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Before - Legends Halcyon, Horn, Keana case 4 Olympics triathlon

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by earlybird-obi-wan, Jun 12, 2023.

  1. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    Halcyon, Horn, Keana case 4 Olympics triathlon
    Author: Earlybird-obi-wan
    Timeframe: 53 BBY

    Disclaimer: Star Wars belongs to Lucasfilm and Lucasfilm belongs to Disney.

    Rostek Horn, 25, CorSec agent
    Steve Magaron, 296, CorSec instructor
    Nejaa Halcyon, 28, Corellian Jedi
    Jess Keana, 31, CorSec agent
    Tony Keana, 1, son of Jess

    Single Sentence Shot Put: A story told in a single sentence about your character, family, friendship or couple.

    Yesterday he had celebrated the first birthday of his son Tony but today he had to work on a case with his colleagues Rostek Horn, Nejaa Halcyon and Steve Magaron.
    Kahara and UltramassiveUbersue like this.
  2. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Host: Finish the story, Anagrams & Scattegories. star 8 VIP - Game Host

    Aug 31, 2004
    All the overlapping characters =D= :cool:
  3. UltramassiveUbersue

    UltramassiveUbersue Jedi Knight star 3

    Nov 7, 2022
    This looks like a fun start!
    Kahara and earlybird-obi-wan like this.
  4. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    and getting to know them more in
    continuing with some musings from . . .

    110 Word Hurdle: Exactly 110 words in which the name or names of your character, family, friendship or couple aren’t mentioned

    No child for him yet. His wife isn't ready to give up the work she loves and what comes after that work. Visiting colleagues. Visiting her friends. One of those is a mutual friend. But he had been the one to ask her to marry him and she had said yes. That had been after a difficult case about a stolen holocron. A mentor had been wounded. He had saved him, feeling the pain when the man was placed in a bacta-tank. He had sensed that the man was allergic to bacta. A picture taken from the holocron had given him the creeps because it had been a dark Jedi-holocron.
  5. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Host: Finish the story, Anagrams & Scattegories. star 8 VIP - Game Host

    Aug 31, 2004
    A nostalgic look at family ties and choices. Sithly holocrons are always better left alone. [face_thinking]
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2023
  6. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    And now the conclusion of this triathlon

    Prime Time Coverage: Minimum 500 words of action, adventure, or excitement with your chosen character, friendship, family or couple as the star.

    “Some musings Nejaa?”

    “Yes, seeing your son had me thinking about getting one but you know Scerra isn't ready yet. And it had me remembering the case of the Dorsetti holocron and the little boy I have brought to the Jedi. Rostek was in a hurry today when he left his house. We have a case to solve I think.” Nejaa walks with Jess Keana to the office of Rostek Horn and enters it.

    “Thinking about him Nejaa and who's there.” Jess begins to smile.

    “Steve Magaron to help us with an interesting case.” Rostek points at the two empty chairs and waits for the two to take them. “And it involves transports delivered to the Jedi-temple by the Corellian Engineering Corporation. Here is a recording of the history of the corporation.”

    The four men watch silently when the logo of the corporation appears. It is a 12 edged black shape with two yellow circles and the lettering Corellian Engineering Corporation encircling the schematics of the Corellian system. Various factories are seen and the schematics of built craft.

    Nejaa sits upright in his chair when he sees the expression on Rostek's face and hears.

    'Eight years ago our engineers at our corporation began to develop the light freighters of the YT-1300 class. Talaal Oilosse was one of them and he had the first almost built when we got the Jedi to visit us. On Velona 28 the first YT-1300 light freighter was named Millennium Falcon by the Jedi-knight Kaagi Adin who was visiting our factory with Master Yoda and Ronald Delano and his son Rob. It was the day that I managed to sell the YT-1300 to the Jedi. Another one was delivered to the Jedi six years ago. She is the Stellar Envoy and...'

    “She is giving trouble to our engineers.” Nejaa stops the recording.

    “And that is related to our case.” Rostek inserts another disk in the recorder. 'This was sent to me by director Faber.”

    The four men watch it.

    “Now that I have seen that I like to visit Corruul.” Nejaa stands up. “We have a culprit working there who doesn't like Jedi. I will be able to get him. But we need two Jedi-knights for that and our colleague Hems Oilosse is working a case in Cormond.”

    “I can act Jedi.” Steve Magaron smiles. “Get me a green outfit and a cloak and lightsaber and you will have me.”

    “I only have one lightsaber.” Nejaa points at his belt. “But you can borrow some greens and cloak.”

    “We have a lightsaber in our house on display.” Jess gets up. “It belonged to Jarin Keana and for what I know he never used it after becoming a surgeon here in the University hospital. Let's go to your house Nejaa and after that to mine.”

    - - -

    Tony Keana is crawling on the floor in the living room when his father enters with Rostek, Steve and Nejaa. The child looks this and that way. “Dad gween men.”

    “Yes Tony and one of them needs this.” Jess opens the cabinet.

    Steve is now dressed as a Corellian Jedi and receives the lightsaber from Jess. He holds it up and pushes a switch.

    Zzzziiiinnng a white blade is up.

    “Oops.” Steve deactivates it when he sees a brown smudge on the ceiling.

    “Don't try this again Steve.” Jess smiles. “Now it's only some paint. But at the factory let Nejaa do the work. You are there to support him. And we will be waiting for your call.”

    - - -

    Director Tibe Faber had greeted the four CorSec officers in his room and had shown them the lists of workers at the factory. He had been the one to contact CorSec. “I know. Spare parts have been sent to the Jedi-temple but I don't know who has been tampering with them. But with you two showing up...”

    “We can make the difference and ferret the culprit out.” Nejaa senses where all the employees are. “Lunch time in the restaurant?”

    “All of my employees should be there because Garm Jankona is celebrating his 25 years at his work. He will be expecting me to come.”

    “We will search the storage rooms.” Rostek stands up. “Come with me Jess. Coms active and you know the drill.”

    “Shout for back-up when things go south.” Steve follows director Faber and Nejaa Halcyon to the restaurant.

    - - -

    “There he is our director.”

    “But who are those?”


    “What are they doing here?”

    “Do you have Jedi friends Garm?”


    “Maybe just visitors of our director.”



    Director Faber walks to the table where Garm Jankona is with his friends.

    Steve hears the buzz and observes keeping near to Nejaa and seeing one woman not showing interest to the party. She is reaching under the table before she gets her tray from the table. He nudges Nejaa.

    The Corellian Jedi nods once and makes a sign with his hand. Follow her.

    “And him.” Steve whispers when he sees the woman walking past a man who begins to follow her to the exit of the restaurant.

    “Leaving my party?”

    “I am sick of you Jankona.” The woman turns and drops her tray revealing a small blaster. “And you Talaal Oilosse.” She points her blaster at the man sitting next to Garm. “Designing a freighter for the Jedi scum. Getting your son to be trained by the Jedi. Becoming a CorSec officer. Interfering with the business of my brother.”

    “And mine.” The man turns too revealing a blaster.

    “Now Steve.” Nejaa presses his com, ignites his lightsaber and jumps before the man before he can fire his blaster.

    The man surrenders immediately.

    Steve takes the lightsaber from his belt and remembering not to push the switch he takes a few steps to the woman and presses the hilt to the back of her. “Don't try this.”

    “No kidding.” The woman begins to turn. “With that toy?” She activates her blaster.

    Steve jumps up and hits her on her head with the lightsaber.

    The woman drops.

    “Great action instructor Magaron.” Rostek has entered the restaurant. He is near Nejaa and cuffs the subdued man.

    “My lightsaber used as a slamball club.” Jess gets his cuffs and binds the hands of the woman who is trying to stand up.

    “And we will find the evidence in the storage-room.” Rostek remarks. “We were just beginning when we got the call.”

    “And you are fired.” Director Faber is standing before Nejaa and the man. “And you too.”

    “We will take them.” Nejaa begins to walk to the exit. “We have very nice cabins in our transport. And maybe we will stop at Coronet city spaceport and transport you to the Jedi-temple on Coruscant to meet two very angry engineers.”

    The man begins to tremble. “She persuaded me to help her.”

    “You can tell that to the judge.” Jess smiles when he takes his charge to the transport and secures her in one of the cabins and sees Nejaa securing the man. “He will get the final word.” Closing the door of the cabin he whispers “come Nejaa, no Jedi-tales but your acting and that of Steve did the trick. The woman is the main culprit.”

    “And with our CSI-team coming to search the indicated storage room we will have enough evidence to give to the judge.” Nejaa heads to the cockpit.

    “Case solved and here is your slamball club.” Steve takes his seat next to Jess who is taking a recorder. He is tired after the day, beginning with an early meeting with Rostek Horn, travelling to Corruul and all the excitement acting as a Jedi.

    “My diary. This will be a nice entry.” Jess smiles. “Tony will like it when he is old enough to read. And maybe he will begin one too.”

    Steve closes his eyes. Soon he is sleeping. A dream. He is seeing a diary from Tony and there is more. Something about a holocron. About Dooku and an evil Sith. Is it about the future?
  7. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Host: Finish the story, Anagrams & Scattegories. star 8 VIP - Game Host

    Aug 31, 2004
    Very nice conclusion
    earlybird-obi-wan likes this.
  8. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    Thank you
    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha likes this.