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***The Official "Is Palpatine Sidious?" Debate Thread***

Discussion in 'Archive: Attack of the Clones' started by Darth_Odious, Jun 7, 2002.

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  1. obhavekenobi78

    obhavekenobi78 Jedi Master star 5

    May 20, 2002
    Hey, why stop at just one clone?

    I would keep a bunch of them on ice. If push came to shove with those crazy Jedi, it's thaw time baby!

  2. Darth_Odious

    Darth_Odious Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 30, 2002
    Ah, the mother in law. I've got one of those. Mine makes great dumplings.(She cooks them, we don't make dumplings out of my mother in law, that would be illegal, and anyways, she's probably too tough for that).

    So, now this is the "palpatine is Sidious who is sifo-dyas is qui gon thread"?

    Und, I forgot to put that sidious would take Palpatine's name in post two.

    At least we minimized the number of repeat questions.

    Wait a second, you played a jedi mind trick on me! Sure, we ought to make an official thread, capture all the crucial elements in the first few posts, have the mods lock the original thread, great idea. But who does all the work? Me!

    I'm apparently Und's clone whipping boy. She's gonna kill me at the end of the thread and assume my name. And my credit card debt. Actually, that's a pretty good deal.

    Thanks Und!
  3. RogueTrader

    RogueTrader Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 7, 2002
    Like the new thread. Sad to see the cloners running things. :)

    How about this.

    The scene in AOTC with Anakin and Palpatine talking. Oh that crazy clone. Throwing little suggestions and clouding Anakin's mind with things like "you don't need guidance, Anakin".

    So now all you clone boys are going to tell me Sidious has Palpatine recruiting potential apprentices.

    You do realize that this scene and the scene where Palpatine and Anakin interact at the end of TPM would be pointless if he's just a clone.

    Talk about destroying all the cool foreshadowing.
  4. Undomiel

    Undomiel Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 17, 2002

    Credit cards are good. See I figure, once I pay them off just enough to satisfy the requirements, I'll be able to go to Tahiti, buy a new swimsuit, and a full time masseuse (mmm, scented body oils), charge it all to your credit cards and you STILL end up paying the bill. Meantime, I get to go on vacation, get a tropical tan, and end up luscious and sweet smelling. Perhaps I'll even be able to fit into Leia's metal bikini!! Oh the possibilities. Whilst you, well you spend the rest of your days paying off the cc's and looking like something akin to a cross between a cracked dinosaur egg and (oddly enough!!!) Darth Vader after the Emperor microwaved him. :D

    In reality, my mom in law is a great, great woman and is an awesome cook as well. I love dumplings! Does she have a secret recipe? (Most mom-in-laws do. They don't want their male children to have no reason to visit home once inawhile for some of mom's delectable homecooking. hehehe)

    Anyway, did we decide if Palpy is a clone or just a real good shakespearan actor? ;)
  5. obhavekenobi78

    obhavekenobi78 Jedi Master star 5

    May 20, 2002
    Most grateful to be sure, Master Undomiel.

    Darth Odious,

    I think that the new thread was a good idea, the old one kept recycling old ideas.


    If Sidious and Palpatine are clones, how come they are not detected by other Force users? ;)

    HAHA- Wait...How come Palpatine's eyes aren't Yellow...huh...huh...huh

    Yes, I am the king of reredundundandancycy
  6. Darth_Odious

    Darth_Odious Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 30, 2002
    No, they wouldn't be pointless. Does someone need to be a sith to teach selfishness, arrogance, etc? Not really.

    Remember, those scenes were not sith training. And, anyway, if George was planning on a clone twist(and remember, it would be a twist specifically FOR the hardcore star wars fans, as the casual viewer sees the two characters as being different, anyway), then that sort of trick would do it just fine.

    Another poster referred to the clone idea being like a mystery you don't know the details of. What about ESB? The end of that movie involved the twist, and there is no way we could have guessed it ahead of time, because the info wasn't there. Yet we enjoyed it.

    BTW, GL got a bit of flack from the critics for the "Luke, I AM your father" thing. On the surface, it is soap opera-esque. Yet, in ESB, its perfect.
  7. tnt

    tnt Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 7, 2000
    >>You do realize that this scene and the scene where Palpatine and Anakin interact at the end of TPM would be pointless if he's just a clone.<<

    "We will be watching your career with great interest"

    See it's obvious that he's the clone. [face_mischief]
  8. obhavekenobi78

    obhavekenobi78 Jedi Master star 5

    May 20, 2002
    "No, I am your father."

  9. Darth_Odious

    Darth_Odious Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 30, 2002
    Geez, you are truly evil. Is it all right if I borrow one of the cards to get some gruel?

    A little more on topic. Am I correct that Rick McCullum[sp?] said his bit about the clone thing in 99?

    So, that's three years ago. How many years is that in Kenobi Brother years? Is that the amount of time it takes to make one sequel trilogy? Or is that like four Aura Sing cameos?

    I'm just being cheeky.
  10. Undomiel

    Undomiel Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 17, 2002

    I said the same thing!! "WE"? "WE" who? Palpy and the guy standing next to him? Palpy and the entire senate? Palpy and Amidala? What "WE" does he mean, eh? Sounds rather sithy to me! :D
  11. Darth_Odious

    Darth_Odious Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 30, 2002
    I didn't even notice that!

    Nice one, tnt.
  12. Undomiel

    Undomiel Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 17, 2002

    Well okay, I'll send you a postcard. Better? ;) (Actually, I live in Florida and can go outside and get a tan whenever I want, I just thought the whole Tahiti thing sounded silly enough to pass for a decent addition to the silliness which already abounds here). That and the meds the doc put me on make me extremely silly and gabby. So I'm particularly enjoying the humor and wit hereabouts. Forgive. :D
  13. Darth_Odious

    Darth_Odious Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 30, 2002
    You know, before today, I enjoyed discussing this, but now its so much better, now that its official.

    BTW, yes, my mother-in-law's dumplings are one of those secret recipes. She won't even let me watch.

  14. tnt

    tnt Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 7, 2000
    I think he meant the Senate and the Jedi Council.

    But what he REALLY meant was the Sith would be eyeing him up as a potential recruit.

    Still doesn't make Palpatine a clone though. Bwahaha!
  15. obhavekenobi78

    obhavekenobi78 Jedi Master star 5

    May 20, 2002
    The "WE" that he is referring to is the infamous Japor Snippet that he lifted from Padme. He kind of talks with it like its his buddy. The Senate Chambers can be a cold and lonely place and he just needed some comfort.

    This also shores up the reason why we did not see the snippet in AOTC.

    My preciousssssssssss
  16. Yaddle12

    Yaddle12 Jedi Youngling

    Mar 19, 2002
    I am convinced that Palpatine is a Sith. I am not saying that the Emperor in RotJ is a Sith, we all know that. I am saying Supreme Chancellor Palpatine is a Sith. The same guy who was Senator Palpatine. The reason is this: Yoda says the dark side is clouding everything. Mace Windu says that the Jedi's ability to use the Force is diminished. How can this be? What could be clouding the Jedi's minds and ability to use the force? It can't be Sidious, he is never around the Jedi. Only Palpatine, who is around the Jedi alot and is near the Jedi Temple could be clouding their minds. Now, I am someone who happens to believe that Palpatine and Sidious are the same being, but one thing is for sure, they are both Sith, whether they are the same person or not. Since Dooku is a Sith as well, that means Palpy = Sid, otherwise the rule of two is broken.
  17. RogueTrader

    RogueTrader Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 7, 2002
    No, I don't think the hard core fans will be pleased. In fact, if this were to happen I'd stand up in the theater and shout "They just ruined Palpatine!"

    I'm telling everyone reading this post right now that the biggest flaw in this debate is that we are not taking in to account what it will be like for the average movie goer. We're being shortsighted.

    *this is where the cloners scoff*

    Generations from now people will still be watching them. And in order (1-6). It will be a cool revelation for those finding out that the Chancellor was the Sith master all along. That's the big twist!

    Stop thinking like a hardcore for a second. Think like the masses. And think of how viewers will see the movies in the future.

    This is a repeated statement but it is SO very, very true. To make Palpatine a clone would be a side story that isn't necessary, wastes screen time, and is actually less dramatic all around than making him the same guy.

    Who on Earth would opt for something LESS effective?

    I can't speak for any of you, but for years, I've always wanted to see Palpatine come to power. Not Sidious kill Palpatine, take his name and then come to power.

  18. Darth_Odious

    Darth_Odious Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 30, 2002
    Actually, tnt, if he refers to the sith in the plural, while there's only one sith at the time he says that, he's got worse problems than the fact that he forgot to get a clone for his coup.


    Has anyone noticed that, while the old thread was often hostile, and sometimes scholarly in mood, this thread is silly?

    Are the other official threads like this?
  19. obhavekenobi78

    obhavekenobi78 Jedi Master star 5

    May 20, 2002

    I don't think proximity has anything to do with using or sensing the force. Even if it did, Sidious is on the same planet.

    In ESB Yoda tells how he has watched Luke growing up....from Dagobah! Pretty far off, I would say.

  20. Undomiel

    Undomiel Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 17, 2002
    Well let's show it from another perspective. Do we want future generations to see the jedi not only stomped and trounced thoroughly, but completely humiliated just so some overpowered sith lord can smile when he eats his cheerios in the morning? heh
  21. Darth_Odious

    Darth_Odious Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 30, 2002
    But if they watch it in order to be tricked by the emporer's rise to power, then they will totally miss out on the surprise of Luke being Vader's son, and seeing as Vader and Luke are more central characters, should you ruin this twist in order to stress the Emporer's character?

    Me, personally, I hope he writes the series to be seen 4-6, THEN 1-3.
  22. obhavekenobi78

    obhavekenobi78 Jedi Master star 5

    May 20, 2002

    I just watched Empire last night and Yoda was trying to steal Luke's lantern! "Give it to me, or I will help you not!". Then he went on throwing his stuff around and smacking R2 with his cane! Way off subject, but it all proves that Yoda can in NO way be a clone of Sidious!?!?
  23. Mr Bungle

    Mr Bungle Jedi Padawan star 4

    Mar 18, 1999
    Grateful I am to have my name, albeit MISSPELLED, in the first post of this thread.


    Remember what I said about misspellings. They do you credit, but they could be made to serve the anti-cloners. ;)
  24. Darth_Odious

    Darth_Odious Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 30, 2002
    ROTFLOL!!! :D

    Actually, I wasn't thinking of you when I wrote that, but if the shoe fits... ;)

  25. Yaddle12

    Yaddle12 Jedi Youngling

    Mar 19, 2002
    My point wasnt about them sensing the Sith, it was about the Sith's ability to cloud the minds of the Jedi. I don't think Sidious can do this from the other side of the planet, but Palpatine might be able to due to his close proximity.
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