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Introduce yerself!

Discussion in 'Archive: Scotland' started by westford, Nov 12, 2002.

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  1. boonta-eve

    boonta-eve Jedi Youngling

    Jan 10, 2006
    Name: Eve
    Age: 14
    Where are you from? Lenzie, it's bout 20 minutes from Glasgow
    What are you doing on the Scottish board? It's were I live
    Favourite Star Wars episode: 5
    Favourite Star Wars character: Chewbacca
    If you could be re-incarnated as an animal, what one would you choose? A lion. Rraww!
    How's the weather? It was snowing a couple of days ago but it's back to rain now.
    Tea or coffee? Coffee
    Irn Bru or Coca Cola? Irn Bru!
    Whisky or whiskey? Whiskey but honestly I didn?t realise there were 2 spellings.
    Last dream you remember: I was being chased by a wolf and I was a rabbit
    Most embarrassing person you've ever fancied: I wanted to marry C-3PO when I was wee
    Last book you read: Wicked
  2. amidala-fan

    amidala-fan Jedi Youngling

    Mar 27, 2006
    name - robbie
    age - 15
    live - motherwell
    fave episode - 1
    fave character - queen amidala
    weather - freezing and grey (as usual)
    tea or coffee - tea (loads of sugar)
    irn bru or coca cola - irn bru
    whisky or whiskey - whisky
    animal to be - dolphin
    last dream remember - designing a dress for kylie minogue
    embarressment fancy - britney spears

  3. MrDankDonk

    MrDankDonk Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 28, 2001
    ah, new faces....

    welcome welcome, feel free to help yirselves to a virtual shandy from behind the virtual bar, pick a comfy looking virtual chair and relax. :D

    but do please remember to occasionally switch off the computer and go outside, particularly as the spring is nearly upon us.
  4. Obi_one_and_only

    Obi_one_and_only Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jul 18, 2001

    Spring and allergies are upon us already. Soon, summer will arrive... :(
  5. Zee Zee

    Zee Zee Jedi Youngling star 2

    Feb 19, 1999
    Name: Ewan
    Age: 37 (going on 38)
    Where are you from? Weggie
    What are you doing on the Scottish board? Jus' lookin' ok?
    Favourite Star Wars episode: wan
    Favourite Star Wars character: obi-wan
    How's the weather? dreicht
    Tea or coffee? You-for-coffee-eh?
    Irn Bru or Coca Cola? Ginger!! fit else?
    Whisky or whiskey? aye, twa whiskies an' nae ice ye soft-nosed southern sassanach
    Last dream you remember: kenny dalgleish scorin' against the english
    Most embarrassing person you've ever fancied: kenny dalgleish fae scorin' against the english
    Last book you read: The Broons
  6. darthpup

    darthpup Jedi Youngling star 1

    Feb 22, 2006
    Name: Dave
    Age: 21 (22 end of May)
    Where are you from? e i o, e i o, Airdrie
    What are you doing on the Scottish board? introducing myself
    Favourite Star Wars episode: III (its the magic number)
    Favourite Star Wars character: both obi-wans
    How's the weather? the sun is in the sky! the SUN is in the sky?
    Tea or coffee? T
    Irn Bru or Coca Cola? you can't beat a bottle o' bru
    Whisky or whiskey? There is nothing quite like a wee grouse
    Last dream you remember: can't write it ;)
    Most embarrassing person you've ever fancied: Brian Laudrup(for scoring that goal against Dundee United on 7th of May 1997(9 in a row))
    Last book you read: hier to the empire (just finished)
    If you could be re-incarnated as an animal, what one would you choose? A Lion sleep for 22 hours eat for 1
  7. stubacca316

    stubacca316 Jedi Youngling

    Jun 15, 2006
    Name: Stewart
    Age: 29
    Where are you from? Glasgow
    What are you doing on the Scottish board? looking for idiots like myself!
    Favourite Star Wars episode: IV
    Favourite Star Wars character: Boba Fett
    If you could be re-incarnated as an animal, what one would you choose? Crocodile
    How's the weather? Stangely hot
    Tea or coffee? Coffee
    Irn Bru or Coca Cola? Sorry but Coke
    Whisky or whiskey? Whisky
    Last dream you remember: Burying someone in the local McDonalds car park
    Most embarrassing person you've ever fancied: My 45 year old boss
    Last book you read: betrayal

  8. merrick_stoller

    merrick_stoller Jedi Master star 2

    May 30, 2006
    hello from springfield, missouri
  9. JED1

    JED1 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 16, 1998
    Greetings Merrick, nice to see you. :)
  10. merrick_stoller

    merrick_stoller Jedi Master star 2

    May 30, 2006
    nice to be here. i love your corner of the world. very beautiful!!
  11. Lozzie_Ess

    Lozzie_Ess Jedi Youngling

    Sep 3, 2006
    Name: Lauren...But Never, ever call me that. Ew.
    Age: 12
    Where are you from?: Edinburgh
    What are you doing on the Scottish board?: Poking around with a very sharp stick.
    Favourite Star Wars episode: ROTS
    Favourite Star Wars character: Padmé.
    If you could be re-incarnated as an animal, what one would you choose?: A cat
    How's the weather?: Wet.
    Tea or coffee?: Tea
    Irn Bru or Coca Cola?: Cola. All the way.
    Whisky or whiskey?: Underage or underage?
    Last dream you remember: *giggle* That's for me to know.
    Most embarrassing person you've ever fancied: I'mnot even gonna attempt to answer this one.
    Last book you read: The Machine Gunners, for English.
  12. Hey a big welcome from myself to the new posters to the Scottish forums, enjoy your stay :D

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