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Art Archive Darth_Arsnl 's Artwork

Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by Darth_ArsnL, Jun 5, 2005.

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  1. MountainGoat67

    MountainGoat67 Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jul 12, 2005
    truly amazing!
  2. Darth_ArsnL

    Darth_ArsnL Jedi Youngling star 2

    May 26, 2005
    Thank you both for the kind words! That was my first time ever drawing Nihilius.

    Thanks again for stoping by. :)

  3. wicktone

    wicktone Jedi Youngling star 3

    Dec 30, 2003
    Wow, that Nihilus is awesome! His 'eyes' look like they're bleeding... great touch.

    Beautiful, clean rendering of the bounced light from the saber on his mask. Very smooth colouring job on it, too. Really great stuff.

    I like your Anakin, as well. Particularly the lightning... I imagine that's difficult to draw in pencil (especially without using coloured ones!), but it really does look like lightning. Great job on his robes, too.
  4. Your_Worshipfulness

    Your_Worshipfulness Jedi Youngling star 2

    May 21, 2005
    Darth Nihilus

    I don't know this character at all, but I do like how he looks. He's truly got a sinister look to him. That's especially impressive to do with a character with a mask on. Wick is right about the smooth colouring of the piece.


    The detail put forth into Anakin's clothing, stance, and lightning is absolutely splendid. You did great work on showing us that he's putting such a concentrated effort into creating the force lightning. It's a good pose indicative of mid-battle.

    - Suz ^_~
  5. soitscometothis

    soitscometothis Chosen One star 6

    Jul 11, 2003
    Your picture of Darth Nihilus is a very stiking image, very nice composition. Good use of a restricted colour-scheme, too.

    As always, I like like your pose for Anakin. No-one could ever accuse your characters of looking wooden - there's always lots of energy about them.

  6. Darth_ArsnL

    Darth_ArsnL Jedi Youngling star 2

    May 26, 2005
    Thank you all for the feedback :)

    Darth_Nihilius : I think was a character created in a SW game, the name of it escapes me. He's got a great mysterious quality to his mask, which when I get a sec i'll explore further :)

    Anakin's pose was actually direct from a movie clip. (and yes I had a lot of trouble with the lightning):p

    Oh- and look for a character piece i'll be putting up later tonight!

    till then- c ya lata
  7. Darth_ArsnL

    Darth_ArsnL Jedi Youngling star 2

    May 26, 2005
    Update! page one.



  8. FalconFan

    FalconFan Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 25, 2004

    I love Spiderman! This is a wonderful take on the "Anakin/Vader" concept but with Peter Parker and his alter-ego, Spiderman! Peter's nose might be just a touch "long," but it actually fits right into the "Spidey-mask" the way you've drawn it... I really like the concept--all our favorite "masked heroes and villains" would be great to have done in this way!

    imagines Grievous, Batman, Nihilus done this way...grins...

  9. Darth_ArsnL

    Darth_ArsnL Jedi Youngling star 2

    May 26, 2005
    I was haveing a little trouble with Toby Mcquire's facial features, his face surprislingly has a lot of angles, and thank you for ur last coment, those people will probably come up in my art too. *grins*

    thankx for stopping by FF! always a pleasure to hear from ya. :)
  10. wicktone

    wicktone Jedi Youngling star 3

    Dec 30, 2003
    That is a really awesome drawing! I love how you drew the structure of his face under his mask, hinting at his cheekbones and his mouth. It adds a lot of reality to the drawing. And really solid work on the mask, itself... all the lines seem to be perfectly in perspective and the shading is great.

    I don't really think that his nose is too long, but instead his eye might be a little high. Generally the eye is right on the equator of the head, sort of dividing it in half.

    I'll be saving this one to my art folder. Great work, Arsnl!
  11. Darth_ArsnL

    Darth_ArsnL Jedi Youngling star 2

    May 26, 2005
    Thankx Wick!- means a lot comeing from you. :)

    I'll probably do anakin, and some other people when i get the chance, thanx again for checking out my work.
  12. Darth_ArsnL

    Darth_ArsnL Jedi Youngling star 2

    May 26, 2005
    For those who didn't see, this is everything I've managed to post in the last 10 days. :)

    Two lives, one destiny-part 1

    Part 2

    Possible submission for banner contest- i don't know yet..

    Request art for Darkjedi8906 (oh and the girl in pic #2- definetly not padme...)
  13. Darth_ArsnL

    Darth_ArsnL Jedi Youngling star 2

    May 26, 2005
    This is my own character, his name is Hobi Dacor, I'm not sure what he is exactly but i had fun drawing him!

    and I also colored anakin's cruiser using jasc paint shop- as request art...




  14. wicktone

    wicktone Jedi Youngling star 3

    Dec 30, 2003
    Great work shading on your original character! Well done on the expression and I like the little alien touches you added. He looks like a very serious fellow.

    I somehow missed that ship you drew before, but it's very cool to see. You draw such a large variety of subjects; I'm sure it will really serve you well for improving your skills. And I like the red and black paintjob. Very slick.
  15. Darth_ArsnL

    Darth_ArsnL Jedi Youngling star 2

    May 26, 2005
    Thanks Wick- always means a lot comeing from a pro like yourself. :)
  16. FalconFan

    FalconFan Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 25, 2004
    **stomps around and throw a "hissy" because she missed some of ArsnL's posts**

    Oh man!! You've got some wonderful new stuff up, ArsnL!! I got all giddy when i saw the "Batman" dual pic--awesome!! Just love it, especially with the bat emblem spanning both Bruce Wayne and Batman on the chest(s)--great work on that! "Anakin's Cruiser" looks fabulous (I just can't do mechanical stuff, and really respect and admire people that can!)--especially the colored version. It looks, with all the blood-red coloring, like it might be Anakin's ship after he turns...? "Anakin's 'Interest' " is very this for a fanfiction...? I love the look on his face, with one brow up and the other pulled down--just perfect! ;) And my most favorite of them all is "Hobi Dacor"--what a wonderful character invention, and what a beautiful portrait of him! His raised "markings" really have a wonderful realism the way you've drawn and shaded them, and I agree completely with wicktone on the shading--gorgeous! It really makes him "pop!"

    Great posts, ArsnL!! And who will be next on the "Dual" list...? :D

  17. Darth_ArsnL

    Darth_ArsnL Jedi Youngling star 2

    May 26, 2005
    **** around and throw a "hissy" because she missed some of ArsnL's posts**[/i]

    Oh man!! You've got some wonderful new stuff up, ArsnL!! I got all giddy when i saw the "Batman" dual pic--awesome!! Just love it, especially with the bat emblem spanning both Bruce Wayne and Batman on the chest(s)--great work on that! "Anakin's Cruiser" looks fabulous (I just can't do mechanical stuff, and really respect and admire people that can!)--especially the colored version. It looks, with all the blood-red coloring, like it might be Anakin's ship after he turns...? "Anakin's 'Interest' " is very this for a fanfiction...? I love the look on his face, with one brow up and the other pulled down--just perfect! ;) And my most favorite of them all is "Hobi Dacor"--what a wonderful character invention, and what a beautiful portrait of him! His raised "markings" really have a wonderful realism the way you've drawn and shaded them, and I agree completely with wicktone on the shading--gorgeous! It really makes him "pop!"

    Great posts, ArsnL!! And who will be next on the "Dual" list...? :D

    FF [/quote]

    First off- Thank you all for stoping in! :D

    Some of those drawings were requests for Darkjedi8906- like anakin's cruiser, anakin's interest. I read part of his fan fic- its pretty awesome.

    "The Dual Series"- just what I'm calling drawings like batman's play off his double life, spidey's too, are comeing along okay.. The problem is, besides doing Nihlius, Grievous and Anakin, I will eventually run out of guys to do, and for a series to be a series it needs quite a few things in it- SO if any of you creative people would like to suggest characters for me to draw with dual lives or personalities Let me know and definite credit will be given to you for your idea! :D

    Reguarding Hobi Dacor, I'm not sure If I'll write a fan fic on him or just keep drawing him, I love this character the most too, FF! I like the mysterious quality that happened to come out when I drew him - who knew? lol:confused: Plus I love his fish features hes got going on. ;)

    Anyway, thanks again for stoping in, its always exciting recieving feedback!

  18. Darth_ArsnL

    Darth_ArsnL Jedi Youngling star 2

    May 26, 2005
    opps double post :oops:

  19. Darth_ArsnL

    Darth_ArsnL Jedi Youngling star 2

    May 26, 2005
    Just a quick one..needs work, maybe more color.

    oh and If anyone has any suggestions for my "dual series" lemme know!

  20. jedi-master-faran

    jedi-master-faran Jedi Youngling star 2

    May 13, 2005
    the newest one rocks!
  21. soitscometothis

    soitscometothis Chosen One star 6

    Jul 11, 2003
    Hobi Dacor is my favourite picture from your last few posts. Really good face - good facial proportions, good expression, and good shading make this a very nice portrait. I like his eyes, too. Vey cool.
  22. FalconFan

    FalconFan Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 25, 2004
    Very nice wallpaper, ArsnL--again, very nice, uncluttered composition, and a good quote to go with it. I love the images you used and the arrangement of them--I guess the only suggestion I might make would be to mirror Anakin's image, to have him facing into the frame, as are all the other images--it's a minor change, but would add to the tension of the piece, I think. Lovely work, and actually, I don't think it needs any more color than you already have--the dark hues and the opposition of the "good" and "bad" are very much in keeping with the mood of the piece. Very nice!

  23. Darth_ArsnL

    Darth_ArsnL Jedi Youngling star 2

    May 26, 2005
    Well, thank you all for the feedback! ***Critiques, wheaties for artists***

    And FF heres a the fight of the force redux

  24. FalconFan

    FalconFan Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 25, 2004
    Oh, yeah!! That looks great! I'm so impressed that, even with a completed work, you digital artists can go back in and just change something, just like that! With traditional media, it's a real struggle to alter things (as you also know, lol!)!

    I like this better--with all the images "facing inward," it keeps the focus in the piece, and keeps the eye moving within it. Excellent! (And thanks for going to all that trouble, just for me! :D )

    ArsnL wrote: ***Critiques, wheaties for artists***


    Oh, yeah!!

  25. wicktone

    wicktone Jedi Youngling star 3

    Dec 30, 2003
    You chose great photos for this. It's a subtle thing, but I really like how all the characters' faces are turned towards the center of the image and looking back at the viewer. This would make a great wallpaper!
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