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A/V The Old Republic MMO: The New Official Thread

Discussion in 'Literature' started by Havac , Oct 7, 2012.

  1. RafSwi7

    RafSwi7 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Oct 3, 2011
    Hey Malachi108 ! Since you have written about Chandrilla's Barsen'thor tomb, I assume that you have the Core Rulebook.

    I've read Wookieepedia article about it, and there are mentions in it about such characters as Revan, Vitiate, Darth Traya, Darth Sion, Darth Nihilus, Darth Malak and even Dramath the Second and Darth Igrol (from TOR: Revan), and events like Mandalorian Wars, Jedi Civil Wars, Dark Wars and Great Galactic War.

    Could you post some info related to these characters and events for us, fellow the Old Republic Era enthusiasts?


    Nice KoTOR soundtrack cover suite.

  2. Slowpokeking

    Slowpokeking Jedi Master star 5

    Sep 21, 2012
    What happened to General Hesker?
  3. Vthuil

    Vthuil Force Ghost star 5

    Jan 3, 2013
    So bit of an odd request, but does anyone know of a good video of the Terror From Beyond Republic cutscenes? I've always been into the Gree, but all the videos I can find of it are from the Empire perspective.

    Edit: To clarify, I mean JUST the cutscenes. I can find playthroughs of it, but ideally I don't want to have to wade through 30 minutes of boss fights.
  4. RafSwi7

    RafSwi7 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Oct 3, 2011
    Datamined info, tells us that these "Star Fortresses" will be new activity in 4.0 (with both solo and group versions). These space stations are orbiting occupied worlds and players will have to destroy them. We will also be able to complete new daily, which will take place in the Undercity Arena, where player will fight against 10 enemy waves (some kind of survival mode).
    Zorrixor likes this.
  5. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    Curious stuff

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  6. Zorrixor

    Zorrixor Chosen One star 6

    Sep 8, 2004
    So both solo and raids going after Star Fortresses? That sounds cool.

    I guess it's sorta similar to what they did with the Dread Masters, just probably this time with the solo mode not being the poor relation, but both being of equal plot significance, just different fortresses, which will be nice.
  7. Slowpokeking

    Slowpokeking Jedi Master star 5

    Sep 21, 2012
    Did the Hutts get owned by The Zakuul Empire?
  8. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    Well we don't know that, but it's probable being as the hints are that all the worlds that are in-game have been hit.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Vthuil

    Vthuil Force Ghost star 5

    Jan 3, 2013
    Speaking of the Hutts, while I agree that the Makeb storyline was a bit of a digression from the main story, I did think it was kind of neat to see militarized Hutts. I'm a little bored with Jabba-style mobsters, but fullblown warlord Hutts in the pre-Republic mold would be neat to see more often.
    Darthmaul208 and Zorrixor like this.
  10. Slowpokeking

    Slowpokeking Jedi Master star 5

    Sep 21, 2012
    That Hutt Archon was a cool character.
  11. Zorrixor

    Zorrixor Chosen One star 6

    Sep 8, 2004
    I really enjoyed the Hutt Cartel expansion... never really understood the poor reception of it to be honest.

    The questline I enjoyed, the zones I enjoyed, the characters I enjoyed... was it poorly received just because it was "just Hutts, lame" or were the complaints deeper than that..?

    The rebound back into tons of Sith and Revan stories (which I do love) has just always made me figure it's due to people not liking the Hutts. Which, yeah, okay, I hated them not finishing the Vitiate stuff first, as the whole Hutt thing felt like a sidequest, and like it should have only been the first half of a bigger expansion, or that rather than repeating SWG's mistake they should have released another story content expansion soon after, not faffed around wasting a year on starfighter faux-simulator arcade games.

    But even so, I still enjoy Makeb and loved what it built up for Darth Marr and the others.
    AusStig likes this.
  12. Slowpokeking

    Slowpokeking Jedi Master star 5

    Sep 21, 2012
    I don't see how people give it poor reception, most of them were pleased with the story itself, just some think the xpc was not big enough and no new class story.
  13. RafSwi7

    RafSwi7 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Oct 3, 2011
    Some more action/epic oriented soundtracks form KoTFE! According ot miner the second picture is most probably a new hub for players.

    Not raids, but still the group content.
    AusStig likes this.
  14. Slowpokeking

    Slowpokeking Jedi Master star 5

    Sep 21, 2012
    How about World Bosses?
  15. AusStig

    AusStig Force Ghost star 5

    Feb 3, 2010

    I also liked Makeb, I liked how it set up a new dynamic to the war (empire defence) and was keen to see how it panned out. It also felt less like a side story (To the Empire classes at least) then Shadows of Revan.
  16. RafSwi7

    RafSwi7 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Oct 3, 2011


    Son of Emperor Valkorion, Arcann dreamed of a grander, more exciting future than the privileged life his father gave him. With his older twin brother, Thexan, he joined the Zakuul Knights at a young age, eager to prove himself. In an attempt to gain their father's respect, the brothers proposed a plan to test the strength of the border worlds between Zakuul and the holdings of the Republic and Sith Empire. Valkorion sanctioned the assault, but allowed only Thexan to lead the Eternal Fleet. Defying his father's orders to remain on Zakuul, Arcann joined his brother at the front. Together, they were victorious, but Arcann suffered a serious injury in battle. Valkorion's indifference to their accomplishments pushed him over the edge--he attacked his father, only to be stopped by Thexan. Despite his deep love for his brother, Arcann turned on him and murdered him. Then he set his sights on the Eternal Throne itself....


    Before Zakuulans served the Immortal Emperor, they lived in nomadic tribes, each led by three Force sensitives: Matriarch, Champion and High Shaman. After Valkorion had united the tribes, he repurposed these roles to form the Knights of Zakuul. Officially considered protectors of the people, Knights hunt down corruption in the Eternal Empire. In actuality, they are enforcers of the Emperor's will and fanatical in their adoration for Valkorion and his family. Zakuul Knights don't limit themselves to studying one side of the Force, instead teaching balance and exploration. Knights have their own relationships with the Force, but are encouraged to share their findings with the rest of the order. No area is deemed "weak" or "a dangerous path"--they are all parts of a larger, limitless power. Ultimately, every action a Knight takes is to honor the Immortal Emperor. Sacrifices, whether material or a life, are essential to show one's commitment to the Emperor.


    Stories of the dragon Zildrog predate Izax's pantheon. In the earliest legends, Zildrog was a guiding mentor who tested the strength of a warrior's spirit. A fallen warrior would be consumed by the dragon, feeding its everlasting power. However, a victorious warrior was rewarded with the Breath of the Dragon. This boon imbued a soul with burning fire, lighting the way to a fortuitous future. During the height of the Old Ways, Zildrog was one of Izax's many forms--a terrible beast that brought only death. To most modern Zakuulans, the dragon is little more than a bedtime story about a mysterious creature in the swamps around the Spire. But a powerful syndicate of zealots in Breaktown who call themselves the Heralds of Zildrog wait for the creature's second coming. Led by the Exalted, the Heralds worship Zildrog as a god and maintain a shaky truce with Emperor Arcann. As long as the Heralds limit their criminal activities to the Old World, the Knights of Zakuul won't meddle in their affairs. However, both parties know this accord is temporary at best. Arcann isn't one to allow dissidence, and the Heralds believe Zildrog's rebirth to be imminent.


    Unlike previous HK units, the HK-55 model was designed to be a loyal bodyguard, not an assassination droid. Created specifically to combat the Eternal Empire during Arcann's invasion of the Core Worlds, HK-55 was given to Lana Beniko, then head of Sith Intelligence, for her own protection. Although programmed with etiquette protocols to fit Imperial culture, HK-55 still has a few personality-matrix quirks, including an obsession with the term "meatbag" passed down from the HK-47 model. Despite his amiable disposition, it would be a mistake to think HK-55 a less proficient killer than his counterparts.


    With the sudden arrival of the Eternal Empire, the galaxy was turned upside down. The Eternal Fleet struck both the Sith Empire and the Republic at once, first targeting their shipyards, then cutting off supply lines. Within months, Dromund Kaas and Coruscant were blockaded. Without Darth Marr's leadership, the Dark Council scrambled to fight back against Arcann's forces and were ultimately defeated. While most council members were killed, others disappeared to unknown corners of the galaxy. When the dust settled, only Darth Acina remained, and she quickly named herself the new Sith Empress. Even facing this new threat, Supreme Chancellor Saresh couldn't let go of her grudge against the Empire. She tried to wage war against both enemies and failed, costing millions of Republic lives. Finally, the Senate overruled Saresh to discuss a peace treaty with Arcann. She is no longer officially the Supreme Chancellor, but continues to rule from the shadows. Both sides are forced to pay tribute to Zakuul and are technically under a cease-fire, but that doesn't stop them from quietly trying to eliminate one another. As long as tributes are paid on time, Arcann allows the fighting to continue.


    Senya Tirall was a Zakuul Knight in Immortal Emperor Valkorion's elite guard. He was phasing out human military roles in favor of droids when she spoke out against the change. The fire in her words caught his interest, and she joined his detail permanently. Two years later, they began a secret love affair. Senya bore twin boys, Thexan and Arcann, and a daughter, Vaylin, but as time passed, she became increasingly concerned with the changes she saw in Valkorion and how he raised their children, particularly Vaylin. Senya attempted to flee with the children, but all three idealized their father and saw her as weak. She returned to the Knights to continue to serve Zakuul in her own way. When Arcann took the throne and massacred the Scions, she could no longer follow the Emperor, even if he was her son. Choosing a life of exile and rebellion, Senya is now on a mission to atone for her children's mistakes.


    Scions are a subgroup of Zakuul Knights who can glimpse the future through the Force. Before Arcann's coronation, they were often paired with other Knights to form a team with both mental and physical prowess. Scions are infatuated with the idea of fate and consider their visions foolproof. Valkorion was content to use this obsession to his advantage, but Arcann detested the Scions, believing them narrow-minded fools. One of his first acts as Emperor was the mass slaughter of Scions, creating a schism in the Zakuul Knights. Some abandoned the order completely, and anyone who spoke out against the new Emperor was cut down by High Justice Vaylin. The surviving Scions, led by Heskal, fled to Asylum, where they waited for the Outlander prophesized to defeat Emperor Arcann.


    After Arcann's successful campaign through Republic and Imperial space, he deployed massive battle stations orbiting the planets he most wanted under his control. These Star Fortresses are powered by Sun Generators capable of venting their excess plasma onto the planet below. The threat of instant devastation holds the world populations hostage and serves as a warning to any who might attack the fortress.

    Every enslaved world has its own tale of life under the oppressive shadow of a Star Fortress. Some blame the stations for spreading blight and disease through the environment; others have stories of friends incinerated from orbit for daring to speak their minds about Arcann or Zakuul. True or not, freedom will never be restored to the galaxy until Arcann's Star Fortresses are all destroyed.


    Although the governing bodies of the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic conceded to Arcann's control, not everyone was content with becoming a resource farm for Zakuul. Chief among these rebels were Lana Beniko and Theron Shan. While Theron used his contacts from SIS to amass specialists to aid their fight against Arcann, Lana teamed up with Koth Vortena to break out the legendary Outlander--the only person they believed capable of wrangling so many different parties together under one banner. Although relatively small compared to Zakuul's forces, the Alliance has the Gravestone and experts in multiple fields at their disposal. With proper leadership, this coalition could not only defeat Arcann, but change the galaxy forever.


    The Eternal Empire of Zakuul is a totalitarian dictatorship under the Immortal Emperor. Citizens don't merely obey the Emperor--they view him as their timeless guide and protector. By trusting him with all political and military power, they can focus on higher learning and the finer aspects of civilized society. All citizens receive a monthly stipend of credits and resources such as food and fuel. Compared to the rest of the galaxy, the average Zakuulan would be a member of the upper class and want for nothing. They are an idealistic people--scientists, artists and philosophers--who look down on the Sith Empire and Republic, disgusted by their warmongering ways. Instilled with Valkorion's arrogance, they believe it is their burden to bring enlightenment to the rest of the galaxy.


    The Eternal Fleet is an ancient and unstoppable armada operated by sentient droids and controlled by the Eternal Throne. Centuries ago, the fleet nearly wiped out all of Wild Space. It took a colossal alien warship, the Gravestone, to deactivate the Eternal Fleet, and even it was subsequently lost in the final battle. Valkorion had heard rumors of the fleet before his arrival on Zakuul; it was the main reason he chose the planet to house his new empire. Once he gained control over Zakuul, he began his search for the fleet in earnest, using the Scions' Force visions to eventually find the dormant ships. He built the Eternal Throne to reactivate and command the lost fleet. While primarily used in military operations, the fleet is also key in collecting tributes and resources from conquered planets and protecting trade routes in Wild Space.


    The Eternal Throne sits at the top of a starscraper in the center of the Spire. Built by Valkorion over a century ago, the throne not only serves as the Immortal Emperor's seat of power, but is the key to activating and controlling the Eternal Fleet. Valkorion gathered the greatest minds in Zakuul for its construction, which took generations to complete. How and why the fleet responds only to the throne remains a mystery even to the Zakuulan people--only Valkorion and his children know the true answer.


    Before Valkorion's rise to power, Zakuul was a backwater planet in Wild Space with almost no contact with the rest of the galaxy. Forced to settle in bogs and swamps, early Zakuulans were a superstitious, nihilistic people who worshipped a pantheon of ruthless gods. These deities expressed their power through the pain and suffering of their followers. The pantheon's father was Izax, the god of death and the Ultimate Devourer. The ancient Zakuulans believed their fate was tied to the will of the gods and belonged to Izax. Those who challenged this view were considered demons. While most Demons were outcasts and expelled from society, a prophecy emerged claiming that one would climb beyond Izax's reach--an immortal god of gods who would topple the pantheon and usher in a new age for Zakuul. Claiming to be the Demon Savior of prophecy, Valkorion began his campaign against the Old Ways.


    Centuries before Valkorion's arrival on Zakuul, the Eternal Fleet was in the process of systematically decimating all life in Wild Space. Legend speaks of a single massive, alien warship that could counter the Fleet's might: the Gravestone. Outfitted with specialized weapons designed to take out multiple targets at once, the Gravestone could destroy entire sections of the Fleet--including capital ships--with a single shot. After the final battle, the Eternal Fleet was deactivated and the Gravestone believed to be lost. Zakuulan archeologists have scoured Wild Space for a trace of the old warship, but so far have been unsuccessful.


    Zakuulans have always been fascinated by suffering. In ancient times, the Old Ways taught that pain represented the power of the gods. Now, living in a near-utopia, most Zakuulans have never known what it means to suffer. Food, shelter, clothing and education are all provided by the grace of the Emperor. But in the lower recesses of the Spire, called the Old World, citizens can leave their pampered lifestyles behind and pay for the pretense of suffering, placing bets on gladiators in the arena or living out dark fantasies in the red-light district. The Knights of Zakuul have no jurisdiction there, which Arcann allows only because it keeps the privileged docile and content. Located below the Old World is Breaktown, an urban wasteland where an underbelly of outcasts has fled from the Eternal Throne's authority. In this forgotten city's decrepit ruins, debtors, black-market criminals, and those who reject the Emperor set up new pockets of society away from Arcann's prying eyes.


    From the moment his daughter, Vaylin, was born, Valkorion felt her strong connection to the Force. As she grew up, the Immortal Emperor noticed similarities between them, which both pleased and frightened him, and he decided to keep a tight leash on his favorite child. Her father's control curbed her tendencies toward violence and anarchy, but beneath her upbeat and lighthearted exterior lurked a restless hunter, hungry and ambitious. When most of the Emperor's power was locked away on Yavin 4, he was no longer able to hide Vaylin's strength from her, and she finally got a taste of her full capabilities. Instead of striking back, however, she decided to bide her time, like a predator studying her prey. She formed a close bond with her brother Arcann as they both detest the idea of destiny. However, Vaylin isn't one to stay in the shadows forever.


    Valkorion is an ancient Sith entity with the power to possess and control the bodies of others, using them as puppets to enforce his will on the galaxy. The Immortal Emperor is his latest mask and Zakuul his greatest, most ambitious endeavor: an idealistic playground where he can shed his past and experience a new life unburdened by archaic Sith teachings. A manipulative survivor, Valkorion pinpoints the weaknesses of both friends and enemies alike, twisting them to serve his purpose. He believes the entire galaxy is his to shape and will stop at nothing to reach his goals.


    Many Sith have perished while defending their homeworlds from the Eternal Empire's forces, but others have taken the opportunity to create new lives elsewhere. One such person is Veeroa Denz, a Nautolan slave whose Force sensitivity saw her thrown into the harsh acolyte training on Korriban. She survived her trials and a cruel overseer only to become a target of Zakuul's soldiers when they stormed the Sith Academy. She escaped the slaughter with a bit of luck and a well-timed betrayal of her overseer and fled to Nar Shaddaa to start a new life.

    Veeroa embraced the unlimited freedom of the Smuggler's Moon, offering help to other fugitives whose Force sensitivity had made them targets of the Eternal Empire's ruthless advance. Eventually, those armies arrived in orbit around Nar Shaddaa as well, and Veeroa saw her new home become a prison. She has sworn to aid the Alliance only until Zakuul is vanquished, after which she plans to resume her quiet life of freedom in the shadows.


    Home to the Eternal Throne and defended by the Eternal Fleet, Zakuul has become the new superpower in the galaxy. An old civilization reshaped by Emperor Valkorion, Zakuul is technologically advanced, relying mainly on droid labor, with seemingly unlimited resources. All roads lead to the Spire, a sprawling metropolis built on the Endless Swamp. Valkorion's "golden city" symbolizes his victory over the Old Ways of Zakuul. A vertical labyrinth, the Spire is filled with countless neighborhoods, each with its own unique personality. The populace is primarily human, but as the Eternal Empire continues to grow, more aliens are welcomed into the fold.
  17. Vthuil

    Vthuil Force Ghost star 5

    Jan 3, 2013
    Well, looks like I'm going to have bow out of this thread until the expansion comes out.
    RafSwi7 likes this.
  18. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004

    *shakes fist*

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. RafSwi7

    RafSwi7 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Oct 3, 2011


    Achievement: Unmarred
    Thanks to the bond you forged with Darth Marr, combined with your own preparedness and quick thinking, Darth Marr survived his encounter with the Immortal Emperor.
    Revanfan1, AusStig and Sinrebirth like this.
  20. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    Love you, Raf.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    RafSwi7 likes this.
  21. AlyxDinas

    AlyxDinas Jedi Knight star 4

    Jul 12, 2010
    I've always enjoyed the TOR setting conceptually and have been pretty forgiving of its execution. It's had great concepts, solid writings, and interesting characters that have, for me, tended to balance out some of the more egregiously derivative or uninspired parts. That noted, the spoilers show a far more inspired setting and state of affairs than the Cold War ever was.

    Zakuul as a utopian retreat where Valkorian can leave the baggage of Sith society behind? Love it.
    Ghost and Vthuil like this.
  22. AusStig

    AusStig Force Ghost star 5

    Feb 3, 2010

    I must know.
  23. Delta-7

    Delta-7 Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Apr 24, 2002

    I hope its "Canon" that he survives, he is my favorite character from this game.
  24. RafSwi7

    RafSwi7 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Oct 3, 2011
    Think quickly and be prepared! :)

    Thoughts about Valkorion:

    I must say, that Vitiate-Valkorion chronology is now a little
    messed up.

    - Valkorion/Viitate is an ancient Sith entity.
    - He was born 5113 BBY as Sith Pureblood under the name of Tenebrae (devs hinted, that pureblood might not be his true form).
    - In 5100 BBY Tenebrae is made a Sith Lord by Marka Ragnos. He is now called Lord Vitiate.
    - 5000 BBY - the Great Hyperspace War take place. Vitiate performs the ritual of Nethema and supposedly gains immortality. Sith exodus begins.
    - In 4980 BBY Vitiate rediscovers Dromund Kaas, proclaims himself as the Sith Emperor and under this name he will be known for the next 1000 years.
    - During the year 3978 BBY Mandalore the Ultimate is approached by the mysterious Sith emissary. Mandalore is now under Emperor's control.
    - Early raids happen during 3976 BBY. In 3964 the main conflict, known as the Mandalorian Wars begins.
    - 3960 BBY - Battle of Malachor. Manadlorians are defeated by Republic and Revanchists. Revan and Malak depart to the Unknown Regions.
    - A few months later they are dominated by the Sith Emperor. He sends them to find the Star Forge.
    - 3961 - BBY Revan and Malak find the famous Rakatan space station and break free from Emperor's control. Revan believes that under his rule, the galaxy can survive Vitiate invasion. The Jedi Civil War begins.
    - 3957 BBY - Revan is betrayed by Malak. Thanks to Malak and the Jedi Council Revan have lost from memories.
    - 3956 BBY - Revan saves the Republic and defeat his former followers.
    - 3954 BBY - Hounted by nightmares about his past Revan leaves the Unknown Regions. The Dark Wars begins.
    - 3951 BBY - defeats the Sith Triumvirate. The Dark Wars ends.
    - 3950 BBY - Revan and Meetra attempt to assasinate the Emperor. They are betrayed by Scourge. Meetra is killed and Revan is captured. Reven influences his captor to withhold war against Republic.
    - Some time later the Emperor creates the "Voice of the Emperor".
    - 3756 BBY - Sith Emperor sent Barel Ovair to seal Naga Sadow spirit on Yavin IV.
    - 3740 BBY or earlier - the Emperor in his Valkorion persona discovers Zakuul, becomes "the Immortal Emperor" and builds the Eternal Throne.
    - 3740 BBY or earlier - the Emperor gives the power of "longeviy" to six sith lords known later as the Dread Masters. They are commanded to "split" Revan.
    - 3681 BBY - The Sith Empire attacks the Republic starting the Great Galactic War.
    - 3653 BBY - Revan influences the Emperor to seek peace. The Treaty of Coruscant. Cold War begins.
    - 3642 BBY - Revan is freed from his centuries old prison. Then, he is "killed" by the Imperial strike team. Darth Baras' Plan Zero is implemented. The Galactic War begins. The Jedi Strike Team led by master Tol Braga tries to capture the Emperor. They are however corrupted by his power.
    - Some time after - The Emperor is tricked and imprisoned on Voss.
    - 3641 BBY - The Emperor essence is freed by his new Wrath. He now plans to perform the dark side ritual, that will consume the entire galaxy. Hero of Tython strikes down the Sith Emperor, who is now believed to be dead.
    - 3640 BBY - Revan "Reborn" and his Order of Revan attempt to bring the Emperor back to his phisycal form to finally slay him. Revan is stopped but the Emperor is strong enough to vanish from Yavin IV. Vitiate resurfaces on Ziost and consumes all the life on the planet.
    - 3639 BBY - The Eternal Empire attacks both the Republic and the Sith Empire
    - 3635 BBY - KoTFE begins.
  25. Ghost

    Ghost Chosen One star 8

    Oct 13, 2003
    The timeline isn't messed up, just what was thought to be his original body... isn't.

    Shown to have been the ultimate Sith, a killer from birth, in order to climb quickly through then-current Sith society... and hide that he in fact does have weaknesses, and wasn't born pure evil after all.

    But yeah, this new setting is truly intriguing.
    Darth_Dreadwar likes this.