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Discussion in 'Oceania Discussion Boards' started by Adalia-Durron , Sep 2, 2012.

  1. Xamicom

    Xamicom Jedi Youngling

    Jun 6, 2015
    I wish I was going to Armageddon. I'm only 13 and my mother won't let me go because she thinks I'm too young.

    I'm the new New Zealander on these forums :D Let's all be friends.
    Corellian_Outrider likes this.
  2. Corellian_Outrider

    Corellian_Outrider Former FanForce Admin star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Mar 9, 2002
    Welcome to the Oceania side of the boards, Xamicom! :)

    Armageddon should be fun. Hmm, if it helps, maybe make a family event out of the day?
    Xamicom likes this.
  3. Xamicom

    Xamicom Jedi Youngling

    Jun 6, 2015
    No that probably wouldn't happen. It's to far away for us to travel because we live in the middle of nowhere. I have a friend who isn't going this year but he is next year so he might be kind enough to take me.
  4. Corellian_Outrider

    Corellian_Outrider Former FanForce Admin star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Mar 9, 2002
    Ahh. Hopefully you will get a chance :)

    Was there someone in particular that you were keen on seeing?
  5. YouAgain

    YouAgain Jedi Master star 5

    Dec 20, 2001
    I remember when I was 14 saving my weekly allowance up for Armageddon, and buying 10 stormies on the card for $5 a pop,opened them all, totally worth it.. Should raid the younger brothers toy box, they would look quite nice flanking my collection haha.
  6. Jordan1Kenobi

    Jordan1Kenobi Force Ghost star 6

    Sep 30, 2012
    Hello :) Where are my Kiwis at? Anymore joined since I was here last?
    VexedAtVohai likes this.
  7. Neimhaille

    Neimhaille Jedi Grand Master star 3

    May 12, 2002
    It's been a while since I logged in but hey hello familiar and new names :) Currently working on a few SW costumes. As usual :)
    Corellian_Outrider likes this.
  8. Corellian_Outrider

    Corellian_Outrider Former FanForce Admin star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Mar 9, 2002
    Heya, it is good to hear from you :)

    Which costumes are you working on? It be nice to see your progress :)
    Adalia-Durron likes this.
  9. Jordan1Kenobi

    Jordan1Kenobi Force Ghost star 6

    Sep 30, 2012
    Vanessa Marshall (Hera) and Taylor Gray (Ezra) we’re just announced to be coming to Auckland Armageddon this year. I’ll probably grab their autographs.
  10. Corellian_Outrider

    Corellian_Outrider Former FanForce Admin star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Mar 9, 2002
    That would be great to get! Let us know how you go :)
  11. Adalia-Durron

    Adalia-Durron WNU/Costume/Props/EUC Mod. star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 3, 2003
    Thats exciting indeed! Hope that you get what you want!
  12. Jordan1Kenobi

    Jordan1Kenobi Force Ghost star 6

    Sep 30, 2012
    One year later and Ashley Eckstein, Ian McDiarmid and Freddie Prinze Jr. have just been announced to be coming to our Armageddon Expo this year. Sadly they’re virtual guests so won’t be able to get photos or autographs. I would’ve especially loved to meet Ashley. She’s one of the greatest people involved in this franchise!
  13. Adalia-Durron

    Adalia-Durron WNU/Costume/Props/EUC Mod. star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 3, 2003
    I think there is a lot of Virtual Stuff going on right now, and getting into and out of some countries is near impossible. I know it is here, and pretty sure it is there. :(

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