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San A, TX Magic of Myth - June trip !!!!

Discussion in 'MidSouth Regional Discussion' started by ObiJuan70, May 8, 2001.

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  1. ObiJuan70

    ObiJuan70 Jedi Master star 3

    Jan 1, 2001
    Greetings SA FanForce members - we will be planning a trip in early June to go to the Magic of Myth Tour in Houston - It will be in conjunction with the Lubbock FanForce so if you wish to go with a group here is your chance to go before the tour leaves Houston . . .

    Take Care and MTFBWY

  2. SabreMaker

    SabreMaker Jedi Youngling

    Feb 22, 2001
    Sounds Great! But one thing, I hope it won't be so early in June as to be the 2nd and 3rd. My Reserve duty is then. Any other days and I'll most certainly be there.
    May the Force be with us.
  3. Master-Omaj-Kadub

    Master-Omaj-Kadub Jedi Padawan star 4

    Dec 22, 2000
    I may be able to catch up with you guys over there. If I can get a exact date....

    My office is less than 5 minutes from the museum...

    Let me know something....
  4. ObiJuan70

    ObiJuan70 Jedi Master star 3

    Jan 1, 2001
    June 9th is the day we will be going - Meeting up with our fellow FanForce members from Lubbock so this should be Rockin !!!

    If you live in SA and would like to go with our group email me at


  5. ObiJuan70

    ObiJuan70 Jedi Master star 3

    Jan 1, 2001
    Woo Hoo - Next Saturday is tha Day !!!!

    We will be leaving here Sat morning - meet up with FanForce Lubbock - eat lunch and have our monthly meeting there in Houston.

    Topics for discussion will be upcoming cons., the new script for the FanFilm, and also any prop or costume projects people are working on . . .

    There will be alot of pics taken and it should be a blast !!!

    I will have the pics uploaded on the Council site once I get em developed !!!


  6. Jedi_Fred

    Jedi_Fred Jedi Youngling star 1

    Apr 19, 2001
    Hey guys its me Fred from Waco, I hope everyone is O.K. since you were planning your trip to Houston( Magic of Myth) on the 9th, if you didn't get to go this weekend maybe this Sat.16th you can go and we can meet up there for a good time, a few of us are planning a trip this weekend. Hope to see you there.

  7. ObiJuan70

    ObiJuan70 Jedi Master star 3

    Jan 1, 2001
    Hey Fred - we might be making another run at it on June 23rd - not sure yet but we shall see - I hope you have fun there - I enjoyed it immensely in March and I'm hoping to see it again . . .

    Take Care

  8. Jedi_Jarvis

    Jedi_Jarvis Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 7, 2001
    Wow! I missed it by that much!

    I was down there in Houston from Dallas to see it and I got stuck in the rain and flood! We didnt get to make it to the exibit because we flooded out the car fri night and finnaly dried it out on Sun so we went straight home. :(

    Did the exibit survive the flood? All we were watching all weekend was the footage of downtown under water.

    If it did survive and if you are going again let us know up in Dallas and maybe we can hook up with ya'll and Waco to check it out.

  9. ObiJuan70

    ObiJuan70 Jedi Master star 3

    Jan 1, 2001
    Greetings Jedi Jarvis - from what I've been told when I was there at the museum - it was the basement that took most of the water so I don't think the exhibit floated away (if it did I would've been waiting outside with a truck to snag me some props !! :) )- But the plans are to hit it on the 23rd and take a ton of pics . . .

    Take Care & MTFBWY

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