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Oceania General Hypocracy Discussion

Discussion in 'Oceania Discussion Boards' started by The Gatherer, Jul 10, 2003.

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  1. The Gatherer

    The Gatherer Jedi Youngling star 6

    Aug 2, 1999
    As some of you may be aware, there was a recent reality TV show (which I think was on channel 9) which was about male strippers.

    If there was a reality TV contest show about female strippers, there would have been an outrage and outroar from the feminist groups, and not a single show would have been aired.

    I find this rather hypocritical.

    What examples of hypocracy today in either media, politicals, general life, etc... have you encountered?
  2. Shadow_of_Evil

    Shadow_of_Evil Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Nov 18, 2001
    ahah good point..... bloody women ;)
  3. The_Anakin_Wannabe

    The_Anakin_Wannabe Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 21, 2003
    I'm with you The Gatherer!

    But, there are just too much Hypocracy around to even begin to delve into. So I won't bother yet. I'll just wait till someone else posts and I'll argue :D
  4. Ender Sai

    Ender Sai Chosen One star 10

    Feb 18, 2001
    Ah, the outraged white male. Is there anything more amusing?

  5. Darth-Tom

    Darth-Tom Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 7, 2001
    I'll never understand why people would complain about something on television. If they don't like it all they have to do is change the channel. But instead they like to ruin it for everyone by making complaints.
  6. Shadow_of_Evil

    Shadow_of_Evil Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Nov 18, 2001
    Actually one thing i find hypocritical is some of the police these days...they are suppose to be preserving the peace but then you see them belting the hell out of people or overusing pepper-spray (remember new years)
    Would you agree E_S?

    and dont get me started on teachers... ;)
  7. Ender Sai

    Ender Sai Chosen One star 10

    Feb 18, 2001
    As someone who is preparing to become a Federal police officer, I support the police when they are faced with difficult times. If I saw them beating the hell out of a little brat homeboy wannabe, I'd offer to hold him down for them! [face_devil]

  8. Shadow_of_Evil

    Shadow_of_Evil Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Nov 18, 2001
    As much as i hate "little brat homeboy wannabes" wouldnt it be against the law for you to do assist officers in police brutality?

    Or as a cop would your rodney-king his arse?
  9. The_Anakin_Wannabe

    The_Anakin_Wannabe Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 21, 2003
    but then you see them belting the hell out of people or overusing pepper-spray (remember new years)
    Would you agree E_S?

    I remember New Years. And had the morons done what the coppers told them there wouldn't have been any problems. I feel that the Police cop alot of flak that they don't deserve.

    Second. The video that was shown for the Rodney King incident only captured what the Police did. It didn't show Rodney assualting the officers, or doing other unlawful things. The full video that was discovered later showed that the police tried to stop Rodney who kept on attacking them.

  10. Shadow_of_Evil

    Shadow_of_Evil Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Nov 18, 2001
    "I feel that the Police cop alot of flak that they don't deserve"

    actually I do agree with you... I have nothing against the police, but I have seen them do rather un-constitutional things

    as for rodney king, yes i have seen the full video..... but really, the police went a little extreme dont you think

    ooh btw: hehe this was funny.... i remember seeing this cop when he was driving and he wasnt indicating or anything when he turned.... ahh it was a crack up.. lol
  11. The_Anakin_Wannabe

    The_Anakin_Wannabe Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 21, 2003
    Yeah, the police may have been a little extreme with Rodney King, but what annoyed me was the way the footage was edited only to show a black man getting beaten.

  12. The Gatherer

    The Gatherer Jedi Youngling star 6

    Aug 2, 1999
    Anyone want to comment further on the male stipper reality TV show?
  13. Shadow_of_Evil

    Shadow_of_Evil Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Nov 18, 2001
    yeah agreed..... have you seen the video on kazaa showing the cop beating that guy who gave him the finger? I actually support the cop for what he did... although as the guy ran away he did seam to continue to beat him for no reason..... you can tell that the cop was feeling threatend by the way he changes stances when the "attacker" walks up to him........ ahahah funny ***t though

    sorry Gatherer... do you want your thread back?
  14. Saintheart

    Saintheart Force Ghost star 6

    Dec 16, 2000
    Gath, I would've thought there are plenty of reality-TV-ish female stripper shows on at the moment...The Search for the Playboy Playmate of the Year?
    (Okay, the last one was a joke. And they're not specifically stripper shows...but you get the idea... :D )

    In terms of hypocrisy, my main concern has always been the fact that politicians' sympathy for victims of child abuse only subsists until said victims commit burglaries to support drug habits engaged in to overcome the fear and depression caused by that abuse.
  15. The_Anakin_Wannabe

    The_Anakin_Wannabe Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 21, 2003
    You can't blame child abuse on everything. Things that happen to us as children affect who we become as we grow up. Being around two negative influences as you are growing up will change someone than if they had two role model parents. But the basic right and wrong shouldn't be thrown aside because "Oh, that kid had a bad childhood"
  16. Shadow_of_Evil

    Shadow_of_Evil Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Nov 18, 2001
    yep i believe that too... I was brought up in a picture perfect home and lifestyle.... grown up as a christian (still am one) and i always had a fair child hood but even somtimes i'll do something bad and get busted for it whilst people with bad child hoods are out there doing everything the right way..... --- did i make any sense?
  17. The_Anakin_Wannabe

    The_Anakin_Wannabe Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 21, 2003
  18. Ender Sai

    Ender Sai Chosen One star 10

    Feb 18, 2001
    As much as i hate "little brat homeboy wannabes" wouldnt it be against the law for you to do assist officers in police brutality?

    yes, yes it would. It would be battery. But since I was being sarcastic... [face_plain]

  19. Shadow_of_Evil

    Shadow_of_Evil Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Nov 18, 2001
    sorry.... sarcasm seams to die on the internet
  20. Rogue_Product

    Rogue_Product Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 12, 2002
    A little police brutality doesn't go astray, especially if a suspect is unwilling to co-operate.

    As for sexism on television, Gath, you're fighting a losing battle. The only advertisement/television show I have problems with, however, is the CrimeStoppers ad in Victoria (I don't know if it plays anywhere else) where all the criminals (around 6 of them) are male. But given the proportion of male to female crims, I guess this is pretty representational. Gath, hypocracy is a tool to be used against the ignorant or unattentive, thus it works perfectly on television. Get used to it my friend.
  21. The_Anakin_Wannabe

    The_Anakin_Wannabe Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 21, 2003
    Actually, Strip tease or strip show or whatever it is called doesn't bother me. I just think it's a waste of time. If females were doing the show instead of the men I still wouldn't watch. There is just nothing on TV worth watching anymore. Which is ok I guess, it either means I go out more or I spend more time on here.
  22. Protege-of-Thrawn

    Protege-of-Thrawn Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Mar 14, 2001
    I think it is false advertising and misleading and UTTERLY hypocritical to advertise Today Tonight as a "current affair" program, and not as a politically motivated smear campaign against other networks and their subsidaries. When I emailed the ACCC to point out as much after Miss Naomi "Im a weel johnalast" ran three shows consecutively all aimed at potraying Eddie McGuire as an evil villian stripping the Aussie Battlers on Millionaire of their rightful prizemoney because he and Channel Nine are crooked conspirators.

    The seriousness in her tone was laughable, the sinister music played during the clip shameful, and the mock interviews with illiterate fools almost scary. Whilst the ACCC failed to reply to my email as yet, I'm sure they'll disregard my serious point as somebody having a joke. I'm not, and it is no surprise that Today Tonight's cutting edge "current affairs" reporting hit on the evil Eddie and his high rating million dollar quiz show the week before their own farcical copy goes to air tonight.

    Pathetic, and utterly misleading to the Australian Public. Lies basically.

    But I know nothing will come of it: it is hard to say such behaviour is wrong or unethical in a country lead by a man who has made such behaviour into an artform. ;)
  23. The Gatherer

    The Gatherer Jedi Youngling star 6

    Aug 2, 1999
    PoT - I agree!

    Shows like Today Tonight and A Current Affair are just glorified TV versions of 'Womans' Day' or 'New Idea'.

    For real current affairs, stick to shows like 'Sunday' or the 7:30 Report.
  24. Saintheart

    Saintheart Force Ghost star 6

    Dec 16, 2000
    On those issues, may I recommend Michael Crichton's "Airframe". Okay, he has a penchant for taking a subject of paranoia and building a work of fiction around it, but there are a couple of propositions that seem to ring true for me...most notably that journalism today is concerned with reporting a prevailing (or at least popular)opinion rather than reporting some semblance of the facts. And shows like Today Tonight are doing just that--reporting only the opinions of (typically) the uninformed. The complexities of issues such as the boat people or indeed the juvenile justice system won't fit into 14-minute story blocks for Mr and Mrs Joe-2.5 kids-and-$100,00-mortgage-over-25-years, so journalists these days go for an image rather than a story, IMHO. We've lost all capacity in our commercial news shows these days for any real accuracy of reporting.

    For news items I actually prefer SBS, when I've got the chance to watch it. Overseas, yes, but at least it's a bit more balanced on the issues.
  25. The Gatherer

    The Gatherer Jedi Youngling star 6

    Aug 2, 1999
    Does anyone here watch SkyNews on Aussie PayTV? That is not too bad...
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