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Saga January New Stories Index

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by snowspeeder_gunner, Jan 10, 2009.

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  1. snowspeeder_gunner

    snowspeeder_gunner Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 10, 2007
    Hello and welcome to the Saga New Stories Index for January 2009!

    All new fics will be entered into this index, and at the end of the month, they will get put into a super mega list with all of the January fics from Before the Saga and Beyond the Saga. (Just remember- the good stuff is always in the middle!)

    I will be updating this index daily with the new stories for that day. You don't have to do anything to get it added- just write a story and it'll appear in here like magic!:) If you want to add something to your index entry, or I made a mistake, or you just really like to PM people, PM me and I will make the change in the index.

    Hopefully, I won't miss any new stories, but if that calamity occurs, please PM me, and I will add it ASAP.

    The one big exception to the index is that we don't automatically include Challenge responses as they are already indexed in the Challenge Index. However, if you want your challenge to be in the New Stories index, feel free to PM me and I will add it.


    To make this run much quicker, it would be excellent if you would include the following info at the top of your fic:



    Also: here are some commonly used abbreviations in a nice list.

    H/L - Han/Leia
    L/M - Luke/Mara
    Ani/Ami, A/P, or A/A - Anakin and Amidala (Padmé)
    J/J - Jaina/Jag
    J/TK- Jacen/Tenel Ka
    J/Z- Jaina/Zekk
    K/J - Kyp/Jaina
    Obidala- Obi-Wan/Amidala
    Siriwan - Obi-Wan/Siri Tachi
    A/T- Anakin (Solo)/Tahiri
    S/S- The Skywalker and Solo families
    JA - The Jedi Apprentice books about Obi-Wan's youth before TPM
    EU - Expanded Universe
    JQ - The Jedi Quest books about Anakin Skywalker's youth before AotC.
    PT - Episodes 1-3, the prequel trilogy
    OT - Episodes 4-6, the original trilogy
    TPM - The Phantom Menace
    AotC - Attack of the Clones
    ANH - A New Hope
    ESB - The Empire Strikes Back
    RotJ - Return of the Jedi
    post-RotJ - takes place after the movies
    pre-TPM - takes place before the movies
    inter-trilogy - between the two trilogies
    AU - alternate universe
    OC - original (author-originated) characters
    GFFA - Galaxy Far, Far Away
    Obi-torture - Obi-Wan gets hurt and comforted
    H/C - hurt/comfort
    vignette - a one-post story
    squad fic - fighter squadron stories
    humor - you laugh
    angst - you cry
    crossover or x-over - mixing the Star Wars with another one
    round robin or RR - multi-author story inviting more people to join in (also called an add-on)
    song fic - a story based on the lyrics of a song


    If you have any questions about fanfic in general, you can PM one of our super awesome moderators- VaderLVR64, Jedi Trace, or KELIA

    And remember, you don't need to post in this thread- it's magic!
  2. snowspeeder_gunner

    snowspeeder_gunner Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 10, 2007
    New Stories for January 1, 2009

    Title:A Breath Away From Hell
    Author: AnakinsFavorite
    Summary: Padmé did not die at the end of ROTS. Although she was a political opponent to the Empire, Vader was incapable of killing her and instead sent her to one of the ghetto's of Naboo to remain prisoner there. As the story starts, the Empire has decided to liquidate the ghetto and send all the prisoners to a work camp on Io...
    Author's Note: Just read it, and I promise you will, as a reader, be satisfied. You were curious enough to click on this link... just give it a chance.


    Title:A Thousand Apologies
    Genre Songfic

    [b][color=darkred][hl=skyblue]New Stories for January 2, 2009[/hl][/color][/b]

    [b]Title:[/b] [link=]Star Wars; Clone Wars; Victory of the Light; The War Without End[/link]
    [b]Author:[/b] CloneCaptainRex
    [b]Genre:[/b] Epic, Action, AU, CW, Serial
    [b]Timeframe:[/b] Clone Wars
    [b]Characters:[/b] Anakin, Obi-Wan, Rex, Dooku, Yoda, Grievous etc.


    [b]Title:[/b] [link=]Prelude to Destiny[/link]
    [b]Author(s):[/b] Obi-Waan_Kenobi
    [b]Timeframe:[/b] Between ROTS/ANH
    [b]Characters:[/b] Galen Marek, OC's
    [b]Genre:[/b] Action, AU
    [b]Keywords:[/b] Galen Marek, Secret Apprentice, Dantooine, Great Jedi Purge
    [b]Summary:[/b] Galen's second Jedi target is not Kazdan Paratus, but another of the Order who lies hidden on Dantooine with a squad of loyal clone commandos.

  3. snowspeeder_gunner

    snowspeeder_gunner Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 10, 2007
    New Stories for January 3, 2009

    Title:If Not For Myself?
    Timeframe: Battle of Geonosis
    Characters: Padmé, Anakin
    Summary: Padmé makes a different choice on Geonosis, one which will change a few things about the future?
    A/N: This is the first vignette in what will be a short series. Length depends on what the Muse wills. The concept here is that, after Episode I, Padmé?s character took a turn for the worse, eventually culminating in dying of a broken heart. So she gives birth to twins and has nothing to live for?? That doesn?t sound like most mothers I know. We?ll see how it goes. Thanks to several friends for inspiration and beta work. You know who you are. :p
    Disclaimer: I own nothing. Not even a car?


    Title:Transcending Chains
    Author(s): CherryLightsaber
    Timeframe: RotS AU
    Characters: Anakin, Obi-Wan, Palpatine, Padmé, Xenosaga characters, OCs
    Genre: Action/Adventure
    Keywords: crossover Xenosaga
    Summary: A meeting between enigmas begins a new, deadlier phase of the Clone Wars as unexpected visitors accidentally arrive in that galaxy far, far away.
    Note:Hey, everyone, it?s been a while (a loooong time) since I last posted a fic here. It?s yet another revision of my Star Wars x Xenosaga crossover that I?ve been planning for about four years now. Hopefully, this will be its final form. For those of you (the majority, probably) who are unfamiliar with the Xenosaga universe, Wikipedia is always a good source of info. I also posted a few key pictures in the Non-SW Fanfiction board. But you?ll be filled in on what you need to know in the opening chapters.
    DisclaimerFinally, Mr. George Lucas owns Star Wars. Namco owns Xenosaga. Since I am not Mr. George Lucas and I do not own Namco, I do not own neither Star Wars nor Xenosaga.
  4. snowspeeder_gunner

    snowspeeder_gunner Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 10, 2007
    No New Stories for January 4, 2009

    [hl=skyblue][color=darkred][b]No New Stories for January 5, 2009[/b][/color][/hl]
  5. snowspeeder_gunner

    snowspeeder_gunner Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 10, 2007
    New Stories for January 6, 2009

    Title:Those Who Wait
    Author: VaderLVR64
    Characters: OCs
    Timeframe: OT
    Summary: A mother sends her son off to war during the conflict between the Empire and


    Title: Between Order and Chaos
    Author: Jaya Solo
    Timeframe: Inter-Trilogy AU
    Characters: Tachi-Kenobis, Skywalkers and many, many others
    Genre: Viggies
    Summary: These are little stories filling up the time in between the second and third story in the Order and Chaos Trilogy. They are listed in no particular order.
    Notes: This is a companion story. If you're interested in reading more, you can find the previous stories here:Changing An Order and Restoring Order.


    Title:Fortune?s Gate
    Author: geo3
    Timeframe: Same as AOTC
    Characters: Anakin Skywalker and pretty much all the usual suspects from that era, plus OC?s and even the occasional droid.
    Genre: AU with a little bit of everything, I hope: drama, angst, romance, adventure, familiar bits, new bits, and of course, lightsabers ... and yeah, it?s probably another long one.
    Rating: PG, mature themes
    Summary: Suppose that Anakin didn?t get trained as a Jedi after all, so he went back to Tatooine and got a life. And suppose that meanwhile, everything else in the Galaxy went on pretty much the same. Now suppose that when Anakin and Count Dooku meet, it is not as enemies...
    Author?s Note: This story is not meant to link up in any way with my previous Saga-era series, ?Anakin?s Saga.? It?s a different re-imagining, just for fun.
    Disclaimer: This is merely a tribute to George Lucas, whose characters will live forever. I own nothing. I'm just playing in his sandbox.

  6. snowspeeder_gunner

    snowspeeder_gunner Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 10, 2007
    New Stories for January 7, 2009

    Title:Star Wars Disney Songs
    Author: Qui-Gon_Reborn
    Note: Here's a little something I made up in the tune of "Part of Your World" from The Little Mermaid. More may follow, depending on the response. Enjoy!!


    Author: Ultimate_Jedi_Master
    Characters: Maul, Sidious
    Disclaimer:I do not own Star Wars or any of the characters. They belong to George Lucas.


    Title:No Regrets
    Author: jedidas3
    Timeline: AU, between TPM and AOTC
    Characters: Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, Anakin
    Summary: Obi-Wan must fulfill his promise to his dying Master at the risk of losing his Padawan.
    Author?s Note: Many of you know that my mom is struggling with Alzheimer?s disease. Over the New Year, she had a massive seizure and at the moment, she is being kept comfortable and her fight should be over with in a few days. This story is dedicated to her and to others who are battling this horrid disease. Thank you for your support and encouragement during this difficult time. (P.S. Don?t worry, I?m still working on my other stories as well.)


    Title:Force Exile I: Fugitive
    Author: Atarumaster88
    Timeframe: before, after, and during ROTS
    Characters: OCs, Serra Keto, Plo Koon, Darth Vader
    Genre: Drama, Adventure, Canon, EU
    Summary: A tale of how two dissimilar characters, a Jedi Padawan and an ARC trooper, each faced the rise of the Empire.
    Notes: This is the first story I?ve posted on TF.N. The novel?s been around for about a year and a half. Please feel free to leave a comment, and I?ll do my best to reply. All comments, however, are welcome and appreciated - constructive, critical or whatever.
    Disclaimer: All things Star Wars are property of George Lucas and Lucasfilm, Ltd. I do my utmost to avoid conflicting with the official universe they?ve dreamed up.

  7. snowspeeder_gunner

    snowspeeder_gunner Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 10, 2007
    New Stories for January 8, 2009

    Title:Star Wars Galaxies: There is no game
    Author: Thorn058
    Time Frame: Early to Mid-Rebellion, the Death Star plans
    Characters: Besides our cast we will have all the Canon characters you could want
    Genre: The Saga- adventure
    Summary: Seven friends have a weekend of gaming planned but a storm brings about something amazing. This is going to ba work in progress so if you have any ideas suggestions or want to tell me that it just plain stinks go for it. i have been kicking the idea around for awhile and needed to get it on paper.

    [b][color=darkred][hl=skyblue]New Stories for January 9, 2009[/hl][/color][/b]

    [b]Title:[/b][link=]A Question of Braiding [/link]
    [b]Author(s):[/b] Obi-Waan_Kenobi
    [b]Timeframe:[/b] Between TPM/AOTC
    [b]Characters:[/b] Obi-Wan, Anakin
    [b]Genre:[/b] Humor
    [b]Keywords:[/b] Obi-Wan, Anakin, Padawan braid
    [b]Summary:[/b] A short, fluffy vignette about what it means to have a Padawan braid, told from Obi-Wan's POV.


    [b]Title:[/b][link=]Who owes who how many?[/link]
    [b]Author:[/b] brodiew
    [b]Characters:[/b] Han, Luke
  8. snowspeeder_gunner

    snowspeeder_gunner Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 10, 2007
    New Stories for January 10, 2009

    Title:Men and directions, Women and maps.
    Author: CrystalSaber_1
    Summary: A very short, very silly story. Bant, Siri, Obi-wan, and Garen get lost in the woods. Insanity follows.
    Timeframe: Sometime after TPM
    Disclaimer: Note the "fan" in fanfiction
  9. snowspeeder_gunner

    snowspeeder_gunner Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 10, 2007
    New Stories for January 11, 2009

    Title:A Galaxy Without Shadows
    Note: This is my first Fanfic. Hopefully it will make sense and become a great source of joy for those who read it.
    Disclaimer: I claim no character or event also found in Star Wars books and films the rest should be the product of a flowering imagination.
    Summary AU series based on a choice set in Ep III and its results

  10. snowspeeder_gunner

    snowspeeder_gunner Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 10, 2007
    New Stories for January 12, 2009

    TitlePhantom Agony
    Author: Mnementh
    Rating: PG-13
    Time Frame: ROTS before Anakin learns the truth about Palpatine.
    Characters: Ani/Ami vignette.
    Summary: Sometimes love and truth are not enough to escape destiny.
    Author?s Note: This was written as a personal challenge to write without using any form of the verb ?to be?. It was also because I hate seeing pregnant women pictured as weepy and weak, especially Padme.
    Disclaimer: All characters, scenes and quotes are the property and creation of George Lucas, LucasArts and ILM. Any similarity to other stories is accidental and unintentional.
  11. snowspeeder_gunner

    snowspeeder_gunner Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 10, 2007
    New Stories for January 13, 2009

    Title: Touch
    Author: VaderLVR64
    Characters: Anakin and Padmé
    Timeframe: Varies
    Genre: Vignette
    Summary: The simple act of touching can convey so much.

    [b][color=darkred][hl=skyblue]No New Stories for January 14, 2009[/hl][/color][/b]

  12. snowspeeder_gunner

    snowspeeder_gunner Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 10, 2007
    New Stories for January 15, 2009

    Author: Daenarrah
    Characters: Padmé, Max (OC)
    Genre: Drama
    Era: Post RotS AU
    Summary: An unexpected offer, from an unexpected source....
    Notes: This is a vig that's a precursor to the Epic Dark Drama fic
    You'll Like Me When I'm Dead

    [b][color=darkred][hl=skyblue]No Stories for January 16, 2009[/hl][/color][/b]
  13. snowspeeder_gunner

    snowspeeder_gunner Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 10, 2007
    New Stories for January 17

    Title:Jar-Jar's New Speeder
    Author: Knight-Ander
    Timeframe: Clone Wars
    Characters: Jar-Jar, Anakin, Ahsoka, youngling Liam, and handmaiden Ellé
    Summary: Jar-Jar stops by the Jedi Temple with some mechanical difficulties.


    TitleMetroid: Horizon
    Genre: Star Wars(AU) / Metroid Crossover
    Summary:Anakin briefly turning to the dark side, then under Samus Aran's hardcore therapy, turns good and finally takes down the emperor

    [b][color=darkred][hl=skyblue]New Stories for January 18[/hl][/color][/b]

    [b]Title:[/b] [link=]Vengeance of the Apprentice[/link]
    [b]Author:[/b] darthtoad
    [b]Characters:[/b]Darth Maul, Asajj Ventress, Count Dooku, Darth Sidious
    [b]Timeframe:[/b]Post TPM AU
  14. snowspeeder_gunner

    snowspeeder_gunner Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 10, 2007
    New Stories for January 19, 2009

    Title:Showdown on the Invisible Hand
    Author: GeneralKenobi7
    Characters: Obi-Wan, Anakin, Padme, Mace
    Summary: This story is an AU of Revenge of the Sith where everything happens a bit different after Dooku's death.
    Disclaimer: I own nothing


    Title: The Heart of a Warrior
    Author: azure_eyes
    Characters: Anakin, Padme, Obi-Wan, OC, and other familiar faces
    Timeframe: First year of the Clone Wars
    Summary: Anakin finds an orphaned child in the aftermath of a battle and takes it upon himself to keep her safe.


    Title: The Last Will and Testament of....
    Author: Solo-Evenstar
    Characters: Rogue Squadron, Han
    Disclaimer I only own my obsession with Bigg's mustache. Seriously- THAT THING IS EPIC!
    Notes: These came about as a challenge from which originally was supposed to be Wedge/Biggs/Porkins having BFFtimes before the battle of Yavin. THAT didn't happen, but it was in the back of my head as I got bored and watched a marathon of the Office, which gave birth to THIS brainchild: What if the boys of Rogue Squadron got to film a video before they went into battle, a last will of sorts?
    What would they say?

  15. snowspeeder_gunner

    snowspeeder_gunner Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 10, 2007
    New Stories for January 20, 2009

    Title: 50 Sentences (Obi-Wan oneshot)
    Author: Scarlet Sonata
    Summary: The story is exactly as the title reads: Simply 50 sentences focusing on Obi-wan in no specific order. Some are slight AU, some are angsty, others are humorous. It was a style of story I wanted to try out, so beware there will be run-on abuse.

    [b][color=darkred][hl=skyblue]New Stories for January 21, 2009[/hl][/color][/b]

    [b]Title:[/b] [link=]Star Wars: Seeds of Evil[/link]
    [b]Author:[/b] Game3525
    [b]Summary:[/b] Four years have passed since the death of Chancellor Palpatine. Republic hero and Jedi Knight, Anakin Skywalker struggles with dreams about the events that took place in the Chancellor?s office. Meanwhile, his best friend and former mentor, Obi-Wan Kenobi receives unexpected news about his own family, whom he left long ago. And a survivor of Count Dooku?s Dark Acolytes and his two followers begin to put forth their devious plans.
    [b]Genre:[/b] Action/Adventure AU
    [b]Rated:[/b] K
    [b]Disclaimer:[/b] I do not own anything, it all belongs to George


    [b]Title:[/b] [link=]The Imperial Guide to Research and Development[/link]
    [b]Author:[/b] Exeter
    [b]Timeframe:[/b] Just after the Battle of Yavin
    [b]Characters:[/b] Palpatine, Vader, OCs
    [b]Genre:[/b] Comedy
    [b]Summary:[/b] It's an Imperial world out there, so why not carry an Imperial Guide? For card-carrying Imperial scientists and engineers everywhere, the Imperial Guide to Research and Development has everything you need to know to get your galaxy-changing idea to where it matters - the very top. Real-world examples inside, including "The Ysalamir Gun."


    [color=darkred][hl=skyblue][b]No new stories for January 22, 2009[/b][/hl][/color]
  16. snowspeeder_gunner

    snowspeeder_gunner Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 10, 2007
    New Stories for January 23, 2009

    Title: Mistaken Identity
    Author: SnubJockey
    Genre: SW/Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy X-over
    Note: In addition to Rogues Gallery now in Beyond the Saga, this story is also posted it on and as DrMckay, so, again, it's not being stolen or anything nefarious like that. I just decided to join this board.


    Title: The Empress
    Author: VaderLVR64
    Characters: Vader, Padmé
    Genre: Vignette, AU - just a little ?what if? inspired by reading the Henry and Eleanor trilogy by Sharon Kay Penman. I really should stop now. :p


    Title: The Touch
    Author: Kataja
    Characters: Palpatine, Mara, an Imperial officer
    Setting: The Imperial Palace at Coruscant, 14 BBY
    Genre: Vignette
    Notes: Many thanks to VaderLVR64 for beta! [:D]

    [b][color=darkred][hl=skyblue]New Stories for January 24, 2009[/hl][/color][/b]

    [b]Title:[/b] [link=]Wife of Decit, Book 3: A Terrible Game[/link]
    [b]Author:[/b] DarthIshtar
    [b]Timeframe:[/b] one month post-AOTC through the beginning of ROTS
    [b]Characters:[/b] OC's, Palpatine and cameos or minor roles by everyone you can think of
    [b]Genre:[/b] Drama, Angst, Romance, Humor.
    [b]Summary:[/b] The story of Palpatine's wife throughout the series.
    [b]Notes:[/b] If you're looking for books 1-2 (In Love and Truth and Taken For Granted), you can find them [link=]here[/link] and [link=]here[/link] respectively. This is Book 3 of 5 and will be the longest, since it's covering three years instead of a few months. I'll keep it as concise and well-paced as possible. As always, concrit is welcome, just not in the thread. PMs have to be asked for. And while I realize that Palpatine romance is yucky to pretty much everyone, myself included at times, please be polite about it. So, on with the show!

  17. snowspeeder_gunner

    snowspeeder_gunner Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 10, 2007
    New Stories for January 25, 2009

    Title: Irony ? humorous short fic
    Author: Serena
    Setting: AU Clone Wars
    Summary: An accident causes Asajj Ventress to have some memory loss. And consequently, she falls madly in love with the first man she sets eyes on. Needless to say, the results are humorous. AU.
    A/N: I know what you're thinking: "What is it with Serena and amnesia?" And honestly, I only intended to make "Alive" my only amnesia story. But after seeing the Clone Wars and enjoying the banter between Obi-Wan and Asajj, this idea wouldn't leave my head. But unlike the very angsty, dramatic "Alive", this isn't going to be an epic drama - just a short, funny fic. Hope you enjoy!

    [b][color=darkred][hl=skyblue]New Stories for January 26, 2009[/hl][/color][/b]

    [b]Title:[/b] [link=]Remains of the Force[/link]
    [b]Author:[/b] Im_Not_The_Good_Guy
    [b]Genre:[/b] Romance, Drama, Action, maybe some Adventure as you can't leave home without it.
    [b]Note/Summary:[/b] This is major Alternate Universe. Just a few things of note. The Emperor is really really old. Not just ROTJ old, but even older... Think at least 200 years old. The Jedi have not been around in one-hundred and fifty years. There are no Jedi, no one remembers the order, the history has been destroyed. The Empire has reigned supreme for that 150 years. Vader is OLDER than Padme. He's not the young Anikan from the movies. He's a thirty-ish year old man (yet not in the black suit) and Padme is just into her adulthood. He's never known of the Jedi obviously. This is a very different take on everything, although some/a lot of the Star Wars we know and love is still there and is still an influence on the story. Also of note, the Force is definitely a mystery, thought to have been destroyed by the Emperor himself. If after 20 years Han Solo believed there could be no force in the galaxy, how do you think most people would feel about it after 150 years of never seeing or hearing about it?
    [b]Warning:[/b] This might get a little dark


    [b]Title:[/b] [link=]The Republic Fights Back[/link]
    [b]Author:[/b] Mazlow
    [b]Timeframe:[/b] Attack of the Clones
    [b]Genre:[/b] Re-write/slight AU. Adventure romance
    [b]Characters:[/b] Obi-Wan, Anakin, Padme, Jango, Count Dooku
    [b]Summary/Disclaimer[/b] This is the Sequel to An Old Enemy. Its a slight rewrite for AOTC. The goal is make the romance more believable and continue to fit the story with the OT.If you've seen AOTC you can infer the basic plot and movement. Some small changes in locations but thats it. Things of note I am not an EU fan, its paid fan-fiction in my opinion so I ignore all of it, just like George does. Oh this is GL universe I am just playing around in it


    [b][color=darkred][hl=skyblue]No New Stories for January 27, 2009[/hl][/color][/b]
  18. snowspeeder_gunner

    snowspeeder_gunner Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 10, 2007
    New Stories for January 28, 2009

    Title: The Question
    Summary: One shot. Anakin asks Padme to marry him.
    Timeframe: Just after AoTC
    Note: I wrote this for a challenge on another SW site (Pit Droid Cafe). It's my first attempt at writing Ani/Padme, so sorry if it isn't that good...
    Disclaimer: Star Wars=George Lucas


    Title: It Makes My Dome Hurt II
    Characters: R2-D2 and all your OT favorites.
    Time Frame: ESB
    Genre: dramedy
    Summary: R2 recounts ESB
    Disclaimer: It all George's jungle
    Authors Note: From a plot bunny by Lola64

    [b][color=darkred][hl=skyblue]New Stories for January 29, 2009[/hl][/color][/b]

    [b]Title:[/b] [link=]Swimming in Desire[/link]
    [b]Characters:[/b] Obi-Wan and Siri
    [b]Timeframe:[/b] post AOTC
    [b]Summary:[/b] Obi and Siri share a moment while swimming together.
    [b]Disclaimer:[/b] This is all George's jungle.
    [b]Author Note:[/b] This supposed to a companion to a vig by earlybirdobi-wan. It became something else entirely. I will credit earlybird with the setting. Thank you. I'll also let you know that this is not a pairing I've ever worked with before. I hope it rings true. Enjoy!


    [b][color=darkred][hl=skyblue]New Stories for January 30, 2009[/hl][/color][/b]

    [b]Title:[/b] [link=]Morendo[/link]
    [b]Timeframe:[/b] The Jedi Purges
    [b]Genre:[/b] Angst
    [b]Characters:[/b] An OC


    [b]Title:[/b] [link=]Into the Storm[/link]
    [b]Author:[/b] blank101
    [b]Timeframe:[/b] post-ESB
    [b]Characters:[/b] L/M, H/L, Vader, Palpatine
    [b]Genre:[/b] action, drama, AU
    [b]Keywords:[/b] AU, L/M, H/L, Vader, Palpatine
    [b]Summary:[/b] An AU/Dark Luke story. Darth Vader captures the passengers of the Millennium Falcon after their attempted escape over Bespin, sure that Luke will convert to his father's cause and aid him in overthrowing the Emperor. When his plan is rebuffed, he falls back on more desperate measures with devastating consequences for himself, his son, the Empire and the Alliance, as events cascade beyond anyone's control.
    [b]Notes:[/b] This is the first part of a trilogy. Parts two and three will be posted immediately following this.
    [b]Disclaimer:[/b] As per usual, I should point out that I own no part of star Wars, it's all owned and run by George. In fact, he's a bit like the Emperor but in a plaid shirt...


    [b]Title:[/b] [link=]Father[/link]
    [b]Author:[/b] Earlybird-obi-wan
    [b]Timeframe:[/b] inter trilogy
    [b]Characters:[/b] Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon
    [b]Genre:[/b] vignette
    [b]Summary:[/b] Obi-Wan muses.
    [b]Disclaimer:[/b] Star Wars is owned by G.L.
    [b]Note[/b]Dedicated to my father. 27-1-2009


    [b]Title[/b] [link=]What was asked of us[/link]
    [b]Characters:[/b] OCs and Canon
    [b]Summary:[/b] Stories of those on the front lines.
    [b]Notes:[/b] Series of one-shots, inspired by the book What Was Asked of Us by Trish Wood. This will be updated on a sporadic basis as the muse dictates and will cover several eras.


    [b][color=darkred][hl=skyblue]No New Stories for January 31, 2009[/hl][/color][/b]
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