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Oceania 3rd Annual JC-FF Rugby League footy tipping competition -- Now into the finals!

Discussion in 'Oceania Discussion Boards' started by wedge3210, Feb 28, 2002.

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  1. epic

    epic Ex Mod star 8 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 4, 1999
    My computer's power supply shat itself on Thursday, so I missed the tips again. D'oh!

    Posting from Uni now, but I'll be right to pick for this week.

    We've probably decided this on the last page or something, but are we including the finals or is this the last week of tipping?
  2. wedge3210

    wedge3210 Jedi Master star 5

    Jun 7, 1999
    I'll try and find that out before the weekend.

    Sorry about the computer problems. The fan on my processor has been making some amazing noises of late.

    Not good. :(
  3. General Cargin

    General Cargin Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 15, 1999
    Wedge, since when has the Tribunal been known for any sort of consistency?
  4. wedge3210

    wedge3210 Jedi Master star 5

    Jun 7, 1999
    It's always been consistantly inconsistent.
  5. farmboynz

    farmboynz Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jul 19, 2001
    Can anyone explain the ruling on Johns last night???

    Guilty of a grade 2 high shot and doesn't get at least a week off

  6. General Cargin

    General Cargin Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 15, 1999
    I don't understand it, but his Grade 2 high tackle got reduced to a Grade 1 high tackle with the careless factor removed. End result is that he faced the tribunal, possibly copped a fine, and is still in contention for the Dally M Medal.
  7. wedge3210

    wedge3210 Jedi Master star 5

    Jun 7, 1999
    He would still have been in contention for the Dally M award. It's just if he was suspended he would've lost 3 points and of course couldn't get any from last week (when the incident took place) and the week he would have been suspended. The rules on suspended players was also changed last year. For 2002 you can be suspended once and still win the best and fairest medal, which is stupid.

    Basically last night he was found guilty of a careless tackle but had the reckless part of the charge removed.

    It was 50/50 for mine, but if Civinocieva got a week for his hit on Lang, then it would've been an outrage that Johns got the same.
  8. wedge3210

    wedge3210 Jedi Master star 5

    Jun 7, 1999
    Tips Reminder!!!
  9. wedge3210

    wedge3210 Jedi Master star 5

    Jun 7, 1999
    OK, I can confirm that we are ON for the finals! So it's not over yet for an overall winner.

    What happened last week? I only got 4 but I still caught up a heap! Usenet's best on the weekend was 5, there were plenty of upsets, I must have been lucky with most of the wrong tips being ones that no-one tipped. Bloody Eels and Eagles!

    Here's the ladder at the end of the regular season.

    1. (1) 258 farmboynz
    2. (2) 240 epic
    2. (5) 240 wedge3210
    4. (3) 239 Outback Dewback
    5. (4) 238 wedge's girl
    6. (6) 222 SWNZ
    7. (7) 217 stunty
    8. (8) 207 HAL9000
    9. (9) 198 silmarillion
    10. (10) 197 LisaJ001
    11. (11) 182 Uruk
    12. (12) 145 and justice for MAUL
    13. (13) 138 opium

    A big well done goes out to farmboynz! Well done on an outstanding tipping year in what I thought was a really tough season.

    Commiserations to Iness (my girlfriend) for beating me all year and then faultering on the last round. Love you! Still there was no reason to get that upset with me on Saturday night just cause the Roosters were flogging the Sharkies. :p

    And epic... what can I say? You didn't beat me! I'm breathing easy once again!

    And also a big well done to all those that kept up the competition throughout the year! It was certainly heartening and I'll keep it going for next year, for sure!!!

    But remember, we're still on for next week. Week 27 is on OzTips and ready to go! epic, can you please add a little bit to the end of the thread title? Just a "Now into the finals" or something in case people think it's over.

    Thanks to all!
  10. farmboynz

    farmboynz Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jul 19, 2001
    Thanks Wedge

    Minor premiership for myself and the warriors good weekend in all

    thanks to the dragons

    bring on the finals

    Hope i win the DVD too

  11. wedge3210

    wedge3210 Jedi Master star 5

    Jun 7, 1999

    Did I put a prize up for this thing? [face_blush]
  12. farmboynz

    farmboynz Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jul 19, 2001
    I was talking about the Phillips DVD prize

    warriors a sell out this weekend

    would be going but off on holiday next week so saving for that instead

    must remember to do my picks
    that will be hard

  13. wedge3210

    wedge3210 Jedi Master star 5

    Jun 7, 1999
    Yeah, I wouldn't mind that prize either to be truthful...

    I wouldn't worry about the Warriors this weekend. They're specials.
  14. wedge3210

    wedge3210 Jedi Master star 5

    Jun 7, 1999
    Tips reminder!!!
  15. epic

    epic Ex Mod star 8 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 4, 1999

    Good year, fellas. And look, I actually lasted 'til the end this time. ;-)

    But anyway, I have an extra special thankyou to Newcastle -- for giving the Bronco's the week off. ;-)

    Too bad about Joey -- I wonder if he'll be back for next week? They're gonna definately need him -- I think they play the Roosters, don't they? Ouch. That's as long as the Warriors win tomorrow -- which they should, confortably.

    Brisbane are one game from the Grand Final in the League and the AFL, now. Yeh, baby.

  16. wedge3210

    wedge3210 Jedi Master star 5

    Jun 7, 1999
    Nope, Joey's gone for the year for sure. Two cracked ribs and 3 fractured vertabrea. Horrible injury to cop, and it's amazing he tried to walk it off before he finally walked from the field.

    Roosters next week unless the Raiders get up today.
  17. General Cargin

    General Cargin Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 15, 1999
    It's ironic really. There's a lot of debate over whether Joey should have got suspended a couple of weeks ago. You can bet he's really wishing he was suspended now, even if it meant missing the Dally M medal.
  18. farmboynz

    farmboynz Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jul 19, 2001
    So will newcastle win whith out Johns?

    Warriors get a bye this weekend Yeah

    great game yesterday

    all the games i saw looked good over the weekend

    will Bailey get suspended?
  19. wedge3210

    wedge3210 Jedi Master star 5

    Jun 7, 1999
    The Warriors put on a very decent second half yesterday and if Newcastle don't win it, I guess I can handle the Warriors taking it away. They can do without the complacent end to the first half they had though.

    Bailey's tackle will be interesting. I don't think it was overly bad. It was definetaly accidental, but you still get suspended for accidentally head high tackling someone. The biggest problem for Bailey is that it was such a late tackle. The other two Dragons had Johns wrapped up and even from my vantage point, you could clearly see a big number "7" on the Knights player's back. And he went for it.

    Gidley and Riddell will be lucky to play next weekend. Those lifting tackles are what the Judiciary eats up this day and age.
  20. General Cargin

    General Cargin Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 15, 1999
    I subscribe to the belief that, no matter how accidental, if you cause injury that puts another player on the sidelines, you should be suspended. But that's just me - the tribunal isn't the easiest body of judges to predict.
  21. wedge3210

    wedge3210 Jedi Master star 5

    Jun 7, 1999
    To a degree I can agree with that, but it's a pretty hazey line to draw. Plenty of people break legs in regulation tackles. It just happens. Then you get people not being hurt in trips or head high shots, but they have to be punished since you can't have that go on because someone will be hurt by those tackles.
  22. epic

    epic Ex Mod star 8 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 4, 1999
    He didn't get charged -- and rightfully so. It was definately not worth a ban -- and if there's beeb bans for similar incidents in the past, it must have something to do with that stupid points system thingy.

    Warriors look good when Stacey Jones is playing like he is. He's now the best halfback running around. And that Ali guy rules. Cronulla/St George don't stand a chance, unless the Warriors get over awed by the situation.

    Brisbane - Roosters will be close, seeing they beat the Bronc's in Brisbane a few weeks back. Brisbane will win 'cos of experience -- the Roosters always crumble at the last hurdle -- just you watch.

    Warriors v Brisbane final -- Brisbane will win. The experience factor, again.

    Oh, and finally, from


    17 September 2002

    Sydney Roosters forward Adrian Morley will miss Sunday's National Rugby League semi-final against Newcastle after today pleading guilty to a tripping charge.

    The English star has been suspended for one week on the grade one offence, which followed an incident involving Cronulla prop Chris Beattie in the opening minutes of Friday night's game, won 32-20 by the Roosters.

    Roosters coach Ricky Stuart is yet to decide who will replace the aggressive Morley this weekend for the must-win clash with the Knights.

  23. epic

    epic Ex Mod star 8 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 4, 1999
    Where is everyone??

    Poor wedgey. No Newcastle. That try saving tackle, followed up by the intercept and try by the Roosters was the turning point. Ouch.

    The Roosters will be tough, but Brisbane should win. They'll play the Warriors in the finals.

  24. General Cargin

    General Cargin Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 15, 1999
    I think I saw wedge commit ritual suicide after that match. ;)

    After the ad campaign in Sydney, I hope it does go to a Brisbane/ Warriors grand final. Both sides should roll the Roosters and Sharks, but anything could still happen.
  25. wedge3210

    wedge3210 Jedi Master star 5

    Jun 7, 1999
    What do you mean where is everyone? The season finished last weekend... although technically it was over in the 7th minute of the Knights first final. Pffft.

    Anyway, good to see Vodafone doing some more positive campaigning after their little incident at the Union.

    Oh, and here's some comments from the Roosters website forums, "The Wall", about Alfie Langer and his sick father. Thought you Brisbane fans might like to hear this.

    Chook wrote:
    Yeah and if you believe this **** then I've got two acres of sea side real
    estate to sell you just out from Broken Hill!!!

    This has all the markings of a w***er Bennett beat up. Ooo Alfie mightn't
    play cause he's dad's sick, what a crock of ****!! Alfie's dad might very be
    sick, but if you think that would stop this little egotistical maggot from
    playing then you are delusional. He'd play if they were using those paddle
    thingy's George Clooney uses in ER on his dad.

    This is bull****!! It's mean't for us to think "wow he mightn't play and we
    win". Member what happened against the Naughts, Bennett's using the same
    tactic to get the media beating this up with the hope of making us

    Mark my words, the maroon maggot will play.

    Tom_Arber wrote:
    Let's practice the big chant now:

    Alfie, your old man just died, doo-dah doo-dah
    Alfie, your old man just died, oh doo-dah day
    You'll be stuffed tonight
    Like he was snuffed today
    Alfie, your old man just died, oh doo-dah day

    dice wrote:
    Alf will return to Queensland on the back of a flying pig which looks like
    Gordy's mum.

    dice also wrote:
    Some of us are offended with Bennett using Alf's dieing father to play mind
    games with the roosters. That is very poor taste.


    Now believe me, that's a select few on the subject. It's no wonder they aptly named their Forum the Wall.

    Oh, and Tips Reminder!!!

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