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Challenge 2025 Reading Challenge -- Sign Right Up!

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction and Writing Resource' started by Mira_Jade , Jan 1, 2025.

  1. Mira_Jade

    Mira_Jade The (FavoriteTM) Fanfic Mod With the Cape star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 29, 2004
    Hello, Fellow Readers of Fanfic!

    It's January 1st, which means it's time to restart a boards classic once more! That's right: it's time for the 2025 Reading Challenge! [face_mischief]

    First, as mods, we want to start by giving a huge shout-out and round of applause to @Kit' for coming up with this challenge and hosting it in its previous iterations. We are so happy to keep this tradition going strong, encouraging readership and recognizing some truly awesome fanfiction along the way!

    So, without further ado, let's dive right in!

    The 2025 Reading Challenge!


    What is a Reading Challenge, you ask?

    The same as in years past, the Reading Challenge is a year long challenge to read and review a fixed number of stories, based on the categories found below. It's just that simple!

    That's awesome all by itself, we know - but here's an extra bit of fun!
    This year, we are happy to once again be awarding c o l o r s for those intrepid readers who complete the challenge!
    • Readers who complete all 40 prompts of the Reading Challenge will be awarded 2 weeks of colors.
    • Readers who complete 30+ prompts of the Reading Challenge will be awarded 10 days of colors.
    • Readers who complete 20+ prompts will be awarded 7 days of colors.

    Forty prompts, you say? What are they?
    We're so glad you asked! There are a few tweaks from last year, hopefully to make the challenge even better, and they are as follows:
    1. A story that breaks your heart
    2. A story that makes you laugh
    3. A story that makes you smile
    4. A story that surprises you
    5. A story that's something different for you
    6. A story featuring an ensemble cast
    7. A story featuring a familial relationship
    8. A story featuring a friendship
    9. A story featuring a romantic relationship
    10. A story featuring a dark and twisty relationship
    11. A story featuring a villain
    12. A story featuring a minor canon character
    13. A story featuring a non-human character
    14. A story featuring an original character
    15. An AU story
    16. A Legends Story
    17. A Disney/Nu!Canon Story
    18. A Non-Star Wars Story
    19. A story that is rich in world-building
    20. A story that makes you think about a character in a new way
    21. A story told in any POV other than third person
    22. A fic with a great first line
    23. A fic with a great last line
    24. A story written prior to 2025
    25. A fic by (one of the) authors you love
    26. A story collection (ex. Kessel Run, Olympics, Drabble collection)
    27. A one-shot/vignette
    28. A story with less than 10,000 words
    29. A story with more than 10,000 words
    30. An epic (we leave this definition to your discretion)
    31. A multi-chaptered story where you have left more than one review
    32. A work-in-progress story
    33. A story with less than five syllables in the title
    34. A story with more than five syllables in the title
    35. A story with a title that caught your attention
    36. A story with a summary that caught your attention
    37. A story with an author’s note that caught your attention
    38. A story where the character(s) or relationship(s) caught your attention
    39. A story that's going to linger with you
    40. A story that defies all categorization

    That's only one story every nine to ten days - I can do that!

    We absolutely agree! [face_mischief]

    Brilliant! Is there anything else I should know?
    There are just a few things to keep in mind:

    1. Please state your intention to participate in the challenge here in-thread. Copy and paste the prompt list into your post, and then fill out that list over the year with a link to your review, tag of the author, and a short summarization of your review for other readers to see!

    2. We encourage you to post whenever you update your list! That way we can applaud your progress, and maybe even find new stories to read ourselves!

    3. When you update your list, and post to inform us about your progress, please, once again, include a link to your review - this will make indexing that much easier for your hosts!

    4. Any story on the boards is eligible, from past or present, just so long as it meets the criteria of the prompt! When it comes to story collections that feature more than one story in the same thread - such as for the Kessel Run, for example - you may include separate reviews for individual stories across various categories. However, an encompassing review for an entire collection may only be used once for a single category. We trust you to use your best judgement, and, of course, it you have any questions about the suitability of a review for any category, please don't hesitate to ask!

    5. As always, have fun! [:D]

    Where can I find the previous Reading Challenges? Oh wait, there they are!


    Last edited: Jan 28, 2025
  2. ConservativeJedi321

    ConservativeJedi321 Force Ghost star 6

    Mar 19, 2016
    Did this once, and reading is good for the soul so here I am again.
    1. A story that breaks your heart: All the Things I should have Said by @Gabri_Jade, The Angst! I can't handle the Angst! Really, I understand why the films couldn't do more, but it always seemed off to me that Luke (And Leia), barely react at all to the deaths of their entire families. (Seriously, Ben gets more mourning time than Owen and Beru). This fic brings all the feels and then some, and it fits so well, and is so overdue for Luke to truly show appreciation for his Aunt and Uncle who raised him from a dear babe. Its good to see how even as strict as Owen could be, Luke still loved him.
    2. A fic that makes you laugh: A Time for Giving by @TherenAdarni, Han has to give a gift to 3PO and at one point considers giving him a hat of all things. Definitely worth more than a few chuckles along the way. The gift Han himself gets is just the icing on top.
    3. A story that Makes You Smile: The Dream Lady, by @Findswoman, Leia and her adoptive parents take a trip to Padme's home world of Naboo where the young princess finds a few startling connections to her past, though she can't possibly understand the depths of their implications, it left me grinning with pride and joy at the girl making such a powerful connection to her lost mother even unwittingly. Then there is the mention of a certain Senator Binks.é’s-ghost.50060942/#post-59069968
    4. A story that surprises you
    5. A story that's something different for you
    6. A story featuring an ensemble cast
    7. A story featuring a familial relationship: Make me Brave by @Findswoman, an adorable story about a little "Basti Shan", who is frustrated by her parents constant moving and uses her powers to defend her friends in an unexpected ways.
    8. A story featuring a friendship
    9. A story featuring a Romantic Relationship: Worth Fighting For by @devilinthedetails, a powerful story that adds a lot of lore to the Avatar Universe, specifically concerning Grandaddy Azulon! I'm not entirely sure if I would describe it as a romantic tale given how dysfunctional the whole family is, but for once, and despite his fathers far more cynical take on the goal of love, Prince Azulon seems truly happy to have found someone he connects with and the ending adds a lot of interesting context to his seemingly troubled relationship with Ozai!
    10. A story featuring a dark and twisty relationship
    11. A story featuring a villain
    12. A story featuring a minor canon character: Week 2 of @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha's Long Ago and Far Away. For the Kessel Run Challenge. It does feel off to consider Owen a "minor canon character" when you remember he's Luke's paternal figure growing up, but given how sparingly he appears in the films (with a slight bump in the Kenobi Series), I still think he fits. We won't be seeing any grand epics with him as the protagonist any time soon! But that's his charm. He really is a simple man wanting the simple life for him and his family, and Warmnyota captures it well when Luke spontaneously starts exhibiting force abilities, and the only person who can help is nonother than Ben Kenobi. She captures that sense very well, with the tension and acceptance of their different world views coming together at a pivotal moment!
    13. A story featuring a non-human character
    14. 14. A story featuring an original character: Yes I Can (89 BBY), by @earlybird-obi-wan, in this week one Kessel Run Challenge Vana Belkam, a Jedi Intel Officer takes great pride in her first chance to write and deliver a major report.
    15. An AU story: Star Wars: Undiscovered by @FORCEBlLADE A curious alternative reality where The Queen and the Jedi don't stop off on Tatooine in TPM, and despite this quirk in the machine Sidious's plan continues at pace. It's still a Work in Progress but he's been working on it for years and I don't want to say too much for fear of spoiling, but the last few chapters in particular have been quite the rollercoaster!
    16. A Legends Story: Assassin Droid Blues by @Raissa Baiard, HK-47 sings Reven the blue's not long after the latter discovers his true identity. Need I say more?
    17. A Disney/Nu!Canon Story: Leia Gets Her First Blaster: Week #1, by @study888. As the title of the thread says, after the events of the Kenobi series Leia Organa really wants her own blaster and I don't really blame her. :p
    18. A Non Star Wars Story: Coming Together Again By @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha
      A Star Trek story for the DDC, I've had an on and off interest in that franchise for years but don't know nearly as much about it as I do Star Wars. Still eager to learn, and Warmnyota is setting us up for a mystery that I'm all too eager to see the solution of!
    19. A story that is rich in world-building
    20. A story that makes you think about a character in a new way: Supernova by @ViariSkywalker. AU's in general have a way of shining new light on characters we wouldn't normally get to see, and in this story where Anakin Skywalker dies the hero, leaving behind a large and beloved family it rings a tune of what might have been, because it was so plausible, had Anakin been more patient, thoughtful, or gotten that glimpse of the future he received in Enter the Foreign, all could have gone so much better and history would remember him as a savior instead of a villain. He was a hero once, and it was his choices that drew the line between a glorious "supernova" type legacy where his light would live on vs the monster that creeps in the night.
    21. A story told in any POV other than third person
    22. A fic with a great first line: Spooks are good at finding, Stranger Things soundtrack roulette challenge By @earlybird-obi-wan. The moment we're talking about "That creepy Dooku teenager" you got me hooked. Just a couple officers doing their job, and a great way to start a mission where anything can happen!
    23. A fic with a great last line
    24. A story written prior to 2025: Inheritance by @vader_incarnate, an AU where Luke has joined Vader and taken the mantel of Emperor. It's a dark and twisting story with some absolutely amazing subtle character bits that I actually could not put down after I stared reading! Seriously if you haven't read it yet do so ASAP! You won't regret it.
    25. A fic by (one of the) authors you love
    26. A story collection (ex. Kessel Run, Olympics, Drabble collection): Up, Down, Strange, Charm, Truth, and Beauty [Kessel Run 2025]: The Negotiator, The Teacher by @vader_incarnate. Only two so far but these little tales of the Solo Twin's youth have absolutely charmed me beyond measure and you can count on me to read the rest wherever they might go. Absolutely precious, adorable, captivating and magnificent! Between little Jaina begging Luke to go on his "playdate" with Mara Jade, and kiddy Jacen using certain terminology I'm not certain I'd want my four year old knowing! It's a little slice of Skywalker-Solo life I didn't know I needed.
    27. A one-shot/vignette: A Tuft of Stray Hair by @Chyntuck, a funny story prelude to Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade's wedding where the later needs to get the former to a hair stylist. It's a funny and cute story with an element of flirtation, surprises, banter, and a very flamboyant Hutt.
    28. A story with less than 10,000 words
    29. A story with more than 10,000 words
    30. An epic (we leave this definition to your discretion)
    31. A multi-chaptered story where you have left more than one review: The Wonderful Life of Mara Jade, by @madman007, Luke Skywalker's wife suffers a bump in the head and suddenly wakes up in a reality where she does not exist! This reality may look quite familiar to those of us in the Star Wars fandom. An absolutely riveting story, with very well described scene's, natural lightsaber duals, and dialogue that just flows of the tongue! If you haven't already I would describe this one as an absolute must read for any fans of Legends, Canon or any combination thereof!
    32. A work-in-progress story: Memoirs of the First Senator, by @Mechalich. Aes Rimi, an OC I have not encountered before but who's perspective is already delightfully wry and somewhat sarcastic is on the rise in politics and will one day presumably end up in the First Senators chair. For now she has a ways to go, and I look forward to following along with her journey.
    33. A story with less than five syllables in the title
    34. A story with more than five syllables in the title
    35. A story with a title that caught your attention: Why Hondo Ohnaka Doesn’t Get Invited to Weddings by @Raissa Baiard, Hondo is always a character who brings in the laughs but this title had me chuckling before I read the first sentence. It really just figures. Long story short, our favorite pirate gets scammed by a girl who is way too good at Sabaac.
    36. A story with a summary that caught your attention
    37. A story with an author’s note that caught your attention
    38. A story where the character(s) or relationship(s) caught your attention: "The Rest is Silence" II. "Blooms in Adversity by @Mira_Jade, a stumbled upon this one while reading #39 on here and man was I happy to do so! Curiosity drew me to open the link, but the characters made me stay. Imagine Mara Jade and Darth Maul together for an extensive conversation? That's a paring I never even would have conceived of on my own, but it worked out amazingly well, between Anakin's mistrust, Maul's odd friendship, and Mara's open curiosity it was a powerful story to tell! Reminds me a little of Rebels actually.
    39. A story that's going to linger with you: "And You in Bloom" by @Mira_Jade, because it can be a challenge writing someone learning the ways of the force, and she does it so beautifully! Particularly notable as this is a continuation of her Songverse AU, and in this timeline young Mara is learning from Obi-Wan Kenobi of all people! A very poetic story! It's definitely one I will look back to when trying my own descriptions of force sensitives trying something new in the future.
    40. A story that defies all categorization
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2025 at 4:06 PM
  3. ViariSkywalker

    ViariSkywalker Kessel Run Hostess Extraordinaire star 4 VIP - Game Host

    Aug 9, 2002
    I'm in! [face_batting]
    1. A story that breaks your heart
    2. A story that makes you laugh
    3. A story that makes you smile
    4. A story that surprises you
    5. A story that's something different for you
    6. A story featuring an ensemble cast
    7. A story featuring a familial relationship
    8. A story featuring a friendship
    9. A story featuring a romantic relationship
    10. A story featuring a dark and twisty relationship
    11. A story featuring a villain
    12. A story featuring a minor canon character
    13. A story featuring a non-human character
    14. A story featuring an original character
    15. An AU story
    16. A Legends Story
    17. A Disney/Nu!Canon Story
    18. A Non-Star Wars Story
    19. A story that is rich in world-building
    20. A story that makes you think about a character in a new way
    21. A story told in any POV other than third person
    22. A fic with a great first line
    23. A fic with a great last line
    24. A story written prior to 2025
    25. A fic by (one of the) authors you love
    26. A story collection (ex. Kessel Run, Olympics, Drabble collection)
    27. A one-shot/vignette
    28. A story with less than 10,000 words
    29. A story with more than 10,000 words
    30. An epic (we leave this definition to your discretion)
    31. A multi-chaptered story where you have left more than one review
    32. A work-in-progress story
    33. A story with less than five syllables in the title
    34. A story with more than five syllables in the title
    35. A story with a title that caught your attention
    36. A story with a summary that caught your attention
    37. A story with an author’s note that caught your attention
    38. A story where the character(s) or relationship(s) caught your attention
    39. A story that's going to linger with you
    40. A story that defies all categorization
  4. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 6 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    Yes! [face_dancing] Glad to see this awesome scavenger hunt back again for the new year. Do count me in, too:

    1. A story that breaks your heart: Silence by @Kit' (from 100 Drops of Blood and Ink). In this set of five drabbles—all with evocative musical terms as titles, befitting the way Kit's Davin Dor perceives the Force—we read of the devastating loss of his true love, Alessi Va'aru. I won't share details both to avoid spoiling things and because it is all pretty intense (there's a content warning at the top), but I will say that I appreciate the way Kit' illustrates the enormity of Alessi's death in a very "less is more" way that makes the whole thing hit all the harder, with a few well-chosen descriptions and a focus of the heartrending emotional effects on Davin. (link to review here)

    2. A story that makes you laugh: You know I just have to give this slot to Assassin Droid Blues by my good friend @Raissa Baiard, which she wrote for me as part of the 2024–25 fic-gift exchange in response to a rather goofy prompt from me: "HK-47 sings the blues." And my oh my, does he, in a way that is 100% in character and 100% HK-47! Go read this hilarious romp for yourself and you'll see just what I mean; you'll be as impressed and Revan and I both were. :D (link to review here)

    3. A story that makes you smile: The Final Sidious by @GregMcP. Just... the best, perfectest, most spot-on answer to the whole "Somehow, Palpatine returned" phenomenon that I've just about ever seen. I just adore the idea that Palps himself may be, you know, a little tired of coming back again and again? And that he would get his own Palps brand of irritable with those toadies and sycophants who want to keep bringing him back. All perfectly and believably portrayed from stem to stern; I can hear Ian MacDiarmid's voice clearly throughout. If "Somehow, Palpatine returned" absolutely has to be canon ([face_phbbbbt]), then this is how I want it to go, please. :p

    4. A story that surprises you
    5. A story that's something different for you
    6. A story featuring an ensemble cast
    7. A story featuring a familial relationship
    8. A story featuring a friendship
    9. A story featuring a romantic relationship
    10. A story featuring a dark and twisty relationship
    11. A story featuring a villain

    12. A story featuring a minor canon character: Though She Be but Little, She Is Fierce by @rktho. The protagonist of this story is Pilbush, a female Ewok pilot from the game Star Wars: Hunters, and in the story she proves her worth to her fellow members of Convor Squadron, several of whom doubt this small, fluffy Ewok has what it takes. But she shows them, even if it means a few spills along the way! I could have also put this story down for “title longer than five syllables” for the very cool Shakespeare quote. :cool:

    13. A story featuring a non-Human character: Dahling, I am so absolutely delighted to report that the fabulous hairdressing Hutt Eliskandro is back in @Chyntuck ’s A Tuft of Stray Hair! Not only that, he is doing the wedding-day hair of none other than MARA AND LUKE, which brought Union feels and memories flooding back something huge! All the headcanons totally accepted, dahling, up and down and sideways. :)

    14. A story featuring an original character

    15. An AU story: For this category, you know I just have to put forward @Mira_Jade ’s Kessel Run thread, Now That Castles Cannot Fall. I thought about choosing just one story from the three she has in this series so far, and just couldn’t, because the Song!Verse is back, baby, it’s back and going so strong, and that is worth a huge celebration! All our favorites are here in a (relatively) peaceful galaxy that allows each their potential to be fully recognized and nurtured—in this first couple weeks alone we have Obi-Wan helping Mara Jade unlock the full extent of her Force ability, Maul teaching Ezra to extend his animal communication skills to plants (yes, really), and Anakin and Obi-Wan as brothers-in-arms once again, about to face off against a dire (and familiar) enemy. Such a joy to see this universe back in business; you know I’ll be eating this series like cake! :cool:

    16. A Legends Story
    17. A Disney/Nu!Canon Story
    18. A Non-Star Wars Story
    19. A story that is rich in world-building
    20. A story that makes you think about a character in a new way
    21. A story told in any POV other than third person
    22. A fic with a great first line

    23. A fic with a great last line: All The Things I Should Have Said by @Gabri_Jade. There are many categories on this list I could have chosen for this exquisite angst-bomb, which takes the form of Luke Skywalker's letter of apology and regret to his lost Aunt Beru and Uncle Owen, after the events of ANH; chief among them is probably #1 (a story that breaks your heart), because Gabri's letter beautifully and heartrendingly fills in a very important gap in Luke's official story, allowing him to actually come to terms with the loss of the only parents and home he's ever known. But I chose this one because the story's last line—which I hope you don't mind if I don't share in the interest of avoiding spoilers—makes the whole gorgeous outpouring that came before even more of a gut punch than it already was. Go read it and you'll see what I mean! (link to review here)

    24. A story written prior to 2025: I finally managed to catch up with @Chyntuck 's amazing The Kyberkerk of Jedha, begun in September 2017. Kyberkerk is a distant-past epic closely modeled on Victor Hugo's Notre-Dame de Paris (also known as The Hunchback of Notre-Dame), which Chyn chose to set on one of my favorite locations from recent material: the Crystal Moon of Jedha, with the Kyberkerk being this early era's name for the Temple of the Kyber. Breathtaking settings, vibrant characters, lyrical and evocative writing characteristic of both Hugo and Chyn: what more could you want? (link to review here)

    25. A fic by (one of the) authors you love: I was so pleased to see my good friend @Kahara recently resurrect Kahara's Hyperspeed Drabble Cafe with a warm, lovely set of drabbles featuring Jedi of the Beyond—Legends era making music, bantering, and surviving together on distant Ossus. Kyp Durron is a central presence in these gatherings; it is an opportunity to begin a healing process as he is welcomed warmly by his fellow Jedi and the indigenous Ysanna. (link to review here)

    26. A story collection: Worlds beyond the Stars by @Chyntuck is her exquisitely researched and written series of drabbles about the various alien races and cultures of the Unknown Regions, which she put together for the Ultimate Drabble Challenge XI that started back in September 2024. Truly an incredible variety of characters and species from adorable to awful, from warlike to winsome. (link to first review of 2025 here)

    27. A one-shot/vignette: Just Once by Kit is pure romance packed into a bijou ficlet as we get to witness the beginning of the romance between the effusive Namia Zahalin and the shy, rule-bound Tara Tarindae. Jedi rules or no Jedi rules, “Just once” can be the start of something beautiful! [face_love]

    28. A story with less than 10,000 words
    29. A story with more than 10,000 words
    30. An epic (we leave this definition to your discretion)

    31. A multi-chaptered story where you have left more than one review: How It Ends by @Kit. This epic story chronicles a very important and formative series of episodes and adventures from the padawan years of Kit’s eponymous OC, Kithera Rinani, leading up to the death of her master, Namia Zahalin. I’ve been following this story since Kit' started it, because I very much want to see not only How It Ends but How It Goes up through that endpoint. And so far it has been quite the amazing adventure! (link to first review of 2025 here)

    32. A work-in-progress story: Prophecy by @Vek Talis. The latest of his epic adventure featuring our favorite FrAG, Vek Talis, where Vek this time must infiltrate the Sith from inside—and all that that implies—in order to get to the bottom of a distubing mystery that is forcing the closure of the Dantooine Jedi enclave. He'll need all his powers and all his resourcefulness to get to the bottom of this one; fortunately he has the invaluable help of the Jedi Sentinel Brijan Levake and her padawan Stevus, who possesses the gift of psychometry. (link to first review of 2025 here)

    33. A story with fewer than five syllables in the title: Tiffin by @GregMcP. A warm and colorful glimpse into the everyday life and delivery route of a young lunch delivery man (dabbahwallah) in the Holy City of Jedha. And as its subtitle says, a love story as well, as our hero works up the courage to get to know a pretty and friendly chai seller.

    34. A story with more than five syllables in the title
    35. A story with a title that caught your attention
    36. A story with a summary that caught your attention

    37. A story with an author's note that caught your attention: The Last Place You Look by @madman007. He wrote this story for the "Art of Love" challenge in the OTP thread and shows in his author's note the painting that he used as inspiration for the story, per the challenge—not an unexpected thing to do in an author's note, of course, but what struck me was his chosen painting: Edward Hopper's Nighthawks (1942). This is one I've seen in person, albeit a long time ago, as it lives in my hometown of Chicago. So in addition to being a beautifully written vignette of a late-night meeting between Han and Qi'ra, followed by adorable banter with Leia after Han gets home for the night, this story also has a nostalgic element for me. (link to review here)

    38. A story where the character(s) or relationship(s) caught your attention
    39. A story that's going to linger with you
    40. A story that defies all categorization
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2025 at 7:20 AM
  5. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Force Ghost star 5

    Jul 11, 2014
    Yay, it's back! [face_party] Sign me up please. Here's hoping that I'll be able to update more regularly in 2025 than in 2024.

    1. A story that breaks your heart

    2. A story that makes you laugh: Assassin Droid Blues by @Raissa Baiard – It’s a story where HK-47 sings the blues. Yes, that HK-47. And with lyrics. If you’re not laughing already, go over there and read it. It’ll make your day. (link to review)

    3. A story that makes you smile: A Time for Giving by @TherenAdarni – It’s difficult to say why this fic made me smile without giving away the ending, so I’ll just say that Han Solo finds himself buying a Life Day present for the most unexpected person, and with the most unexpected results. I was grinning from ear to ear throughout, with a bit of awww and swoon for the Chewbacca POV too! (link to review)

    4. A story that surprises you

    5. A story that’s something different for you: Missives on Immortality by @Darth Mortuos – This has got to be one of the most unusual stories you can read on the fanfic boards, and it’s indeed “something different” for me because it deals with two eras about which I know very little: in the age of the One Sith (i.e. late Legends legacy era), a scholar is ordered to conduct research into the Sith empires of the New Sith Wars (some 2000 years BBY) in order to help Darth Krayt achieve immortality. It’s a deep, deep dive into the various Sith factions, their ideologies and their internecine conflicts, and it’s certainly a story I’ll keep for reference if I ever want to write in that era! (link to latest review)

    6. A story featuring an ensemble cast
    7. A story featuring a familial relationship
    8. A story featuring a friendship

    9. A story featuring a romantic relationship: Tiffin by @GregMcP – Greg has outdone himself with this short multi-chapter set in ancient Jedha, where we follow Baskar, a dabbawallah who has his daily routine across the city as he delivers his tiffins to his customers. The centerpiece of his day is his encounter with the beautiful chaiwallah Ashlita, and he needs to figure out how to talk to her… A highly, highly recommended read. (link to review)

    10. A story featuring a dark and twisty relationship: Bruised Orange Blades by @devilinthedetails – This is a FF Olympics triathlon of very short stories in which we get a glimpse into how Baylan Skoll taught little Shin Hati and made her into the intense fighter we saw in Ahsoka. He’s teaching her, dominating her, brutalising her, and all the while he’s convinced that it’s for her own, and the greater, good. It’s creepy as heck. (link to review)

    11. A story featuring a villain: The Final Sidious by @GregMcP – A superb piece of hilariously dark humour in which Darth Sidious, dark lord of the Sith and all, is just so completely done with the endless resurrections in increasingly dysfunctional clones bodies and with the endless succession of Sith cults that want to bring him back. Really, he’s had enough, and he’s wonderfully sheevy about it. (link to review)

    12. A story featuring a minor canon character

    13. A story featuring a non-human character: Silver Flash on the Steppe by @Findswoman – And what a non-Human character! The protagonist and narrator of this story is a young Loth-wolf. Everything about this one-shot is cute and fluffy and squee-worthy, but it’s extra-special because it’s an exploration of the link between a “biped” and a “creature” that are bound through a warden bond from the wolf’s POV, with everything that entails. (link to review)

    14. A story featuring an original character: Colour Me Pink by @Mira_Jade – A story that Mira wrote in response to an old April Fools’ challenge but that evolved into so much more! It features OC Rhysa, a Zeltron padawan who fears that she’ll face prejudice because of the colour of her newly-built lightsaber, and while it deals with some serious issues and includes some elaborate fanon and worldbuilding, it’s brimming with the feel-good vibe that the Song!verse AU is known for [face_love] (link to review)

    15. An AU story
    16. A Legends Story

    17. A Disney/Nu!Canon Story: Memoirs of the First Senator by @Mechalich – This is a year-long DDC and there are only a few entries as of 27 January, but it promises to be a deep dive in the politics of the New Republic after the fall of the Empire in the New Canon. Mechalich has brought back an OC that was an administrator for the Refugee Relief Movement during the Imperial era for this story; Aes Rimi is beginning to rise through the ranks of the new political structures, and just months after the Battle of Jakku she’s already seeing the problems that will arise in the future. (link to review)

    18. A Non-Star Wars Story
    19. A story that is rich in world-building
    20. A story that makes you think about a character in a new way
    21. A story told in any POV other than third person

    22. A fic with a great first line: No Canto for Young Girls by @DarthIshtar – The first line in question being “Canto Bight is no place for a princess,” uttered of course by the one and only C-3PO who is very concerned about Leia’s parents taking her on an official trip to Cantonica. Joke’s on him, because he turned out to have been concerned about the wrong thing! (link to review)

    23. A fic with a great last line
    24. A story written prior to 2025
    25. A fic by (one of the) authors you love
    26. A story collection (ex. Kessel Run, Olympics, Drabble collection)

    27. A one-shot/vignette: Palimpsest by @divapilot – A spectacular story that’s all the more impressive for having been written in under 48 hours! It features Palo Jemabie as a political prisoner of the Empire who is asked to paint a mural in his labour camp before a visit by high-ranking Imperials, including Darth Vader. I don’t want to spoil the heartrending twist for you, so do yourself a favour and go read it now. (link to review)

    28. A story with less than 10,000 words: Going Home the Long Way ‘Round by @HMTE (in Tales from One Canon) – For the second year running, I’m choosing a story that barely makes the cut for this category. In 9331 words, HMTE tells us beautifully and sometimes humorously how Chewbacca could die on Sernpidal yet be alive for TFA in the logic of One Canon. There’s some great world- and character-building in there, as well as a few spare titbits to connect Chewie’s tale to the wider events of One Canon. (link to review)

    29. A story with more than 10,000 words

    30. An epic: How It Ends by @Kit' – A spectacular multi-chapter that gives us some essential background to Kit’s Family of Scoundrels series, and it’s not what you’d expect! This story is dark, very dark, and it’s going to get worse before it gets better. My favourite aspect in its many, many layers is possibly the politics of the planet on which it takes place, and I anticipate that we’ll see many machinations and reversals of fortune before “it ends”. (link to review)

    31. A multi-chaptered story where you have left more than one review: Prophecy by @Vek Talis – The Master of Snark is back! And this time, he’s on a spy mission to Korriban for the Jedi of old, who seem to have been infiltrated themselves by those pesky Sith who don’t want to vanish off the face of the galaxy already. The story features returning characters from Vek’s other works as well as a few brand-new OCs and is an engaging thriller whose outcome I’m sure will surprise me. (link to review)

    32. A work-in-progress story
    33. A story with less than five syllables in the title
    34. A story with more than five syllables in the title
    35. A story with a title that caught your attention
    36. A story with a summary that caught your attention
    37. A story with an author’s note that caught your attention
    38. A story where the character(s) or relationship(s) caught your attention
    39. A story that's going to linger with you
    40. A story that defies all categorization
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2025 at 12:04 PM
  6. Mira_Jade

    Mira_Jade The (FavoriteTM) Fanfic Mod With the Cape star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 29, 2004
    Woohoo! This is shaping up to be a mighty fine year for reading already. The index has been updated! [face_dancing]

    And, of course, I am in too! :cool:

    1. A story that breaks your heart
    2. A story that makes you laugh
    3. A story that makes you smile
    4. A story that surprises you
    5. A story that's something different for you
    6. A story featuring an ensemble cast
    7. A story featuring a familial relationship
    8. A story featuring a friendship
    9. A story featuring a romantic relationship
    10. A story featuring a dark and twisty relationship
    11. A story featuring a villain
    12. A story featuring a minor canon character
    13. A story featuring a non-human character
    14. A story featuring an original character
    15. An AU story
    16. A Legends Story
    17. A Disney/Nu!Canon Story
    18. A Non-Star Wars Story
    19. A story that is rich in world-building
    20. A story that makes you think about a character in a new way
    21. A story told in any POV other than third person
    22. A fic with a great first line
    23. A fic with a great last line
    24. A story written prior to 2025
    25. A fic by (one of the) authors you love
    26. A story collection (ex. Kessel Run, Olympics, Drabble collection)
    27. A one-shot/vignette
    28. A story with less than 10,000 words
    29. A story with more than 10,000 words
    30. An epic (we leave this definition to your discretion)
    31. A multi-chaptered story where you have left more than one review
    32. A work-in-progress story
    33. A story with less than five syllables in the title
    34. A story with more than five syllables in the title
    35. A story with a title that caught your attention
    36. A story with a summary that caught your attention
    37. A story with an author’s note that caught your attention
    38. A story where the character(s) or relationship(s) caught your attention
    39. A story that's going to linger with you
    40. A story that defies all categorization
  7. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    I am in
    1. A story that breaks your heart: All the Things I Should Have Said (Luke) by @Gabri_Jade A beautiful written letter to his foster parents after their death at the hands of the empire, giving great insight in his character and why he is mourning
    2. A story that makes you laugh: Assassin Droid Blues| Holiday Fic Gift for @Findswoman| KOTOR era, HK-47 by @Raissa Baiard Hilarious and so in character for HK-47 with his abilities to show what he can do as an assassin. Love how Revan deals with it and getting a worm from it.
    3. A story that makes you smile: [UDC VIII] The Secret Life of Droids | Established characters & OCs | Drabble/flash-fic series by @Chyntuck is a hilarious series with droids as the main characters. It's quite inspiring to use droids more.
    4. A story that surprises you
    5. A story that's something different for you
    6. A story featuring an ensemble cast
    7. A story featuring a familial relationship
    8. A story featuring a friendship
    9. A story featuring a romantic relationship: A Tuft of Stray Hair | Luke/Mara fluff, guest star OC| 9-20 ABY | Fic-gift for WarmNyota_SweetAyesha by @Chyntuck is a lovely gift with the usual banter between Luke and Mara before and during their wedding.
    10. A story featuring a dark and twisty relationship
    11. A story featuring a villain: The Final Sidious by @GregMcP Hilarious with Palpatine and a clone technician who has resurected him again to rule the Sith reborn.
    12. A story featuring a minor canon character: Long Ago and Far Away. For the Kessel Run Challenge by @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha In week 2 Owen is the minor character not really approving of the lessons given by Ben Kenobi to Luke Skywalker.
    13. A story featuring a non-human character: The first post in We Will Call This Place Our Home | Kessel Run Challenge 2025 by @Gabri_Jade In her first story she has a baby kitten as the character interactiing with the Skywalker family
    14. A story featuring an original character
    15. An AU story: Hearts of the Children—OT-redefining Skywalker Family AU by @DarthIshtar Having read that scene with Luke and Alya for the Kessel Run I came to read this intriguing AU I had been avoiding because of it's AUnes. It is brilliant with all the known characters in different roles.
    16. A Legends Story
    17. A Disney/Nu!Canon Story: Leia Gets Her First Blaster by @study888 In the first post Leia learns how to shoot and she will need it as seen in the original trillogy.
    18. A Non-Star Wars Story: [Firefly] Kessel Run 2025 Precious - Serenity crew & Vek Talis by @Vek Talis with a show I love and Vek appearing there. This is a fun read and has me getting again the DVD to watch.
    19. A story that is rich in world-building
    20. A story that makes you think about a character in a new way
    21. A story told in any POV other than third person
    22. A fic with a great first line
    23. A fic with a great last line
    24. A story written prior to 2025: "Hop-Frog" (2024 Autumn Bingo Challenge with Krennic, Kallus & my OC Cassie) by @AzureAngel2 She has written nice stories about Cassie and her friends and relatives.
    25. A fic by (one of the) authors you love
    26. A story collection (ex. Kessel Run, Olympics, Drabble collection)
    27. A one-shot/vignette
    28. A story with less than 10,000 words
    29. A story with more than 10,000 words. How It Ends | Epic | Kit'verse OCs by @Kit' It is a very intriguing story about how Kithera is searching for a way out of the slavery and become.... with Del helping her
    30. An epic (we leave this definition to your discretion)
    31. A multi-chaptered story where you have left more than one review: Prophecy - Multi-chapter - OCs mostly by @Vek Talis with the KotOR characters we love and his OC Vek playing again a major role.
    32. A work-in-progress story: A Shattered Minds Eye by @ConservativeJedi321 It is a story begun in 2023 about Depa Billaba and her comatose mind remembering everything from her youth, upbringing as a Jedi, becoming a master and being involved in the Clone wars. It is rich in worldbuilding and exciting adventures.
    33. A story with less than five syllables in the title
    34. A story with more than five syllables in the title:: A Journal for the Historical Record [DDC_2025 by @ConservativeJedi321 This is a lovely diary written by Ortatious Aski about his training as a Jedi.
    35. A story with a title that caught your attention
    36. A story with a summary that caught your attention
    37. A story with an author’s note that caught your attention: It is Tiffin - Somewhat of a Love Story by @GregMcP A very likeable story of Baskar delivering his tiffins and meeting Whills and learing more about love.
    38. A story where the character(s) or relationship(s) caught your attention
    39. A story that's going to linger with you
    40. A story that defies all categorization
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2025 at 9:34 PM
  8. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Force Ghost star 5

    Jul 11, 2014
    The early bird catches the worm, or so they say, so I started filling my list:

    3. A story that makes you smile: A Time for Giving by @TherenAdarni – It’s difficult to say why this fic made me smile without giving away the ending, so I’ll just say that Han Solo finds himself buying a Life Day present for the most unexpected person, and with the most unexpected results. I was grinning from ear to ear throughout, with a bit of awww and swoon for the Chewbacca POV too! (link to review)

    31. A multi-chaptered story where you have left more than one review: Prophecy by @Vek Talis – The Master of Snark is back! And this time, he’s on a spy mission to Korriban for the Jedi of old, who seem to have been infiltrated themselves by those pesky Sith who don’t want to vanish off the face of the galaxy already. The story features returning characters from Vek’s other works as well as a few brand-new OCs and is an engaging thriller whose outcome I’m sure will surprise me. (link to review)
  9. amidalachick

    amidalachick Chosen One star 5

    Aug 3, 2003
    I didn't get very far on this last year, but new year, new start. :D Looking forward to lots of awesome reading in 2025!
    1. A story that breaks your heart
    2. A story that makes you laugh
    3. A story that makes you smile
    4. A story that surprises you
    5. A story that's something different for you
    6. A story featuring an ensemble cast
    7. A story featuring a familial relationship
    8. A story featuring a friendship
    9. A story featuring a romantic relationship
    10. A story featuring a dark and twisty relationship
    11. A story featuring a villain
    12. A story featuring a minor canon character
    13. A story featuring a non-human character
    14. A story featuring an original character
    15. An AU story
    16. A Legends Story
    17. A Disney/Nu!Canon Story
    18. A Non-Star Wars Story
    19. A story that is rich in world-building
    20. A story that makes you think about a character in a new way
    21. A story told in any POV other than third person
    22. A fic with a great first line
    23. A fic with a great last line
    24. A story written prior to 2025
    25. A fic by (one of the) authors you love
    26. A story collection (ex. Kessel Run, Olympics, Drabble collection)
    27. A one-shot/vignette
    28. A story with less than 10,000 words
    29. A story with more than 10,000 words
    30. An epic (we leave this definition to your discretion)
    31. A multi-chaptered story where you have left more than one review: Spooks are good at finding by @earlybird-obi-wan (2025 review # 1). An action-packed, intriguing spy mission starring a great cast of OCs. I can't wait to see how it all plays out!
    32. A work-in-progress story
    33. A story with less than five syllables in the title
    34. A story with more than five syllables in the title
    35. A story with a title that caught your attention
    36. A story with a summary that caught your attention
    37. A story with an author’s note that caught your attention
    38. A story where the character(s) or relationship(s) caught your attention
    39. A story that's going to linger with you
    40. A story that defies all categorization
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2025
  10. devilinthedetails

    devilinthedetails Fiendish Fanfic & SWTV Manager, Tech Admin star 6 Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 19, 2019
    Live look-in at devilinthedetails being excited to read and review all the fabulous fanfics this year:


    So please sign me up. Below is my list of reading goodies:

    1. A story that breaks your heart: All The Things I Should Have Said by @Gabri_Jade breaks my heart for how realistically and poignantly it conveys the trauma, grief, guilt, and loss Luke would have been experiencing in the aftermath of ANH in this beautiful and profound letter to his lost aunt and uncle.
    2. A story that makes you laugh
    3. A story that makes you smile: Knowing When by @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha was a one shot written for the Muppets Challenge in the Monday Mush Mania thread that made me smile for the friendships and pilot pranks depicted in it.
    4. A story that surprises you
    5. A story that's something different for you
    6. A story featuring an ensemble cast
    7. A story featuring a familial relationship: The Dream Lady by @Findswoman is a magnificent and moving exploration of a young Leia's relationship with both her loving adoptive family in Breha and Bail and her beautiful, tragically lost birth mother in Padme Amidala. A wonderful winter gift fic for me to treasure forever!
    8. A story featuring a friendship: Mechanically Inclined by @Raissa Baiard depicted the moment when KB and Fern from Skeleton Crew become friends for the first time with great empathy and heart from KB's perspective, which also provides some wonderful and sensitive disability rep.
    9. A story featuring a romantic relationship
    10. A story featuring a dark and twisty relationship
    11. A story featuring a villain
    12. A story featuring a minor canon character
    13. A story featuring a non-human character
    14. A story featuring an original character
    15. An AU story
    16. A Legends Story: I loved seeing Siri and Ferus, who were so familiar to me from the Jedi Apprentice and Jedi Quest books that will always be a nostalgic part of my childhood, depicted with such accuracy and heart by @ConservativeJedi321 in The Lost Study Session.
    17. A Disney/Nu!Canon Story
    18. A Non-Star Wars Story
    19. A story that is rich in world-building
    20. A story that makes you think about a character in a new way
    21. A story told in any POV other than third person: "For You, Having Sailed" [Tolkien] by @Mira_Jade is in epistolary form from Galadriel to her daughter after leaving Middle Earth. The whole letter is heartbreaking and haunting with an ethereal beauty that gives it a true elfin quality that reminds me so much of Tolkien and Middle Earth.
    22. A fic with a great first line
    23. A fic with a great last line
    24. A story written prior to 2025
    25. A fic by (one of the) authors you love
    26. A story collection (ex. Kessel Run, Olympics, Drabble collection)
    27. A one-shot/vignette
    28. A story with less than 10,000 words
    29. A story with more than 10,000 words
    30. An epic (we leave this definition to your discretion)
    31. A multi-chaptered story where you have left more than one review
    32. A work-in-progress story
    33. A story with less than five syllables in the title
    34. A story with more than five syllables in the title
    35. A story with a title that caught your attention: The Gift of Prometheus [Harry Potter] by @Chyntuck caught my eye because I am a Greek myth nerd and the story of Prometheus in particular has always been especially compelling to me so it was thrilling to see that myth adapted with charm, humor, and wit to the magical world of Harry Potter.
    36. A story with a summary that caught your attention
    37. A story with an author’s note that caught your attention
    38. A story where the character(s) or relationship(s) caught your attention
    39. A story that's going to linger with you
    40. A story that defies all categorization
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2025
  11. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    First in the reading challenge is
    29 How It Ends | Epic | Kit'verse OCs by @Kit' It is a very intriguing story about how Kithera is searching for a way out of the slavery and become.... with Del helping her
  12. ConservativeJedi321

    ConservativeJedi321 Force Ghost star 6

    Mar 19, 2016
    2. A fic that makes you laugh: A Time for Giving by @TherenAdarni, Han has to give a gift to 3PO and at one point considers giving him a hat of all things. Definitely worth more than a few chuckles along the way. The gift Han himself gets is just the icing on top.

    15: An AU story:
    Star Wars: Undiscovered by @FORCEBlLADE
    A curious alternative reality where The Queen and the Jedi don't stop off on Tatooine in TPM, and despite this quirk in the machine Sidious's plan continues at pace. It's still a Work in Progress but he's been working on it for years and I don't want to say too much for fear of spoiling, but the last few chapters in particular have been quite the rollercoaster!

    18: A Non Star Wars Story: Coming Together Again By @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha
    A Star Trek story for the DDC, I've had an on and off interest in that franchise for years but don't know nearly as much about it as I do Star Wars. Still eager to learn, and Warmnyota is setting us up for a mystery that I'm all too eager to see the solution of!

    22. A fic with a great first line: Spooks are good at finding, Stranger Things soundtrack roulette challenge By @earlybird-obi-wan. The moment we're talking about "That creepy Dooku teenager" you got me hooked. Just a couple officers doing their job, and a great way to start a mission where anything can happen!
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2025
  13. Mira_Jade

    Mira_Jade The (FavoriteTM) Fanfic Mod With the Cape star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 29, 2004
    @Chyntuck, @ConservativeJedi321, @earlybird-obi-wan - it's so awesome to see your progress already! Look at you all go. [face_dancing]

    I have updated the index of participants, too! If there's anyone I missed, please don't hesitate to let me know - and, of course, there's still plenty of time to sign up. Do we have any more takers? [face_batting]
  14. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    second: 1 A story that breaks your heart: All the Things I Should Have Said (Luke) A beautiful written letter to his foster parents after their death at the hands of the empire, giving great insight in his character and why he is mourning
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2025
  15. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Force Ghost star 5

    Jul 11, 2014
    Update time!

    10. A story featuring a dark and twisty relationship: Bruised Orange Blades by @devilinthedetails – This is a FF Olympics triathlon of very short stories in which we get a glimpse into how Baylan Skoll taught little Shin Hati and made her into the intense fighter we saw in Ahsoka. He’s teaching her, dominating her, brutalising her, and all the while he’s convinced that it’s for her own, and the greater, good. It’s creepy as heck. (link to review)

    13. A story featuring a non-human character: Silver Flash on the Steppe by @Findswoman – And what a non-Human character! The protagonist and narrator of this story is a young Loth-wolf. Everything about this one-shot is cute and fluffy and squee-worthy, but it’s extra-special because it’s an exploration of the link between a “biped” and a “creature” that are bound through a warden bond from the wolf’s POV, with everything that entails. (link to review)

    28. A story with less than 10,000 words: Going Home the Long Way ‘Round by @HMTE (in Tales from One Canon) – For the second year running, I’m choosing a story that barely makes the cut for this category. In 9331 words, HMTE tells us beautifully and sometimes humorously how Chewbacca could die on Sernpidal yet be alive for TFA in the logic of One Canon. There’s some great world- and character-building in there, as well as a few spare titbits to connect Chewie’s tale to the wider events of One Canon. (link to review)
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2025
  16. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Ultimate Drableteer and Guess Which Mod Winner star 8 VIP - Game Winner

    Aug 31, 2004
    Happy wriggles! I'm so glad I popped in here because I can now share great reads and discover some also.

    1. A story that breaks your heart

    2. A story that makes you laugh
    "Assassin Droid Blues" by @Raissa Baiard fills this category superbly!
    Link to review:

    3. A story that makes you smile

    4. A story that surprises you

    5. A story that's something different for you

    6. A story featuring an ensemble cast

    7. A story featuring a familial relationship

    8. A story featuring a friendship

    9. A story featuring a romantic relationship

    10. A story featuring a dark and twisty relationship

    11. A story featuring a villain

    12. A story featuring a minor canon character

    13. A story featuring a non-human character

    14. A story featuring an original character

    15. An AU story

    16. A Legends Story

    17. A Disney/Nu!Canon Story

    18. A Non- Star Wars Story

    19. A story that is rich in world-building

    20. A story that makes you think about a character in a new way

    21. A story told in any POV other than third person

    22. A fic with a great first line

    23. A fic with a great last line

    24. A story written prior to 2025
    "Forged Bonds" is being reposted by @The1stJediPrincess. It features Qui-Gon and Obi-wan surrounding the events where Obi-Wan joined the Young on Melida-Dan. This has fantastic JA feels!
    Link to review:

    25. A fic by (one of the) authors you love

    26. A story collection (ex. Kessel Run, Olympics, Drabble collection)

    27. A one-shot/vignette

    28. A story with less than 10,000 words

    29. A story with more than 10,000 words

    30. An epic (we leave this definition to your discretion)

    31. A multi-chaptered story where you have left more than one review

    32. A work-in-progress story

    33. A story with less than five syllables in the title

    34. A story with more than five syllables in the title

    35. A story with a title that caught your attention

    36. A story with a summary that caught your attention

    37. A story with an author’s note that caught your attention

    38. A story where the character(s) or relationship(s) caught your attention

    39. A story that's going to linger with you
    "All the Things I Should Have Said" by @Gabri_Jade

    One of the most in-character and heart-tuggingest things ever written about Luke.

    Link to review:

    40. A story that defies all categorization
  17. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
  18. ConservativeJedi321

    ConservativeJedi321 Force Ghost star 6

    Mar 19, 2016
    1. A story that breaks your heart: All the Things I should have Said by @Gabri_Jade, The Angst! I can't handle the Angst! Really, I understand why the films couldn't do more, but it always seemed off to me that Luke (And Leia), barely react at all to the deaths of their entire families. (Seriously, Ben gets more mourning time than Owen and Beru). This fic brings all the feels and then some, and it fits so well, and is so overdue for Luke to truly show appreciation for his Aunt and Uncle who raised him from a dear babe. Its good to see how even as strict as Owen could be, Luke still loved him.

    3. A story that Makes You Smile: The Dream Lady, by @Findswoman, Leia and her adoptive parents take a trip to Padme's home world of Naboo where the young princess finds a few startling connections to her past, though she can't possibly understand the depths of their implications, it left me grinning with pride and joy at the girl making such a powerful connection to her lost mother even unwittingly. Then there is the mention of a certain Senator Binks.é’s-ghost.50060942/#post-59069968

    9. A story featuring a Romantic Relationship: Worth Fighting For by @devilinthedetails, a powerful story that adds a lot of lore to the Avatar Universe, specifically concerning Grandaddy Azulon! I'm not entirely sure if I would describe it as a romantic tale given how dysfunctional the whole family is, but for once, and despite his fathers far more cynical take on the goal of love, Prince Azulon seems truly happy to have found someone he connects with and the ending adds a lot of interesting context to his seemingly troubled relationship with Ozai!

    16. A Legends Story: Assassin Droid Blues by @Raissa Baiard, HK-47 sings Reven the blue's not long after the latter discovers his true identity. Need I say more?

    24. A story written prior to 2025: Inheritance by @vader_incarnate, an AU where Luke has joined Vader and taken the mantel of Emperor. It's a dark and twisting story with some absolutely amazing subtle character bits that I actually could not put down after I stared reading! Seriously if you haven't read it yet do so ASAP! You won't regret it.
  19. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Ultimate Drableteer and Guess Which Mod Winner star 8 VIP - Game Winner

    Aug 31, 2004
    27. A one-shot/vignette
    "The Last Place You Look" by @madman007
    This was for the OTP 37 Art of Love challenge. Fun and interesting.
    Han has a very interesting talk with Q'ira. The H/L is delightful!

    Adding this to the list.
    14. A story featuring an original character
    "Spooks are Good at Finding"
    by @earlybird-obi-wan
    The main character(s) are original and are on a fact-finding spy mission. :cool:
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2025
  20. DarthIshtar

    DarthIshtar Chosen One star 10

    Mar 26, 2001
    I hereby intend to review these 40 ways.

    1. A story that breaks your heart
    2. A story that makes you laugh
    3. A story that makes you smile
    4. A story that surprises you
    5. A story that's something different for you
    6. A story featuring an ensemble cast
    7. A story featuring a familial relationship
    8. A story featuring a friendship
    9. A story featuring a romantic relationship
    10. A story featuring a dark and twisty relationship
    11. A story featuring a villain
    12. A story featuring a minor canon character
    13. A story featuring a non-human character
    14. A story featuring an original character
    15. An AU story
    16. A Legends Story
    17. A Disney/Nu!Canon Story
    18. A Non-Star Wars Story
    19. A story that is rich in world-building
    20. A story that makes you think about a character in a new way
    21. A story told in any POV other than third person
    22. A fic with a great first line
    23. A fic with a great last line
    24. A story written prior to 2025
    25. A fic by (one of the) authors you love
    26. A story collection (ex. Kessel Run, Olympics, Drabble collection)
    27. A one-shot/vignette
    28. A story with less than 10,000 words
    29. A story with more than 10,000 words
    30. An epic (we leave this definition to your discretion)
    31. A multi-chaptered story where you have left more than one review
    32. A work-in-progress story
    33. A story with less than five syllables in the title
    34. A story with more than five syllables in the title
    35. A story with a title that caught your attention
    36. A story with a summary that caught your attention
    37. A story with an author’s note that caught your attention
    38. A story where the character(s) or relationship(s) caught your attention
    39. A story that's going to linger with you
    40. A story that defies all categorization
  21. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 6 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    Here are my first few categories, and more will come soon (mostly because I have to start work now):

    1. A story that breaks your heart: Silence by @Kit' (from 100 Drops of Blood and Ink). In this set of five drabbles—all with evocative musical terms as titles, befitting the way Kit's Davin Dor perceives the Force—we read of the devastating loss of his true love, Alessi Va'aru. I won't share details both to avoid spoiling things and because it is all pretty intense (there's a content warning at the top), but I will say that I appreciate the way Kit' illustrates the enormity of Alessi's death in a very "less is more" way that makes the whole thing hit all the harder, with a few well-chosen descriptions and a focus of the heartrending emotional effects on Davin. (link to review here)

    2. A story that makes you laugh: You know I just have to give this slot to Assassin Droid Blues by my good friend @Raissa Baiard, which she wrote for me as part of the 2024–25 fic-gift exchange in response to a rather goofy prompt from me: "HK-47 sings the blues." And my oh my, does he, in a way that is 100% in character and 100% HK-47! Go read this hilarious romp for yourself and you'll see just what I mean; you'll be as impressed and Revan and I both were. :D (link to review here)

    23. A fic with a great last line: All The Things I Should Have Said by @Gabri_Jade. There are many categories on this list I could have chosen for this exquisite angst-bomb, which takes the form of Luke Skywalker's letter of apology and regret to his lost Aunt Beru and Uncle Owen, after the events of ANH; chief among them is probably #1 (a story that breaks your heart), because Gabri's letter beautifully and heartrendingly fills in a very important gap in Luke's official story, allowing him to actually come to terms with the loss of the only parents and home he's ever known. But I chose this one because the story's last line—which I hope you don't mind if I don't share in the interest of avoiding spoilers—makes the whole gorgeous outpouring that came before even more of a gut punch than it already was. Go read it and you'll see what I mean! (link to review here)

    24. A story written prior to 2025: I finally managed to catch up with @Chyntuck 's amazing The Kyberkerk of Jedha, begun in September 2017. Kyberkerk is a distant-past epic closely modeled on Victor Hugo's Notre-Dame de Paris (also known as The Hunchback of Notre-Dame), which Chyn chose to set on one of my favorite locations from recent material: the Crystal Moon of Jedha, with the Kyberkerk being this early era's name for the Temple of the Kyber. Breathtaking settings, vibrant characters, lyrical and evocative writing characteristic of both Hugo and Chyn: what more could you want? (link to review here)

    25. A fic by (one of the) authors you love: I was so pleased to see my good friend @Kahara recently resurrect Kahara's Hyperspeed Drabble Cafe with a warm, lovely set of drabbles featuring Jedi of the Beyond—Legends era making music, bantering, and surviving together on distant Ossus. Kyp Durron is a central presence in these gatherings; it is an opportunity to begin a healing process as he is welcomed warmly by his fellow Jedi and the indigenous Ysanna. (link to review here)

    26. A story collection: Worlds beyond the Stars by @Chyntuck is her exquisitely researched and written series of drabbles about the various alien races and cultures of the Unknown Regions, which she put together for the Ultimate Drabble Challenge XI that started back in September 2024. Truly an incredible variety of characters and species from adorable to awful, from warlike to winsome. (link to first review of 2025 here)

    31. A multi-chaptered story where you have left more than one review: How It Ends by @Kit. This epic story chronicles a very important and formative series of episodes and adventures from the padawan years of Kit’s eponymous OC, Kithera Rinani, leading up to the death of her master, Namia Zahalin. I’ve been following this story since Kit' started it, because I very much want to see not only How It Ends but How It Goes up through that endpoint. And so far it has been quite the amazing adventure! (link to first review of 2025 here)

    32. A work-in-progress story: Prophecy by @Vek Talis. The latest of his epic adventure featuring our favorite FrAG, Vek Talis, where Vek this time must infiltrate the Sith from inside—and all that that implies—in order to get to the bottom of a distubing mystery that is forcing the closure of the Dantooine Jedi enclave. He'll need all his powers and all his resourcefulness to get to the bottom of this one; fortunately he has the invaluable help of the Jedi Sentinel Brijan Levakeand her padawan Stevus, who possesses the gift of psychometry. (link to first review of 2025 here)

    EDIT to add:

    37. A story with an author's note that caught your attention: The Last Place You Look by @madman007. He wrote this story for the "Art of Love
" challenge in the OTP thread and shows in his author's note the painting that he used as inspiration for the story, per the challenge—not an unexpected thing to do in an author's note, of course, but what struck me was his chosen painting: Edward Hopper's Nighthawks (1942). This is one I've seen in person, albeit a long time ago, as it lives in my hometown of Chicago. So in addition to being a beautifully written vignette of a late-night meeting between Han and Qi'ra, followed by adorable banter with Leia after Han gets home for the night, this story also has a nostalgic element for me. (link to review here)
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2025
  22. amidalachick

    amidalachick Chosen One star 5

    Aug 3, 2003
  23. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Ultimate Drableteer and Guess Which Mod Winner star 8 VIP - Game Winner

    Aug 31, 2004
    7. A story featuring a familial relationship
    "No Canto for Young Girls"
    by @DarthIshtar
    I loved reading about young Leia, Bail and Breha being parental [face_love] and Winter a concerned, genuine friend participating in Leia's ideas for doing something mysterious and concerned about Leia's serious health crisis.

    15. An AU story
    "Thirty Years Later"
    by @study888
    Fascinating stuff-- Palpatine, Luke, and Rey all end up on Earth. [face_mischief]
    Link to review:
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2025
  24. devilinthedetails

    devilinthedetails Fiendish Fanfic & SWTV Manager, Tech Admin star 6 Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 19, 2019
    Time to share my first batch of reviews[face_dancing]

    1. A story that breaks your heart: All The Things I Should Have Said by @Gabri_Jade breaks my heart for how realistically and poignantly it conveys the trauma, grief, guilt, and loss Luke would have been experiencing in the aftermath of ANH in this beautiful and profound letter to his lost aunt and uncle

    3. A story that makes you smile: Knowing When by @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha was a one shot written for the Muppets Challenge in the Monday Mush Mania thread that made me smile for the friendships and pilot pranks depicted in it.

    7. A story featuring a familial relationship: The Dream Lady by @Findswoman is a magnificent and moving exploration of a young Leia's relationship with both her loving adoptive family in Breha and Bail and her beautiful, tragically lost birth mother in Padme Amidala. A wonderful winter gift fic for me to treasure forever!

    16 A Legends Story: I loved seeing Siri and Ferus, who were so familiar to me from the Jedi Apprentice and Jedi Quest books that will always be a nostalgic part of my childhood, depicted with such accuracy and heart by @ConservativeJedi321 in The Lost Study Session.

    21. A story told in any POV other than third person: "For You, Having Sailed" [Tolkien] by @Mira_Jade is in epistolary form from Galadriel to her daughter after leaving Middle Earth. The whole letter is heartbreaking and haunting with an ethereal beauty that gives it a true elfin quality that reminds me so much of Tolkien and Middle Earth.

    Shaping up to be a delightful year of reading so far[face_love]
  25. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Ultimate Drableteer and Guess Which Mod Winner star 8 VIP - Game Winner

    Aug 31, 2004
    13. A story featuring a non-human character
    "Stellar Express Diary"
    by @earlybird-obi-wan
    Hilarious logs for the 2025 DDC from the POV of the Stellar Express navcomputer. His 'logs' are full of dialogue from those aboard the Stellar Express as well as commentary about current and former owners.
    Link to review:

    30. An epic (we leave this definition to your discretion)
    "Outsiders" by @Chyntuck
    This is fantastic as we see Thrawn with Chyn mastery and the Chiss and Imperials who decide to join forces to combat the Grysk.
    Link to review-
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2025