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FF:WA Bios

Discussion in 'Oceania Discussion Boards' started by SoulKrusher, Nov 20, 2001.

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  1. Jedi_Nat

    Jedi_Nat Jedi Master star 5

    Nov 28, 2000
    Aww. I was thinking Johnnage or Kart would say "Do it".
  2. Darth_Holden

    Darth_Holden Jedi Youngling

    Nov 5, 2005
    Hey, another newbie here. Thought that I would do the bio thing like everyone else, so here goes...

    Name: Dave

    Age: 25

    Location: Wilson, Perth

    Occupation: Construction Supervisor

    Relationship Status: Cohabitating (living in sin)

    Hair Color: Brown

    Eye Color: Blue

    Interests: Star Wars (of course!), collecting DVDs, rollerblading in the summer, don't mind the odd video game either (mostly on a console though), and kicking back on my weekends and doing as little as possible.

    Yes, I am one of those annoying guys who can pretty much recite the OT movies word for word, so if you were to watch one of them with me you would probably want to hit me before too long. But I do it out of love, I'm sure that you all understand.

    See you 'round.
  3. Stinky_jawa

    Stinky_jawa Jedi Padawan star 4

    Dec 7, 2000
  4. FaLLeN-AnGeL

    FaLLeN-AnGeL Jedi Padawan star 4

    Dec 3, 2001
    Welcome to the boards. :)
  5. JayaMioneDurron

    JayaMioneDurron Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Jul 19, 2004
    Name: Amy
    Age: 17
    Location: Busselton
    Occupation: um just finished school like a week ago currently sitting exams. so i guess i cant say student.
    Relationship Status: yeah right
    Hair Color: dark brown
    Eye Color: brown

    Interests: Star Wars, Eragon, Reading, Writing, Photography, Computers.
  6. Master_Kaustin

    Master_Kaustin Jedi Youngling star 3

    May 17, 2002
    Welcome to the boards :)

    JOHNNAGE_THE_BRAVE Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 23, 2005
    Welcome Dudes.

    New people!

  8. Master_Kaustin

    Master_Kaustin Jedi Youngling star 3

    May 17, 2002
    hahah johnnage, sometimes i think your on crack.. speshally the Show us a pic of yaself thread on the regional discussion :p

    JOHNNAGE_THE_BRAVE Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 23, 2005
    Dude- It's only fun to show Insano pics of yourself!

    I love being a nutbar on these boards, theres no one to stare at you!
  10. Jedi_Nat

    Jedi_Nat Jedi Master star 5

    Nov 28, 2000
    Yay! Another chicky! We need more chicks around here. Welcome JayaMioneDurron.
  11. Master_Kaustin

    Master_Kaustin Jedi Youngling star 3

    May 17, 2002
    Yes we do need more chicks around :) *reow!* ahhaah

    sorry late night bordem kicking in
  12. Jedi_Nat

    Jedi_Nat Jedi Master star 5

    Nov 28, 2000
  13. Master_Kaustin

    Master_Kaustin Jedi Youngling star 3

    May 17, 2002

    its very hard to find girls who can handle the fact you are a starwars fan :)

    Especially when i show them my collection of mini lightsabers and models :) heheh
  14. Jedi_Nat

    Jedi_Nat Jedi Master star 5

    Nov 28, 2000
    Ayayaya. This board is so male dominated. I think I ned to go on a recruiting drive.
  15. Master_Kaustin

    Master_Kaustin Jedi Youngling star 3

    May 17, 2002
    Yes i think you do!!! :)

    More girls!..... Might be an idea!...

    Actually i havent done my bio for like 3years :) hrmmm

    Name: Darran

    Age: 24 on Saturday

    Location: East Victoria Park

    Occupation: Customer Service Representative at the iiBorg, and my own business

    Relationship Status: Destined to live on this planet alone :)

    Hair Color: Dark, and some grey :(

    Eye Color: Hazel

    Interests: Starwars, Movies, Music, Filmmaking... Just random stuff... like spending $500 on a hotel room for a weekend.. stuff like that :)

  16. Stinky_jawa

    Stinky_jawa Jedi Padawan star 4

    Dec 7, 2000
    Name: Alex

    Age: 25 (sigh, 1/4 of a century and not out!)

    Location: Wembley!!!!!! (no, not the stadium, or the pub)

    Occupation: Acting Customer Service Manager of Intergrations at iiBorg Eastpoint (& general dogs body)

    Relationship Status: Destined to live on this planet alone miserable

    Hair Color: blackish

    Eye Color: dark brownish

    Interests: Starwars, Computers (not just games), tech stuff, cars, movies, you.. woops, *erases cheezy pickup lines*
  17. Aztek

    Aztek Jedi Master star 4

    Apr 12, 2001
    Welcome along Dave and Amy, it's great to see more new people around here.

    Do you ever blade around the foreshore Dave ? A friend and I try and do at least one lap every summer.

  18. Darth_Holden

    Darth_Holden Jedi Youngling

    Nov 5, 2005
    Well Jedi Aztek, I used to do it a fair bit - the two bridges run. Back in my peak condition (ahem, ahem), I used to start at Mends St Jetty, head over the Narrows Bridge, down Riverside Drive, over the causeway and then along South Perth foreshore back to the jetty again. And it used to take me about 35 minutes I think, if I was trying.

    I haven't done it for a while now though, so this summer I will be getting back into doing it once every week or two. Any other bladers welcome to join in if they want.....
  19. Aztek

    Aztek Jedi Master star 4

    Apr 12, 2001
    We never timed ourselves but we did do that run a couple of times, and the three bridges (Narrows, Causeway and Farmer Freeway). Our starting place was the carpark just off the causeway bridge (city side).

    I might have to look into getting a new pair of blades (if I can bear to look at the prices). Maybe I'll put them on the credit card and tell the misses they were $50 or something.
  20. FaLLeN-AnGeL

    FaLLeN-AnGeL Jedi Padawan star 4

    Dec 3, 2001
    Kinda on the subject of blading, does anyone know if anywhere still sells roller-skates? I can't blade, I move my feet weird (or something) and end up in lots and lots of pain if I blade/ice-skate, so I prefer to skate and I can never find a pair to buy. Maybe I'll get a pair of those Gadget shoes with the skates that pop out the bottom.
  21. Darth_Holden

    Darth_Holden Jedi Youngling

    Nov 5, 2005
    Rollerskates eh? Well, that might be a tough one. One place that I can think of that might still sell them would be Rolloways in O'Connor. I remember that years and years ago when I played inline hockey there they used to sell them then, but it was a long time ago. Might be worth giving them a call. Even if they don't sell them still, they might know where to get a pair. Hope this helps Angel.
  22. JayaMioneDurron

    JayaMioneDurron Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Jul 19, 2004
    i have no idea? hey does neone here actually use the stoppers on blades and skates cause i never have :D

    Nat yeah u got another girl+

    Kaustin no way my sis lives in vic park too.
  23. Symmbian

    Symmbian Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jan 15, 2004
    Time to repost my Bio;

    Name: Jacen

    Age: 30

    Location: Rockingham (God I wish I didnt live here though)

    Occupation: Senior Sandwich Artist (READ babysitter to juniors)

    Relationship Status: LMAO people still believe in relationships???...oh ok then, they do.

    Hair Color: brown, red, grey, blonde.

    Eye Color: blue, grey, green.

    Interests: Partial interest in Star Wars (Thanks to Ep3), RC aircraft, computers, anime, making fun of religion, defying authority, de bunking crap we all believe in but dont know why.
  24. Kartanym

    Kartanym Jedi Knight star 6

    May 23, 2002
    "Let's go and meet ze panzies!"


    Hello new people! Welcome, welcome. Do make sure to take a complimentary mint on your way through ;)

    My bio reads as follows:

    'Name': Peter Parker
    Real 'Name': Kart
    Age: somewhere around 23
    Sex: Yes please :p .... what? so it's used too often, who cares!
    Location: Leeming ... some times New York.
    Occupation: Smart a$$ ... oh, and sales person for Internet Business Corporation (IBC) ... and part time superhero.
    Relationship Status: Taken :)
    Interests: Star Wars, Writing, Journalism, IT, Sleep, eat, drink, eat, drink, sleep ... it think that's about it.
    Amount of times I've posted on here drunk: Zero ... tell a lie, possibly one.
    Other things you shouldn't know: ... nah :p
  25. Jedi_Nat

    Jedi_Nat Jedi Master star 5

    Nov 28, 2000
    Update time!

    Name: Natalie
    Nickname: Nat (orginal I know)
    Location: High Wycombe - but until Jan 2007
    Occupation: Yes I have one
    Relationship Status: Who needs excess baggage?
    Interests: Cricket (keeps me sane), Footy (go the Eagles), musicals, travelling, 60's - 80's music, classical music and Star Wars (obviuosly)
    Fave Quote: "If no one likes me for who I am, **** it. I'm not changing for anyone" - me
    You know what happens to people who disappoint me -
    I think I'll have to Blow Your Mind - Killer Queen
    Fave Movie: Don't really have one, but give me a good comedy anyday
    Fave TV Show: Smallville
    Fave Singer/Band: Queen
    Fave Song: Which Queen song do I choose?
    Song I Never Want to Hear Again: any current rubbish played on 92.9 and the likes
    Have musical: We Will Rock You, followed by Shout, Happy Days and Phantom of the Opera. And I'm talking stage, not screen.
    If I could meet anyone in the world, who would it be: Roger Taylor [face_love]
    Greates achievement in the kitchen: M&M cheesecake
    I cannot live without: My family
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