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FF:SA Parsec 15th Anniversary Dinner - 19th July 2014

Discussion in 'Oceania Discussion Boards' started by Adalia-Durron , Mar 9, 2014.

  1. Adalia-Durron

    Adalia-Durron WNU/Costume/Props/EUC Mod. star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 3, 2003
    SAFF, Rebel Legion, 501st and 501st are all gathering for Christmas in July at the Watermark Hotel. Around $35 a head, all are welcome. Sign up!!!

    Parsec is and will be a purely social group, two meets a year in a family atmosphere, No leaders, no club rules, just social gatherings to talk, share and get together!
  2. Corellian_Outrider

    Corellian_Outrider Former FanForce Admin star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Mar 9, 2002
    I hope it turns out well!
  3. Dags

    Dags Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Dec 3, 2000
    Umm, how do you have a club anniversary celebration when the club itself doesn't exist? Remember that by definition a club needs to have some type of structure with actual members otherwise it has no formation or presence. Just having a couple of social gatherings in a year is pretty much just that, a social gathering. Actually I'm surprised you don't just call them SAFF meets as they seemed to do you guys well in the past.

    This also prompts the question of how many people currently in your scene were members of Parsec when it was running?
  4. Adalia-Durron

    Adalia-Durron WNU/Costume/Props/EUC Mod. star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 3, 2003
    There are about 12 or 15 of the original SAFF members around still and we are scattered between the three major groups in SA, RL, 501st and SAFF. The first two are primarily for costuming and charity work, the third is a social group not focusing on costuming but SW fandom in general. Which is what the original Parsec was. The original founders of Parsec are trying to remind the 'factions' that we are all in this boat together and the 'in fighting and back stabbing' that has gone on in the past is not only stopping here but not necessary. We are all SW Fans and Parsec was where it all started in SA 15 years ago. Its more of a commemorative gathering. We're all SW Fans, and somehow along the way, that got forgotten and politics took over. :( Not a club anymore, but the foundations of SW Fandom in SA and a good way to merge the members of three groups socially.
    Jedi-Aztek likes this.
  5. Dags

    Dags Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Dec 3, 2000
    That's a very admirable stance and I do understand where you're coming from. I wish you best of luck with it all but by the same token don't hold your breath.

    As I've seen here with my own eyes, all the egos have now taken over and what is breaking up the entire SW community is that the 501st and RL costuming groups for the most part aren't SW fans, they're COSTUMING fans first and foremost. Speak to any of these people about various aspects of the SW universe and all they care about is the clothing.

    Another issue you'll face (and this goes back to the ego thing) is that many of the costuming groups you're trying to unite simply don't want to mix or play with others. As I've found here in Melbourne, many are very self centred and will only participate in an event if there's something in it for themselves. To give you an example, this event is being held next year and should be right up the 501st alley, but how many do I expect to attend? None.

    I suspect this is one reason why the RL/501st guys here don't get along which when you think about it laudes of absolute childishness. One day I'll tell you the story of when I saw the RL guys setting up their stall at Oz ComicCon whilst looking at the 501st setup on the other side of the room.

    So you are right in that SW fandom should be one big happy family, but alas that isn't the case and I don't see things changing in the near future. Now to be fair things in SA maybe different and if so then perhaps you've got a better chance of succeeding in your goal, but I can tell you if the same event was being held here it wouldn't work.

    BTW were you personally in the SW fan community when Parsec was first conceived? If not then I may know more about the club's origins than you do, including the history of the original founder and the REAL reason why Parsec started up :)
  6. arcticfox

    arcticfox Jedi Knight star 1

    Oct 25, 2004
    actually - whilst to a degree you are correct in there always being some level of friction between groups, we in SA have found that it is often easy to isolate the issues down to INDIVIDUALS, rather than the groups themselves
    - dont get me wrong here, it has taken some time to steer some towards the light, but by and large, most now understand the importance of working well together when it is appropriate.
    to be at odds serves no purpose, and harms all groups in the long run, with their interaction with the public, and future members.

    with the passing of one of our more beloved friends, several of us have decided it an appropriate time to seek a balance in recognition of other groups in our state, regardless of the mission statements of the units, and in the betterment of fandom in general. working against each other is both a waste of time, and self harming anyway.

    Steve Young was a multi unit member, as many of us are, and in his honour we have found a much better balance between us all - no group or individuals are pressured to seek cross membership, nor forced to interact in anyway if they choose not to - but all units are expected to be welcoming of new memberships, regardless of origin, or "primary service".
    any issues between INDIVIDUALS are sorted out between them alone, and moderated outside of the groups by associated leadership, if needed.

    i myself, havent been into this forum for a LOOONGGGG time, but would like to think i am welcome to visit at times if i choose - in turn, i welcome visits from any other unit to the other groups im involved in - RL/501/GA etc.

    as many of us entered into the SA fandom via the Parsec group, and went on to be central to the development of other groups, it seemed a nice thing to get together on its anniversary, and catch up with old friends, and meet new ones.

    Adalia-Durron likes this.
  7. I_am_Kooky

    I_am_Kooky Sth Aust. Chapter Representative star 4

    Jun 28, 2004
    You are Welcome Fox, as is anyone that comes back to visit as well as all the new members that will come up with the new movies coming!

    THis is the FACEBOOK event page for more updated detials.
    Adalia-Durron likes this.
  8. steve altmann

    steve altmann Jedi Youngling

    Jul 16, 2014
    "BTW were you personally in the SW fan community when Parsec was first conceived? If not then I may know more about the club's origins than you do, including the history of the original founder and the REAL reason why Parsec started up :)"
    I was there pretty much from the start , dont think there was anything other than a gathering of star wars fans and I must say, long overdue for Adelaide.
    Adalia-Durron likes this.
  9. Adalia-Durron

    Adalia-Durron WNU/Costume/Props/EUC Mod. star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 3, 2003
    And having attended the evening tonight I will say it was a success and everyone seemed to have a really good time. Time to catch old friends, time to mend the fences and time to laugh and enjoy company. A good night all in all.
  10. Corellian_Outrider

    Corellian_Outrider Former FanForce Admin star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Mar 9, 2002
    I am glad that it went well! Glad to hear that you all had a great time. :)