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Science Fiction OPEN For All Mankind

Discussion in 'Role Playing Forum' started by Shadowsun, Apr 30, 2021.

  1. Shadowsun

    Shadowsun Force Ghost star 4

    Jun 26, 2017

    [Greetings and Welcome to Ono-Sendai Industries, the ultimate protector of mankind. Together we can forge a brighter future and eliminate the Xenos threat for a better tomorrow]

    [In the fifty years since they first attacked, Ono-Sendai has made its mission to safeguard and build up Earth’s defenses against the ever-evolving Xenos incursion]

    [In that continual evolution you are the latest line of defense; you are the hope…for all mankind]

    This is Earth, but not the one you know. Two hundred years in the future humanity was attacked by an alien threat that sought to extinguish all life on the small blue-green planet. Only through the valiant efforts of the Ono-Sendai corporation was mankind able to survive. This is a future where cybernetic enhancements are common, and a shared human identity has formed, all in the face of an ever-evolving alien hivemind that wants nothing more than to devour every single man, woman, and child.

    Reports are just coming in from the latest developments in the rubble of Berlin, it has been confirmed that humanity’s saving grace, the robot warrior known as ‘Samuel Jupiter’ has been slain and destroyed by a new kind of Xenos, one that by authorities has been titled the ‘Xenos Champion’. Upper Leadership at Ono-Sendai have refused to comment but a statement from the Attack Corps Commander, Samuel Werven, is expected later tonight.

    The Ono-Sendai Corporation is the functional government of all remaining Earth citizens, in order to safeguard mankind, they created the Ono-Sendai military, the greatest and most powerful military Earth has ever seen.

    The world is on the brink of collapse, humanities greatest defender, a robot warrior known as Samuel Jupiter was slain by the latest iteration of the hivemind. Now in chaos, the leadership of Ono-Sendai struggles to come up with a contingency plan to thwart the annihilation of mankind.

    Welcome to For All Mankind! You play as a fresh recruit of the Ono-Sendai military having just finished your basic training in your selected field. You have been selected for an elite operation known as the Vengeance Program. The details of which are classified and unknown to you.

    Who knows why you joined the Ono-Sendai military?

    Perhaps out of a hatred of Xenos.

    Perhaps out of a sense of duty.

    Perhaps simply because you did not know what to do with your life.

    Perhaps you were in one of the sectors with mandatory conscription.

    Whatever the reason you’re here, and the world is quite literally on the brink of the apocalypse.

    Character Creation

    Below is the character sheet template For All Mankind. Players will play as cybernetically enhanced humans. Robots do exist, although are rather expensive to make. If you would like to play a robot contact PM me and we can discuss. THERE ARE ONLY 11 SLOTS. Additionally, repeats of some classes are allowed for others there can only be one. If you are unsure if a class is still available PM me.

    Initial Stats:

    Your weapons and equipment options will be offered to you based on your class selection during the first part of the game. Stats are explained below, Classes are explained in the resource thread.

    A Guide to Stats

    The game uses a stat-based system to help guide and aid the narrative in various outcomes. These are typically associated with combat, although they may extend to other areas. As stats are mainly used to focus on battles there is no stat to measure Charisma or Intelligence, those can be freely roleplayed as the player and GM see fit.

    Below are the stats with a general explanation of what they measure although it is generally self-explanatory. An average human has a zero in each category. A real-world Olympian could have as high as a three to five. To clarify a ‘four’ is not necessarily twice as strong as a ‘two’.

    Vitality (V) – A measure of the hardiness and health of your character. How much damage they can take before they are knocked out or killed.

    Strength (S) – An indication of physical strength and used to determine the power of your melee attacks.

    Dexterity (D) – A mixture of your nimbleness and general ability to manipulate objects easily with your hands. Used to determine how likely a ranged attack would hit. (Or in the case of some classes or situations a melee attack)

    Perception (P) – A measure of how well you notice the world around you and in things that happen in it. A high perception will let you notice things others do not. It is also used to determine if a ranged attack would hit some classes and weapons.

    Agility (A) – A measure of your speed and ability to dodge.

    As stated, these are a guide to indicate to the GM how well a character would perform a given action, certain circumstances may allow a character to do things they normally would not be able to.

    Every stat starts at a one and increases with upgrades over the course of the game, it is possible to have a stat score of zero although it can never drop below that. When first creating a character, each player gets two free points with which that get to increase any stat they like, they can put one point in two different stats or both points in the same stat.

    In addition to the two ‘free’ stats, there is also certain training and equipment that each class initially starts with that grants bonuses to each stat. New and better equipment will become available over time that may increase, or in some cases decrease stats.

    1) Respect and Obey the TOS
    2) The GM holds the right to take over a character if necessary.
    3) No God Modding
    4) If you need to step away, please notify the GM. Please also ensure you give an estimate for how long you will be stepping away.
    5) The GM is always open to feedback. Constructive criticism is always welcome. I really do mean that.
    6) If you have any questions on anything feel free to send a PM
    7) And most important have fun!
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2021
  2. Narancia

    Narancia Jedi Master star 3

    Oct 24, 2020
    GM Approved

    With armor


    Without Armor

    Name: Veronica Greene
    Age: 21
    Class: Recon
    Initial Stats:
    Vitality: 0
    Strength: 1
    Dexterity: 1
    Perception: 3
    Agility: 5

    The Modern Amazon, or that's what the Ono Sendai daily newspapers nicknamed her as. According to Ono Sendai scouts, her real name is Veronica Greene, and she may be the fastest woman alive. Veronica Greene shattered multiple world records originally held by career Olympians such as Florence Griffith Joyner, who previously held the 100 and 200 hundred-meter dash world records of 10.47 and 21.34 seconds, respectively.

    That was until Greene broke those records at an Ono Sendai-sponsored track meet, clocking in a time of 9.70 seconds for a 100-meter dash and 20.34 seconds for a 200-meter dash. After seeing this type of performance, Ono Sendai pulled the greatest trick ever seen by getting Veronica into the military and join a unit with the highest mortality rate instead of continuing to live a life of fame and recognition. The best part is that they managed to convince Greene that it was all her idea, as, during the recruitment process, they showered her with all kinds of gifts and endorsements from various organizations, traveling the world and living a life of a billionaire for a short period of time.

    Then Ono Sendai "accidentally" showed Greene the devastation caused by the Xenos invasion, the shock of seeing such destruction, and the knowledge that, as a part of the recon unit, she could help prevent such chaos. After this event, Greene immediately joined. To make sure she had no second doubts, Ono Sendai even had her meet Samuel Werven. After a private conversation about ideals and motivation, Greene's everlasting loyalty to the cause was secured.
    Last edited: May 1, 2021
  3. greyjedi125

    greyjedi125 Chosen One star 6

    Apr 29, 2002
    Don't act surprised, ya'll knew I was going to join.....eventually. [face_hypnotized] :p GM Approved [face_party]

    Name: Venator Rudra

    Age: 23

    Appearance: [​IMG]

    Class: Warrior

    Initial Stats:

    Vitality: 2


    Dexterity: 3

    Perception: 2

    Agility: 2

    Bio: Rudra was once known as Amadeus Singh, the eldest son of Hamid Singh, a cybernetic software coder and Lorena Henrieta Cardenas De los Santos Singh, aka Loren Singh, a Chilean socialite, singer-actress. The two met at an Art & Science Expo in Paris. Amadeus also had a younger sister, Felicity Singh.

    Due to the importance of his work, Hamid spent very little time with his family. Despite being a successful cybernetic software creator, Hamid’s business partner wished to secretly sell his share of their small company to Ono-Sendai, a move Hamid learned through clandestine means. His marriage was also strained and his wife wished for a separation, or a divorce. By now, Hamid had become a stranger to his children, as he escaped the stressors of his life by delving deeper into his work.

    He had no idea that young Amadeus idolized Samuel Werven and the Attack Corps, and followed their every exploit to a near obsessive level. His sister always teased him about it, but he relished every minute. Amadeus had no love for the Xenos and was always on the fence about joining the Attack Corps, mostly because he wished to become an actor and perhaps be cast as Samuel some day.

    Little did he know then of the day his family SUV would be attacked by Xenos. As always, Hamid was not around when it happened. The attack was ‘typical Xenos fare’, however, the Attack Corps responded to the civilian alert before everyone was killed. Unfortunately, Amadeus lost his mother and sister that day, and much of his own body parts. He was saved by medical prosthetics and low grade cyber parts. Amadeus had not known that aside from their family ‘picnic’, his mother had been on her way to secretly meet with a ‘divorce advisor’ that day- and would likely never know. Amadeus lost everything he ever cared about, and for a time the will to live as well. However, a deep seated hate for Xenos blossomed within him, a fiery hate that would threaten to consume him if not properly channelled. And so, after some counseling, he was persuaded to join the Attack Corps.

    Amadeus changed his name and identity, for his old life was over and a new one began. He would become a warrior and one day, become a surgical tool in the extermination of Xenos, just like Samuel Werven. Venator Rudra would exact his revenge on the Xenos.

    Either that, or die trying.
  4. Master Vo

    Master Vo Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 19, 2017
    GM approved :cool:

    : Riz
    Age: 22
    No armour:
    Initial Stats:
    Vitality - 1
    Strength - 1
    Dexterity - 2
    Perception - 2 (Neural Implants)
    Agility - 4
    Bio: Growing up in the lower class areas of the London district, Riz was surrounded by bad influences and worse decisions. After a recent surge in crime rates in his area, Ono Sendai placed a required conscription in his district in order to "discipline" the inhabitants of this area. He and his best friend were conscripted into the military, initially starting out as warriors in Ono Sendai, before Riz was switched to the Assassin programme after demonstrating promising capabilities during training.

    His friend was deployed in Berlin and killed after the Xenos invasion. Riz hadn't yet finished his training by this time, and was upset that he couldn't have fought side-by-side with his friend.

    Riz's intentions are mysterious. With the induction into the Assassins corps, Riz had to swear himself to secrecy, and is soon to deal with top-secret missions...
    Last edited: May 3, 2021
  5. spacelady

    spacelady Force Ghost star 5

    Mar 16, 2003
    GM Approved! Looking forward to joining the FAM! (I’m sorry… I had to… :p )

    Name: Sword “Chaos” Oran
    Age: 23
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Class: Sniper
    Initial Stats:
    Vitality: 1
    Strength: 1
    Dexterity: 4
    Perception: 2
    Agility: 2
    Bio: Sword was born a trouble maker. It wasn’t hard for him to stumble into or start some kind of mayhem. Rules and expectations were too boring for his tastes. He craved adventure, fun, and the freedom to go wherever and be whoever. It started simple with attention seeking with his neglectful caregiver (as he often called her), but escalated as he grew a liking to it. He flunked out of his last year in school having missed so much and breaking the rules... and perhaps setting the boys' restroom on fire had a little something to do with it too.

    It was an easy life of pleasure, some illegal enjoyments, crime, and fast vehicles. It wasn’t long that he earned the nickname of Chaos for his love of creating it. And with his natural talent with speed and dexterity, the Police Corps had a hell of a time trying to capture him and lock him up, all of which only added fuel to his recklessness, almost believing he was invincible. But it would come to a grinding halt with a terrible accident, almost killing him. He awoke in a hospital bed attached to wires and tubes, but he was alive, and grateful to be so. Ono-Sendai had finally caught up with him, offering the exchange for surgery to repair any damage for his service. It was a difficult decision to make, but he eventually agreed to the deal.

    Giving up his life of freedom and reckless abandon was incredibly tough on Sword, but somewhere within, he remained grateful for his second chance at life. And despite it all, the harsh training was exactly what he needed to pull himself together and become someone he could be proud of.
    Last edited: May 3, 2021
  6. Mitth_Fisto

    Mitth_Fisto Chosen One star 6

    Sep 29, 2005
    GM approved- I’m a medic Jim! Not an exterminator!

    Name: Tenaka Wasille
    Age: 27yo
    Appearance: Average
    Alright, maybe not exactly average. Obvious skin transplanton on head/face, brown eyes, black hair with a shock of white (or white with a shock of black depending on what you know). Old fashioned dress style.
    Class: Medic
    Initial Stats: Neural Implants and Reflex stim package.
    Vitality 1
    Strength 1
    Dexterity 3
    Perception 3
    Agility 1

    Bio: Becoming a medical Physician's Assistant (PA) was supposed to be a safe job. Graduate without crippling debt nor soul crushing responsibility! Serve his community and lead a simple life. Problem was droids or Xenos ruled the world and his part of that world was in need of warm bodies to give the machines an edge.

    So he was swept up in an conscription draw. With his training he was assigned to the Medic Fast Track, was given a bit of an upgrade package he could never afford, and taught the finer points for machine repair. All else fails -kick it with your titanium steel toe boots!
  7. Darth_Elu

    Darth_Elu Chosen One star 7

    Jan 2, 2003
    GM APPROVED! Time to kick some Xeno Butt! :D

    Character Sheet

    Name: Bouvier “Bou” Farley
    Age: 32
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Class: Shield

    Initial Stats: [Energy Shield System, Light Exoskeleton, & Basic Training]
    V - 4
    S - 1
    D - 1
    P - 2
    A - 2

    Bio: Bouvier Farley was just another soldier on the battlefield. Yes, he was nobody special. He had been serving since he was a teenager of seventeen and had no plans to stop. Why? A silly question. Why not? The world was convulsing defiantly in its own End Times, what was the point in planning for the future? In cherishing love, burning with hatred, or rebelling against a government that was desperate in keeping you alive? Corruption was a thing, but priorities first, come on. But in the end…seriously. What did it all matter?

    They were goners. Every single one of them. There had been a glimmer of hope, a sign that he may yet be wrong…the sensation of craving a time beyond all this…and its name had been called Samuel Jupiter. And it, like all else, was nothing but a whisper on the wind. A wind choked with ash and blood that had been long since strangled out of the world it still swirled across.

    Why then did the man who hoisted the hard-light shield persist? Why even bother fighting at all himself? If so defeatist, why not just pick a spot to curl up in and die? Honestly, that’s a good question. The answer doesn’t make any sense, not even to him. But it is there all the same.


    Not in a person, a place, or thing. Not of the world or humanity as a whole. Certainly not himself. No. It was the fight. The struggle itself. The fact that those around him would continue to struggle despite the utter futility of it. It was…strangely, oddly, nonsensically beautiful. Just look at it. Look at them. Dead men and women, one and all, and they know it. Deep in their hearts and yet they…resist. Pointless, you could even say stupid…but damn it all!

    It was beautiful.

    And that beauty, that one effusive and ephemeral thing alone was worth fighting for. He fought so those around him could live just that little bit longer to keep the beauty alive. To keep it going just that bit longer, until he too could join them in whatever lay beyond. To witness it.

    Strange thing was…everyone around him kept dying eventually. He kept them going for quite some time, he was rather proud to admit. Something about an increased survival rate of 3.7 times the average, not that the numbers meant much to him. He just did what he could. But that was the oddity. They all eventually did die as one would expect in this insanity. But not him. He alone was the lone survivor in whatever group he was put in. Again and again and again and again and again and again and...

    And here he was once more, ready for some ‘Spec Ops’ group now. The inefficacy of it was astounding. The magnitude of the dissent being thrown into the Xenos’ collective faces amazing. After 2,000 squadmate deaths and his persistent existence (despite his lack of trying on his own part) —

    ‘Bou’ was being sent as the questionable shield before the charge again.


    An intake of breath.


    “Alright. Let’s go.”
    Last edited: May 4, 2021
  8. Jedi_Ascension

    Jedi_Ascension Jedi Padawan star 1

    Jun 20, 2020
    GM approved!

    Name: Tish Wagner
    Age: 23
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Class: Artillery
    Initial Stats:
    Vitality: 2
    Strength: 3
    Dexterity: 1
    Perception: 3
    Agility: 1
    Bio: Born into a Canadian family in exile because of the Xeno advance, her mother now emotionally traumatized for life and her father a helpless drunkard out of fear, and with all of her old friends she grew up with likely dead or scattered so far away it was unlikely she would ever see them again, Tish has enough reason to hate the aliens as much as anyone else.

    Hoping to get some revenge on them while doing her part in helping the rest of humanity not suffer as she has done, she has signed up to fight. Always something of a strong woman, she decided to use it to her advantage and get further increases to that physical department in battle, she knew she was going to do something that required strength. Liking the imagery of explosions vaporing the enemy (and a lifelong love of fireworks in general) and the dream of piloting the larger mechs, the idea of going the artillery route in the Defense Corps did not take long to come to her.
  9. Shadowsun

    Shadowsun Force Ghost star 4

    Jun 26, 2017


    It had only been a meager two weeks since the news of the destruction of humanity's greatest weapon, Samuel Jupiter, had been felled by the Xenos hivemind. The details on how the machine died were classified, the general public had no idea how it happened. Needless to say, this had been a massive blow to morale throughout the empire. The results of this massive setback to humanity is what lead them all here. Soldiers from throughout the military division, from the proud warrior class to the humble scout were gathered in the large lecture hall.

    None knew particularly the details of what this assignment was, other than it was some kind of special operations task force and the name ‘the Vengeance Program’. Most of those gathered there seemed straight out from basic training or their training for their class, a few veterans were sprinkled into the crowd but not many. In addition to the veterans and fresh recruits, there were a few combat warriors, notably the K-011 and S-08 models. There was probably about two thousand military personnel gathered like sardines. Despite this, the room was relatively silent, with a few quiet murmurs here and there but everyone was waiting in anticipation.

    A tall, well-built man entered the room, the room called to attention as everyone would leap to do so, his voice echoing calmly through the air.

    “Sit down, relax, relax”


    They would all instantly recognize who he was, Corps Commander Ares, the leader of the Defense Corps, such a high-ranking officer would be a surprise to them all, to say the least. Once he reached the central podium the Commander began to speak.

    “As has become apparent to the public, two weeks ago the ultimate weapon of Mankind, Samuel Jupiter, was destroyed. What the public does not know is how he died or rather what killed him,”

    Ares turned to the massive screen behind him, waving a hand, an image of a Xenos appearing on it.


    “We are calling it the Xenos Champion, just as we engineered our own legendary warrior it would seem they have manufactured their own. This thing stands over nine feet, built from biomatter denser and more hardened than we ever expected was possible. It was a close-fought battle but in the end Samuel Jupiter was not enough and this thing destroyed him,”

    He turned back to them all, now a map of the world appearing before them, marked with Ono-Sendai and Xenos territory.

    “As the state of the war is classified many of you do not know how serious the situation is, the Xenos pushed in hard after Jupiter died, the work he did over the past year becoming practically undone…We are sharing this information with you so you understand the sheer gravity of the situation.”

    “You are the part of the Vengeance Program selected specifically to counteract the increased Xenos incursion, I and all of the upper leadership at Ono-Sendai have full confidence that you will be able to meet the challenge, we as a species have always risen to new heights and today shall be no exception.”

    A pause as the commander, surveyed the room, taking in the the mix of apprehension and excitement.

    “You all come from many walks of life, from rich to poor, but here in this room and in this military, you are all the same, we are all human beings fighting to survive, this world is our birthright and we shall claim it,”

    He pumped his fist into the air, his commanding voice booming through the air with the weight of a true leader.

    “Glory to Mankind!”

    The room echoed his war cry, the mantra of the Military Division. Corps Commander Ares then gave a nod off to the side, walking off out to the side of the stage, disappearing from view. Another man walked in, also covered in armor although his face was very much so visible. His face was grim and brooding.


    “Good Morning, I am Colonel Hyde, commanding officer of the Vengeance Program, I will be overseeing your progress as you continue through the program. You’ll receive bonus pay based on your pay grade and access to better equipment, once you prove yourselves,”

    His voice was gruff, clearly, he did not want to be here, still, his voice still carried the weight expected of an officer of his standing.

    “Your assigned squads are as follows,”

    He waved his hand the large screen becoming a large list of names grouped together into squads.

    The one of note however appeared as below.

    Echo Squad
    Squad Leader – Captain Jessica Ironheart
    Deputy Squad Leader – Senior Lieutenant Bouvier Farley
    Squad Members:
    Lieutenant Riz Carter
    Lieutenant Veronica Greene
    Lieutenant Sword Oran
    Lieutenant Venator Rudra
    Lieutenant Tish Wagner
    Lieutenant Tenaka Wasille

    “You are all dismissed, Squad leaders will have more information for you all, but first report to the armory for weapon allocation,”

    With that, a clatter and murmur as the various soldiers began to filter out of the hall, all of the members of Echo Squadron separated from each other as in turn they would come to the armory, not located too far from where they all started.


    The Armory was fairly busy, it was large so the vast number of people were able to be serviced relatively quickly, still, it would take time. It was divided into eleven subsections, one for each of the classes. There were various uniformed men at each section ensuring that things got transferred quickly and efficiently, also logging which weapons were taken and by whom and that no one took more than they should.

    Warrior Section

    As Venator Rudra arrived at the Warrior Section of the Armory he would be, well greeted would be one way to put it by a tall, strong man with long flowing hair, and a rather amazing beard.


    "Captain Beard, yes that's my actual name...shut up," his voice was resigned and gruff, the tone of a man that had heard far too many puns about his name, and seen too many horrors to count. He cleared his throat as he brought up a datapad, as he looked Venator.

    "I need your name and rank, you have access to one melee weapon and one ranged weapon, let me know which one you want, if you have any questions I'll answer them...begrudgingly"

    TAG: @greyjedi125 See OOC thread for details on weapons.

    Medic Section

    The medic section was filled to the brim with medical kits, all placed neatly, their design allowing them to interlock to form a tidy cuboid. It was here that when Tenaka Wasille arrived he would be met by a woman in all white armor, the Defense Corps logo plastered on her chest.

    Her tone was friendly if a bit tired. "Good Morning! I hope you are doing well. Rank and name please, take a medkit, combat knife, and let me know if you would prefer the MI-02 or the MBR-03. If you have any questions regarding anything let me know!"

    She then gave a warm smile, her mouth hidden behind a mask but it was evident from her eyes that she was smiling. Her hands hovering delicately over a datapad.

    TAG: @Mitth_Fisto See OOC thread for details on weapons.

    Artillery Section

    Artillery was one of the more busy sections, Tish Wagner would notice a number of the other recruits were being outfitted with various different weaponry being placed on their shoulder. Testing out to feel the fit and to make sure that all the connections to the cybernetic armor were working properly.

    The officer that appeared to be looking over it all, turned to give Wagner a look over, her entire body seemingly robotic save for her head. The captain rank was sprayed onto her the side of her chest, it would be instantly recognizable to Wagner.

    "What's your name soldier? I'll need your rank as well, I'm Captain Nelson. I'll be here to help you outfit anything you need. You thinking the IC-27 or you thinking of going old school with the AM-12?"

    TAG: @Jedi_Ascension See OOC thread for details on weapons.

    Shield Section

    The Shield Section was one of the more quiet sections, perhaps because after Recon it had the highest mortality rate, that and proportional less shields were needed for Vengenace Program. As Bouvier Farley approached he would a stack of various shield systems stacked along a rack, some looked far more advanced than the ones he was currently issued. A woman stood behind a table, datapad in hand as she looked up from it to view Farley.

    "Standard stuff, I'm going to need name, rank...oh it's you," she paused as she recognized his face. "Damn I'm not sure to be happy or taken aback that you were put into the program," Farley would now what she was talking about. The average life span of a Shield was only about five years, Farley however had been a Shield for fifteen. As a result he had become something of an urban legend among other shields, even despite the fact that he was frequently held back from promotion.

    "The name's Fitz by the way, Captain Fitz, anyway what rifle you thinking Ion or Ballistic?"

    TAG: @Darth_Elu See OOC thread for details on weapons.

    Recon Section

    If the Shield station was quiet the Recon area was practically dead. This wasn't just because scouts were hard to come by, an average life span of two years didn't help that, no it was more the fact that the handing out of equipment was a much simpler affair.

    As Veronica Greene approached the Captain stationed there spoke up.

    "The name's Nelson, pretty simple for Recon, well to begin with, sorry luv you start out with the boring stuff," He slid over a combat knife and placed two pistols on the table.

    "Which one do you want... oh damn...err... I'm gonna need your rank and name,"

    TAG: @Narancia See OOC thread for details on weapons.

    Assassin Section

    The Assassin area, like that of the Assassin class in general, stood shrouded in shadow. A tall man in black armor with a hood stood by the station over seeing the Assassin's selections. It would not be long before Riz Carter would make his way for weapon selection.

    "I am Captain Bolton, you will me address as such. As you should know we Assassins favor the way of the blade than those cowards that would prefer to hide on the other side of a rifle," he cast a glance towards the Sniper Section. It was impossible to tell if he was joking or not his face was completely hidden behind the mask.

    "No need to introduce yourself, Lieutenant Carter, we pride ourselves on being more efficient than the other classes, in time you'll learn too," he paused, surveying the recuit for a moment before pulling out two swords and holding them out either side of him.

    "Which Assassin's blade is Lieutenant Carter going to choose?"

    TAG: @Master Vo'Un'Var See OOC thread for details on weapons.

    Sniper Section

    On the opposite side of the Assassin Section stood the Snipers, a man you would expect to be a sniper standing behind the table, going through his datapad as he looked up to see Sword Oran.

    The man was soft spoken, his voice almost a whisper, Oran would have to focus in hard to tell what he was saying.

    "I am Captain Lewis, consider yourself unlucky on being selected for the Vengenace Program, although you never heard me say that. I'm going to need your rank, name and which sniper rifle you would prefer,"

    He then reached behind him and pulled out two long cases, one marked 'ISR-11 Ion Sniper Rifle' and the other 'SSR-13 Ballistic Sniper Rifle'. He also pulled out a combat knife, placing it to one side as he looked up to the sniper recuit, awaiting their response.

    TAG: @spacelady See OOC thread for details on weapons.
  10. Narancia

    Narancia Jedi Master star 3

    Oct 24, 2020
    IC: Veronica Greene

    ~Recon section~

    offended and underwhelmed

    Veronica walked into the recon station; the first thing she noticed was the hulk of a man standing behind the weapons counter. For a time, she wondered why in the world was he in recon; he looked more like a warrior type than someone in recon.

    "The name's Nelson, pretty simple for Recon, well to begin with, sorry luv you start out with the boring stuff,"

    Three items slid to Veronica, all of them were underwhelming;

    The RI-07 Ion Pistol - Slower fire rate but in return deals more damage. Veronica was heavily considering this since, by nature, she would be inherently vulnerable in firefights considering how weak her armor was as a recon unit. Maybe it was better to take out the enemy before they could take her out.


    RB-06 Ballistic Pistol - deals less damage but provides a higher fire rate, good for suppressing fire and possibly allowing her to escape highly volatile situations if things got too tense.


    And finally, the standard combat knife, basically required for all classes.

    Veronica equipped the combat knife, but now she had a choice. It all came down to her personal philosophy; if avoiding a fire-fight was impossible would it be better to cause a distraction so she could retreat or defend herself?

    "Which one do you want... oh damn...err... I'm gonna need your rank and name,"

    Veronica shook her head and rolled her eyes; if "Captain" Nelson couldn't be bothered to learn her name before coming here, then she couldn't be bothered to respond to him in a timely fashion. Just because the Recon unit has the highest mortality rate doesn't that her commanders should treat this place as a morgue.

    So after an awkward silence for Nelson but minutes of contemplation for Veronica, she finally decided.

    "I would like the RI-07, and the name is Lieutenant Veronica Greene."

    The Lieutenant said in a deadpan voice with unimpressed eyes.

    TAG: @Shadowsun
  11. greyjedi125

    greyjedi125 Chosen One star 6

    Apr 29, 2002
    IC: Venator Rudra


    He still could not believe it, though he acknowledged the report. Samuel Jupiter was dead. Killed by the Xenos Champion. Such a thing simply seemed impossible, but yet, it was true.

    Venator leaned against a back wall, taking in all that transpired in great detail. The number of soldiers, their armor and augmentations, all the different classes gathered. The world map showcasing the Xenos advance. It all fueled his sense of purpose, it incensed his conviction. It confirmed his path.

    When ordered to sit down and relax, unsurprisingly, he did not. Not out of spite or the need to be rebellious for apparently no reason; no, he simply prefered to stand, or lean in this case.

    Corps Commander Ares was mildly interesting. Venator would prefer to see his service record before formulating a more informed opinion of the man, though they all paled next to Samuel, at least in his mind.

    As for the Xenos Champion, Venator took in all the details he could from what was presented, but he definitely needed more information. Venator was not satisfied with the news, he wished to see the actual encounter between Jupiter and the Xenos Champion, he wished to study it.

    Thus, he listened and continued to file certain key sentences to memory. He had to admit, he was rather pleased with the name Ono-Sendai had chosen for the counter-strike project, ‘The Vengeance Program’. ’Twas aptly named. He could almost applaud.

    Moments later, there was some kind of chant, but he remained as he was.

    After Commander Are’s pep-talk, another military top brass took to the stage. This time is was one Colonel Hyde, the one actually running the Vengeance Program. Technically speaking, Rudra was looking at his Big Boss. At least the man did not mince words and got down straight to business. Good.

    It took some time to list all the personnel and their assignments, but eventually Venator was informed that he was in Echo Squad. Venator downloaded the information as given.

    Echo Squad

    Squad Leader – Captain Jessica Ironheart

    Deputy Squad Leader – Senior Lieutenant Bouvier Farley

    Squad Members:

    Lieutenant Riz Carter

    Lieutenant Veronica Greene

    Lieutenant Sword Oran

    Lieutenant Venator Rudra

    Lieutenant Tish Wagner

    Lieutenant Tenaka Wasille

    Venator didn’t recognize any of those names as none had undergone basic warrior training with him, since he was the only warrior assigned to Echo Squad.

    As it was, he could formulate no opinions. That would come later, probably after their first joint mission.

    As indicated, Venator made his way to the Armory’s Warrior Section where he was greeted by a rather large and bearded man, who happened to be also named ‘Captain Beard'. The large man made some comment about his name, to which Venator did not react. He wasn’t here for the witty repartee or the pretense of camaraderie.

    It was time to choose his weapons.

    Stepping up to the Captain, Venator regarded the data pad and the choices offered. His eyes scanned the few items, however, he made sure to compare their stats and specs. As a Warrior, there was a deliberate rhythm he required to effectively terminate the Xenos threat.

    “Lieutenant, Venator Rudra, sir.”

    He said in a neutral, yet respectful tone. The Captain would immediately notice Venator’s synthesized male baritone, which sounded slightly dissonant.

    “I’ll take the Warrior’s Katana…and the WI-08 Ion Rifle, Captain.”

    Venator had excelled in basic training and had shown a singular focus that characterized him as ‘one -to-watch’. He patiently waited for his weapons to be dispensed before taking them expertly. He already knew that ammo would be distributed before an actual op, so he had no need to request it or act surprised at not receiving any at this juncture.

    With crisp and practiced motions, Venator strapped the sheathed sword on the left side of his hip and cross-strapped the rifle to his right side. It was impossible to tell if he was pleased or not by his choices.

    “Do you think it’s possible, sir?” Venator asked suddenly as he finished.

    “For me to see the final battle between Jupiter and the Xenos?”

    As he waited for a response, Venator allowed himself a cursory glance around, trying-out the range of his visual scanner and the efficiency of its target acquisition, currently set to ‘friendly’. Pinging the Echo Squad Leader or any of his new Squad mates should prove useful.

    Tag: @Shadowsun
    Last edited: May 6, 2021
  12. spacelady

    spacelady Force Ghost star 5

    Mar 16, 2003
    IC as Sword Oran

    Sword sat, uncomfortably, in the large audience room, surrounded by countless other men and women. All soldiers of some kind and all with different backgrounds and classes. Most probably going to die sooner rather than later. He gulped slightly, not from fear, but from the thick tension in the room. He knew what he was getting himself into. But the grim unease and uncertainty filling the room made him shift slightly in his seat. He glanced, with as much ease as he could muster, at the two sitting at his sides. "Quite the stuff going on, right?" When they both simply ignored him, he shrugged and played cool about it. Rough crowd...

    They were all called to attention, everyone standing from their seats to acknowledge the person incoming. It was Corps Commander Ares. He easily told them to sit and relax. Yeah, right... Sword thought, taking his seat and feeling even more uneasy about this meeting if Ares was here. Didn't he have more important things to do than to welcome the new influx of soldiers fresh from training?

    “As has become apparent to the public, two weeks ago the ultimate weapon of Mankind, Samuel Jupiter, was destroyed. What the public does not know is how he died or rather what killed him,”

    The screen behind the Corps Commander lit up with a very large image of one of the Xenos, but this was different than any he had seen.

    “We are calling it the Xenos Champion, just as we engineered our own legendary warrior it would seem they have manufactured their own. This thing stands over nine feet, built from biomatter denser and more hardened than we ever expected was possible. It was a close-fought battle but in the end Samuel Jupiter was not enough and this thing destroyed him,”

    "Uh, yikes..." Sword murmured under his breath, taking in the photo with his incredibly sharp vision thanks to his implants. He wouldn't mind trading eyesight with someone else at that moment.

    Ares mentioned how all the work Samuel had made, was almost entirely lost in just the two weeks since his passing. Oh man, that did not sound good... The Corps Commander finished his speech, filling the room with a little bit of hope.

    “Glory to Mankind!”

    "Glory to Mankind!" Sword bellowed out along with the rest in the lecture hall.

    Ares threw his fist into the air in return before stepping away from the main focus and allowing another to take his place. Whereas Ares exuded leadership and confidence, this man wordlessly spoke of strength and resilience.

    “Good Morning, I am Colonel Hyde, commanding officer of the Vengeance Program, I will be overseeing your progress as you continue through the program. You’ll receive bonus pay based on your pay grade and access to better equipment, once you prove yourselves,”

    Always proving oneself, the sniper thought and turned his gaze onto the screen, scanning the list of names until he found his under Echo Squad. They were dismissed then to the armory to pick up their weapons for duty. He couldn't help but feel a bit excitement, and nervous. Surely these would be far superior to the weapons they had in training, right? Despite the amount of people packed into the armory, it was a pretty big part of the building and accommodated the numbers well.

    Sword looked about for a moment before easily finding the station he needed to be at and moved towards it, smoothly and deftly dodging any who might get too close or risk bumping into him due to crowding. The man he was to report to seemed to fit into the whole sniper look, but when he opened his mouth, Sword couldn't help but be surprised at his meek voice. He leaned in a bit to get a better hearing.

    "I am Captain Lewis, consider yourself unlucky on being selected for the Vengenace Program, although you never heard me say that. I'm going to need your rank, name and which sniper rifle you would prefer," He spoke quietly and placed two options for guns out on the table before him.

    "Lieutenant Sword Oran, Captain!" He kind of liked adding a title to his name! "I'll take the SSR-13, sir." He announced and took up the combat knife, looking it over. "You know, I'm actually pretty excited to be here. I mean, I know, it's a really dark time right now, but to fight for humanity? Take back what's ours for our future? There's not much like it. Almost like something you'd find in fiction, right?" He offered an easygoing grin.

    Tag: @Shadowsun
    Last edited: May 6, 2021
  13. Mitth_Fisto

    Mitth_Fisto Chosen One star 6

    Sep 29, 2005
    IC: Tenaka Wasille
    Medic Section

    Tenaka was crammed into the large lecture hall, uncomfortably, surrounded by countless other men and women. This was definitely a safety hazard, not only was this not following fire code safety Tenaka was appalled by the military approach of gross health violations. This many people crammed together and hardly a mask to rub between them. All it would take is one soldier with the flu that doesn't have symptoms presenting as much yet and they would have a mass absentee event due to communal illness! Tenaka could pretty much pick out the other good medical soldiers simply by looking for others that were similarly uncomfortable.

    The rest were of course soldiers various kinds and all with different backgrounds and classes, and all with terribly short life expectancies. Trying not to dwell on his own chances of survival in any engagement he always kept his eyes on whom he was trying to save and staying quietly out of the way. Of course this action for an elite squad was just like his own conscription, not his idea, but maybe, just maybe this would mean his own and the others survival rates would be higher as they would be better at their jobs then the average recruits. . .yeah, he didn't really believe that yet either.

    Military hoopla commenced as the Corps Commander Ares took the stage. He easily told them to sit and relax. Now they just needed to do that at least nine more times and he could count it as a light workout. Of course having a Corps Commander meant this was muscle flex and psychological pressure on them as troops to perform and accept whatever was about to be told to them. Never a good sign.

    “As has become apparent to the public, two weeks ago the ultimate weapon of Mankind, Samuel Jupiter, was destroyed. What the public does not know is how he died or rather what killed him,”

    Yup, hail the machine! A robot was getting the same billing as if an actual person had died. Wonderful. That pretty much summed up the problem with humanity fighting for their lives against a purely organic threat, people tended to push things to extremes to be different than them. In this case people became less organic and it was pushed to be less organic so as to be different than the enemy. Looking around he noted how rare it was to see someone without at least one visible implant situation. Sad state of human affairs as not even himself could be counted in that small number. The screen behind the Corps Commander lit up with a very large image of one of the Xenos, but this was different than any he had seen.

    “We are calling it the Xenos Champion, just as we engineered our own legendary warrior it would seem they have manufactured their own. This thing stands over nine feet, built from biomatter denser and more hardened than we ever expected was possible. It was a close-fought battle but in the end Samuel Jupiter was not enough and this thing destroyed him,”

    "Well, that's a face only a mother could love." Tenaka murmured under his breath. Lovely.

    Then the depressing news came, Ares shared all their gains from the champion model Jupiter had about been lost to the Xenos champion push back. In a matter of two weeks. So of course, this was where they came in. Meat for the grinder to keep the Xenos back.

    “Glory to Mankind!” the rallying cry bellowed out.

    "Glory to Machines!" Tenaka called out along with the rest in the lecture hall, allowing his unique reply get lost in the deafening cry of the others.

    Ares threw his fist into the air in return before stepping away from the main focus and allowing another to take his place. Bad leadership hype message over, now to an actual leader of their chosen program.

    “Good Morning, I am Colonel Hyde, commanding officer of the Vengeance Program, I will be overseeing your progress as you continue through the program. You’ll receive bonus pay based on your pay grade and access to better equipment, once you prove yourselves,”

    AKA, once you don't die on the first mission we send you on and if you actually manage to get the job done we want you to do. It took a while to spot where he fell into things with the new groups dynamic.

    Echo Squad
    Squad Leader – Captain Jessica Ironheart
    Deputy Squad Leader – Senior Lieutenant Bouvier Farley
    Squad Members:
    Lieutenant Riz Carter
    Lieutenant Veronica Greene
    Lieutenant Sword Oran
    Lieutenant Venator Rudra
    Lieutenant Tish Wagner
    Lieutenant Tenaka Wasille
    You are all dismissed, Squad leaders will have more information for you all, but first report to the armory for weapon allocation,” came the final message, which was of course like someone flipping a light switch on a room full of cockroaches. Everyone scattering for their particular hole where they would get their gear.

    With a sigh he waited for the room to clear out a bit before moving in with the tail end of the crowded hall as it meant more so the slow or the considerate people would be left. Just made making his way to the armory more pleasant.

    Heading down he simply followed the marks on the ceiling the easily denoted where the med station armory was at. Medical was always popular and always marked, it was the one place everyone had to know how to get to if there was ever a risk you would ever need medical attention.

    The medic section was filled to the brim with medical kits, all placed neatly, their design allowing them to interlock to form a tidy cuboid. Perfect for pallet deployments and mass shipments. Somebody was not new to the logistical nightmare of medical deployments. Tenaka Wasille arrived and was immediately met by a woman in all white armor, the Defense Corps logo plastered on her chest. Patriotism to corp, nice.
    Her tone was friendly if a bit tired. "Good Morning! I hope you are doing well. Rank and name please, take a medkit, combat knife, and let me know if you would prefer the MI-02 or the MBR-03. If you have any questions regarding anything let me know!"

    She then gave a warm smile, her mouth hidden behind a mask but it was evident from her eyes that she was smiling. Her hands hovering delicately over a datapad. Taking the indicated items he made sure to secure the knife, and then the medkit on his person before nodding to her, "I'll take the MI-02, the MBR-03 just screams for somebody to add a vowel and nobody needs that when fixing the broken." his own mischievous grin spread on his face as he waited for the weapon. "Quick question, how long do I have to survive to get an upgrade for my medkit, gear, or implants? Always good to have goals you know. Something to live for."

    TAG: @Shadowsun
  14. Jedi_Ascension

    Jedi_Ascension Jedi Padawan star 1

    Jun 20, 2020
    Tish Wagner

    Tightening my right hand into a fist periodically, I feel the strength in my muscles flexing. Strength that had been honed by much trianing and the desire to get revenge on the xenos. I also had a dream this past year, one that had felt so vivid to me. A goal that was once so unthinkable as to be laughble, but became to suddenly possible it was impossible not to create a yearning within my breast. The images and videos of when Samuel Jupiter had first been introduced are still kept. So were the news articles of humanity's advance when he was unleashed upon the threat. He was to be the sword that pierced the hells on Earth. And now that sword was broken to the hilt.

    Were we just tightening our own colective fist on that hilt now so useless in our grasp? A glance around at the large room did not answer that question, but there still seemed to be some who hoped. If they could dare, then so could I. I would not lose all heart after just getting here! Despite the pain still being so fresh as to ache without words or, it felt, end.

    As the speeches began with the appearance of Corps Commander Ares entering the stage, I straightened up and flew into attention. This was belayed and he told us to relax and sit down. I sat, but relaxing was a tall order right now. Still it was exciting to see the leader of the entire Defense Corps before them, especially as that was her Corps! But this excitement would not last either as he began to speak on humanity's hope's death. The revealing of the xenos champion, which prompted a shocked gasp from my throat. It took me about five seconds to realize that was myself and my cheeks burned from embarrassment, though no one seemed to notice. thankfully. Further talk cemented how bad the situation had gotten, how perilous our hold on our world was now. Known but now it stood in stark black and white.

    The speech that was meant to stir their hearts worked, but probably not to the full degree wished. Hard not to be surprised by that, but I did give a smile anyway. Together. It was true. it was the only way we were going to win. When the mantra came, I joined in. How could I not?

    "Glory to Mankind!"

    What to believe in if not our glory? maybe our faith in that would bring us the strength to elevate us beyond the abyss we found ourselves swimming in these days. And from Ares' exit, came the appearance of one Colonel Hyde. All grim, serious, and straight-to-business. Likely what was needed at this juncture, this was the military after all. The knowledge of bonus pay was nice, but it wouldn't matter if I was killed. Had to tell myself that and also I needed to remember the real reason I was here.

    To blow those inhuman pieces of trash away. Only their charred ashes would satisfy me at this point. Not after everything that has happened because of them.

    When the squad lists were revealed, it took me quite a while to find my name. Two thousand names were a lot to wade through, but I did locate it eventually. Echo Squad? Sounds good. And my fellow Echos? They contained an iron heart, a sword, and even a hunter. A good sign. at least that is how I'm going to take it while I join the crush of bodies leaving for the armory.

    Personally, seeing how busy and popular the Artillery Section was made me a feel a fair amount of pride. I did my best not to show it on my face though and just keep a stoic soldier professionalism intact. I was likely only partially successful. When it was my turn to speak to Captain Nelson, I flashed a crisp salute and gave her all my respect as a superior was owed. Especially in these times.

    "Lieutenant Tish Wagner, ma'am! Going old school with the AM-12, Captain. I need to see that fire and as many dead xenos in every blast as possible!"

    Hopefully my eyes showed how deathly serious I was. What I said was what I meant. A charbroiled xeno was the best kind and I was aiming to be the chef.

    Tag: @Shadowsun
  15. Darth_Elu

    Darth_Elu Chosen One star 7

    Jan 2, 2003
    Senior Lieutenant Bouvier Farley IC:
    ~The Auditorium, Ono-Sendai Base~

    Two weeks. It had only been two weeks since the demise of Samuel Jupiter and the ripples it had created was immense. How could its effects not be felt? It had been their one great shining moment of hope. Their robotic beacon of a future once thought impossible to achieve, even if none said it outright.

    Then reality happened.

    Xenos, by their very nature, were insurmountable. Adaptability was humanity's greatest strength and these aliens were immensely better than them at it. Things had once more reverted back to the status quo, the truth of their world. Extinction was inevitable, it was only a matter of time. Bouvier's fingers twitched, wanting to hold onto a cigarette that was not there. His gray eyes were downcast, as if he was fascinated by a spot on the floor where he sat, while really he was just turning all these events over in his mind. He did not feel much emotion these days, as apathetic and numb as he had become over the years. But he was annoyed at himself. For allowing himself to feel the one thing he had told himself was not a possibility. Hope. That crushing sensation that came from having thought it was within reach was his reward and his penance. His punishment for having known better, but defying reality anyway.

    Either way, he looked up at the stage in front of them all, he was here now. This 'Vengeance Program' about to be carried out. Revenge, what a useless concept in this war, just like all the rest. But it was a great motivator for the one thing that kept him going. With a breathless laugh, no true sound coming out, he looked to his left and right. In front and behind, as he sat in the middle of the large room. Two thousand people in here in all, huh?

    Well, wasn't that a sweet reminder. Two thousand. The exact number of squad-mates he had seen die before his very eyes from the time he was seventeen all the way till now. This entire auditorium was his reminder. Each head, including his own, was just a monument to their futility. To his futility. And there would soon, very soon, be more to that tally. Shaking his head, he sighed before noticing a figure come out. Everyone was jumping up to attention. His brow raised and then the rest of him did too, to get a better look. He was astonished to see Ares himself!

    With a mental grumble, he stood at attention himself and wondered at how the fabled Corps Commander himself was there to oversee their program. Then again, after Jupiter's death, that only made sense didn't it?

    “Sit down, relax, relax.”

    Gladly, he did so. Probably before most of the others, though the rest eventually followed suit. Good thing too, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to see a damn thing. Not that it mattered. It was time to see what this initiative was all about. He could only imagine.

    “As has become apparent to the public, two weeks ago the ultimate weapon of Mankind, Samuel Jupiter, was destroyed. What the public does not know is how he died or rather what killed him.”

    The image coming onto the screen elicited gasps and hard stares from nearly the whole room. Shock, tragedy, anger, hatred. Even misplaced hopes of being the new hero to take the beast down likely stirring in some hearts. Bouvier though? Bouvier just looked at it dully, not a trace of feeling on his face, his gaze quietly shifting back toward the Corps Commander.

    “We are calling it the Xenos Champion, just as we engineered our own legendary warrior it would seem they have manufactured their own. This thing stands over nine feet, built from biomatter denser and more hardened than we ever expected was possible. It was a close-fought battle but in the end Samuel Jupiter was not enough and this thing destroyed him.”

    So the thing was a literal giant too. A tank in build and a warrior by trade by the looks of it. Close range was instant death, not a doubt in his mind. Long range was...Heh. Long range was just a delay in what was to come. A buyer of seconds or minutes, depending how far back you were. If you see this thing on the battlefield, drop your weapons and pray to whoever your God was. The end was nigh.

    The screen changed to the map. As if any more reminders were needed.


    “As the state of the war is classified many of you do not know how serious the situation is, the Xenos pushed in hard after Jupiter died, the work he did over the past year becoming practically undone…We are sharing this information with you so you understand the sheer gravity of the situation. You are the part of the Vengeance Program selected specifically to counteract the increased Xenos incursion, I and all of the upper leadership at Ono-Sendai have full confidence that you will be able to meet the challenge, we as a species have always risen to new heights and today shall be no exception.”

    A pause as Ares let the information sink in. Bouvier just crossed his legs, folded his arms, and closed his eyes as he listened.

    “You all come from many walks of life, from rich to poor, but here in this room and in this military, you are all the same, we are all human beings fighting to survive, this world is our birthright and we shall claim it. Glory to Mankind!”

    "GLORY TO MANKIND!" came the roar of the crowd. These poor lambs to the slaughter.

    Bouvier was unmoving. He did not shout, pump his fist, or even stand let alone open his eyes. Glory to mankind, what a joke. That was long dead. Not to mention, this mission and that last speech by Ares...?

    Forget suicide mission. Whatever was one level worse than that? Yeah, that was this. He might as well have said: "Farewell Corpses!"

    As Ares left the stage, another took his place. Bouvier kept his eyes closed, uncaring who it was. But the moment the man spoke, he knew it was Colonel Hyde. Yes, he had been around the block a few times to know.

    “Good Morning, I am Colonel Hyde, commanding officer of the Vengeance Program, I will be overseeing your progress as you continue through the program. You’ll receive bonus pay based on your pay grade and access to better equipment, once you prove yourselves. Your assigned squads are as follows:"

    Prove yourselves. Ha. Military translation for all you rookies out there: 'Once you don't die within the first 24 hours.'

    And Hyde was overseeing this operation? Well, don't that beat all. It was as important as it was doomed to fail then. Maybe this time Senior Lieutenant Farley would not return at last. And that was another thing, Senior Lieutenant? Still getting used to the ring of that title as new as it was. Just now promoted to that level despite his many years in service. Despite surviving longer than anyone else on the front lines. Granted, he was merely enlisted originally, but even so.

    Well, that was ok. He knew well why. He'd do the same in their shoes. Opening his eyes to finally stare at the screen chock full of Squad Assignments, he eventually found his.

    Echo Squad
    Squad Leader – Captain Jessica Ironheart
    Deputy Squad Leader – Senior Lieutenant Bouvier Farley
    Squad Members:
    Lieutenant Riz Carter
    Lieutenant Veronica Greene
    Lieutenant Sword Oran
    Lieutenant Venator Rudra
    Lieutenant Tish Wagner
    Lieutenant Tenaka Wasille

    Oh. Right. That made him a deputy squad leader now. With a grunt of irritation he realized how utterly fun this was going to be. But still, it was best to get started on memorizing those names. Jessica Ironheart. Riz Carter. Veronica Greene. Sword Oran. Venator Rudra. Tish Wagner. Tenaka Wasille.

    I'll remember your names after you're gone. If I am the last one standing again.

    And so far...Bouvier always was.

    “You are all dismissed, Squad leaders will have more information for you all, but first report to the armory for weapon allocation.”

    He got up and headed out quickly. Not out of a sense of urgency, but because he just wanted out of that room. That two thousand hanging all around him. It was suffocating. He needed them behind him...where they belonged. Where they all probably would be, like all the others before them. Grunting, he shoved the thought of his head again, and marched for the Armory.

    ~Primary Armory, Ono-Sendai Base~

    Ah, the bustle of the Armory. Always moving, had to be to keep the war effort rolling. No weapons meant no fighting after all. But he turned his body toward the quiet section where all Shields were meant to congregate. Always quiet here. Despite his fast attempts to get ahead of everyone, naturally there were some who beat him. Should have taken a seat in the back, he mentally scolded himself.

    He took in the stacks of shields, both current, old, and fantastically new...his mind wondered at their specifications and power outputs. Duration and field of coverage. Stationary or projectable? So many things to consider. But for now, he would keep what he still had. He knew the drill, plus the ol' Colonel told them earlier hadn't he? Prove yourselves first. (Or again in his case)

    When it was his turn, he silently stepped up to the table and the woman behind it. She looked vaguely familiar, but nothing clicked. Probably hadn't actively served together, but then if they had...she'd be dead.

    "Standard stuff, I'm going to need name, rank...oh it's you."

    Bouvier gave a dry, twisted smile the moment she recognized him. Among fellow shields, at least the higher ranked ones, that was hardly surprising anymore. Certainly made things easier. Glad to know he was a celebrity. Especially one that made others wary.

    "Damn I'm not sure to be happy or taken aback that you were put into the program. The name's Fitz by the way, Captain Fitz, anyway what rifle you thinking Ion or Ballistic?"

    The name clicked and now so did the face. The smile would have dropped from his face and been replaced with a grimace, if his smile hadn't already vanished the moment he had even given it.

    Without a word, he held out a hand toward the MI-02 Modified Ion Rifle and just flexed his hand in a silent 'gimmie' gesture, just simply taking it and beginning to move away from the table, no preamble or warning given. He finally turned his head to look back at the Captain when he got a few footsteps away, though he didn't stop moving.

    "Just write down what you need, obviously you know who I am."

    He stated this without a shred of vanity, just an emotionless and lackluster matter-of-fact truth. No energy in his voice, only the husk of a man betraying what he really was by speaking. Another heartbeat passed as he moved on, before adding, just loud enough.

    "Condolences for Brandon."

    Captain Brandon Fitz. Bravo Squad Leader from an op about four years ago. Decent man, decent skills, above average leadership. Hell of an aim when it came to playing darts. And a heart way too big for someone sent out to die. The last name was the reminder, but it was the instant after that, that Bouvier connected the face. She had longer hair in the picture, but Brandon always carried a picture of his family with him wherever he went. Even the battlefield. Bouvier still remembered it clutched tightly in his blood-stained grip as he lay motionless next to the rubble of the old convenience store (or so the sign had said), he standing over him and just staring thoughtlessly at the body before distant artillery fire jolted him out of his shell shock and back into the times. Leaning down, he had closed the dead man's eyes and then tucked the picture into an even more secure place on Brandon before running off, shield brilliantly glowing back to life on his arm.

    Connections like these were the hardest. But the Senior Lieutenant had lots of experience hiding it from his face. His expression as blank as ever.

    As he moved through the rest of the armory, he also passed by the quietest area of them all. With good reason. The Recon Area. The only type of soldier who had a worse life expectancy than a Shield's. Seeing a woman, an obvious rookie, making some kind of comments toward the Captain and the resulting backlash that was coming; he only shook his head. He didn't really care, but she was in for some rude awakenings. And she was a recon?

    "Poor dead bastards," he stated quietly, though within earshot as he moved past to where he knew he would need to head for. He wouldn't stop to explain himself or converse further, plus that one was about to have her hands full anyway.

    Tag: Captain Fitz, Veronica (just in passing), & All Other Ono-Sendai Personnel @Shadowsun @Narancia (again, in passing)
  16. Master Vo

    Master Vo Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 19, 2017
    Riz Carter
    Assassin Section


    It was all a blur to Riz Carter, the conscripted Lieutenant of the Assassin class. While he had tried to focus on the lecture, he found his mind wandering elsewhere. His only friend had died in Berlin, and now he had been dropped into the Assassin class of the stealth corps. All alone now, Riz thought to himself.

    The auditorium suddenly roared with the chant of Glory to Mankind! It was loud, and dragged Riz out of his mind. He looked around, and stood up, glancing at his squad list. He didn't know anyone, which was no surprise at all, and began to trudge to his corner of the armoury.

    An armoured man, calling himself Captain Bolton, addressed Riz. He acknowledged his words, giving a nod and a lazy salute. He then looked at the two weapons held out to him. He glanced at the broadsword, and shook his head. While it was sleek, it was still too clunky for Riz, but this problem was solved when his head turned to the Assassin's Katana. He let out a smirk, and took the blade in his hands.


    "This is the one, Captain." Riz announced, holding the katana delicately in his hands. He placed it by his side, and proceeded to look through the rows of pistols that were for the Assassins. The ballistic pistol stood out to him. Fast and efficient. Good. He took it, and holstered it opposite from where he had placed his katana.

    "These, Captain. These are my choices." His monotone voice said, giving another effortless salute to the captain.

    Riz wanted to get this over with. He had nothing left, and this conscription had just given him something to do until he'll inevitably bite the dust... Whatever happens, happens. Riz thought to himself, waiting for his next orders.

  17. Shadowsun

    Shadowsun Force Ghost star 4

    Jun 26, 2017
    Echo Squad
    Joint Base Hamburg, Germany
    Warrior Section

    Captain Beard gave a half raise of his eyebrow upon Venator Rudra's response and question. Straight to business, the sign of a true warrior, at least in Beard's opinion. He gave a small nod of respect as he went back to pull out Rudra's requested weapons.

    WI-08 Ion Rifle

    Warrior's Katana
    He then gave a small grunt as more warriors began to line up, he looked back toward Venator, the corner of the Captain's beard barely forming a 'smile'.

    "Unless you're a Corps Commander there's no way you are going to see that footage, now move along, your with Captain Ironheart, have fun with that, go report to Training Room 32E,"

    Medic Section

    The medic captain gave a chuckle at Wasille's comment regarding the MBR needing a vowel. She dipped back behind the counter, making a few quick taps on her keypad as she reached down to grab the necessary weapons, placing them on the table before him.

    MI-02 Modified Ion Rifle
    He would also be issued a standard combat knife, perhaps more useful to medics than for other classes. Wasille then asked a question of his own, one that would be met with a slight damper of her smile.

    "Quick question, how long do I have to survive to get an upgrade for my medkit, gear, or implants? Always good to have goals you know. Something to live for."

    There was a small sadness in her eyes as she smiled through it, making a few final taps on her datapad.

    "Yes, well after you complete your first mission you should receive some upgrade options, you are with Captain Ironheart so you need to report to Training Room 32E, have a good day... oh and the name is Peterson by the way,"

    She gave a quiet nod of her head as the next medic recruit lined up for their equipment.

    Artillery Section

    Captain Nelson, the artillery captain not the recon captain, gave a slow smile at the eagerness of the new recruit. Looking up her name on datapad she reached to one of the side shelves pulling out a large bulky-looking gun.

    AM-12 Mortar
    "I like your spunk kid, the service could do with more of that. Yeah don't ask me why they call it a mortar, it's a grenade launcher, still, this puppy packs quite the punch, and if you think this is a big gun.."

    A twinkle sparkled in her eye as she gave another look over Wagner.

    "...just wait until you get access to the good stuff,"

    She looked down at her datapad, recording the information as she also handed the recruit a combat knife.

    "Alright now get the hell out of here, head to Training Room 32E,"

    Shield Section

    Fitz's face only hardened at the mention of her older brother, remaining silent as she exchanged the weapons over to Shield Veteran. In fact, he was the second oldest shield ever to have served.

    Didn't change the fact that they were all dead.

    Didn't change the fact he failed to keep her brother safe.

    "Training Room 32E," was all she muttered, not wanting to see the man's face again. Although she knew she would, that man was a ghoul and in time he would be back for his upgrades. LIkely alone as he always was.

    Recon Section

    Captain Nelson stared confused at Veronica Greene, wondering why it took her so long to respond. What was her problem? Did she not understand how the military worked? At last, she stated what weapon she wanted and her name.

    "Oh, I get it now... you're a celebrity," his slight smile and kind demeanor evaporated. He looked into her eyes, those spoilt, unimpressed eyes.


    In a quick flash, he grabbed her hair and smacked her face into the table, repeatedly as he gave her a hard dose of reality.

    "You think you're special because you can run fast. I know all about people like you, it's that kind of attitude that gets people killed, your job is simple. You run, collect information, and report it back. There's a reason you start out with this crap. There's a reason why sniveled up ***** like you die by the second because you don't know what it's actually like,"

    "You don't know respect,"


    "You don't know discipline,"


    He paused the brutality for a moment, lifting her head up, their eyes meeting.

    "If I can do this to imagine what a Xenos can do if they catch you. Once you don't die then maybe you'll get something flashy, then maybe I'll give half a damn who you are, but until that point you are nothin'. Welcome to the real world sweetheart,"

    Without waiting for confirmation he then flicked her head away, flicking the Ion Pistol her way along with the combat knife.

    "Go drag your sorry ass to Training Room 32E, maybe your squad medic will be kind enough to fix your face,"

    The next recon recruit then slowly walked up, a nervous looked plastered on their face.

    Assassin Section

    The Assassin Captain gave a quiet nod of his head. He had seen many a recruit like Riz, conscripted, nothing left, an all too common trend among Ono-Sendai.

    "Wise choices Lieutenant Carter, and should you survive your first mission..." a quiet pause as he gauged the man's reaction. "I look forward to supplying you with some of our more specialized equipment,"

    He tilted his head, eyeing the slight commotion at the recon station as he gave a slight chuckle.

    "Training Roome 32E, do not be late, Captain Ironheart will be most displeased if you are,"

    Sniper Section

    Captain Lewis gave a long drawn-out sigh at the excitement Oran displayed. He pulled back the Ion Sniper Rifle, placing it away, as he opened the case of the SSR-13.

    SSR-13 Sniper Rifle
    His quiet soft-spoken voice, carrying through the air.

    "Well, I suppose someone has to be excited, it is too late for you now anyway, I wish you luck on your first mission, report to Training Room 32E"

    He then waved his hand dismissively, no longer paying Oran any attention.

    Training Room 32E

    It would not take them particularly long to arrive at the Training Room. It was relatively empty, in fact it practically was, there was no one waiting for them, just a quiet emptiness that stood silent. The roof of the room was open to the sky, it was a clear day, the cool air wafting in.


    The tall heavy frame of a Bruiser in 'Light' Power Armor dropped down, the facilities ground shaking but not cracking or bending. Then the suit began to open up, peeling away to reveal the pilot inside.

    "Good, it would seem you all arrived on time,"

    The woman's eyes were steely, her hands robotic moving in an almost elegant fashion. She surveyed those that were gathered in Echo Squad, locking with each of their eyes for a brief moment, taking them in. Thier movements, their expressions, seeing if they were nervous or excited. There was an air of professionalism that loomated around her.

    "While I loathe introductions, it is an unfortunate nessacity that we must undergo before I give you the debrief for our first assignment, if you have any questions that do not concern what that is, I'll gladly answer that now, although despite what you have been told..."

    She cast a glance towards Greene, eyeing the bloody mess that was her face.

    "... there is such a thing as a stupid question,"

    She paused for a moment, looking to them all again before speaking once more.

    "I am Captain Jessica Ironheart, Attack Corps, Bruiser Class... I suppose I will tell you one small piece of what our mission will entail, to wet your appetites, we are going to be going into a Xenos Birthing Chamber. My expectations are simple if I ask you to do something you do it, if someone dies because you disobeyed me... I'll kill you in a fashion more gruesome than any Xenos could possibly come up with. Mistakes are forgivable, but insubordination is not."

    Her eyes remained cold, looking to each of them, a simple gesture with her hand indicating for them to introduce themselves.

    TAG: @Darth_Elu @greyjedi125 @Jedi_Ascension @Master Vo'Un'Var @Narancia @spacelady (HAPPY BIRTHDAY!) @Mitth_Fisto
    Last edited: May 12, 2021
  18. greyjedi125

    greyjedi125 Chosen One star 6

    Apr 29, 2002
    IC: Venator Rudra

    The weapons provided were simply perfect. They felt natural, even familiar in his hands, like they always belonged with him. They moved like they were already part of him, yet still, Venator did not outwardly show his satisfaction. This was personal.

    As for the answer to his question, the Captain Beard had choice words to share:

    "Unless you're a Corps Commander there's no way you are going to see that footage, now move along, your with Captain Ironheart, have fun with that, go report to Training Room 32E,”

    Venator gave a slight ‘huff’ before issuing a curt retort at the Captain, even as he began to move away.

    “Then I’ll simply have to become a Corps Commander, and pay with a million Xenos corpses.”

    The Lieutenant was not really interested in an answer as he simply ‘moved along’. The directions to Training Room 32E were simple enough to follow, so he found himself there in no time at all.


    Training Room 32E

    The space was pretty large and surprisingly empty, as it appeared that he was the first one to arrive, but that was no surprise. He was normally always ‘early’.

    Venator took stock of the dimensions of the Training Room and other details as some of his squad-mates began to arrive. Turning, he simply eyed those who arrived with a noncommittal gaze, yet offered curt nods to those who did not look away when he regarded them.

    A mechanical sound caught Venator’s attention and he looked-up at the opening roof, eyes narrowing with suspicion. The doors fully opened to reveal a clear sky and a cool day, and in that moment, a Combat Frame literally dropped into the room, shaking the very ground everyone stood in.

    Venator was genuinely surprised as he was not expecting this, but he quickly came to his battle senses. His hand immediately went to the hilt of his weapon while he regained his balance, even as he cursed in his mind. If this was a test, it was a really tough one. Their weapons had no ammunition and they were in an enclosed room with a ‘Bruiser’ in Power Armor. The lot of them were at a serious disadvantage, as he could see almost no critical areas his sword alone could affect.

    Were they trying to kill them all before their first mission, or test if they would stand and fight or crap their pants and flee?

    As if to answer his question, the Power Armor righted itself and began to peel open. Venator understood there would be no battle, and slowly retrieved his hand from the hilt of his sword, which took a lot of will power, as his ‘mental battle mode’ had been kickstarted by the Bruiser’s arrival.

    "Good, it would seem you all arrived on time,"

    The revealed female spoke in a steely manner, despite her looks. The woman regarded all the members of the newly formed squad, and when she locked eyes with Venator, she would recognize the eyes of a soul determined to exterminate Xenos down to the very last.

    "While I loathe introductions, it is an unfortunate necessity that we must undergo before I give you the debrief for our first assignment, if you have any questions that do not concern what that is, I'll gladly answer that now, although despite what you have been told..."

    Venator followed the woman’s gaze and saw another female, a squad member with a bloodied face. Hmm. That was unexpected. Certainly there was a story there, perhaps for later.

    "... there is such a thing as a stupid question,"

    Venator chose to reserve his question for later.

    Though he was certain his wasn’t one, reality dictated that stupid question did in fact, exist.

    There was a brief pause. No questions, stupid or otherwise were asked. At least not yet.

    "I am Captain Jessica Ironheart, Attack Corps, Bruiser Class... I suppose I will tell you one small piece of what our mission will entail, to wet your appetites, we are going to be going into a Xenos Birthing Chamber. My expectations are simple if I ask you to do something you do it, if someone dies because you disobeyed me... I'll kill you in a fashion more gruesome than any Xenos could possibly come up with. Mistakes are forgivable, but insubordination is not.”

    Oh! Venator instantly liked this woman, though that was a very premature determination. She was straight forward, all business, no nonsense, laced with the threat of death, albeit a very painful one. He could get used to someone like that. If he did something stupid, then that would be that. Such was the world they lived in.

    Captain Ironheart’s eyes remained cold, looking to each of them, a simple gesture with her hand indicating for them to introduce themselves.

    Venator wasted no time as he stepped forth.

    “Lieutenant Venator Rudra, sir!”

    Venator offered a crisp salute, then stepped back into place. He was certain she had already seen all their files, but this was not about what was found in an impersonal file, but what was inside each one of them. Their first mission already got his blood flowing, his hate of Xenos warming up to the fore. Wiping out a Xenos Birthing Chamber was sure to lure out bigger game - and he was all for it.

    Tag: @Shadowsun, @Darth_Elu, @Jedi_Ascension, @Narancia, @spacelady, @Mitth_Fisto, @Master Vo'Un'Var
    Last edited: May 12, 2021
  19. Narancia

    Narancia Jedi Master star 3

    Oct 24, 2020
    IC: Veronica Greene


    There was a brief moment of silence between Veronica and Captain Nelson.

    "Oh, I get it now... you're a celebrity,"

    "Oh, so now you kno-," Veronica said but was cut off by a strong force; she didn't realize what happened until her face was on the canvas of the table.

    "Wait, wait, what are you do-" Veronica's head slammed against the table again; it kind of went on for a bit. In the meantime, Captain Nelson ranted to her.

    "You think you're special because you can run fast. I know all about people like you; it's that kind of attitude that gets people killed, your job is simple. You run, collect information, and report it back. There's a reason you start out with this crap. There's a reason why sniveled up ***** like you die by the second because you don't know what it's actually like,"

    "Gah! You'll pay for this I sw-,"

    "You don't know respect,"

    Veronica tried to get her hair free from Captain Nelson's grip, but it was too strong; she was helpless. A slam.

    "You don't know discipline,"

    Veronica tried to hit Captain Nelson's arms, but it was of no effect. Another slam.

    Veronica's arms went limp; she couldn't fight him anymore, "Am I going to die like this?" She thought as the captain yanked her by the hair, their eyes directly meeting. The Captain had already broken her spirit; you could tell just by her eyes that something died in her.

    Yet despite this, the Captain wasn't done, apparently getting off on hitting women and degrading people or something. And if this was a book or a piece of writing, it reflected the twisted, deranged, hedonistic mind of the author who should be locked under the jail and have the key incinerated because they are a psychopath and a massive threat to society.

    "If I can do this to imagine what a Xenos can do if they catch you. Once you don't die then maybe you'll get something flashy, then maybe I'll give half a damn who you are, but until that point you are nothin'. Welcome to the real world sweetheart,"

    The captain tossed her away, and she fell limply to the floor, breathing heavily. Then the clanking of her knife and pistol followed soon after. After a moment of regathering herself and waiting for the room to stop spinning, she slowly got up and picked up her weapons, quickly leaving the recon station.

    Not entirely conscious of her actions just yet, Veronica went to the bathroom. While there, the first thing Veronica did was look in the mirror, and what she saw made her tear up a bit, almost on the verge of full-on crying; however, she slammed her fist on the sink,

    "NO! No crying; I'm a woman now."

    Veronica chanted this; it was her motto, her creed, something she continually told herself as she was constantly bullied in middle to high school. Something that won Veronica awards secured her endorsements and her family's future. It always helped Veronica achieve new heights. But now, would it even matter in the face of an existential threat like this?

    Veronica then thought back to the briefing; to be brutally honest, she didn't pay attention to it. Mostly sneaking pictures to her billionaire friends and texting throughout the entire thing. Veronica never thought much about training or actually fighting because everything admittedly came so easy for her; she never went through poverty, grew up in a relatively secured area, so she never saw the Xenos in person. And she had time to talk to Jupiter before he....right! Jupiter is dead!

    Oh god! Veronica just had a meeting with him, and now he's.....

    The thought hit her hard if Jupiter died, then what chance did she have?

    Then Veronica remembered what killed Jupiter. In the debriefing, Veronica saw the picture but laughed at it. But now she.....gets it.


    That thing is real.

    "Damn it."

    Veronica punched the sink again. Veronica was actually scared now for her life, something she had never felt in her life.


    Why did she think she could just join the unit with the highest mortality rate and just breeze through it?

    Why did she give up her luxurious lifestyle? Veronica could've been back home sipping martini's and partying, not having a single care in the world.

    Veronica started thinking to herself,

    Maybe I could leave, it's not too late, is it?

    Then Veronica remembered the contract she signed, the nature of the Stealth division. The horror donned on Veronica; there is no way out.

    Veronica remembered that she was so impassioned by Samuel Jupiter's dedication to the cause that she straight up enlisted right there and then, without a second thought, without an agent to look over the contract. Veronica was Oni-Sendai's property, till her death do they part.

    Veronica's eyes deadened again; this was her life now. Veronica literally sold it away. For the first time, Veronica checked the list of her squadmates, struggling to remember their name.

    Endo team, was it?

    Veronica found the team on the list.

    Echo Squad
    Squad Leader – Captain Jessica Ironheart
    Deputy Squad Leader – Senior Lieutenant Bouvier Farley
    Squad Members:
    Lieutenant Riz Carter
    Lieutenant Veronica Greene
    Lieutenant Sword Oran
    Lieutenant Venator Rudra
    Lieutenant Tish Wagner
    Lieutenant Tenaka Wasille
    Oh, Echo squad.

    Veronica sighed and looked at the training room number she was supposed to be in, then she checked the time, she was late. Well, Veronica looked at her face, and it was the best excuse she had, so she might as well own it.

    ~Training Room 32E~

    As Veronica entered the room, she saw that everybody was already there. Veronica quickly ran in line and introduced herself to the Captain.

    "Hi, my name is Veronica, and I'm sorry that I'm late, you see. My unit captain beat me up, got me pretty good, as you can see." Veronica said as she feigned positivity about the situation.


    From this point on, Veronica silently vowed to live for herself; she decided that she would keep moving forward because she was born into this world and do whatever it takes to live to achieve newer heights. Because now Veronica was at the very bottom of the food chain.

    TAG: @Shadowsun :p @Darth_Elu @Jedi_Ascension @greyjedi125 @spacelady @Mitth_Fisto, @Master Vo'Un'Var
    Last edited: May 12, 2021
  20. greyjedi125

    greyjedi125 Chosen One star 6

    Apr 29, 2002
    IC: Venator Rudra
    Training Room 32E

    His face nor his posture betrayed him in the least. Venator listened and was informed by what was being said as his squad-mate with the battered face spoke up.

    "Hi, my name is Veronica, and I'm sorry that I'm late, you see. My unit captain beat me up, got me pretty good, as you can see."

    In his mind, his eyebrow went up.

    The girl sounded young and for lack of a better term, inexperienced. Why in the world would her unit Captain ‘beat her up’ that badly? He wondered, not feeling comfortable with the notion of a Captain physically abusing such a young female. What could she have done to deserve it, he could not imagine, if indeed it was ‘deserved’ at all.

    Cases of physically abusive men in military service were well documented. Small people with power trips hiding behind their ranks. No. Such a thing could not be allowed to stand.

    Venator remained silent and committed the incident to memory. He had enlisted into the Attack Corps to destroy Xenos, but there was something dark in the heart of humans, something he himself had to guard against. When humans started to act like Xenos and target other humans, then the extinction of mankind was all but guaranteed. Still, this needed to be looked into one way or the other, this he vowed in silence.

    Tag: No one yet
  21. Mitth_Fisto

    Mitth_Fisto Chosen One star 6

    Sep 29, 2005
    IC: Tenaka Wasille
    Medic Section

    The medic captain gave a chuckle at Wasille's comment regarding the MBR needing a vowel. Made him grin and feel good that his joke had landed well. She dipped back behind the counter, making a few quick taps on her keypad as she reached down to grab the necessary weapons, placing them on the table before him.

    MI-02 Modified Ion Rifle
    Thing looked like a cross between a stun gun, a toy gun, and a resin concept prop. Looks didn't matter, just that the thing would work! Taking his weapons he made sure they were properly stowed away as the terms went as he waited for an answer to his next question.

    There was a small sadness in her eyes as she smiled through it, making a few final taps on her datapad.

    "Yes, well after you complete your first mission you should receive some upgrade options, you are with Captain Ironheart so you need to report to Training Room 32E, have a good day... oh and the name is Peterson by the way,"

    She gave a quiet nod of her head as the next medic recruit lined up for their equipment. Nodding back with a sloppy salute he turned and began the ever fun journey of figuring out where Training Room 32E was.

    Training Room 32E

    Luckily it wasn't too hard to find, but he still managed to be middle of the pack in doing so. The roof of the room was open to the sky, it was a clear day, the cool air wafting in. Closing his eyes he breathed deep the fresh air before regarding the others present. Looking them over with a clinical eye, trying to mentally note augmentations and alterations. It also looked like he already had his first customer, always was one in every group. Well, hopefully just one here.

    It was then that a tall heavy frame of a Bruiser in 'Light' Power Armor dropped down, the facilities ground shaking but not cracking or bending. Then the suit began to open up, peeling away to reveal the pilot inside.

    Having taken a half-step back, hands open and down by his sides as if he was ready to evade or shoot, he felt kinda ridiculous. That was training did to you though. Medics were the lucky rabbits foot of any unit, they helped make sure everyone else got home by not fighting most of the time. Taking in her actions and words he definitely got a more machine than woman vibe off of her.

    Her remarks about introductions and stupid questions were heard loud and clear.

    "I am Captain Jessica Ironheart, Attack Corps, Bruiser Class... I suppose I will tell you one small piece of what our mission will entail, to wet your appetites, we are going to be going into a Xenos Birthing Chamber. My expectations are simple if I ask you to do something you do it, if someone dies because you disobeyed me... I'll kill you in a fashion more gruesome than any Xenos could possibly come up with. Mistakes are forgivable, but insubordination is not."

    Her eyes remained cold, looking to each of them, a simple gesture with her hand indicating for them to introduce themselves. First up was 'hey I got a sword!' guy who was a pretty quick clip. Then was 'my boss whooped my face but I lack descent defensive wounds' trauma case.

    Stepping forward he checked a sloppy salute, "Greetings, Tenaka Wasille - Medic. Couple questions, if I could get a copy of everyone's medical information including a photo, as well as a copy of everyone's machines including mods so I will be better able to repair in the field." With a nod at everyone at that he raised a second finger and dipped it towards their leader, "Well I need to see requisitions about sample gear for the breeding chamber and try to bone up on Xeno biology for this mission as well? Alright that was more like two with a couple appendix's thrown in for good measure." Stepping back he took his place and waited.

    TAG: @Darth_Elu @greyjedi125 @Jedi_Ascension @Master Vo'Un'Var @Narancia @spacelady (HAPPY BIRTHDAY!) @Shadowsun
  22. Jedi_Ascension

    Jedi_Ascension Jedi Padawan star 1

    Jun 20, 2020
    Tish Wagner

    As Captain Nelson joked about the mortar designation and then hinted at bigger things to come in the future, Tish grinned in reply.

    “You’re making me excited, Captain.”

    Spotting the knife slid toward her, she swiped that as well before saluting once more at the given directions.

    “32E. Yes, ma’am!”

    Tish pivoted on her heel and marched away from the artillery section of the armory and toward the training rooms, searching for the specific one she had been pointed to. It did not take too long she was happy to note and seemed to be one of the earlier arrivals of the squad. Inside she found two people ahead of her.

    One of the men had whitish hair and had a true soldier’s feel to him, with his weaponry showing him to be a warrior most likely. She wondered if they would get along or not, but for now she wasn’t here for small talk. The Captain was probably going to show up any minute. The other man meanwhile was an interesting visual to say the least. A mix of white and black hair and even his face showed obvious skin transplantation. Someone didn’t do that surgery particularly well. But then, what did she really know?

    Her eyes drifted to his weapons as well, but they weren’t enough to give away what his job within the squad would be. So far she was the only artillery, you could tell by the ‘mortar’ she had hoisted up and resting on her right shoulder. That didn’t bother her. What did bother her was the woman who came in last, practically late!

    Just before that was happening, she surveyed the others who filed in, wondering about them when the ceiling opened up. Her head snapped up and she squinted her eyes when the power armor dropped in out of nowhere, shaking the ground. Jumping backwards, she reflexively swung her weapon off her shoulder and pointed it straight at the enemy before realizing it was empty. A useless giant club in her hands currently. She was relieved when it opened up to reveal Captain Ironheart inside. Not some test then.

    Listening to her introduction, she relaxed her gun and nodded at the words. Seemed like some of the superiors she trained with during boot camp. Artillery, with all its explosives, was serious business. And now that they were gearing up to actually head into battle? Only made sense for their commanding officer to become even more serious. This was war. Not a game.

    Tish’s eyes narrowed. She knew this all too well.

    Venator introduced himself first, then Tenaka second with his question revealing he was the medic of the group. The one with the transplanted face. It must be symbolic somehow. Or perhaps irony. Might as well follow their lead and go next after Captain Ironheart responded to him.

    “Lieutenant Tish Wagner, ma’am! Defense Corps. Artillery Class. Looking forward to working with you!”

    She stepped back again to let others speak up, only perking up when the before-mentioned ‘last woman’ entered the room. Veronica she introduced herself as. And she was beat up by the captain from before? Must have been the armory then. What the hell did she do to get that to happen? Looking at the Captain, she wondered how that would be received. The reaction would say a lot about their commanding officer and the expectations of the squad as a whole.

    Tag: @Shadowsun @greyjedi125 @Narancia @Mitth_Fisto @Master Vo'Un'Var @spacelady @Darth_Elu
  23. Darth_Elu

    Darth_Elu Chosen One star 7

    Jan 2, 2003
    Senior Lieutenant Bouvier Farley IC:
    ~Training Room 32E, Ono-Sendai Base~

    Captain Fitz's muttering of, "Training Room 32E," was heard. Bouvier just kept his eyes forward and accepted the judgment, the hatred, and the disgust. He knew them so well he called them brothers now. It came with this life. There was nothing rosy about it, not like they portrayed it in movies and propaganda pieces. They needed that to pull in unsuspecting fools to act as fuel for the machine called war.

    As he left the armory behind, he heard Captain Nelson going off on the rookie he knew was about to get it. He had been right. Of course he had been, he'd seen it a million times. He closed his eyes and sighed at the first couple of slams, without even looking back. The most tragic thing of it all was...Captain Nelson was actually one of the nice ones around too. Not that anyone new would know that now. Very sad.

    Now it didn't take him long to find the training room that had been designed for Echo Squad, but instead of going right in, he chose to find a shadowy corner across and down the hall a ways. The Senior Lieutenant leaned against the wall and just watched the door. He noted each and every one of his new squad mates enter, committing their faces to memory now. There was one who was getting close to being late however, which made his brow furrowed. That was interesting and he couldn't afford being late himself. He might not care about a lot of things, but that didn't mean he'd willingly heap more trouble on his plate.

    Pushing off the wall, he'd enter the room at last himself and find a nice seat up against the circular wall, laying his rifle across his lap and closing his eyes yet again since there was no commanding officer yet. Might as well get cozy while he could. When the ceiling started opening, his eyes stayed closed but he was immediately able to assess what was coming. So that was the kind of approach Captain Ironheart was going to take, was it? It was around this time he also heard the other door open and close, looks like the last member just entered at the last possible second. Oh boy, talk about cutting it close.

    The ground shook as the Captain made their arrival and he finally opened his eyes to watch the bruiser suit open up and reveal the woman inside. Once upon a time, he might have thought her moderately attractive. But now that wasn't exactly a scene he cared for. Height of idiocy. Plus the woman's eyes said everything that was necessary anyway. She was going to be a real charmer, that one. In the meantime, he remained exactly where he was sitting, not caring to budge from his spot. He traded a glance with the woman however, not hiding it.

    "Good, it would seem you all arrived on time."


    "While I loathe introductions, it is an unfortunate necessity that we must undergo before I give you the debrief for our first assignment, if you have any questions that do not concern what that is, I'll gladly answer that now, although despite what you have been told......there is such a thing as a stupid question."

    Bouvier gave a slight nod to this. That was something he actually agreed with. There really were stupid questions. He wondered if he'd hear any of them today.

    "I am Captain Jessica Ironheart, Attack Corps, Bruiser Class... I suppose I will tell you one small piece of what our mission will entail, to wet your appetites, we are going to be going into a Xenos Birthing Chamber. My expectations are simple if I ask you to do something you do it, if someone dies because you disobeyed me... I'll kill you in a fashion more gruesome than any Xenos could possibly come up with. Mistakes are forgivable, but insubordination is not."

    Ooo. Scary. It was a good motivator for greenhorns however, so he couldn't argue with the approach in command. He couldn't care less though, even if she did kill him. Would have a whole lot less to worry about in that case. Still his eyes turned to see those speaking up first. Observing.

    First up was the late one...who had a bloody face. Oh! That was why he didn't recognize her at first. That was the rookie at the Recon it was her face slamming against the table that he heard. Such a pity.

    "Hi, my name is Veronica, and I'm sorry that I'm late, you see. My unit captain beat me up, got me pretty good, as you can see."

    "First mistake, greenhorn. Don't make excuses, just own it, regardless of what happened. And give your full name and rank."

    He quieted after saying this however, seeing as the warrior was ready to introduce himself. But the Senior Lieutenant had felt compelled to reply right then before Ironheart did...for if he did first, especially as the second-in-command, it would take the wind out of the initial hostile sails that could have been used to bite back. Should soften the blow, at least a bit. The criticism was a hidden mercy and one of the few he would give.

    “Lieutenant Venator Rudra, sir!”

    So the warrior was Venator. Noted. That one had the sound of one ready to fight. Just another lamb then.

    "Greetings, Tenaka Wasille - Medic. Couple questions, if I could get a copy of everyone's medical information including a photo, as well as a copy of everyone's machines including mods so I will be better able to repair in the field. Well I need to see requisitions about sample gear for the breeding chamber and try to bone up on Xeno biology for this mission as well? Alright that was more like two with a couple appendix's thrown in for good measure."

    Tenaka was the medic with the eclectic hair. Also noted. Sounded professional and just ready to do what was needed. Squad would be in good hands if he could be kept safe long enough.

    “Lieutenant Tish Wagner, ma’am! Defense Corps. Artillery Class. Looking forward to working with you!”

    Big gun. Yep, artillery alright. So that was Tish...strong woman, 'I need no man' variety. Noted. But eager...way too eager. So far she might be the first one he'd have to keep an eye on and shield over to make sure she didn't die too quickly.

    His gaze cast over the others, critiquing for a few moments as a frown settled over his face. Wait. Was he the only shield in this squad? Oh, for the love of--

    Fine. Whatever.

    "Senior Lieutenant Bouvier Farley. Defense Corps. Shield Class," he finally stated openly with his usual monotone and emotionless voice.

    Tag: Echo Squad

    @Shadowsun @Narancia @greyjedi125 @Mitth_Fisto @Jedi_Ascension @spacelady @Master Vo'Un'Var
  24. spacelady

    spacelady Force Ghost star 5

    Mar 16, 2003
    IC as Sword Oran

    The man sliding over the SSR-13 sniper rifle merely exhaled a sigh at Sword's eagerness. "Well, I suppose someone has to be excited, it is too late for you now anyway, I wish you luck on your first mission, report to Training Room 32E"

    Sword collected his weapons, tucking the knife into his belt and slinging the rifle onto his back. "Pfft! You only say that because you don't know my skills yet," he muttered before stalking off to find the room he was ordered to be in for mission briefing. Now that had to be interesting. His first mission briefing out of many more to come, he thought and strode out of the crowded armory, looking for the training room.

    By the time he had found the correct room number, the soldier entered quietly and took stock the those already gathered. Right before the captain arrived, one woman stumbled in and made Sword do a double take. Her face took some serious damage and she seemed pretty upset, though she hid it to the best of her ability, making him wince at her condition. Just what the hell happened to her? And more importantly, right before a mission? That didn't inspire much confidence...

    The ceiling then opened up, revealing a giant bruiser crashing into the ground and giving it a good shake. It straightened, unbothered by the force of the land and the cockpit opened up, revealing a woman with robotic hands. After a brief introduction, she went on to her give command speech, asserting herself as the top of the pack among those gathered. He had heard similar lines from those in charge, and didn't seem bothered by it. She had to mark her spot as the lead if she wanted them to follow, it was standard procedure really.

    Sword found himself thinking about the birthing chamber they were ordered to go and trying to guess what exactly their order was as the others began introducing themselves as well. There was Venator, Veronica, Tenaka (who suggested giving him their information for faster repairs while on the field), Tish, Bouvier, and Riz.

    It was his turn then.

    "Lieutenant Sword Oran, ma'am... Yes, my name is Sword and I use a gun..." He offered in a light tone.

    Tag: @Shadowsun, @greyjedi125, @Narancia, @Mitth_Fisto, @Jedi_Ascension, @Darth_Elu, @Master Vo'Un'Var
  25. Shadowsun

    Shadowsun Force Ghost star 4

    Jun 26, 2017
    The First Mission
    Captain Ironheart quietly took them all in, gauging and judging how each of them introduced and carried themselves.

    The first was Venator Rudra. A warrior proud and true and so it appeared. He acted professionally and that was all Ironheart would ever ask for. She would take note of Venator's reaction to what Greene had to say. It was subtle, but the eagle-eyed Ironheart would be able to notice. She would make no comment on it, she had no reason to.

    The next to introduce themselves was the one that barely made it on time. Veronica Greene. From her file, Ironheart knew she was a celebrity, which often led to rather rude awakenings once they joined the Military Divison. Although it would seem Ironheart would not the 'honor' of delivering it.

    "Hi, my name is Veronica, and I'm sorry that I'm late, you see. My unit captain beat me up, got me pretty good, as you can see."

    Ironheart frowned at this statement, even more so than her grim resting face. She opened her mouth to retort to the rookie but before she could her deputy interrupted.

    "First mistake, greenhorn. Don't make excuses, just own it, regardless of what happened. And give your full name and rank."

    She turned, looking towards Farley. She gave a small nod of approval, given his file and his 'fame' among the veterans she was pleasantly surprised by this act of professionalism, although she suspected it would be fleeting. Her attention turned back Greene, her tone not cruel but dispassionate, uncaring.

    "We are not even close to being on a first-name basis, I wonder how the hell you got through basic, Lieutenant Greene. Senior Lieutenant Farley is correct you are either late or your not, I don't give a damn about why you are or not, luckily for you, you were on time. Barely."

    With the curt response, her attention shifted to the next person to introduce themselves

    "Greetings, Tenaka Wasille - Medic. Couple questions, if I could get a copy of everyone's medical information including a photo, as well as a copy of everyone's machines including mods so I will be better able to repair in the field. Will, I need to see requisitions about sample gear for the breeding chamber and try to bone up on Xeno biology for this mission as well? Alright that was more like two with a couple appendix's thrown in for good measure."

    She gave a nod, her expressionless face seemingly incapable of smiling.

    "Seems I was given a halfway decent medic. Good." She reached back into the side of the armor she had come in, pulling out a datapad she made a few taps and after a moment Wasillie would receive an alert. All medics were issued a medical tablet that contained many useful bits of information on human and robotic anatomy. It was not dissimilar to the tablets that almost everyone had upon their person.

    "You should have received everyone's medical files, along with any cybernetic enhancements they may have undergone. As for your second question, the short answer is no. I'll explain more during the debrief.

    She gave a nod, Wasillie not only showed professionalism but initiative as well.

    “Lieutenant Tish Wagner, ma’am! Defense Corps. Artillery Class. Looking forward to working with you!”

    The remaining female was quite an excitable one, not uncommon but the sheer drudgery of existing in this world made it hard to keep up. Still perhaps that's what the military needed at this juncture fresh enthusiasm. Ironheart gave a quiet nod before turning to her deputy who now introduced himself.

    "Senior Lieutenant Bouvier Farley. Defense Corps. Shield Class,"

    Straight forward and to the point. She knew all too well the stories of this man, that death lurked behind him like an obedient lapdog. Well, streaks had to be broken at some point and she had no intention of being added to his list of fallen comrades.

    "Lieutenant Sword Oran, ma'am... Yes, my name is Sword and I use a gun..."

    Ironheart gave no indication whether or not she enjoyed the joke at Oran's name. She simply gave a nod. Another one that was eager, not there was anything inherently wrong with this, but eagerness and inexperience were all so often strongly correlated in Ironheart's experience.

    After everyone introduced themselves Ironheart gave one cursory look over them all. She then reached down to the table she had gotten out, tapping the screen a few times resulting in a large screen to display itself in front of them all with a map of Eastern Germany. There were several markings on it. One was where they were currently located Hamburg, Germany. Which was now closer to Xenos lines than it ever had been before. Another was were Berlin used to be, before it was destroyed decades ago. The location of where Samuel Jupiter had been slain. Finally, there were a set of markings located to the east of Berlin, perhaps about fifty miles, what this signified was not inherently obvious. Although it would not take long for them to deduce these must be where the Xenos Birthing Chambers were.

    "When the Xenos occupy an area they build structures, nests, and colonies that act as outposts and reinforcement sites. Destruction of these strategic locations is what has allowed us historically to regain territory from the Xenos. Veteran Recon units have located a series of recently constructed Mega-Birthing Chambers. Our intelligence has deduced this is where the bulk of the reinforcements come from,"

    Ironheart tapped her tablet again, the screen shifting to that of an aerial view of the birthing chambers. It was hazy and difficult to make out but it appeared to be tall mounds of flesh built out of the ground.

    "Echo Squad's responsibility is taking out this birthing chamber. Birthing chambers typically have a singular, highly guarded nexus point, destroy that and the entire chamber will shut down,"

    She paused for a moment before continuing.

    "Of course that will only cause a delay, the secondary, but just as crucial, objective is to place a series of explosives along the inside of the chamber allowing it to be detonated remotely,"

    Ironheart looked over the group, her finger tapping the datapad one last time.

    "I have sent you all the surrounding geographical data we currently have, along with the best approximation of the interior layout of the birthing chamber. We ship out tomorrow morning. Spend every waking moment from now until then memorizing this data packet. Are there any questions?"

    TAG: @Darth_Elu @spacelady @Mitth_Fisto @greyjedi125 @Narancia @Jedi_Ascension @Master Vo'Un'Var