Title: Among the Builders | UDC XI; mostly aliens| Author: gizkaspice Timeframe: some time post-ROTS Characters: OCs, Legends characters and...
Title: Worlds beyond the Stars Timeframe: Before, Saga & Beyond Continuity: Canon & Legends Length: Drabble collection – although I’m likely to...
Hey, everybody! It’s that time again . . . May Is WIP Month! [IMG] (Previous WIP Months: February 2020, June 2020, April 2021, October 2021,...
Title: Radio Londres Fandom: The Longest Day Length: Series of vaguely interconnected one-shots Genre: All sorts Characters: Mostly OCs; possibly...
Title: In the Shade of the Wroshyr – Tales of the People of the Trees Timeframe: I’m tagging this ‘Before’ since these are Wookiee myths and...
Title: La Bohème Timeframe: 6 - 0 BBY Continuity: Legends Genre: Mostly friendship/drama, with a sprinkle of humour and romance for good measure...
Hey, everybody! Guess what... WIP Month Is Back! [IMG] (Previous WIP Months: February 2020, June 2020, April 2021, October 2021) So, what is it?...
I posted the beginnings of this story LONG ago in a Galaxy Far Far Away. It was originally created as a fun way to chronicle the in game events of...
Hey, everybody! Guess what's coming... WIPtober! [IMG] (Previous WIP months: WIPuary, February 2020 | June 2020, April 2021) So, what is it? A...
I've personally built a few props here and there over the years, but I finally decided to start a goal of mine: build a suit of Mandalorian armor...
Title: Outsiders Timeframe: This story begins shortly before the Battle of Jakku (5 ABY). The flashback chapters (titled ‘memories’) cover the...
This is my first fanfic that I'm posting here, so if it's terrible that's why. XD Also, full disclaimer: this fanfic takes on a One Canon...
Hey, everybody! APRIL IS WIP MONTH! [IMG] (Previous WIP months: WIPuary, February 2020 | June 2020) So, what is it? A challenge for finishing...
Title: Destiny Lies Timeframe : OT/ ESB Genre: Drama, adventure, AU Characters: Luke, Vader, Leia, Lando, Chewie, various OT characters Summary:...
Title: FOG Author: cthugha Characters: tons of OCs, some of which will turn out to be / interact with Legends or movie characters eventually...
Title: Resonant Author: Starith Timeframe: Takes place between RotS and ANH Genre: AU, drama, action, multi-chapter Characters: Luke, Vader,...
Title: Twin Suns Bed & Breakfast and Other Stories Author: Kahara Timeframe/Genre/Canonicity/Characters: various Summary: Series of drabbles for...
Title: Comeback Kid Author(s): mysterycultist Timeframe: pre-ANH Characters: Luke, Ahsoka, Vader, Obi-Wan, Beru & Owen Genre: AU Summary: Luke...
Hey there, dear writers! Want to make a dent in those piles of unfinished WIPs on your hard drive, Google Docs, Evernote, paper notebooks, or any...
Title: Vader’s Fire Author: Togruta (later under the username Starith) Timeframe: OT (Approximately two months after ANH) Characters: Luke, Vader,...
Title: The Secret World of Twi'lek Culture Author(s): Twilek_Aide Characters: All original characters Timeframe: Beyond Legends (pretend the new...
Author: Findswoman Title: Light of Lasan Era: Saga—PT (around 18 BBY) Characters: Shulma Trilasha (OC), Garazeb “Zeb” Orrelios, Chava the Wise,...
Title: The Makeover Timeframe: 6 BBY Continuity: Canon-compliant (mostly) Length: Short story Genre: Humour Characters: Cassian Andor, Bail...
Title: I BLURT FOR MY PROUD IMPERIAL FANS, BROUGHT TO YOU BY SPIN Author: Ewok Poet Genre: Humour, absolute nonsense, historical revisionism...
Title: Waterstories Author: Ewok Poet Genre: Action, angst Characters: Ahyolu, Shri-Lan Rhane, Xia Tonha (all OCs), mentions of canon characters...