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Discussion in 'Archive: Scotland' started by westford, Nov 12, 2002.

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  1. veritasuk

    veritasuk Jedi Padawan star 4

    Sep 8, 2004
    Name: Verity
    Age: 29, but not for much longer
    Where are you from? Nottingham, Eng
    What are you doing on the Scottish board? Well I read it often enough, though I may as well post
    Favourite Star Wars episode: ESB / ROTS
    Favourite Star Wars character: Wedge Antilles
    If you could be re-incarnated as an animal, what one would you choose? Cat, sleep and eat, what a brilliant life, not sure about the licking my own bum part tho
    How's the weather? Sunny
    Tea or coffee? Coffee
    Irn Bru or Coca Cola? I can I cant
    Whisky or whisky? Vodka
    Last dream you remember: I had to stop Jason Isaacs stealing from the hotel i was staying at
    Last book you read: All the harry Potter books

  2. Slanir_Tezneech

    Slanir_Tezneech Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 5, 2005
    Name: Lee
    Age: 14
    Where are you from: Manchester
    What are you doing on the Scottish board: I decided to drop in a line
    Favourite Star Wars episode: ROTJ
    Favourite Star Wars character: Darth Maul
    If you could be re-incarnated as an animal, what one would you choose: Python
    How's the weather: Sunny
    Tea or coffee: Tea
    Irn Bru or Coca Cola: Coke
    Whisky or whiskey: Both
    Last dream you remember: Errrrr flying i think
    Most embarrassing person you've ever fancied: My best mates Sister
    Last book you read: HP: Half Blood Prince
  3. rebeljediknight_88

    rebeljediknight_88 Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 15, 2005
    Name: David
    Age: 16 (17 in dacember)
    Where are you from? Worcestershire, Eng
    What are you doing on the Scottish board? just curiosity
    Favourite Star Wars episode: ROTJ / ROTS
    Favourite Star Wars character: Corran Horn/ Mara Jade
    If you could be re-incarnated as an animal, what one would you choose? Falcon
    How's the weather? over cast
    Tea or coffee? tea
    Irn Bru or Coca Cola? coca cola (hats the other one??)
    Whisky or whisky? Real Ale
    Last dream you remember: Im not saying.
    Last book you read: Star Wars:The Cestus Deception
    (its the last novel so far, ive read all the others :D )
  4. darkinhere

    darkinhere Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jun 16, 2005
    Name: Rob
    Age: 34
    Where are you from? Derby, England
    What are you doing on the Scottish board? Just dropped in to say hello. I'm half Scots so I thought someone would welcome me with open arms [:D]
    Favourite Star Wars episode: ESB / ROTS
    Favourite Star Wars character: Evil Anakin
    If you could be re-incarnated as an animal, what one would you choose? Cat. I have 4 and I'd like to see humans from their point of view
    How's the weather? grey and miserable
    Tea or coffee? tea in the morning to wake me up, coffee in the afternoon to keep me awake
    Irn Bru or Coca Cola? Irn bru
    Whisky or whisky? You have to ask?
    Last dream you remember: Something strange involving an aiport.
    Last book you read: Hitch Hikers guide to the Galaxy
  5. MrDankDonk

    MrDankDonk Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 28, 2001
    greeeeetings gentlemen.

    you know, of course, that its traditional for new arrivals to buy a round.......


  6. Cobranaconda

    Cobranaconda Jedi Grand Master star 7

    Mar 3, 2004
    Especially English new arrivals :p
  7. veritasuk

    veritasuk Jedi Padawan star 4

    Sep 8, 2004
    one bottle and.... How many Straws?
  8. timbolton

    timbolton Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Mar 14, 2003
    Name: Tim
    Age: 31 (nearly 32)
    Where are you from? Southport, England
    What are you doing on the Scottish board? Never been on here, so I decided to see how the Northern northerners are doing. Plus I will be near Scotland when I go up to Lindisfarne next Friday
    Favourite Star Wars episode: ANH / ROTS
    Favourite Star Wars character: Han Solo
    If you could be re-incarnated as an animal, what one would you choose? Cat - they have a life of luxury, sleep all day, party all nite.
    How's the weather? Not great.
    Tea or coffee? Tea first thing, then coffee rest of the day
    Irn Bru or Coca Cola? Coca Cola
    Whisky or whisky? I am not frisky! Sorry, need to change my glasses
    Last dream you remember: Was a weird one, in a ruined building looking out onto a ruined landscape, bit like Mars it was orange. And I was stuck with some survivors trying to work out what to do.
    Last book you read: Dan Brown's "the Da Vinci Code"
  9. MrMojoRisin

    MrMojoRisin Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 20, 2005
    Name: John
    Age: 28
    Where are you from? Tennessee, USA
    What are you doing on the Scottish board? Seeing if some cool Scottish guy would send some beer my way. American beer is like water.
    Favourite Star Wars episode: Jedi
    Favourite Star Wars character: Obi-Wan
    How's the weather? Frustrating
    Tea or coffee? Tea
    Irn Bru or Coca Cola? Guiness
    Whisky or whiskey? Whiskey, and don't forget it.
    Last dream you remember: Me and Angelina Jolie....
    Most embarrassing person you've ever fancied: Myself
    Last book you read: The Godfather Returns

    RIDDICK-FETT Jedi Youngling

    Feb 17, 2005
    Name: Jimi
    Age: 19
    Where are you from: Greenock
    What are you doing on the Scottish board: its were im from
    Favourite Star Wars episode: AOTC
    Favourite Star Wars character: Obi Wan
    If you could be re-incarnated as an animal, what one would you choose: A squirrel, love those little guys
    How's the weather: Rainy as usual
    Tea or coffee: Neither
    Irn Bru or Coca Cola: The Bru
    Whisky or whiskey: I'll have 10 of both thank you
    Last dream you remember: beating up my mothers ex boyfriend
    Most embarrassing person you've ever fancied: My 22 year old history teacher (she was mmm mmm good lookin)
    Last book you read: Dune

    By the way, cant afford Bucky, hows bout some White Lightnin?
  11. Obi_wan_Kenowlesy

    Obi_wan_Kenowlesy Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jul 23, 2005
    Who is poor enough to like guiness over irn bru
  12. Obi_wan_Kenowlesy

    Obi_wan_Kenowlesy Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jul 23, 2005
    an american by looks off it
  13. MrDankDonk

    MrDankDonk Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 28, 2001
    welcome to Riddick, Mojo and Mr Bolton.

    Riddick, d'ye know the Chalmers family of Greenock? their old man used to run the tent shop, all the kids are in bands and stuff?

    Mojo. I sent you decent beer, as requested, but US customs were forced to blow it up cos the label had guy with a suspicious looking beard on it.

    Mr Bolton: I once drove to all the way to sunny southport on a cutdown vespa with a fat chap riding pillion, but I do remember it being a very nice place to lie on the grass and ease my backache with drink.
  14. Lord_IceMan

    Lord_IceMan Jedi Youngling star 1

    Nov 9, 2005
    Name: Chris (The Ice Man) Whyte
    Age: 18
    Where are you from? Wales
    What are you doing on the Scottish board? My dad is scottish
    Favourite Star Wars episode: III
    Favourite Star Wars character: Vader
    If you could be re-incarnated as an animal, what one would you choose? Eagle, so i can go high into the skies
    How's the weather? crap
    Tea or coffee? neither
    Irn Bru or Coca Cola? Cola
    Whisky or whiskey? Whisky
    Last dream you remember: Getting a girlfriend haha
    Most embarrassing person you've ever fancied: my form techer in school, wow!!!!
    Last book you read: My formula 1 encyclopedia which weighs 2 stone

    hi scotland from the wretched hive

    mr mojo has a problem
  15. Failed_I_Have

    Failed_I_Have Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jun 23, 2005
    Whats the wretched hive like?

    Any better than in here?
  16. Lord_IceMan

    Lord_IceMan Jedi Youngling star 1

    Nov 9, 2005
    nah both the same...

    all polite, which is nice

    EDIT: a new question for this could whether your with the Empire or the rebels?

    I have of course pledged myself to the empire
  17. Failed_I_Have

    Failed_I_Have Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jun 23, 2005

    try to be clearer
  18. timbolton

    timbolton Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Mar 14, 2003
    Lol, sounds like you had fun, glad you liked Southport :D :cool:
    We have a lot of parks, a beach and pier, so it is really a tourist town above everything else.
  19. Lord_IceMan

    Lord_IceMan Jedi Youngling star 1

    Nov 9, 2005
    EDIT: a new question for this could whether your with the Empire or the rebels?

    I have of course pledged myself to the empire

    sorry i ment. you could ask whether we are with the Empire or the Rebels
  20. MrDankDonk

    MrDankDonk Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 28, 2001
    clearly the empire's preoccupation with conquering the known galaxy has somewhat taken its mind off the teaching of proper grammar in its schools.
  21. Lord_Ogli

    Lord_Ogli Jedi Master star 4

    Oct 5, 2001
    Name: Chris
    Age: 21
    Where are you from? Richmond
    What are you doing on the Scottish board? Thought i'd mosy on over. Never mosy'd anywhere before and thought this would be as gooda place as any.
    Favourite Star Wars episode: 6
    Favourite Star Wars character: hmmm, a toughy.
    If you could be re-incarnated as an animal, what one would you choose? fish.
    How's the weather? Cold
    Tea or coffee? Tea, Earl Grey or Lemon
    Irn Bru or Coca Cola? Diet coke not fat coke.
    Whisky or whiskey? Whisky
    Last dream you remember: Dirty
    Most embarrassing person you've ever fancied: Nicola from girls Aloud.
    Last book you read: Interview with the Vampire.
  22. MrDankDonk

    MrDankDonk Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 28, 2001
    hello Ogli :D

    I personally found the 'Interview with a vampire' books almost impossibly flowery. Historical melodrama dressed up in wampyr clothes.

    DARTH_DONALD Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jun 3, 2005
    hey dd, when the next part of the polis strike back going to be posted? a nation is depending on you man!!!!!![face_praying]
  24. Lord_Ogli

    Lord_Ogli Jedi Master star 4

    Oct 5, 2001
    True, DD, But then I also enjoy the likes of LotR and Dune. I just seem to enjoy ones written by overly intelectuall ppl.
  25. MrDankDonk

    MrDankDonk Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 28, 2001

    want to read 'intellectual', get one of the Ian M Banks sci-fi books.
    'Consider Phlebas' is a good start point, or 'Excession'

    very clever, very funny, very written by a Scottish guy.

    as for "The Polis Strike Back", I'll get on with it when I no longer have to spend what little time I can spare here cleaning up after the weans.
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