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Vader robbery foiled!!!

Discussion in 'Archive: Daytona Beach, FL' started by Q99213, Oct 5, 2004.

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  1. Q99213

    Q99213 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 3, 2001
    Found this over on the FL Garrison boards:

    One of science fiction's ultimate bad guys -- or someone pretending to be him -- struck over the weekend when a man in a Darth Vader mask used his disguise and a stun gun to try to rob a pizza deliveryman, investigators said Monday.

    Someone called Pizza Best, on John Young Parkway at Pleasant Hill Road, and deliveryman Alfred Santos was sent on the job about 10 p.m. Sunday, an Osceola County Sheriff's Office report states.

    Santos arrived at a home on Oak Drive, not far from the pizza shop, but found no one home when he knocked on the door, he told deputies. When he got back into his car, a 6-foot-tall stranger approached the driver's side and said, "I want all of your money," a sheriff's report says.

    Santos told deputies that the man, dressed all in black with a Star Wars T-shirt and the mask, pulled a stun gun from his pocket when Santos refused to fork over any cash. The stranger shocked Santos in the left shoulder, he told investigators. Santos said it hurt a little, but he didn't require medical treatment.

    Frightened, Santos drove away in one direction and the would-be robber ran in the other, none the richer for his efforts, according to deputies. Santos made it back to the pizza shop and his boss called 911.

    It turned out that the call ordering the pizza was from a pay phone at a nearby drug store. The caller gave another telephone number as his own, and it was traced to a Kissimmee address where deputies said nobody appeared to be home. A neighbor told an investigator that an older man lives there.

    The Florida Department of Law Enforcement will analyze fingerprints found on the pay phone, and sheriff's investigators will try to identify a suspect, a sheriff's spokesman said. Searches by a helicopter and a sheriff's dog turned up nothing.
  2. Jayna

    Jayna Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 19, 2002
    Wow. Fingerprints, helicopter searches and policed dogs. Don't you think that's a tad excessive for some SW geek with a stun gun who didn't actually steal anything? There has to be some better use of their time.

    Wait a second. Helmet? Markus has one of those. Star Wars shirt? He definitely has plenty of those! Stun gun? Hmmm... ;)
  3. Q99213

    Q99213 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 3, 2001
    ummm, yeah, I...ummmm... actually found a stun gun in the lab last semester.

    Now, where'd that bugger go?

    *looks around shifty eyed* Pizza pizza!!!
  4. Jayna

    Jayna Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 19, 2002
    Hoorha for Little Caesar's! :D
  5. Amiry

    Amiry Jedi Master star 2

    Feb 29, 2004
    LOL, too funny. [face_laugh]
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