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Science Fiction OPEN For All Mankind

Discussion in 'Role Playing Forum' started by Shadowsun, Apr 30, 2021.

  1. spacelady

    spacelady Force Ghost star 5

    Mar 16, 2003
    IC as Sword Oran

    Sword continued lining up shots from his vantage point up higher than the rest of the team, teaming up with a few of the others. Their focal point was the Neural. He hardly noticed the beads of sweat forming across his forehead, his heart pounding quickly under the stress of adrenaline, and yet his hands remained calm and smooth. No matter how tough it got, he forced himself to keep steady, despite the anger and desperation flooding his senses. It would serve no one if he allowed himself to emotionally blow up. No, that would come later.

    He watched Ven take the final blow on the Neural, but kept his finger over the trigger as it squirmed around, looking like it would also regrow itself again until it collapsed to the ground lifeless. The Sniper slowly pulled away from the scope of the rifle, feeling the devastation well up in his heart. The Captain and Riz were now gone. Only two Xenos in and they already lost two of their numbers. Things were not boding well.

    With no other, obvious, immediate threats in the nearby area, Sword slowly stood from his concealment. His spot had been found out by the Neural. It was time to move. Keeping his rifle at the ready, he made his way down to the group, not feeling the victory of slaying the Neural but rather heavy. As did the others. He met the group of now only five and gave each a solemn nod in recognition for their hard work. Sword's glowing eyes moved to Riz and the area the Captain had last been at, inclining his head silently in their honor.

    What now?

    Sword looked to Bouvier. Their new Captain.

    Tag: @Shadowsun, @Darth_Elu, @greyjedi125, @Narancia, @Mitth_Fisto, and @Jedi_Ascension
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2021
  2. greyjedi125

    greyjedi125 Chosen One star 6

    Apr 29, 2002
    IC: Venator Rudra
    For Riz, For the Captain!

    He did not know how or when it happened, or for how long. Venator was living in a nightmare that was all too real.

    The Captain had been devoured to death, Riz had been savaged before his very eyes. It was happening again. His mother and his sister were being killed in plain sight and the feelings of dread took hold.

    Terror, Anger and Despair ran rampant inside young Rudra’s mind like apocalyptic horsemen. He'd been helpless then, so helpless- but not so now.

    The cybernetic warrior could not hear his own discordant screams as he rushed forward, every motion, every step, every slash of his sword, every shot from his weapon, fueled by uncontainable rage - a near literal conflagration of his own soul.

    His pain receptors had been turned off, so he felt nothing as he plowed into any remaining Xenos on the field. His plan: To make it to the Birthing Chamber outer wall and set off all three charges - and hope he created a breach.

    The stench of death and dying permeated everything, signaling that there was a good chance no one in Echo Squad was going to make it back to base alive. In that case, it was always preferable to go down fighting, though it may all seem fruitless in the end.

    Sure, he had no one to return to, everyone he cared about was dead. Mankind was losing the war agains the Xenos, and was probably doomed to extinction. It wasn’t a pretty picture. But in his mind, if he was going down, he would going down fighting- he would avenge those whom he’d loved.

    So he ran, slashing and firing, screaming at the top of his synthetic lungs. The enemy was likely to converge on him and in so doing, he might give the others a chance to move closer to completing their mission.

    Tag: @Shadowsun *( Echo Squad mentioned, @Darth_Elu, @Mitth_Fisto, @spacelady, @Narancia, @Jedi_Ascension)
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2021
  3. Mitth_Fisto

    Mitth_Fisto Chosen One star 6

    Sep 29, 2005
    IC: Tenaka Wasille
    Graveyard of All, The Captain is dead - Long Live the Captain!

    Watching events unfold Tenaka had felt rather disconnected from things as they finally ended. In the end he was left with a rather odd conclusion - he was alive. He was resigned to going down trying to do something, but Tenaka was surprised to find he had planned for very little if he survived. He fired reflexively almost as the Neural died, as the others processed. A final shot into an oozing corpse of flesh, a send off from the mighty machine. He didn't really know them, and already what they looked like alive was fading from memory.

    Numbly he leaned forward and activated the retrieval locator beacons. Marking the machines and equipment for retrieval. As always the machine would need new gears as the flesh had worn out of these two. With that in mind he saw the one screaming and running forward like a madman. Was his cybernetics acting up? Insensitive fool!

    "Stop!" he yelled after the man, looking to the remaining and their 'new leader' before shrugging and starting to move off after their runner. "Stop! I hate to run!" he called out, why did it have to be a runner? He would try to perform an remote equipment freeze to stop him, but he was one not sure if he could or not, and two he was fairly certain as soon as he did he would see the man die.

    TAG: @Narancia , @spacelady @Darth_Elu @Jedi_Ascension @greyjedi125 @Master Vo'Un'Var (rip)
  4. Darth_Elu

    Darth_Elu Chosen One star 7

    Jan 2, 2003
    Senior Lieutenant Bouvier Farley IC:
    ~Battle of the Birthing Chamber~

    In the end, their battle to end the neural was a success. But their battle to save the Captain? Yet another tragic failure. That makes #2,001. Farewell Jessica Ironheart.

    Within moments, Riz Carter went down as well, their assassin not being agile enough to survive the first round of chaos that was this world. A sigh. #2,002.

    And that was when Venator took off screaming toward some other Xenos in the distance in some reckless charge for the birthing chamber, Tenaka chasing after him to get him to stop. No way that would work. His mind was in overdrive in a myriad of ways and if he was using stimulants or blocking certain receptors...

    There was no stopping the warrior. Bouvier shook his head balefully before noticing the look from Sword. The expectant gaze was the one that reminded him of a very startling reality. One that was new even for him.

    He was in charge.


    With another look toward Venator and Tenaka's running forms, he grimaced and began running as fast as he could, waving toward Echo Squad comrades as he started shouting out orders as he moved simultaneously.


    What kind of sick joke was this?

    "Recon! GET UP THERE WITH HIM!" he wildly gestured toward Veronica then pointed toward Venator, "Catch up to his left flank! DOC! SLOW DOWN!"

    There was no point catching up to the warrior in his current state, the best thing to do....was capitalize on his madness rather than lock it down at the moment. Let him burn himself out so the medic could work on him in an exhausted state, when he wouldn't be able to argue. Right now he was just as liable to attack them than anything else.

    "Stay some distance behind his charge, in the middle of all of us and focus any fire to coordinate with those on your sides! Sniper! I hope you can run and gun, I need you on our right flank and keeping pace, be ready to switch out with me! Artillery! PICK UP THOSE EXPLOSIVES!" here he was aiming backward toward Riz's body.

    They needed every charge they could get and not waste any. When the Captain's armor went off, that erased her own explosives clearly, but he hadn't suffered the same fate. So Tish would need to grab them on her way.

    "Bring up our rear," he would continue to yell out. She would be the slowest among those remaining, so that placement was only natural, though there was a danger. One that they'd have to risk to catch back up to the warrior and still make use of his foolish assault.

    "Try not to fall too far behind!"

    A small pause to catch his breath as he tried to coordinate their formation as they attempted to catch up to their currently renegade squad-mate. "I'll try to protect our warrior at the head of our formation and get us to that chamber where we can regroup!"

    And that is exactly what he would do, going past Tenaka at full speed in his bid to catch Venator. His gun firing, clips being reloaded as necessary, in his mad dash and doing his best to keep another from falling so soon.


    This, ladies and gentlemen, would be why they had stamina training in the military.

    If things went well enough (forget smoothly), he'd bring his shield back alive as he got close to Venator and upon catching up, would come alongside to turn away any peripheral attacks at his blind spots. He would not dissuade him from his aims, despite the reasoning behind its initiation. Again, using the rage and temporary madness was something they would need if they wanted to survive right now.

    Any of them.

    His eyes would meet his and he would just nod. No arguing, no orders for him at that exact point, just silent acceptance. An agreement.

    'Keep doing what you're doing. Forge ahead. Kill them all.'

    All in that one nod. Whether he truly believed that would happen in his heart? Well, he tried not to think about it at all. There was only the fight. And as utterly pointless as this was, like all the rest...

    Damn it all if it wasn't poetic. And that was exactly what kept Bouvier Farley going in this world. He would show that with the movement of his shield and rifle, his persistence in finding any blind spot assaults on any of his comrades and either blocking them or distracting the enemy long enough for their target to notice and bring the Xeno down instead.

    All of his fifteen years of experience and training in situational awareness came down to moments like these. Bouvier was going to use it all.

    Tag: Echo Squad @Shadowsun @greyjedi125 @spacelady @Mitth_Fisto @Jedi_Ascension @Narancia (Holding out hope lol)

    RIP Captain and @Master Vo'Un'Var!
  5. spacelady

    spacelady Force Ghost star 5

    Mar 16, 2003
    IC as Sword Oran

    Sword watched the remaining members of Echo Squad solemnly, internally wrestling to shove down the feeling of defeat. As long as he was still drawing breath, there was always a chance, always more time to make things right. He desperately clung to these words, needing them to carry him through the rest of the day. He caught sight of Ven turning and dashing off, flooded with emotions, ones he knew all too well. Dangerous ones that made for poor decision making and ones that could very well get him killed.

    Everything in him wanted to chase after him and attempt talking some sense into him, at least enough to remind him his life was worth living. But there was nothing he, or anyone else, could do to calm the rage, fear, and pain. It was the medic, however, who took the initiative and followed Ven. His conflicted eyes returned to Bouvier, waiting for a command and when the Shield met his gaze, a look of realization settled in on his features. The Sniper caught his curse and couldn't help but feel some pity for him. Being suddenly thrust into a commanding position because the previous one died was not something Sword envied. It took a special type of person to lead when all else was crumbling away.

    But just as quickly as this terrible realization came, Bouvier was already in action and Sword immediately followed, listening to him shouting orders. "Sniper! I hope you can run and gun, I need you on our right flank and keeping pace, be ready to switch out with me!"

    Wordlessly, Sword fell into position, just as commanded, and raised the sniper rifle scope to his eye. Keeping this pace while trying to get a decent shot and not tripping over any poor footing would be a little difficult, but it was do or die. He called on all of his past experiences to once again get him out of this alive. And to take down as many of those damned Xenos as he could.

    Tag: @Shadowsun, @Darth_Elu, @greyjedi125, @Mitth_Fisto, and @Jedi_Ascension
  6. HanSolo29

    HanSolo29 RPF/SWC/Fan Art Manager & Bill Pullman Connoisseur star 7 Staff Member Manager

    Apr 13, 2001
    GM Approved!

    Kurt Roland
    Age: 42


    Class: Former Recon; currently serves as the Administration Division Deputy
    Bio: Humble beginnings and a rational mindset have kept Kurt grounded throughout his arduous journey to reach the upper echelons of the Ono-Sendai government.

    The youngest son of a school teacher and an industrious farmer, Kurt grew up in the heartland of southern Montana—far away from the desolation caused by the Xenos advance. He had aspirations to learn the family trade and follow in his father’s footsteps on their private ranch, however, fate would have other plans when he found himself conscripted to serve in the armed forces.

    While he wasn’t what many would consider ‘warrior material’, Kurt did eventually find a place among the Stealth Corps, where he utilized his critical thinking skills and attention to detail to become an active participant within the recon ranks. His role was often dangerous and included intelligence gathering an---


    His stint among the reconnaissance forces also awakened his latent talents; he was a natural leader with an affinity for management and communication. His commanding officer quickly recognized this and made a case for Kurt to transfer to the Administration Division, where he believed that the young man would better serve the Ono-Sendai Corporation.

    The move paid off, and Kurt excelled in his new role under the Safety Corps. While it wasn’t his first choice, his background in the intelligence service proved beneficial in their quest to better the course of society. He was able to introduce and implement several new initiatives, including an upgraded alert protocol to detect and counteract future Xenos terrorist attacks among the major cities.

    The successful direction and execution of such a complex project once again attracted the attention of his superiors, and after several years in the Safety Corps, Kurt received a promotion that placed him ever closer to the spiraling heights of the Ono-Sendai government. He was named Deputy Director of the Administration Division, becoming one of the more prominent politicians within the organization.

    Nevertheless, a shadow continued to loom over his achievements—a seed of doubt that persistently lingered at the back of his mind. While it was normal to feel uneasy and cautious after only a few short months in a new position, Kurt knew that those sentiments went much deeper than superficial concerns. It was as if his superiors were always watching over his shoulder, scrutinizing his work and withholding information where they felt appropriate.

    Those undertones had always been there, and that was why Kurt was forever vigilant.
  7. greyjedi125

    greyjedi125 Chosen One star 6

    Apr 29, 2002
    IC: Venator Rudra
    For All Mankind

    There was only the deafening roar that overwhelmed his ears, the discharge of rage that threatened to consume his soul. He could feel no pain, could hear no voice. There was only vengeance.

    Venator fought beyond his performance specs, all limiters had been removed. In his mind, he had become wrath itself and he would not be contained. His sword never ceased cleaving, his rifle never ceased firing. It helped that it also doubled as a blunt instrument.

    The warrior was driven by both his rage and his instinct for retribution, even as he ignored all signs of self-preservation. An increasing number of warning alerts began to pop-up on his HUD and he immediately shut-off all displays. If he was slowing, he didn’t care to know the minuscules numbers. All that mattered was that he reach the Birthing Chamber Wall.

    No matter how fiercely he fought, it seemed fruitless. The Xenos. He saw them coming for him and he embraced the challenge.

    Even if nothing was left of him, but pieces, he would make it to the wall, he would roll over the carcasses of the fallen enemy, he would pull the pin on the detonator with his bare teeth if he had to, depress the activation button with his chin, should he lack arms or any other appendage to do so.

    There had been too much suffering because of Xenos, too much suffering and for far too long. Too many children were missing their parents, too many parents were missing their children. Too many broken people were desperately trying to escape the reality of their doom by ignoring their present struggle, they had become too insensate or apathetic to care about their future. A future they did not believe would come.

    Well, no more.

    Samuel Jupiter did not give up. Captain Ironheart did not give up. Even Riz did not given up. And if that meant he too had to perish so that others might live, then he could not, would not, dared not, give up. This fight was no longer for himself, or his mother and sister, this fight was bigger than all those things. This fight was ‘For All Mankind’.

    It was then, at that moment of epiphany, that rage gave way to utmost clarity.

    Venator could see the way to his goal, but now he was about to be overrun by Xenos. The terrible irony of it did not escape him, nor the fact that he noticed he was beginning to slow by an appreciable fraction.

    So be it!! He did not fear death. He would take the whole lot with himself if he had to.

    As he went to grab the powerful charge, Venator saw the Xenos on his left get mowed down by a sudden attack!!! One he did not initiate. A quick glance revealed the point of origin.


    The Senior Lieutenant had protected his flank, right in the nick-of-time! Farley’s eyes met Venator’s red gaze and all that could not be said was immediately understood in that instant.

    'Kill them all’

    ‘Aye, Sir! Even if it’s the last thing I do!’

    The warrior wasted not another second as power suddenly surged through him. Venator accessed all reserve and emergency sources within his cybernetic frame and took a prodigious leap towards the Birthing Chamber Wall, small bits of broken armor falling from him as he sailed through the air. Venator held the charge now on his left hand, primed and ready to do what it was intended to do. He knew the Xenos would follow him and attempt to stop him. He would be vulnerable to them, in the same manner, they would be vulnerable to Echo Squad in turn. He had no issues with this knowledge, for this was the way of war.

    But, this war was not one of resources or political gain, it was a war for the very survival of the human race. A war he was invested in fighting with every fiber of his being - Win or Lose.

    Tag: @Shadowsun, @Darth_Elu, @spacelady, @Mitth_Fisto, @Jedi_Ascension
  8. Mitth_Fisto

    Mitth_Fisto Chosen One star 6

    Sep 29, 2005
    IC: Tenaka Wasille
    Graveyard of All, The Captain is dead - Long Live the Captain!

    With the barked command Tenaka had slowed, breathing heavy at the perceived laxity that was now demanded of him. It was then that he was overtaken and told to keep pace, with a frustrated grunt he gripped his pistol with both hands and picked up the pace to keep pace once more. He would shoot as he was asked, he would kill what he could.

    It was the least he could do, and now it also was the most of what he could. Run and kill and live for the machine. For the machine for which they were the gears had to survive, had to succeed! For only with this might another dawn and another life have a chance upon this blighted earth.

    Beyond all this, with only a thought and heavy breath, there was only one thing to think and feel anger at the new Captain over. I hate to run! Why must we run! Why encourage him now! To none of these things there was a good answer. They only could go on, and do what they could.

    TAG: @Shadowsun, @Darth_Elu, @spacelady, @greyjedi125 , @Jedi_Ascension
  9. Shadowsun

    Shadowsun Force Ghost star 4

    Jun 26, 2017
    The next few minutes of running were filled with the quite tension of expecting another attack at any moment. They were already down two members and they had not even arrived at their destination point. In time they would come to the front entryway of the massive birthing chamber. Each of them would have their explosives ready and equipped. They knew they would have to venture far and deep into the actual chamber in order for the successful completion of the mission. And due to the shielding of the chamber structure, everything that had been inside was still in there. Waiting.

    And it would be up to the now commander of Echo Squad, Bouvier Farley, to assess and give the orders of how to enter the actual Birthing chamber itself. Each of the members would note how odd it was how quiet it now was. There was the faint sound of scuffling within the chamber. And the strange moaning sensation as they would be a reminder that in truth the Birthing Chamber was alive.

    A giant, stationary Xenos that consumed flesh and reproduced more entities. The entrance was wide, perhaps twelve or so feet and about twenty-five feet tall. There seemed to be smaller entryways dotted all about the top of the chamber, other places for Xenos to emerge from. The rough schematics that Ironheart had mentioned were available to them, showing the labyrinthian nature of the chamber. If it was even accurate, to begin with.

    TAG: @Darth_Elu, @spacelady, @greyjedi125 , @Jedi_Ascension @Mitth_Fisto

    Office of Kurt Roland, Administration Divison Head Quarters, Korea

    The Deputy of the Administration Division was likely not having a particularly thrilling day. There was seemingly even more monotonous paperwork than usual, but no one had said the being involved in the Administration was a particularly thrilling job either. There was however quite the up tick in talk regarding the recent death of the ultimate warrior Samuel Jupiter. What the Administration Divison had been peddling as the great new hope for Mankind for the previous year before being utterly destroyed the classified 'Xenos Champion'.

    It was during the monotonous paperwork that Themis, the current head of Administration Divison, would enter the office.

    Division Head Themis
    It was odd really, this would be in fact only the third time in few months that Kurt Roland had actually met with Themis, and he still did not know her actual name. This was odd as many of the other names of Divison heads were fairly common knowledge. She was a very guarded woman it seemed, perhaps too guarded.

    "Roland... Apollo has called a meeting of all Divison Heads and Deputies... while there will be much on the agenda..." Roland had received a notification yesterday of the said Agenda, so he knew this already, the fact that Themis was here in person reminding him of this fact would be a significant detail that was sure not to escape his notice.

    "...we both know the main topic of conversation will be the new media strategy regarding the death of Jupiter, it is our responsibility and duty to come up with a sufficient strategy to calm the public, fears of humanities savior being are growing far too large... they forget that Samuel Werven is still alive, we need to remind the public of this fact."

    She paused, with her blindfold it was always difficult to get a read on her. Rumor was it that was why she wore a blindfold to begin with, many of the other Divison heads did wear masks nearly all the time after all.

    "I expect you to formulate a strategy to present to the rest of the Board... do not disappoint me,"

    And with that, the 'ice queen' was gone, not leaving time for any questions or clarifications, as was her style of 'leadership'. She was very results-driven it seemed. It was up to Roland however he wanted to accomplish this task, but it would stand to reason to contact the Head of the Media Corps to formulate a strategy.

    TAG: @HanSolo29
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2021
  10. darthbernael

    darthbernael EU Community Mod, Fuego, Pyrofuego! star 5 Staff Member Manager VIP - Game Winner

    Apr 15, 2019
    OOC: I did a thing, GM Approved.

    Name: She doesn’t remember her birth name but when she was transferred to Stealth Corp her paperwork needed something and she recalled something the Ono-Sendai people in the Creation Division had occasionally called her, Scáth lann (Irish Gaelic for Shadow Blade), Senior Captain
    Age: Doesn’t know.


    Class: Assassin/Sniper

    Signature Weapon:

    What assassin, or sniper, doesn’t tinker with the equipment they are given, giving it the little extra they see is needed to do their job even better…

    She took the already upgraded railgun sniper rifle that Ono-Sendai gave her and tweaked it even further. The rounds she used were personal touches on the standard railgun rounds that were issued, adding a mix of both biological and tech viruses to each loadout. The rails she modified as well, the top and bottom detachable, revealing they are very special blades, perfectly balanced for her, like the railgun rounds one was able to deliver biological viruses, the other tech ones. What remains looks like a bullpup style assault rifle and fires like a scattergun when the rails are removed, if needed for close quarters work.

    Cloaking enhanced assassin armor

    Several sheaths worth of assassin throwing daggers

    Assassin’s sword, double diamond edged

    As well, assorted smoke, flashbang, and cryo grenades, and secondary cloaking device


    The earliest clear memory that Scáth can recall is waking on a medical bench in the Ono-Sendai Creation Division labs, her eyes opening and the hurried voices of the techs as they saw that she was awake before a needle passed before her eyes and it all went dark again.

    Similar memories peppered the blank spaces in her mind. Everything before that memory though, was a blank, no childhood, no family, no past, simply the medical bench and the techs. There were memories of those times as well, of being put through tests, speed, strength, endurance, temperature scale tests, patience tests, philosophy, intellect, reflex, healing, all of them. Again and again, sometimes the techs frowning and scribbling, sometimes nodding and excited.

    One day, the tests ended and the chief tech told her they were done and she’d passed. Her senses, especially her mind working at a fever pitch and her hearing told her of the dubious tone to his voice, as though he was hoping she believed him. She was told she was being transferred from the Creation Division to the Military Division, as a final exam of sorts, of all her capabilities.

    When she arrived at the Military Division HQ, almost pushed out of the vehicle into the foyer, she seemed to have been expected as she was escorted to the offices of the Stealth Corps. Paperwork was done, signatures on transfer documents, and suddenly she was in the Quartermasters area, being loaded down with gear.

    That was…she didn’t even remember how many years ago. Somehow she didn’t die in the early missions but began to wonder if there was something wrong with her, different. The others had boosts, she saw that, observed them in both training and when on mission, yet they seemed slow, in unexplainable ways, compared to her. Not just in terms of speed but in so many ways. The only thing she could think was that the Creation Division had implanted her with some cutting edge tech that gave her that extra edge.

    As word of the assassin that seemed to survive every mission filtered through the ranks she was promoted and shifted from squad to squad until she found herself in the ranks of the famous, or perhaps infamous, Echo Squad. Infamous for the amount of times they’d gone out, done the mission no one else could, but still returned down a man or three.

    She took it as a challenge and through the years she became one with the squad, became integral to it. They fought their way up the chain of the Xenos, until they defeated the champion, her, Tenaka, and Venator. But the battle didn’t end, there were always more and now the white armored Ono-Sendai troops with the Ouroboros on their armor showed up to clean up the battlefields avatar their battles.

    Suspicion began and the three of them worked through to determine what truly was going on. Which, eventually led the three, seasoned, warriors to find themselves facing Hephaestus himself. So much hung in the balance and none of the three of them knew if or how they’d win, just that they must.
  11. Shadowsun

    Shadowsun Force Ghost star 4

    Jun 26, 2017
    The Final Confrontation

    The Captain, Jessica Ironheart.

    The Assassin, Riz Carter

    And the Recon, Veronica Greene.

    All of them were trampled and slaughtered by the callous, unending might of the Xenos. The surviving heroes had been knocked unconscious, and as they awoke they would see the ruins of the Mega-Birthing Chamber, dozens of peculiar white armored warriors running to and from the wreckage collecting sample after sample of Xenos tissue.​


    The armor had never been seen before, not by any of them, and it was not a registered unit. Not only that but the remaining heroes were quickly hurried off once awoken, none of their questions or answers being given in a clear or straightforward manner. That and when the members awoke the mysterious white soldiers would swiftly and promptly knock them out.

    Details of who these mysterious white-clad researchers were not revealed to the members of Echo Squad, the only identifying mark was an image printed on each of their backs and their right shoulder. The image of a snake consuming itself surrounding an eye.​


    As this was happening a seemingly different thread of mystery was unraveling in the higher tiers of the Ono-Sendai leadership. During the time of the mission to destroy the Mega-Birthing chamber, Deputy Director of the Administration Division Kurt Roland attended a meeting with all Divison Heads.

    President of Ono-Sendai

    Samuel Werven
    Attack Corps Commander

    Defense Corps Commander

    Defense Corps Commander

    Research Division Director

    Creation Division Director


    Administration Divison Director

    At the meeting much was discussed but the chief topic of all was the attempt to calm the public with a new media strategy after the recent destruction of the robot 'Samuel Jupiter' and the truth of how he was destroyed. But there was the meeting beneath the meeting the various personalities attitudes of the Ono-Sendai leadership slowly revealed to Kurt. Almost everyone there was jaded, broken pieces that sought to continue the perpetual cycle of Ono-Sendai. Their humanity utterly lacking more than comfortable lying and misleading the public.

    Except one.

    Samuel Werven.

    He was notable in that he had a giddy, almost child-like optimism vowing that he would personally cleave the Xenos Champion's head if that was needed.
    Various members of Echo Squad would be replaced, notably their Assassin in the form of Scáth lann. And once again they would be sent on another mission. Mission, after mission each time drawing them ever so slightly closer to the truth. And the same soldiers in white kept appearing towards the end of their mission, and each time the warriors of Echo Squad were knocked out and returned to their base of operations.​


    Echo Squad was swiftly and rapidly given access to higher grade technology until soon they were equipped with the very finest Ono-Sendai had to offer. The deeds and prowesses of Echo Squad and its members becoming legendary. The new faces as the savior of humanity.

    Over this same time span, Kurt Roland as he long suspected would begin to notice slips from his immediate superior, Themis. There were allocations for funds and resources mysterious research facility titled 'WS-T'. It was a secret program that Kurt had no information on. Mysterious further still was that all files under Project WS-T were under the highest possible level of security. Restricted to only those directly working on the project and the Heads of each Division. Kurt did not have access to such records. The one thing he could see was the symbol the project was filed under. A snake encircling an eye.

    Reports from various battles would come in along with sightings of mysterious soldiers clad in white. They were not labeled or filed under any particular organization or military force. No file existed on them either. There was initial concern that they were soldiers that belong to China or the Greater Indian Republic. But when Kurt presented these concerns to Themis they were quickly dismissed stating that they were part of an ultra-secret task force to collect Xenos samples for study.

    But such an answer would be unsatisfactory for Kurt not only because they did not explain why they were so secretive but also because the reports mentioned the symbol on their armor. The same symbol that was filed under project WS-T... a snake encircling an eye.

    There was a second key mission that also began to alter the view of those within Echo Squad. It was when they began to encounter the technological Xenos.

    On three separate missions, Echo Squad came across Xenos, unlike anything than had ever seen. Xenos that were equipped with Ono-Sendai technology.​


    It had been over a year since the hero of Mankind, Samuel Jupiter, had been vanquished. The legendary machine had been broken and destroyed by the now infamous Xenos Champion. A being that seemed to defy everything humanity threw at it. Much had taken place over the span of a year since the members of Echo Squad stormed and blew up the Mega-Birthing Chamber. Numerous members of their Squad were killed in the deadly and risky raid.​

    'The Brute' was the first of 'enhanced' Xenos to be encountered and was capable of immense strength and was extraordinarily durable even for a Xenos. It had two large tentacle-like whips that protruded from its back that thrashed around and would consume humans. Its notable Ono-Sendai plating was integrated neatly into its flesh.


    'The Vanisher' was the second to be encountered deep with a forest region close to where a perceived massive connection point for the Xenos hivemind was located. It was equipped with the same vanishing technology that a number of Ono-Sendai stealth units were known for. It was also one of the fastest Xenos ever documented but only had strength equivalent to that of a human.


    'The Manipulator' was capable of warping and creating magnetic fields with its twin arms that were products of Ono-Sendai. It was notably non-metallic in its structure, having power magnets in its arms that it used to manipulate the surrounding metal. Was responsible for the most human kills of any Xenos save for the Xenos Champion.

    And then... at long last the members of Echo Squad came face to face with the infamous Xenos Champion. The exact same one that had destroyed the ultimate weapon of mankind.

    It was a full-on scale battle in the broken and chard battlegrounds of what had once been western Europe, the battle between the Xenos Champion and the members of Echo Squad being fierce, brutal, and utterly harrowing. It was no wonder how swiftly and easily he had been able to utterly demolish Samuel Jupiter. Many more members of Echo Squad perished during the epic battle.

    The shield, and then captain of Echo Squad Bouvier Farley along with that of the Sniper Sword Oran perished against their struggle against the Xenos champion. But in time, with the combined efforts of Venator Rudra, Tenaka Wasillie, and Scáth lann they were able to destroy the Xenos Champion.

    And so too as the dust settled did mysterious white armored soldiers show up. But this time, the members of Echo Squad did not allow themselves to be simply fed back into the cycle of the machine. On the arrival of the initial wave of white soldiers, the three of them were able to knock out and disguise themselves in the white armor, infiltrating whatever part of the military these people served under. The ruined carcass of the Xenos Champion hauled off with the other white armored soldiers.

    Slowly... ever so slowly the reports and clues from the 'adventures' of Echo Squad would reach the ears and eyes of Kurt Roland... until his own investigation was able to reveal a harrowing truth...

    Ono-Sendai was capturing humans and injecting Xenos cells into them in order to create warriors.

    Not only that but after recovering the original documents of Samuel Jupiter's blueprints for his design Kurt was able to uncover the 'organic' components that made Samuel Jupiter the absolute machine that he was today was because Xenos DNA had been grafted into a clone of Samuel Werven whose body was then further enhanced by the robotics of Ono-Sendai.

    It was a bastardization of a human being.

    Samuel Werven, the original had no knowledge of this and was horrified by the news of it. But many questions remained for Kurt Roland... the mysterious Project WS-T remained unsolved, and what possible horror was Ono-Sendai hiding that was more harrowing than their live human testing?

    Kurt and Samuel have joined forces to confront the mysterious and secretive leader of Ono-Sendai, Apollo to reveal these harsh truths, able to rally the Attack Corps in a coup d'etat against the current Ono-Sendai administration.

    At the same time the coup d'etat was taking place, the three last members of Echo Squad would travel far, to an underground facility that existed beneath the city of Seoul. Underneath the very Headquarters of Ono-Sendai. It was here they would meet the secretive head of the Creation Divison, the one named ‘Hephaestus’ or as he was also referred to ‘The Maker’. And it was here they would meet their journey's end.​

    Hephaestus, The Maker

    It was here, the three final members of Echo Squad would face the creator of the very weapons they held in their hand. The same self-consuming snake, encircling an eye imprinted on the man's chest. His eyeless, faceless helm looking to the three of them. They wanted answers as to why Ono-Sendai technology was being integrated into Xenos.

    They wanted to know who the soldiers in white armor were, the same kind of armor Hephaestus now wore.

    They wanted answers for why the world was so utterly screwed the way it was.

    They wanted to know why humanity was on the brink of extinction.

    And here the inhuman Hephaestus was... waiting for them to ask.

    TAG: @darthbernael @greyjedi125 @Mitth_Fisto (Combo)

    Samuel Werven and Kurt Roland entered the office of Apollo, accompanied by numerous members of the Attack Corps. Apollo's guards brought up their own guns for a moment and then seeing how greatly they were outgunned began to slowly raise their hands in defeat. Apollo was facing out of his window, watching the moving city with all its hustle and bustle. A living city. A city of metal.

    The President of Ono-Sendai turned to face the two men. His golden mask, shining in the quiet, light as he waited for a moment, his head tilting from Werven to Kurt as then spoke.

    "I suppose the end has, at last, come for me, for this world... so get on with it then Samuel, kill me, if you can,"

    TAG: @HanSolo29 (Combo)​