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Before the Saga Apprentice Archivist (Jocasta Nu Pentathlon for the 2024 Summer Olympics)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by devilinthedetails , Jul 27, 2024.

  1. devilinthedetails

    devilinthedetails Fiendish Fanfic & SWTV Manager, Tech Admin star 6 Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 19, 2019
    Title: Apprentice Archivist

    Author: devilinthedetails

    Genre: A variety of genres.

    Timeline: Before the Saga

    Characters: Jocasta Nu; OC.

    Summary: An anthology of stories written for my 2024 Summer Olympics Jocasta Nu Pentathlon.

    Index of Entries:

    A Lesson on Coruscanti Literacy Rates. 100 Word Sprint. Jocasta Nu; OC. General; Drama; Humor; Drabble. Post #2.

    Jedi Passions and Pride. Judo. Jocasta Nu; OC. General; Drama. Post #7.

    Taste in Dispute. 200 Freestyle. Jocasta Nu; OC. General; Humor. Post #12.

    Antiquities and Opinions. Tennis Match. Jocasta Nu; OC. General; Drama. Post #16.

    Polishing the Lost Jedi. Synchronized Swimming. Jocasta Nu; OC. General; Drama; Philosophical; Song Fic. Post #20.

    Pentathlon finished 11/30/24. Thread remains open for comments:D
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2024
  2. devilinthedetails

    devilinthedetails Fiendish Fanfic & SWTV Manager, Tech Admin star 6 Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 19, 2019
    Title: A Lesson on Coruscanti Literacy Rates

    Genre: General; Drabble; Drama; Humor.

    Event: 100 Word Sprint

    Characters: Jocasta Nu; OC.

    Summary: In which Jocasta Nu receives instruction on Coruscanti literacy rates from her Master.

    Author's Note: In addition to being written for the 100 Word Sprint as part of my Jocasta Nu pentathlon, this piece also double-dips as my response to "The Calvin and Hobbes Philosophical Quotes" Challenge hosted by @Thumper09 in the Mini-Games thread. My assigned quote for that challenge was as follows: “If ignorance is bliss, this lesson would appear to be a deliberate attempt on your part to deprive me of happiness.”

    I claim no credit for that quote and thank @Thumper09 for the inspiration.

    The Twi'lek Master Alix D'Yan is an OC of my own creation first introduced as Jocasta's Master in my earlier work Budding Archivist for those who would like to read more about him.

    A Lesson on Coruscanti Literacy Rates (100 Word Sprint)

    “Did you know–” Master Alix apparently couldn’t resist displaying his talent for perfectly recalling grim statistics as he and Jocasta packed old holobooks weeded from the Archives into crates for donation— “on Coruscant alone there are over one hundred million beings incapable of reading or writing in any language?”

    “If ignorance is bliss, this lesson would appear to be a deliberate attempt on your part to deprive me of happiness,” Jocasta responded tartly to this trivia.

    “Ignorance is never bliss, Padawan.” Master Alix regarded her with sad orange eyes. “Not to those suffering from it. Jedi should never forget that.”
  3. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    Hah! Definitely a statistic that I could see having an emotional effect on Jocasta as she first hears it—but perhaps even ultimately being part of the inspiration that leads to the path she ultimately takes. We know she chooses a path that directly combats that variety of “bliss,” and she is clearly getting a great start here, with those book donations (love the idea of that happening in the GFFA). And I know this is a subject near and dear to your heart as a librarian, too, so I know you’ll do a fantastic job with this pentathlon! Thanks so much for sharing. =D=
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2024
  4. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    Love to see the librarians donating books. And Jocasta's comments. That's her even so young
  5. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    Love encountering Alix again. :) LOL on Nu's reaction to that statistic. It's definitely one she would find cringe worthy. [face_thinking]
  6. Mira_Jade

    Mira_Jade The (FavoriteTM) Fanfic Mod With the Cape star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 29, 2004
    Oh, yay! I was so excited to see another Jocasta collection from you this year, especially knowing how dear the character is to your heart as a fellow librarian. [face_love]

    The snark between apprentice and master never changes. [face_tee_hee]

    This was an excellent way to include your Calvin and Hobbs quote. :cool:

    And this hurts all the more so when you consider how much the Jedi did not know at this point . . . and where that ignorance leads them. =((

    You're off to an awesome start already, and I can't wait for more. :D

    :D =D=
  7. devilinthedetails

    devilinthedetails Fiendish Fanfic & SWTV Manager, Tech Admin star 6 Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 19, 2019
    @Findswoman Thanks so much for reading and commenting! [:D]I could definitely picture that grim statistic having an emotional effect on a young Jocasta when she first heard it, and being part of the inspiration and drive behind her commitment to preserving knowledge and eliminating ignorance (in her sharp-tongued, brisk manner) as an archivist. I'm so glad that you love the idea of book donations happening in a galaxy far, far away much as they do on Earth, and I hope that you'll continue to enjoy this pentathlon as it progresses!

    @earlybird-obi-wan Thanks so much for reading and commenting! I'm so happy to hear you loved seeing librarians donate books like this, and that young Jocasta's voice rang true for you[face_dancing]

    @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Thank you so much for reading and for the kind words! I'm so delighted that you were pleased to see Master Alix again and that you got a chuckle out of Jocasta's reaction to the statistic he shares with her:D It is indeed one that she would find cringeworthy as you say...

    @Mira_Jade Thank you so much for reading and for the thoughtful comment that put such a smile on my face! It makes my day to know that you are so excited to see another Jocasta collection for this Olympics, and our Jocasta is indeed most dear to my heart as a fellow librarian[face_love]

    I always do get a chuckle out of writing snarky exchanges between Masters and their cheeky Padawans[face_laugh]

    So glad that you were a fan of how I used my wonderful Calvin and Hobbs quote, and you are right that line of dialogue from Alix definitely cuts deeper with the knowledge of just how much the Jedi are tragically ignorant to at this point in the galactic timeline...

    Title: Jedi Passions and Prides

    Genre: General; Drama; General.

    Event: Judo

    Characters: Jocasta Nu; OC.

    Summary: In which a teenage Jocasta learns an important lesson on Jedi passions and pride.

    Jedi Passions and Pride

    “They don’t realize–” Jocasta gestured at the vid screen broadcasting live feeds from the security holocams distributed discreetly at regular intervals throughout the Archives that hung over the reference desk currently staffed by her and Master Alix. One of those live feeds presently broadcasting a pair of Theelin Padawans locked in an ardent embrace that was both a violation of the non-attachment principles of the Jedi Code and the dignified standards of comportment Jocasta expected of all those who dared to enter the sacrosanct space of the Archives. An ardent embrace that pressed the bright hair and spotted skin of the female Theelin against the spines of holobooks Jocasta had meticulously shelf-read only an hour ago. “That we can see them on the security holocams, do they? That they are putting on quite the show for us?”

    “I don’t believe so.” Master Alix gave one of those calm, gently amused smiles that only reinforced her opinion that he was sometimes far too lax with lapses of proper decorum from high-spirited apprentices in the Archives. “I imagine they disappeared down that aisle for some privacy.”

    “Should I go reshelve some materials in that row?” Jocasta was on the cusp of rising from her swivel chair to grab a hovercart to fill with items from that section when Master Alix motioned for her to remain seated. “Interrupt their little tryst? Their stolen moment of passion?”

    “No.” Master Alix shook his head and elaborated in answer to her baffled look. “Don’t disturb what they believe to be their privacy, Padawan.”

    “Why not?” Jocasta frowned. “Attachment is forbidden among the Jedi. They shouldn’t be sneaking off down the aisles of our Archives to kiss and fumble at each other’s robes.”

    “They should not,” Master Alix agreed. Tranquil as the scent of Akiva mountain lavender spritzed in a meditation chamber. “But they must discover for themselves why attachment is forbidden among the Jedi. It is a choice and a discipline they must make for themselves. It is not one we can force on them, and if they learn the shelves aren’t as private a place as they suppose, they might seek out more dangerous corners of Coruscant for their illicit romance. It is better to indulge them as long as they aren’t troubling any of our other patrons, and let them learn for themselves the reason behind the Jedi stricture of non-attachment.”

    “Would you–” Jocasta arched a dubious eyebrow— “take such a lenient and liberal interpretation of Jedi teachings on non-attachment if I was the one wrapped in such an ardent embrace, Master?”

    “Breaking the Jedi Code and smashing the studious serenity of the Archives?” Master Alix’s teal lekku reached out to rumple her hair affectionately. “That doesn’t sound like my Jocasta Nu.”

    Warmth for her Master suddenly flooded Jocasta’s heart. Filling her with a strange, utterly unexpected empathy for the Theelin Padawans caught up in their passionate embrace against a holobook shelf. A softening in her that only Master Alix with his wit and wisdom could have accomplished.

    “I’m attached to you, Master.” Surprising even herself, Jocasta stood up from her swivel chair. Threw her arms around her mentor who had done even more to broaden her mind and challenge her engrained perspectives than the Archives themselves. Heretic as that sentiment might seem from a devoted Archives apprentice who firmly intended to spend as much of her life of service as possible within these walls. Amidst these shelves, columns, and busts of great and lost Jedi. “I’ve broken that Jedi rule without remorse.”

    “And you’re quite attached to many of the materials in our collection.” Master Alix patted her back. “I’ve seen you weep when you must weed some of them.”

    “That’s the dust bringing tears to my eyes.” Jocasta shattered another solemn Jedi stricture to smithereens by lying to her Master. Her Master who would surely know the truth anyway. Wouldn’t even need the Force to detect it. Because he knew her mind. Her heart. How the Archives gave it a reason to beat. “Not the weeding.”

    “Not so.” Master Alix’s lekku tugged on her Padawan braid. A mannerism both fondly teasing and reproachful. “You never permit dust to gather anywhere in the Archives. You are most diligent in overseeing our cleaning droids, my apprentice.”

    “Sometimes I lie–” Jocasta allowed herself the ghost of a grin– “to see if my Master will let me get away with it.”

    “And to preserve your pride.” Master Alix’s orange eyes gazed down upon her. “We all have our weaknesses and our attachments we must overcome as Jedi. Whether those weaknesses and attachments be to our pride, our holobooks, or our fellow Jedi. We must be patient and compassionate with each other as we all wrestle with disentangling ourselves from our own attachments. Our own prides and passions. You understand why I discouraged you from intruding on our pair of Padawn lovebirds now?”

    “Yes, Master.” Jocasta nodded her head earnestly. Feeling herself become more patient and compassionate. Less rigid and inflexible. A transformation only Master Alix could wrought in her. “I do.”

    “Good.” Master Alix squeezed her shoulder in approval. “That’s my clever young apprentice. Absorbing all my lessons like a sponge.”
  8. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    Let me start with something I find just too adorbs for words! How Alix's lekku convey fondness and teasing. :cool: I love how he teaches Jocasta about her own and others' attachments and how to be compassionate with others and also not to force people into impossible situations where they have to become sneaky with their actions. [face_thinking]

    I do agree with the Jedi stricture on not letting your emotions and attachments become so obsessive that they cloud your judgment or make you imbalanced in other ways, but I do not think that there should be an either/or as to having affection for a lifemate and family members ... as though these things in and of themselves were to be squashed for the prsuit of some abstract greater good.
  9. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    great teachings from Alix and you can see how Jocasta Nu becomes the person she is when she is an adult
  10. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    A spot-on lesson for Jocasta at this stage, and Alix is such a wonderfully understanding mentor for her. <3 I understand Jocasta's frustration seeing those two lovebirds apparently getting away with breaking an important Jedi rule, because I too was one of those kids who always made sure to follow the rules (not to mention got chewed out if I yawed even an iota from the straight and narrow)—while others seemed to be getting away with murder! I wish I had had a teacher like Alix in those days; it would have put a lot of things in perspective and helped me find situations like that less frustrating. The "lovebirds" will of course eventually reap the consequences of their actions in due time, whereas we know Jocasta's fondness (even attachment) to archives and old books will contribute to her growing up to become a splendidly talented archivist! It's so fun seeing her at this early stage with so much to learn, yet learning it so well; the "way of suppleness" is definitely in action here. Wonderful job once again, and keep it coming! =D=
  11. Happy Sando

    Happy Sando Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 23, 2023
    I'm thoroughly enjoying these insights into Jocasta Nu's youth. :) Her relationship with her Master (a superb original character, I must say) informs so much about the brief glimpse of her we see in Attack of the Clones. Alix's wisdom and sense of fairness works beautifully to ground her strictness without quashing it entirely. They have a great dynamic. I particularly liked the exchange in your Judo entry, when she only lied because she knew he would see right through her, and then subsequently re-framing it as some sort of test... yeah, sorry, but you're fooling nobody, Jocasta! [face_laugh] That moment also makes some excellent observations about the rules and codes of the wider Jedi Order, as well. Very nicely done! Looking forward to more!
  12. devilinthedetails

    devilinthedetails Fiendish Fanfic & SWTV Manager, Tech Admin star 6 Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 19, 2019
    @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha As always, thank you so much for reading and commenting![:D] I'm so thrilled that you found how Master Alix's leaky conveyed his fondness and teasing so adorable, because it absolutely warms my heart to write those moments with him[face_love]

    He shows a lot of wisdom in his approach to teaching her about her own and others' attachments and how to have compassion for others and not to force them into untenable positions where they fill trapped into sneakiness as you say. All very important lessons especially for a young Jedi like Jocasta!

    I too agree with the Jedi strictures about not letting emotions and obsessions cloud one's judgment (a la Anakin Skywalker) but at the same time, I do like when Jedi can be allowed to show affection for others, and that is one thing I like about the High Republic era. The Jedi of the High Republic era seemed to have been allowed to be a bit more openly affectionate, but by the time of the PT, Jedi became stricter and more austere. But I think Master Alix still has some of that High Republic Jedi mentality where he is comfortable showing affection to his Padawan and having her be affectionate toward him. So they can have a sweet bond in that way while still living in service to the Jedi Order and the galaxy!

    @earlybird-obi-wan Thanks for reading and reviewing faithfully, and I'm so happy that you could see how Jocasta developed into the person she became as an adult through this story:D

    @Findswoman Thank you so much for reading and for the kind words[:D] I'm so flattered that you thought this was a spot-on lesson for Jocasta and felt that Alix is such a wonderfully understanding mentor for her since I really wanted to show that in this story!

    Like you, I can totally relate to Jocasta's frustration about the two lovebirds seemingly being able to get away with breaking an important Jedi rule because like you I was always one of those kids who was meticulous about following the rules (and a young devilinthedetails would tend to have a very literal interpretation of the rules too) and would get in trouble if I didn't whereas others, including my younger siblings, seemed able to flaunt rules without repercussion.

    Alix is really great at giving Jocasta the wisdom to put things in perspective and see that the lovebirds will have to face the consequences of their own actions in time and that her own fondness of the archives and old books will spark her growth into a great archivist.

    It is truly always a joy for me to explore a young Jocasta with as you so aptly put it so much to learn who is just learning it so well[face_love]

    @Happy Sando Thank you so much for reading and for the thoughtful review that put a big grin on my face:D I'm so happy to hear that you are enjoying these insights into Jocasta's youth, and I hope you will continue to do so! It warms my heart to hear that you find Master Alix to be such a superb original character and that her relationship with him informs so much of her character in Attack of the Clones for you. There really can't be a higher compliment than that!

    Alix's gentle wisdom and fairness definitely help me ground her strictness without squashing it entirely as you say, and that really helps me find great pleasure in writing their dynamic.

    I hope you will enjoy the dynamic between Master Alix and Jocasta in this next piece just as much!

    Title: Taste in Dispute

    Genre: General; Humor.

    Event: 200 Freestyle

    Characters: Jocasta Nu; OC.

    Summary: In which Jocasta and her master affectionately dispute their taste in literature.

    Taste in Dispute (200 Freestyle)

    “Take note, my young Padawan.” Master Alix ducked behind the reference desk. Began arranging a bouquet of zeilla flowers plucked from the Temple gardens in a shimmer-crystal vase. Zeilla flowers were rare materials archivist Master Milda Vant’s favorite flowers, and Master Alix intended them as a gift in honor of her sixtieth birthday, or so he had explained to Jocasta on their dawn walk around the gardens. “This spot is out of view of the security holocams. The perfect place to commit a bloody murder and get away with it.”

    “You read far too many gory thrillers and gruesome murder mysteries, Master.” Jocasta crouched beside him. Helping to style the vibrant pink and purple blossoms.

    Teasing him for what she considered to be his low-brow taste in literature when her own ran to sober classics that had stood the test of time and well-researched non-fiction.

    “Not at all.” Master Alix grinned at this latest revival and rendition of an argument that would never stop waging between them. A matter of taste that would always be in dispute. “For one can never read too many gory thrillers and gruesome murder mysteries. They are good for the pulse and for the imagination.”
  13. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    Ah, but certainly it can be both-and, not just either-or! :D Which I say as someone who enjoys both kinds of stories, depending on my mood. Alix is right that a good mystery really can lift the pulse, the spirits, and the imagination like nothing else can! But also—and I am sure this is something you are aware of from your own librarian work—security concerns like the one Alix raises here are important things for archivists and librarians to have on their radar, as one aspect of their job is overseeing the safety of the research spaces where they work. Sure, a literal bloody murder is unlikely, but other things can happen—such as unauthorized padawan smooching of the type seen in the previous installment, or worse, a book theft or some such. So here again, even amidst the disagreement over book genres, he is giving her a very valuable lesson that will stand her in good stead in her later career! Eager to see what you will do for your remaining two installments of this fun littler series between now and tomorrow! =D=
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2024
  14. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    Alix and reading that and Jocasta and her classic taste, you can see where it leads
    devilinthedetails likes this.
  15. Happy Sando

    Happy Sando Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 23, 2023
    That's such a dark observation for a Jedi Master, and yet it endears me to Alix even more, because it's clear he's making it with a twinkle in his eye, to challenge his apprentice and try to expand her horizons. :) You achieve so much with so few words!
  16. devilinthedetails

    devilinthedetails Fiendish Fanfic & SWTV Manager, Tech Admin star 6 Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 19, 2019
    @Findswoman Thank you so much for reading and reviewing! I'm totally with you in thinking that it can be the timeless classics and the gory mysteries and thrillers;) I definitely can appreciate both those genres, and many more besides as my always overflowing bookshelves would attest. I am also a big mood reader, and agree as well with Master Alix that a good mystery can certainly lift the pulse and inspire the imagination. Security concerns are definitely a big concern for us librarians and something we always have to be mindful of, so I think it is wise of Master Alix to raise Jocasta's awareness of the limitations of the surveillance system installed in the Archives. I hope you will enjoy this next installment now that it is finally here!

    @earlybird-obi-wan I do love Master Alix's reading tastes since they might seem unconventional for a Jedi, and I'm so glad that you appreciated Jocasta's classic taste and found it befitting of her character:)

    @Happy Sando Thank you so much for reading and for the kind words! I'm so happy that Master Alix's dark observation only made you more fond of him, and that twinkle in his eye as he challenged his young apprentice to continue to expand her horizons was exactly what I was hoping readers would envision when reading the scene, so double yay:D I'm so flattered that you think I could achieve so much with so few words. One thing I love about challenges with small word counts is it really forces me to be economical with my words since I am only allowed a limited number of them!

    Titles: Antiquities and Opinions

    Genre: Drama; General.

    Event: Tennis Match

    Characters: Jocasta Nu; OC.

    Summary: Jocasta and her Master discuss the preservation and ownership of an ancient scroll.

    Antiquities and Opinions (Tennis Match)

    “I was about to start the annual inventory of the organic chemistry section. I assume, Master, that you must have a good reason for summoning me to this hangar. This ship.”

    “You assume correctly, Jocasta, for there is, as ever, a method to my madness.”

    “And that method would be?”

    “You have heard of the Scroll of Funerary Rites?”

    “Of course. One of the first written texts in the galaxy. Recorded entirely in hieroglyphics scholars are still translating. Detailing the exact procedures used by the ancient Cilaeans to mummify their dead. Lost for millenia and then found two centuries ago during an archaeological dig sponsored by the Hanna Institute of Antiquities when Chandrila colonized Cilae. Now preserved in special, climate-controlled storage in their private archives.”

    “An admirable summary, my young apprentice. Now they’ve regained their independence from Chandrila, the Cilaean government has lodged a formal petition for the Scroll of Funerary Rites to be returned to their custody as a treasured piece of their cultural heritage. A petition the Hanna Institute of Antiquities has contested. The Council, in their wisdom, has dispatched us to mediate the dispute as we are among the Jedi most familiar with ancient texts and their value.”

    “On what possible grounds could the Hanna Institute of Antiquities contest the Cilaean government’s petition, Master?”

    “They claim the Cilaeans lack the necessary skills and resources to effectively preserve the Scroll of Funerary Rites, and that, therefore, they are the better custodians for the ancient document.”

    “Thinly veiled speciesism of the sort that caused the colonization and plundering of Cilae’s antiquities in the first place.”

    “That is your opinion, Jocasta, but the Council did not assign us this mission so we could enforce our will and judgment on the Cilaean government and the Hanna Institute of Antiquities. They tasked us with mediating the differences between the two parties. With finding a peaceful resolution to this conflict.”

    “Peace and harmony over justice and restoring a priceless piece of Cilae’s deep history and heritage to its legitimate government then?”

    “Not at all. I have no doubt that with our sharp minds we will be able to negotiate a peaceful solution between the two parties that will allow the Cilaean government to regain the Scroll of Funerary Rites. Peace and justice will both be maintained, but only if we keep our calm as the Jedi Code requires us to do under all circumstances.”

    “You are very wise, Master, and I defer to your judgment.”

    “And you, my young Padawan, are becoming wiser every day.”

    “As a result of your counsel.”

    “And your own cleverness.”
  17. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    =D= I love this conversation. It resonates on so many levels with RL disputes about governance of prized artifacts. I hope that even though they are to maintain a level of objectivity they would still serve peace AND justice for all parties.
  18. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    That's also happening in RL with the Dutch giving back artifacts to Indonesia and more countries
    I love the conversation between Jocasta and her master
  19. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    Nice to see this continuing, and sorry as always be tardy in catching up! Jocasta’s sense of justice at this age is strong, which is great, but this mission will be a chance for her to learn that sometimes these matters are more complex than they seem at first, and that both sides, not just one, may have a point. With their keen archival knowledge, I am sure Alix and Jocasta are just the right folks for this job. Are we likely to see how this mission goes in the remaining story of this pentathlon, or even in stories? I’m curious now! [face_batting]
  20. devilinthedetails

    devilinthedetails Fiendish Fanfic & SWTV Manager, Tech Admin star 6 Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 19, 2019
    @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Thank you so much for reading and commenting! :DI'm so flattered that you loved this conversation and found that it resonated so well with contemporary Earth disputes about the governance of prized artifacts. I share your hope that even if the Jedi required to maintain a level of objectivity, they can still facilitate peace and justice for both parties. It is definitely not an easy mission, and one with a lot of nuance to it.

    @earlybird-obi-wan Thank you so much for reading and commenting as always:) You make a very insightful real world connection with the Dutch returning artifacts to Indonesia and other countries. The conversation between Jocasta and her mentor was a very compelling one for me to write, and I'm glad that you found it so fascinating and moving!

    @Findswoman Thank you so much for reading and reviewing! Jocasta's sense of justice is indeed very strong at this age (as is common for teenagers), which is great as you say, but I think with more maturity and experience, she will also understand more of the complexity of the issue. And with their high level of archival knowledge, Alix and Jocasta are definitely the perfect duo to be assigned this mission as you say. This story is absolutely one I would love to continue one day since this conversation feels like just the tip of the iceberg with the full story hidden underneath, waiting to be explored another day;)

    Title: Polishing the Lost Jedi

    Genre: General; Drama; Philosophical; Song Fic.

    Event: Synchronized Swimming

    Characters: Jocasta Nu; OC.

    Summary: Jocasta dusts and polishes the busts of the Lost Jedi.

    Author's Notes: Words appearing in italics and parenthesis are from "Celluloid Heroes" by the Kinks. I claim no credit for them, and they have not been counted toward the word count of this story.

    Polishing the Lost Jedi

    (Everybody’s a dreamer,
    and everybody’s a star,
    and everybody’s in movies.
    It doesn’t matter who you are.)

    In the beginning of her apprenticeship, Jocasta reluctantly added the task of dusting and polishing the busts of the Lost Jedi to her weekly to-do list because Master Alix required it. While she was eager to engage in most of the work necessary to organize and tidy the Archives, dusting and polishing the busts of the Lost Jedi disconcerted her.

    (Their names are written in concrete.)

    Disquieted her mind. Rattled her spirit. The serenity she was earnestly seeking to cultivate as a somber, young Jedi student. Rubbing her cloth along the indents of the placards that detailed the hows and whys behind how each Jedi had become lost to the Order made her reflect on how the Lost Jedi would have once been like her.

    (People who worked and suffered and struggled for fame.
    Some who succeeded and some who suffered in vain. )

    Driven pupils immersed in their intensive training. Focused on serving the Jedi. Serving the galaxy.

    How they would have poured blood, sweat, and tears into climbing the ranks from youngling to initiate to Padawan to Knight and finally to Master.

    Only to abandon all of that. To forsake the Jedi.

    She couldn’t fathom it, and anything she couldn’t fathom unsettled her. Made her long to procrastinate. To avoid dusting and polishing the busts of the Lost Jedi.

    A few months into this arrangement, she had given into her Padawan petulance. Asked Master Alix why he couldn’t delegate the chore of dusting and polishing the statues of the Lost Jedi to a Temple cleaning droid instead.

    (He would still turn ‘round and smile.)

    Master Alix had chuckled softly at the question. At the pettishness he could no doubt sense burbling beneath it. “Do you truly think your hard work and your elbow grease can be so easily replaced by a droid, Jocasta? Because I do not.”

    “Cleaning droids are programmed to clean, Master.” Jocasta couldn’t entirely keep a note of sharp briskness from entering her voice. “Routine tasks like polishing and dusting are well within their purview.”

    “Exactly.” Master Alix’s lekku twitched in emphasis. “They would be propelled by their programming. Not motivated by their purpose. They have no calling to Archive work. They could never be as diligent in their dusting and polishing as my Jocasta.”

    Jocasta flushed at the praise she had not merited. “I have not been so diligent in my dusting and polishing of the Lost Jedi busts as I should have been. I apologize.”

    (She should have been made of iron or steel,
    but she was only made of flesh and blood.)

    Next week, she dusted and polished the busts until they shone like every bright Jedi virtue.

    Unwavering in her diligence. Constant in her purpose even as she allowed herself to wonder if it had been a failure in programming or in purpose that had led to the Lost Jedi abandoning their sworn duty of service to the Order and the Republic.

    (And those who are successful,
    be always on your guard.
    Success walks hand in hand with failure.)

    She did ponder at some points why the busts of the Lost Jedi had been carved. Why those who had been forsworn in the oaths every Jedi pledged at their Knighting had been honored with these statues to their memories.

    Then she realized these busts weren’t about honoring Lost Jedi past but about bolstering the purposes of Jedi present.

    (Because celluloid heroes never feel any pain,
    and celluloid heroes never really die.)
  21. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    Congratulations on completing the pentathlon.

    Super musings about honoring those who abandon their oaths and desert their destinies for whatever reason. [face_thinking] Jocasta's question 'isn't this polishing something a droid could do?" is very understandable and natural. Alix's reply is very heartening and encouraging. @};-
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2024
  22. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    Great to see how Jocasta reacts to that work and hears what Alix has to say. And the Kinks are perfect for it.
    Congrats on finishing the pentathlon
  23. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    Way to go! =D= Congratulations on finishing this series, and in such fine style too, with such an important lesson for young Jocasta. I don’t know if the Lost Jedi busts are canon or your own creation, but they are an intriguing and in a way very in-character feature to have at the Jedi Temple. It’s a way of remembering and celebrating the good that those people did do during their time at the temple, even if their ultimate path lay elsewhere. Indeed, keeping a memorial of them around is itself a type of archive, which is part of the lesson Jocasta is learning: memory and purpose live on in more than old documents. Wonderful wrapup to this series, and congrats again on bringing to completion! =D=
  24. devilinthedetails

    devilinthedetails Fiendish Fanfic & SWTV Manager, Tech Admin star 6 Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 19, 2019
    @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Thank you so much for the kind congratulations on completing the pentathlon:D It was such fun for me to again have the opportunity to delve into Jocasta's character like this, and I'm so glad that you appreciated the musings about those who abandoned their oaths to the Jedi for whatever reason in this chapter, and that you found Alix's response to Jocasta's understandable question to be so heartening and encouraging!

    @earlybird-obi-wan Thank you so much for reading and reviewing all throughout this pentathlon:) It was a joy for me to be able to finish this pentathlon about Jocasta, and I'm so pleased that you enjoyed seeing how Jocasta reacts to being responsible for polishing the Lost Jedi statues in this last installment, and that you appreciated hearing Alix's thoughts on the subject ass well! And awesome to know as well that you thought the Kinks were a perfect fit for this song fic since I've had a soft spot for the song ever since I first heard it many years ago:cool:

    @Findswoman As always, thank you so much for reading and for the sweet comments[:D] It was such a wonderful experience for me to be able to explore all the important lessons a young Jocasta learned in this pentathlon (including the one in this last entry), and I'm so appreciative of all the readers who accompanied Jocasta and me on this journey! I did get the idea for the Lost Jedi busts from some of the deleted scenes that were mentioned in the AOTC novelizations (Obi-Wan was staring at the one for Dooku, and he and Jocasta ended up briefly talking about what Dooku was like before he left the Jedi) and that idea of the Jedi memorializing the Jedi who chose to leave their Order always fascinated me and seemed somehow appropriate. And you are absolutely right that keeping such a memorial of Jedi who left the Order is in itself a type of archive (because as you say, memory and purpose live on in more than just old documents, however important old documents are), and so it makes a lot of sense that the Jedi chose to place such a memorial in the heart of their Archives!