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Wookiee Talk

Discussion in 'Prequel Trilogy' started by PeterMayhew, Sep 25, 2001.

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  1. snap-hiss

    snap-hiss Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Aug 23, 2001
    Mr. Mayhew, I must ask as a fellow tall guy, you don't suffer from any height related illnesses do you? Such as Marphans syndrome.

  2. Shelley

    Shelley Jedi Youngling star 5

    Sep 9, 2001
    It wouldn't have to be Chewie's dad that appeared in EPIII, it could be Chewie himself. Isn't Chewie supposed to be a couple hundred years old? I think I read that someplace.
  3. PeterMayhew

    PeterMayhew Chewbacca the Wookiee star 1 VIP

    Feb 6, 2001
    That's a good question about the memorabilia. The answer is..yes, I have a whole room devoted to Chewie and it is mostly filled with gifts from fans, but I have bought some of it too. I have lots of posters that we had framed last year and put in their proper places. One of the more extraordinary pieces is a 24" hand made Chewbacca doll that was a gift from Toshiharu in Japan. It came complete with a bust of me in a Chewbacca t-shirt. It is made of hand dyed fur and a porcelain sculpt and took about 6 months to make. Mr. Toshiharu works on cars, but I think he missed his calling as a sculptor.
  4. PeterMayhew

    PeterMayhew Chewbacca the Wookiee star 1 VIP

    Feb 6, 2001
    As to Marphans Syndrome, I'm not familiar with it and if I have it I don't know about it. The problems that I have are more related to being a giant growing up in post-war England. Today, kids have ample access to the types of supplements that are needed to grow strong bones and keep healthy. I have some problems with my joints that are probably related to lack of calcium when I was growing up. Other than that, I think I'm fine. I hardly ever catch a cold.
  5. snap-hiss

    snap-hiss Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Aug 23, 2001
    Marphan's syndrome is a genetic disease that causes your heart to grow too slowly compaired to the rest of your body when you are young. It causes cardiac problems. My father has it and doctors believe that I do as well, although it's not a very serious disease. The biggest problem I have had was during growth spirts in puberty my knees and elbows hurt severly, but that's all over now.

  6. PeterMayhew

    PeterMayhew Chewbacca the Wookiee star 1 VIP

    Feb 6, 2001
    Thanks for the information snap, I had just looked it up as your reply came back. No, my heart is overly large instead of overly small, but it all seems to work together ok. I was fortunate that I had some treatments to stop me growing when I was a teenager and they gave me a thorough once over and took lots of pictures of can imagine the routine, but the treatments worked and now I'm 2' 6" tall, when I'm lying down that is...
  7. snap-hiss

    snap-hiss Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Aug 23, 2001
    What did you think back in 1977 when you signed on to play Chewie? Did you have your doubts about the project? Did you think at that time that the films would become so popular?

  8. snap-hiss

    snap-hiss Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Aug 23, 2001
    :D... 2'6"...
  9. Squalie

    Squalie Jedi Youngling star 2

    Mar 29, 2001
    I hope my intent is taken the right way...

    What would be cool, is to have a photo with you in costume beside Mr.Ford (also in costume),and having a little wisp of grey in Chewy's hair. Simple now-and-then.

    Hey, I was 6 when I saw the movie in the theatre.

  10. Vaderbait

    Vaderbait Jedi Knight star 6

    Sep 26, 2001
    Phew, the other thread with Mr. Mayhew was so overtly large, I didn't dare post in it, lol. But...this is a decent sized group, so I let me say it is an honor to finally "meet" you, Mr. Mayhew. You are almost universally considered the icon of the OT. I don't konw of anyone that doesn't think of Chewie when they think of the original Star Wars movies.

    You did a superb job portraying him in the films.

    Due to your large fan base, I won't post a question yet, I'll give you time to deal with any questions anyone has asked before, or whatever people will ask. Besides, I don't have a question in mind right now.

    God bless. :)
  11. PeterMayhew

    PeterMayhew Chewbacca the Wookiee star 1 VIP

    Feb 6, 2001
    In 1974, I entered into a contest for people with big feet. I didn't win the contest, but I did get invited to play a role in Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger. I was working at a London hospital at the time. After that project, the crew recommended me to Lucasfilm when they were looking for another big guy to play a big hairy character. I went in to interview and got the job. It took about 15 minutes and I was off to the costume shop to be measured for the costume. That, as they say, is that. We had no idea that what we were doing was about to become part of world culture. Now, my stepdaughters study Star Wars characters in English class.
  12. snap-hiss

    snap-hiss Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Aug 23, 2001
    I had a high school film class, and we studied a little Star Wars (I practicly taught class those days). I couldn't imagine ...

    (raises hand) "My dad is Chewbacca."

    (gasps and odd looks ensue)

  13. PeterMayhew

    PeterMayhew Chewbacca the Wookiee star 1 VIP

    Feb 6, 2001
    I almost forgot....the web address for the Boston show is:

    Hope to see some of my friends there and all members of the 501st Stormtroopers in the area. You guys rock!!
  14. Well_Of_Souls

    Well_Of_Souls Jedi Master star 5

    Aug 26, 2001
    Mr. Mayhew, it is an honor for you to be here and for you to talk to so many of your fans. You don't see that with too many celebrities and I for one salute you. :) My favorite Chewie moments came from ESB and it is also my favorite of the OT.
  15. PeterMayhew

    PeterMayhew Chewbacca the Wookiee star 1 VIP

    Feb 6, 2001
    SilentFlash, I suppose my reaction to your statement about Chewie getting a medal in the Final Edition of a New Hope would be... how the heck would anyone know something like that??? (that's not the exact words that came to my mind, but close enough to say outloud)...???
  16. Lobot_Omy

    Lobot_Omy Moderator Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 9, 2001
    Wow, it's very rare for me to read 100+ posts threads all the way through, but I actually enjoy doing it when Mr. Mayhew starts them. Unfortunately I can't come to chat in here too often because of university. I just wanted to say, Mr. Mayhey, that Chewie is my favorite movie character, so thanks for bringing him to life! :)

    Also I wanted to ask this question for a long time, in the Simpson's episode about the alien that was actually Mr. Burns, when they had Chewbacca in it was it actually you?
  17. Darth_Burns

    Darth_Burns Jedi Youngling star 1

    Aug 8, 2001
    OK Peter,I have a question for you.There is a lot of talks on these boards about whether George Lucas is a genius or insane.

    I was wondering what was your impression of him at the time the classic trilogy was filmed and do you have any feelings on him in these more modern days?
  18. Squalie

    Squalie Jedi Youngling star 2

    Mar 29, 2001
    Uh,oh. Here we go.
  19. Vaderbait

    Vaderbait Jedi Knight star 6

    Sep 26, 2001
    I would advise not listening to silent-flash Mr. Mayhew. The odds of them working on the "Final Editions"...if they exist, while working on the prequels is very slim. Flash is just a troublemaker. :)

    But it would be cool to see Chewie finally get his medal.
  20. Kadue

    Kadue Jedi Knight star 5

    Jun 20, 2000
    Okay, let's not de-rail here.

    Peter, have you ever thought about what you might have done and been doing if SW hadn't entered your life?
  21. darth-sinister

    darth-sinister Manager Emeritus star 10 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jun 28, 2001
    Now, this is something most fans don't get to do or see. A celebrity such as Peter Mayhew talking to fans on a fan made site's message board. :) It's outstanding being able to converse or listen to what you have to say. Yet another reason to visit these message boards.
  22. Vaderbait

    Vaderbait Jedi Knight star 6

    Sep 26, 2001
    Then you're credible. But just because you're credible FLASH doesn't mean you're always right.

    I will eat my own words if it's true, and I do believe that a Final Edition---hey wait a second. It's Peter Mayhew for Lucas' sakes!

    Let's not fight amongst ourselves.

    I'm sorry, Flash :)
  23. Squalie

    Squalie Jedi Youngling star 2

    Mar 29, 2001
    Mr.Mayhew, couldn't you just call Lucas and request that you be in the movies somewhere?
    I mean, it seemed to work for Sam Jackson, and you're Chewbacca for goodness sake! They didn't have Wookies 30 years before ATH?
  24. PeterMayhew

    PeterMayhew Chewbacca the Wookiee star 1 VIP

    Feb 6, 2001
    Well, interesting conversations going on here, I think I'll just jump right in with some opinions....Is George Lucas a genius or insane....hmmm, don't know many insane people who have been able to build the kind of empire that George has put together. Is he a genius...maybe. Not many people can keep a vision alive for 25 years and still have it be interesting and fresh. I can tell you that I like him as a human being both then and now.
  25. Darth Happy

    Darth Happy Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 19, 1999
    Mr. Mayhew, do you ever run into Anthony Daniels from time to time?

    Mr. Daniels, like you, seems to be everywhere, gracing Star Wars fans with his presence.
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