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Atlantic Atlantic Canadas New Game:Jedi Power Battles

Discussion in 'Canada Discussion Boards' started by JediOutcast_Jathen, May 25, 2004.

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  1. JediOutcast_Jathen

    JediOutcast_Jathen Jedi Youngling

    May 19, 2004
    First this has nothing to do with the PS1 Game but i did rip the name off it.
    And now to Business me and my friends "PLAY" this game that we came up with here is some info

    What this is all about is Star Wars, fans who dont want the fire that is
    Star Wars to die and that love the idea that we can "Play" SW.
    It is a game, I came up with at my friends house one day after I made my
    first lightsaber.There are rules and player levels that can be reached like:

    For the light side: For the dark side:

    Padawan Padawan
    Apprentice Apprentice
    Jedi Sith Knight
    Jedi Knight Sith Master
    Jedi Master Sith Lord

    You fight with other people.

    To go up a levels you must get kills, and there are rules on how a kill can be done.

    It is not that hard to be a Sith you don't need as meany kills to go up

  2. Ton_G

    Ton_G Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 15, 2002
    Welcome to the ACG! 'Tis always good to see someone new!

    So essentially you duel?
  3. JediOutcast_Jathen

    JediOutcast_Jathen Jedi Youngling

    May 19, 2004
    Yes we do.
    I like the way u put it "we duel" thats what we call it.
    I would like to get all kinds of people to come to Yarmouth N.S. sometime to have a big Duel.

    What do u think?
  4. Aykin_Skywalker

    Aykin_Skywalker Jedi Youngling

    May 19, 2004
    Best Game Ever!! from one jedi to another..
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