ia-Bou Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jul 15, 2001
    I dont think i have any secrets...
  5. Pikaroth

    Pikaroth Jedi Master star 3

    Apr 22, 2002
    Yes, you do. Everyone has secrets. Those that claim to *not* have secrets are the ones that seemingly have the most secrets. Nothing wrong with secrets, but just don't claim to not have any. Now, if you really *don't* have any secrets, then any of us, no matter who it is, should be able to ask you anything, no matter how personal, and you should answer it truthfully and on the spot.

    Truth or dare?

  6. Ruckus

    Ruckus Jedi Master star 3

    Apr 2, 2002
    Yeah Ia seems like she'd have lots of skeletons in the closet. She seems very straight laced... those are the ones to fear. I hope she picks Truth... pick truth!
  7. raiza123

    raiza123 Jedi Youngling star 2

    Dec 18, 2003
    Just when you thought it was dead, this post raises it's ugly head. =D=
    I LOVE the new emoticons and had to show some of them off in a random post and here are just a few:
    8-} [face_tired] =P~ [face_thinking]
    [face_pig] [face_cow]

    Melanie @};-
  8. RogueScribner

    RogueScribner Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 17, 2004
    To continue the randomness of this thread . . .

    I won the OT Trivia Challenge in the Classic Trilogy Forum! Woo hoo! :)

  9. raiza123

    raiza123 Jedi Youngling star 2

    Dec 18, 2003
    CONGRATS!! So you were supposed to be awarded VIP status for a week? why don't you have a box or funky colors or anything? Or was he joking?

  10. RogueScribner

    RogueScribner Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 17, 2004
    I'm supposed to get VIP status, but I guess it hasn't kicked in yet.

  11. Ia-Bou

    Ia-Bou Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jul 15, 2001
    looks like it just kicked in :)
  12. chewbacca1138

    chewbacca1138 Jedi Master star 2

    Mar 12, 2002
    I have realized a dreaded long did the trivia challenge go? 111 pages? With like 20 posts each? I'm sorry folks but I doubt this thread will EVER be locked unless we stop bringing it to the top.
  13. Pikaroth

    Pikaroth Jedi Master star 3

    Apr 22, 2002
    So, what can one "do" with this so-called VIP status? I mean, of course, besides the red lettering.

  14. RogueScribner

    RogueScribner Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 17, 2004
    That one thread has hosted something like 13 games so far. Believe me, I wouldn't have been involved in a game that went hundreds of pages. :) The game I was in lasted about two weeks or so, two days roughly for each question.

    I was just playing to play. I honestly didn't think I had a shot at winning, so I wasn't too concerned about what a VIP status might mean. I think I get a cool title for the week and can change my name colors. Only problem is is that there's some proxy server error or something preventing me from altering my colors, so I guess it's just the red. Oh well.

    Other than that, that's it. VIPs just look special. :p

  15. Pikaroth

    Pikaroth Jedi Master star 3

    Apr 22, 2002
    I would just like to point out that the film "Spartan" comes out on June 15th, next Tuesday. I would ****highly**** recommend everyone buy this, or, at the very least, do yourself a favor and rent it.

    It, so far, is my third favorite film of the year, right behind "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" and "Monster." (Note: "Monster," technically a 2003 movie, did not show in Central Florida until 2004, so it is, for me, a 2004 movie).

    As it is, "Spartan" is superb and never slows down, keeps going, and, real or not, it has a real feel to it with killer dialogue.

    Without a doubt, this is Val Kilmer's best movie to date, and he will have a hard time topping it.

    It only played in the theater for, I think, two weeks a few months back, and it did not get the release or publicity it deserved.

    Again, everyone, see it! It deserves to be discovered on DVD. Please, at least rent it.

  16. Pikaroth

    Pikaroth Jedi Master star 3

    Apr 22, 2002
    The second season of Comedy Central's series "Reno 911" premiers tonight at 10:30pm! Watch it!

  17. raiza123

    raiza123 Jedi Youngling star 2

    Dec 18, 2003
    Keep the post alive! I hear RogueScribner aka Mike went to see Riddick today. I saw it the day it came out and enjoyed it. Of course, I like Pitch Black a little better because they went in to more depth with the plot & characters. Well, if you can call any Vin movie an indepth sort of movie. He's adventure and other than Boiler Room, he's just had to talk deep & act tough and get by on that sexy smile.
    Summary: Riddick is for those of us who love Vin and want to get busy with him. [face_love] ;)
    SO on that note, Mike, what did you think? o_O
  18. RogueScribner

    RogueScribner Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 17, 2004
    I thought TCoR was good, but yeah, I prefer Pitch Black. TCoR juggled too many balls and a couple of them fell. I heard this movie was heavily cut per studio mandate, so maybe there's something on the cutting room floor that will make the movie flow better and make more sense. But then again, maybe not. Vin Diesel did kick butt, tho. :)

  19. chewbacca1138

    chewbacca1138 Jedi Master star 2

    Mar 12, 2002
    Personally, I haven't seen either. Brandon says they're both awesome, and since I always like the movies he does, I will give them a watch.

    As for Vin Diesel, he's ugly and overrated. Before The Fast and The Furious, no one knew him and now they're like, "oh Vin..." Gay.

    To add to the randomness:
    Did anyone watch Mission Hill Sunday night? I almost peed my pants, it was so great. They all go to a Convention and of course Kevin is all crazy about it but Andy only goes because George's sister is into it (and she's hot). Anywho, they go and while waiting for a big celebrity's speech, a screen pops up with GL on it saying how the next presentation is a great super duper star, when it's really one of the ewok actors, number so and so. It's so hilarious how everyone goes insane over him...truly pathetic. There were many Star Wars/geek references, but if you didn't see, man oh man...
  20. Pikaroth

    Pikaroth Jedi Master star 3

    Apr 22, 2002
    I just got back from seeing it for a second time, and I would like to say this:

    1.) Thandie Newton, who portrayed Dame Vaako, cannot act to save her life. She brings down every scene she is in. Everyone around her is so far above her that they had to of wanted to kill her between takes.

    2.) Why, oh why, did they replaced Rhiana Griffith, who played Jack in the first film, with Alexa Davalos who played Jack/Kyra in this one? They want you to believe she was 12 years old in "Pitch Black," which I don't buy, but okay, and now, according to Riddick himself, this takes place five years later, making her 17, *maybe* 18. The original actress would be the right age, but Davalos is in her twenties. Is she hot? Sure, but who cares? Check out Griffith nowadays, and she has aged very well.

    3.) To add insult to injury, in "The Chronicles of Riddick: Dark Fury," the animated film that takes place between "Pitch Black" and "The Chronicles of Riddick," they make use of all the actors' voices. Guess who plays Jack? That's right, Rhiana Griffith. So, they bring her back for that but not the new film? Shame on you.

    4.) The plot made perfect sense except for this... we are told that the Lord Marshal is the leader of all the Necromongers, right? It's his fleet, he promotes people, he is the leader. Later on, though, Dame Vaako (the awful Newton) tells her husband that unless they strike, he will be promoted to "Full Dead" and blah blah blah. Who promotes HIM? Is there someone above them all on some far flung world? Rule by a committee? That's the only thing that either I didn't get or wasn't explained too well.

  21. chewbacca1138

    chewbacca1138 Jedi Master star 2

    Mar 12, 2002
    BTW, you guys do know that the One Man Star Wars Trilogy dude performed on the set of TCoR? I'm sure you guys read that already...just wanted to bring it up.

    AND DON'T FORGET to check out the one man star wars trilogy website in July for his "BIG NEWS."
  22. raiza123

    raiza123 Jedi Youngling star 2

    Dec 18, 2003
    Riddick response.
    1) I agree with Brandon's opinion Thandie Newton can NOT act. She's sort of attractive but is that the only quality they wanted from her? No acting ability, no screen presence, just beauty?
    2/3) I thought Alex Davalos did a fine job. Since it's been a few years and "Jack's" head was shaved in Pitch Black, it was hard to tell what she'd look like as an adult. Perhaps Rhiana was busy and couldn't take the job?
    4) I thought "promoted to Full Dead" was a metaphor. I'll have to watch that scene again because I was taking it to mean he'd go from "partly alive" to Full dead. If anyone would be over them, wouldn't it be the aliens that "convert them"?
    The giant slug like creatures.

    Did this movie feel a little like Dune to anyone else? Something about the screen shots, the vehicles, etc. Definately need to see it again to analyze it.
    Yes, Mike I agree that it could've flowed a tiny bit better but overall I liked it. I do hope that if they come out with it on DVD we get to see those heavily edited scenes you are mentioning.
    Some people (like myself) saw Vin in Pitch Black & Boiler Room (2000). I know I loved his "to hell with the world, it's all about me" attitude in Pitch Black. Good character, Riddick. I was hooked, a fan.
    This was before Fast & the Furious (2001). Some people may have decided they liked him then or may have seen the other films. I very much disliked F & F but liked him in XXX. Shrug, to each their own. Melanie
  23. chewbacca1138

    chewbacca1138 Jedi Master star 2

    Mar 12, 2002 I just posted like crazy in almost every single thread brought up lately and I actually got a message saying you could only post once per minute...WEIRD.
  24. JediScout

    JediScout Jedi Youngling star 1

    Apr 8, 2004
    I got one of those the other ay as well, guess Ill have to type slower.

  25. chewbacca1138

    chewbacca1138 Jedi Master star 2

    Mar 12, 2002
    WOW...I haven't come on since Friday and there's a WHOLE page of posts to read!!! Dale, you really went on a posting frenzy!
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