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The unofficial non-spoiler LETS MAKE A STORY Version Episode II.0

Discussion in 'Archive: Revenge of the Sith (Non-Spoilers)' started by Ice Jedi, May 16, 2001.

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  1. Ice Jedi

    Ice Jedi Jedi Master star 3

    Jun 3, 2000
    Yea, its back. The "stoy board", if you will.

    FOR those of you who don't know how to play here are the rules:

    1)Just post a sentence or a paragraph that fits along the line of the story. Feel free to end your statment in the middle so others can finish.

    2)If two posts conflich each other because of time (posted at the same time or soon after) the first message is to be used not the second.

    3)NO SPOILERS in our story line (i know, that should have been first but who cares).

    4)have fun, cut loose and enjoy ;)

    I'll start. AHEM

    Not so long ago in a nearby galaxy there lived an old disgruntled Jedi Master named Joe. Joe lived on planet 1138 with...

    --Ice Jedi--
    Are You A Freak
  2. Joey7F

    Joey7F Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 18, 2000
    a charasimatic separtist known as Count Dooku.

  3. darthfrede

    darthfrede Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 19, 2001
    "Joe!!!" Dooku said, whilst playing around with his lightsaber.
  4. darthfrede

    darthfrede Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 19, 2001
    "Yeah???" Dooku replied. Joe turned off his saber, and sat down next to Dooku.
  5. Obi Anne

    Obi Anne Celebration Mistress of Ceremonies star 8 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 4, 1998
    Have you heard about the magic mouse droid?
    "No", Joey said.
    "It is you destiny to find it" Dooku said in a
  6. Qui-John

    Qui-John Jedi Youngling star 3

    Aug 8, 1999
    ...somber voice, his hand stroking his white-haired goatee.

    "There's one hidden in every hallway. Have you ever seen one up close?" the Count inquired...
  7. darthfrede

    darthfrede Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 19, 2001
    ...while he also turned off his own saber.

    "No... no... I have not", Joe replied.

    Dooku put his hand on Joe's shoulder. The expression on his face changed [face_plain] . He cleared his throat before saying:

    "You must go to Coruscant. There you will find..."
  8. k kanos

    k kanos Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 1, 2000
    "a cave, deep below the bowels of the city. In its heart dwells the..."
  9. Mr. P

    Mr. P FanFic Archive Editor, Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Apr 1, 2000
    evil sith menace Darth Kimball! He will get you with his yellow light-saber if you...
  10. darthfrede

    darthfrede Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 19, 2001
    ...have not found the "magic mouse droid". The droid has the ability to...
  11. k kanos

    k kanos Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 1, 2000
    command legions of asassin droids and turn all others into it's puppets. If this droid gets into the wrong hands...
  12. Obi Anne

    Obi Anne Celebration Mistress of Ceremonies star 8 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 4, 1998
    Mini Palp will yet again turn into a jawa and the planet will be split in two.
  13. darthfrede

    darthfrede Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 19, 2001
    Dooku finished with a sigh.

    Joe looked at Dooku with a worried look on his face.

    "I... I'm not sure if I can handle such an important mission on my own...", Joe said nervously

    Dooku looked at Joe. With a smile on his face :) he proceeded:

    "Do not worry, my former apprentice. To aid you on your mission, I have inlisted the help of...

  14. The Mentos® Strikes Back

    The Mentos® Strikes Back Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 4, 2000
    A Mr. Jar Jar Binks!
  15. Obi Anne

    Obi Anne Celebration Mistress of Ceremonies star 8 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 4, 1998
    "Oh, thanks, I guess" Joe answered and tried to smile
  16. Lady Phoenix

    Lady Phoenix Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 14, 1999
    ...but fingering his light saber all the while.
  17. darthfrede

    darthfrede Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 19, 2001
    Suddenly there was a loud "BAAAAAAANG" from outside the hut.

    Joe quickly ignited his lightsaber.

    "Relax my friend" Dooku said with a calm voice.

    "What foul creature is capable of making such a disgusting sound???" Joe replied with a frown on his face.

    Suddenly Jar-Jar stuck his head inside the hut.

    "Meesa back" he said.


    Joe wondered if it was safe to turn off the saber now.
  18. darthfrede

    darthfrede Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 19, 2001
    After a lot of thought, Joe finally turned off his lightsaber.

    Jar Jar walked over to the two jedi, and sat down between them.

    "Who is this??" Joe asked

    "This is your partner, the helper you'll have with you on your mission" Dooku replied
  19. Obi Anne

    Obi Anne Celebration Mistress of Ceremonies star 8 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 4, 1998
    Jar Jar led Joe to his cool spaceship, called the...
  20. Q187

    Q187 Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 5, 2000
    Super Bombad Bongo 3000.
  21. darthfrede

    darthfrede Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 19, 2001
    "What a piece of JUNK" Joe uttered :D
  22. Q187

    Q187 Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 5, 2000
    JUNK!? screams Jar Jar

    Disa da fastest most bombad ship en da entia.......
  23. Joey7F

    Joey7F Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 18, 2000
    Wow I didn't know I was part of the story!

    Okay here goes

    Joe looked at Jar Jar and said "Hmmm...." Then I stole Jar Jar's bongo and ran him over with it. Then I flew all over planet looking for hot chicks, you know what they say about the coruscant babes! When suddenly I see...

  24. Ice Jedi

    Ice Jedi Jedi Master star 3

    Jun 3, 2000
    (The above does not count!!)


    "Wooptdie do," replied Joe in monotone.

    Joe got into the Super Bombad Bongo 3000 with Mr. Binks. The two set off to find the mousedroid. Joe had a hunch it would be on the plantet...

    --Ice Jedi--
    Are You A Freak?

  25. Q187

    Q187 Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 5, 2000

    As they set off for planet AAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!, Jar Jar and Joe...........

    <<EDIT: Sorry, but all the "ahhh!!!"s made the thread wide>>
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