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Introduce yerself!

Discussion in 'Archive: Scotland' started by westford, Nov 12, 2002.

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  1. NaomiOrganaSolo

    NaomiOrganaSolo Jedi Knight star 4

    Apr 8, 2005
    Hiya all!

    Name: Naomi
    Age: 19
    Where are you from? Originally from Manchester, but now live in Edinburgh
    What are you doing on the Scottish board? Thought I'd say hello
    Favourite Star Wars episode: ESB - predictable, but true
    Favourite Star Wars character: Han Solo
    If you could be re-incarnated as an animal, what one would you choose? Hmmm. A cat - eat and sleep all day.
    How's the weather? Bit cold
    Tea or coffee? Tea definitely
    Irn Bru or Coca Cola? Like Irn Bru, but prefer Coca Cola
    Whisky or whiskey? Whisky
    Last dream you remember: I was lost in my new flat
    Most embarrassing person you've ever fancied: Erm.... [face_blush]
    Last book you read: The Kitchen God's Wife by Amy Tan
  2. malkieD2

    malkieD2 Ex-Manager and RSA star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jun 7, 2002
    two new women in two days?

    Obviously those stories about us have stopped being spread...........
  3. NaomiOrganaSolo

    NaomiOrganaSolo Jedi Knight star 4

    Apr 8, 2005
    Should I worry about this? [face_worried] :p
  4. Andreas_Lamont

    Andreas_Lamont Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jun 15, 2005
    lol, rumors? about star wars loving male fans? what ever do you mean??? (someone get him quick, before all hell breaks loose :p )

    Still, its nice to see that we scots are as popular as ever ;) (ego self inflating, it will burst soon enough)

  5. malkieD2

    malkieD2 Ex-Manager and RSA star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jun 7, 2002
    NaomiOrganaSolo posted on 6/15/05 2:14pm
    Should I worry about this? [face_worried] [face_tongue]

    um, no - nothing was ever proven in court :)
  6. NaomiOrganaSolo

    NaomiOrganaSolo Jedi Knight star 4

    Apr 8, 2005
    That's good to know!

    DARTH_DONALD Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jun 3, 2005
    no no nothing was ever proven, infact we were cleared of all charges. to think they charged my apprentice and i with hiting that jedi, it was self defence!!!!! he drew his saber first............

  8. MrDankDonk

    MrDankDonk Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 28, 2001

    albeit that this is indeed the scottish star wars board, I must say that there is rather more of the 'i'm a darth, y'know' stuff going on around here than I feel entirely comfortable with ....

    in fact, I may have to ForceChoke the next person that comes away wi' that sort of nonsense :D

    greetings Naomi.

    grab yirself a Buckie and pick yirself a comfy seat.

    DARTH_DONALD Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jun 3, 2005
    you dont want to have a buckie (waves hand in everyones direction)
    you want a bru instead.......
  10. karenec1

    karenec1 Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 16, 2005
    Well, I figured I would introduce myself since I have posted in another thread (and this looks like fun). I hope you all don't mind me barging in.

    Name: Karen
    Age: 27
    Where are you from? Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
    What are you doing on the Scottish board? Um, the Scottish are great. My grandparents with mom and uncles emmigrated to Canada then to the US in the 1960s, but most of my family still lives in Scotland. Going back to visit and take my grandmother's remains home in July.
    Favourite Star Wars episode: ANH -- the one that started it all.
    Favourite Star Wars character: Do I have to choose? Hmmm. I think Luke, Leia, and Chewbacca
    If you could be re-incarnated as an animal, what one would you choose? My cat. She has a powderpuff life.
    How's the weather? Warm and sunny.
    Tea or coffee? yes please. Coffee in the morning, tea in the afternoon.
    Irn Bru or Coca Cola? Irn Bru rules! I wish we could get it in the US.
    Whisky or whiskey? Scotch
    Last dream you remember: My friend's wedding (she is no where near getting married)
    Most embarrassing person you've ever fancied: New Kids on the Block (wow has it been 15 years???)
    Last book you read: Just finished Order of the Phoenix again in prep for the new book.
  11. MrDankDonk

    MrDankDonk Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 28, 2001
    hello karen

    hope ye enjoy yir visit....

    and I'm pretty sure ye can order Irn Bru from some of the 'ex-pats' online stores in the US.

    either that, or post yirself a crate while yir here.
  12. Andreas_Lamont

    Andreas_Lamont Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jun 15, 2005
    hiya karen, were not a bad bunch, compleatly mad, but not bad. glad to see you like to pay us a visit from time to time (in the forums and as well as real life) if your in need of a chat, it doesnt get much better than with the scots folk.

    DARTH_DONALD Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jun 3, 2005
    yeah its always said that were a real friendly nation
  14. karenec1

    karenec1 Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 16, 2005
    Thanks for the warm welcome! I go over there often since I still have a ton of family that still lives over there. I live in New Meixico, so there are no real ex-pat stores I can get Irn Bru from. However, my cousins and I post Mountain Dew for Irn Bru. It costs a fortune to ship it over there, too!

    DARTH_DONALD Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jun 3, 2005
    I'll bet, I tried to get somethin shipped over, that was bout 1 kg and it was goin to cost me a fortune!!
    I'm never orderin oranges again.

    JEDI_KNIGHT_FRAZ Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 18, 2005
    Hey all hows it going?

    Name: Mark
    Age: 21
    Where are you from? Fife, Scotland
    What are you doing on the Scottish board? I'm a Scot myself. I spend a lot of time on the SWC Jedi Trials, and thought I'd try it here.
    Favourite Star Wars episode: ROTS, the battle between Anakin and Obi-Wan was absolutely amazing.
    Favourite Star Wars character: Anakin
    If you could be re-incarnated as an animal, what one would you choose? Probably a tiger, I like them.
    How's the weather? Having a good summer
    Tea or coffee? Coffee
    Irn Bru or Coca Cola? Irn Bru without a doubt.
    Whisky or whiskey? Whiskey
    Last dream you remember: Can't recall it just now. Something mad probably.
    Last book you read: I've just read Tom Clancy, now I'm reading The Vampire Lestat by Anne Rice. It's the follow up to interview with a vampire.
  17. Tone

    Tone Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jul 17, 2005
    Name: Tone
    Age: 36
    Where are you from?: Edinburgh,but I live in Glasgow now.
    What are you doing on the Scottish board?: chatting to like minded people.
    Favourite Star Wars episode: Empire, of course.
    Favourite Star Wars character: Yoda
    If you could be re-incarnated as an animal, what one would you choose?: Cat
    How's the weather?: Sunny, for now
    Tea or coffee?: Tea
    Irn Bru or Coca Cola?: Coke
    Whisky or whiskey?: Lagavulin
    Last dream you remember: I was getting measured for a new bra
    Last book you read: Eleanor Rigby by Douglas Coupland

  18. Tone

    Tone Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jul 17, 2005
    I forgot to mention the most embarrassing person I ever fancied: the lead singer of the Bay City Rollers.
  19. Obi_wan_Kenowlesy

    Obi_wan_Kenowlesy Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jul 23, 2005
    Name:Ben Kenowlesy
    What are wou doing on the star wars board:Writing episode 1 in scottish:p
    Fav Episode:Revenge of the Sith
    Fav character:1,Yoda 2,Han 3,Obi wan 4,Anakin 5,Luke
    If you could be re-incarnated as an animal, what one would you choose?:A would be a wookie cause i have good relations with them.
    Hows the Weather:All am goin tae say is tattooine is far too hot that bloody bastert yoda gets the wee swampy planet n a get the pure big **** desert man.
    Tea or coffee? None a prefer my daily Jedi Juice instead
    Irn Bru or Coca Cola? Irn Bru all the way
    Whisky or whiskey? Whisky
    Last dream you remember: I dreamt that i was in the death star with alot of randoms having to shut down a tractor beam tae get ther ship oot or summit then a met darth vader n he stuck me down.....Like tht could ever happen
    Most embarrassing person you've ever fancied:Emmm I dont fancy ppl....Its not the Jedi way..but i guess tht Yoda guy was pretty sexy I liked his em....Pair of ears.
    Last book you read:The secrets of sex by Ben Dover
  20. Darth-Terrorus

    Darth-Terrorus Jedi Youngling

    Aug 14, 2005
    Name:Jeff Fraser
    Where from:peterhead
    What Am I Doing on a SCOTTISH board:Im Scottish
    Favourate episode:Return of the jedi
    Favourate Character:General Grievous or Vader
    Animal Reincarnation:Eagle
    Weather:Rainy as usual
    Tea or Coffee:Tea
    Iron Bru or Coke:Iron Bru
    Whisky or Whiskey:Neither they both make me puke
    Last Dream I remember:Canna Mine
    Most Embarassing person i ever fancied:Some Quine yi woudna ken
    Last Book i read:Star WArs Dark Rendevous
  21. RedorDead

    RedorDead Jedi Youngling

    Aug 22, 2005
    Just thought I'd say hello, this is my first post on here!

    Just wondering how everyone is, and how is the banter on here?

    Name: Laura
    Age: 23
    Where are you from? Edinburgh, Scotland
    What are you doing on the Scottish board? Thought it would be the best place to start out on the boards.
    Favourite Star Wars episode: ROTS/ESB
    Favourite Star Wars character: Mara Jade
    If you could be re-incarnated as an animal, what one would you choose? A Dog, what an easy life!
    How's the weather? Sunny
    Tea or coffee? Tea
    Irn Bru or Coca Cola? Irn Bru, aslong as I don't have to go to Raul's house to make a sandwich.
    Whisky or whisky? More like Southern Comfort.
    Last dream you remember: I was naked, and it was the first day back at college.
    Last book you read: The Last Command.
  22. MrDankDonk

    MrDankDonk Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 28, 2001
    // thumps chest

    I DIVE !

    good day young lady.
    pull up a chair and rest yir feet on the frst wee bawbag who pops up claiming to be a 'darth'

    (and on a serious note, music technology eh? gies a shout if you ever need work experience contacts, i know few useful folk)
  23. RedorDead

    RedorDead Jedi Youngling

    Aug 22, 2005

    That advert amuses me everytime! What is it with the Irn Bru ads? They are always so good!!

    Good Evening MrDankDonk, can you recommend any particular bawbag to rest my feet on?

    (and to your serious note, I just may take you up on your offer. Its always good to know "useful people".)

  24. MrDankDonk

    MrDankDonk Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 28, 2001
    re: human footstools, well, the trick to being socially successful* on boards like this is to
    a) be female
    b) declare that you are, in fact, a Sith Witch
    c) sit back and enjoy as legions of teenage jedis and darths fall over themselves to impress you/ defend you/ turn you to the dark side

    so pretty much take yir pick :D

    ( * this is very much dependant on yir definition of social success )
  25. jedixesiria

    jedixesiria Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jun 28, 2005
    hello is is all in profile.hello though[face_peace]
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