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Science Fiction Drama Dune: The Between Years

Discussion in 'Role Playing Forum' started by darthbernael , Sep 29, 2021.

  1. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    Ike and the GM
    Moritani Residence, Carthage, Arrakis

    “Remove my other bindings, forget this conversation ever happened, and I might let your little witch live.” he stated.

    The man was backing away from Ike a couple steps at a time, and brought his back against the seats of the sitting area, Trinnian moaning in pain and trying to stay still with the needle at her neck.

    Everything had changed.

    “You may be on the do not kill list but she certainly is not and my men are placed to remove her household troops from this house, your shadows too, if needed. Do what I said, Moritani.”

    This was a problem.

    Or, was it?

    Ike paused, for a moment.

    "If you kill her, her troops, and the shadows, will your masters not be concerned that I have been rendered less than useless, in the matter of spice?" He held up his hands as if to placate, but shifted to a shrug.

    "You would have decapitated me, but merely by removing the body." Not true, he had his scrounged ships, crews from his previous life, and he could still deliver.

    "What was your proposal after doing so? To flood my estate with your men, put your kin the frontline of the spice wars?" A smile, slightly. "To expose yourself fully to the vagaries of Court in the face of the Fremen?"

    Murad sneered at the questions. The tip of the gom jabbar dimpled the skin of Trinnian’s neck where he held her hand in place.

    “Hmmm, you are an interesting one. Your fiance stands here, on the precipice of death and you attempt to bargain.”

    He kept Trinnian between him and Ike, his eyes flicking to the ceiling on occasion to ensure that none of the shadows he was sure were observing would attempt any distraction or attack. “What you have here is a mere fraction of what your House has available. I could empty this compound of life and your Viscount would replace them in a day.”

    His eyes gleamed, almost maniacally, “And he’d do so without fuss or bother, to avoid the Emperor’s wrath or falling under the intense scrutiny that would occur. Leaving you alone, with shadows that despise you for the death of their fellows, with any here on this planet knowing you let your fiance die rather than aid her. In short, you’d be ostracized by almost all of society.”

    “Now…undo the restraints on my legs and I will release her.” he commanded the younger man.

    Ike was infuriated by this man.

    He rather wanted him dead.

    Eying the gom jabbar, and Trinnian too, trying to catch her eye, to see if she could communicate any ideas, he said. "Fine."

    Trinnian was attempting to hold as still as she could, knowing the pain the deadly needle at her throat could cause. She, likewise, knew that the officer would barely react or react poorly to her attempting to use the Voice. Seeing Ike's look her mind raced, trying to decide what could be the best way to remove the threat they were now under. Taking a shallow breath, so as not to expand her throat against the gom jabbar, "Your legs must be in pain from the bindings, especially your ankles." her voice soothing, as her eyes never left Ike's hoping he understood.

    Ike narrowed his eyes, or, tried not to, obviously. He covered the action with an overinflated sigh. "Alright then."

    He took a careful step forward. "I'll undo your feet, just don't kick me."

    Reaching for the man's bindings, he placed his head by his navel -

    Murad stiffened as Ike bent, his eyes narrowed, sure the man intended some form of trickery. What he didn't expect was for Trinnian to suddenly seem to faint, her head lolling back, away from the gom jabbar. At the same time her weight dropped, pulling her slightly further from the poison needle and forcing him to focus on her limp body. He had no time to see what Ike was doing as, he was sure despite his hatred of the witches if this one died the Imperium would find itself with another House opposed to it.

    Ike uppercut him.




    Murad's head snapped back at the impact, the hand with the gom jabbar falling away from Trinnian's shoulder. The crack as the fist hit the officer's jzw sounded more wicked to Trinnian, causing her concern that Ike had broken a bone or knuckle. She slithered out of the officer's grasp, as he slowly collapsed to the floor. Moving behind Ike, she reached out for the hand, to check it, attention partially on Murad, seeing him trying to get to his feet. Leaning by Ike's ear, "How do you think the Viscount will react if you demonstrate that those who have gone against the Emperor's wishes here deliver him those traitors." she whispered, with a pointed look at the groggy officer.

    Ike was favouring his hand, wincing hard. He had definitely hurt it.

    Murad was trying to get his wits about him.

    "I'll make my mind up when he's down."

    Ike stepped forward and lashed out a with a kick at the side of the groggy man's head -

    Murad's head snapped to the side at the kick, his already unfocused eyes going blank, with a crack. He fell, as bonelessly as the punch had dropped him the first time, to the floor, a trail of blood dribbling from his mouth. His chest rose and fell erratically, showing he was still alive but unconscious.

    Trinnian knelt, the sound of another crack filling the room as she ripped the gom jabbar from Murad's finger, breaking the bones of the finger in the process. It disappeared back among the folds of her gown as she rose again. Her eyes roamed around the room, including the ceiling overhead, sure that the shadows had been witnessing everything that had happened.

    Turning back to Ike, the smile on her face didn't quite meet her eyes. "With your shadows, we just need to keep his men at bay long enough for the Ezharian forces to arrive." She took his hands, lifting his wounded one to examine it, "I will not lose what I've just found because his people hate everyone."

    Ike was flexing his hand, working out the pain of his fist impacting the mans jaw. He was no stranger to the rough and tumble of a street fight, but he had expected to see less it in his elevation.

    He regarded her face for the moment, clearly conscious that this was above his pay-grade. He looked up, as if sighing, but he spoke when his head was up when he spoke. "I agree."

    TAG: @darthbernael
  2. Adalia-Durron

    Adalia-Durron WNU/Costume/Props/EUC Mod. star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 3, 2003
    IC Naveed & Taina - a wonderful combo with the GM that was so comfortable to write. Thank you @greyjedi125 & @darthbernael
    Edge of the Sietch near the desert, sunset

    There was so much to learn, to take in, but Taina was used to learning so she was quiet, behaved like a sponge as more than anything, she wanted to get this right. She’d been bathed, and now in her stilsuit, adorned with and ornate and decorative cape she was now sitting still as rings were braided into her hair. It was explained that these were her betrothed's and she would be the holder of them. They were gold in colour and as they were weaved into her dark hair, she found them quite attractive, but it really didn’t matter if she looked good or not, it was a ritual and she understood the significance of the rings.

    The sun was low on the horizon and she knew the time was nearing. Soon the Sayyadina came for her, leading through the women out into what was now the darkened desert, onto the sand. Standing behind her, the Sayyadina watched as the unmarried women of the tribe performed a traditional dance with heady chanting. For the first time in the entire day, she had butterflies, this was it, soon she’d be married. A small part of her was excited, anticipation wasn’t something she was used too but right now she was enjoying the feeling all the while keeping her face passive and serine.

    They had allowed him to pace back and forth- and for that he was grateful. What else could he do while he waited? Besides worry.

    Reality was so..surreal.

    Naveed was about to take on a wife, about to become a husband- and until just a moment ago, he hadn’t realized how totally unprepared he was for this task. What was a husband really supposed to do?

    Thoughts of his own father came to mind, but they didn’t reveal much on the secrets of being a husband. Naveed’s father had been just that- a father to him. It was a strange irony, that constantly fighting the Harkonnen pigs had consumed much of their everyday life, for it seemed that’s all they did- day in and day out. Had there been anything else?

    Becoming a Fedaykin had been a personal dream for Naveed- one which was achieved and earned through many worthy hardships. Naveed was a very capable warrior, was given a position of leadership due to his fervent passion in serving the sietch. As for becoming a father, well, he was fairly certain he could manage that part- but being a husband? There was no training manual for that, at least none that he was aware of. Simply put, he was good at combat. There wasn’t any combat involved in marriage, was there?

    Moments seemed to stretch into unbearable eternity as he paced continually, his mind surging with a myriad thoughts, that is, until the moment finally arrived.

    Naveed took a deep centering breath. As a leader, it was his duty to remain calm and centered, even in the most dire situations: this was no different. Therefore, Naveed put aside any worrisome thoughts and embraced the moment, focused on the joy of the union, the benefit to the sietch- the contentment of his wife to be. As a result, a soft smile graced his face and he seemed to walk just a taller in his stillsuit.

    A silent nod to Stilgar confirmed that he was ready.

    As they walked, Naveed felt lighter, the light of the glow rods seemed wonderfully mystical and otherworldly, the music was ‘transporting’. His gaze, once it fell on Taina, it was as if he were seeing her for the first time. The strength he saw in her as they traversed the desert shone around her like an adorning nimbus of light.

    She was simply breathtaking.

    Naveed smiled at Taina affectionately as he moved to join her, before offering a respectful nod to the Sayyadina.

    “Welcome Naveed, Taina, the sietch has gathered to affirm your vows of marriage, to join the two of you as one. May the Maker bless this union.”

    “Blessed be the Maker.”

    Something strange happened as he appeared and smiled, something she'd not expected. She felt it in her chest, a swelling she'd never experienced before and it felt nice, no, good. With eyes sparkling Taina allowed a warm smile. There was an aura of calm about him, his smile easing any concerns she might have had, the swelling in her heart warmed her from within, and she wasn't supposed to be this attached, but she was.

    Slowly she gave him a single nod, not taking her eyes off his for a moment.

    The Sayyadina spoke and she had been told when to speak, "blessed be the Maker."

    Stilgar stood to the side, Aratt and Zafim next to him. This was not for the men of the sietch to assist, it was from the Sayyadina and women of the sietch to perform the ceremony but, from what Stilgar saw, it was well in hand.

    At the blessing, the dancing women began to spiral in their movements, their Chakobsa chanting staying just low enough that the spoken words of the couple and the Sayydina could be heard. She bestowed a smile on the couple before her, “Traditionally, the ceremony would be held in our native tongue but your bride is not yet fluent in Chakobsa we have modified it.”

    Her arms rose, sweeping out to indicate the dancing women, “We have been the leaf in the wind of the storm of humanity. Time and again we have been denied our time to rise. First we were enslaved upon our homeworld of Poritrin. Then, we became the Wanderers. And finally, we came to Arrakis. And yet our time, our justice, has been denied. But Shai-Hulud has heard our pleas and promised we would have our time.”

    Her voice was hypnotic, enchanting, as she looked back at the couple again, the blue within blue of her eyes almost glittering in the light of the triple moons and stars overhead. “We are insular but also know the value of adding to the tribe, of finding that which bonds us. We are here, seeking the blessing of the Maker to sanctify this union.”

    Those bright blue eyes turned to Naveed, seeming to bore into his soul. “Naveed, Fedaykin, chief Lieutenant to the leader of our sietch, aide to Muad’dib. This woman, the sayyadina in waiting, Taina of the Bene Geserrit, has taken the responsibility of your water load, wishes to vow to stand at your side, to be she who is your left arm. Do you take her so, accept her so, and know she will defend you as strongly as you defend her, for the good of your family and that of the tribe?”

    Naveed turned to gaze at Taina, to behold her true self. That night in the desert, they would have both perished, of that he was certain, if it weren’t for her strength and her determination. She, Taina, was as worthy as any Fremen ever was. How brightly she shone now, her countenance seemed to glow and sparkle, like a clear night’s moonlight upon the face of the sand.

    He did not hesitate at all, the words just flowed out of him, like water:

    “I do accept, Sayyadina. I, Naveed of the Fremen, take Taina of the Bene Geserrit, to be my wife- to strongly defend her, our family and our Tribe. Blessed be the Maker.”

    He couldn’t take his eyes off of her as he poured out his deepest affection for all to see. In his mind, they were both floating, in this most blissful moment, he never knew was possible.

    Taina gazed into his eyes, and saw so much more than she'd ever hoped, it would have been easy to just say 'I do' but this was all about ceremony and tradition and what she was feeling, she needed to speak from her heart. She repeated word for word what had been asked of her, "I swear to stand by his side, to fight by his side, to protect both him and any fruit of this union that may occur, as well as the tribe itself, knowing he will always put himself between you and danger, but I also swear on my life I will do the same, for I am for him, and him alone."

    With the final words, Taina's heart did a strange erratic beat, a solid several thumps she'd never experienced before. She was lightheaded, a whirlpool of emotions swirling within her, as her eyes sparkled as she meant every word.

    The Sayyadina smiled softly, nodding at Naveed’s response. “Blessed be the Maker.” she murmured. Turning her attention, she fixed Taina in her gaze. “Sister Taina…” she began, her words almost betraying that the religious leaders of Fremen were descendants of the Missioniva Protectiva. “You have proven your worth, your strength, through trials most could not survive, to join us, to come to us. Through them, you did so with this man,” she gestured at Naveed. “At your side. You come before us wearing the water counter of Naveed. Do you swear to stand by his side, to fight by his side, to protect both him and any fruit of this union that may occur, as well as the tribe itself, knowing he will always put himself between you and danger?” she asked.

    Taina gazed into his eyes, and saw so much more than she'd ever hoped, it would have been easy to just say 'I do' but this was all about ceremony and tradition and what she was feeling, she needed to speak from her heart. She repeated word for word what had been asked of her, "I swear to stand by his side, to fight by his side, to protect both him and any fruit of this union that may occur, as well as the tribe itself, knowing he will always put himself between me and danger, but I also swear on my life I will do the same, for I am for him, and him alone."

    With the final words, Taina's heart did a strange erratic beat, a solid several thumps she'd never experienced before. She was lightheaded, a whirlpool of emotions swirling within her, as her eyes sparkled as she meant every word.

    The Sayyadina smiled softly once again. She brought her hands together, her tresses waving as she nodded reverently to them both. The sound of the Fremen women singing rose in pitch, hidden beneath was the basso rhythm of a pair of thumpers. She turned, nodding to Aratt, who suddenly started, like he’d missed a cue, before he stepped forward. His hand dipped to a pouch at his waist before coming up, two bands in his palms, rings fashions from the chitin of the sandworms.

    Taking them from him, the Sayyadina briefly gestured to where he’d been standing. As he fell back, she handed Taina’s to Naveed and his to her. “Take these tokens of your vows, adorn your spouse with them, to be the emblems of what you share.” She told them both, before a wave of her hand suggested Naveed begin.

    What indescribable joy surged in his heart and his entire being. Naveed felt breathless, light of weight, the smile on his face was pure, he could not take his eyes off of Taina. He did chuckle at Aratt's missed cue, but encouragingly so, as she gave the younger Fremen a wink. As directed by the Sayyadina, Naveed took the ring he was to place on his wife's finger. The rings, they were beautiful and simple, a representation of their union- yet much more than that; they represented so much that mere words could not contain all their true meaning, yet their existence made it understood and conveyed all that was implied, just by sight.

    "For I am for you and you alone, to honor and protect. Blessed be the Maker."

    With the grace of a diligent crafter did Naveed slip his wife's ring into her finger. He did not hurry the motion at all, yet made it linger just enough. This occasion was too momentous- he wished it could last forever. He was happy, intoxicated by joy- and in his heart- he felt it- that he, that they, were truly Blessed by the Maker.
    His eyes were sparkling, not something she'd seen before, and something she wanted to see more of. Taina had never felt so strongly for anyone in her life and her heartbeat had become almost painful in her chest as she watched him put the ring slowly onto her finger, her skin tingling at his touch. Not unaware of the ways of men and women, Taina had honestly never felt this way and she wondered vaguely if it was real or the situation.

    The Sayyadina held out a second ring to Taina, greyish in colour and with interesting patterns on it. Taking it she reached over and took his hand, holding it gently in hers, the ring poised at the tip of the finger. Lifting her gaze she stared into his eyes, "our paths crossed, destiny led me to you, here I choose to stay, because of you." Without breaking her gaze she slowly slipped the ring onto his finger, "this symbol tells all here and beyond, I am for you, for all time. I will follow you, honour you and for all my days, lay my life down to protect you." Gently dragging both her hands back over his fingers, she let the hint of a smile touch her lips as she added in a whispered tone, "blessed be the Maker."

    The sounds of the singing Fremen women neared a crescendo as the rings were exchanged. At the last, whispered, words of Taina the Sayyadina smiled with a miniscule nod to the woman. She lifted her arms and, in a loud tone, “The Maker bless this union and show the tribe the strength of Naveed and Taina, from this day forth.”

    When her arms dropped the singing ended abruptly, silence ringing across the desert sands for but a moment. The silence was broken by a rush of wind and a deeply guttural groaning sound as a pair of massive sandworms erupted from the sands, rearing into the air on either side of the wedding party and dancers. The two sandworms arced their bodies over, the massive, tooth lined maws pointed down at the newly married couple, the deep, rich scent of pure spice washing over them from the mouths.

    The Sayyadina had hoped for a blessing of this union but this was truly fortuitous. Her arms rose again and in an even louder voice, “Shai Hulud himself blesses this union! None may ever tear it asunder! May all celebrate what these two share!”

    This was almost overwhelming for Taina. Not long ago they'd been running and hiding from such creatures, avoiding for fear of death, or was it something worse? She gazed up at the creatures in wonderment at the control they were either showing or was it control. She turned back to Naveed, her eyes sparkling with so much more than what she was witnessing. She stepped forward toward him, taking his hands and giving him the softest smile. Hoping above all hope that he felt as she did, Taina didn't know how or why, or even when, but she knew her feelings for this man were very strong.

    The moment between them seemed to stretch. For that, he was grateful, as he did not wish for it to end. His eyes met hers and he fell into the glow of her visage, almost losing himself in her presence, her perfume.

    How could he have been so blind. Naveed thought he knew strength, determination, he was certain, oh so certain that he possessed these things, but now, he knew the truth. It was the wife who was the strongest, for she illuminated the way for the husband, nurtured him, built him up, carried him, liberated him. Such selflessness was true strength- a power that was humbling and forever mysterious to men.

    Or at least to him.

    But he would be forever grateful to know it, to be lifted and inspired by it. Naveed knew in that moment that he would do anything for his wife, would give himself, his life for her time and time again. He would face the enemy with unquenchable fire, that immutable yearning that would return him home.

    It was then that his senses burst with a transcendent sensation that knew no utterance.

    Not one, but two sandworms burst from the sand!! The spice flowed - and in that moment, Naveed felt both insignificant and immortal, powerless and yet - willing and able to face off against a legion of Harkonnen. This blessing was beyond anything he could have conceived in his own imagination; for in his heart, he knew it - he could not explain it - but he knew, that the Fremen would be Free.

    “Bless the Maker, Shai Hulud…” Naveed spoke the words with great reverence, bowing his head as he did so. Within him, his spirit soared to heights unimagined. In his mind, he thought he saw images, but could not readily understand them, nor did he feel the need to.

    He had never felt more alive than in this moment, never was he more blessed. He was for his wife and his wife for him- and no agency would tear them asunder. In his joy, Naveed followed his feelings, as he slowly leaned in and lovingly kissed Taina- his wife.

    It was unexpected, but fervently wished for when he leaned in and their lips met. Taina had never known such a feeling as her heart began to soar and she abandoned all control. Lifting her arms she reached up and cupped his cheeks to hold him to her, returning the kiss in hopes he'd know, he'd feel as she did.

    Suddenly, no one else around them mattered, suddenly, to her there was him and him alone. Her husband, the one she'd fight for, fight with, the one she'd give her own life to defend. Somehow she knew that, somehow she knew this man was not only her destiny but her future.

    Time stood still, or at least it felt like it did as the kiss seemed to express a moment and a lifetime all in one. As she gently pulled back only a few centimeters and not releasing him, she gazed into his eyes hoping beyond all hope he'd see the depth of her feeling. "Bless the maker...." She whispered to his lips before kissing him once again.

    TAG @greyjedi125 @darthbernael
  3. Mitth_Fisto

    Mitth_Fisto Chosen One star 6

    Sep 29, 2005
    IC: Randolpho Espanza - A Combo with Darth Bernael
    The deep desert, northwest of Arrakeen, near the Imperial Testing Station

    Randolpho looked at the sands through the goggles of his still suit, breathing his moisture captured air with a nod of surety. Whatever was happening where they had been in the city, this lateral move into the deserts was certainly shaping up to be a profitable diversion with much better security. The dead man, or hero rather, they had found of course had better cemented it in his mind that relocating had been a good move. Being someplace ostensibly already cleared was also a boon.

    They had killed local impersonators and dumped their bodies after stripping them of valuables into the sands and as they had left he ordered something be dropped to attract a worm to dispose of the evidence. Whether that had worked or not didn't really matter. Watching the hanger doors close he nodded to the man operating the controls, once it was closed it would be locked and power disconnected. A safety measure to reduce the chance of them being detected by any large noises or power signatures. The Fremen had made it clear they were noisy and easy to spot, so he was trying to see if there were ways they could be quieter, especially as they were in a Fremen's camp ostensibly.

    The perimeter guard shimmied his way down the spire his team had chosen, as quietly as he could. He kept the rock between himself and the intruders, going over exactly what he’d say to the boss when he got there. Near the base of the spire he pressed and twisted a knoll of rock; a hidden door opening next to the knoll.

    Slipping inside, the door silently closed behind him. Hurrying through the passageways, he let those he encountered know of the intruders, as he made for the hangar. When he emerged into it only a thin strip of bright sunlight streamed through the doors of the hanger, growing more narrow as he peered up at them.

    Shaking his head at the momentary distraction, he hurried across the hangar, until he stopped before Randolpho. “Boss, trouble. Someone followed you most of the way back. They haven’t found us yet but there are a dozen of them, less than a kilometer from the base.”

    Nodding distractedly he looked around the hanger. "Well, let's prepare to greet them. Uh, let me see. . ." listening to the hanger close and the sounds of the men going about preparations he nodded. "Dozen. Yes? Yes. Ghost banshee defense. Go. Go."

    He waved the man away and started spreading the word himself. The men would know, or should have the program for what to do. Ghost Banshee was to be quiet and settle in and wait in ambush inside your own base. If the enemy found it and found the obvious doors they would be funneled in. They were to be ignored as long as possible letting them near the heart of everything and then spring the ambush on them. Of course if anyone saw the enemy calling it that was to be interrupted. An old abandoned silo near where they lost track of him was one thing, reports of their actual position another.

    The lookout nodded, making his way around the hangar. As he passed on the orders the others began to do the same. The doors shut, bringing the hangar to the minimal lighting that the glowstrips on the floor provided, giving the defenders more time to prepare, should their potential foes breach the facility before they were prepared. Silence fell as the miners found positions throughout the facility, Chok having taken station by the room his siblings were now hiding.

    The squad moved quietly, unaware or unwilling to act as though they were being observed. A noise began, at an oblique angle from their approach to where they'd last seen the craft. A quad broke off, to investigate. Drawing nearer, the sound of a thumper told that there had to be some presence, near where the entrance to a cave, several hundred meters to the west of where they'd last seen the craft. The whistling sound of offworld birds caught the attention of their commander, another quad drawing off, to join the first, to investigate this new occurence. They could not afford any report of them being this far out in the desert to be let out, but now there were only four heading toward the last known location of the mining craft.

    Randolpho hurried along, edging on toward where he was sure they would find their way inside. Soon he would be settled in with camo and rocks waiting. Randolpho held a closed fist in the shadows of the rocks, telling his people to hold out just a little longer, wait. Slow was fast, wait until the enemy was in close, and if possible use swords to quietly take them out. He held the hilt of his own sword resolutely, thumb by his suits shield.

    The commander and his three troopers advanced slowly, the sounds of the desert quieting around them, save the bird calls that had drawn off the others of his squad. The closer they drew to the last sighted place the thopters had been seen the more wary he was. Topping a small lip of rock, he held up a closed fist to stop the quad. His eyes narrowed, the sands before him were more regular than they should have been and had a small valley that sinuously ran across most of the open area. His head tracked back and forth, studying the layout. With a flat blade hand he gestured at a recess in the rock that rimmed the depression before him. Using the throat mic he whispered his instructions, "Stack up, that has all the look of a doorway."

    The three others lined up against the rock, the one closest to the depression taking a small packet from a pouch. He mouthed a countdown after affixing it to the corner of the depression. When his countdown reached zero, there was a muffled explosion and a gush of backblasted water shot from the depression. He warily turned his head to look into the depression, immediately pulling back, to nod at the commander. Another reach to his belt and a metallic cylinder clicked against the flooring beyond the hole blasted in the rock, flaring and releasing a cloud of smoke. Once it was sufficiently thick the three troopers darted into it, weapons raised, their officer taking up the rear, facing away to check their six, entering the facility they'd just found.

    Huddled down from the blast Randolpho held in a silent curse. One of the water barrels must of been left by the door and these people had to blast their way in from the side! His mind went to the kid saying something about harvesting their deads waters. A grim alternative, but when already wearing a still-suit with top grade filtration? Hopefully not.

    Pulling his camo sheet over his position he waited, holding his breath as best able as he breathed through the filters that finally were good for something other than moisture capture as they kept him from gagging or coughing on the sand blown up around them. Eyes up from his crouch position he waited. If they didn't swing towards him he would let them pass, if he felt an itch they saw him though he would have to gut and shield in a smooth motion. Hopefully he could let them pass until he could take out the last in line as his men ambushed the rest.

    The quad made slow progress, the dust still stirring in the air. As best they could, in the dim light, they checked every nook ad cranny of the corridor. Ahead, shown by the point man, was a sliver more of light that showed that the power worked, whether it meant anyone was present or not. There were rooms on either side of the corridor, the most they had time for now was to swiftly open the door, roll a charge into the room, then close the door before the charge detonated. It was a simple solution to the fact the remainder of the squad was dealing with the noises outside of the hidden complex. The one thing the officer was displeased by was that their communication gear was on the fritz inside the underground facility.

    Noting that they were coming on the branch of two rooms, he did a click on the comms. Everyone should be ready. Listening to the foot steps he waited until he was sure they would be shifting their formation for the door breach. If he timed this right, and he had men in those rooms like he thought, they would do a counter breach and take down the squad. The time was coming, just another step, just a shuffle. . .click-click. Go time!

    Eyes closed he slid out of cover with the first noise of conflict to run to it, thumb itching to trigger his personal shield as soon as he knew he was spotted to try and sneak closer in the chaos.

    The silence of the corridor, with the fact it was all but certain that the people they were following were inside, made the officer slow the clearing process. Moving past the team, stacking at the far side of it, he nodded for them to breach. The one by the handle of the door, opposite him, set the charge then lifted the detonator. The flash and the trooper before him stepping into the doorframe were almost in the same instant, his trooper lifting his hand to toss the clearing charge into the room.

    The clearing charge thrower would be the first stabbed and then shoved back before they would momentarily retreat. Let them be blasted by their own clearing charges before they came back into finish the fight. Not exactly honorable combat, but it was what he was hired for.

    The entry trooper staggered back through the open door, a gurgling "Dropped the charge..." coming from him before he toppled backward, the hilt of a knife sticking out of his chest. There wasn't time to order the men to duck before the charge went off, partially into the room but the rest directed out of the door. A growl came from the officer as shrapnel scored lines across his angular face, one of the troopers clutching his face where the debris had partially blinded him.

    His blue eyes filled with fury, with a quick hand motion, both he and the remaining upright trooper tossed a pair of charges towards the still smoking door, their rifles coming up and firing in short bursts to discourage any inside from trying to grab the charges and toss them back.

    And this was where having stuff to hid behind comes in handy. Others should be moving in to attack now that the party had started with a bang. Making his shield was active he waited for the booms to come before he would out and practice the art of slow is quick with the blade.

    The sound of ripping cloth came, the partially blind trooper wrapping a section of his sleeve around his head, covering the affected eye. His anger was palpable as the two troops and the officer set their shields, their slug throwers just out of the shields. The injured trooper roared, "For the Emperor!" before he charged ahead, the other two following behind. Each covered a sector of the room, seeing that whoever was inside had piled up furniture and other items to create impromptu barricades. "Knife work boys." the officer said in a low tone as he holstered his weapon, pulling out a long dagger, the inlaid pommel sticking out above his hand wrapped around the hilt. He moved slowly, listening for the sound of movement as the other two imitated him, daggers to hand as they headed deeper into the room.

    In the hall behind, the sound of combat had drawn several other of the miners. They made their way, cautiously, toward the smoke and debris. When they reached the still smoking doorway, the nearest whistled a two toned whistle, a short code drawn from the Atreides battle language to report that reinforcements were near.

    Standing up with his sword already drawn he couldn't help but to smile. Whistling a short call to say it would be appreciated and swords. "You wanna bring a knife to a sword fight?" A shrug, "Okay." With that assumed his stance and waded forward. I was time to kill all but two, and those would need disabling of their arms and legs. Grinning manically he had a stray thought run through his mind. He was giddy to actually have a proper sword fight at last in this mission and a good excuse for it as well!

    The officer was slightly handicapped in this fight, not just because the man who was now facing him had a full length sword but because he’d heard the whistles, knew there had to be more foes approaching, and because he still had his men to keep an eye on. Still, he noted the telltale flicker that said that his foe was shielded as he was.

    Darting in, his first slash was lightning fast but slowed abruptly just before the tip of his dagger reached the shield, the almost syrupy quality of the shield itself slowing the slash. “We shall see whose blade tastes flesh, smuggler.” he stated flatly.

    The response was received from Randolpho and the three reinforcements flowed through the doorway. Seeing that the four men fighting their compatriots were shielded they slung their pistols and rifles, drawing whatever blades or blunt instruments they could, for such a fight. Knowing that the boss would have his edge in combat, they focused on the three charging the others in the room.

    The first to fall was the partially blinded trooper, one of the miners timed his sweep of the man’s legs just right, knocking them out from under him just as a blade penetrated his shield at chest height. The fall drove him onto the blade and, after a cough of blood, he slumped to the floor.

    Randolpho only had eyes for the blade coming at his body. He didn't try to dive out of the way nor did he stay still, he turned his foot and leaned. Just enough to make the blade miss his body, his own sword flicking up quickly and then slowing right before contact with the enemies shield. If matched just right the syrup effect of the shields should be like warm butter, letting his blade come in and push the mans arm further from him to miss as well as aiming to cut the mans elbow.

    His crew he knew would be working on the remaining enemies. "You cut my walls! Prepare to die!" he cried out joyfully in turn.

    The officer growled, twisting his wrist and lifting it, trying to turn his blade back toward Randolpho’s side and avoid the man’s sword. He was partially successful as a dull sound echoed inside the shield, the blade slicing across the inside of his bracer. The sharpness of the blade opened it to the skin and drew a line of blood. His expression darkened as he pulled back his knife, stepping away from the sword, timing a kick to penetrate the man’s shield and impact his knee.

    The remaining two troopers were fighting like wildcats, now pinned between two groups of foes. They had a dagger in each hand and were turned, almost facing the fight between the officer and Randolpho, as they kept the six miners at bay, for now.

    Lifting his leg slightly as the kick came in he tried to minimize the damage. It still hurt, but it wouldn't make him go down as if he had had his weight on it. Instead a wince, "You know, you surrender now. I might not kill you." he added with a sing song of a sigh.

    Of course that sigh was followed by a fast lunge and stab at the man's closest shoulder in retaliation, still trying to disable the knife arm. If he could disarm him this fight would be over quickly with the little ones.

    The officer turned, feeling the sword shave the outer surface and almost to his skin from the armor covering his shoulder. "Surrender? We have never surrendered, never lost. Especially not to scum who failed their lord." he replied with a touch of venom as he turned his knife's blade, pushing the blade of the sword out of line then sliding his blade forward toward the guard, the screech of metal filling the air.

    One of the two remaining troops gave a coughing, wet grunt and sagged, a blade through his ribs on either side. One of the three facing him slowly slumped at the same time, the trooper's knife in his heart. A second clapped a hand to his thigh, staggering away as blood stained the leg of his pants. The last joined the three fighting the last trooper; all four trying to keep from killing the man, recalling the order to keep him alive.

    Randolpho laughed! "I have not failed my lord! Not until I die here." He punched forward with the guard, a tactic to try and knock the knife possibly away and give him time to recover and dip his sword down to cut the man's knee with a withdrawal to create space to get back into proper guard. "You, on the other hand. . .you walk into a trap."

    Grunting and trying to recover as the guard caught him in the upper chest the officer hissed as he felt the searing pain at his knee. His knife hand dipped, fingers touching the slash before the blade came back up. " destroy the must walk willingly into it." he replied, tone as flat as possible. Keeping his weight off the now injured knee, he lunged, slowing the thrust of his knife as it met Randolpho's shield, slowly pressing forward towards the man's chest.

    Grinning Randolpho fell backwards, rolling away from his opponent. As he stood with guard back in position he saluted with free hand as point of his blade centered for the man's heart, "Sometimes, you have to be the fool - to win." Extending his blade he waited.

    The lunge faltered, the officer's eyes widening slightly, as he put too much weight on the now wounded knee. It gave way beneath him and, as he saw out of the corner of his eye his remaining trooper encircled he growled. His eyes flicked back to Randolpho as he fell forward. A suddenly calm expression crossed his face just before the tip of the sword wiped all expression from his face, burying deeply inside his skull. His body became a dead weight at the end of the sword's blade, sagging to the floor.

    The last trooper was fighting as though his life depended on it because it did. He saw his commander fall and the anger at that sent a surge through him. Drawing his arms in he suckered two of the four surrounding him to step closer. Seconds later they fell back, ripping his blades from his hands. Weaponless yet still angered, he turned toward one of the remaining two, knowing the one who had killed his commander was too far for the moment, and charged toward that miner's blade, intending on following his commander into death rather than be captured.

    Whistling Randolpho tapped his nose as he used a boot to push the man off his blade. Trying to tell the miner to just knock the man out, break his nose, injure him, whatever he had to. Honestly if his men failed to keep one alive he could live with it. But it would make things so much easier if they got some answers.

    TAG: @darthbernael
  4. TheAdmiral

    TheAdmiral Chosen One star 4

    Mar 28, 2004
    OOC: A combo with @darthbernael ! Thank you!

    IC: Aya Carolina
    Ginaz Residence

    Aya gave Dyana a blank stare, followed by a faint smile of reassurance. She was sure the other woman was more than capable to fend for herself. She was curious to see how this little charade will play out. You did not have to be a Bene Gesserit to know that something was amiss. So far she was playing her part, looking for an opportunity to turn the tables.

    It was all a manner of precise timing. Good thing she had been trained by the Sisterhood. A lesser woman would have fallen for the charade rather quickly.

    Once she smelled the stench of death she instructed her body to ignore it. It was a distraction and she needed her senses to be on high alert. She was going to sniff for other substances that should not be there of course.

    "I can see that." she stated flatly "Do you have any idea what caused this?" she crooked an eyebrow quizzically.

    The Lieutenant's eyes almost imperceptibly flicked toward his men at the question. The corner of his lips tugged up in a fractional smile. "As I reported a few moments ago, Legate, three men burst from the same hidden opening in the wall that we used. My men, who had begun their patrols, spotted them and attempted to apprehend the men."

    He glanced down at the remains, "As you can see, they resisted. Unfortunately, one of them, wounded as he was, managed to escape. In this environment it should not be difficult to track him down." Kneeling down, he rose with something in his hand. Holding it out to her, as one of Chiar's eyebrows arched, "This was the only thing we found on their bodies."

    Remarkably, the device she was handed was free of blood or gore, easily recognizable with the blue and yellow stripes, the horse head centered on them. It was the symbol of House Moritani, Ginaz's most hated foes.

    Aya tried not to roll her eyes "Yes, you told me your men killed them, I am asking, how it was done." she could study the bodies herself, but she wanted to see the man's reactions. There was something off about him and she wanted to learn what.

    She looked to her companion and signaled "Can you have someone track the wounded assailant?" she did not want to ask her out loud. "They need to be discreet."

    Aya frowned at the device as she studied it. Someone made an effort to make it like a Moritani attack. Which was logical. But probably a misdirection. In this game you do not leave obvious signs. Even the Harkonnens had to cover their tracks when dealing with the Atreides.

    Aya's companion couched his face in a neutral expression as he saw the signals from her. His fingers twitched in a reply Acknowledged. He drifted off, lifting his communicator, whispering into it.

    The Lieutenant watched him move for a moment, before turning back to Aya. The corner of his lips turned up in a fractional smile, tucking the crest into a pocket. "A mixture of projectile fire and knifework." he replied calmly. "The third broke off and ran when his companions tried to overwhelm the security team." A sharp tooth showed as the smile widened slightly, "They did not understand the skill of your new security, or our skill."

    Glancing down at the bodies, he nudged at them with his boot, stirring the remains. "We have our orders and they mean no mercy when attacked."

    Chiar shuddered, listening to the man. He had fought and bled in many battles and the man's tone spoke of a nihlism that bordered on a death wish or a need to destroy everything. It reminded him of some of the more devout Fedaykin, almost worshiping death.

    Aya's face remained expressionless as the man left. "I see." she said simply. "If only you were not that skillful at your job." there was a hint of sarcasm in her voice "Maybe we would have had a prisoner to interrogate." she made sure it sounded like a snide remark and not an accusation that this had been done on purpose to cover someone's tracks.

    "Have someone carry them to the doctor for any further examination." Aya ordered "I will linger on a few more moments to make sure nothing had been missed."

    Several of Chiar's men came from around the corner of the Residence, warily stopping as they saw the troops near Chiar and Aya. The investigator and Chiar both nodded at them, setting them back in motion. Ignoring the tableau, they spread out, tracking the last of the assassins, until a chirp that sounded similar to the desert mouse had them congregate near the outer wall of the compound. From there, they set out, to find that third man.

    The Lieutenant had watched their actions with a slightly amused smile, as though he knew something they did not. Turning back to Aya at her orders, he nodded, whistling sharply. From around the other corner of the residence another quad appeared, jogging over. One pulled a couple tarpaulins from a pack, while the other three settled the remains on them, working to keep them as separate as possible. The officer turned towards Chiar, "Show them to the doctor so they can carry out the Legate's commands." His tone was one that brooked no argument, even if he was ordering one of her people without regard as to whether she desired Chiar to do so or not.

    The older Fremen let a bemused expression cross his face, turning towards her. One eyebrow lifted in a silent question, otherwise ignoring what the officer said. He waited, unmoving, to see if that is what the new Legate desired of him.

    Aya was convinced there was something more, but decided not to act just right now. She wanted to see where things will go, while maintaining her vigilance. It was in part hubris on her part, but more and more sisters had been infected by that weakness.

    She gave the Fremen a small nod.

    "I will take another look around and then you can take me wherever you thought I will be safe." she did not hide the sarcasm from her voice.

    At the nod, Chiar gave a grunt of acknowledgement then gestured to the stretcher bearers. He led them back inside and out of sight.

    With him leaving, that left Aya alone with the original quad, including the officer, who had come down the tunnels with Chiar to find her. "With all due respect...we will ensure nothing disturbs you while you make your own investigation here. We would be poor bodyguards to the Legate if we leave you alone."

    "Of course." Aya said with an insincere smile "That will be a gross oversight." she approached where the body laid and started looking for anything that the assailant might have dropped.

    With the bodies moved the ground below was a darker hue, even in the darker light of the evening. As Aya moved around, studying the terrain a glitter in the sands caught her eye.

    The Lieutenant watched her closely as his men stayed far enough away to not be watching and to demonstrate they were guarding her from external threats. So when she knelt he cursed under his breath, wondering what she'd found.

    What was retrieved was a slice of gold, the sculpted outer surface appeared to be part of an animal's face, a small ruby set as the eye in the partial face.

    Aya had considered kicking the shiny object away so that she would be able to take it later, but was not sure whether she would have an opportunity to do so. Besides, there would be nothing to stop the Lieutenant from coming back and finish up the cover up.

    She noted his reaction to her actions. Interesting. She picked the piece. It looked familiar. She had received training in all the types of weapons of the Empire. She was sure that it was a piece of a dagger, of someone of renown given that it was made of gold and had an actual ruby in it. A piece of a dagger. The animal depicted was a lion... Corrino... Sardaukar!

    "It seems someone must have dropped a trinket." she lied "I will take it to my room for further study." she said innocently. Aya wanted to see the officer's reaction and whether that declaration will be followed by some action.

    Having to couch his features into a neutral expression, the Lieutenant nodded, "You have more training than my men, to investigate, so finding something is no surprise." he replied in a flat tone. Glancing over at the men standing guard, the Immenbrech met his eyes. Winking in a slow and deliberate manner, he used them to speak to the man, informing him to attempt to get what Aya had found away from her once they had moved her to the secure location. Turning back to her, "Are you now satisfied, Legate? We truly should move you somewhere more secure if you are."

    Aya was annoyed by the constant nagging, the Lieutenant wanted to have her away from the crime scene for some reason, maybe it would be good to oblige for the time being, maybe she would be able to find out more. "Alright, I am done here, lead the way."

    The Lieutenant nodded, the guards forming up around Aya as they began to head back to the entrance to the secret passageways. The men were silent firm presences around her.

    As they reached the entrance several natives, in the dress of groundskeepers rounded the corner of the Residence. It would take a trained eye to see that none of them truly had the build or roughness that a groundskeeper often had. Anyone who would see would know, as they headed to the spot where the bodies had been and began to clean up the remaining debris, that Chiar had dressed several of his people that way to gather anything there in case it proved to be evidence of what had occurred.

    Once inside the passage, the Lieutenant spoke in a guttural, clipped and broken speech, to the guards. Two of them turned on their heels, weapons already coming up, and headed back out toward the groundskeepers. "Cannot take chances those men might be more assassins, Legate." He stated, gesturing toward a passage they had not yet taken, one lit well but obviously infrequently traveled.

    Aya remained silent while they walked. She was studying the mannerisms of the guards escorting her. This observation brought up a myriad of questions, the answers of which could be quite... distressing. The groundskeepers too were odd. The tension in the air was quite palpable. "Do not do anything unless provoked." she almost hissed. She wanted to see how this whole affair will play out.

    TAG: @darthbernael
    darthbernael and Sinrebirth like this.
  5. darthbernael

    darthbernael EU Community Mod, Fuego, Pyrofuego! star 5 Staff Member Manager VIP - Game Winner

    Apr 15, 2019

    “What do you despise? By this are you truly known.” Dune - Frank Herbert
    Sietch Tabr, the following morning

    The evening had been as magical for Naveed and Taina as the wedding had been. The festivities had lasted until all three moons had risen in the night sky, a whirlwind of food, spice, dancing, and caresses. Zafim had kept Aratt occupied, had taken the young Fremen under his wing, while the couple celebrated. When the festivities wrapped, Zafim had made sure Aratt was taken care of for the evening, stationing himself outside the door to their quarters, to keep any passersby away.

    What woke them, sooner than they both had hoped, was the smell of fresh coffee brewing. The bed was in disarray after their evening, both pulling on fresh robes as the sound of a person outside their bedroom, one who was humming slightly, drifted in with the smell of the coffee. It wasn’t Zafim’s voice, nor was it Aratt’s voice; it was deeper, smoother than the Fedaykin or the boy.

    When they had taken care of their morning ablutions and were ready, they came out as one to see who it was that Zafim would have allowed to interrupt their morning, their honeymoon. Sitting at the dining table in his stillsuit, a steaming mug of thick coffee in his hands was Stilgar, a crooked smile on his face.

    He gestured at the seats, “Please, join me. I will get you coffee or your drink of choice to begin the day. I also apologize that I have interrupted your celebration but…” He stood, pacing over to the coffee service, taking mugs from their spots, before bringing the carafe, the mugs, the sugar, milk, and fixing for tea as well back to the table. Sitting one more, “there is news. News from the capital, brought by city dwellers who have fled the actions of Rabban.”

    TAGS: @Adalia-Durron, @Sinrebirth (Thank you for continuing this character, I’d hate to see him disappear) (Combo with each other and GM)


    Ginaz Residence

    The thick walls of the Residence dulled sound. Almost all Aya-Carolina could hear was the footsteps of the Lieutenant and the guards as they headed down the corridor to the safe room. Almost…but not enough to completely silence the sounds of maula pistols firing, of knives clashing, of the dull grunts of men being stabbed or shot that came from the scene outside she’d just come from. When she’d begun to turn the Lieutenant gave her a dark look, “I said no chances they could be assassins, I care not if they’d worked here for years.” he stated coldly.

    The walk otherwise became a tense affair, quietly tense, until they reached the safe room. Two guards took station outside the room, the Lieutenant taking her inside. It was sparsely furnished, a tiny kitchen, a bed and dresser, several lamps, a desk as well. Notably absent were any other doors or points of egress, the door they had entered from was the only portal into the room. “If there are communiques for you, we shall bring them to you.” the Lieutenant stated before he stepped back out of the door, the sound of it locking filled the air.

    She had no idea how long she’d been in the room, on her own, there were no timepieces either, it seemed as much a prison cell as it was a safe room. She did, however, have time to study what she’d found at the scene of the bodies as well as go over her own mental notes.

    There were dull sounds outside the door of the room at some point, sounds that probably would have been even louder if the walls or door were any less thick. They went on for several minutes, peaking and ebbing before they finally ended. A few minutes after they had the sound of the door being unlocked reached her ears. It swung open slowly, revealing a slightly haggard looking Chiar standing there, slashes on his stillsuit and one that had opened a wound on his face, as well.

    “Legate…Sister…we must…” he coughed wetly, “we must secret you away from here. Those are not House troops.” He sagged against the doorframe, “And, I doubt they will stop…until this Residence is…empty…”

    TAG: @TheAdmiral (Combo with GM)


    The deep desert, northwest of Arrakeen, Imperial Testing Station

    The miner had seen his boss’s look, had interpreted it as Randolpho had hoped. Before the trooper was able to impale himself on the miner’s blade the man had moved it, a hollow sound coming as he rapped the butt of his knife against the side of the trooper’s head. A sigh escaped the remaining miners as the trooper sagged to the floor, into unconsciousness.

    Another, less injured miner, secured the prisoner, ensuring he was bound tightly, checking all over for any hidden weapons or transmitters. It took some time, several more of Randolpho’s crew arriving and patching up the wounded in the meantime. Once that was all done, the bodies had to be disposed of, taken to a deep shaft inside the compound, Chok having led them to it.

    Finally, with the room cleared, a sturdy chair was brought in, the miners using several of their tools to securely bolt it to the floor. They took the bound captive, almost tossing him into the chair. With several holding his still unconscious form in place, several others removed his restraints, using them again to secure his arms to the arms of the chair, his legs to the legs of it. Another loop was loose around his neck, just enough to let him breathe and speak, but not move his head much more. One of them, more talented, checked his teeth, pulling several that looked suspicious, before the team leader took a bucket of sand, throwing it in the trooper’s face, to wake him. The man began to curse when he finally awoke, arms and legs straining to test the strength of the restraints.

    “Boss, he’s ready if you have questions.”

    The trooper turned his head as much as he could, spitting bloody spittle onto the floor, “I have nothing to tell you, Atreides scum.” he got out, weakly but fervently.

    TAG: @Mitth_Fisto (combo with the GM)


    Moritani Residence, Carthage, Arrakis

    The Sub-Levensbrech was concerned. Murad had disappeared and, given the people they were supposed to be imitating Household troops of worried even his kind, his people. Murad had come on strong when they arrived and had spoken to the Legate. It hadn’t helped that the Legate had a fiance, a woman of another House and a Bene Gesserit, with him when they arrived. It worked counter to the sets of orders they had received and Murad, having lost a sister to becoming one of the witches, had acted oddly for his position.

    And now he was gone. There was no trace of the man, as though he’d not even moved into his quarters that they had been given. The Sub-Levensbrech had his orders in a situation such as this, he needed to report to home. To have more troops sent, hopefully before the intelligence they had that the woman’s Household troops had given of their arrival time occurred. The last they needed here was to disappoint either the Emperor or the Viscount. Either could destroy them in a heartbeat, in different ways.

    As Ike and Trinnian had the shadows secure the Levensbrech, as all their loyal troops formed a living wall around the deepest, most secure section of the Residence, the call was made. Another contingent of troops was being sent to ensure that news of what might have happened with the one House the Emperor did not want a war with would never escape. It had now become a race of time, which would arrive first, the Ezharian troops or the Sardaukar reinforcements.

    As they waited, Trinnian held her fiance, “My love, I could…ask the Sisterhood for aid.”

    TAG: @Sinrebirth (Combo with GM)


    Tag for Clarence Mudze and Thufir Hawat to roll over. @BobaMatt

    Tag for @Mira Grau (Cassandra) and @pashatemur (Sokanon), in progress, to roll over, continue.
  6. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    IC: Ike - combo with the DM!

    As they were want to do, they lay in bed together, killing the time before, well, they were killed or killed.

    It was not an unfamiliar sensation for him, and Ike had imbibed, relaxed, and cavorted as he saw fit. With Trinnian, without, with her and others. Because why not. He was Legate. She was Witch. They took what and who they wanted.

    All except the Emperor, of course.

    To her question, he kissed her bare shoulder and wondered. "Would they proffer it? Are they so invested in us that they are not elsewhere?" He opted for a hopeful tone, to continue to sound politically naïve. A Fremen and a brutal judge of character he was, but he was no nobleman. He may as well be underestimated, even in the boudoir.

    Trinnian shrugged at the question, running her hand over his chest as she thought. That drew a frown, "I'd have to ask a more...experienced Sister...but I suspect, unless your bloodline was one we they wouldn't." She was surprised at the honesty of her response, some of what she'd said were secrets of the Sisterhood but they were in a life or death moment and she knew if they died him knowing wouldn't matter. And if they survived it would only bring more trust between them.

    "'s down to hoping my troops arrive soon. And that yours are as good as they've already shown."

    One we need.

    Ike turned that over in his head.

    "We could always procure the bloodline they do require," he said, absently. "I am sure smoke and mirrors is all well and good, but we would just take whatever they want, use us as patsies, and step in thereafter on a disconnected matter."

    A smile. "We can be seen to be hiding in the Sisterhood's skirts."

    Trinnian shivered at the thought of what Ike was suggesting. "Where among the people here could we procure it?" she asked in a seemingly frightened tone. " do not want to come under the gaze of the Truthseers."

    Outside their secure suite a war was being raged, the Sub-Levensbrech had his men searching to close off any potential escape from the suite he'd determined that the Legate and his fiance were ensconced in. But the damnable Shadows were making that harder and harder. Three times now the second line patrols had come upon quads laying dead in the corridors. As well, twice now other quads had returned from deeper movements in the Residence with severe injuries. He wasn't even sure if they had killed even one of the Shadows.

    What made matters worse was the message his comm team had intercepted, that the Ezharian troops had arrived in orbit and were soon to land at the Residence landing pad.

    "Brute force, of course, as a cover for our Shadows."

    The violence continued out the room; they could hear it now.

    Ike stood from the bed, draped himself merely in a sheet that only showed his scarred physique and muscular torso while making a silhouette of everything else.

    "Remain here, my dear, and I will entreaty the soldiers; stall them until our reinforcements arrive."

    Trinnian nodded to her fiance, shivering as she thought about how, even just by discussing it, the Truthsayers would be able to draw it out of them, when they were brought before them. "I not die, beloved." she whispered.

    The sounds of frigate engines permeated the outer corridors of the Residence, bolstering the defending Shadows but causing the Sub Levensbrech's troops to fight as hard, with a fierce and cold determination. He found himself having to draw a portion of his troops from the direct fighting, to create a killing zone for the troops that were coming to defend the Legate and his fiance.

    A smaller subset of them had their own mission. With each back and forth, with each gain and loss of rooms in the Residence, that set of troops examined the rooms, to find any clue to the location of the Levensbrech, to know what had happened to their commander, and to retrieve him as he was the only one with the encryption codes to request reinforcements from their world.

    Ike stepped out of his bedroom, readying a blade, his fingers gloved with technological affairs, a small shield attached to his off hand bracer. He was, otherwise, covered in a sheet and nothing else.

    Bare foot he walked towards the sound of the fighting.

    The loudest voices.

    The commanding voices.

    He was ready to fight, rather than leverage his squalid political life for more politics.

    The Sub Levensbrech was his target.

    As soon as the quads noticed that the secure hatch to the inner sanctum of the Residence had opened and shut again, a runner was sent to the Sub Levensbrech. One of the quads shadowed the man who had emerged, knowing it was the Legate. Their task was made more difficult by the fact that the damnable Shadows made them have to take alternate routes in the corridors from the one the man was using, to avoid those troops.

    When the runner reached him the Sub Levensbrech's eyes narrowed, the course the man seemed to be following was bringing him towards this command post. Turning back to the runner once more, "He must be stopped before he reaches here or the Residence comm facility. Utilize the natives weapons so that it appears he was terminated by them. If he gets a signal out, either to the Viscount or the Landsraad, it will appear that even the Moritani are not immune to the current situation."

    The runner darted away as the troops around the command post moved into more defensible postions, should the Legate reach them. Further along the corridor, the quad leader received the order from the runner, who then disappeared deeper into the Residence. Only a few moments later the four of them surrounded the Legate, blocking him into the center of where two corridors met. "Sir, I would recommend returning to your quarters, unsavory native elements have invaded the Residence." the quad leader told the Legate in a stern tone.

    "I'm quite aware. Do you not need some time to stall them? Would not diverting their assault on a merry chase give you time to harden your defenses elsewhere?" He smiled drily. "A gun, if you would. I intend to show my face, and lead them astray. If anything goes awry, I will not hold you accountable."

    The leader of the quad gave Ike a look, eyes narrowed for a moment. Taking one dagger from his weapons belt he flipped it, presenting the hilt to the young man. "An extra pistol will only draw everyone's fire to you, from both sides. This is...safer." he stated.

    He accepted the dagger with a smirk. "I promise not to lose it."

    The noise was approaching, and he turned to face it. Ike looked completely out of place, but this was his home. Ike wouldn't just let it fall.

    If the attackers rushed towards his love, then they would miss him. If they rushed him... she'd survive. He would defend himself. She, he was not so sure she could for long, so it was better this way, Ike thought.

    TAG: @darthbernael
    darthbernael likes this.
  7. Adalia-Durron

    Adalia-Durron WNU/Costume/Props/EUC Mod. star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 3, 2003

    Sietch Tabr, the following morning

    Naveed and Taina with Stilgar (@Sinrebirth now as Naveed) Thank you to you both for this effort

    The evening had been as magical for Naveed and Taina as the wedding had been. The festivities had lasted until all three moons had risen in the night sky, a whirlwind of food, spice, dancing, and caresses. Zafim had kept Aratt occupied, had taken the young Fremen under his wing, while the couple celebrated. When the festivities wrapped, Zafim had made sure Aratt was taken care of for the evening, stationing himself outside the door to their quarters, to keep any passersby away.

    What woke them, sooner than they both had hoped, was the smell of fresh coffee brewing. The bed was in disarray after their evening, both pulling on fresh robes as the sound of a person outside their bedroom, one who was humming slightly, drifted in with the smell of the coffee. It wasn’t Zafim’s voice, nor was it Aratt’s voice; it was deeper, smoother than the Fedaykin or the boy.

    When they had taken care of their morning ablutions and were ready, they came out as one to see who it was that Zafim would have allowed to interrupt their morning, their honeymoon. Sitting at the dining table in his stillsuit, a steaming mug of thick coffee in his hands was Stilgar, a crooked smile on his face.

    He gestured at the seats, “Please, join me. I will get you coffee or your drink of choice to begin the day. I also apologize that I have interrupted your celebration but…” He stood, pacing over to the coffee service, taking mugs from their spots, before bringing the carafe, the mugs, the sugar, milk, and fixing for tea as well back to the table. Sitting one more, “there is news. News from the capital, brought by city dwellers who have fled the actions of Rabban.”

    Naveed felt full. Not by food, no, but his soul felt full. Celebrating nuptials was as breathless as it was electric, and so, slightly worse for wear physically but spiritually buoyed, Naveed was happy to see a coffee.

    As Stilgar spoke, he made a drink for both of them, checking with Taina her preferences for sugar and so forth, and then arched an eyebrow. "News implies bad news. Is this your wedding gift, Stilgar?" His tone was light. Naveed wanted for nothing, he was very fortunate in that respect.

    He comfortably rested his hand in Taina's as they caught up.

    Waking slowly, Taina chose to keep her eyes closed as she listened. Someone was in their quarters, and as this was all new to her she remained perfectly still in a state of simulated sleep. It wasn't till her new husband moved that she opened her eyes. Smiling at the memories of the previous night she listened as he moved. Slipping from the messy bed she gazed at him as she pulled her robe around her, clearly he wasn't terribly concerned about their guest in the next room and she trusted that. They dressed and completed ablutions in a comfortable silence, one she herself found to be deep and bonding.

    Once they entered the next room she was a little surprised to see Stilgar sitting comfortably as if he'd made himself at home, a steaming mug of coffee in his hands. His offer of coffee was kind but she preferred the tea, and sweet at that so quietly proceeded to make it herself as she listened. Sitting quietly beside Naveed, she looked down at her lap where he'd rested his hand in hers, a small gesture, but one that showed in her mind, an show of affection.

    The mention of potentially 'bad news' had her attention focused and interest peaked.

    Sipping from his coffee, Stilgar hid a smile behind the mug. Love, especially new love, was a gift and he enjoyed seeing it. Even in times like this it was a blessing. Taking another sip, he set the mug down.

    "I said news. I never said whether it was good news or bad. Although...potentially it could be either one." He knew his reply was cryptic but it was the truth.

    Pouring more coffee from the carafe, he stirred it, watching it swirl, "Rabban's quota has been increased. Without a corresponding increase in the funds he could use or troops he can draw from his House." Adding a clump of sugar, he stirred his coffee again. "You tell me what that means to you about what is to come here on our world."

    Taina figured it out immediately, but this was a different time and place to what she'd lived in the past. Not wanting to over step her new husband, she chose to remain silent as she sipped her tea, her keen eyes watching both men.

    Naveed narrowed his eyes. "Trouble, inevitably. Quotas go up, troubles with them." He eyed his drink, less happy than he had been a mere moment ago. "I can see why this couldn't wait but it is rather annoying, Stilgar. A bit of stability wouldn't go awry, what with all the grief the Empire has had recently." He squeezed Taina's hand, and held the grip, soft but firm, reaching to her for support while keeping his expression unreadable.

    It was strange, she could not read his expression, could not clearly understand his thoughts, yet, she did. Returning the squeeze, she put her tea down, her face expressing her thoughts, but not clearly. This, to her, only meant things were going to get worse, going to potentially start a war, and a bloody one at that. Silently she stared at the tea, it was simply a place to stare while she thought.

    "Word has reached us from offworld as well. Which will compound your analysis, Naveed." Stilgar stated, stirring his coffee and taking a sip. "It appears, before they were defeated, Atreides agents burned the secret stockpiles of spice on Giedi Prime."

    Taking another sip, "The pigs do not know of our strength, only that we are a pest upon them. I suspect the city dwellers will be driven out to hunt for more spice, under heavy guard. And those unable to mine will be forced into the desert to die or to be a drain on what few resources the pigs suspect we have."

    Taina tilted her head with interest, she was aware this group of Fremen we well supplied, but could they take refugees? Would they? It would be interesting to hear the thoughts of the two men with her. Picking up her tea, she sipped at it as she listened.

    "We should intervene, but I doubt we can... save for to disappear those who run away." He looked to Taina. "Thoughts, my love? I would like to proffer our happiness to others, but we can hardly send in someone's." He eyed Stilgar. "Can we? What do we have on-world, if anything."

    "I have none, this is not my strength, nor is it my place to comment on things I am still trying to learn and understand myself." Taina held her tea to her lips as she spoke, "I do not have an opinion, other than I am by your side, whatever you wish to do, Naveed, you will have my skills and my support in all endeavors." It was vague but she was being honest.

    He smiled at her, warmed by her faith in him, and kissed her lightly on the cheek. "And you will have all of mine, Taina."

    The faintest hint of a blush stained her creamy cheeks as she coyly looked down to her tea as she gave a single nod of acknowledgement.

    He looked back to Stilgar with a smile that was all warmth.

    Taina shifted her weight thoughtfully, "I potentially have the ability to sense when someone is not being truthful, it's not....entirely accurate, but I can....pick up...nuances. If you feel they may 'pepper' the refugees with potential spies, I may be able to detect such an interloper."

    Naveed nodded, slowly. "If we can do that while exposing you to minimal harm, I'll agree." He eyed their compatriot. "Presumably you need funds to send to third parties who will anonymously intervene on our behalf, too." A slight smile. "Sufficiently laundered of course... I may have to dip into the pot put aside for the children, mind you." His smile broadened at the mere idea of children with Taina.

    Catching the smile, she looked down feeling her cheeks flush as she smiled herself. In all honesty, in this situation, it was not an option she'd considered. The very fact he even had a 'pot' put aside for such a circumstance was more than a little surprising considering the current climate of the situation. Did he somehow know he'd meet someone, her? Drawing a deep breath, she sat up again, "you do not need to protect me, I'm able to take care of myself with guidance." She stated bravely.

    "And I will burn down the world of any who dares threaten you, my love," he said solemnly, meeting her eyes.

    He held her hand to his mouth and kissed it. "You are the kind of trouble I live and breathe for, my love."

    Smiling she said nothing, only holding his gaze for a handful of seconds.

    He kissed her hand, and wrist, stopping himself to glance at company. “I may need you to speak up, I may be unable to hear you from the sound of amorous pursuits.” He flashed a smile, all warmth, nothing remotely greedy about it; he worshipped her, and wished to do so more.

    Glancing at the entryway to the quarters the pair shared Stilgar allowed a small smile to cross his face. Turning back to the couple, "Something tells me young Aratt will gain much from the example you are setting for him, not only to be a warrior but to be a good person."

    Sipping his coffee again, "But first we must handle what the Harkonnen have planned. I am certain though that there will be even more infiltrators, as I said already, than they have attempted in the past." Sighing, "But you both have come up with worthy ideas to handle the problem. Are you both willing to lead this part of our strategy?"

    "I know one of us should be in the field, and one of us should be at home, that's basic strategy, but the Harkonnen will pick at us if we're isolated." He paused. "Dear, are you happy for me to be your shadow in the refugee matters?"

    Taina regarded him carefully, "you believe I would be best to lead rather than follow?" She asked carefully.

    ["You're a more beautiful face than I," he quipped, smiling in jest.

    "I hardly think that is an attribute in this situation." She replied with a wry smile.

    "You win more with honey than not," a slight laugh, then he looked back to Stilgar. "We need to ensure the other Houses think this is a purely charitable affair, after all. Not anything designed to undermine them. Can we walk that line, do you think?"

    The amused expression was still upon the face of the leader of the sietch as he listened to the pair. "It seems you both have come up with the beginnings of a plan. As long as you can flesh it out we will be able to keep the pigs confused." His deep blue eyes looked into Naveed's similar ones. "As to the offworlders...they still do not know that we pay off the Spacing Guild to ensure the orbitals of our world remain free from observers. Everything that happens in our desert is known only to us."

    Naveed smiled back. "Well then, if you are satisfied, my old friend, I have a need of my wife." He went to stand, and end the impromptu but welcome interruption of their affairs.

    "You do?" She asked with a raised eyebrow, "should I be bold enough to inquire as to why?" Taina tilted her head to the side as she spoke to her husband.

    TAG @Sinrebirth @darthbernael and anyone else playing!
    Sinrebirth and darthbernael like this.
  8. Mira Grau

    Mira Grau Force Ghost star 5

    May 11, 2016
    Ishkal, House Ordos, Lady Ordos’ study
    Sokanon, Hundro, Galina and Cassandra (combo with @darthbernael and @pashatemur)

    The medic had rushed through the door, immediately tending to Sokanon’s wounds, as the most wounded of the four. Several other troops with medical bags entered, checking Hundro, Galina and Cassandra, tending their minor wounds. It took about a half hour to close up Sokanon’s wounds enough to say she was stabilized enough to be transported. A floatbed was brought in and Hundro insisted on lifting her, as gently as he could, onto it before she was covered by the Lieutenant’s cloak.

    Turning to Galina, “I suggest that we retire for the evening and resume our discussions tomorrow. That will allow my concubine time to heal more.” he told her.

    Galina had taken a seat again after the medic examined her. She didn’t trust the troops and her hands were low enough that she could reach the hidden blaster easily enough but refrained for the moment. Looking up at Hundro with a smile, her eyes flicking toward the ceiling, “I think that Cassandra and I will accompany you and Sokanon to your quarters, it seems the safest option at the moment.” Her attention turned to the Lieutenant, “I’m sure the officer here has no issue with that.” she said, in a sweet tone.

    The Lieutenant stiffened for a moment, as though he desired to say that he would prefer that the two pairs separate for now but he had to remind himself that he was an officer in her guard at the moment. Turning to face her, “Yes, Lady Ordos, that is strategically wise. It allows our troops to better guard and know you and your guests' whereabouts.”

    With a smile that could have been interpreted as predatory, Galina stood, slipping her arm about Cassandra’s waist. “Exactly.” she murmured.

    A minute later the three of them were walking down the corridor toward the suite that had been set aside for Hundro and Sokanon, the latter resting on the floatbed. Hundro walked beside it in that catlike pace that said he was truly tense and ready for anything either of the pair of guards the Lieutenant had asked to accompany them would do.

    However, they reached the suite without issue, though Hundro insisted that the guards remain outside the door. When it shut behind them three figures appeared, as though from thin air. One immediately went to check on and treat Sokanon further while one approached Hundro, glancing at Galina and Cassandra. “Lord, the suite is secure, even the listening and snooping devices of the Ordos…” His eyes flicked back toward Galina with an amused look, “...have been disabled.”

    She, for her part, simply grinned, “I told my husband it wouldn’t work but he insisted.” she replied unapologetically, with a shrug. “Now, Hundro my dear, what are you truly here to discuss?” she almost purred.

    Cassandra kept quiet, mostly standing in the background, while listening to the developing conversation. This was it, the true reason for this entire farce and as such she would do her utmost to not distrub Galina and Hundro in any way. Her job tonight was to listen and observe. At least for now.

    Though at the same time she hadn`t forgotten Sokanon´s "words" and so she decided to reply in sign language once more, 'Indeed, dear sister. Makes me wonder what else is in store for us before this is over.'

    Hundro's expression was split, between the medic working on Sokanon and Galina's question. The unconscious woman seemed to be drifting, in and out of consciousness and something, he wasn't sure what, was affecting her. The medic's frown as he concentrated only emphasised that.

    Turning back to Galina he sighed, "I have been sent to discuss things with several Houses, on the Emperor's orders." his tone blunt. Eyes flicking over at Cassandra a wry smile crossed his face. "Although, I have a feeling things might not have gone as well in your favor with the recent incident, if I had not been present." The tone was still blunt but there was an edge that said he'd be disappointed if that outcome had occurred.

    "As I'm sure your...aide...informed you, I don't seem to be the only arrow in the Emperor's quiver." His head swung, taking in the room, studying it in detail until another shadow appeared, murmuring in his ear before vanishing back out of the room. "Okay, it is swept. I do not agree with his second policy, even if I benefit, as I see him targeting both the Bene Gesserit and the Houses, almost directly, with it."

    The Sardaukar was vanquished-that’s what Sokanon remembered, and that the blade in her shoulder stung and “reverberated,” leaving a riotous tingling in her flesh-spice!

    The patch made to heal was spice, too! She could hear Hundro’s voice and the Lady too. They sounded increasingly distant, Her lips felt like rubber. The patch was increasingly uncomfortable. Spice could both heal and kill. Sokanon tossed her head and moaned.

    The patch was itself burning as badly as the wound! Her veins were flowing with fire! Sokanon squeezed her eyes. She was increasingly feeling detached from the room, the bed, planet. The child growing in her womb...all her focus must be on filtering the poison/healing stuff. Sokanon came to an alarming realization. She tried to call out to her fellow sister, but her mouth would barely work, “Cass...”

    Combined, the blade and the patch together had delivered a massive overdose. “No! Hundro...” She moaned again.

    Spice was all! The Universe turned on it, respired by it-pulsed by it!

    A heartbeat, a tiny heartbeat like the rapid flutter of a hummingbird’s wings! The hummingbird, great ancestor of the human beings and the soul’s origin. For some, he was the god of war who wielded the fire serpent. Still others claimed the hummingbird, as the god of love. Hummingbirds are messengers between the worlds of matter and spirits, magical, strong, pure. In whatever guise, they bridged the evolution on Earth between that of the giants and the world of humans. That was something of their magic, to transform the fire of energy to matter, infusing it with life. Wasn’t that the story of man’s desire to make words and beings unto themselves, to fill themselves with knowing, to not be alone, to be gods? She remembered reading, “I am Legion...!”

    Lightning-Fire...It filled her body, nearly obliterating thought, but she must not become the fire or the child...the boy would be no longer of the world of matter or of spirit, like the dinosaurs, the bees, bears, otters, gone!

    Was the firebird of Pangea a sister to the hummingbird? She would ask her father. He might know an old story the people told. Even in a child’s fairy tale there were truths to be found...

    Cellular transformation...the pictures of the ash-caste bodies who told of Vesuvius’ fire. They were hollowed by fire. But even dogs survived Chernobyl. Searing, nameless pain...Sokanon wanted to let was too great to bear. Is this what the arrogant feel in the presence of the divine? To feel every cell searing...the bite of the fire serpent was harsh! The taste of her own flesh burning filled her senses, though a metaphor or was it!?

    Words poured forth, a frothing of languages she did not remember learning, did not know she knew, which sounds were babble and profound, whispered, moaned like a lover’s expostulation, screamed, wept. The voices of souls in her ears, her mother spoke when she had been silent for decades, her grandmother spoke, her great-great grandmother, and soon a cacophony of ancestors spoke all their stories till her ears drummed, hummed, and took flight on the mighty wind of their telling. Her cells lost their tether to one another. She felt herself float, then fly, expanding as the Universe.

    She remembered the story of how the humans were left on the parched paper comb of Earth. How the spirits could not assuage the madness that filled the people who lost the will to love, to trust. They inherited the sins of the gluttons who could afford with all their ill-gotten wealth to flee in the first, second, and third waves of insanity, fleeing the mess they made, the dead body of their cradle. They sucked the teet of Earth dry and left by means of the dreaded machines against which they waged a war so great, it burned the sadness of their great sin away that they could not bear to remember for fear the madness would return.

    How could such a thing happen?

    Many voices answered, “Daughter, you know well that the people delighted in their ingenuity! So, many forgot to listen to the land, to the sky, and to water. They could not understand the ibis, nor the hummingbird, and they were lonely, because they seldom listened to one another. So, they busied themselves with inventions to relieve them of toil! For a while, their inventions made them happy.”

    “But you know how hollow the people became. They wanted things and filled their lives with the things that made them feel important and powerful. Soon, fire was all that moved them and yet, they did not understand the phoenix. The loneliness was very fierce. To know they were not solitary, the people searched the arc of the heavens and found worlds like Earth. Soon, they made even more complicated machines in their image, just as they had their ‘gods,’ so that they could reach those worlds. At last, they were not alone, they thought.”

    “The people made all they could uniform, conforming to rules about everything and the more they put their stamp on each other, the more miserable they became, the more they allied with the fire till the Earth was uniformly ash. The machines finally untethered the people from Earth. The machines began to think on their own. Their importance and power, once attributed to the people, became individual to the machines. Yet, it was the flight of the machine called “Icarus” that freed the people from the wound they had made of their home. Thus, the people shook the dust of Earth from their sandals and gifted what was left to the human beings who were not uniform enough to have power...”

    Sokanon wept.

    Fly, fly! Sokanon urged herself and she reached protectively around her child. Gritting her teethe, she struggled, willing her cells to coagulate, willing those of the child. If she was not careful, not even the breath of life would reach him! Was this the Emperor’s doing alone? Was this not simply a message to his vassal that the Moritani were not untouchable? Or was it the hand of the Bene Gesserit?

    If Hundro could reach her-but he could not go where she was going, not that she knew! She felt herself on the verge of panic. She might not succeed, but there was no room for regret, nor could she lose herself in the throes of “the agony!” The ordeal was sapping her of what reserve she had left; she had yet to walk over the buzzing arch of the sarcophagus. It became a sun, her eyes glowing, and in her arms, the boy. She was like some icon, surrounded by a holy half-life aura, and that at least amused her.

    Gravity was a language, a shared meaning. As language is shaped by pattern and reason, so is matter to energy. To let go of the pattern is a leap of faith upon which hangs life. She could choose, now, a thing she had never been taught by her Bene Gesserit Mudarisn. Sokanon shook her head in rebellion, but the truth was unfolding before her that her mother was Bene Gesserit. Sokanon lifted from the bed, freed, but elucidated by pattern through transformative pain.

    Before her was a “window,” the doors of which opened on a coalescing fog. “Daughter, you may come or choose to remain.” Sokanon answered, gasping, intrigued, but frightened, “Remain! If I go, all changes!”

    The voices, though not audible, had many characteristics of one-warmth, a gentle tone, yet emphatic. Sokanon thought she could see a face to fit the voices, an amalgam.

    “True, everything changes even without the input of time. If it did not, you would not grow the child in you. Life would have ended at the beginning! We know your reticence. Come, leave the past and find it anew. Change need not be tragedy! Change is the state of life, of energy, even now, you are expanding. Energy is boisterous! You must choose or undirected, the energy will supersede your present, your future, your past.”

    The light in the mist became brilliant, refracted, and left its near blinding after-image threatening to blot out her conscious self. Her heartbeat emphasized and segmented the child’s. It thrummed in her ear and vibrated in her every cell. She smelled the bitterness, so miserable was this ‘cup!’ The rhythmic chanting fell in with the drums and rattles and filled her mind. She became woosy and thought she might gag.

    “This is your journey, not of the colonizers’, not that of the Bene Gesserit, nor of the Houses or the Emperor. To choose, is to take the reins! We cannot choose. You must do it, Sokanon! This is the fire, the lightning path of the spirit. You must take the fire in your body and hold it like a warrior! You alone can hold this balance of energy and matter, of Spirits and their flower who are born to give their light till their end-this is balance! No one else can do it for you!”

    The drums grew louder, the light brighter, the warriors danced around her, their feathers slicing at her body. The hum of life filled her mind.

    “Choose, Sokanon!”

    Her body arched with her scream and she fell, wet, limp, and expended from her labor to the bed.

    Cassandra looked at the body of her sister with both worry and a strange, almost bile fascination. She was clearly having an episode of something, but what it was that tormented her was impossible to determine. In moments like this Cass wished she had honed her skills in determining and reading of people more than her combat abilities for they might have given her at least an idea of what was tormenting her sister. But it wasn`t the case and so all she could do was to lay a hand on Sokanon´s shoulder and wispher "I am here sister".

    Then she focused back on the present and her duties as she turned to Galina and Hundro. "If the Emperor directly targets the Great Houses and the Sisterhood there will be war," she said firmly. "He can`t be this agressive, the Landsraat and the Sisterhood won`t take these provocations."

    Hundro only slightly heard what Cassandra said as he was distracted. Concern was writ large on his face as he saw Sokanon writhe, elevate above the bed. Something was going on, something beyond his knoweldge, and there was little he could do. Even the medic was confused and concerned, trying everything they could to assist. But, whatever was happening to her was beyond the mere physical and all they could do was rip the bandages and patches that had previously been placed on her from her body and replace them, try to see if that could change what was happening. They knew that if his consort perished Hundro would become something implacable, would burn down entire planets to enact his retribution.

    Finally, with a sigh, Hundro turned back.

    Galina fell back, her face turning white, at his expression. "We...we had nothing to do with what is happening to your consort." she said, trying to mollify him.

    A short, sharp nod as Hundro couched his features into something less angered. "The Emperor, I am quite certain, already has a plan to allow him plausible deniability should anything truly devestating occur to either the Houses or the Bene Geserrit." he replied, tone cold. "He will deflect any attention passed his way onto the Sardaukar themselves, probably saying they were acting without his remit. There would be some token punishments to appease the Landsraad or Mother Superior and it would be swept under the rug."

    Cassandra let out a grunt, "so the same old game of lies continues?" She was angry, an anger born out of worry for the state her sister was in. But she had learned a long time ago to hide her worries, controlling her anger though... she was less adept at that.

    Turning to Galina she inclined her head to her lover, "Are we ready to deal with the situation as it develops?"

    Galina stiffened for a moment, in thought. "My husband is ill prepared but you and I, dear, will come through this unscathed. After all..." she glanced over to where Hundro was checking with the medic about Sokanon's condition. "we have his patronage now. Remember the flimsy you showed me, the Moritani are to be left alone. Those here, at least the officer, has shown that to be true."

    She wrapped an arm around the young woman, "I suspect that if we run the House Ordo business from Hundro's quarters then we will have time to ensure our position is more stable, and tied to him as well." The last said in a low whisper, not wanting to give everything away to the man, whether they needed his support right now or not.

    "Good to hear dear," Cassandra purred into Galina`s ear as she cuddled herself against her lover. "Sounds like you are already making new plans, huh such a clever girl. I like that." She gave her lover a mischievous slap on her butt.

    Galina smiled, sighing in a low tone at the slap. Leaning close, "You'll get yours, when we're alone, dear." she whispered. Straightening, the fingers of one hand stroking Cassandra's back, she looked over at Hundro. "Do you have enough of your people here to ensure our safety?"

    Slightly distracted from the news about Sokanon, from the medic, Hundro looked over at the other two women, "If I only had a squad I'd have enough to ensure that those here would not be an issue. Your husband...he's on his own but both you ladies are safe here." he stated, in a firm tone.

    Smiling, eyes meeting Cassandra's, Galina replied, "We did make the right choice to stick with him." Leaning so her lips were by Cassandra's ear, "If only we could...ensure he doesn't get otherwise distracted, it might even be better." she whispered, glancing over at the injured Bene Geserrit.

    "What is your plan my love?" Cassadra wispered back.

    Galina kept a thin lipped smile on her face as she heard Cassandra speak. Turning slightly to have her lips by the younger woman's ear, "We stick close to the Viscount. His...mistress might not survive and we must be prepared to step into place to support him should that happen. He'd remember his friends in moments of grief." she whispered back, her eyes still on the tableau of the injured Sister and the man watching his medic try to stabilize her.

    „Sounds like a plan,“ Cass wishered into Galina‘s ear while softly stroking her lovers back.

    Tag: Anyone
    darthbernael and Sinrebirth like this.
  9. Mitth_Fisto

    Mitth_Fisto Chosen One star 6

    Sep 29, 2005
    IC: Randolpho Espanza - A Combo with Darth Bernael
    The deep desert, northwest of Arrakeen, in the Imperial Testing Station

    Randolpho slowly took a seat. Smiling as he listened to the man spit blood and call him names. "You see, that's were you're wrong my friend. You call me Atreides." Closing his eyes he slowly shook his head, "I am not Atreides. You thought so. So you mistook me. That is good, you test bindings first waking, then teeth, and you don't spit on yourself. Despite the value of moisture on this world."

    Turning his head slightly to the side he reached forward to pat the mans knee. "You tell me many things! I look forward to what more you have to share."

    The troopers head turned to face him more directly. "Of course you're Atreides. Besides the desert dwelling scum we've monitored every smuggler to come onworld and few have your peoples' skill save the few remnants of Atreides troops we didn't slaughter." he ground out.

    Lowering his chin as much as the noose allowed towards his chest, blood dripped from his lip as he smiled, "But, lie to me all you want. I won't give you anything to help you, otherwise."

    "Believe what you want, but not Atreides. I'm from a. . .wetter representation of smugglers." with a smile he slowly pulled out a small water skin. Rolling the bag back and forth between his hands. "Land was the rarity. Here all is land and water be scarcer than. . .your intelligence network. Now if you're claiming killing all the Atreides, that would make you them. Yet you scream 'For the Emperor' when you attack miners? Care to share?" He asked in a hopefully leading manner.

    The bound trooper gave him a bloody smile. "You have no idea what you are interfering with. And, if you're so smart, you tell me." he said, more blood dripping from the corner of his mouth as he spoke.

    “Nope. Not a clue.” He replied with a smile and a chuckle. Randolpho leaned forward, taking a sip of water from his bag. “But you my friend. You are messing with your quality of life.” Standing he heel stomped the prisoners left foot aiming smash toes, before sitting down again.

    Bloody froth came from the man's mouth in a silent rictus of pain. He refused to scream at the crushing of his toes, head shaking it at. "I am...but one...of many..." he panted out as he found a way to breath and focus slightly through the pain. "I am expendable. But it doesn't matter, our area of responsibility is known, others will come."

    "Glad to hear it doesn't matter. Where were you working out of?" Randolpho asked next. If they could set a thumper near that location and get worm activity there, it should shift suspicion away from people and toward the environment of this world.

    "Out of....your parents'....back garden...." the trooper ground out with a bloody smile.

    "Really? I hold life, I hold death, I hold peace, and I hold pain. You want to die slow or quick? It's your choice now. I have heard flaying a man from his fingers or toes can take. . .days. Over something so simple? Where? Who? Why? The simple questions of life. Come." Pulling out a small dagger he gently waved it at the man's finger tips. Slowly advancing. He would not stop.

    The man's eyes narrowed, even as he grinned. His body flexed, not to fight his bindings but as though he were trying to reach out a hand towards the person approaching him. "Cut me to ribbons, I am only a cog in a much greater machine. A cog that can be removed or destroyed without damaging the machine."

    "Then tell us the machine. If cog cannot harm it, share. Maybe the cog gets a cryo tube out of here and lives." was the easy reply.

    TAG: @darthbernael
  10. darthbernael

    darthbernael EU Community Mod, Fuego, Pyrofuego! star 5 Staff Member Manager VIP - Game Winner

    Apr 15, 2019
    OOC: Posting this for @TheAdmiral so the update can go up.

    IC: Aya Carolina
    Ginaz Residence

    It seems events were unfolding as they walked through the corridor. Aya managed to keep her cool. After all fear was indeed the mindkiller. She needed to be focused if she were to survive this. There had barely been any time for her to find a thread that she could pull to unravel this conspiracy.

    She could protest or even use the Voice against the guardsman leading her to what was to be her glorified prison cell. All in the name of her protection. As if she needed it, but was curious as to see the events unfolding. She wanted to see what the mysterious opponent would do next.

    Aya was sure that the time for action was fast approaching. She would sit in her safe room and plan ahead. Being locked up would be quite useful as it provided her with an opportunity to process the earlier events and study her findings. Whoever was behind this made a slip up, they had left her with materials from which she could infer some valuable data.

    She had a rough idea how much time had passed. Her control over her body provided her with a simple internal clock. It was not precise, but she could measure time using her heartbeats.

    What was that? There was someone at the door. Her muscles tensed, ready to defend herself when the bloodied figure of Chiar appeared at the door. "I figured as much." she said dryly "Lead the way. Are there any other survivors?"

    TAG: Anyone who wishes to read
  11. darthbernael

    darthbernael EU Community Mod, Fuego, Pyrofuego! star 5 Staff Member Manager VIP - Game Winner

    Apr 15, 2019
    OOC: Read the first tag everyone, before reading your own tag as the first has bearing on everyone else's tags.

    “The Guild Navigators, gifted with limited prescience, had made the fatal decision: they’d chosen always the clear, safe course that leads ever downward into stagnation.”
    Paul Atreides - Dune

    Kaitain, Landsraad Council

    It was not a regular occurrence that the Padishah Emperor addressed the Landsraad. But times were not regular. Rumors were rife of dissent among a large swath of the Houses Minor and even among several of the Houses Major. That the closest House to the throne, besides the Corrino who sat upon it, had been destroyed had already destabilized the Landsraad and events that had occurred since had only fractured the cracks in alliances that had lasted for millennia.

    That the Harkonnen were in ascendence had, to their allies and enemies alike, not been a surprise with the downfall of the Atreides. However their fief of Arrakis had proven a much harder nut to crack than it had the previous time they had held the fief.

    The Emperor, an erstwhile ally of the Harkonnen, had not made the situation any easier for the House, demanding more and more spice with every quota. Beyond that, he’d had the Spacing Guild lower transport costs several times in the last nine months. If they were lowered any further even the Houses Minor would be able to afford sending lighters to Arrakis to harvest spice themselves.

    Beyond even that, he’d had his personal assassin, Viscount Hundro Moritani, visit many of the Houses Major and the most powerful of the Houses Minor. Those visits had left the respective Houses with little doubt that he would return or rather that his House’s assassins would if the Houses did not follow the Emperor’s edicts. Today he sat in Council, seemingly relaxed. What was odd to some observers was that House Ordo’s seat had been moved to beside that of House Moritani. The Lady Galina Ordo was seated in attendance with her Bene Gesserit attendant, Sister Cassandra, standing behind and between both seats. The whispers about that, as well as the fact that rumors abounded that the Viscount’s own Bene Gesserit was still recovering from spice poisoning meant that most gave the trio a respectful distance.

    The seat nearest the seats of those two Houses occupied by a House Major, in close proximity, was the seat of House Ezharian. The Lord of that House sat in attendance and, should further rumors be given credit, his own daughter was engaged to the House Moritani Legate to Arrakis. The fact that House Ezharian had sent a contingent of household guard there to reinforce the Moritani compound had been noted among other Houses.

    Almost as far opposite those seats, as far as could be placed without seeming to be part of the House Harkonnen allies, was the seat of the Lord of House Ginaz. He had a contemplative look upon his face as he and the others waited for the Emperor’s arrival, his gaze drifting back to look at his hated rival and those gathered near, on occasion. Those Houses Major that had been allies alongside Ginaz with House Atreides had turned to Ginaz to lead them, another reason the Baron was seated as far from the Harkonnen as possible.

    As opposed to his usual custom the Baron Vladimir Harkonnen was actually in attendance, seated near where the Emperor’s throne had been placed. His expression was unreadable at the moment, even his closest allies had moved their seats further from his, distancing themselves from what they expected to be fallout between him and the Emperor, whether today or in the near future.

    The whispered conversations fell silent as the double doors at the end of the Council hall were flung open. Four files entered through the doors, the inner files clad in the uniform of the Spacing Guild, the outer in the uniforms of Sardaukar. Once they had entered they pressed those of the Houses Minor that had moved towards the door back as they stepped outward, leaving a channel from them to the dais upon which the Houses Minor sat and beyond the throne of the Emperor.

    Through the door then strode the dark clad figure of the Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam, the Emperor’s Truthsayer. She paid no attention to the Landsraad as she walked, stopping finally beside the throne, turning and bowing as one last figure entered. This figure, clad in the uniform of a Supreme Bashar of the Sardaukar was unmistakable, the Padishah Emperor Shaddam IV. Through the corridor opened for him he walked, the same lack of attention the Reverend Mother had given he likewise gave the Landsraad.

    Only when he’d reached the throne, turned, and sat upon it did his attention turn to the assembled nobles of the Empire. “Sit.” he stated in a flat but carrying voice, lacking any of the subtle nuance of one who had the Voice but carrying the note of command. Even the Baron Harkonnen paled at the emotionless statement, sitting without any of the snide banter he was known for.

    As his Truthsayer looked on in amusement at the sudden silence and response to his command Shaddam raked the audience of the Landsraad with his gaze. Only when it touch upon the Viscount Moritani did it thaw to any degree, before it moved on once again. The silence dragged out, the only noise that of the recorders that would save the Emperor’s words and send them out to all corners of the Imperium.

    After the initial, withering gaze Shaddam reclined in the throne, an almost friendly look on his face. “What is the currency of the Imperium?” he asked, conversationally. “Anyone….?” he went on, still smiling as he peered out at the assembled Houses.

    From the back of the hall, from a younger son of a House Minor, came the shaky reply. “Spice…”

    With a look that now made his resemblance to the assassinated Duke Atreides even more pronounced, Shaddam locked eyes with the young noble. “Exactly!” he replied, tone flat once again. “Without the Spice Melange, the Imperium crumbles and humanity is relegated to scrabbling in the dirt of a hundred worlds, cut off from every other world.”

    As his clenched fist came down on the arm of the throne his hawklike gaze swiveled to face Baron Harkonnen, “So then, Vladimir, tell me why you have failed, time and again, to meet the very generous quotas that I have given you?”

    His already pallid skin paled further as Baron Harkonnen shrank from the gaze of the Emperor. His head turned back and forth as though to seek support from those he had coerced into being his allies. Seeing none, he swallowed, turning back to face the Emperor. Taking the lapels of his coat in his hands the suspensors under it hissed as they lifted him to his feet. “My Liege has been more than generous with the quotas you have assigned. However…” One arm swept out in an expansive gesture, “however, I doubt any among you, even you my Leige, understand the depths of depravity that the scum that inhabit that planet will fall to to keep the spice from ever leaving Arrakis.”

    His hand grasped his lapel once more, “On what other world do children throw themselves at quads and even lighters, screaming the name of their false god, sacrificing themselves to destroy what they attack?” he asked. With a pointed look at the Emperor, their shared secret of what a good portion of the levy of Arrikis consisted in the look, “The na-Baron has reported that the troop levies he currently has are not sufficient to protect the amount of harvesters needed to fulfill the quota. I have instructed him to,”

    The Emperor waved a hand languidly, “Yes, yes, you’ve told Rabban that he gets no more troops and that he must,” his gaze once more swept the throng, “commandeer every available levy and harvester to fulfill his quota.” he almost purred.

    Outraged murmurs erupted from among many of the Houses Minor. There had been rumors that the harvesting crews they’d lost contact with had not been destroyed but had been compromised and hijacked by the Harkonnens but they had just been rumors, until now. Here, in open council, Baron Harkonnen had admitted that he’d ordered the na-Baron to do just as they feared.

    “Silence.” The Emperor spat out, his Truthseeker smiling with a dark look. He looked at the seniormost Guild agent who nodded, “Transport costs will be further reduced. The quota will be filled, whether by the Harkonnen or by others.” His eyes locked with those of Baron Harkonnen, a flat smile on his face. “Let us make this interesting, whichever House can fulfill the quota will be awarded a CHOAM directorship and the fief of Arrakis...”

    TAG: @Mira Grau (Single for the intervening months and then combo for the continuation), Everyone else for the Emperor’s words


    Moritani Legate’s Residence

    As Ike turned to head deeper into the Residence shots rang out, the coughing sound of maula pistols. He swung back to see the quad he’d just been speaking to collapsing to the floor of the corridor, their weapons were generally pointed in his direction. THe obvious sign was that they had been about to shoot him in the back before they fell.

    The sounds of more firing filled the corridor, as did the sound of troops drawing nearer. A different quad moved towards him from a cross corridor, weapons quivering, the emblem of House Ezharian on their armor. The leader of the quad drew them to a halt before him. “Legate, Lady Ezharian has been secured, as has the Residence. There has been aid from unusual sources, I assume that is from your own Household troops that were already present.”

    As a dark form descended from the ceiling a dry, coughing laugh came from it. “You assume correctly.”

    It didn’t take much longer for Ike and Trinnian to be reunited. THe Sub Levensbrech was brought to them in restraints, joining his commander. After a brief and almost futile interrogation the pair was sent off under guard on a lighter to be sent to the Viscount with a note about their actions.

    Over the course of the next month, the Ezharian troops, levies bought from the Ordos, were reinforced by more Moritani assassins, securing their position. As well, Viscount Hundro had more spice miners and equipment sent to increase the amount they were able to gather. The actions of the Harkonnen caused them issues, whether it was harvester crews being suborned and taken or because their locations were leaked to the Fremen of the desert.

    They were able to gather enough each of the next couple months to meet the quota that Hundro had set, making their position even more secure. It was on a regular morning, the pair of them sitting down to coffee in the Residence’s breakfast room, that the courier arrived.

    With a bow to the pair he laid a recording device and the tape to it on the table before them. “The Viscount has sent forth the recording of the last meeting of the Landsraad as well as a message for the Legate. He suggests that the recording is listened to before the message is read.” He bowed once more then departed the breakfast room, leaving the pair with the recording and their coffee and meal.

    TAG: @Sinrebirth (Single for the intervening months and then combo for the continuation)


    Sietch Tabr

    The next few days were a mix of the last fling of honeymoon for Naveed and Taina as well as the pair of them, with Aratt’s help, beginning to pack up their living space for the move that would soon occur. It was complicated by the fact that they needed to ensure that once the living space was moved out of that there was no trace that it had ever held a living being.

    A week after the meeting with Stilgar the honeymoon was over as Naveed was called away. He was only able to inform Taina that he would be gone for an extended period and that his mission was the opposite end of hers, to guide and lead the Fedaykin that would infiltrate the towns and villages, to guide the city dwellers to the sietches and beyond. She would be the one to assist training others in the battle forms of the Bene Gesserit as well as integrating the newcomers into the Fremen population.

    South Polar Region, Hidden Sietch

    Aratt had become Taina's shadow over the last couple months, ever since Naveed had been sent out to the cities. So, when a Fedaykin entered the training hall where she was demonstrating Bene Gesserit fighting tactics to a class of newly trained warriors, walking over to the boy and whispering in his ear, she paid close attention. The Fedaykin nodded to her as he left, the boy walking slowly towards her with a frown.

    When he joined her she set the class to sparring each other at half speed so she could observe while Aratt spoke to her. He was still frowning, "No news of Naveed or Zafim..." he said curtly. "But that was..." he shook his head, "Stilgar sent a message that he wishes for you to join him in council with Maud'dib and the Sayaddina."

    He held up his hand to her, “Can I take you to them? I really,” a silly grin crossed his face, “really would like to meet Muad’dib.” he told her.

    TAG: @Adalia-Durron (Single for the intervening months and then combo for the continuation), @Sinrebirth (Mentioned)


    Carthag, Slums

    The patched and repatched stillsuit creaked as Naveed’s nose caught the aroma of coffee, waking him from his slumber. The suit had been cared for as well as the Fedaykin could, in the last three months of active work, without the skilled craftsmen of the sietch available. It was still of higher quality than those of the city dwellers but he knew he’d need to return to the deep desert soon to have a new one made.

    That and to hide the fact of all the near avoidance of death he’d had, from his wife. He’d missed her in the last three months, the bracelet of a braid of her hair he wore was polished almost glistening by the stroking of its strands he’d done in quiet moments. He doubted she’d be as worried that he’d avoided death as she would chide him for allowing any of the pigs to get close enough for that to even happen.

    The scent of coffee grew stronger, causing him to open his eyes and take in the dry, dusty, and small residence he called his living space currently. It was not the first and wouldn’t be the last he called that but right now what mattered was the younger Fremen who carefully carried a steaming mug towards him.

    He took it, thanking the young woman before he took a sip. She stayed standing there, waiting, which made his lips quirk in a small smile before he thanked her. One of his eyebrows rose, though, when she remained standing before him after that.

    She seemed nervous, “There was a communication while you slept…” she stammered out. “They are…preparing to…destroy any parts of the cities that aren’t…fully under their control…”

    This dusty building was her home and had been since birth but now, with this news, she knew she needed to leave. And the Fedaykin sitting before her was the one who would have to guide her away.

    TAG: @Sinrebirth (Single for the intervening months and then combo for the continuation)


    Carthag, Ginaz Residence

    Chiar had been admitted to the rooms Aya-Carolia was in ensconced. Dyana had performed quick field dressings of the man, closing his wounds, helped by the Fremen body’s quick coagulation process, an adaptation that had developed in their time on this desert planet. There had only been enough time to do so before they had to barricade the already strong door as the selfsame troops that had appeared to assist Aya-Carolina in her recent investigation had attempted to force entry.

    Thankfully the rooms she and the other two were trapped in held a reserve of foodstuff, which kept the trio going for the next few days. In that time they discovered each of the hidden passages that should not have terminated in the suite yet still did, often as one or more of those troops burst from behind a tapestry or slammed a piece of furniture out of the way to attack them. The ferocity and stamina of those attacking troops told her even more about what they truly were, several of the bodies also had Sardaukar tattoos in hidden locations which was all the proof they needed, should they survive the onslaught.

    By the fourth day there were more sounds outside the thick walls of the suite, that of clashes and fighting in the halls. Eventually, a polite knock came at the door. With Aya-Carolia covering her, Dyana opened the door to find a Fedaykin side by side with a man who had the rank stripes of a Blademaster in the Ginaz house guard. They had held out in the suite long enough for reinforcements from the House, as well as Fremen troops, to arrive and clear out the rest of the Residence.

    It took a month to restore the Residence to full functionality, even though pockmarks and blaster burns still showed evidence of the ferocity of the fighting that had taken place. Once they had comms again with the homeworld of the Ginaz they sent all the evidence of who had laid siege to the Residence as well as their surmises that those who had attacked previously were the same. The response told that the accusations were to be handled carefully as any accusation against the Sardaukar was one against the Emperor as well. At the same time it was told that the evidence would be passed surreptitiously to the Landsraad and that more House Blademasters would be sent to reinforce.

    Over the next almost two months the Ginaz Residence became a hive of activity. Dyana had made herself almost an aide to Aya-Carolina, handling everything that she could for the Bene Gesserit Legate of the House. At the same time an underfloor had been dug out and the Residence had become a waystation for the various city dwellers that Fedaykin brought to recover before they disappeared once again, into the desert.

    On occasion they received quads and official deputations from the Harkonnen, with warrants to search the Residence for signs of such activity. But, between the House troops and the Fremen present they managed to keep any signs of that from being found.

    It was one warm and dry morning, as Aya-Carolina, Dyana, and Chiar were perusing the night’s reports, that a Ginaz messenger appeared. He bowed to Aya-Carolina, “Legate, the Baron has sent a report of a recent meeting of the Landsraad.” He set a recorder and a tape on the table between the three sitting there. “Events are becoming more chaotic, he says, and requests that you and the others here prepare for worse than when you became Legate. He recommends you listen to the recording and prepare accordingly.”

    With another bow he turned and departed the room, his footsteps ringing as he left the Residence.

    TAG: @TheAdmiral (Single for the intervening months and then combo for the continuation)


    The deep desert, northwest of Arrakeen, Imperial Testing Station

    A rictus grin crossed the man’s face at the last statement from Randolpho. He gave one more hacking cough, his tongue suddenly seeming to roll something around his mouth before he said, in a firmer voice than a few moments before, “Long live the Emperor!” before he ground his teeth together. His mouth began to foam and his eyes went blank as his head fell backwards, breath slowly rattling away into nothing.

    The door opened behind the smuggler, a dry voice stating “What a waste of the body’s water…” A few moments later an older Fremen entered, Randolpho’s men seemingly startled that someone had been able to get this close without having been noticed.

    The Fremen, a blood red emblem denoting he was Fedaykin on his shoulder, gave an amused smile. “Your people are still cleaning up the mess, it was simple to join you here, after Chok got a cielago out to us.”

    Behind the man the teen Fremen peered around the doorframe, waving at Randolpho.

    Only now did sounds filter from the hallway outside the room. “My men are cleaning up the bodies and removing evidence this unit ever came anywhere near this Testing Station. Kynes would not be pleased that they ever defiled it with their presence.”

    It took several hours but, by the end, the Station was cleaned once more and Randolpho’s crew had been reinforced by a troop of Fedaykin and Fremen warriors. Chok seemed in awe of the man who had first appeared when the trooper had died, almost hero worship. He followed the older Fremen around, pestering him with question after question.

    Over the next several months the Fremen assistance proved invaluable, they showed Randolpho and his crew high density spice patches, even if they were away from sketches. They patrolled around the Testing Station and intercepted several Harkonnen patrols in that time, none ever getting near the facility. And they kept the smugglers up to date with intel and reports of other smuggling crews disappearing, only for their equipment to turn up once again, with hastily painted on Harkonnen emblems on their sides.

    The Fedaykin leader was sitting and sipping coffee in the dining area, Randolpho not too distant in the room one morning when one of his scouts entered. There was a whispered conversation in battlespeak between the two before the Fedaykin nodded. The scout disappeared once again and the older Fremen sighed. He stood, picking up his coffee, and made his way over to Randolpho’s table.

    “The pigs are stepping up their efforts. The cities burn and they seek to burden us with refugees, at least they seek to do so to the sietches. How we are dealing with that is not your concern but we now have confirmation that those smuggler crews that disappeared did so because of orders of the Baron Harkonnen. And that such attacks are only to increase.”

    As he finished speaking, he sat opposite Randolpho. “This Testing Station must stay hidden for…reasons…” he said in a more quiet and reverent tone. “I am prepared to offer you and your men a more secure base to continue. After all, most are of the House that gave us such respect before they were destroyed.”

    TAG: @Mitth_Fisto (Single for the intervening months and then combo for the continuation)
  12. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    IC: Naveed

    The honeymoon, notwithstanding the interruption, had been divinity.

    Even the holiness of the Emperor himself did not compare to his wife, Taina.

    The radiance of her smile, the softness of her skin, the glow of her eyes, whether laughing and warm, or hot and heavy. There entwining was complete, in soul, in matter, in law and in truth.

    A week had not been long enough.

    Three weeks of trying struggles against corrupt bureaucracy, cleaning up loose ends, convincing the Fedaykin to trust him, and so on and so forth. But progress had been made - many had been moved from the warring locations to safe sites, and what may have been considered a massacre was instead just shy of a tragedy but far from a genocide.

    For now.

    He would be back in the city again, and again he would try to get as many out as he could, without taking in terrorists - for all sides had them - and without handing over the fates of tens of thousands saved.

    What a month.

    To stare and worship at heaven for a week, only to face the very real hell of the Emperor's dreams.

    TAG: @darthbernael, @Adalia-Durron
    TheAdmiral and Adalia-Durron like this.
  13. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    Second Post GM Approved!

    IC: Ike

    Months of indolence

    The excitement came and went.

    Disappointing, really.

    Ike knew a gilded cage when he saw one, and he was certainly aware that he, and yes, Trinnian too, were within one. But was not the Emperor's vision a cage of cages of cages? The Fremen in Ike despised it.

    The trappings of society were just that; trappings.

    And so, he let his mind go soft, embracing the debauchery of success.

    For now.

    The Viscount enjoyed their success, their efforts, and Ike grew to dislike that, too.

    TAG: @darthbernael
    TheAdmiral likes this.
  14. Mitth_Fisto

    Mitth_Fisto Chosen One star 6

    Sep 29, 2005
    IC: Randolpho Espanza
    The deep desert, northwest of Arrakeen, in the Imperial Testing Station

    The surprise guests and their aid was appreciated. Honestly he had never expected anything beyond sand blasted mutual avoidance after getting taught how to live a little better when he had accepted his on world main man's suggestion about this base and taking care of these kids. Instead it had come with unexpected aid and guidance, and learning how to spot pretenders that otherwise might of decimated their operation. He had backed away from the body with a sigh and accepted this change of things.

    Showing his surprise or confusion wouldn't do anyone any good so he had simply nodded and tried to make the appropriate gestures for his thanks. This was not what he ever expected, but it was what they needed honestly. As time moved on that kept being proven as the Harkonnen kept being picked off by their mystery guardians that had come to live with them, long before they even became a true threat to their base.

    It got to the point that stockpiling spice and fulfilling his mandate was going better than he could have ever hoped given the circumstances. That is until the fateful day that he was always concerned would come. Eviction day.

    TAG: @darthbernael
  15. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    IC: Naveed - and a GM combo!
    Dust, dust and more dust

    But also coffee.

    He inhaled, coughed, because, yes, dust, and slowly sat up, cautious to come to terms with his surroundings first.

    “There was a communication while you slept…” she stammered out. “They are…preparing to…destroy any parts of the cities that aren’t…fully under their control…”

    Naveed would have ground his face into his palms, if he knew it wouldn't cause panic. With a deep breath, he flashed a smile.

    "Coffee first, crisis second."

    He reached for the cup.

    "Tell me more."

    With a slightly shaking hand she passed the mug to Naveed, the tray then set on the table so that he could take more from the pot if he wanted. She took the empty cup she'd set upon it, pouring coffee for herself after she sat on the opposite side of the table.

    Before she responded, she took a long drink of the coffee, causing her to cough as the hot liquid poured down her throat. " got a message...the Harkonnen are stepping up their..." she shivered at the thought of what the message meant, "injustices against us. They no longer want to just force us out but destroy all areas of the cities which aren't fully under their control."

    "We need to move everyone now," Naveed said, not drinking his coffee, too engrossed in the finer details. He swung his legs from the bed, conscious he was still wearing his clothes from yesterday, but not caring for the grubbiness of it. This was not injustice, it was war. "It may be prudent to shift to armed resistance, even if only to save more."

    He knew that was a death sentence for any who fought, but otherwise Naveed simply taking a population or as much as he could would expose the rest of the survivors he had snuck out in the months before. He needed the distraction of a full armed rebellion to give confusion and chaos as a cover.


    This was going to get messy.

    A look of relief crossed her face. She'd spent long enough with the Fedaykin man to know he was skilled and had a good grasp of what was needed. Her eyes widened for a moment as she turned to look out of the room. "I...I need to get the children ready." she murmured before turning back to him.

    "The...pigs...have turned our people against them. I know us city dwellers have fallen in estimation by our own people, over the years. The thought that we've given in to their depravations..." She shook her head, "But we've only awaited a spark, something to show us the way to escape this prison of those who use us."

    He nodded. And hoped his wife would forgive him. “I’m going topside.” Absently he checked his gear, and weapons. This might as well be a death sentence, but saving hundreds and thousands was always worth it.

    TAG: @darthbernael
  16. Mitth_Fisto

    Mitth_Fisto Chosen One star 6

    Sep 29, 2005
    IC: Randolpho Espanza - A Combo with Darth Bernael
    The deep desert, northwest of Arrakeen, in the Imperial Testing Station

    Randolpho looked at the Fedaykin leader with a with a downcast smirk as he looked at his empty gloved hand that was softly removing the excess moisture through his suits systems. "Wish I could say I was surprised. Knew this arrangement was too good to last." he added to the stretching silence.

    The Fedaykin removed the mask over his mouth, revealing a thin lipped, dry smile. "The arrangement is still in place. We are simply offering you new accomodations." he replied as he sat opposite Randolpho. "Your young Fremen friend and his siblings are being taken further into the desert, to keep them safe. Unless, of course, you desire them to remain your representative to our people."

    He leaned back, his stillsuit creaking, "This station, as well as others, need to remain fully hidden for the future. Between your own operations, the further incursions of the pigs, and the young man, this one is receiving too much attention. An empty sietch would offer you more opportunity and safety, not to mention space for your men and vessels."

    Giving a slight bow Randolpho spread his arms, "We are the guests. If our hosts ask us to stay in another place, it is not ours to question." Slapping his thighs lightly he gave a side nod at the other point, "As for the kids. I could not impose on them. They would be free to stay with us of course, but the children should be with their own people. Before they pick up our bad habits."

    A wry smile crossed the Fedaykin's face. "You've learned one of the most important lessons of the desert." he replied. "We will not impose our own will on the boy and his siblings but allow them to choose. It is our way and, whatever he chooses, it is his path."

    "So." Randolpho stated with a wayward gesture to the outside world. "How shall we safely move so as not to expose this place?" he calmly asked now that that matter was tabled for now.

    The fremen gave a wry smile, "In small bands, several of your vessels at a time." he responded. "Baiting the pigs to search elsewhere as we do." Sitting forward in the chair, hands on the table, "Letting Shai Hulud obscure our tracks behind us."

    "Then," he said with a shrug and light shake of his head, "We will commend our lives to your hands. Sands Shai Hulud preserve us." he added with a small smile and nod at the fremen.

    Nodding curtly, the Fedaykin pulled his right hand glove off, turning his palm towards his face. With a sip at his water catchment, he swirled it in his mouth then spit it into his palm. Reaching the damp hand to Randolpho. "We shall seal it desert fashion." he told the man.

    Looking at the action with a solemn nod, Randolpho shrugged before copying the action to seal the deal. On the surface his mind found it a silly practice, especially coming from a world with an abundance of water. Although as he performed the actions, he felt the weight of it. It almost felt sacrilegious to waste the water, and in so doing it gave a weight that living here only could lend it. "I am honored Fedaykin."

    TAG: @darthbernael
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