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"Mystery" Trailer Discussion - Reactions

Discussion in 'Archive: Revenge of the Sith (Non-Spoilers)' started by Tropical_Plumber, Nov 9, 2001.

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  1. theTrueMolerocket

    theTrueMolerocket Jedi Youngling star 1

    Oct 30, 2001
    "i am a jedi" is not said in excitement, but in defiance and frustration...I guess watto isn't cooperating.

    I like both anakin and yoda from what i've seen.

    My guess is anakin's looking for someone on tatooine, and he follows the trail for c-3p0 to the jawas, only to find that c-3p0 doesn't remember anything. then he'll leave, and the next time he sees threepio, he'll be covered in gold, so there won't be any recognition between them.

  2. Ternian

    Ternian Jedi Youngling star 4

    May 16, 2000
    There is a reason Anakin sounds - bland. That is because he is a Jedi who can show no emotion. Qui-Gon, Mace, Obi-Wan, Ki-Adi-Mundi etc all speak like this. Padme is still on Coruscant at this point as Senator Amidala, therefore Anakin has to act like a Jedi around her.

    I am waiting to see how he speaks once they get to Naboo. Hopefully the 'true love' trailer will show us another side to Anakin and Padme.

    I think Yoda sounds funny. He sounds like he has reached puberty. His voice is way deeper than the other episodes...
  3. Qey Santim

    Qey Santim Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jul 11, 1999

    Well, at least the muppet was really there. One of the biggest problems with at least one Yoda shot from Mystery is the movement of his clothes. It's just too "fluid" too "bouncy"...or just isn't realistic...maybe it is to pronounced. They did a good job with Jar Jar's, Boss Nass's and even Yoda's garments in TPM, but this one scene in Mystery needs some work. I know ILM can do better, so it is just disappointing to see...assuming this is the finished shot.

    Regarding Anakin on Tatooine...maybe I've missed some vital information, but ...uh...doesn't his Mom still live there? That would be cause enough to come back. What's all this searching for 3P0 stuff? Does he not say that he'll return to free her? Maybe that's what he does and then he can't immediately find her, so he goes to Watto her master.

  4. THX_Princess

    THX_Princess Jedi Knight star 5

    Aug 26, 2001
    I think a lot of people are being too darn nitpicky about the Visual Effects. For heaven's sake, ILM has got their work cut out for them, this is a HUGE fx picture. They aren't going to spend all their time on a two second shot of Yoda's clothes. And anyway, how are you getting they are two fluidy? Yoda isn't even moving enough to tell.

    I would much rather have the awesome asteroid field sequence and the shuttle chase be more amazing than Yoda's clothes, wouldn't you? ;)
  5. Adali-Kiri

    Adali-Kiri Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 31, 2000
    Let's not get too carried away with the positive stuff either now. I seem to remember some very ecstatic feedback to the first TPM trailer, even from people who ended up hating the movie. We've seen about 3 minutes total, so the next 2 hours and 7 minutes could potentially be FILLED with Jar Jar and fart jokes. ;)
  6. THX_Princess

    THX_Princess Jedi Knight star 5

    Aug 26, 2001
    Gods, no! :eek:

    Let it not be so! :_|
  7. Adali-Kiri

    Adali-Kiri Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 31, 2000
  8. Sithman

    Sithman Jedi Grand Master star 7

    Jul 6, 1999
    I couldn't take the time to read this whole thread, but after watching trailer for the 1st time (and then approximately 20 times after that) I noticed something very nice about AOTC that makes me happy: The humor. It's more classic trilogyish. The humor is the wry, sarcastic, humor that old Ben and Han have. :) THAT's probably the most encouraging thing. :)
  9. Malthus

    Malthus Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 31, 1999
    Perhaps, Adali-Kiri, we can hope that is a mistake Lucas will likely try to steer clear from again -- misrepresenting a movie by making a trailer (which is basically a 'calling card' for a movie) really mature and adult, concealing its Disney-esque qualities is a slap in the face. There are many fans who felt betrayed when they saw TPM and noticed it didn't match up with the trailers or reasonable fan expectations. Myself, I don't take it THAT personally, but it's sad that TPM had so much more potential. I was quite disappointed.

    May it never again be so.
  10. QuiGonJinn

    QuiGonJinn Jedi Youngling star 2

    Aug 1, 1998
    You know, there were lines like that in TPM.

    "...the negotiations were short."

    "...they will crush us, grind us into tiny peices and blast us into oblivion."

    "The Queen doesn't need to know."

    " think you're some kind of Jedi? Waving your hand around like that."

    "...they will never get me onto one of those dreadful starships."

    AotC will not necessarily have more of these type of jokes than TPM. And it's a good bet it won't be as funny as ANH or ESB (wow, I'm not usually so negative about new star wars movies).

    Has anyone else noticed the similarity between "HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I TOLD YOU...stay away from the power couplings." and "WATCH OUT FOR THAT...tree."?
  11. THX_Princess

    THX_Princess Jedi Knight star 5

    Aug 26, 2001
    You know, I never found any of the lines you mentioned above nearly as funny as "Good job." That is a priceless line! May there be many more like it in AOTC. :)
  12. Sithman

    Sithman Jedi Grand Master star 7

    Jul 6, 1999
    I know. :D

    Ooooo, I love that flying dude standing next to Anakin, too. :) Very cool. :)
  13. Adali-Kiri

    Adali-Kiri Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 31, 2000
    Malthus; "Reasonable fan expectations..."? [face_laugh]

    As you know, I found TPM to be a worthy addition to the SW saga, but I sure do agree with you that I'm hoping for AotC to be something different altogether! I haven't seen the Mystery trailer, but judging by people's reactions - they are genuinly and pleasantly surprised at how good it looks. And if you are too - I'll take that as another sign of good things to come, buddy. :)

    Now, of course we all know that Lucas said it would be like this, even back when he was doing TPM. Things like the more OT-ish tone of Anakin and Obi-Wan have been long heralded by the bearded one, and he delivers what he promised. Again.
  14. Sithman

    Sithman Jedi Grand Master star 7

    Jul 6, 1999
    Dude, when Obi-Wan jumps through that window and DOTF starts playing... That's gotta be one of the funkiest things EVER in a SW movie. :D
  15. QuiGonJinn

    QuiGonJinn Jedi Youngling star 2

    Aug 1, 1998
    Yeah but is there any logical reason whatsoever for him to jump out the window and grab that thing?

    Wouldn't it have been a better idea to bust it with his saber? Or use the force to chuck it into something? I mean he's gotta be, what, 3 miles above Coruscant? He's really screwed when that thing takes off.

    Maybe he's hitchin' a ride like Marty McFly. And he'll jump from droid to droid until he gets to the nightclub.
  16. Sithman

    Sithman Jedi Grand Master star 7

    Jul 6, 1999
    "Yeah but is there any logical reason whatsoever for him to jump out the window and grab that thing?"

    I guess we'll just have to see the movie, eh?
  17. roaryAKA

    roaryAKA Jedi Youngling star 1

    Nov 11, 2001
    Ok here's a "Mystery" if you're interested ....well, of course you are lol.
    Head on down to:


    Its quite a big file but excellent quality(and if you got a cable modem you're laughing), you gotta sign up to get it, oh and you may have to wait too...but its damn worth it I guarantee....ENJOY!!!!

    EDIT (Mr. P): No links, please. :p
  18. QuiGonJinn

    QuiGonJinn Jedi Youngling star 2

    Aug 1, 1998
    Maybe you're right

    Mace: Go with the Queen to back her bedroom and discover the source of these dark droids. This could be the clue we need to unravel the mystery of those damn droids.

  19. Darth Garrett

    Darth Garrett Jedi Youngling

    Apr 6, 2000
    QuiGonJinn, I agree with you. Before I go any further are we sure that's not Anakin? I know the clothes don't match but maybe he changed, I thought I saw the Jedi braid when I looked at a frame. Sure it looks great but I can't see why Obi or Anakin would jump out the window. Although if it were Anakin, instead of Obi, it wouldn't be as unbelievable; he's trying to get the droid that tried to kill the woman he has the hots for and also maybe trying to impress her. That would show his recklessness. Anyway, I guess we'll have to wait and see the film.
  20. THX_Princess

    THX_Princess Jedi Knight star 5

    Aug 26, 2001
    QuiGon: I don't think it would be very wise to bust the thing with his saber when he has three miles of air beneath. :)

    Maybe what he was doing was having the probe(?) droid take him back to its owner. Just a thought. Of course, he could be doing a McFly impression too... [face_laugh]

    Edit: We know it is Obi-Wan because in the Breathing trailer you see him hanging from something flying through Coruscant. :)
  21. Joey7F

    Joey7F Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 18, 2000
    Considering we see Obiwan holding on to something in breathing being flown around coruscant, I would say that would be a fair bet that he was the one jumping on the droid.

    Not necessarily reckless, he has to protect padme.

  22. Qey Santim

    Qey Santim Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jul 11, 1999

    I don't think it is being picky. The point is why pick a scene where the CG isn't finished. Lucas et al didn't do that for TPM (apparently). So if that is the final shot...with Yoda's clothes behaving so "unnaturally" then it WILL be an issue at some point. The fact that even with my first viewing of the trailer, it caught my eye is not a good thing. It is distracting.

    Sure ILM is busy, but they have set a standard that, at least, they ought to continue to live up to...if not improve upon. Heck, it has been years since they did all the CG work in TPM, so one would assume they have improved significantly since...not gotten worse.

    My point continues in that Yoda the muppet is still the better choice. ILM has yet to deliver a CG-Yoda with 1/10 the character and personality as Frank Oz's little hand puppet in ESB.

    I believe these things are fairly important issues and not nit-picking at all. If 2 seconds of CG-Yoda is distracting...what will 15 minutes or more of screen time for Yoda be like?

    There is certainly a whole bunch to like about what Breathing and Mystery has shown us - much more than things to dislike. Still, this CG discussion has been going on for sometime...and it will likely continue THROUGH Episode 3. There is plenty of gushing going on about the AOTC, so isn't it alright to bring up some of the apparent flaws?
  23. THX_Princess

    THX_Princess Jedi Knight star 5

    Aug 26, 2001
    I would totally agree with you if I found it distracting, but his clothes look perfectly natural to me. He isn't even moving! How can you tell if the cloth is moving wrong when it isn't moving? :confused:

    That is why I said I thought you were being picky, I just don't know how much better you can get than that.

  24. Gry Sarth

    Gry Sarth Ex 2x Banhammer Wielding Besalisk Mod star 5

    Jun 24, 1999
    I would just like to remind everybody here of something. This trailer is not being shown in theaters and it will not be, it's internet-exclusive. The only people seeing it is people who bought the Ep1 DVD, or who bother to find a way around to get it, so that translates into: Star Wars fans only. Normal people won't stumble on it while surfing the net or anything.

    So, what am I trying say? This trailer was crafted especifically for us fans, people who love the Classic Trilogy and that were generally disappointed with Episode 1.
    So this trailer gives us everything we expect: There are tons of CT references (Sandcrawlers, Slave 1, asteroid fields, bar fight, "Boba Fett", force lightning...), the mood is darker, Jar Jar is practically unexistant, the scope is much smaller, much more personal, the grand-scope elements of the plot are never mentioned (Clones), there's classic snotty humor and even geekier things like "That Sandcrawler meeting and that flying whale are CT concept art by Ralph McQuarrie!!".
    Everything seems to cry "This is just like TESB!!!"

    And we all love it.

    It's exactly what we wanted to see, and that's why they made this trailer this way. But my point is that this doesn't mean that's exactly what the movie's gonna be like. It might be just a "fan base pleaser" that doesn't really reflect the final product.

    Sorry about this little bucket of cold water, I'm just making a valid point, and trying to keep the hype controlled.

    ...but I SO do hope it's everything we're hoping for!!
  25. naw ibo

    naw ibo Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Mar 18, 1999
    Wouldn't it have been a better idea to bust it with his saber? Or use the force to chuck it into something? I mean he's gotta be, what, 3 miles above Coruscant?

    Because it was too far away from him to use his lightsaber against it and he couldn't chuck something at it because it is outside and he is inside, remember the window breaks when he jumps out it that means there is only at best a relatively small area which may have been cleared by the droid in order to try and enter the room. He jumps rather a long way out that window, it isn't just a foot outside it. He doesn't have time to try and find something to chuck at it--it's already starting to zoom away.

    Also destroying it wouldn't have done anything to tell them about who was behind the assassination. They've got to find out who is behind the attempts as well as protect Padme. By jumping on it it can lead him right to the assassin.

    And as for "Why Obi-Wan" because it shows he is brave, daring and brash and it isn't just when it is someone he cares about being threatened.
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