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The Activist Thread

Discussion in 'Archive: Romania' started by Chantal, Sep 20, 2007.

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  1. Chantal

    Chantal Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jun 20, 2005
    How unbelievably cute is that? Animal inter-species love:
  2. Chantal

    Chantal Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jun 20, 2005
    Human beings ever cease to disgust me - filth and more filth to scatter everywhere until we all live in one huge effing dumpster:

    Poor birdies...
  3. Chantal

    Chantal Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jun 20, 2005
    Hey, Italian sensitiveness and compassion... isn't that cool? Il Duce would be proud.

    I wonder if here, at home, things would go down different. I highly doubt it.
  4. Chantal

    Chantal Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jun 20, 2005
    The animal kingdom is always full of surprises and it is fascinating to watch and study. One day you might get as lucky as this photographer:;jsessionid=DXNJQOHW4CFQ3QFIQMGCFFOAVCBQUIV0?xml=/earth/2008/07/18/ealeopard118.xml

    That's one badass kitty. Rrrrr!
  5. Chantal

    Chantal Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jun 20, 2005
    Now don't get me wrong. I love animals. But these... are like a Darwin fail or something.

    OK, maybe not the Red Panda. It does not belong on that list.
  6. CyberFaust

    CyberFaust Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 23, 2005
    panda...toti...sunt fail. Let them die.
  7. Chantal

    Chantal Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jun 20, 2005
    So I am all for conservationism and eco-friendly policies and practices, animals rights and so on.
    BUT... this is pushing it to the realm of pink pills and white nice jackets.

    WTF?! I loved this comment: "where exactly are the tree?s ears?"
  8. Chantal

    Chantal Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jun 20, 2005
    Mor de nervi!
    In vidul asta, un psihopat evanghelisto-religioso-bolnav cu capu' se apuca sa evanghelizeze lei! Sau sa conjure piticii albastri in zbor din freakin' Nirvana or whatever.
    Ce m-a scos din sarite la maxim nu e ca un nebun se baga in cusca la lei si le urla in cap incantatii (ceea ce in sine e un abuz, si nu ar trebui sa aiba voie sa faca asa ceva), ci faptul ca sunt pe margine niste alti dobitoci, park officials, care tin leii in gunpoint, sa ii impuste daca sar si sa il sfasie pe nenorocit. Ceea ce mi se pare inadmisibil! Adica de ce sa fie leii impuscati pentru ca un cretin sa vara la ei in cusca si urla tampenii, provocandu-i?! De ce sa nu il impuste pe el? Sau si mai bine, sa lase leutzii sa have a good (through rotten) meal?

    Mi se pare un abuz absolut dezgustator. Si dupa aia au si sedat leii ca sa intre sa il scoata pe handicapat de acolo, ca era cu picioru cam sfasiat ca sa mai miste singur.
  9. Chantal

    Chantal Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jun 20, 2005
    A great site with inspiring videos and great ideas about how to help the girls in the Third World and thus start a chain of events that could push a positive change into whole communities and even change the face of the world.

    Also, visit the mother site to learn a million little earth-changing ideas:

    Girl power!
  10. Chantal

    Chantal Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jun 20, 2005
    For those of you who love wildlife and wildlife chronicles, Big Cat Diary from BBC is one of the best programs.
    Here you have the Big Cat Week Channel on Youtube, if you are interested, with complete series since 2004:

    The three wildlife specialists and presenters are:
    Jonathan Scott:
    Simon King:
    Saba Douglas-Hamilton:

    I have also found a great documentary made by Simon King about Toki, an orphaned cheetah cub he hand-raised, and their adventures. You can find the first part here, and navigate onwards for the remaining 5 parts:

    Simon King is also a photographer and cameraman for Planet Earth, author of incredible wildlife footage, like the world-famous great white shark slo-mo:

    More on Planet Earth, later (now I am still watching it).
  11. Chantal

    Chantal Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jun 20, 2005
    Another great documentary from PBS, The Vanishing Lions, see part 1 and navigate onwards:

    And a heart-warming tale about Shirley the elephant, in 2 parts:
  12. Chantal

    Chantal Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jun 20, 2005
    The Siberian (or Amur) Tiger is critically endangered, with only 300 individuals still in the wild. Breeding and conservation programs are under way to try protect the greatest cat on earth and third largest land predator.
    See a 5-part NG documentary - Tigers of the Snow, starting here:

    Yes, I have been watching documentaries all day. I am in hyper mode.
  13. MaraStardreamer

    MaraStardreamer Jedi Master star 4

    Apr 25, 2006
    Chantal, imperturbabila :)
  14. Chantal

    Chantal Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jun 20, 2005
    A nice documentary about Yellowstone wolves and the fabled Druid pack:

    And a docudrama from BBC about a lion Pride (9 parts), with footage from the Big Cat Diary and the sexy voice of Sean Bean for Dark, the marauder:

  15. Chantal

    Chantal Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jun 20, 2005
    Yey! Bees are smarty pants, errr... stripes! They can speak foreign languages and they can count:

    It's only a matter of days now before they turns us into their slaves. :)
  16. Ionut_cel_Intelept

    Ionut_cel_Intelept Jedi Youngling star 1

    Mar 4, 2007
    Macar de-as deveni sclavul albinelor. As sti ca lumea este pe maini (aripi) bune, ca oamenii au avut ocazia sa arate de ce sunt in stare si au dat-o in bara. Ca stiu albinele sa numere si sa inteleaga limbi straine,asta deja nu ar mai trebui sa surprinda pe nimeni, mai ales ca s-a demonstrat ca animalele sunt mult mai inteligente decat le consideram noi.
  17. Chantal

    Chantal Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jun 20, 2005
    Our beautiful planet... snif, snif, could perish like that? Just the thought that this really did happen, a few times over, makes me shudder.
    Watch the end of the world as we know it:
  18. Chantal

    Chantal Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jun 20, 2005
    I have awoken today to hopefully a better America and a better world.
    A new president was elected, one that not only breaks race barriers, but also brings a message and a charisma and intelligence the likes of which the US has not seen since JFK.

    To learn more about him and his campaign (probably the best presidential campaign in history), go to:

    Here you can listen to his victory speech in full, from the BBC:

    United around our ideals, we can do anything we set our minds to!
  19. Ionut_cel_Intelept

    Ionut_cel_Intelept Jedi Youngling star 1

    Mar 4, 2007
    Dupa 8 ani de guvernare Bush eu cred ca si Vanghelie ar fi o gura de oxigen apreciata de americani. Eu nu am incredere in Obama. Permiteti-mi sa fiu un Toma Necredinciosul si sa ma indoiesc de promisiunile lui. Daca infaptuieste ceea ce si-a propus, bravo lui. Insa faptul ca e primul presedinte negru nu o sa aiba nici o relevanta in fata recesiunii care o sa atinga punctul maxim in 2009.

    Iar discursul victoriei nu este nimic altceva decat o simpla poezie. Are figuri de stil (vezi partea cu Wall Street si Main Street), are propozitii care o fac pe Oprah sa planga, dar nu prea spune nimic concret.
  20. Chantal

    Chantal Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jun 20, 2005
    Un "acceptance speech" nu e momentul in care tii lectii de politica interna sau externa. Aceste discursuri si dezbateri au avut loc pana acum, daca le-ai urmarit, iar eu le urmaresc de un an intreg. Un "acceptance speech" trebuie sa sune exact asa, sa fie climax-ul unei campanii lungi (cea mai lunga din istoria US), sa multumeasca sustinatorilor si sa reafirme sloganurile si crezul ce a stat la baza acestei campanii.

    Nu ma entuziasmez pentru Obama pentru ca e fashionable acum ca a castigat, ci il urmaresc cu atentie de ceva timp (si intreaga masinarie politica de peste ocean, in Romania parandu-mi-se a fi mult prea primitiva si infantila ca sa imi consum timpul). De aia nici nu stiu ce zice presa din Romania despre victoria lui Obama si nici nu ma intereseaza - mi-a spus un prieten in seara asta ca toti lesina in extaz, pentru mine asta nu inseamna nimic.

    Este perfectly alright sa ai alte pareri, cu atat mai mult daca ai si argumente. Nu mi se pare insa ok sa fii contra doar de dragul de a merge impotriva curentului. Se mai intampla si lucruri bune pe lumea asta (nu vreau sa spun ca e picat din cer sau Superman, ci ca e un om vizionar, cu principii sanatoase si discernamant format prin educatie si experienta muncii cu oamenii, in domenii esentiale). Chiar daca sunt putine si far between. Un motiv in plus sa ne bucuram atunci cand e cazul.
  21. MaraStardreamer

    MaraStardreamer Jedi Master star 4

    Apr 25, 2006
    ... si sa speram ca asemanarile se opresc aici ...
  22. CyberFaust

    CyberFaust Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 23, 2005
  23. Jedi_Umi

    Jedi_Umi Jedi Youngling star 1

    Nov 19, 2006
    pai pare un om cu principii morale sanatoase si familist convins.
    (asta daca te refereai la ``happy birthday mr. president``) ;)
  24. MaraStardreamer

    MaraStardreamer Jedi Master star 4

    Apr 25, 2006
    Nu la asta ma refeream.
    Si oricum, toti se dau familisti convinsi cu principii morale sanatoase pana la proba contrarie. Mai ales in campania electorala :D
  25. CyberFaust

    CyberFaust Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 23, 2005
    Sau the heavy medication?
    The cuban missle crysis?
    Combinatia celor doua in ce ar fi fost un razboi nuclear daca nu isi pierdea partea din spate a capului?
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