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celebration 3

Discussion in 'Archive: Atlanta, GA' started by NOOM, Mar 10, 2004.

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  1. RagingBantha

    RagingBantha Jedi Youngling

    Feb 11, 2004
    i know i may sound uber retarded, but any word on room blocks for fanforce? I think (think meaning not sure) the 501st got some, but I just wanted to know more information.
  2. Jace Darkrider

    Jace Darkrider Jedi Youngling star 3

    Dec 30, 1998
    The room blocks for the 501st, Rebel Legion & Jedi Assembly are due to those groups performing as security & staff for the convention. To my knowledge, FanForce has not organized itself to do such. That is why those groups have a room block setup with the convention organizers. But, there are conditions to that, such as working a certain number of hours for the con.

    There was someone from FanForce trying to negotiate, but my understanding is that everything fell through with it, as this person was working independently and there were no plans for FanForce to actually work the convention.

    More details should be coming out soon on tickets and rooms though for the general public. From what I've heard (several different sources), it should be sometime this month that plans start moving in motion.
  3. RosieWook

    RosieWook Jedi Youngling star 3

    Dec 5, 2000
    Per Mary Franklin, there were no blocks organized outside of those for the workers. GenCon/LFL already had 99% of the rooms blocked out for Celebration, so whoever it was that was trying to get a block together would have been unable to get something arranged.

    I can understand why they were reluctant to organize any more blocks than they already had, though. The idea of grabbing all the hotel rooms in town was so that there would be a variety of locations and price ranges for folks to choose. It didn't work perfectly, last time, but they did fairly well in getting folks their preferences. And for C2, they only had 70% of the hotel rooms.

    I suspect the announcement will be going out sometime this week, or next. They're supposed to be giving everyone at least one week's notice before they open up the flood gates.

    Of course, things are moving so slowly, I'm starting to wonder! [face_peace]
  4. WedgeAntilles1

    WedgeAntilles1 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Sep 16, 2002
    I just ordered my tickets the other day! I'm so excited!

  5. ObiWill

    ObiWill Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 24, 2001
    Where is everyone staying? Myself, BenaeQuee, CitizenJohn and a few others are bunking at the Hilton Indianapolis.

    By the way, here's a great idea -- Miss Star Wars contest at C3! :D
  6. RosieWook

    RosieWook Jedi Youngling star 3

    Dec 5, 2000
    I'm in the Hyatt. Woo hoo!

    As for a Miss Star Wars Contest? We were approached to do a Mr. Star Wars Contest (which is what we do), but we a) probably wouldn't have been able to keep it PG-rated and b) our MC's won't be able to attend.

    I bet you'd get a lot of contestants for a Miss Star Wars Contest, though! :)
  7. krash32

    krash32 Jedi Youngling

    Oct 11, 2004
    I am really looking forward to Celebration III... I've been a big collector of everything Star Wars for years, just recently delved into going to events like my first D*C this year. Have they announced a line-up of guests for Celebration III yet? If so, anyone know the link to see a list? I really hope to get involved in the Hothlanta Rebels soon also... Thanks guys.
  8. RosieWook

    RosieWook Jedi Youngling star 3

    Dec 5, 2000
    You SHOULD get involved with us! We're a fun and wacky group!

    As for the celebrity lineup? That probably won't get fully announced until just before the event. There are contracts to be signed. Arrangements to be made. And if one of the actors gets another job that interferes with C3, they might not show up.

    I would suspect the usual folks will be there who make most of the con circuit. (Jeremy Bulloch, Peter Mayhew, Kenny Baker, Daniel Logan, etc.) They have a long relationship with C2 Ventures; who is doing the bookings. Plus, they enjoy these events.

    And I suspect we'll be seeing a lot of the behind-the-scenes people coming in and out; depending on how finished the film is by C3.

    And who knows who we'll see from the lead actors? I suspect they'll get at least video taped messages. Maybe they'll even convince one or two of them to actually attend. But they're in a way different stratosphere than most of the other actors. So that's anybody's guess.

    All remains to be seen. But that's half the fun!

    Just keep going to the official celebration site ( And I'm sure that as guests are announced, it'll make the rounds of the major SW news sites.
  9. krash32

    krash32 Jedi Youngling

    Oct 11, 2004
    Sorry to stray from the topic a little, but I can't make it to this coming meeting, though I would love to. My work is pretty flexible, but not flexible enough to change my schedule only a few days in advance. And as for Celebration III, I'll see you all there!
  10. RosieWook

    RosieWook Jedi Youngling star 3

    Dec 5, 2000
    Our meetings are almost always on the 3rd Saturday of the month, so you can plan ahead.

    So go ahead and ask for November 20th off. We'll probably be playing putt-putt golf with the Klingons.
  11. drthmrl

    drthmrl Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jul 31, 2003
    hello everybody. Long time reader first time poster here. ;)
    This months meeting was fun. And congrates to Mandy for only being 20 minutes late. I think thats a new record! haha j/k
    The place wasnt hard to find and had some great food. Chriss brought his awesome Darth Vader statue that not only was huge,but wieghd about 20 pounds! Missed you at the meeting Puala. :(
    looking forword to the putt-putt challange next month as well. i do love a good game of putt-putt(right Mandy) ;)
    well i type enogh. hope to see some new faces at the next meeting. c'ya !!! (-o-)
  12. RosieWook

    RosieWook Jedi Youngling star 3

    Dec 5, 2000
    It's nice to know I was missed! I was bummed that I not only missed seeing everyone, but also missed out on the famous Graffiti's!
  13. Minacia_Brightstar

    Minacia_Brightstar Jedi Youngling star 5

    May 23, 2001
    I'm going to beat you at putt-putt next time, darthmrl. That is twice that you have beaten me by just one stroke.

    Face it, you got lucky. :p

    You were definitely missed Paula. While red_rose and I did a pretty good job at keeping things organized, you are the Queen of organization and our skills pale by comparison. ;)
  14. RosieWook

    RosieWook Jedi Youngling star 3

    Dec 5, 2000
    More like the Queen of Anal Retentiveness. 8-}
  15. Minacia_Brightstar

    Minacia_Brightstar Jedi Youngling star 5

    May 23, 2001
    Just remember, I didn't say did. :p
  16. LilyPotter2

    LilyPotter2 Jedi Youngling

    Jan 29, 2005
    Is anyone besides me staying at the Quality Inn near the airport?
  17. RosieWook

    RosieWook Jedi Youngling star 3

    Dec 5, 2000
    I'm not aware of anyone staying there, but ya never know! The best way to find out is to post to the Yahoo list. So few people come here, anymore.
  18. BlueLoriSaber

    BlueLoriSaber Jedi Youngling star 1

    Sep 29, 2004
    Hello!!! I'm new to this board. I just moved to Atlanta, but I'd figured if I would drop by here and say:

    I AM SO GONNA BE A CELEBRATION 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I'M SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. RosieWook

    RosieWook Jedi Youngling star 3

    Dec 5, 2000
    Welcome to Atlanta! I'm pretty psyched about C3, myself!

    Most of our interaction here locally happen through our Yahoo group.

    Either send me a PM, or e-mail me at to join the list.

    Our meetings are the 3rd Saturday of the month at noon.
  20. Kir Kanos

    Kir Kanos Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 8, 1999
    I just wanted to extend an invitation for the Hothlanta Rebels that are attending Celebration III to join NAD for some hot wings at Buffalo Wild Wings during Celebration III [face_chicken] =P~ . We are tentatively getting together on Thursday, April 21st @ 6:00pm. You can find out more information HERE. I hope to see y'all there. CHEERS!
  21. FiorCara

    FiorCara Jedi Youngling star 1

    Sep 9, 2001
    Paula, have you gotten your vol schedule yet?

    Also, if anyone is still looking for room, please contact me, or reply. I'm in the Hyatt Wed-Sun and had a bunch of folks bail, leaving only me and another friend in the room!
  22. JediXXL

    JediXXL Force Ghost star 6

    Apr 11, 2003
    Watch out for Chaos!:cool:
  23. RosieWook

    RosieWook Jedi Youngling star 3

    Dec 5, 2000
    Yes, I got my volunteer schedule, but mine is pretty simple.

    Meet Steve on Wednesday morning and follow him around all weekend. 8-}

    Mary was hoping to finish sending out the volunteer schedules, this week. I do know they were going to be having several volunteer orientation sessions on Wednesday.
  24. FiorCara

    FiorCara Jedi Youngling star 1

    Sep 9, 2001
    Ok.. thanks. Trying not to pester about it, I was told I'd probably have it early last week.

    Anyone in the Atlanta group looking for a room? Or in a hotel way out from the con and interested in becoming roomies and thus a lot closer to the con? My room's only got 2...
  25. RosieWook

    RosieWook Jedi Youngling star 3

    Dec 5, 2000
    Worse comes to worst, you can find out at the volunteer orientations on Wednesday.

    Isn't there someone besides Mary who's the non-501st volunteer coordinator?
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