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Science Fiction OPEN For All Mankind

Discussion in 'Role Playing Forum' started by Shadowsun, Apr 30, 2021.

  1. greyjedi125

    greyjedi125 Chosen One star 6

    Apr 29, 2002
    IC: Venator Rudra
    Sleeping Bunker

    Doc Tenaka came through for the ‘Track Star’ and got to deep clean her face. The way he went about it even looked like it stung. Listening to Veronica protest now and again was amusing, but also gave an indication that she wasn’t whining about it, which was good.

    Lucky Girl. She wasn't going to need synth flesh.

    Venator sobered briefly as he recalled the day he took-off the head bandages for the first time after the Xenos attack. He could hardly see out of his half-blind right eye, since his left one was lost. The image reflected in the mirror was one from a horrific-freak show. His entire face was pale and discolored, sunken and skeletal. He had no lips, no nose, nor ears. His skin was shorn asunder, muscles still exposed. Thankfully, the pain-killers were exceedingly efficient.

    Less than a handful of disheveled tufts of hair sprouted from his mostly bald and peeling cranium.

    He couldn’t even scream in horror properly. His voice box was badly damaged.

    He never thought himself capable of so much unbridled hate. Yet, here he was.

    By sheer force of will, the warrior veered his mind away from that particular memory, momentarily glancing at Riz , who had gone quiet.

    Get yourself together Shinobi, this is the only life now.

    A sound of someone speaking caught Venator’s audio receptors. The cyborg half turned to see Sword moving off to claim one of the top bunks. Oh, not just any top bunk- the one specifically atop Venator’s.


    The warrior smirked inwardly as he regarded his new ‘bunkmate’.

    "Donuts sound good right now... Anybody else?" Sword ventured to anyone who was listening.

    Venator chuckled as he shook his head.

    “C’mon, now. Don’t go an make things weird…mate.”

    Sword shrugged and Ven offered a half-hearted thumbs up. In truth, he wasn’t much for jokes anymore, not after the attack, but he much preferred humor than a ‘defeated attitude’. Humor was useful in a pinch and he was quite certain the Squad might needed it, if their next mission was anything like what he imagined.

    "So... you sure you got first, huh? You clearly haven't seen me before. You'd remember me.”

    Venator’s synthetic laughter was not pretty, but laugh he did.

    “Sword. Have you seen your own Academy report? You weren’t even in the top three, but now you have a chance at the third spot.”

    Venator watched as the sniper went to relax. That was good. Relaxing allowed the mind a good deal of elasticity before the onset of growing stress. It was always better to start from a place of relaxation before an intense engagement.

    “I’ll be first, Trish will be second, you could be third, if the ‘Modern Amazon’ lets you. I read that she can be quite competitive, you know.”

    A discordant chuckle is produced by the cyborg.

    “Anyway, don’t forget to do an ocular diagnostic before the op tomorrow. We’re going to need you running at optimal capacity.”

    It wasn’t like the warrior was telling the sniper how to do his job. Ven was simply looking out for a fellow soldier with ocular enhancements. The better the Squad's performance index, the better their overall chance for success.

    Tag: @spacelady, @Narancia, @Jedi_Ascension, @Mitth_Fisto, @Darth_Elu, @Shadowsun

    OOC: Hey TRISH, we’re still waiting for that Out of Armor Pic! ;)
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2021
  2. Darth_Elu

    Darth_Elu Chosen One star 7

    Jan 2, 2003
    Senior Lieutenant Bouvier Farley IC:
    ~Captain’s Quarters, Ono-Sendai Base~

    Bouvier had no intention of sitting, but at Captain Ironheart’s motion for him to do so, he would shrug and take the offered seat. Why not? A quick glance around as he proceeded through the small quarters showed how spartan they were. It was all about the job, there was nothing else. No need for anything else.

    Beyond the war, everything else was unwelcome.

    The Senior Lieutenant sympathized with that sentiment to a degree. Anything and everything else was pointless at this stage when it came to humanity, so Jessica had the right of things in his mind. You are not long for this life, so don’t bother with anything personal. He had nothing himself. Do what you’re going to do, if you’re going to bother at all, then perish in as beautiful (if still ultimately futile) way as possible.

    That’s what it was all about. He didn’t care if you didn’t agree. You were wrong.

    Assessment done on that score, his attention was completely reverted back to his superior officer. She was one of the unreadable ones. A truly expressionless woman that was hard even for him to read. Emotions were probably killed years ago.

    “Farley I’ll be straight with you. You were not assigned to me. I picked you.”

    As she looked off to the side in thought, he leaned back in the chair and rested his hands on his legs.

    “That’s a first,” was all he said.

    “Your questions are not unwarranted, and for one that is so often labeled as ‘unprofessional’ I have yet to see that.”

    “I’m just getting it all out of the way now,” Bouvier responded matter-of-factly before listening to her answer regarding experience.

    “I’ve served for ten years, I’ve logged over three thousand kills, I lost count after awhile. I’m overdue for promotion really but I’ve refused it thus far, as you know once you get to a certain point it becomes more paper-pushing and less being a boot on the ground.”

    An over-achiever then and true believer. Or one of many who really had a score to settle with these alien monsters ravaging their planet. Either or. Still ten years was respectable, the kill count he couldn’t care less, he never knew his own, but his question was answered.

    If nothing else, she wasn’t going to be a complete fool who had no idea what they were doing then. At least there was that.

    “You see the thing Farley is that I only care about one thing. And that’s getting results, I don’t care if you got some made-up curse, the numbers speak for themselves your a damn good Shield, just know I have no intentions of being added to that little fallen comrade list of yours.”

    The deputy commander of Echo Squad merely shrugged at this. They never did have intentions. But end up on it all the same. But who knows, maybe she’d just outlive him before she died too. That would qualify, but so far none had accomplished it. Obviously.

    “I only expect two things from you Farley. First, you do your job and do it well. Secondly, if I die tomorrow you damn better make sure we blow that Xenos birthing abomination sky high.”

    It was quiet a moment before after another few seconds of a silent exchange of gazes, Bouvier just got up and began walking toward the door.

    “I’ll do my job, Jessica. I’m more concerned about how much of a headache these greenhorns will be.”

    He waved nonchalantly at her without facing back, the door opening, his last words being:

    “Thanks for answering.”

    Moving across the training room and back into the sleeping area for Echo Squad, he just gazed around to see where everyone was and how they were shaping up. Looked like some of them were still chatting, if quieting at last.

    At least he avoided the majority of it.

    Unceremoniously, he hoisted himself up on the bunk above Riz and laid down, allowing himself to quickly fall into sleep without a care of what the others were doing or saying.

    Tag: Echo Squad @Shadowsun @Master Vo'Un'Var @spacelady @greyjedi125 @Narancia @Mitth_Fisto @Jedi_Ascension
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2021
  3. greyjedi125

    greyjedi125 Chosen One star 6

    Apr 29, 2002
    IC: Venator Rudra
    Sleeping Bunker

    Within Echo Squad's sleeping quarters, everyone was drifting off to sleep now. Even the Squad Leader had returned and wordlessly made it to his bunk, barely sparing a glance to the cyborg - as if any of it mattered anyway.

    Venator emitted a synthed 'hmph' before he also turned and went into his bunk. The warrior had done his part, and would now go ahead and read all he could about the mission behind his eyelids, until his mind finally shut-off and the nightmares began all over again. But in his soul, he hatefully welcomed the night terrors, for today marked the last day he believed he would have them.

    He was fairly certain he would be the one to rise first, way before dawn: Tomorrow, he would be killing Xenos without mercy, without remorse, without reprieve. His nightmares would become living dreams, experienced in his new body- fashioned expressly to execute his revenge.

    Tyger Tyger, burning bright,
    In the forests of the night;
    What immortal hand or eye,
    Could frame thy fearful symmetry?

    Tag: @Shadowsun *( Waiting for morning )
  4. spacelady

    spacelady Force Ghost star 5

    Mar 16, 2003
    IC as Sword Oran

    Score two for Sword! The warrior managed another chuckle. “C’mon, now. Don’t go an make things weird…mate.”

    Sword inched his head over the side of his bed to look down, upside down, at his bunk mate. "Weird is where the fun happens." He explained, matter-of-factly.

    “Sword. Have you seen your own Academy report? You weren’t even in the top three, but now you have a chance at the third spot. I’ll be first, Trish will be second, you could be third, if the ‘Modern Amazon’ lets you. I read that she can be quite competitive, you know.” Venator responded, also quite matter-of-factly.

    Sword rested back at his bed, looking up at the ceiling with a smile. "Oh, sure... sure. Guess tomorrow will just have to be a surprise then."

    He then heard the door open and quirked his head back, taking note that Bouvier had returned, taking the bed above Riz. "Night, Senior Lieutenant." He offer casually. "Night, all." And with that, he closed his eyes, running through a diagnostic before allowing sleep to overtake him.

    Tag: @Shadowsun, @greyjedi125, @Darth_Elu, @Jedi_Ascension, @Master Vo'Un'Var, @Narancia, and @Mitth_Fisto
  5. Shadowsun

    Shadowsun Force Ghost star 4

    Jun 26, 2017
    Off to War
    The members of Echo Squad would be greeted by the harsh blare of an alarm, installed regardless if any members had set alarms for themselves or not. It was standard really and something they would all be used to from Basic. As it blared they would only have a few minutes to prepare themselves as they were greeted by Captain Ironheart in the central training area. Her face was expressionless as it always was. She gave no formal greeting just the expectation that they promptly suit themselves up and stand in the central ring of the training room.

    Once all members of Echo Squad were prepared the central platform it began to rise up, delivering them to the top of the building where a large vehicle was waiting for them, its bay doors wide open ready to take them in.

    Once all on board with their weapons and settled in their seats Ironheart would begin speaking to them all. Another officer was stationed in the craft who appeared to just be one to make sure they all exited safely.

    On his uniform read: 'Baker' and he also wore the ranks indicating he was a Senior Lieutentant. He was also passing out their issued breakfast, nothing special, nothing warm, the essentials of what were needed to support a soldier. It consited a juice-like liquid, a condensed nutritional bar, and a paste that resembled catfood more than anything else but was otherwise flavourless.

    Once the bay doors closed they would begin to ascend, Ironheart going over the last important details of mission as the rest of them ate breakfast.

    "Given the rapid evolutionary cycle of the Xenos it is almost impossible to know what exactly they will look like or be capable of, but some strains and variants seem to be particularly common"

    She gave a few taps on her datapad, a holographic image appearing in front of them all.


    "There are three main 'types' as it were, there are the 'grunts' the workers of the hive, fodder but not to be underestimed for even one of these things have been known to wipe out entire squads that underestimated them. Like everything I'm going over, they might look like this, they might look like something else entirely it is impossible to tell until we get there"

    Another tap, another image.

    "Then we have out relay stations, these suckers act as the neural link that keep the Xenos system running, if any of you see one, do not engage with it alone. They are relatively rare but almost always have tendrils of some kind and are noticeably much larger than the grunts. Also a giveaway is if there is just one of them. If you do manage to kill one it should make any grunts around much weaker and act in discord with the hivemind"

    She looked over them all for a moment, a little sigh as she tapped her screen again to display two final images.


    "And then we have everything else... the 'abnormals' and we call them, stronger than grunts they are specialized to a particular task, some variants are used over and over like the second one you see there, that one in particular is quiet deadly, capable of surviving well behind our lines without the support structure of the hivemind, one stealth bastard"

    She gave a tap, displaying all four images as they continued to make the journey eastward, her eyes looking to them all expectantly.

    "Any final questions?"

    TAG: @spacelady @Darth_Elu @greyjedi125 @Narancia @Jedi_Ascension @Master Vo'Un'Var @Mitth_Fisto

  6. Narancia

    Narancia Jedi Master star 3

    Oct 24, 2020
    IC: Veronica Greene

    ~Mission time!~

    The alarms blared! Immediately waking Veronica from her slumber, it was official it was MISSION TIME!

    Veronica was scared out of her mind but also kind of excited as Venator, Tish, and even Riz's antagonistic but semi-friendly banter fueled the energy Veronica had before Captian Nelson got to her. Now Veronica had all of the enthusiasm, all of the fear, and also all of the discipline. This mission was going to be her time to shine; Veronica was going to prove everyone wrong, she wasn't spoiled, she wasn't entitled, she belonged, and she was going to survive!

    In the midst of getting dressed in her armor inside the women's changing room, Veronica realized she felt something that she hadn't felt in a while, and that was hunger. Not the carnal kind where the body growls as an indication of its need for sustenance but the one driven by emotion; she felt a need to prove herself to people again. Which given her rank and reputation that might've spread through her arrival, made sense as she no longer was widely known as "the Modern Amazon" but maybe as an abuse victim. Veronica didn't like this narrative at all and swore to change it by living for herself.

    Once dressed, Veronica looked on in amazement as the ship they were about to board was huge! Not as sleek as some of the private jets she's been on, but Veronica loved being in planes; it always felt like she would go on a magical trip even if the destination were full of nothing but death, destruction, and Xenos.

    Once Veronica and the group boarded, another man was aboard; he looked like someone who outranked her, and the name tag had "Baker" on it. "Baker" passed around the breakfast, nothing unusual; Veronica began eating the food hungrily as she was also hungry in the physical sense; back at home, Veronica was notorious for having a huge appetite, she has a high metabolism, something she inherited from her grandmother. The food wasn't that bad; the paste was flavorless, so it was easy to scarf down; the juice tasted like medicine but the cherry kind, so it didn't bother Veronica. All that was left was the nutritional bar, but Veronica didn't eat it; she wanted to save it for later, so she slipped it inside her armor's pouch.

    Captain Ironheart stood in front of everyone and gave another debriefing, showing the different types of Xenos. They're not as terrifying as the thing that destroyed the "hero of mankind," but they still looked dangerous.

    "Any final questions?"
    asked Ironheart, who was expectantly eyeing everyone.

    Veronica raised her hand and asked,

    "So, seeing as the abnormal Xenos are the most dangerous, does that mean we are to not engage at all costs?"

    TAG: @Shadowsun @Darth_Elu @spacelady @Mitth_Fisto @greyjedi125 @Jedi_Ascension @Master Vo'Un'Var
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2021
  7. spacelady

    spacelady Force Ghost star 5

    Mar 16, 2003
    IC as Sword Oran

    Sword had already been up and in the middle of a morning exercise when the alarm blasted. He wasn't surprised by it, although he was hoping he could finish his routine before that time. He quickly counted out the rest of his thirty push ups to mountain climbers and skipping the last couple of moves in his morning workout. Pushing himself to standing, he reached up to his bunk on top and pulled on his shirt, feeling a light sweat that had formed from his activity. He wiped the sweat with a small towel and watched the others crawled out of bed or finished up whatever routine they had in place.

    The sniper followed the others of his squad to the training chambers, meeting up with Captain Ironheart inside. He swore she was dead inside, like many of the others he saw. The members quickly suited up, as expected, and when finished, the platform in the center lifted up, brining them to their transport. He gaped slightly at the sight and smiled at it. It was just about go time. He would be lying if he said he wasn't scared, but finally. A chance to change the world and fight for what was there's? That was beautiful.

    He lightly nudged Ven, smirking in his direction. "Ready for this?"

    The squad boarded the transport and found their seats, a meal being offered by a man by the name of Baker. He nodded his thanks as he accepted the fairly standard meal. He didn't care of the food, but he wouldn't argue against it either. He popped open the tube of paste and lifted his head up, mouth open wide and pouring it, unglamorously, in.

    "Given the rapid evolutionary cycle of the Xenos it is almost impossible to know what exactly they will look like or be capable of, but some strains and variants seem to be particularly common" The captain explained as the transported lifted off the ground and pulling up various images for the crew to inspect. He took in the different types and the few details they had about them, taking mental note on what was being said.

    "So, seeing as the abnormal Xenos are the most dangerous, does that mean we are to not engage at all costs?" Veronica voiced in.

    Sword looked to the Captain for her response. He had no questions as of this moment, for now he simply wished to finish his meager breakfast and listen.

    Tag: @Shadowsun, @Narancia, @greyjedi125, @Darth_Elu, @Mitth_Fisto, @Jedi_Ascension, and @Master Vo'Un'Var
  8. Shadowsun

    Shadowsun Force Ghost star 4

    Jun 26, 2017
    IC: Jessica Ironheart
    Dropship flying over Germany

    "So, seeing as the abnormal Xenos are the most dangerous, does that mean we are to not engage at all costs?"

    Captain Ironheart gave nodded at Greene's question. Seemed the rookie was not completely useless after all.

    "If it can be avoided, but a mission such as this you may have no other choice but to engage. If you do come in contact with an abnormal, which given the nature of our mission is almost guaranteed one of you will, you should radio in with one of the other squadmates for support. Rudra, Carter, Oran, Wagner, and myself should be your go-tos if one of you more support types comes in contact with one."

    She gave a nod before looking round to the other squadmates for further questions.

    TAG: @Narancia @Darth_Elu @spacelady @Mitth_Fisto @greyjedi125 @Jedi_Ascension @Master Vo'Un'Var
  9. Master Vo

    Master Vo Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 19, 2017
    Riz Carter
    Dropship, Currently over Germany

    He was groggy, but was able to keep his bearings and guard up. The alarms had rudely awoken him, and the quick movement to the dropship was irritating, but expected. He was used to having to pull himself out of sleep and move quickly. He'd been doing it his whole life. His guard never went down.

    But was this good? It had saved him, surely, but now he couldn't let anyone in. The doors had been closed for too long.

    He looked down at his breakfast and grimaced. He thought joining the military would pull him away from terrible meals, but it turned out this was another in a long list of disappointments soon to come.

    He glanced over at Venator and scowled. Already he had introduced himself poorly, and Riz hadn't taken kindly to it.

    He then focused his attention to the briefing that Ironheart gave. Xenos this, xenos that, watch out for these, don't go to that. Blah, blah, blah...

    Who knew military life would be so boring?

    @Shadowsun and everyone else
  10. greyjedi125

    greyjedi125 Chosen One star 6

    Apr 29, 2002
    IC: Venator Rudra
    Cry Havoc!

    It was no surprise that he was already up and working-out by the time the alarms blared with remorseless dissonance, rudely awakening anyone who was not already up and running. Venator was almost done with his advanced calisthenics routine either way. His onboard analyzer’s final overall efficiency rating was that of 125% for both critical and non-critical functions.

    More than enough He reflected somberly.

    The warrior cleaned and showered quickly, his mind focused on what was to come, though he did have to admit a slowly rising level of ‘expectation’. How long had he dreamed of this very moment, how deeply he’d longed for it…and now, it was finally here.

    Silently, Venator dressed and donned his armor and armaments, checking them all in the process with utmost efficiency. There was no room for ‘random glitches’ or ‘accidental oversights’ in his book.

    In no time, the Warrior was ready to begin the day's long extermination agenda and saw himself in the meeting area. There, he kept interactions brief as he returned nods from other squad members.

    “Ready for this?” Sword asked after a slight nudge.

    “Since the day I joined.” Venator responded without a single trace of humor, then faced front, focusing on Captain Ironheart. Her manner matching his current demeanor, her voice a breath of fresh air.

    The platform lifted and Echo squad was soon ushered to their Transport. Every moment, every minute, every second, they moved closer to that fateful moment when he could finally exact his revenge.

    One glance at the transport prompted Venator to initiate a silent virtual query to Defense Corp command.

    [Lieutenant Venator Rudra: Requesting Download of VTOL Transport piloting data for use in Tactical Egress Maneuvers during Operation vengeance.]

    Once aboard, Venator found his designated spot before regarding the proceedings. He noted and nodded in acknowledgement of Senior Lieutenant Baker, before taking his breakfast. Ventator consumed it all with automatic precision in record time. Of course, he noticed Riz, but ignored him. judging by the assassin’s posture alone, it marked him as possibly the first casualty of the squad. He certainly did not appear to be on his A-Game.

    The ‘Modern Amazon’ however, definitely seemed to be taking things seriously. She’d asked a very important question, one that the Captain answered with clarity.

    "So, seeing as the abnormal Xenos are the most dangerous, does that mean we are to not engage at all costs?"

    "If it can be avoided, but a mission such as this you may have no other choice but to engage. If you do come in contact with an abnormal, which given the nature of our mission is almost guaranteed one of you will, you should radio in with one of the other squadmates for support. Rudra, Carter, Oran, Wagner, and myself should be your go-tos if one of you more support types comes in contact with one."

    Venator silently agreed as he studied the Xenos shown.

    ‘Damn their cycle’

    Despite understanding that the ones they would face might be slightly different, he hoped the variance would not be too great.

    Grunts’ did not seem to be a ‘problem’ except no Xeno should be underestimated. Ever. Their main strength would likely be in their ‘numbers’.

    Neurals’ simply had to be dealt with when encountered if the op was to succeed, otherwise the element of surprise would remain with the Xenos. The answer here was to remove their head tendrils and their appendages. Neutralizing one was defaulted to ‘team-effort’. No exceptions.

    Then came the ‘abnormals.’

    Horned Bull’ was likely a Damage-Tank type, and would certainly need the ‘Team’ to take down.

    Stealth’ was a clear problem. Early detection would be critical if they were to survive an encounter. A few ideas were coming to mind.

    “Captain….” Venator spoke up after the previous question was answered and the floor was open.

    “What is the estimated size comparison and stats for these Xenos? Also, since a tact-nuke is not an option, aside from Trish and her AM-12, can we expect any kind of heavy support?”

    Venator grew silent once more. He was already aware that the Captain herself was equipped with a Bruiser’s Power Armor, but he wished to know what other elements would be in the field if battle before making certain…decisions.

    This was a major OP and Echo Squad's first. It stood to reason they might need a few tricks up their sleeve.

    Tag: @Shadowsun, @Darth_Elu, @spacelady, @Narancia, @Mitth_Fisto, @Jedi_Ascension, @Master Vo'Un'Var
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2021
  11. Shadowsun

    Shadowsun Force Ghost star 4

    Jun 26, 2017
    IC: Jessica Ironheart
    Answering Questions

    “What is the estimated size comparison and stats for these Xenos? Also, since a tact-nuke is not an option, aside from Trish and her AM-12, can we expect any kind of heavy support?”

    Captain Ironheart turned her attention to Rudra, his expression and demeanor indicating his hunger for Xenos blood. Good, she could use that. She listened to his question, a small frown twitching at the edge of her corners.

    "As you'll recall from the briefing yesterday we shall be given aerial support, perhaps I was not clear, not in the form of just taking us there, but we have plenty of other ordinances that are't nuclear"

    She pulled up the map of the Mega-Birthing chamber, the series of twenty chambers laid out with Echo Squad's assigned on labeled.

    "A typical 'grunt' is anywhere from twice to three times the size of a human. A neural is about one and a half elephants in size, although again it varies, and well abnormals it really depends. As for their stats... due to their rapid evolution, we could be dealing with super fast grunts that are weak, or visa versa or a hybrid in between. We won't know till we get there."

    TAG: @greyjedi125, @Darth_Elu, @spacelady, @Narancia, @Mitth_Fisto, @Jedi_Ascension, @Master Vo'Un'Var
  12. Jedi_Ascension

    Jedi_Ascension Jedi Padawan star 1

    Jun 20, 2020
    Tish Wagner

    When the alarm sounded, Tish was already up and moving with a quick "Let's go!" coming from her lips while they got ready. Soon enough she, like the others, was suited and gearedup for the misson. She couldn't stop the grin on her fae as she was elevated out of the training room and toward the vehicle coming to transport them. Her first mission, her first chance at getting revenge against those damn aliens!

    Getting on board and accepting her terible military food without complaint, she ate it with a slight smile on her face anyway. She was ready! Listening to the others on the way, she nodded at everything being said. There was only one question she felt should be asked because of obviosu reasons.

    "Captain!" once she had her attention and approval she'd follow with, "I know it differs every time, but what is the average enemy strength on a birthing chamber run? Need to know how much I may need to conserve my shots."

    Tish was speaking of her big gun, of course. The AM-12, which Venator had brought up as well. She was hoping not to and instead enjoy just obliterating the things without restraint, but this was the military and their lives were on the line. She knew better.

    Tag: @Shadowsun @greyjedi125 @Master Vo'Un'Var @spacelady @Narancia @Mitth_Fisto @Darth_Elu
  13. Mitth_Fisto

    Mitth_Fisto Chosen One star 6

    Sep 29, 2005
    IC: Tenaka Wasille
    Testing Air Pressure verses Gravity

    The morning rush and the ship with bad food was, well it was not too bad really. Especially when you were sleep deprived and not really awake. Tenaka mechanically alternated between the paste and the chewy bit with the odd sippy bit of his breakfast - meal of champions - that was to sustain him through todays mission. Brushing a hand through his mop of messy hair he listened as the others talked, and talked, and talked.

    Tenaka didn't really have anything to add. They had the mission briefing they studied last night, and everyone had gone through basic so none of this should be that interesting. One seemed to have a good question about ammo control, and Tenaka was tempted to ask whether a more universal to type bio-chem agent had been developed to affect the creatures. He wasn't going to ask that though, maybe after he got a few upgrades, but not now. It would be pointless while in route.

    And that cleared out of the way Tenaka was finishing off his meal when he finally felt awake and aware enough to actually taste what he was putting into his body. Ugh - All Hail the Machines Waste Oils! Bleh.

    TAG: @Shadowsun @greyjedi125 @Master Vo'Un'Var @spacelady @Narancia @Jedi_Ascension , @Darth_Elu
  14. Darth_Elu

    Darth_Elu Chosen One star 7

    Jan 2, 2003
    Senior Lieutenant Bouvier Farley IC:
    ~Mission Start, En Route~

    As the alarm blared, Bouvier was one of those already awake, not because he wanted to be but because he needed to be. He had already washed, dressed, and suited up before sitting on his bunk again and went over the information given the day before once more. Best to get another fresh reminder before they headed out.

    Especially given all the greenhorns…it was the main reason he was pouring over the details more than usual. With the alarm, he finally stopped and hopped off the bed while the others got ready.

    He got his weapons and marched out into the training room and waited till they were all gathered. Bouvier was quiet the whole while as it lifted up and toward where their transport waited for them. Moving silently with the others to get onboard, he nodded toward Senior Lieutenant Baker, and took the meal type that he had grown rather accustomed to over the years.

    It was crap, but that’s what you get during a war in the End Times.

    He ate while Captain Jessica went into her data pad and began explaining about Xenos again to the rookies. The Senior Lieutenant barely paid attention, given his breadth of knowledge in the area already.

    “Any final questions?”

    He only had one, but he’d wait for the others. The Senior Lieutenant of Echo Squad noticed that Sword, Riz, & Tenaka were also quiet, he paid them the slightest of nods.

    “So, seeing as the abnormal Xenos are the most dangerous, does that mean we are to not engage at all costs?”

    “If it can be avoided, but a mission such as this you may have no other choice but to engage. If you do come in contact with an abnormal, which given the nature of our mission is almost guaranteed one of you will, you should radio in with one of the other squadmates for support. Rudra, Carter, Oran, Wagner, and myself should be your go-tos if one of you more support types comes in contact with one.”

    “Though you’re likely dead anyway,” he stated seriously with a shrug.

    Listening to the exchange between Venator and Jessica, he shook his head. Size didn’t matter, because they changed so radically every time. Perhaps they were not listening to that particular detail, but they’d learn eventually. Depending how long they lived.

    “Captain! I know it differs every time, but what is the average enemy strength on a birthing chamber run? Need to know how much I may need to conserve my shots.”

    More than you’d like and not nearly enough. Something like that.

    Bouvier waited until the question was answered before sliding in with one of his own.

    “What’s ETA until arrival?”

    That was the only thing that mattered currently, after that it was all survival. No point in overthinking.

    Tag: Echo Squad

    @Shadowsun @Narancia @spacelady @Master Vo'Un'Var @Mitth_Fisto @greyjedi125 @Jedi_Ascension
  15. Shadowsun

    Shadowsun Force Ghost star 4

    Jun 26, 2017
    The Birthing Chamber
    Venator would hear a smooth female voice reply to him, it was clearly an AI of some kind, regarding his request he had sent to Defense Corps Command.

    [Access Denied]
    [Authorization Needed: Venator Rudra = Attack Corps Warrior]
    [Your Current Directive Is To Await Transport To Sector 7G]

    As this was happening Captain Ironheart would shift her attention to Tish who had a question of their own.

    "I know it differs every time, but what is the average enemy strength on a birthing chamber run? Need to know how much I may need to conserve my shots."

    Ironheart gave a little sigh, looking towards the Ammo that Senior Lieutenant Baker was beginning to pass around, each designated for the Ammo type of various weapons held by the Squad members.

    "You should be able to clear out a fair amount of grunts with your shots, depends how armored they are"

    Her attention shifted to Farley for a moment, contemplating his own question on how soon they would get there.

    "Thirty Minutes, Bombardment Crew should just about be arriving by now"

    She looked to them all again. Putting away her datapad as she took her own seat.

    "When we drop, Greene I want you up front a couple of meters ahead, tailback if you see anything scary. Rudra and Carter you'll be covering our flanks kill anything that gets too close but stay with the group, we want to go in, place the charges and then get out. I'll be in the center with Tish right behind me we'll be dealing with the stuff that comes up in front. Wasille and Farley you'll be covering the rear. Oran tail us from the back at a safe distance and keep an eye out for any weak spots."

    She turned as she and opened a case filled with explosive devices. They were aligned neatly and organized, forming a black mess of clean metal, awaiting their destiny to destroy flesh and bone.

    "You should all be familiar with these from basic, sharp put goes into flesh and make sure you arm it. You'll each be assigned three of these with your standard munitions."

    She gave a final look over them all as they rumbled onward towards their destination.

    "If things go awry remember it is of paramount of importance that we deliver blow our assigned chamber up, the mission comes first, always. If I see any of you do anything to jeopardize that I will kill you"

    And with that she would leave them in silence to prepare.

    In due time they would come over a runied landscape, scarred by war and terror. They would see the bombardment ships litter the ground in fire and smoke as the screech of Xenos could be heard, their high pitched screams almost sickening to hear.

    "Well let's do this"

    One by one they would drop out of the plane, toward the designated drop point that they would be able to see with their assigned over head display. The last to land was of course Jessica Ironheart, her mighty frame shaking the ground as she stood tall in her Power Armor.

    The Birthing Chamber in question could be seen in the vague distance, its immense structure reaching upward to the sky.

    It appeared unharmed by the intense bombardment it had just undergone. Captain Ironheart gave the signal for them to form up into positon. They would be able to hear in the distance the faint murmor of some Xenos that had managed to survive but they would not be able to see them with all the smog and smoke.

    "We have a short window so we need to move fast, once we get there we'll set up a guard as others place the charges, let's move!"

    TAG: @greyjedi125 @spacelady @Narancia @Master Vo'Un'Var @Jedi_Ascension @Mitth_Fisto @Darth_Elu
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2021
  16. Master Vo

    Master Vo Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 19, 2017
    Riz Carter
    Xenos Birthing Chamber

    As the team made their descent towards the Birthing Chamber, Riz' eyes widened.

    In truth, he hadn't been taking this seriously in the slightest, but the sight of the smouldering Xenos structure gave Riz a sense of urgency. This was... unlike anything he had ever seen in person. Photos and videos could only capture so much. The real thing before him was... awe inspiring.

    There was a chance that Venator, with his stupid rant earlier, had a point to make. Though of course, Riz would never admit this outloud.

    They soon landed, with Rebecca being the last to do so, before she quickly gave the signal for them to form into position. He did so quickly and efficiently, moving to secure their flank, as had been instructed.

    He waited for the others to take their place, and quickly began to recall their mission plan as desperately as he could.

    I shoulda paid closer attention.

    @Shadowsun @greyjedi125 @spacelady @Narancia @Jedi_Ascension @Mitth_Fisto @Darth_Elu
  17. greyjedi125

    greyjedi125 Chosen One star 6

    Apr 29, 2002
    IC: Venator Rudra

    Defense Corps Command had denied his request, but he had expected half-as much.

    Venator had no issues with the denial, he understood they probably had good reason for it. What was left to do, was succeed in their mission, so they wouldn’t need the emergency evac option.

    Undeterred, the warrior accepted his ammo with practiced precision and loaded his weapon in almost a single breath. In the field of combat, if your re-load time was too long, you were dead. That was true anywhere, actually.

    Marching orders were quickly given. Greene had point. Himself and Carter would cover the group’s flanks, then K.O.S. as needed. That sounded like a sweet deal. The Cap and Trish would deal with frontline enemy combatants while holding the center, the Shield and the Doc had the rear, while Sword was the look-out.

    If they could keep their formation, their success rating would remain positive.

    Go in. Set charges. Get out.

    Venator availed himself of the three anti-xenos explosives provided to each member of Echo Squad. He could feel his cybernetic heart responding to his increased adrenalin.

    “…the mission comes first, always. If I see any of you do anything to jeopardize that I will kill you"

    Venator heard Captain Ironheart say; from her tone, he could tell she was deadly serious. He would make sure to keep her warning in the forefront of his mind.

    After all this time, the moment was here and he was ready.

    In due time they would come over a runied landscape, scarred by war and terror. They would see the bombardment ships litter the ground on fire and smoke as the screech of Xenos could be heard, their high pitched screams almost sickening to hear.

    "Well let's do this"

    One by one they would drop out of the plane, toward the designated drop point that they would be able to see with their assigned over head display. The last to land was of course Jessica Ironheart, her mighty frame shaking the ground as she stood tall in her Power Armor.

    Venator’s mind was already in the zone, but he had to contain himself. The shooting hadn’t started yet. Not quite. He felt as if he were on fire, the nightmarish environment creating a surreal sense all about - the screeching Xenos conjuring flashes from his nightmares. Nightmares he had come to destroy once and for all.

    The Birthing Chamber in question could be seen in the vague distance, its immense structure reaching upward to the sky.

    Venator took a good look at it as he tried to count and classify all the Xenos in the area. Unfortunately, the Birthing Chamber seemed unharmed by the bombardment it had just received.

    Dang! What was that thing made out of!?

    The Captain gave the order to form up and Venator responded immediately, his weapons at the ready. Neve rmind the Birthing Chamber, from the sound of things, there were still Xenos about to deal with.

    "We have a short window so we need to move fast, once we get there we'll set up a guard as others place the charges, let's move!"

    “Aye, aye! Sir!!”

    This warrior did not need to be told twice.

    Tag: @Shadowsun, @Darth_Elu, @spacelady, @Mitth_Fisto, @Jedi_Ascension, @Master Vo'Un'Var
  18. Narancia

    Narancia Jedi Master star 3

    Oct 24, 2020


    IC: Veronica Greene

    Veronica heard everything that Captian Ironheart said, even the threat, but it didn't bother her, not now; the landscape was so barren and wasted. The Xenos had taken a magnificent city and turned it into nothing but an abomination; Veronica could sense that the others were shocked and even saddened by such devastation, how it signified the end of human dominance. Veronica felt these feelings too...once upon a time.'

    Now looking into the wastes, she felt nothing except FRUSTRATION.

    Not at the Xenos but at the reminder that a sight like this got her to give up a cushy life, one where she didn't have to worry about the war, but now she was directly in it, "fighting the good fight," it was all a lie. Veronica realized the truth; she wasn't becoming a hero like she thought she was when she joined; instead, she was nothing more than a guinea pig, a dog to be used by Ono-Sendai, nothing more than meat to the slaughter.

    If Veronica was so heroic, then why?

    Why is it at this moment that all Veronica could think about was killing?

    And it wasn't the Xenos...At this moment, all Veronica could think about was killing a human.

    Captian Nelson.

    Nelson was a personification of Veronica's hatred and regret; he was everything and nothing to her.

    A reminder.

    An awakening.

    A teacher.

    A defiler.

    In the end, Veronica realized that she didn't actually care about humanity now.

    In the end, Veronica realized that she was a shell of what she could have been, a symbol.

    In the end, Veronica realized the trap of being a hero, the final cruelty of sacrifice-

    That she may never see the end of this war, and even if she did, Veronica would be too broken to enjoy it.

    The bombardment came and went; Veronica jumped from the plane like the others.

    No effect.

    A sigh.

    Veronica didn't say a word; she only ran in front of the group and followed orders like a good little soldier.

    A broken soldier.

    Tag: @Shadowsun, @Darth_Elu, @spacelady, @Mitth_Fisto, @Jedi_Ascension, @Master Vo'Un'Var @greyjedi125
  19. Darth_Elu

    Darth_Elu Chosen One star 7

    Jan 2, 2003
    Senior Lieutenant Bouvier Farley IC:
    ~Battle of the Birthing Chamber~

    At Jessica's reply to both Tish and himself, Bouvier just nodded and closed his eyes as he waited. Only opening them when the sounds of the bombardment ahead came clear to his ears and the Captain went over the explosives. When it was his turn, he reached in and took hold of his own three, getting them situated among his other arsenal and equipment before waiting some more.

    Then it became time, the deployment formation was given, and he noted that he was positioned in the rear for the beginning. Very well, an emergency spot to likely preserve his shield energy until they were into the true objective. Still, he'd be ready should the situation force him to charge forward while others fell back if things started on a bad note. In any event, his first Play-By-Play task was to essentially guard Tenaka, their literal lifeline if casualties began to pile up. And, to a lesser extent, Sword as well given the sniper's proximity.

    As they began to drop from their transport, one by one, he gave a little sigh and held out a hand across their medic's chest, shaking his head. He wanted him to wait a bit. Once most of the others were out, with Sword dropping just ahead of him and heading into position, he then dropped himself close to where Jessica had wanted him. The moment feet met ground, he waved for Tenaka to follow immediately behind.

    They were a pair for this first moment, so the shield needed to go before medkit incase a xeno appeared right as he dropped. It was only basic. And it wouldn't have been the first time such a scenario had played out.

    Once they were all out, Jessica dropping in last, he gave a nonverbal signal to show he was ready. Not long from then, their superior office gave the sign.

    "We have a short window so we need to move fast, once we get there we'll set up a guard as others place the charges, let's move!"

    "Ready," was all he said in a flat tone, his rifle up and at the ready. Shield primed but not yet activated to preserve energy until needed.

    It was time to move.

    Tag: Echo Squad @Mitth_Fisto @spacelady @Shadowsun @Jedi_Ascension @greyjedi125 @Master Vo'Un'Var @Narancia
  20. spacelady

    spacelady Force Ghost star 5

    Mar 16, 2003
    IC as Sword Oran

    Sword listened intently to the captain as she went over formation and watched her open the case of explosives, explaining that each would get three. He followed suit, getting up and gathering his three. It was no surprise to him that he would be in the rear, backing everyone else up. It was thirty minutes out until landing and in the time, he ran once more through his information and cyber optics, he had to make sure he was operating at 100%, he wouldn't allow for anything else.

    As the transport approached, Sword deftly loaded his sniper rifle and tucking the rest of his ammunition in a safe, yet effective place to reach for more. He closed his eyes and took one breath, stilling his body and thoughts. The calm before the storm that lasted a minute before it was go time. He stood from his spot and followed the others to the drop zone, being the fourth last to touch the ground, Bouvier, Tenaka, and Captain Ironheart following shortly behind him. He immediately went into sensing mode, scanning the charred and destroyed landscape, targeting enemy movements, and the birthing chambers in the distance. The smoke and obvious signs of battle were showing, but after analyzing it with his glowing blue eyes, it became clear to him. These chambers were not suffering from any damage from the bombardment teams. No time to feel disheartened, no matter how much he wanted to. He had to focus on the job and getting it done, taking out as many of those Xenos as he could.

    "We have a short window so we need to move fast, once we get there we'll set up a guard as others place the charges, let's move!"

    Sword raised his sniper rifle to the ready position and firmly nodded his ready status, falling neatly into formation, targets and brief notes of data filtering into his vision now. The smaller green targets in front of him showed names and ranks of his squad mates and beyond that, he was searching to see if his cyber optic implants could pick up any enemy targets and data.

    Tag: @Shadowsun, @Master Vo'Un'Var, @greyjedi125, @Narancia, @Darth_Elu, @Mitth_Fisto, and @Jedi_Ascension
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2021
  21. Jedi_Ascension

    Jedi_Ascension Jedi Padawan star 1

    Jun 20, 2020
    Tish Wagner

    It was more of a vague answer than she would have liked, but it would do. With the enemies adaptive abilities, perhaps that was the best the Captain could really say. Tish could only hope that the grunts weren’t too armored. Or even the other Xenos by some lucky chance. Not likely, but she could hope.

    “Captain,” she acknowledgd while listening to the eta being given. Thirty minutes? Time to steel herself now!

    With the formation she given, which put her squarely in the middle with her CO, she only nodded. A sound enough deployment, it was a good place for her as an Artillery Unit. She almost smiled at the blast from the past with the reveal of the explosives. She remembered them from basic training. They had been rather fun to play with then, she hoped they’d be even more fun after watching some burning Xenos and a birthing chamber right after they went off this time too. The threat to not jeopardize the mission was given a more formal salute; nothing to worry about on her end. This was what she had been training for!

    Arrival came with a disheartening scene, bombardment hadn’t done much from what they could tell. They had been warned it wouldn’t do much to the chamber, she had to remind herself. The thing was much bigger in person too, giving way to a slight sense of dread in the back of her head, but she tried to quell it and not pay attention.

    I’m here to kill it. To kill them. We can do this.

    When it came time, she dropped out and landed with a thud due to all the armor and her big AM-12 in her hands, immediately linking up next to Captain Ironheart when she arrived on the ground too. At the encouragement of speed, she merely held up her weapon at the ready position.

    “Right beside you, Captain.”

    The best thing she could do at this moment, was just stay in position and remember where she was. Listen to her CO, who was with her making communication with her easier. Just had to focus on those two things first and all others would naturally fall into place after, or so she told herself. But the fear was real. As was the thrill. Her fingers flexed on her weapon in anticipation.

    Tag: @Shadowsun @Master Vo'Un'Var @greyjedi125 @Darth_Elu @Mitth_Fisto @spacelady @Narancia
  22. Shadowsun

    Shadowsun Force Ghost star 4

    Jun 26, 2017
    Graveyard of Xenos

    As they began to travel over the charred and mangled landscape they would be able to see tens of thousands of charred corpses sprew around the cracked earth. This is what the bombardment had been intended to achieve otherwise there would be no way for such a small unit to wade through. They would make remarkable progress through the landscape, their sensors picking up nothing other than a large amount of activity that was taking place in the birthing chamber.

    Once they were half a mile or so from the structure Ironheart would give a signal to Oran to set up his sniper and wait for their return, keeping sights on their group as they continued to transverse. From his training, he would know that using one of the corpses of the Xenos to cover himself up was the smartest thing to do. Even the grunts could smell the pheromones of a human and these chemical signals were believed to be how they identified other Xenos. The issue was the exact chemical signature was 'updated' frequently so it only worked with recently killed Xenos.

    After a few more minutes they would begin to feel a low rumble beneath their feet as the earth churned under each of them. The Xenos burst upward one for each member of the squad save Oran. They were fast, but not overly so, their armored hides along their pack was each of them attacked their respective member.


    Worm Grunt
    Vitality: 2
    Strength: 1
    Dexterity: 3
    Perception: 0
    Agility: 3

    They were like leeches, each trying to break past the armor worn by each member, their scream echoing through the air in a deafening manner. Each of them was perhaps five feet long their mouths coming apart to crush through the armor. Each member of Echo Squad would only have a brief moment to react before the creature was upon them, a two-second window before their four-hinged jaw would be bitting down on them.

    Right before this Greene would have spotted a large rumbling in the earth before them, about twenty meters in front of her, but would not have time to report it before her own Xenos attacked.

    Oran would be in the intriguing position of which Xenos to kill, which teammate he thought would be most valuable in helping the others, or perhaps most important to the mission as a whole, or maybe support who they thought the weakest member of the squad was.

    TAG: @greyjedi125 @Narancia @Jedi_Ascension @spacelady @Darth_Elu @Mitth_Fisto @Master Vo'Un'Var
  23. Narancia

    Narancia Jedi Master star 3

    Oct 24, 2020
    IC: Veronica Greene

    Veronica felt the tremors on her feet as she ran ahead of the group. The stench of death and smoke permeated the area as dead Xenos littered the wasteland in the thousands; perhaps the bombardment wasn't useless after all. Though this revelation did nothing to change Veronica's attitude, seeing the sight of the mound was a reminder of the day she signed away her life.

    Veronica didn't blame anyone but herself for this, her arrogance and false sense of charity led her here, but these thoughts had to be put aside for now. Veronica had a mission, and that was to scout out the location as ordered by her captain, but something didn't feel right, and it didn't look right either.

    About twenty meters in front of Veronica, there was a rumbling of sorts, Veronica continued running, but she considered turning around to warn the others, but that's when something popped out of the ground. Veronica didn't have time to comprehend the creature properly; instead, instinct took over, and Veronica spun away from the creature's grasp while smoothly maintaining her running speed.

    (Veronica spinning away from Xenos Worm grunt.)​

    Veronica eventually came to a cold stop and pivoted on her feet immediately; it was then that Veronica saw the Xenos worm grunt thing in all of its hideous glory. Veronica analyzed the creature's appearance and knew immediately that she couldn't let that thing touch her or else she was done for.

    Veronica wasn't going to be the one whose coffin Venator and Riz defaced with hand-drawn donuts. Veronica was angry, maybe even livid, but she wanted and needed to survive. That need to survive, the desire to kill captain nelson, and the carnal yet innate urge to prove herself and surpass everyone changed Veronica's demeanor as her eyes glazed over into a deadpan expression.


    "I don't know how many scouts you've killed, but you're dealing with the Modern Amazon now; you've never faced anything like me, and you never will."

    Veronica declared as she pulled out her pistol, the RI-07 Ion Pistol, and fired away at the grunt.

    (Veronica firing the RI-07 Ion Pistol)​
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2021
  24. Mitth_Fisto

    Mitth_Fisto Chosen One star 6

    Sep 29, 2005
    IC: Tenaka Wasille
    Graveyard of Xenos

    The flight had been a boring one and he had kept to himself, taking his ammo and storing the spare clips as well as setting one home in his pistol. The stabby-stabby grenades was a bit of dry mouth maker. As medic he didn't really think he would ever get to use one of the things, except as maybe a suicide death action.

    Still he nodded along at the descriptions of the horrors of the flesh. Q&A didn't really apply to him, but soon he had his marching orders. Although when it came to disembark he was a bit annoyed when his Shield squad mate stopped him and went first to check the area out. Yeah, he had one of those guys. He knew that type of cog in basic, normally got chewed out by a drill instructor that they would be the first to die if they tried to protect everyone. Then again that was medic basic not shield basic, for all he knew they had the reverse motto, instead of self preservation to be able to save others they were to step into harm to delay for others? Hmm.

    Maybe he would have a question after this mission after all.

    The scenery was nothing to write home about, nothing but charred Xenos as far as the eye could see, and a live dumpster fire that was their objective of hatching chamber. Not much else to see or note, which was perfect. Which of course meant something was about to go wrong.

    Once he noted that he readied his pistol and decided to walk with it out and ready, just incase. Of course he likely now would be a fool, for if you prepare they won't come, and as soon as you are unprepared they will show up. Ironheart gave a signal to Oran to set up his sniper and wait for their return, keeping sights on their group as they continued to transverse. Which was nearly enough for him to put away his pistol, but he knew as soon as he did he would need it now.

    After a few more minutes of the joyful walk of the corpse field he began to feel a rumble, not his stomach revolting from the food, but rather something underground. The Xenos burst upward one for each member of the squad save Oran. They were fast, but not overly so, their armored hides along their pack was each of them attacked their respective member. His lovely tactical HUD displayed info, of course it did now! This was not the time to read! Who read during teeth! Teeth!

    Worm Grunt
    Vitality: 2
    Strength: 1
    Dexterity: 3
    Perception: 0
    Agility: 3
    Their scream echoing through the air in a deafening manner. Twisting to aim his gun and not have a teammate on the other end of it as well Tenaka started shooting. He didn't really know what to shoot on these things so, volume was the game of the day. Head, tube, lower tube, and walk back up! Each of them was perhaps five feet long their mouths coming apart to crush through the armor, not really a variety of targets and he had no idea where these things kept their brains or vitals. Of course then time was up as it came on him, he was going to die, a sacrifice to the machine. . .or a xeno corpse was trying to crush him as he fell back. He was really not sure. Only time would tell.

    TAG: @greyjedi125 @Narancia @Jedi_Ascension @spacelady @Darth_Elu @Shadowsun @Master Vo'Un'Var
  25. spacelady

    spacelady Force Ghost star 5

    Mar 16, 2003
    IC as Sword Oran

    He was given the signal after traversing the charred terrain for roughly half a mile. Sword said nothing but moved into action, finding a sweet spot with the best vantage point and what appeared to be a newly dead Xenos. He didn't relish the idea, but lowered himself to the ground and using every bit of his strength to flop the corpse onto of him. It was heavier, and stinker, than he expected, and if it hadn't been for a life or death time, his skin would be crawling at the idea. But he reminded himself there were more important matters at stake. This was a fight for survival, not just for him and his squad mates, but For All Mankind.

    Settling into a better spot with the Xenos corpse hiding both him and his scent, he moved his rifle into position and waited. He moved his sight around until he found his squad mates making their way along and then shifted his gaze along their path, checking for any incoming enemies. He caught sight of several Xenos breaking through the ground in front of each member down below and now was the time to act fast, he wouldn't have long.

    Sword used the dexterity he had and swiftly refocused his aim. All of the members of the squad were important, but there were a few who marked higher on the list of importance to the mission. He moved the sniper rifle sights onto the Xenos that was before Tenaka and fired a shot, adjusting ever so slightly and squeezing the trigger at the enemy in front of Bouvier. He had time for more, but he chose to get more successful shots. The Shield and the Medic were pretty important. So was the captain, but given her experience, skill, and mech, he figured she would be the best off. Hopefully, he was correct with his decision.

    Tag: @Shadowsun, @Mitth_Fisto, @Darth_Elu, @greyjedi125, @Narancia, @Jedi_Ascension, and @Master Vo'Un'Var
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2021