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Star Wars vs Star Trek

Discussion in 'Archive: Cleveland, OH' started by ANakedG, Apr 23, 2002.

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    EMERALD_GREENE Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 23, 2001
    I would think that warp speed & hyperspace would be comparable, so an Interdictor cruiser should work on the ST ships. Both Uneverses had lasers so they are the same. phasers should be comparable to blasters with the blasters having a slight edge only because as a short blast rather than a steady beam, it would be a little harder to find the shooter in ground combat. Photon torpedoes & proton torpedoes should be about the same as well. The biggest difference I see in weaponry would be the ion cannon/disruptors. They would be comparable to todays 'dirty/clean' nuclear weapons. A 'dirty' nuke would be comparable to the disruptors because not only do they cause loss of life, they do considerable damage to property as well. 'Clean' nukes would be comparable to ion cannons because they concentrate on electrical disruption & wouldn't cause as much property damage. Both Universes had cloaking technology even though you didn't see it in the SW movies.

    Everyone I've seen in this thread seems to be concentrating on Q & his 'god like' powers. What about all the other 'god like creatures in the ST Universe? I don't remember all their proper names but there was that greek god, the Organians, Tremaine, those lava/rock creatures, the Metrons, et.. I think all the ST 'gods' would sit out on a battle like you describe because THEY would all be too busy fighting each other to be able to influnence the SW/ST battle.
  2. Abnoonoo

    Abnoonoo Jedi Youngling

    Apr 9, 2002
    Here's how I see it

    Enterprise is destroyed by super star destroyer

    Kirk is seduced by Padme

    Spock is embarrassed by Yoda's superior "endowment" in the ear department.

    Scotty's skills - no match for R2

    Doc = superceded by Bacta tank

    Q = so up himself he'd probably implode.

    Therefore - SW easily winning


    EMERALD_GREENE Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 23, 2001
    Probably more like Kirk seducing Padme, then Anikin getting jealous & cutting Kirk in half with his lightsaber. ;)
  4. Abnoonoo

    Abnoonoo Jedi Youngling

    Apr 9, 2002
    I'll concede that point... Kirk is a ladies man...

  5. DarthPoke-G

    DarthPoke-G Jedi Youngling

    Apr 18, 2002
    OOOOOOOHHHHHH, ROAST ROAST. This has gone from SWvsST to just a roast on Star Trek practically. I guess star trek fans gave out.

    C'mon ANakedG, defend your cause!
  6. Abnoonoo

    Abnoonoo Jedi Youngling

    Apr 9, 2002
    Actually.. Star Trek would definately win.

    because their fans/developers are more nerdy and more likely to be thinking up "the next god like invincible creature/entity" that the enterprise encounters. The Star Wars fans/developers would be too busy drinking beers and getting the babes!

    EMERALD_GREENE Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 23, 2001
    Is there something wrong with drinking beer & getting babes ?????
  8. Abnoonoo

    Abnoonoo Jedi Youngling

    Apr 9, 2002
    No!! I am a SW Fan!
  9. JediKnightPasJoDacle

    JediKnightPasJoDacle Jedi Padawan star 4

    Mar 16, 2002
    EMERALD_GREENE, Star Wars Phasers are not that comparable to blaster, the phasers have proven to be more powerful and distructive and versitile then the blaster.

    Star Trek Would win, but Star Wars WILL ALWAYS MAKE MORE MONEY.
  10. ANakedG

    ANakedG Jedi Youngling

    Apr 18, 2002
    When i made this post i never meant for people to give such mindless and not to well thought out anwsers i mean that guy that says Q would ust implod himself just doesnt make sense who is he to say that Q would implode himself and no one from star wars would. and then i read the stupidest thing that sith assimilate civilizations not individuals, so so so not true and gives the example that when enterprise crew rescue picard from the borg cube reffering the the episode "I, Borg" they say no borg attempt to attack them which is very not true they shot the borg with thier phasers before going for picard. worf almost does get assimilated by picard himself anyways. so that person that gave that senario was just probally not right in the head when he gave it.
    also to random who i would like to congradulate for having the most valid argument a jedi is in no way the same as a god. lets relate this to our own world. wiccan the relgion lets say that a wiccan who has the power to move things and claim to be able to slow things down and see into other and past places are they gods? no they are not and that is why jedi are not gods. Q is a god, Q has far more ability than a jedi. a jedi has no comparable qualities to Q. Q is far more superior.
  11. ANakedG

    ANakedG Jedi Youngling

    Apr 18, 2002
    yes that is very very funny star wars fans getting babes. let me tel you something i was a star wars fan for 3 years before likeing star trek too and i never got any babes while i was just a star wars fan. you should diversify your intrest then you wont have to defend a worthless cause
  12. TheRandomMenace

    TheRandomMenace Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 13, 2002
    You misconstrued me. I never said a Jedi was a god. I said when Jedi turn into spirits, they become one with the Force. The Force is analagous to a god. If Q is Star Trek's version of a god, then the Force is Star Wars' version. Jedi pretty much have power equivalent to a god when they become one with the Force. Q really couldn't kill something that was already dead, so the Jedi, although mortal, still retain tremendous amounts of power even in "death."
  13. Abnoonoo

    Abnoonoo Jedi Youngling

    Apr 9, 2002
    Just because GL is not so corny as to make a character as stupid as Q, doewsn't mean SW is not a better / more powerful universe.. perhaps we have not yet met that being in SW universe..

    I cannot see how fully grown/adult men frittering around in lycra body suits could stand up to the tough and rugged Star wars characters such as Han Solo... What if they got runners in their pantyhose? What about split ends in their hair.. not to mention the time it takes to do an effective bikini line these days!! ( I researched the time it takes by asking my wife )

    They just don't make men tough in Star trek.

  14. JediKnightPasJoDacle

    JediKnightPasJoDacle Jedi Padawan star 4

    Mar 16, 2002
    To Abnoonoo, that last comment is SOOOOOO untrue. To Random, I really am goning to have to say that I don't think the force is the SW eqwivalent to God. I understand where you are coming from and what you are saying, but I am inclined to dissagree.
  15. Abnoonoo

    Abnoonoo Jedi Youngling

    Apr 9, 2002
    OK, then perhaps they mat have delveloped a new type of phaser that does bikini lines quite quickly.. I concede that the bikini line bit may not be that much of a downfall for the lycra wearing, hair gel freaks (perhaps some of that "there's something about Mary" action happening? ) of Star trek universe.
  16. JediKnightPasJoDacle

    JediKnightPasJoDacle Jedi Padawan star 4

    Mar 16, 2002
    OOk, first of all, YOU ARE MAKING COMPLETLY NO SENSE. And second of all, watch what you say man, I don't want this turning preverted or getting locked.

    EMERALD_GREENE Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 23, 2001
    For CIVILIZED discussion about the subject, you are invited to the Indy board where we have a similar thread running. We are talking about (among other things) who would win in a bar brawl, R2 & Chewie vs. Data & Geordi.
  18. JediKnightPasJoDacle

    JediKnightPasJoDacle Jedi Padawan star 4

    Mar 16, 2002
    BAH! We are from Cleveland, if we were from Indy we would post on that board.
  19. Sebulba-X

    Sebulba-X •X C2 C3 MW RSA• star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Mar 11, 2000

    Worf Vs. the Sarlaac, who'd win? Oh, to make it a fight, Sarlaac has a tentacle wrapped around Worf's leg and is pulling him in, but Worf has his Klingon-crecent moon knife thingy. Discuss.
  20. JediKnightPasJoDacle

    JediKnightPasJoDacle Jedi Padawan star 4

    Mar 16, 2002
    Worf, easy fight(wait, just to make sure, ur talking about the creature on Tatootoine right, from Return?). How about this...The Swashbuckler Han Solo vs. the Equally Swave Riker.
  21. Sebulba-X

    Sebulba-X •X C2 C3 MW RSA• star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Mar 11, 2000
    Yeah, Sarlacc is the big hole in the ground in ROTJ. If the thing ate Boba Fett without any problem, then Worf would be a nice dessert. Keep in mind, there's no skiff hovering above to pull Worf up...he'd make a fight of it, but eventually the sand and the pit would get him.

    The Swashbuckler Han Solo vs. the Equally Swave Riker...Fighting or trying to pick up Oola in 10-Forward (is that the Enterprise bar & grille?)?

    If it's a fight, then Han Solo would win with a quick blaster shot to Riker chest in a cloud of singed beard smoke....but Riker, being a directer himself, would re-edit & repackage the "The Swashbuckler Han Solo vs. the Equally Swave Riker Fight Episode: Special Edition" and Riker would win.

    It's a toss up on who'd do the best trying to pick up Oola. Riker's got more Lando smoothness when he gets his groove on, but Han has the intangible edge to him that all ladies seem to dig, and he's learned enough from the Calrissian way of things to back it up. In the end, Han exits the bar with Oola on his arm.
  22. TheRandomMenace

    TheRandomMenace Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 13, 2002
    You also have to remember that Han is ambidextrous when it comes to blaster-wielding. I forget which book, but I remember he tricked some guy into getting both of their right hands locked together somehow so that they would have to both shoot each other with the left hand, and rather than face Han with his left hand, the guy backed out of the fight. Han would definitely win the pistol duel.

    I also agree that he has a great Ladies' Man of a mentor in Lando, and I know that many of the ladies think Han is dreamy. Han wins the girl too.

    Han Solo-2, Riker-0
  23. JediKnightPasJoDacle

    JediKnightPasJoDacle Jedi Padawan star 4

    Mar 16, 2002
    Yes, 10 Forward is the "bar and gril" as you so quaintly put it. Good points.
  24. ANakedG

    ANakedG Jedi Youngling

    Apr 18, 2002
    good point sebubla about the sarlacc eating worf but if you remember correctly one of the reasons i think trek would win is becuase of the superior technology and in trek there are transporters which could easily get worf out of there. but anyway boba fett getting swallowed doesnt mean that worf would beucase worf is used to more hand on hand combat that he would face with the sarlacc then he would have an andvange fighting the sarlacc over fett. infact maybe it was easy for the sarlacc to get fett since he landed right in its mouth hmm your arguement was weak
  25. TheRandomMenace

    TheRandomMenace Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 13, 2002
    I rest my case:
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