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FF:NSW Do we have any romantic Star Wars fans? (Trust me this is a serious thread!)

Discussion in 'Oceania Discussion Boards' started by robo_obi, Sep 3, 2002.

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  1. robo_obi

    robo_obi Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 15, 2002

    basically i'm interested in how good of a love life most Star Wars fans have......cos there was an argument the other day at school saying that all star wars fans are lonely and pathetic losers....

    so if you will.....tell me the story of your greatest love.....or something like that....

    hehehe.......mines a good one...i'll be posting it soon
  2. slaveone_2

    slaveone_2 Jedi Master star 5

    Jul 1, 2001
    school saying that all star wars fans are lonely and pathetic losers

    No doubts there :p

    Tell us your story, and I'll tell you mine.
  3. robo_obi

    robo_obi Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 15, 2002
    mine will come in about 15-20 mins........
  4. Somebody_For_Someone

    Somebody_For_Someone Jedi Padawan star 4

    Sep 27, 2001
    bantha fodder.
    from the Empire article:
    "To be a Star Wars fan you don't necessarily have to be a geek. Coke bottle glasses and buck teeth are no longer a sign. Your skateboarding neighbour could be one. That ultra-hip DJ you were dancing to the other night could be one - hell, they're everywhere!"
  5. robo_obi

    robo_obi Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 15, 2002
    ok basically when i was six.....i came to Taree.........and on my first day of school i saw this chick called Christie and I liked her straight away.......and for the next 7 years........hehehehehe....i thought i loved her but turns out i didn't......well i didn't after getting rejected 5 times....hehehehe

    i know thats not very good but now we have arrived at me meeting the love of my life........Lauren........:D

    it was in year 7 and we didn't talk much and we didn't really have anything to do with each other.....she liked my best mate but over about month she fell for me....but at this point i still liked i declined on lauren......but instead we became great friends (she is now my best friend) and wrote letters to each other until about february this year...when i got the internet....damn msn messenger is

    anyway about a month and a half after finding out lauren liked me i decided to ask her out....but before i could she told me she liked someone else....i was pretty much shattered.....but thats when we became the best friends ever.......cos i sorta slipped into depression and stuff....which lauren also had for a few months.......and we helped each other and she helped me out of my depression and with all my other life problems......

    ok now we come to june this year..........the day after my this point me and lauren are pretty much inseparable...or so i thought........that night on msn she turned her back on me and said she hated me and wanted nothing to do with me........this lasted 1 and a half months.......then slowly we grew back together....we have been getting so much more closer now and we spend more time together too.......i think she may like me....i know i love her.....

    but i'm not going to do what i did before with us....i pressured her and occasionally lied.....and i feel terrible about that.....this time i'm just going to be else....i'm going to slowly show how much i love lauren and if she falls for me again.......then i'll be the happiest man alive....but if she doesn't.......well then i will still be incredib;y happy....because i will still an angel as my best friend.........:D

    now who said that star wars fans couldn't love anyone?

    i am soo gunna prove them wrong over the next couple of weeks

    there you go

    now whats all your stories??
  6. slaveone_2

    slaveone_2 Jedi Master star 5

    Jul 1, 2001
    Hell, even your local RSA could be one! :eek:
  7. The_Scream_Man

    The_Scream_Man Jedi Knight star 5

    May 1, 2000
    Man, u have come to the right place :) Romance and FFNSW are a match!

    So in late 2000 Im making a Fanfilm, and I have a shot where I need a crowd scene. After having exhausted my friends, I still needed abigger crowd. So my good friend (And Camera Man) Glenn 'Avene' Thomas suggested I hit the Fanforce NSW site. After all, Theres a bunch of Star Wars fans in Sydney! They'll help out.

    Now sadly this idea came the day before the shoot, and so of course no one had time to get there. But fr some reason, i stuck around FFNSW. Back then it was like...Ki, D, Tek, JediEnna, MAestrino, Shadowfire, Shara, Wedge...I dunno, not many. And I started chatting etc etc.

    So January comes, and i go on a Christian Beach Mission with a group called SUFM> I com back jan 7th, and soon afterwards am chatting to JediEnna, who i learnt was named Linda, on ICQ. Turns out SHE had just been away on an SUFM Mission. And a common bond was formed.

    Right after that i had a rather bad experience with another girl and was pretty depressed. Wallowing in self pity I hit the net, and Linda happened to be on. Now thats not a good thing, since my opening line was "All women suck." Luckily Linda is a smart and wonderful gal, and we built off that until I demanded a phone call that very minute! Now Lin was in Tamworth at the time, where her family lives. So after much uming and ahing by her, she consented. This was at 11 that evening.

    We got off the phone at 3am.

    The next day another 3 or so hour phone call followed. By the end of the week we had spoken every day and i told her I was in love with her.

    A few days after this she was heading back thought Sydney to visit relatives with her good friend Gemma and her mum. I told her Id meet her at some nearby shops. It would only be an hour, but i was finally gonna meet a woman i was convinced i was in love with. I go to the Mall.

    I wait.

    And wait....

    Finally I geta phone call saying traffic is a bitch and she isnt gonna make it. So indetad i say come to my house for dinner. She agrees. And so I rush home calling my mother asking if we have the ingredients so I can cook Spagetti Bolognaise. Mum's response? "Craig, you're trying to impress the girl. The last thing we want to do is subject her to your cooking!"
    Thanx Mum.

    Flash forward a couple of hours, and Im rushing to Warriewood Square where linda has just called and said she is waiting. I clear a hill near the Square and see an Angel in the distance waiting for me.

    She stood there in dark blue jeans, a black top with blue trim, and golde hair haloing her face. Her posture was that of fear and nervousness. As I approached that got worse. I walked up, we each said hi and hugged. Then she looked in my face and said, in that voice i had had come to love from so many phone calls: "You're eyes are green, not blue!"

    And thus the love of my life came life. 10 mths after this I proposed. And in April, I will marry her.

    there ya go. Romance AND Fanforce related! Cant top that! ;)
  8. Shadowfire

    Shadowfire Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 14, 1998
    Romance AND Fanforce related! Cant top that!

    Working on it as we speak Craig :)
  9. Diva_Shaliqua

    Diva_Shaliqua Jedi Youngling star 3

    Apr 16, 2002
    When I first 'joined' this FanForce lot I was told it was like a dating agency. Of course, "I never thought it would happen to me". But it did! And it has been amazing, wonderful, perfect... Being away from him is torture, being with him is so.. "Our language needs endless synonyms for beautiful; the eyes could see what the tongue cannot possibly describe."
  10. ROE_Biggs

    ROE_Biggs Jedi Padawan star 4

    Mar 29, 2002
    that quote is just umm well i better not say

    carry on
  11. Diva_Shaliqua

    Diva_Shaliqua Jedi Youngling star 3

    Apr 16, 2002
    Hey! Shut up! :p
  12. legacyAccount

    legacyAccount Jedi Youngling

    May 22, 2012
    get a room you guys :p ;)
  13. Shadowfire

    Shadowfire Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 14, 1998
    Yeah! Don't mess with Anne Rice! :p
  14. ROE_Biggs

    ROE_Biggs Jedi Padawan star 4

    Mar 29, 2002
    hey i like Anne Rice as much as anyone but even she sometimes gets these things wrong
  15. stinrab

    stinrab Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 9, 1998
    I could never seriously date someone online (call me superficial, but I like to see the other person). But it's nice to see others finding love here :)
  16. slaveone_2

    slaveone_2 Jedi Master star 5

    Jul 1, 2001
    But Stinrab...I thought we were going so well.... what about those Sappy SMS messages you were leaving on my mobile :p
  17. ROE_Biggs

    ROE_Biggs Jedi Padawan star 4

    Mar 29, 2002
    OMG slavey are you cheating on me!
  18. slaveone_2

    slaveone_2 Jedi Master star 5

    Jul 1, 2001
    pffft, you and a dozen other people :p

    Edit: btw robo, are you talking about romantic as in being sappy, or as in having someone?
  19. stinrab

    stinrab Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 9, 1998
    We're all saps at heart
  20. Diva_Shaliqua

    Diva_Shaliqua Jedi Youngling star 3

    Apr 16, 2002
    stinrab said: "I could never seriously date someone online (call me superficial, but I like to see the other person). But it's nice to see others finding love here :) "

    I'm not dating anyone online! [face_laugh] [face_mischief]
  21. Keith_Katarn

    Keith_Katarn Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 3, 2002 Are we auditioning for script writers for Neighbours ????

    Look, as far as love lives and such go, I have an 8 year boy and my first wedding anniversary is on this Saturday, mauls_menace and his wife have just had there first little baby, and I think it's Kalor who is not far behind, and our (prolly still honeymooning) favourite Jango Fett clone just got married.....

    Yes, there is life other than Star Wars. Obviously it's not as important ;) but there is life.....
  22. Darth_Punk

    Darth_Punk Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 12, 2002
    I am marrying my girlfriend next year, and we will have been together for 10 years.

    She absolutly hates Star wars or anything Sci Fi, and beleives in only watching a movie once. Twice if she really really likes it. But one day we will have kids, then she will be sorry!!!
  23. Keith_Katarn

    Keith_Katarn Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 3, 2002
    Ahhhh, children. The sweetest revenge.

    But, beware the "Mother's Curse". Bill Cosby talks about it. It is when you do something reeeeeally bad and your Mum says "I hope that one day you have children and they grow up to treat you exactly like you treat me !!!"

    And it works. Always.
  24. Teknobabel

    Teknobabel Jedi Master star 5

    Jun 4, 2000
    Ah yes, i've heard of that one. My brother lives in permanent fear of that one

  25. Dags

    Dags Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Dec 3, 2000
    All of my girlfriends (with the exception of one) I've met via the science fiction/Star Wars fan community.

    In fact my current girlfriend of 3 years I met at a Star Wars convention - Force III.

    Nearly everyone of my friends in the SF community is married to another person from within the "scene".

    So whoever said that SF/Star Wars are lonely is WAYYYY off the mark.
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