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A big battle between the jedi and the clones?

Discussion in 'Archive: Revenge of the Sith (Non-Spoilers)' started by NyLonathatep, Dec 10, 2001.

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  1. NyLonathatep

    NyLonathatep Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jun 27, 2001
    So, will there be a huge battle between the Jedi and the Clones? whaddya think?
    I hope so... i mean, who else could Mace Windu be fighting with?
  2. Beth

    Beth Jedi Youngling

    Jan 31, 2001
    He doesn't have to be fighting with clones. They could be Sith. Rowdy bar patrons. Wild animals. Anything. :p
  3. Maul_Rats

    Maul_Rats Jedi Youngling

    Jul 5, 2001
    Well, we know the clones will attack someone. ;)
  4. Joey7F

    Joey7F Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 18, 2000
    From the description that would be a large bar patron!

  5. Beth

    Beth Jedi Youngling

    Jan 31, 2001
    All right, I have some ideas on this. If I'm completely crazy, just let me know and I'll go away. :p

    Looking at that picture I think Mace must be doing something with the Force. (Unless there is going to be a CGI vehicle or weapon added into that shot, and if that's the case, it must be a pretty strange weapon!) Anyway, the way he's holding his hand suggests he's pushing someone or something. It's probably not a Sith because I don't think one Force user would be able to overcome another using Force tricks. And I don't think it would be a clone, either, because clones are supposedly missing something vital - the Star Wars universe equivalent of a soul - that connects them to the Force. (I know, that's sort of EU-ish, but I think Lucas will stick with it because he likes Christian references. See the virgin birth of TPM.)

    So who's left for Mace to fight with if it's not a Sith lord and not a clone? It must be a new hostile force that the Jedi are going to meet! I don't know if Zam Wesell and other bounty hunters are out to get all Jedi or just Obi-Wan, but if they're after all Jedi, it could be one of them. Alternatively, one of the species of aliens we saw in the trailers could be hostile to Jedi, so it could be one of them.

    So what do you guys think? :D
  6. Sithman

    Sithman Jedi Grand Master star 7

    Jul 6, 1999
    I thought Sam said something about fighting things the size of 4x4 trucks and 'lots of droids'... But maybe I'm wrong. :confused:
  7. doggiedog13

    doggiedog13 Jedi Youngling

    Jan 23, 2001
    the thing about the droids; are they going to be central controled, or individual controled. the federation gave a bad name to central control. but what about the clones? the name of the movie is Attack Of The Clones. why not use clones. sure, it's more work with the split screen, but it'll be worth it, right?? personally, i would like to see clones battling their Jedi orginials. no AOTC movie is complete with the most important aspect. am i right, or am i right?
  8. NyLonathatep

    NyLonathatep Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jun 27, 2001
    well, i for one think there´ll be this battle right? between the clones and the jedi. Why else are the clones marching into their ships? and maybe Palpatine will throw some droids into the battle? Droidekas are in the film! What are they good for except fighting? And battle droids also!
  9. Beth

    Beth Jedi Youngling

    Jan 31, 2001
    Just to clarify, I was talking about the Select of Mace Windu with the purple background.
  10. dolphin

    dolphin Chosen One star 5

    Nov 5, 1999
    You all are getting this information ONLY from the Select pictures??

    You guys are turning into the spoiler crowd because you establish truths(battle with droidekas,clones,4x4's) therefore spoiling yourselves(even if they turn out to be false).

    What's the point of having a non-spoiler forum if you're trying to figure the film out through the Select pics?
    Jedi Knight Fett likes this.
  11. NyLonathatep

    NyLonathatep Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jun 27, 2001
    The point of all this is to speculate... which quells your appetite for StarWars-related talk!
  12. Vonn

    Vonn Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 3, 2000

    Shmi was a virgin? Who the heck fed you that crap?!

    Actually, force powers DO work against another force user. Am I the only person who saw Darth Maul Force Push Obi-wan into a seemingly "bottom-less" pit in TPM?
  13. Mace Windy

    Mace Windy Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 3, 1999
    Actually Vonn, that "crap" was alluded to several times during the film....

    :cool: Mace Windy,
    the storm after the calm!
  14. Emperor_Dan

    Emperor_Dan Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 21, 1999
    No, all we *actually* know is that Anakin is of virgin-birth.
  15. Dark Lady Mara

    Dark Lady Mara Manager Emeritus star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jun 19, 1999
    As I understand, in Christianity, the term "virgin birth" refers to the birth of Jesus, whose mother Mary was not married at the time of conception and therefore should not have conceived him sexually. So by that definition, a virgin birth is any fatherless birth, including Anakin's. Whether Shmi herself was a virgin is debatable, but Lucas makes family films, and I doubt he will want to include premarital sex in them.

    In any case, I think this thread is getting way off topic.
  16. NyLonathatep

    NyLonathatep Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jun 27, 2001
    Way off corse indeed! (",)
  17. That_Wascally_Droid

    That_Wascally_Droid Jedi Knight star 6

    Jul 29, 2001
    He battles something the size of a 4X4?
    That's it!
    Mace didn't look both ways before crossing the street and he's Force pushing away a truck that's about to hit him!
    That, or he's a crossing guard.
    I say crossing guard.
    That also explains the select of him thinking. He's considering a new line of work!
  18. Sithman

    Sithman Jedi Grand Master star 7

    Jul 6, 1999
    [face_shocked] Whoa. Star Wars really will be different this time around.
  19. Raz Zaphon

    Raz Zaphon Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 9, 2000
    Yeah, that beginning battle between Jedi, Clones and Trucks should be amazing...
  20. HL&S

    HL&S Magistrate Emeritus star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 30, 2001
    Trucks! Hahaha

    Well let's see what you guys have to work with if you're trying to figure it out. (Which you never will unless the official site updates with a few things.)

    Jedi Knights.
    Jedi Masters.
    Jedi Starfighters.
    Clone soldiers.
    Battle Droids.
    Destroyer Droids.
    Droid Starfighters.
    Bounty hunters.
    and various other things....

    Frankly there are some missing elements here so you'll never really spoil yourself so......speculate away.
  21. dolphin

    dolphin Chosen One star 5

    Nov 5, 1999
    but the point of the non-spoiler forum, I thought was, for people who want to go into the theaters ignorant on May, to converse.

    this leads to a weird situation because the speculation is something this forum was also intended for.

    Jedi Knight Fett likes this.
  22. NyLonathatep

    NyLonathatep Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jun 27, 2001
    Dolphin? but we are speculating! What do you call all this ? We are speculating off of what we already know!
  23. Emperor_Dan

    Emperor_Dan Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 21, 1999
    Nah... if we just wanted to "talk" we could go to the JCC...

    this is for speculation based on officially released info.
  24. LordTion

    LordTion Jedi Youngling star 1

    Oct 15, 2001
    Don't worry, I dont know any spoilers about episode 2 but I know that if the jedis do battle with the sabers it will be only against droids.

    Can you imagine a massive "limbs cutting, heads flying, bodies slashed in half" massacre in Episode 2 or 3?

    Me neither.

    And its because of the new "kiddy" oriented tendancy of Lucas..

    Im pissed. (forgive my words)
  25. Mace Windy

    Mace Windy Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 3, 1999
    Can you imagine a massive "limbs cutting, heads flying, bodies slashed in half" massacre in Episode 2 or 3?

    I get really annoyed when I hear members say this. Am I the only one who remembers a little movie called Return of the Jedi. In that film, as you may recall, Luke had a slight lightsaber conflict on Jabba's sailbarge. Does this ring a bell? As I recall, Luke killed many enemies that weren't droids, yet there were not severed limbs fling everywhere.

    You see, it can be done. GL can show us a lightsaber battle involving human death without showing us excessive violence. He already has....

    :cool: Mace Windy,
    the storm after the calm!
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