  1. In Memory of LAJ_FETT: Please share your remembrances and condolences HERE

I Bought Them All - the Figures, the Ships, even the LEGO! (Part 2)

Discussion in 'Collecting' started by LAJ_FETT , Sep 8, 2012.

  1. PadmeLeiaJaina

    PadmeLeiaJaina Force Ghost star 6

    May 23, 2002
    That's quite a haul
    Jedi Knight88 likes this.
  2. whostheBossk

    whostheBossk Force Ghost star 4

    Apr 16, 2002
    Thanks, actually slowed down lately. Ebay lowered tax bracket to $600/yr so difficult to sell items and make $. And I decided after going over the OT that I should sell some of my army builders who shouldn't be army builders like Imperial officer (Commander Veers), Klaatu, Weequays, Niktos, I had so many. All those lots are bought off Ebay and shows. As for the stores and online orders, I keep those to a minimum.

    How is everyone's holiday shopping list going? Any hard to finds out there?
    PadmeLeiaJaina likes this.
  3. Todd the Jedi

    Todd the Jedi Mod and Loving Tyrant of SWTV, Lit, & Collecting star 7 Staff Member Manager

    Oct 16, 2008
    So I had no idea these were a thing but I got an early Xmas present of some "bitty" Pops, with a set including Leia, C-3PO, R2-D2, and Tarkin. I'm definitely not into the Pop sensation, but I think these little guys are cute.
    DarthHass and PadmeLeiaJaina like this.
  4. Kyle Katarn

    Kyle Katarn Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 10, 1998
    My TVC Ghost will be arriving this weekend. Third TVC HasLab item I have with the Cantina on the way.
    DarthHass and PadmeLeiaJaina like this.
  5. PadmeLeiaJaina

    PadmeLeiaJaina Force Ghost star 6

    May 23, 2002
    I'm moving away from 3 3/4" figures, I just don't have the room for them. However if they ever did a slamming awesome Death Star or Ewok Village or huge Theed playset, I'd be hard pressed to pass them up.
    DarthHass and Jedi Knight88 like this.
  6. cubman987

    cubman987 Friendly Neighborhood Saga/Music/Fun & Games Mod star 7 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 7, 2014
    Just got a few Star Wars items for Christmas this year:

    I always get a new ornament for my Star Wars tree - this years is the Darth Vader vintage action figure Hallmark keepsake.
    Then I got the Episode I set of Doorables.
    And a Death Star popcorn machine!
    Happy Sando and PadmeLeiaJaina like this.
  7. Todd the Jedi

    Todd the Jedi Mod and Loving Tyrant of SWTV, Lit, & Collecting star 7 Staff Member Manager

    Oct 16, 2008
    I also got an ornament- Luke and Vader's duel on Death Star 2. Then I got some Star Wars-themed wooden stirrers and spoons, and an Enoch Pop figure.

    And of course plenty of gift cards to throw at SW books and LEGOs.
  8. Jedi Knight88

    Jedi Knight88 Jedi Master star 4

    Sep 4, 2018
  9. Happy Sando

    Happy Sando Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 23, 2023
    Not really sure where else to put this, but if anybody's interested in a (somewhat belated, apologies) look at what, or indeed who, was in this year's LEGO Star Wars Advent Calendar, I got you covered.



    DarthHass and PadmeLeiaJaina like this.
  10. PadmeLeiaJaina

    PadmeLeiaJaina Force Ghost star 6

    May 23, 2002
    Aww the twins are cute
    Happy Sando likes this.
  11. Todd the Jedi

    Todd the Jedi Mod and Loving Tyrant of SWTV, Lit, & Collecting star 7 Staff Member Manager

    Oct 16, 2008
    Yeah my nephew got that and had lot of fun getting a new figure or fighter every day.
  12. Jedi Knight88

    Jedi Knight88 Jedi Master star 4

    Sep 4, 2018
  13. Todd the Jedi

    Todd the Jedi Mod and Loving Tyrant of SWTV, Lit, & Collecting star 7 Staff Member Manager

    Oct 16, 2008
    I nabbed the Moff Gideon with darksaber Black Series figure at a thrift shop. I love that the holster for his blaster is functional as well.
    Happy Sando and cubman987 like this.
  14. whostheBossk

    whostheBossk Force Ghost star 4

    Apr 16, 2002
    Vintage figures lot -ROTJ Imperial Guard, Rebel Commando, vintage C3PO figure case sealed, vintage Darth Vader beach towel, Lot of 28 & 14 figures- 2-1B, Gamorrean Guards.
    Used work points for TVC TM Cobb Vanth, Moff Gideons Imperial Cruiser playset, Armorer's Forge playset, Ahsoka Thrawn.
    Son's Christmas this year included Corps Rain Fire helicopter (bought in 2017 for $5!), Land of Jawas and Hoth ice planet cardboard and bases, '00 Jurassic Park raptor attack playset, Retro AOTC/ROTS box, TVC Ahsoka Huyang, TM Darktrooper, Deathtrooper, Speeder bike, TLC Jawa, TBOBF female Tusken, and TCW Corp Alliance Tank droid. Got wife TBS Jana.
  15. Jedi Knight88

    Jedi Knight88 Jedi Master star 4

    Sep 4, 2018
  16. whostheBossk

    whostheBossk Force Ghost star 4

    Apr 16, 2002
    Thank you. It was a nice holiday break. I've been going over The Mandalorian and The Book of Boba Fett so had a chance to open some carded figures and playsets to do some set ups.
    Happy Sando and Jedi Knight88 like this.
  17. Jedi Knight88

    Jedi Knight88 Jedi Master star 4

    Sep 4, 2018
    Good For You