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Lit Literature Casting Call

Discussion in 'Literature' started by passion_of_the_chiss, Nov 8, 2004.

  1. SithGirl132

    SithGirl132 Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 6, 2005
    One note: who other than Harrison Ford, mark Hamill, and Carrie Fisher can play Han, Luke, and Leia?
    Emmy Rossum (from Phantom of the Opera) would be good for Jaina.
    And it would be neat if the EU was turned into a TV series.
  2. ThrawnRocks

    ThrawnRocks Jedi Master star 6

    Apr 10, 2004
    Well, the (former?) Ukrainian Prime Minister, Yulia Tymoshenko, looks a lot like Leia:

  3. AnakinsGirl

    AnakinsGirl Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 2, 2001
    Anakin Solo: Jake Gyllenhaal...I have *always* thought this.
    Jag Fel: Orlando Bloom, minus the British accent. Or would he have an accent considering he's Chiss-ish?
  4. CaptainVirgilio

    CaptainVirgilio Jedi Youngling

    Dec 31, 2005
    I'm only familiar with the Thrawn Triology but Talon Karrde was one person I couldn't quite nail down - I considered Jean Reno or Dennis Quaid for the idea but that suggestion of Oded Fehr is inspired...

    My humble suggestions:
    You would need new actors for the main roles:- Luke & Leia I'm not sure about, they'd need to be early 40's ish at max - maybe Matt Damon or Jared Leto/Lea Thompson.
    One's I'm much surer about:
    Thrawn: Jason Isaacs
    Pellaeon: Benjamin Whitrow (British, right age, right look & following on from the tradition of casting in 1,2,3 for Imperial officers)
    Han Solo: Nathan Fillion
    C3P0, Chewbacca, Ackbar & Kenobi (McGregor) the same but I think with Kenny Baker now getting on maybe Warwick Davis could be R2.
    Winter: Julie Cox
    Wedge: Rohan Nichol
    Mara Jade: Mira Sorvino
    Jorus C'boath: Christopher Plummer. Lee would've been ideal if he hadn't been Dooku.
    Borsk Feyl'ya could be Silas Carson.
    Mom Mothma - Carolyn Seymour
    Lando: Terrence Howard
    Reverend (yes, it just a small role but so perfect for) Brian Blessed
    Sena: Michelle Forbes
    Dengar Roth: Fintan McKeown
    Captain Brandei: Jeremy Bulloch
    Michael Dorn as a Noghri, maybe Rukh, would be good.
    Mark Hamill could (although he does look much older now) be Luuke Skywalker to save on budget!
    Ghent: Travis Cody Aimer
    Gilespee: Sir Anthony Sher
    Major Himron: Jurgen Prochnow
    Mazzic: Jimmy Shergill
    Par'TAH@ Rena Owen
    Shada: Carolyn de Souza Coirea (hey, re-cycling the star wars actors is not a bad idea!)

    and Garm Bel Iblis... Well, Connery is perfect BUT he's now retired, so I think, Sir Anthony Hopkins...

    The others I'm not so sure about.
  5. AnakinsGirl

    AnakinsGirl Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 2, 2001
    Come to think of it, Jared Leto would be absolutely perfect for Jacen. He's handsome but also has a bit of that "arrogance" to him, but also a level of sincerity as well.

    Oh, PS...I saw Jared Leto, indeed I did. =P~
  6. Rhyanne

    Rhyanne Jedi Youngling

    Jan 1, 2006
    Interesting Thread... just common on people! No lohan, duff or cruise should ever touch the world of star wars!

    Talon Karrde: George Clooney
    Mara Jade: Kate Beckinsale or Miranda Otto
    Thrawn: Jason Issacs
    Corran Horn: Ben Browder
    Tycho Chelcu: Jude Law
    Jacen Solo: Jared Leto definately... no one else would fit here... well, maybe.... no.

    Jaina Solo: Emmy Rossum or Keira Knightly... Emmy has that look that would work, but Keira has that kickbutt attitude... she looks like Padme, remember she played a decoy in EPI

    Anakin Solo: I just can't place this one.

    Kyp Durron: Johnny Depp or Viggo Mortensen... I must admit, Ewan McGregor has often been in my imagination when reading of Kyp... that's probably because Ewan was a favorite actor and Kyp is my favorite character. Someone said Matt Damon... I love Matt, but he doesn't really fit into this universe either, especially as Kyp.
    Kenth Hamner: Sean Bean- I loved this recommendation
    Jag Fel: Josh Hartnett or matthew fox or orlando bloom
    Booster Terrik: Kris Kristofferson
    Mirax: Catherine Zeta-Jones
    Wedge Antilles: John Cusack
    Tahiri: laura Prepon
    Somone mentioned Denis Leary for Tycho, but I don't think it's his angle.
  7. wookieepotpie

    wookieepotpie Jedi Master star 1

    Jul 5, 2002
    Gotta bump this thread as penance for starting the other one. :)
  8. Kenobi_Kid

    Kenobi_Kid Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 5, 2005
    You're forgiven.:D

    Tahiri must only be played by Hayden Panettiere
    Everybody's favorite ant princess from A Bugs Life

    I also agree with these earlier nominations:

    Jacen Solo: Jason Ritter
    Jaina Solo: Rachael Leigh Cook
    Anakin Solo: Ryan Merriman

    Look 'em up on the IMDb
  9. solo140

    solo140 Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jul 6, 2005
    Kenobi_kid, Hayden Panettiere, is exactly who I pictured for Tahiri. From the way she is discribed in the books I think she fits her to a T.
  10. Valerian_Halcyon

    Valerian_Halcyon Jedi Youngling

    Jun 30, 2004
    Quin- Jason Momoa who plays Ronon Dex on SG Atlantis, just shave the beard.


  11. Kenobi_Kid

    Kenobi_Kid Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 5, 2005
    NJO Movie: casting
    Luke Skywalker: Mark Hamill or someone who looks a lot like him
    Han Solo: Harrison Ford or someone who looks a lot like him
    Liea Organa-Solo: Carrie Fisher or someone who looks a lot like her
    Mara Jade-Skywalker: Dina Meyer
    Anakin Solo: Ryan Merriman
    Tahiri Veila: Hayden Panettiere
    Jacen Solo: Jason Ritter
    Jaina Solo: Lacey Chabert
    Zekk: James Franco
    Saba Sebatyne (voice): Jeanene Garafolo
    Tenel Ka: Danielle Panabaker
    Kyp Durron: Christian Bale
    Ganner Rysode: James Marsden
    Alema Rar: Kate Beckinsale
    Keyan Farlander: William Fitchner
    Kam Solusar: Greg Kinnear
    Dorsk 82: Gabriel Mann
    Cilghal: Vicky Lewis
    Ikrit: John Leguazamio
    Raynar Thul: Michael Angarano
    Eryl Besa: Mary Elizabeth Winstead
    Corran Horn: Tom Cruise
    Jag Fel: Stanislav Ianevski
    Gillad Pelleaon: Derek Jacobi
    Viqi Shesh: Elizabeth Banks
    Borsk Fey?lya: Tim Curry, John Rhys-Davies
    Danni Quee: Dianne Krueger
    Ta?Chume: Demi Moore
    Prince Isolder: Brad Pitt
    Nom Anor: Marton Csokas
    Tsavong La: Michael Clarke-Duncan
    Shimira (voice): Robby Benson
    Onimi: Andy Sirkis (don?t shoot me Andy!)

    And think of someone for Justin Bartha to play. I liked him in national treasure, and really, he deserves to be in Star Wars
  12. Master_Keralys

    Master_Keralys VIP star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 8, 2003
    That's easy:



    - Keralys
  13. Quiet_Mandalorian

    Quiet_Mandalorian Jedi Master star 5

    Apr 19, 2005
    Perfect!:p [face_peace]
  14. ThrawnRocks

    ThrawnRocks Jedi Master star 6

    Apr 10, 2004
    Thrawn: Hugo Weaving, Irons, or Brosnan. In that order of preference.
    Pellaeon: Sean Connery
    Jorj: Sean Connery
    Jacen: Tom Welling
    Ganner: Chris Evans
    Kyp Durron: James D'Arcy
    Wedge Antilles: John Cusack
    Tycho Celchu: Denis Leary
    Derek "Hobbie" Kilivan: Jeff Goldblum
    Danni: Allison Mack
    Nom Anor: Jim Carry
    Fey'lya: Jim Carry
    Corran Horn: David Wenham
    Kenth Hamner: Sean Bean
    Talon Karrde: Bernard Hill
    Viqi: Angelina Jolie
    Marix: Cathrine Zeta-Jones
    Winter: Renée Zellweger
    Iella: Jennifer Aniston
    Callista: Nicole Kidman
    Harrar: Gary Oldman
    Onimi: Andy Serkis
    Quin: Oded Fehr
    Isolder: Brad Pitt (Good idea! He works perfectly!)
    Cal Omas: Alan Rickman
  15. Kenobi_Kid

    Kenobi_Kid Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 5, 2005
    [face_laugh] [face_laugh] [face_laugh]

    Good one, Kidman could definitly work in the enigmatic creepyness that seems to be associated with Callista

    Yeah, Isolder is tall, handsome, muscular, blonde and blue-eyed and chicks love him. The comparison is impossible not to make.
  16. rumsmuggler

    rumsmuggler Chosen One star 7

    Aug 31, 2000

    That's who I was thinking of as well, but I didn't know his real name. I just knew him as Victor Krum

  17. galor4

    galor4 Jedi Youngling star 1

    Oct 14, 2005
    This is one of the best lists I have seen so far, but because I like it so much, I am more tempted to comment about what I don't like.

    Luke Skywalker: Mark Hamill or someone who looks a lot like him
    Han Solo: Harrison Ford or someone who looks a lot like him
    Liea Organa-Solo: Carrie Fisher or someone who looks a lot like her
    You can't argue with that, lol

    Mara Jade-Skywalker: Dina Meyer
    I think she is a great choice, I mean, some might say she is a little old to be playing Mara, the hottie of the Star Wars EU, but the fact is, Mara is in her 40's during the NJO.

    Anakin Solo: Ryan Merriman
    Great choice, I have yet to see a better possibility

    Tahiri Veila: Hayden Panettiere
    The person who first mentioned her... she would be the perfect Tahiri, matches with my mental image of her completely.

    Jacen Solo: Jason Ritter
    I don't know about this one, he may look alot like Jacen, but he has a far more immature air about him, while I always saw Jacen of having a much more serious and stone faced attitude.

    Jaina Solo: Lacey Chabert
    I have always thought she would be the perfect Jaina!

    Zekk: James Franco
    He would be a great Zekk when it comes to the behavior of the Jedi, but I never have had a strong mental image of Zekk, so I can't comment on that really.

    Tenel Ka: Danielle Panabaker
    She would be a great Tenel Ka, but my concern is she looks a little soft, when Tenel is someone more aggresive.

    Kyp Durron: Christian Bale
    I would say no, but after seeing Batman Begins, I have to agree 100%

    Ganner Rysode: James Marsden
    I am not sure I can agree, the actor has always come agross as a jerk to me, but Ganner, while super arrogant, always came off as much more kind-hearted, but he looks enought like Ganner to play him.

    Keyan Farlander: William Fitchner
    He is way to rough around the edges, mentally and physically, to play Keyan in my opinion.

    Kam Solusar: Greg Kinnear
    Mabye, but I still think Bruce Willis is the perfect look alike, as well as similiar is disposition.

    Raynar Thul: Michael Angarano
    I have no clue, never seen this guy act, and never had a strong mental image of Raynar, so I can't comment on this either.

    Eryl Besa: Mary Elizabeth Winstead
    Never seen her act, but she looks quite a bit like her.

    Corran Horn: Tom Cruise
    As Corran Horn is my favorite character, I have always had strong opinions on who should play him, and Tom Cruise is the perfect choice.

    Jag Fel: Stanislav Ianevski
    Yah, pretty much after seeing The Goblet of Fire, I thought that this guy would be the perfect Jag, or it a movie were set earlier, Soontir.

    Gillad Pelleaon: Derek Jacobi
    First off, I don't think he looks like Pelleaon at all. But having seen Branagh's Hamlet (which in my opinion, is the best production of Hamlet I have ever seen), I can't see him playing Pelleaon at all. To me, Gillad is the universal paternal figure, and the perfect Cladius sure isn't.

    Viqi Shesh: Elizabeth Banks
    The pefect role for her!

    Danni Quee: Dianne Krueger
    She is the perfect actor for Danni, and I think anyone who has seen National Treasure will agree.

    Ta?Chume: Demi Moore
    Mabye, but if I recal directly, Ta'Chume was blood hair, blue eyed, and Demi Moore is, well, not.

    Prince Isolder: Brad Pitt
    Pretty much the perfect Isolder, or any Hapan male for that matter. Blood hair, blue eyed, and the ladies swoon over him.

    And I would say that Justin Bartha would be the pefect Ghent... too bad he doesn't make a showing in the NJO...

  18. Vader_The_Pimp6916

    Vader_The_Pimp6916 Jedi Youngling star 1

    Mar 17, 2005
    Since Chewie is dead in the NJO, Lowbacca can be played by Peter M.
  19. rumsmuggler

    rumsmuggler Chosen One star 7

    Aug 31, 2000
    I don't think Lowbacca is that tall yet, but I could be wrong.
  20. DurronFan

    DurronFan Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 25, 2005

    Jacen- Gregory Smith (the guy from Everwood)
    Corran- Peter Sarsgaard (was in Jearhead)
    Mara Jade- Famke Janssen or Milla Jovovich
    Ganner- Chris Evans
    Kyp- Christian Bale
    Jaina- Evan Rachel Wood
    Nom Anor- Brian Cox
    Booster- Mickey Rourke
    Jag- Paul Walker
    Kyle Katarn- Maybe an older Hugh Jackman
    Zekk- Colin Farrel
    Danni- Scarlett Johansson
    Kardde- Sean Connery
    Kam Solusar- Bruce Willis, at least in wookiepedia they say Kam is meant to look similar to Willis

    I just couldn't think of any actor for Anakin yet. I'll come up with it later.
  21. emperorjones

    emperorjones Jedi Youngling

    Apr 18, 2006
    NJO/Dark Nest/LOTF
    Luke-Kiefer Sutherland
    Leia-Connie Nielson
    Han-Kurt Russell
    Lando-Giancarlo Esposito
    Lumiya-Michelle Yeoh
    Jacen-Cillian Murphy
    Jaina-Kate Beckinsale
    Tenel Ka-Claire Danes
    Tahiri-Scarlett Johansen
    Kyp Durron-Stephen Dorff
    Corran Horn-Dominic Purcell
    Alema Rar-Rosario Dawson
    Cal Omas-Dennis Haysbert
    Shimrra-Michael Clark Duncan
    Omini-Peter Dinklage
    Nom Anor-Jeffery Combs
  22. solo140

    solo140 Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jul 6, 2005
    I think Cash Warren would be a good Jag.
  23. DurronFan

    DurronFan Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 25, 2005
    In addition to the ones I've already mentioned:

    Joruus C'Baoth: Donald Sutherland
    Streen: Sam Elliot (by far the hardest to come up with)
    Dash Rendar: Karl Urban with a longer beard. Don't know if he looks buff enough though.
    Thrawn: Jeremy Irons
    Pellaeon: Burt Reynolds
    Tionne: Nicole Kidman (Of course she would have to dye here hair white)
    Winter: Shanna Macdonald (the chick from The Descent)
    Cal Omas: Gene Hackman (I'll probably get negative feedback on this but I think it works)
    Daala: Evangeline Lilly (hey, everybody seems to be including somebody from Lost)
  24. DurronFan

    DurronFan Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 25, 2005
    I don't know about you guys, but I'm gonna keep going.

    Vergere: Meril Streep
    Shimrra: Keith David
    Tsavong Lah: Bill Nighy (I thought Lah was similar to Nighy's character in Underworld somehow)
    Vua Rapoong: James Caviezel
    Prince Xizor: Jason Isaacs
    Guri: Cameron Diaz
    Shada Du'kal: Uma Thurman
    Exar Kun: Hugo Weaving
    Gavin Darklighter: Oded Fehr
  25. Sauron_18

    Sauron_18 Force Ghost star 5

    Apr 1, 2005
    Exar Kun and Prince Xizor aren't that old. They both looked like they were in their late 20's