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The Activist Thread

Discussion in 'Archive: Romania' started by Chantal, Sep 20, 2007.

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  1. SVAndrei

    SVAndrei Jedi Knight star 5

    Nov 6, 2004
    Hey!!! Overruled! It's not fair. You have to come up with you OWN ideas!! [face_shame_on_you];)
  2. Chantal

    Chantal Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jun 20, 2005
    Sanctus din "The Armed Man" by Karl Jenkins, a music manifesto against war:

    I love this man, and I love his music.
  3. Chantal

    Chantal Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jun 20, 2005
    If you can believe this, in Saudi Arabia, a woman, a RAPE VICTIM, is sentenced to 200 lashes and 6 months in jail!

    Words are not enough to express outrage at a country and fundamentalist Islam law that abuses women in all possible ways!
    But hey, they the US allies in fighting against "terror" so they can get away with just about anything. Abhorring.
  4. Chantal

    Chantal Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jun 20, 2005
    The War on Terror has proved to be eroding the very values and principles that supposedly it fights to defend: justice, human rights, democracy, freedom. The examples are far too many, from the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq:
    and see disturbing images for yourself:

    to the infamous Guantanamo Bay detention facility:

    Search the media if you want to find out more, as well as the docudrama "Road to Guantanamo".
    This has to stop! If you want to make a stand, visit:
  5. Chantal

    Chantal Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jun 20, 2005
    White Tigers - a curiosity to some and a subject of entertainment money for others, actually they are the product of severe inbreeding, causing them to perpetuate a recessive gene that is abnormal and does not help towards the conservation of the species. A "freak" that could not survive in the wild, the white tiger is an abuse carried on by breeders and zoos that want to make money out of them, as simple-minded people come to gawp at the curiosity.

    To find out more:

    To find out more about big cats and a sanctuary for them and maybe decide to help, visit:

    Voice your opposition to cruel practices such as inbreeding and keeping wild animals as pets!
  6. Chantal

    Chantal Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jun 20, 2005
    Something beautifully written, yet such a sad story...

    I cried.

    Please stop keeping animals in cages! They belong in the wild, where they are free. You can boycott Zoos by not paying to go to see caged, suffering animals displayed cruelly for money and not feed this industry.
  7. ComicDiva

    ComicDiva Jedi Padawan star 4

    Oct 27, 2004
    Chantal, revolta-te. Iata ce scrie la Hamlet pe versiunea romana a wikipedia (and no, it's not the parody version)

    "Acele fapte si obiceiuri barbare, intre care se invirte, el insusi pe jumatate barbar, intelectualistul justitiar Hamlet, imi repugna fara a ma tulbura."

    "Hamlet e un geniu rau pentru el insusi si pentru ceilalti: spre a razbuna un mort, mai adauga linga el alti opt, iar din acestia opt, cel putin sase erau nevinovati."

    "Cazul lui Hamlet e simplu si cunoscut. Il iubea pe taica-sau si i l-au omorit."

    "De aceea isi coloreaza razbunarea cu pretexte de dreptate si n-ar vrea sa actioneze ca o bruta furibunda, ci ca o fiinta pura, in limpezimea si inaltimea propriului drept."

    "In schimb razbunarea ar trebui sa-i apara in minte, daca ar fi intr-adevar in stare sa gindeasca altfel decit cei care-l inconjoara, ca o poveste groaznic de complicata si, la urma urmei, inutila pina la prostie."

    "Nu se intelege prea bine nici comportamentul sau in fata Ofeliei, care de nebunia lui inchipuita este impinsa la nebunia adevarata si la moartea jalnica in balta nesimtitoare."

    "Uciderea Ofeliei e cea mai inutila si monstruoasa dintre cruzimile lui Hamlet si nu stiu cum ar putea oricine pe lume sa-i ierte asa ceva."

    "Nu se pot salva, din drama, nici faimoasele meditatii ale lui Hamlet â?? nici macar acel to be or not to be care se reduce la un superficial loc comun: viata e urita; pentru a fi siguri ca in lumea de dincolo nu e mai groaznic, ar fi de preferat sa ne sinucidem. Si ce sa mai spunem de banalele sale reflectii prin cimitir â?? materia din care sint facute trupurile omenesti poate ajunge in locuri pingarite si in pozitii umilitoare â?? sau injuriile sale superficiale si vulgare impotriva falsitatii femeilor?"
  8. Milena_Syan

    Milena_Syan Jedi Master star 4

    Sep 27, 2005
    Nu trebuie sa te cheme Chantal ca sa te revolti la asa ceva. [face_frustrated]
  9. Chantal

    Chantal Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jun 20, 2005
    Dar, daca te cheama Chantal, te revolti mai cu spor, fiindca ti-ai scris lucrarea de diploma de la terminarea facultatii pe Shakespeare, care e pentru tine un zeu.

    Despre cele citite, ma ingretoseaza pana la sila. Sic!
    Nu am nimic ma potrivit de adaugat decat ce am citit intr-o traducere romaneasca la Hamlet (aparuta la Polirom, deci cu pretentii), unde celebrul aforism de la final "And the rest is silence." era tradus cu "Si odihna e tacere."
    Cu alte cuvinte, hai la muls vaca!
  10. Milena_Syan

    Milena_Syan Jedi Master star 4

    Sep 27, 2005
    Ai voie sa editezi aia, you know...
    I would. :D
  11. Tanya_Akisha

    Tanya_Akisha Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 17, 2007
    asta e din seria The English Patient= Englezul Rabdator...:rolleyes:
  12. Chantal

    Chantal Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jun 20, 2005
    Well, fundamentalism and mass hysteria "loveste din nou". English teacher Gillian Gibbons jailed for allowing her Muslim (!) students name a teddy Mohammed, in Sudan. The Sudanese people however are rioting and asking for "death by firing squad". International tensions and bloodlust for a freakin' teddy. The world is going mental, seriously.,,30200-1295080,00.html
  13. Chantal

    Chantal Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jun 20, 2005
    Mai pe meleagurile noastre asa, neuronul agitat scuipa trecatorii cu emisii de genul "sa moara plodu' grajd, manca-v-as":
  14. Chantal

    Chantal Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jun 20, 2005
    Un documentar BBC foarte interesant despre lupi, in 5 parti. Atentie, in partea 4 este vorba despre Romania (Brasov si Sibiu).
    Partea 1:

    Restul le gasiti in playlist.

    Enjoy the documentary and learn to appreciate more the ancestor of all domesticated dogs, the wolf, truly one of nature's most magnificent predators.

    P.S.: Don't forget to read Kipling's masterpiece, "The Jungle Book" if you want to learn more about the Indian wolf and not only that. So says Akela. :)
  15. Chantal

    Chantal Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jun 20, 2005
    The Amur leopard is the most endangered big cat today. With only 30-40 of them still alive in the wild, they are on the brink of extinction due to hunting, loss of habitat and now the project of a new pipeline that will cut their already ridiculously small territory in half. Not enough gene diversity, even if they are bred in captivity, will still point to a slow death.

    See the vids with the beautiful cat, as you are probably the last generation to still have images with live wild ones. Sadly, your children probably will never have the opportunity.

    Tribute to the wonderful Amur leopard (this brought tears to my eyes):

    Dedicated website:
  16. Milena_Syan

    Milena_Syan Jedi Master star 4

    Sep 27, 2005
  17. Chantal

    Chantal Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jun 20, 2005
    Stii ca asta e un subiect aprig dezbatut in toata lumea civilizata. Sunt cele doua pozitii opuse: pro life (precum situl dat de tine), in general de orientare de stanga, conservatori, chiar pana in centru-stanga, de factura religioasa si pro choice , care sunt de dreapta, centru dreapta, democrati si liberali, ce sustin relativismul cultural, printre altele.
    Fiind niste grupari ideologice organice, isi mentin orientarea si pe alte fronturi (precum gay rights, ecological matters, attitude towards war etc.)

    Am avut dezbaterea asta si cu studenti. Nar fi trebuit sa fiu suprinsa, dar totusi am fost, de cat de inversunate erau fiecare dintre tabere. Cu toate ca, in grupul respectiv, 99% sanse ca nici unul dintre ei sa nu fi trecut prin asa ceva. Cu atat mai mult, cu cat "pro life" erau in general baietii. Oricum foarte interesant de studiat reactiilor lor, ca si genul de argumente aduse in discutie (de natura morala, religioasa, emotionala etc.).

    I am "pro choice".
  18. MaraStardreamer

    MaraStardreamer Jedi Master star 4

    Apr 25, 2006
    I don't give a damn pe orientari de stanga, dreapta, centru, orizontale, verticale sau diagonale. Daca un om ii da altuia in cap si il omoara, si este condamnat pentru fapta sa la ani grei de inchisoare, o MAMA care isi ucide propriul copil ar trebui sa putrezeasca pe veci in puscarie. Asta e tot ce am de spus despre acest subiect.
  19. CyberFaust

    CyberFaust Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 23, 2005
    The greatest sport in the world!
  20. Chantal

    Chantal Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jun 20, 2005
    That was very intellectual and refreshing.

    @Cyber: It is the blood spot on Canada's flag.
  21. MaraStardreamer

    MaraStardreamer Jedi Master star 4

    Apr 25, 2006
    Imi cer scuze daca am ranit cuiva neuronii prin postul meu anterior :rolleyes:
  22. Milena_Syan

    Milena_Syan Jedi Master star 4

    Sep 27, 2005
    So are most of the people that choose to slaughter animals.
    Just because it's within their power and there's no law against it.

    What's liberal in killing a human being?
  23. MaraStardreamer

    MaraStardreamer Jedi Master star 4

    Apr 25, 2006
    Daca tot alegem sloganul forumului, eu propun sa luam in considerare si varianta:

    "If you can't save a whale, you can kill your unborn child instead at any time"

    PS: S-ar putea sa existe ceva greseli gramaticale in sloganul asta...
  24. Chantal

    Chantal Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jun 20, 2005
    Milena, liberal este sa respecti dreptul omului de a decide asupra corpului si vietii sale. In acest caz, se respecta libertatea individului la reproducere/non-reporducere. In cazul celor care sunt pro-choice, interzicerea avortului este la fel de grava ca si inducerea sa fortata (vezi acest gen de radicalism in China cu noile "birthrate laws").
    Mai mult decat atat, in tarile conservatoare si traditionaliste, unde avortul este interzis, un intreg val ideologic conservator antreneaza mai multe fenomene ce de asemenea limiteaza libertatea individului si dreptului sau la informatie: lipsa educatiei sexuale comprehensive, lipsa/insuficienta accesului la metode contraceptive, nivelul general de educatie scazut, nivel de trai scazut pentru un procent mare din populatie etc. (vezi parti din Orientul Mijlociu, Africa, America Latina etc.).
    Se ajunge in situatia in care rata natalitatii creste artificial, adica femei care nu ar face in mod normal copiii respectivi, sunt fortate sa ii faca. Daca ne uitam la istoria comunista a Romaniei, si a politicii pro-natalitate inceputa in anii '70, observam doua fenomene cu implicatii dramatice:
    1. 200.000 femei au murit pana la Revolutie din cauza avorturilor induse in conditii insalubre, sau de catre personal necalificat, sau prin metode "babesti" de ele insele (avorturi ilegale se faceau si in conditii "bune" medical vorbind, dar cu bani foarte multi, 2000-3000 lei, asta insemna un salariu de director pe o luna);
    2. un numar foarte mare de copii abandonati in orfelinate/spitale, de femei care nu putusera sa faca avort, dar in mod cert nu doreau copilul respectiv (din varii motive: erau prea tinere, erau in scoala, partenerul nu vroia copilul etc.). Si de reputatia noastra nationala in ceea ce priveste numarul foarte mare de copii din orfelinate, cred ca am auzit cu totii. Sunt mii si mii de vieti distruse si/sau cu sanse foarte mici se reinsertie sociala.

    Nici un sustinator pro-choice nu va spune ca avorturile sunt bune. Sunt o trauma ingrozitoare si ceva ce trebuie evitat. DAR, in cazul in care nu se poate evita (mama este adolescenta, nu isi poate asuma copilul, fatul este bolnav - malformatii genetice, sarcina este rezultatul unui abuz/viol etc., etc.) femeia ARE dreptul de a decide daca doreste sa faca un avort sau nu.
  25. Chantal

    Chantal Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jun 20, 2005
    North Korea - the most atrocious tyranny in nowadays world. A black hole for freedom, human rights and monitoring. The worst yet is that they have nuclear weapons, that they might use to sell to other terrorist organizations. A country divided similarly to Germany prior to the fall of the Iron Curtain.

    National Geographic's podcast Inside Korea:

    Recent footage from North Korea:

    Learn more about it and if you can help:
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