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Film project

Discussion in 'Archive: Fredericton, NB' started by Navigator, Feb 10, 2005.

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  1. Navigator

    Navigator Jedi Youngling star 1

    Apr 10, 2004
    A couple of us are gearing up to make a short film, (very short actually) and would like to invite FanForce members to get involved.
    We are still in the planning stages, and are open to any suggestions you might like to make.

    So far the following has been decided:
    -The film will have a science fiction theme to it.
    -It will be 3 to 5 minutes long.
    -It will most likely be live action, although computer or traditional animation will be considered if the idea includes technical backup.
    -Very little, if any, special visual effects will be included.

    Other than that, its pretty much an open project.
    It can be a comedy, drama, action, mystery or whatever.
    Here's an opportunity to bring your imagination to life.
  2. DarthBabe

    DarthBabe Jedi Grand Master star 7

    Mar 18, 2002
    Sounds interesting...are you guys having a meeting for it?
  3. Navigator

    Navigator Jedi Youngling star 1

    Apr 10, 2004
    We'll be doing coffee shop type meetings soon, but for now its mostly email and phone calls since we both have fairly busy schedules.
    I'll post info as it becomes available.
    Feel free to post or PM ideas.

    PS (Another possible theme might be horror)
  4. Navigator

    Navigator Jedi Youngling star 1

    Apr 10, 2004
    We had a meeting last night to move the project along.
    Sorry I didn't announce it before hand, didn't have a lot of notice myself.
    It was a fairly short, but intense meeting.
    The film will now be a trailer for a story based on an idea proposed by a member of the FSFS.
    Details of the story will surface later, but the basic premise is a rescue mission mounted as a joint effort between humans and an alien race. The twist is that they're in the middle of a cold war.
    We're still open to other ideas, but this one appears to be in the works now.
    I'll try to post something about the next meeting in time for others to attend if interested.
  5. Darth_Zappa

    Darth_Zappa Jedi Youngling

    Jan 20, 2005
    Good for you Navigator!

    I've been reading on these boards for quite a while now but only registered early in the new year. It never dawned on me to look up if there are any activities in Fredericton. I've been here for about two years.

    I'm not sure how I can help, but if I can do anything to help your project along, I will!
  6. Navigator

    Navigator Jedi Youngling star 1

    Apr 10, 2004
    Good to see you here! :)
    Its been a bit quiet on these boards as of late... (tumble weed blows by)
    If you like story writing, or any kind of world building exercise, this part of the project is for you.
    What we're hoping to do is create a story structure that doesn't contradict itself later when it grows from a short film into a mini-feature.
    Other needs for the film include some costuming, props, script writing, acting and technical issues including filming, lighting and sound.
    I'll post a date, time and location for the next meeting.
    (Usually a coffee shop in the evenings)
  7. Darth_Zappa

    Darth_Zappa Jedi Youngling

    Jan 20, 2005
    Sounds like fun! Sign me up. I guess we'll figure out how I may best be helpful when we meet.
  8. Navigator

    Navigator Jedi Youngling star 1

    Apr 10, 2004
    Next meeting is 6PM Tuesday March 15th at Quiznos in the Tingley's Traditions building on Dundonald street.
    (Right across the street from Luna Pizza and Digital World, not far from the Smythe Street SuperStore)
    We'll be at the tables in the back near the coolers.
    See you there, and welcome aboard.
  9. Darth_Zappa

    Darth_Zappa Jedi Youngling

    Jan 20, 2005
    OK Just so you know, I'm in Moncton for the day, but should be back in time.
  10. Navigator

    Navigator Jedi Youngling star 1

    Apr 10, 2004
    No problem.
    The FSFS (the local science fiction club) meets in the same location at 8PM, so I'll still be there for that.
  11. Navigator

    Navigator Jedi Youngling star 1

    Apr 10, 2004
    Just a quick reminder of the film project meeting tomorrow night (Tuesday March 15) at Quiznos/Tingleys Traditions on Dundonald street. (Check the tables near the back of the store.)
    Feel free to stick around for the FSFS gathering at the same location starting at 8.
  12. KPennell

    KPennell Jedi Youngling

    Mar 10, 2005
    Hello felloe Fredddy Beach Guys and gals,

    Just a not to say hello, and to let you know about a Star Wars Fan Film that was shot and completely made in Fredericton NB.

    We have submitted the film to the AtomFilms Star Wars fan Films contest, and rumour has it, we didn't make the cut.

    Well, I think they were wrong.

    Please let me know what you think.


  13. KPennell

    KPennell Jedi Youngling

    Mar 10, 2005
    Oops, almost forgot where the film is....

  14. Navigator

    Navigator Jedi Youngling star 1

    Apr 10, 2004
    I've only seen a little bit of it so far, but WOW!!
    It looks like you pulled out all the stops. Great work! =D=
    What you have there is what I'd like to work up to some day. Good luck at the film festival.

    PS: I don't have a high speed connection at home, and watching the film at work isn't the best solution, so I haven't seen all of it yet. Is there a way I can download it for later playback?
  15. Navigator

    Navigator Jedi Youngling star 1

    Apr 10, 2004
    We'll be having a regular weekly meeting for the film project every Tuesday at Quiznos on Dundonald street starting at 7PM. Feel free to stop by and talk for a while. (we're the bunch sitting at the back)
    Stick around til 8 and meet the Fredericton Science Fiction group.
  16. Navigator

    Navigator Jedi Youngling star 1

    Apr 10, 2004
    The film project meeting might skip Tuesday April 5th due to the premiere of "Doctor Who 2005" on CBC at 8PM that night.
    If you show up and no one is there, that's why, but the regular meetings will continue as usual after that.
    Ironic that the actor portraying the Doctor has announced his resignation, meaning that the "Doctor" will have to regenerate again. (Not that he hasn't done it before)
  17. Anakin's Daddy

    Anakin's Daddy Force Ghost star 4

    Aug 13, 2002
    Great film! I enjoyed it!
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