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All-Ohio Fanforce Cookout - Columbus Aug 2nd

Discussion in 'Archive: Cleveland, OH' started by Krash, Apr 21, 2003.

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  1. Krash

    Krash RSA Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 11, 2000
    Master Krash was mentioning a possible get-together on August 23 (Wednesday)
    August 23rd is a Saturday...and that falls on the weekend of our next scheduled general meeting. It also was the original date for CP (postponed)

    until Wednesday 7/23...does that work for you/anyone else?
    I believe this is where the misunderstanding came from. No worries...but let's keep this in the Mullet Appreciation thread (just so we don't get side-tracked)
  2. skyedancer

    skyedancer Jedi Youngling star 2

    Sep 26, 2002
    August 23rd is a Saturday [face_blush] I'm taking myself right off to a Multitaskers Anonymous meeting so I quit making these mistakes!
  3. Krash

    Krash RSA Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 11, 2000
    It would appear that Dayton and Cincinatti are not going to be joining us for All-Ohio...they have something planned for that Sunday (maybe a few will do both)

    Unless Darth Clerical has contacted you via PM, I offered to pass along any requests for supplies. Rosie, I'm assuming you volunteered to bring some vegitarian dishes?

    How are we doing on driving arrangments? Anyone need a ride? Anyone else joining this
  4. starwarschick14

    starwarschick14 Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 19, 2002
    Yep, I'm bringing plenty of vegetarian-friendly food. If there's anyone here going that would be interested in veggie burgers/hot dogs, please let me know in advance so that I know how many to bring. :)
  5. TheRandomMenace

    TheRandomMenace Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 13, 2002
    Are we doing pot luck, or BYOF? I just want to know so that I'll be prepared.
  6. Darthvaderocks06

    Darthvaderocks06 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 27, 2003
    I can bring pop and/or cheesecake. Any one else like cheesecake?
  7. Krash

    Krash RSA Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 11, 2000
    Are we doing pot luck, or BYOF?
    Columbus is providing some food (brats, wings, ect)...if you could bring something, or chip in a couple bucks for their trouble, that would be good. Check with Columbus thread to see what Darth Clerical needs.

    Emily (and I) are going to bring some SW-themed treats, and I'll bring a case of Pepsi.
  8. starwarschick14

    starwarschick14 Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 19, 2002
    Mmmmm...cheesecake. :D

    Just don't let me take more than one slice. :)
  9. Darthvaderocks06

    Darthvaderocks06 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 27, 2003
    Well I'll take that as a yes then! :D
  10. Krash

    Krash RSA Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 11, 2000
    Just don't let me take more than one slice
    I'd be willing to take her second piece of cheesecake...if she doesn't want it!

    "I was just trying to help!" ;)
  11. TheRandomMenace

    TheRandomMenace Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 13, 2002
    Cheesecake is good.

    DVR, where are you and your Dad coming from? I know we're in the process of creating several rendezvous points in the Greater Cleveland area to meet at so we can carpool down to C-bus. I just figured I'd ask you guys so you can join one of the carpools if you need to.
  12. Darthvaderocks06

    Darthvaderocks06 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 27, 2003
    We are coming from Canton. We have a big van that we'll take. I'm trying to bring my friend, ex-Boss and possibly his wife too. They are going to be at some Con that weekend but they'll try to make it. But thanx for the offer Random!
  13. Krash

    Krash RSA Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 11, 2000
    "What of the reports of the Rebel Fleet massing near Medina"

    "Moya" (Krash's car)

    "Artoo" (Cindy's car)

    DVR family
    DVR's dad
    friends (# TBA)

    process of creating several rendezvous points in the Greater Cleveland area
    I'd like to keep the rendezvous to a minimum. I've still got 2 spots open in "Moya"...Cindy's transport is loaded...and DVR's is jumping from a different set of hyperspace coordinates. Anyone who would like to ride with Emily and myself...please let me know.
  14. _-Reborn_Jedi-_

    _-Reborn_Jedi-_ Jedi Youngling star 3

    Mar 9, 2002
    Krash since I think you said you offered to let me ride with you, that'd be cool. Since we both reside within the Parma area it'd probably be the most logical thing to do.
  15. Krash

    Krash RSA Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 11, 2000
    "Moya" (Krash's car)

    No worries...welcome to "Moya"!
  16. Darthvaderocks06

    Darthvaderocks06 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 27, 2003
    What time does it start?
  17. Krash

    Krash RSA Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 11, 2000
    Just got word from Columbus, the cookout starts at around 11:45 and noon. They're going to have a brief meeting with their group (been there, good luck)...and then the party starts.

    SO...we need to work on driving arrangments for our departure from Cleveland. Cindy had proposed a couple places for "Moya" and "Artoo" cars to meet/caravan down together. Cindy, since your people are (I'll assume) meeting up at your house...where do you want to meet Moya's crew?

    Reborn, where about do you live? Do you want Emily and myself to pick you up...then meet with Artoo in Medina-ish area?
  18. Darthvaderocks06

    Darthvaderocks06 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 27, 2003
    Do you guys know how to get there? Could me, my dad, and friend follow you guys?

    I am bringing at least one friend. His name is Micah, I tried to get him to come here, but he won't. But maybe once he sees how nice & cool u guys are, he will. My two other friends probably will not make it.
  19. Krash

    Krash RSA Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 11, 2000
    ((mutters to himself))
    "No one ever reads the other boards!!!" ;)

    From Cleveland:
    Take 71 S to 270 W, which as you go around turns to 270 S. Get off on the Braod St exit going West. Then go five miles and turn left on Darby Creek Drive. Park Entrance is about three miles on your right.

    Cleveland...Medina...Canton, that's 3 stops before we make the jump to Columbus. DVR, is there a good landmark along I-71 where we can meet you? After Moya and Artoo join up...we can meet you and caravan down from there.

    ((there go the cell phone minutes!!!)
  20. TheRandomMenace

    TheRandomMenace Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 13, 2002
    But maybe once he sees how nice & cool u guys are, he will.

    Nice? Cool? Us? Are you sure you're talking about our group? :confused:
  21. starwarschick14

    starwarschick14 Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 19, 2002
    Of course he is. :)
  22. Darthvaderocks06

    Darthvaderocks06 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 27, 2003
    Yeah, yeah, I got directions from the C-bus board. I want to know if we can follow you down there. We could meet at the Bob Evans at the intersection of 71 and 30. My dad knows how to get there.
  23. Krash

    Krash RSA Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 11, 2000
    Bob Evans...sounds good, Could you be a little more specific about this "71 and 30" thing? I'm not real familiar with that area (it's been a couple years) what is the exit number there?

    Cindy, that leaves things up to the 1st rally point...where do you want to meet "Moya"? Lodi/truck stop/I-71 and 30 Bob Evans?
  24. JarJarJedi

    JarJarJedi Force Ghost star 6

    Feb 6, 2001
    I?m still going to post the same thing that I was going to post? My mom told me what was posted earlier, and I wrote out my post while I was at my mom?s shop on the computer. :D

    Geoff: How does meeting at the Lodi/Burbank exit on I-71. That is where the outlet mall is. I can meet you at the back of the parking lot of Burger King at 10. (There is a light there, easier to get out together. ;) I can give you directions.) Oh, and I?ll bring my comlinks too. ;) (AKA, our walkie talkies.)

    Eric: Can you be at my house so we can leave around 9:30 to meet ?Moya? in Lodi? Did you just want to go the same way that you went before, or did you want the other directions that I told you about. (But although I?ve never directed anyone from that way, and it?s easy to miss my road coming from that direction.)

    Roseanna: What did Arland say? Are you going over his house in the morning and he is going to bring you to my house? Or was your dad going to bring you all the way to my house, or did he want me to meet you somewhere in Wadsworth? It?s okay with me if you have to come over early. PM or IM me. (or call, I don?t care, we have to talk about Friday too. ;))

    DVR: Bob Evans sounds good to me. 10:30? Which way do you have to turn to get there when you get off the I-71 South ramp? (Your dad should know.) Front, back, or side of the parking lot?
  25. TheRandomMenace

    TheRandomMenace Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 13, 2002
    Cindy, can the "Artoo Crew" meet at that Aldi which is not too far from the freeway so we don't have to travel all the way down your street? This would be easier, and I could just leave my car in the parking lot all day.
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