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Atlantic A new game: Ton_Gnopoly

Discussion in 'Canada Discussion Boards' started by Ton_G, Oct 17, 2003.

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  1. Ton_G

    Ton_G Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 15, 2002

    Think NJO! He is a Jedi Master...
  2. SniperJedi

    SniperJedi Jedi Youngling star 1

    Mar 19, 2004
    Prolly not but cus Jocasta Nu is the old lady jedi but is it the right answer?
  3. Ton_G

    Ton_G Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 15, 2002
    I'm afraid not, JobiSniper. NJO... New Jedi Order.
  4. SniperJedi

    SniperJedi Jedi Youngling star 1

    Mar 19, 2004
    next question I need to get some points while no one else is around cus I wont get any with other peeps here. ;)
  5. Ton_G

    Ton_G Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 15, 2002
    Sorry, this question remains, however, you could go to another board (lit perhaps) to find out.
  6. SniperJedi

    SniperJedi Jedi Youngling star 1

    Mar 19, 2004
    Long face NJO ... I'll formulate an answer ... hmmmmm
  7. SniperJedi

    SniperJedi Jedi Youngling star 1

    Mar 19, 2004
    Shaak Ti?

    Expanded universe or not?
  8. Ton_G

    Ton_G Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 15, 2002
    EU my friend....
  9. SniperJedi

    SniperJedi Jedi Youngling star 1

    Mar 19, 2004
    Bah Let me think now it's diff I was thinkin something else.
  10. SniperJedi

    SniperJedi Jedi Youngling star 1

    Mar 19, 2004
    Roron Corobb ? mabey...unless you mean emotionally this guy HAS to be it.
  11. Ton_G

    Ton_G Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 15, 2002
    Still No! This one is lasting longer thn the Epham Kenzon Question...
  12. SniperJedi

    SniperJedi Jedi Youngling star 1

    Mar 19, 2004
    emotionally? or physicly cus that guy has LONG face.

    Edit: more guesses :D

    Vergere ?
  13. Ton_G

    Ton_G Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 15, 2002
    Nope... but he is on the High Council!
  14. SniperJedi

    SniperJedi Jedi Youngling star 1

    Mar 19, 2004
    Dude I'm about to cry .... AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH I've been thinking so hard my brains about to start smokeing I can't fig what type of LONG you mean.

    Edit: Yarael Poof(I'm just pullin them out of a hat I don't care what they look like)
  15. Ton_G

    Ton_G Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 15, 2002
    It is Kenth Hamner... a Human Jedi Master. Throughout the NJO he is described as the Jedi with the "Long" face! LoL

    Oh well

    Next Question

    Which Company was the Primary Rival of the Twin Suns Shipping?
  16. SniperJedi

    SniperJedi Jedi Youngling star 1

    Mar 19, 2004
    Is it Viraxo Industries?
  17. Ton_G

    Ton_G Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 15, 2002
    Aye that it is!

    Dak: 2
    007: 2
    DoY: 1
    SnpJ: 1

    Next... Who sung the duet with Su Snootles in RotJ SE?
  18. SniperJedi

    SniperJedi Jedi Youngling star 1

    Mar 19, 2004
    Joh Yowza.?
  19. Ton_G

    Ton_G Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 15, 2002
    Yes it is

    Dak: 2
    007: 2
    DoY: 1
    SnpJ: 2

    Alright.. we'll take a break, and wait for a few more!
  20. SniperJedi

    SniperJedi Jedi Youngling star 1

    Mar 19, 2004
    Lol ok now I got caught up :p am i doning good timewise for the asnwers like would I be getting them if others were here?
  21. Ton_G

    Ton_G Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 15, 2002
    Yes, you are doing well.
  22. SniperJedi

    SniperJedi Jedi Youngling star 1

    Mar 19, 2004
    Thank you I try.
  23. SniperJedi

    SniperJedi Jedi Youngling star 1

    Mar 19, 2004
    Can we play again soon?
  24. Ton_G

    Ton_G Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 15, 2002
    Ackbar Crashed into this in his B-Wing...

    Name the structure and the Planet.
  25. SniperJedi

    SniperJedi Jedi Youngling star 1

    Mar 19, 2004
    The Cathedral of Winds on Vortex.
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