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Discussion in 'Archive: Spain' started by josebulin, Jul 22, 2002.

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  1. RednepSuS

    RednepSuS Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 8, 2002
    josebulin...has visto ese SUPUESTO spoiler??? en realidad no es un SPOILER..para que no se asuste la gente.
  2. RednepSuS

    RednepSuS Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 8, 2002
    esta gente del Episodio III con spoilers esta loca...aunque la idea seria increible. (LO ES)

    Palpatine declarando en el Senado que el Imperio sustituye a la Republica, con las estupidas caras que se les habrian quedado a los componentes del senado. Miles de Stormtroopers entrando en el Senado y detiene a todos los componentes del mismo.

    Palpatine recibiendo alagos de Sidious..(TOMA CASTAÑA) por el trabajo conseguido. (ALGO QUE HUBIERA TIRADO NUESTRAS IDEAS POR LOS SUELOS...Y DANDO POSIBILIDAD A LOS EPISODIOS 7,8,9.)....os impresioné ehh.. :D
  3. yerykenobi

    yerykenobi Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jun 13, 2002
    A mi no me parece tan buena idea Red, si Palpatine no es Sidious yo me sentiría estafado. Me explico:

    TPM: En el funeral de Qui-Gon, después de que Mace Windu le diga a Yoda: ¿Quién fue destruido, el maestro o el aprendiz?, enfocan a Palpatine, Padme, Obi Wan...... y de repente todos quedan desenfocados menos Palpatine. Alguien que no sepa nada del universo SW que se fije un poco en esa escena debe pensar que ese es el malo de la peli.

    AOTC: En el encuentro entre Dooku y Sidious se percibe claramente que Sidious es Ian McDiarmid.

    Si a esto le añadimos que todos sabemos que en ROTJ el emperador es un Sith llamado Palpatine no debería quedar duda alguna.

    He visto que un americano dice que Palpatine es el clon de Sidious y que éste tomará su lugar en el episodio III, y bla bla bla...etc. Hay que ser serios, a mi me encantaría que Lucas diera una sorpresa a lo "Yo soy tu padre" en el episodio III, pero es muy dificil que sea esta. El episodio III no va a durar mas de 135 minutos, en teoría deberíamos ver: El final de las guerras clon, la purga de los Jedi, el nacimiento de Luke y Leia, el paso de Anakin al lado oscuro, confrontación Obi-Wan-Anakin, muerte de Dooku, muerte de Windu y alguna cosilla mas, es muy dificil que Lucas pueda encajar en todo esto que Palpatine no sea Sidious.

    Eso si Red como dije antes ojala nos podamos llevar alguna buena sorpresa.

    PS: Lo siento por lo extenso del Post.
  4. RednepSuS

    RednepSuS Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 8, 2002
    Visto lo visto, en este foro hay mas desierto que letras... Asi que, YO, DARTH NEPSUS, me autoproclamo Emperador Totalitario de la Zona Spoiler del Foro Español de Star Wars. QUEDAN ADVERTIDOS. PARA MAS INFORMACION PASENSE POR LA ZONA SPOILER Y OBTENDRAN MAS INFORMACION.


    [face_laugh] :D
  5. obikes

    obikes Jedi Master star 3

    Mar 7, 2002
    Primero para los que se asusten de leer algo aqui decir una cosa: TODAVIA NO HAY SPOILERS (enfatizo no grito).
    Una vez dicho esto tan importante voy a exponer aqui mi teoria de como Anakin pasará al lado oscuro, la pongo aqui en vez del post de teorias y especulaciones por que hay gente que no quiere saber ni de especualciones y prefiere no saber nada.

    Teoria de como Anakin pasa (definitivamente) al lado oscuro

    En mi opinion el punto importante está en en una frase que dice Anakin en el ep2 despues de morir su madre cuando haba con Padme. Ahora mismo no me acuerdo de la frase exacta, pero dice algo asi como que sera el jedi más poderoso para evitar que la gente muera, tambien un poco mas adelante delante de la tumba de su madre vuelve a decir que promete que jamás volverá a fallar.
    Mi opinión es que en el ep3 Palpatine alimentará este deseo de poder ( que originalmente tiene una buena intención, la de salvar vidas), como ya hace en el ep2, y me parece que en algún punto de la pelicula Dooku secuestrará a Padme. De alguna manera Anakin se enterará, pero alguien le impedirá ir a buscarla, este será Obi. Seguro que en la peli tenemos la crisis de la republica y el nacimiento del Imperio, y tambien tendremos a Palpatine diciendo que la culpa de todos los males son los Jedis. Asi que los Jedis tienen una crisis entre manos y por eso Obi le dice a Anakin que no vaya tras Padme. Yo creo que que Anakin hará caso a Obi-wan, al menos al principio, pero luego se enterará que Dooku tiene a Padme e irá en su busca.
    Creo que en esa busqueda Anakin encontrará el refugio secreto de Sidius,y alli encontrará a Sidius y a Dooku.
    Sidius le hará creer que Padme está muerta y que Dooku le ha matado, por lo que toda la ira de Anakin se unira y atacará a Dooku, un combate en el que al final ganará Anakin, y nos encontraremos en un punto como el de el final de el Retorno del jedi, pero Anakin se decidirá y dará el golpe de gracia a Dooku pasando al lado oscuro definitivamente.
    Despues se dará la vuelta para enfrentarse a Sidius, pero este se descubrirá como Palpatine y le dirá: [imaginad esto con la voz de Palpatine]"No es a mi a quien quieres matar, piensa quien tiene la culpa, el por qué no llegaste a tiempo para salvar a la senadora."
    Anakin cegado por la ira y por el lado oscuro pensará en Obi-wan y dira algo asi como:[imaginadlo en boca de anakin]" Obi-wan TIENE la culpa, EL me retrasó"
    Palptine añadira que no solo Obi-wan, que todos los jedis con su estupido codigo tiene la culpa que ELLOS mataron a Padme.
    Y Anakin cegado, irá a buscar a Obi-wan, para enfrentarse a el, con el resultado que ya todos sabemos.

    Y esto es a grandes rasgos lo que creo que pasará en el ep3, aparte de muchas otras cosas
  6. obikes

    obikes Jedi Master star 3

    Mar 7, 2002
    Esto lo pongo aparte por que si que hay algo confirmado que podria considerarse spoiler.

    Hace un tiempo vi una noticia por aqui en Theforce que decia que el propio Lucas habia dicho que la proxima vez que escucharamos el Duel of Fates a lo bestia seria en el combate entre Anakin y Obi(imaginaoslo, tiene que ser apoteosico)(y este era el pequeño spoiler).
    Asi que si me teoria de arriba es cierta, ¿que musica iria en el combate entre Dooku y Anakin?
    Pues a ver que os parece esto que se me ha ocurrido, la Marcha imperial a trozos con la musica del emperador. Terminando el duelo cuando Anakin mata a Dooku con la marcha imperial a los bestia. Me dan escalofrios de solo pensarlo.
  7. RednepSuS

    RednepSuS Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 8, 2002
    mira obikes.... durante el combate, la misma musica que cuando luchan luke y vader...en ROTJ....esa que canta una especie de coro...o algo asi...(creo que la cancion es Battle of Endor III o VI, no me acuerdo)....y una mezcla con la del emperador....y justo cuando anakin acabe con marcha imperial a todo volumen...igual que cuando le dice a Padme que mato a todos los tusken....cuando dice..."los odio"....y pone esa cara rara... :D
  8. yerykenobi

    yerykenobi Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jun 13, 2002
    Una vez mas, muy buena teoría Obikes, no se si las cosas se desarrollarán así en el episodio III, pero la verdad que no estaría mal.

    Lo de la música en el combate Anakin-Dooku, me parece una idea genial, sin embargo el "duel of the fates" en el Obi-Anakin, no se,no se. Es un tema magnífico, pero teniendo en cuenta que lo mas probable es que sea un duelo con diálogos, igual le pega mas una música mas íntima. Me imagino a Obi Wan: "Ven conmigo, abandona el lado oscuro", Anakin: "Demasiado tarde, maestro". Lo digo por la frase de vader en ROTJ: "Obi Wan pensó lo mismo una vez"
  9. josebulin

    josebulin Jedi Youngling star 3

    May 28, 2002
    ¡Vamos, NETPADAWAN! Anímate y cuentanos tu secreto AQUÍ.
  10. netpadawan

    netpadawan Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 10, 2001
    Ok, es posible que alguno ya lo sepais pero por lo visto en Australia están desenpolvando los decorados de KAMINO para Episodio III y ...

    ... se está preparando un Jedi Starfighter Especialmente modificado para el mejor piloto estelar de la galaxia .... Anakin Skywalker ....
  11. RednepSuS

    RednepSuS Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 8, 2002

    netty donde has conseguido eso...??? cuenta, cuenta..
  12. pirry

    pirry Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 20, 2002
    ¿neety? [face_laugh] (no te lo tomes a mal)

    Ufff, spoiler, siiiiiiiii ;)
  13. netpadawan

    netpadawan Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 10, 2001
    Lo ví en jedinet ( hacían referencia a una noticia de red.

    Mola eh! Anakin pilotando un caza, esta vez de verdad!
  14. yerykenobi

    yerykenobi Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jun 13, 2002
    Bueno, esto es un mini spoiler, dicho por Rick McCallum para el Star Wars insider:

    McCallum Talks EP3 in Latest SW Insider

    McCallum said that Ep. III "in terms of scale, in terms of what's going on, in terms of story, everything it's going to be the biggest one.".... He also said there would be spectacular and numerous lightsaber battles. "Episode III is the last one. SO no-holds barred now." He also confirmed that Nick Gillard is coming back. And he wouldn't promise a happy ending. "There's not a lot of light there."

    More production news from Rick in the Star Wars Insider:

    When Star Wars Insider asks producer Rick McCallum for an update on Episode III, the first thing he does is offer up a laundry list of what's about to happen:
    "I finalize the deal at FOX Studios, Sydney in about a week's time; I've got our production designer starting in October; Our costume designer starts next month, and she starts shopping for fabrics. We're equipping the sound stages, sending in stuff from England back over to Sydney. So we're in real "go" mode now."

    Until then, most of the pre-production work remains in the talented hands of JAK Productions, whose members meet with McCallum and George Lucas each week to show concept designs.

    McCallum laughs as he explains the discrepancy in desired screenplay by adding, "George says he's writing, so we're just moving forward, trying to make him feel as guilty as possible." The possibility that george Lucas will employ a co-writer for Episode III remains "impossible to tell" at this point, but McCallum expects the screenplay will be finished next spring.

    Location Scouting
    McCallum hasn't started location scouting for Episode III. "I'll probably start doing that when [production designer] Gavin Bocquet starts, which will be in late October."

    Lightsaber Training
    He demurs when asked how Lucas and stunt coordinator Nick Gillard could possibly top the Jedi fight scenes in Attack of the Clones, but reminds us, "Episode III is the last one, so no-holds barred now."

    The Fall of the Republic
    In addition to being the last Star Wars movie, Episode III also promises to be the darkest chapter in the Skywalker saga. "I can't promise a happy ending," says McCallum.

    American audiences are notoriously unwilling to accept movies with a downbeat conclusion, but McCallum is not worried about how fans will approach the saga's most ominous episode. "I think we'll be given a lot of leeway there, because most people understand that this is just a chapter. Yes, the film has to work within its own context and work as a film complete unto itself, but when we're talking about the issues that we have to deal with, there's a lot of light there. Most people who know the Star Wars saga know that this is Anakin's destiny. In many ways, he is the Chosen One. Without him, the galaxy would never be saved."

    From that "certain point of view", there will be at least a glimmer of light at the end of Episode III, since we all know where Anakin's journey ultimately leads.

    Despite these general predictions, McCallum remains carefully coy when asked whether fans should brace themselves for the deaths of important characters. "You should definitely brace yourself for that." he laughs, refusing to give any more specific hints.

    Vamos, en definitiva, que no nos aporta nada nuevo, salvo que queda confirmado que van a haber varios duelos de sable láser. Probablemente mas de los normales.

  15. pirry

    pirry Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 20, 2002
    "mini-spoiler" :D
  16. yerykenobi

    yerykenobi Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jun 13, 2002
    Se me olvidaba poner otro dato:

    "Hayden's doing a small movie," says McCallum, "and he finishes that at the end of September and then goes into some serious training. He's got some serious work to do. He's going to be training a lot. He changes physically a lot. Our stunt coordinator will start three and half months before shooting, when he'll start working with Hayden and Ewan McGregor."

    El duelo va a ser impresionante.
  17. netpadawan

    netpadawan Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 10, 2001
    Más Spoilers:

    With the Star Wars: Magic of Myth opening in Sydney last month, I was able to go to the special Industry Seminar hosted by Anothny Daniels with guests Lorne Peterson and Ben Snow.

    During the course of the seminar Lorne Peterson dropped a few hints about what was coming in Episode III for the galaxy far, far away...

    [Spoilers] highlight to read:

    Lorne Peterson told the audience that the history of the Millenium Falcon would be revealed in Episode III.
    He also mentioned that we will understand why Han Solo has a fondness for the Millenium Falcon.

    Continuing, he revealed that a single catastrophic event would explain how the galaxy changed from those we know in the PT, to those in the OT.

    [End of Spoiler] Lorne Peterson was quickly reprimanded by Anthony Daniels and Ben Snow from revealing too much more.
  18. netpadawan

    netpadawan Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 10, 2001
    JediOztralia from the Force.Net's Jedi Council has chimed in with information that Fox Studios has been ordered to search for rocks for EpIII that are quite different to the those red rocks taken from the Australian outback and used for Geonosis in Attack of the Clones. They rocks have been describe as more "crystal" like.

    Now already know that location scouts have looked at Sydney's Blue Mountains for a possible location and that Rick McCallum has stated there will be several new planets for EpIII.

    Also many people will be familiar with this concept art from Return of the Jedi and also that the Canary Islands have also been scouted as a possible location for EpIII:

    fotos aquí

    Could a crystal cave possibly be on the agenda for EpIII? Perhaps a cave situation similar to the Magic Tree of The Empire Strikes Back?

    [End of Spoiler]

    AMIGOS CANARIOS ESTAIS DE SUERTE, si es verdad el tío Lucas va para allá el año que viene!

  19. netpadawan

    netpadawan Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 10, 2001
    El Ataque de los Spoilers

    Attack of the Starfighters
    Thursday, Oct 24th 10:18am GMT - by Ternian
    Well, recently we heard that:

    [Spoilers] highlight to read:

    Insiders at Fox Studios in Sydney have indicated that the Jedi Starfighter used by Obi-Wan in Attack of the Clones will be remodelled and modified as Anakin's starfighter in Episode III.
    [End of Spoiler]

    Now it appears that a new Databank entry from StarWars.Com has revealed more on the subject...

    Though the Jedi Temple is the central headquarters of the order, the protectors of the Republic maintained a number of scattered bases of operation throughout the Republic. As the threat of the Separatists escalated during the years preceding the Clone Wars, these outlying stations saw increased use. When the Delta-7 starfighter was introduced to the Jedi arsenal, it was quickly distributed to hangar facilities on Kamparas, Eriadu and elsewhere to better defend the Republic against the growing conflicts.

    More space stations in store? Is this why Obi-Wan identified the Death Star as a space station in A New Hope?

  20. netpadawan

    netpadawan Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 10, 2001
    El Regreso del JEDI?

    Qui-Gon to Return?
    Friday, Oct 25th 10:04am GMT - by Ternian
    The Australian tour of Star Wars; Magic of the Myth may have revealed some information about some returning characters for EpIII.

    As part of their interactive section of the exhibition, visitors can gaze across a databank of characters from various Episodes.

    Now, they also have a section devoted to Episode III including the EpIII working title design; similar to the EpII one that followed the trailers. Among those characters already expected to return were a couple of interesting names...

    [Spoilers] highlight to read:

    Qui-Gon Jinn was listed to make an appearance. He was also listed under EpisodeII.
    The other was the Imperial Guards and two famous children; Luke and Leia Skywalker.

    [End of Spoiler]

    What could these characters possibly have to do with EpisodeIII?

  21. RednepSuS

    RednepSuS Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 8, 2002
    jooder ultimamente estas haciendo records, netpadawan....

    PD si se confirma que lucas vendrá a Lanzarote para rodar eso.... me traslado de isla y llevo camara de fotos y camara de video. :D
  22. netpadawan

    netpadawan Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 10, 2001
    Hola .

    He encontrado esta teoría sobre la Fuerza, los Fantasmas Jedis, y el elegido etc... en los boards de

    Es muy extensa ... pero realmente merece la pena ...

    Si Lucas de verdad tiene pensado algo así para Ep. III va a ser fantastico.

    Ahí va ... y paciencia

    A (The?) key to the Star Wars saga ? (length and complex)
    Hi everyone!

    I work for a quite famous french StarWars website (so, sorry for my bad english in this introduction), I send a nice theory made by our visitors to Episode-X last sunday and I see that they don't put it online, but I understand, because it's quite length...
    What I want is to diffuse this theory through the net because i think it can interest many people, so I post it here.

    Here the translation (french to english) of my whole article :
    (and by the way, the end of my awfull english in this post )


    The Key to the Star Wars saga!

    Prophecy, disappearing Jedi, blue ghosts, Dark Side, all of this is explained in this article!


    The theory pesented here was born from the prolific minds of forum members. It?s a global synthesis of the Star Wars saga build around Anakin Skywalker?s powers by Halpheus, a SWU staff member, and by many other forum members like General Kenobi.

    I advise people who don?t want to know what will happen in the next movie or risk spoiling what could possibly change our vision of the saga not to read what follows, which is still just a theory.

    What follows is more than likely, considering the depth of thought, and could change your perception of the Star Wars saga forever. You have been warned! We?ll talk about the Force, the prophecy, Jedi who disappear and reappear after their death, all of this explained... Enough with introductions, let?s get to the heart of the matter.

    1. The two Forces governing the Universe

    The Prequels have incredibly widened the concept of the Force as we knew it in the Old Trilogy. More than an energy field binding all biological (ANH) and mineral (ESB) things in the Galaxy, since TPM the Force is divided into two components: the Living Force (LF) and the Unifying Force (UF). These two Forces are integrated differently by individuals according to their personality, their philosophy, and of course their midichlorian count.

    This is how George Lucas defined the LF and the UF in the book "The Making of Episode I The Phantom Menace" (p.8-9):

    « The Force itself breaks into two sides: the living Force and a greater, cosmic Force. The living Force makes you sensitive to other living things, makes you intuitive, and allows you to read other people?s minds, et cetera. But the greater Force has to do with destiny. In working with the Force, you can find your destiny and you can choose to either follow it, or not. »

    According to what we learn in the prequels, we can thus define the LF as the sensible component, the consciousness of the individual, the "I", and the UF as the intelligible component, the collective consciousness, the "We". The Jedi Council illustrates perfectly this philosophy.

    Taking the LF to extremes, we have what can be called a corruption of this Force: the Dark Side, where personal feelings come before the common good and where one uses close interaction (mind tricks - accepted by the Code when they?re not for personal goals -, Force choke, lightning, etc).

    We can sum up the different concepts in this diagram:

    I-> Pure Unifying Force (We)
    I-> Jedi Order
    =>> Balance of the Forces: Anakin and Luke at the end of ROTJ
    I-> Qui Gon Jinn
    I-> Dooku
    I-> Darth Vader
    I-> Palpatine
    I-> Pure Living Force (I)

    The meaning of the famous prophecy becomes now evident: to balance the LF and the UF, to achieve the common good without forgetting one?s personality. This will be a particularity of the new Jedi ord
  23. netpadawan

    netpadawan Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 10, 2001
    Viejos Rumores que van tomando forma ... Tarkin puede volver.

    X-RUMOR: A Tisket, A Tarkin
    Thursday, Oct 31st 10:23pm GMT - by Ternian
    Secret transmissions intercepted by Imperial Sources reveal some new on the rumored return of Tarkin for EpIII:

    [Spoilers] highlight to read:

    Robert Carlisle has been approached to play the part of Governor Tarkin in the next Star Wars movie.
    Although, he hasn't yet accepted the part as far as we know, Silmarillion has posted a picture comparing the two possible Tarkin's...


  24. DarthVader2210

    DarthVader2210 Jedi Youngling star 1

    Aug 27, 2002
    Yo leí en algún foro que...¡Mace Windu es un traidor!, aunque primero la idea me parecio absurda, leí el motivo y me parecio posible.
  25. Vlad

    Vlad Jedi Youngling star 1

    Oct 20, 2002
    ¿Y cual es el motivo de que Windu sea un traidor?
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