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Idaho Agenda for Meeting at 7 PM @ All About Games, saturday 9/6/08

Discussion in 'Pacific Regional Discussion' started by Psxjedi76, Aug 18, 2008.

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  1. Psxjedi76

    Psxjedi76 FanForce Chapter Rep star 4 VIP

    Apr 2, 2002
    Here is the Agenda if there is anything you would like to see added please reply Agenda Will close on 8/30/08 one week before the meeting.

    1. Welcome
    2 Star Wars Force Unleashed Midnight Release.
    3. Discuss plans for the Club for the Fall
    4. Game Night as a club
    5. Discuss Star Wars Mini possible Tournament for the Fall
    6. Misc.

    Last: Plan Next meeting location
  2. Psxjedi76

    Psxjedi76 FanForce Chapter Rep star 4 VIP

    Apr 2, 2002
    Here is the Agenda if there is anything you would like to see added please reply Agenda Will close on 8/30/08 one week before the meeting.

    1. Welcome
    2 Star Wars Force Unleashed Midnight Release.
    3. Discuss plans for the Club for the Fall
    4. Game Night as a club
    5. Discuss Star Wars Mini possible Tournament for the Fall
    This is a small Game List I came up with

    Dynamic Duo 100 points 9/12/08

    Generals 200 points (each squad will have only one unique wich represents the general defeat the general and win.) 9/19/08

    No game 9/26/2008 Star wars RPG in Session.

    Utini Build a 200point maximum squad. 198 points minimum (200-point build) and no more than the maximum build points.

    Squads must contain at least four and no more than 16 miniatures.

    You must supply all reinforcements, etc., for use with creatures that can bring other troops that build beyond your original choice. These reinforcements must be within 1 point of the total but not exceed the total. The extra miniatures don't count toward your point build total as per the normal rules.

    Miniatures from all sets that have been released for the Star Wars Miniatures Game are legal for build purposes. no more than 4 of any non-unique character and there must be at least one unique character. Then trade the squad you made with your opponent. 10/3/2008 (Next Tournament 200 point build set faction: Set Faction Draw for a 200 point build set faction)

    200 point Build set faction. Each player drew a faction to be built new players must draw a faction and must build faction pure. No fringe unless your faction is fringe. 10/10/2008

    150 Point Range Battle: All players must not have Melee Attack Dates TBD

    150 Point Melee Battle: All players must have Melee Attack Dates TBD

    6. Misc.

    Last: Plan Next meeting location

    This will close at 11:59 pm 8/31/2008 post any items you want to see on the agenda.
  3. cmdrwillard

    cmdrwillard Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 6, 2003
    The dates are all fridays I noticed (BTW the RPG is the 27th). I can't play on Fridays due to other committments, So if these are played on fridays I can't play. I assume you were referring to the 13th the 20th ect though.
  4. Psxjedi76

    Psxjedi76 FanForce Chapter Rep star 4 VIP

    Apr 2, 2002
    thats cool i can not play minis on saturdays. I play D&D, i guess we can just plan to play when ever we can. Thats what i was saying last night. I can play Star Wars rpg on the saturday we plan and D&D the friday before because of that. wich is also why i would prefer if we please plan the Star Wars RPG the night i have a Saturday night off because the night before i will be out late playing D&D after working all day. that way i'm not blowing either group off.

    if we plan to play Minis I am open for Fridays evenings the night except for the night i would have to play D&D.

    I am open for Sunday Afternoons. all about games is open on sunday 10-6 can always bring a small black and white tv for nfl sports on the sundays there are games i would love to see great thing about dvr but can have upto date scores.

    willing to compermise play time for the minis. even if it was 1-6 so it would be after church for most people and people would still have sunday evenings for families.

  5. Psxjedi76

    Psxjedi76 FanForce Chapter Rep star 4 VIP

    Apr 2, 2002

    Agenda is closed
  6. Psxjedi76

    Psxjedi76 FanForce Chapter Rep star 4 VIP

    Apr 2, 2002

    Welcome meeting started at 7:10 pm
    Star Wars Force Unleashed. Midnight Release at Hastings on Overland monday night Tuesday morning at 1201 am.

    Wed evening at kasey at 8ish for game play of star wars unleased erics will be bringing his xbox 360 Game night

    Fall Schedule
    Sat oct 4th 7 meeting at all about games.

    Sunday 6:30 Nov 2 at kaseys for clone wars viewing of the new episodes. Bring our own snacks.

    Star wars minis schedule will be posted to start in october for saturday evenings.

    Marcus has lost voting rights due to not attendance

  7. Kasey_Kenobi

    Kasey_Kenobi Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 2, 2006
    Whoa, wait a tick. Remember Hasting is NOT having a midnight release as per the phone call I made during the meeting to them. It will have to be picked up at "the store that shall not be named..."

    That's Walmart...ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!
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