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Science Fiction OPEN Justice League: Apokolips Now

Discussion in 'Role Playing Forum' started by TheAdmiral, Aug 29, 2020.

  1. darthbernael

    darthbernael EU Community Mod, Fuego, Pyrofuego! star 5 Staff Member Manager VIP - Game Winner

    Apr 15, 2019
    IC John Constantine
    Aftermath at Xanadu’s

    “Tarot, tu sais à quel point c'est vague, Xanadu.” John lapsed into the French he pretended he knew so little of. “You know that the reversed King of Swords has several meanings, but in this case, yes, there is something coming.” He brushed his glove covered hand through the mess of his hair.

    ”Find Zatanna, hmmmm, last I recall she wasn’t a big fan of mine. But needs must when the Devil drives, or so says the bayou.” He flicked his cig, negligently putting it out in something that looked vaguely mystical before knocking another from the pack, flicking a finger and lighting it as he took a drag.

    He thought about the JLD and where they could possibly be right now. He’d thought he’d heard they were spread out dealing with various issues, but as long as he got ahold of one they could all be warned. Sighing, rubbing the stubble of his face, ”So where is she?” he wearily asked.

    Xanadu gave him a dry smile "Don't be such a smartass..." she chuckled amused "I know it can have several meanings, this is not the first time I have read the cards." she looked him straight in the eyes "Who is the fortune-teller here?" she tilted her head.

    The Madame shrugged "That is between you and Zee." there was a twinkle in her eyes. "I am not a marriage councillor, although some people like to think that I am." she murmured the last part "And do try not to burn my place down." she said as she stood up and took his cigarette from his mouth and put out.

    "Bobo should know." Bobo was a talking chimp, who wore a Sherlock Holmes hat and he had the same keen mind as that fictional character "After all they are team-mates. He is probably at the Oblivion Bar."

    "Ta-ta John!" she made a shoo sign with her fingers "I hope I won't see you soon." she smirked.

    John shook his head, ”You know me too well, Xanadu, so you know I’ll always be a smartass. Oblivion Bar, hmm, ok.”

    He shook another cig from the pack, lighting it with a finger again as he lifted it to his lips, nodded and wandered out of the shop. As the door shut behind him he glanced around, not sensing Swamp Thing anywhere nearby. A few steps down the road there was a solid thump and he glanced over at what had been an empty stretch along the road.

    Shaking his head, he walked to his front door, it opening before him as he slipped inside. Sighing, feeling the comforting embrace of the House of Mystery, he sat down to think for a moment. The House would follow him if he thought it, and so it had come to Xanadu’s. But now...he lifted his voice, ”Nearest weak spot where I can slip through the boundaries and reach the Oblivion Bar. Make it snappy”

    He didn’t feel the movement, as he reclined, smoking the cig slowly, considering what Xanadu had told him. A wry smile touched his face, wondering if Bobo would even want to tell him where Zatanna was, even if the fate of the world was on the line. A short time passed and then he got the sense that they had arrived.

    Slipping out of the front door once more he shook his head, of course, an old meat packing district, the iron smell of blood somehow felt like it continued to hang in the air even though it was now mostly abandoned buildings. Raising his senses, he followed the thin thread of energy inside one, to the slaughter floor. By a rusty, dark colored drain, he found what he sought.

    Concentrating he opened a portal, the sights, sounds, and smells of the bar filtering through. Sending a thought to the House to wait until he knew where he was headed next, he slipped through and found himself by the coat check desk. ”Don’t ask for it, it will eat the other coats and then you.”

    TAG: @TheAdmiral
  2. Darth_Elu

    Darth_Elu Chosen One star 7

    Jan 2, 2003
    Martian Manhunter IC:
    ~Hall of Justice, Washington DC, United States~

    The martian watched silently as the exchanges played out, noting how Captain Atom ordered the agents to remain behind yet basically dismissing Aquaman as if he were no one. Despite the fact that he was a hero to the entire world and a King.

    Atom was going for a certain bravado that only bearing the full weight of America’s demands could bring. For all intents and purposes, for this moment, he was the United States. Impressive, but not necessarily a good thing when trying to apply pressure to a neutral entity like the Justice League.

    His gaze was also thrown his way and Martian Manhunter returned it without any change to his expression. He knew he was being mentally probed and didn’t care. Nothing to hide and indeed, it was all readily shown. As well as the fact that there would be no budging.

    We will have to see if we can prove him wrong, otherwise this may not end well.

    As the silver man lead the way to the Hall of Justice, quite intentionally done if he was to play the ‘obvious’ card, Martain Manhunter allowed himself to follow for now. In the end, who was first to the building and who was last didn’t matter. Such minor nuances of pride did not sway him. If anything, his eyes were back on Aquaman.

    ~He had disrespected the League,

    He had disrespected the Kingdom of Atlantis

    But perhaps most of all he disrespected the fact that Superman stood for not just America but all of humanity.

    If they let him in, the Justice League would quickly shift into yet another political, diplomatic and military pawn for the United States. His mind was made up, if the League let him in. Aquaman was done.~

    Troubling thoughts, but not ones he could blame the Atlantean for. In an effort to quell his rage as Atom spoke with Wonder Woman, he reached out telepathically to the Monarch to reassure him.

    <My apologies for the intrusion, Arthur.>

    If Aquaman were to look at the Manhunter, he would bow his head just slightly to show his acknowledgement.

    <While I do not understand why the United States thinks they can muscle their way in even without Superman present, I assure you there is no way any of us will allow the League to become pawns of any country. We stand with you in your thoughts on the matter. For now, let us just see what the Captain thinks he can achieve. It will tell us much.>

    Just as he was finishing this telepathic message to his aquatic comrade, Shazam was floating over to him and whispering. ‘MM’ leaned his head toward him to listen.

    “The Justice League can relocate to international waters or even space….right?”

    Manhunter looked at him. “You are correct, though quick to consider relocation. Let us see how diplomacy plays out. I tend to refuse such absolute negotiations until actual negotiations take place. Things change.”

    He glanced ahead of them again, paying close attention to the exchange between Amazonian and Atom. For the time being Diana was doing perfectly and so the green-skinned member of the League remained silent, merely allowing his presence to bolster her as she would know he was right there incase she needed him.

    “If it comes to it,” he continued with his own whisper, “We can do so. Though it will not be as simple as that. We will need to negotiate with the United Nations to determine a temporary site to base our operations out of until we can decide on a permanent solution and gather the resources necessary.”

    These words, he was sure Shazam already knew whether consciously or in the back of his mind, but it was spoken so even those nearby could hear. Such as Green Arrow and Flash. Especially Aquaman again and Batman. Not so much Atom and Wonder Woman, but the others so the thought was in their minds. Those with the implied resources and diplomatic pull, so they could figure out in their heads what they would need to contribute already just incase.

    He did not agree with jumping to conclusions, but it was best to have everyone on the same page for every eventuality. The first step was knowing a probable reality.

    Tag: Aquaman, Shazam, Captain Atom, Wonder Woman, Batman, Flash, Green Arrow, Whomever Else is Present

    @Shadowsun @greyjedi125 @The Jedi in the Pumas @Kurisan @TheAdmiral

    Deathstroke IC:
    ~Rooftops near the Iceberg Lounge, Gotham City~

    Deathstroke. I’m guessing I’m not the job?”

    Slade was amused by the comment as he held his position, knowing full well that they’d be interrupted by the other member of the altercation any moment now.

    “That would depend on how big my bank account suddenly gets since speaking with you.”

    And that was when, yes, the interruption came. A little earlier than expected actually, but something he could work with.

    “It’s time to teach you a lesson, sucker. Welcome to Bane’s Kingdom, Deathy. Stand back while I deal with the boy!”

    Kite Man. Deathstroke had some reservations of his own about the man’s ability to take on Red Hood, but if he wanted a crack at him, then so be it. As the explosive mini-kites began to come down, the legendary assassin began to back away while tracking Hood’s movements.

    Before he could really start moving though, he got that sense he always did when something was about to occur. Something that wanted him dead. How asinine. A lot had wanted him dead over the years. Some even succeeded.

    He was still here.

    The swords began to appear and touch his back. They were stealthy and quick. Impressive. But he was fast too.

    In that second that was needed, he leaned forward to both put slightly more distance between his body and the blades and generate that much more thrust into his backwards kick, forcing the opponent away with a vicious body strike. As he straightened and span, his arsenal had switched to a sword in each of his hands as well. Mimicking his new foe.

    He took them in silently for a heartbeat.

    Talon. How interesting. It must be night of the assassins in Gotham.”

    This could be a worthy fight he now had on his hands and an unexpected one. An interruption he had not accounted for. The fact that he was immediately targeted like this revealed it was unlikely the man was with Bane. And there was no way he was affiliated with Joker or partnered with Red Hood.

    Interesting without question.

    Deathstroke began to recalculate certain scenarios in his head immediately while trying to keep to his original plan, just with a bit longer of a detour now present. How long that detour turned out to be was uncertain, but he’d get there all the same.

    He adopted his ready stance as he faced the man and put some distance between where he stood and where the mini-kites were about to explode in a few seconds.

    “I suppose I’ll have to beat the reason you’re targeting me out of you.”

    Tag: Talon, Red Hood, & Kite Man @The Jedi in the Pumas @greyjedi125
  3. The Jedi in the Pumas

    The Jedi in the Pumas Force Ghost star 5

    Jun 23, 2018
    Hall of Justice, Washington D.C

    Atom was not amused, despite the smile on Wonder Woman's face. Physically, he did not react to her words at first, but the Martian Manhunter would catch the annoyance and irritation that flared in the super soldier's mind. That glimpse would also reveal the truth of what Captain Atom had said before: His strength and abilities, though not completely revealed to the Manhunter, were formidable and comparable to the last son of Krypton. How had someone like this gone unnoticed for so long?

    He silver man folded his arms and nodded with a smirk. A smirk that was as fake as the day was long.

    "I'm picking up what you're putting down, ma'am. I can understand the hesitation and wanting more time to come to a consensus on the future of the Justice League. I will notify the President of the League's request for more time. However, I hope you understand the situation in Kahndaq with Black Adam...It is an international relations problem and the US will not be requiring the Justice League's presence. In fact, ma'am, since the relationship between your Justice League and the US government requires...more time to be reaffirmed, consider this a direct warning: The Justice League is not to interfere in the situation in Kahndaq."

    There was no fear in the voice of a man that was clearly threatening the Justice League. He did not give them a chance to respond as he began to rise in the air.

    "I will be handling the Kahndaq Crisis, personally. When I return, I hope to hear that the League has considered what would be best for everyone involved. The time is coming, ma'am, as the Crisis in Kahndaq is showing, when metas are going to have to choose a side. Metas with no allegiances, like Black Adam's army, they destabilize the world. The President and I will not allow anyone to destabilize the homeland. Good day to you all!"

    The Captain flew out of the doors they entered thru and away into the skyline; the black SUVs pulling away and following on the road behind.

    The message was clear: Should the Justice League interfere in the Crisis in Kahndaq, they would find themselves opposite the US Government...


    Tag: @Kurisan @greyjedi125 @Darth_Elu @Shadowsun @TheAdmiral
  4. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    IC: The Joker
    Penguin's Lounge gets a new door

    In typical fashion, Riddler was explosive as ever, and Joker smacked his lips in satisfaction as he hopped and skipped away from the fire of the goons, taking pot-shots as he went, completely ignorant of Harley. When the rope entangled her, he took a pot-shot at the string, but he wasn't looking to see if it succeeded or not, and the place was coming down in the middle of kites and red and who knows what.

    All he could was laugh and laugh.

    Everyone had gone out of their mind!

    That was the thing; everyone underestimated the clown, in the heat of the moment. They all focused upon the flashy ones, and he didn't have to be flashy all the time. He watched them all go off raring in a dozen directions, diving under a table and holding his hand to his lips to stifle a chuckle, much akin to a naughty child.

    As Bane and Mr Freeze stepped out the wreckage, sneering and snarling, Joker stepped up from his cubby hole and draped his hands across their shoulders, hanging between them.

    "So what did I miss, guys?"

    TAG: @Shadowsun, @The Jedi in the Pumas
  5. Shadowsun

    Shadowsun Force Ghost star 4

    Jun 26, 2017
    IC: Harley Quinn
    How dare you!

    The neon net launched across the room, giving a tight snug around Harley Quinn. She looked up confused, and then turned briefly toward the Joker. Instinctively she dropped her bat to the floor, her body dragged across the room.

    "Mistah J!" She yelled, confused by the clown of Gotham seemingly unbothered by her being stolen away. She began to wriggle in the net, trying to bring it up to her mouth to bite her way out. She continued to squirm, yelling a cocktail of expletives as she was dragged away. There was little she could do, little she help her puddin' with, which brought her nothing but angst and annoyance.

    TAG: @The Jedi in the Pumas @Sinrebirth

    IC: Aquaman

    Hall of Justice, Washington D.C.

    Arthur's temper cooled, grateful for the fact Wonder Woman and Martian Manhunter being of the same mind as himself.

    <My apologies for the intrusion, Arthur.>

    Arthur turned to meet his gaze, giving a curt nod, indicating to continue.

    <While I do not understand why the United States thinks they can muscle their way in even without Superman present, I assure you there is no way any of us will allow the League to become pawns of any country. We stand with you in your thoughts on the matter. For now, let us just see what the Captain thinks he can achieve. It will tell us much.>

    <Good, I should hope so and agreed, I was always willing to hear him out, but the nerve of this guy>

    Aquaman then turned his gaze back to the exchange between Wonder Woman and Atom. His face remained placid and stoic, perhaps hiding a deeper emotion. Aquaman slowly waltzed over to Shazam and the Martian having a small aside of the potential of relocating the League's Headquarters. He leaned over, whispering quietly so they could hear.

    "The Kingdom of Atlantis would of course be willing to lend any assistance required." He gave another hearty slap on Shazam's back, giving another beaming smile. Turning back over to the current 'negotiation' he smiled further at Diana's response.

    The silver skinned man, gave a hasty response, warning them against interfering with Kahndaq and then whizzed off.

    "Huh...well that was interesting..." muttered Aquaman aloud. "Perhaps we should let him just deal with Kahndaq, if he fails they will realize the importance of the league and if he wins then that's a threat taken care of, a win win in my book." He looked round to the rest of the League, curious to their thoughts.

    TAG: @TheAdmiral @The Jedi in the Pumas @Darth_Elu @Kurisan @greyjedi125
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2020
  6. greyjedi125

    greyjedi125 Chosen One star 6

    Apr 29, 2002
    IC: Shazam
    Hall of Justice, Washington D.C.

    Shazam touched down as Aquaman joined him and the Martian Manhunter. In his mind, it wouldn’t be proper to float ‘above’ the Atlantean King.

    As his feet touched the ground, he listened intently to what was being said.

    "The Kingdom of Atlantis would of course be willing to lend any assistance required."

    Shazam didn’t get to react, even as an unexpected slap to his back from Aquaman caught him completely by surprise, causing him to blink several times. Again, he marveled at the man’s strength.

    In short order, Captain Atom departed within moments, after exchanging choice words with Wonder Woman and by default, all League members present.

    Shazam frowned as he was left with a feeling of displeasure and disappointment.

    "Huh...well that was interesting..." muttered Aquaman aloud. "Perhaps we should let him just deal with Kahndaq, if he fails they will realize the importance of the league and if he wins then that's a threat taken care of, a win win in my book."

    Shazam found himself shaking his head. Black Adam possessed all the powers of 'Shazam' and wielded them without restraint. He used his 'gift' to fulfill his selfish agendas. Black Adam’s villainy presented a greater danger than the others probably realized, with the likely exception of Wonder Woman, who also had the power of Zeus coursing through her.

    “Has anyone considered the citizens of Kahndaq…?” Shazam put in, concern heavy in his voice. “If those two come to actual blows, how many innocents will suffer needlessly because of it?”

    Big Red searched the faces of his fellow heroes. Black Adam was not going to ‘just back down’ because a shiny man with silver skin demanded it.

    “Can we somehow monitor the conflict as it happens?” Shazam inquired, turning to regard J’onn J’onzz.

    Tag: @TheAdmiral, @Darth_Elu, @Shadowsun, @Kurisan, @The Jedi in the Pumas
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2020
  7. TheAdmiral

    TheAdmiral Chosen One star 4

    Mar 28, 2004
    Hall of Justice, Washington DC, the United States

    Batman observed what was going on. He disapproved of Arthur’s posturing, but said nothing. Fighting on two fronts could prove disastrous, given what Hal had revealed to them. He did not want them to allow the government to interfere or learn too much about their identities, but that did not mean that they have to fight them either.

    Diana was the warrior diplomat of the three, now that Clark was away she was going to speak from their behalf. That suited Bruce just fine as his place was in the shadows, not in the proverbial spotlight.

    So the Captain had decided to act like the boss of them. Bruce scoffed silently. Another cocky fool. That was the problem with super powers. It made people reckless and irresponsible. But this could be an opportunity to learn of the man’s weaknesses and also to find a way to infiltrate the government.

    Funny, the government allowing them to continue. The League was there to benefit the whole world, not a single country. The whole situation was worrying. There were squabbles among countries, but not like that. There was a Superhero Arms Race and that could prove as destructive as a nuclear war, if not more.

    Bruce could see the damage that the Captain had done. He had sowed dissent among their ranks. Some were outright enraged, others were… considering the option. That was not good. His mind was telling him that this was part of a bigger plot. But was the Captain a willing participant or a pawn?

    Hearing Billy’s whisper he nodded to him. Yes, WayneCorp was building a space station in orbit, calling it the Watchtower, but it was not nearly complete. That was meant for the next phase. There were also plans for a Moonbase, though there was that Eclipso problem. Earth required a multilayered defense system.

    Not to mention Brother Eye…

    It seems even the normally calm Wonder Woman had been ticked off by the attitude. Everyone was on edge these days. Bruce said nothing… again. There was no point in antagonising the Captain. His mind was racing, formulating plans and contingencies.

    The Martian Manhunter was the voice of reason as usual and Batman was thankful for that. What the Captain said worried him. The US government handling Black Adam, that would cause even more ripples in the ever unstable region. Most people recognized that the League and the Government were separate entities so there were fewer diplomatic problems.

    The last threat made Batman narrow his eyes. A sure sign that he did not take it lightly. “Things are moving too fast. I am going back to Gotham.” he stated flatly and turned to leave.

    Kara had been listening silently, observing the exchange. She did not like the situation at all. “Maybe I can talk with Lena, she can pull some strings in the government?” she asked “I can also monitor, though as a Kryptonian I am vulnerable to magic...”

    Green Arrow decided to interject “Maybe Cyborg can hack into their networks and monitor from within?”

    Barry stood there silent, there was nothing much that he could do.

    Jessica Cruz stepped in “Me and Baz are the only Lanterns on Earth and we can monitor as well, especially given that Baz is from the region...” she gave a tentative smile.

    TAG: @Kurisan @Darth_Elu @The Jedi in the Pumas @Shadowsun @greyjedi125

    Arkham Asylum

    “Can’t say I missed you.” Harvey grinned and scratched his stubble that was growing “Well, a normal day in Arkham I must say.” the amount of breakouts from the looney bin was staggering “Though this time it is different. This time it is not one of your usual menagerie of crazies. A regular Joe had been snatched by one of them Talons.” he huffed and fished a cigarette from his pocket ignoring the quip about his colleagues.

    TAG: @galactic-vagabond422 @Kurisan

    The Oblivion Bar

    The bar was a gathering place for all those mystical, magical and occult figures that did not like hanging out with the leotard wearing heroes and villains. They were more of the Goth variety, along with some Steampunk cosplayer wannabes and potential LARP enthusiasts.

    “Hey John, long time no seen!” Bobo said from behind the counter, he was bartending that evening “Name your poison.” he then leaned forward “If you cause trouble like the last time I am gonna kick you out myself!” he gave a wide and toothy Chimp grin.

    TAG: @darthbernael
  8. Darth_Elu

    Darth_Elu Chosen One star 7

    Jan 2, 2003
    Martian Manhunter IC:
    ~Hall of Justice, Washington DC, United States~

    <Good, I should hope so and agreed, I was always willing to hear him out, but the nerve of this guy.>

    <I understand, but try not to let him get under your skin. It makes it easier for him to provoke you if he wishes.>

    Martian Manhunter quietly sensed Captain Atom’s annoyance and irritation at his interaction with Wonder Woman, which was entirely unsurprising given the circumstances. But it did reveal a measure of depth to the man’s strength and abilities.

    They were powerful and well within Superman’s range.

    Somehow, J’onn was convinced the Captain had allowed such a leak into his mind on purpose. At least to a degree. It was surprising that someone of his ability had gone unnoticed for so long, but then, when one didn’t wish to be found. Or, perhaps more accurately, when a government didn’t want someone to be found…sometimes it could be notoriously difficult to have a say otherwise.

    In the end, the man was formidable. But he was severely underestimating the Justice League in return. As was the entire United States of America’s administration evidently. Two halves of the same coin as the human adage went.

    The fact that he warned them not to interfere in Kahndaq was alarming, but not as much as it could have been, because the whole conversation had been pointing in that direction. The Justice League was never going to bow their heads to the USA.

    They wouldn’t listen here either.

    So many assumptions and underestimations occurring it was nearly dizzying, even to him. Still, that didn’t make things any easier for the U.S. or the Justice League. They would need to be exceedingly careful.

    As Atom flew off, Manhunter merely watched him go and idly tracked his flight speed before turning to face the others as they immediately began speaking about the next course of action. Logical.

    Aquaman’s words were understandable, but not quite sensible. They sound logical but forgot an important fundamental issue at play. One that Shazam brought up readily.

    “Shazam is right, we need to think of the citizens. It is they are who the most important part of this equation. As for monitoring, there are ways, but I think being there will still be the best option.”

    “Things are moving too fast. I am going back to Gotham.”

    “I am sorry to see you go, Batman, but take care of yourself. I will alert you if we need any assistance.”

    “Maybe I can talk with Lena, she can pull some strings in the government? I can also monitor, though as a Kryptonian, I am vulnerable to magic…”

    “Maybe Cyborg can hack into their networks and monitor from within?”

    “Me and Baz are the only Lanterns on Earth and we can monitor as well, especially given that Baz is from the region…”

    Manhunter closed his eyes and processed all of this information and resulting suggestions, thinking of what might be best.

    “Wonder Woman, this is your call. But here is my suggestion.

    Supergirl, you might be important in Kahndaq, even with your vulnerability. I would be ready just incase. Cyborg hacking American networks would be a good idea, but only if he thinks he can do so without detection, otherwise it serves only to agitate the U.S. further.”

    Here the green martian turned to face the woman Lantern that was with them, “Jessica, I imagine you will be needed here to monitor other world events, if the others agree with me. One Lantern should always be on standby. Baz, the fact that you are from the region will go a long way in helping with Kahndaq. You can give us any information regarding the geography and culture we otherwise wouldn’t have, and more importantly, you may be able to connect with the people better.

    "Flash, your skills will be imperative, I imagine. Green Arrow, your skills would be best suited to aiding Jessica monitor other events, I think. Your flexibility in dealing with a multitude of scenarios helps with that should a need to respond arise.

    "Aquaman, Wonder Woman, and Shazam; two of you have the strength and diplomatic backgrounds necessary to spearhead the Kahndaq situation. One has critical information. Shazam, now might be the time to inform us exactly what it means to be one blessed with your power. As for myself, I leave that to Wonder Woman. I am perhaps the best suited to monitoring events, but I can also take part in the mission with my abilities.

    “In the end, I believe we need to still get to Kahndaq, but due to the international diplomacy now at stake, we only monitor in real time as events progress. Let the Americans and Captain Atom try to deal with Black Adam as Aquaman has suggested, but with plans in place in the moments things potentially go wrong. If they go well, that is good. As for what we are doing while we monitor?

    “That should be clear and Shazam has already touched on this. The citizens. The fighting will be intense, I imagine, so we need to convince the innocent people to evacuate and help oversee their safety as they do so until we have to move in. If things require more drastic action, we can split up into two groups. One to continue the evacuation and one to confront or de-escalate the situation with Black Adam and Captain Atom. We should also send a representative to the United Nations to get their backing in what would initially be a neutral humanitarian purpose for our presence that would in no way endanger the Americans’ presumptive mission. If we have to step in, it will be because they are clearly in need of assistance.”

    He let out a breath, not used to talking quite so much.

    “This is the best plan from my viewpoint, but if anyone has a better suggestion, please share. I do mistake some things from time to time.”

    J’onn smiled as he waited their opinions and the Amazonian Princess’ final word on the matter.

    Tag: Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Shazam, Flash, Green Arrow, Supergirl, Batman, Jessica Cruz, & Baz (as well as anyone I’m missing in the background)

    @TheAdmiral @Kurisan @Shadowsun @greyjedi125
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2020
  9. Kurisan

    Kurisan Jedi Master star 4

    Apr 26, 2016
    Wonder Woman
    Hall of Justice, Washington DC


    Diana watched, her smile never leaving her face, as Captain Atom delivered his cute parting threat and then whizzed away. She was almost disappointed. It would have been interesting to see what he could really do. But she reminded herself this was not a time for fun. Serious business was at hand and she had achieved her objective: the situation was diffused without violence and the Justice League was able to now decide their strategy.

    There was some whispered conversation evidently already happening between J’onn and the others as Diana only caught the end of it. She heard Arthur offer Atlantis as a new base of operations.

    The King then made the comment that they let the US – and Atom – just go and deal with Black Adam themselves. Billy, however, thought this could lead to innocent casualties and wanted the League to at least monitor. J’onn saw this wisdom, too. Diana suspected he had telepathically reached out to calm Arthur as well.

    Bruce – in his characteristic terse way – simply stated his intention to go back to Gotham.

    Diana smiled. Not one single person had even mentioned the idea they consider the US government terms and permit Captain Atom to enter the ranks of the League. It was not even on the agenda, it seemed, and the League was united on this. This pleased the Amazonian princess, for it was her own opinion, too.

    Instead, the discussion had switched to other items; a new base of operations for one thing. Diana did not concern herself so much with this. A place to meet was useful, but a building of bricks and mortar was not essential. The most important assets the Justice League had were its members; the people present.

    Still, Arthur had offered Atlantis; an unassailable stronghold and perfect staging point to reach anywhere in the world. And if they needed to work on US soil, Bruce was going back to secure the Batcave and all his materiel. This would be a very well-equipped “safe house” and clandestine base if for any reason the League needed it.

    Kara, Oliver and the Lanterns all offered to run monitoring operations on the US government. Diana nodded. That seemed wise, not just to watch the Americans, but also to see what new threats they were reacting to.

    J’onn gave a thoughtful and extended speech on the possible strategy choices facing the League. It was time to address the question of the moment: Kahndaq.

    Diana stepped forward, giving a nod to J’onn. She said to the Martian, “Thank you for your wise words, as always.”

    She faced Kara, Oliver, Baz and Jessica. “Thank you, too. I think each of your proposed monitoring missions will be useful. Please proceed.”

    Then she turned to Arthur, J’onn, Barry and Billy.

    She said, “Arthur, I understand exactly how you feel, but I am afraid I agree with Billy. We must rise above the pettiness of the US government and lead the world. Where innocent lives at are stake, we must act.”

    J’onn had suggested many nuances on what act might mean, but Diana knew their presence in Kahndaq would inevitably mean much more than just monitoring or de-escalating. There was no point hiding from that fact.

    She sighed. “I do not think Atom wants to fight us. He has backed down once already. Maybe on a faraway battlefield, when it really matters, we can find a way to work together with him…”

    She made eye-contact with J’onn. “So, it seems you were right. Perhaps I should go to Kahndaq after all. We will need a global hub of communications, something that cannot be compromised…” like a superhuman telepath to relay messages between all our members…

    Finally, she turned back to Bruce. A look passed between the two veteran warriors, an understanding between two people that had lost count of how many times they had saved each other’s lives. “I regret but understand your decision. You’ll keep an eye out for us?”

    TAG: @TheAdmiral @Darth_Elu @The Jedi in the Pumas @Shadowsun @greyjedi125
  10. Shadowsun

    Shadowsun Force Ghost star 4

    Jun 26, 2017
    Hall of Justice, Washington DC

    Arthur leaned against a wall, setting the Trident of Neptune to one side, as he stroked his chin, listening and contemplating what the others had to say. Aquaman's temperament was much calmer than before, it seemed everyone was in agreement that this 'Captain Atom' would not be joining the team. It didn't even need to be said.

    “Has anyone considered the citizens of Kahndaq…? If those two come to actual blows, how many innocents will suffer needlessly because of it?”

    The Atlantean King opened his mouth to respond to Shazam but before he did both Martian Manhunter and Wonder Woman responded in turn.

    “Shazam is right, we need to think of the citizens. It is they are who the most important part of this equation. As for monitoring, there are ways, but I think being there will still be the best option.”

    “Arthur, I understand exactly how you feel, but I am afraid I agree with Billy. We must rise above the pettiness of the US government and lead the world. Where innocent lives at are stake, we must act.”

    "Right, right of course, I was just thinking out loud more than an actual suggestion, we could always step in if necessary" his attention then turned to J'onn who gave a detalied analysis of the best way to move forward.

    "Aquaman, Wonder Woman, and Shazam; two of you have the strength and diplomatic backgrounds necessary to spearhead the Kahndaq situation. One has critical information. Shazam, now might be the time to inform us exactly what it means to be one blessed with your power. As for myself, I leave that to Wonder Woman. I am perhaps the best suited to monitoring events, but I can also take part in the mission with my abilities.

    “In the end, I believe we need to still get to Kahndaq, but due to the international diplomacy now at stake, we only monitor in real time as events progress. Let the Americans and Captain Atom try to deal with Black Adam as Aquaman has suggested, but with plans in place in the moments things potentially go wrong. If they go well, that is good. As for what we are doing while we monitor?

    Arthur nodded along as J'onn spoke, agreeing with course of action. "Yes, I quite agree J'onn, an further assessment of the enemies capabilities, strengths, numbers and power will be crucial before making any action" He paused, hand on his chin, his mind now in full strategist mode.

    "Of course, we don't want to go in guns blazing with no idea what we are doing." He said this with a slight chuckle at the end, perhaps a little dig at how Captain Atom essentially barged into the League having no idea the capabilities the League possessed.

    He then strode over to Batman, resting one hand on his left shoulder.

    "Let us know if you need anything, alright Bruce?" He spoke softly, changing from the serious demeanor of King mere moments ago to that of a friend.

    TAG: @TheAdmiral @Kurisan @greyjedi125 @Darth_Elu @The Jedi in the Pumas
  11. greyjedi125

    greyjedi125 Chosen One star 6

    Apr 29, 2002
    IC: Shazam
    Hall of Justice, Washington DC

    Billy was relieved that everyone seemed to agree on safeguarding innocent civilians. The question now was how exactly to go about it. Monitoring Captain Atom’s activity was a good start, however, going to Kahndaq would ultimately end in inevitable confrontation, which was exactly what they were trying to avoid.

    But what other option did they really have?

    “I’m pretty certain I can keep his magics off of you…” Shazam said, glancing at Supergirl, and speaking a bit out of turn. He continued to listen and managed to keep his peace until the appropriate time.

    J’onn’s plan was a solid one as far as he could tell, to which he agreed with, giving the Martian Manhunter a solid nod, while feeling impressed.

    Silently, he disagreed with Wonder Woman’s conclusion regarding Atom not wanting to fight them. The man was the 'bullying-type', plain and simple. He showed them as much. If he were a betting man, Shazam would wager a King’s Ransom that the silver skinned soldier was itching for a fight with any super, just to prove a point.

    Thankfully, he was not a betting man, nor did he have a King’s Ransom.

    Still, he could only hope that the Amazon Princess was right about it all, as it was, the pieces were already moving.

    It was good that a Green Lantern familiar with the region would be going with them on the mission. Unfortunately, Batman had pressing business in Gotham and could tarry no longer, much less go on a mission on foreign soil.

    ‘Shazam, now might be the time to inform us exactly what it means to be one blessed with your power.’

    Billy thought over the question for a moment.

    “About my powers, what exactly would you like to know?” Shazam inquired of the Martian Manhunter.

    Having the Justice League leadership ask questions was the best way to answer them, otherwise, he was afraid to simply generalize and answer in a way that would not benefit the needs of the moment.

    “I’m pretty much an open book.” He added, and did his best to showcase a confident smile.

    Tag: @Darth_Elu, @Kurisan, @Shadowsun, @TheAdmiral, @The Jedi in the Pumas
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2020
  12. Darth_Elu

    Darth_Elu Chosen One star 7

    Jan 2, 2003
    Martian Manhunter IC:
    ~Hall of Justice, Washington DC, United States~

    J’onn nodded quieted as everyone seemed to agree with his assessment of the situation and Wonder Woman even turned to make full eye contact near the end.

    “So, it seems you were right. Perhaps I should go to Kahndaq after all. We will need a global hub of communications, something that cannot be compromised…”

    “Agreed, but until a neutral site can be built, we will need to locate a temporary one for the time being. And before that…”

    He caught the look in Diana’s eyes, he knew full well where she was going, and he agreed. If not for the long term.

    “…I can easily substitute as a communication measure with my telepathic abilities.”

    As the others began bidding their farewells to Batman, J’onn looked over at Shazam who was now inquiring about his own statement for specifics.

    “About my powers, what exactly would you like to know? I’m pretty much an open book.”

    “Hm…” he mused for a moment, considering the question carefully while allowing the others time to refocus back on the main conversation. When he sensed they had, he asked.

    “The nature of them, for a start. The extent of your abilities and how Black Adam fully connects to them. His history as your predecessor as you claimed. I am estimating that if he was, his abilities are at least similar, if not exact, to yours. It will serve as a good template to base a plan off of, just incase we are forced into conflict.”

    He gave a smile to the newer member of the Justice League. “I apologize if this makes you uncomfortable, not everyone wishes to fully reveal their capabilities or potential weaknesses understandably, but we may be at a point where this has become necessary information. At least, whatever you wish to share with us.”

    Tag: Shazam, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Batman, Flash, Supergirl, Green Arrow, & Green Lanterns

    @greyjedi125 @Kurisan @Shadowsun @TheAdmiral
  13. greyjedi125

    greyjedi125 Chosen One star 6

    Apr 29, 2002
    IC: Shazam
    Hall of Justice, Washington DC

    Martian Manhunter was indeed someone who more than deserved his status as one of the founding leaders of the JLA.

    All that he said and did had a specific purpose, not unlike the Batman.

    The way he framed his question in regards to Shazam’s powers spoke volumes for everyone involved.

    “The nature of them, for a start. The extent of your abilities and how Black Adam fully connects to them. His history as your predecessor as you claimed. I am estimating that if he was, his abilities are at least similar, if not exact, to yours. It will serve as a good template to base a plan off of, just incase we are forced into conflict.”

    Shazam brought one powerful arm up and began to rub his chin, his eyes squinting slightly as he became pensive.

    J’onn gave a smile to the newer member of the Justice League. “I apologize if this makes you uncomfortable, not everyone wishes to fully reveal their capabilities or potential weaknesses understandably, but we may be at a point where this has become necessary information. At least, whatever you wish to share with us.”

    It was a unique position to be in, and quite certainly a point where both trust were put to the test on both sides. For it was true: To defeat Black Adam, they had to learn how to defeat him first.

    So, what was the measure of a Hero?

    Billy already knew the answer.

    “To start….” he said, adopting a ‘Martian-esque’ demeanor for a moment as way of flattery. “...My powers were bestowed upon me by a dying Wizard. These powers flow from the Rock of Eternity, a place of near limitless magical power that exists in a dimension only I can access. I’ve been granted god-like abilities in order to do good in the world, just like Black Adam before me, but he turned from the heroic path.”

    There was a hint of regret in Shazam’s voice. Billy still couldn’t quite grasp why a ‘chosen one’ like Black Adam could turn so completely. That level of wickedness was simply beyond his ken. And that was probably for the best.

    “With a word, I can transform myself from a regular mortal, to a champion who has enough strength to go toe to toe with Superman, run as fast as The Flash, or wield a Green Lantern Ring, if I was to be found worthy of one.”

    At that, he spared a glance to the two Green Lanterns in attendance, and offered a simple respectful nod.

    "....and with a word, I can return back to normal." He concluded, turning back to J'onn.

    “I also control ‘Living Lightning’….” Sparks flashed in Shazam’s eyes as a small demonstration. “….which can be used for variety of effects, both defensive and offensive. Through the Wisdom of Solomon, I’m able to maximize my abilities, study a situation and postulate results, much as Batman does.”

    Well. Almost like Batman.

    Shazam gave an innocent shrug, before adding: “I haven’t figured out how to read minds…yet.” At that he chuckled lightly and winked playfully at the Martian Manhunter.

    Furtively, he glanced at Wonder Woman and realized another detail he needed to share.

    “Believe it or not, Black Adam is a warrior who should be over two millennia years old. I’ve no idea where he's been, or what he's done, but I will do everything in my power to help stop his reign of terror.”

    The look of determination upon Shazam's face underscored his commitment to their cause, to bring peace to the people of Kahndaq.

    Tag: @Darth_Elu, @Kurisan, @Shadowsun, @TheAdmiral, @The Jedi in the Pumas.
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2020
  14. darthbernael

    darthbernael EU Community Mod, Fuego, Pyrofuego! star 5 Staff Member Manager VIP - Game Winner

    Apr 15, 2019
    IC BWL and Reverse Flash played by @The Jedi in the Pumas

    He swung across the skyline, grappling hook reaching out as needed to continue his route across the city. He could have taken what he needed from the Batcave, but that would have alerted his other self that he was there. So he used the resources he had to hand. As he swung, he crossed and opening that gave him a view of the skyline.

    A vibration in the pouch the button held made him drop to the roof of the building that had caused the opening. Taking the button from his pouch he turned a full revolution, waiting to feel where the strongest sensation seemed to emanate. As he turned toward the open skyline the vibrations reached their peak as he held it in the direction of the Clock Tower.

    His visor let him see a blurring figure upon the roof and he touched it, focusing in. The figure was still blurred and his curiosity was roused, the figure there was clearly one with access to the Speed Force, one whose suit he recognized but he seemed subtly different, as though a different man than the one he knew, and he’d met almost every version of Barry Allen and the others who had worn that mantle.

    Between the seeming summons and the curiosity at who this speedster could be he whistled; hand gestures directing the Robins to approach the Tower from separate trajectories from his. Not to trap the speedster but to give him the greatest advantage should the situation deteriorate.

    Grappling hook shot out once more and he followed the roofline of the city until he dropped into a crouch before the speedster, slowly standing and facing the man, a riotous smile upon his face. He could feel the Robins approaching and that made the smile broader.

    ”You are not from around here, or from this time, in what way are you connected to what I hunt?”

    “You are trying to interfere in affairs you cannot comprehend.” The blurred speedster stated as he circled around the Batman.

    “You conquered your Gotham. Then your Earth. Holding that button and seeking answers will attract his servants’ attention. He is coming and nothing will stop him.”

    A blurred hand extended to the Batman Who Laughs. “Turn over the pin.”

    BWL followed the speedster with his eyes as he circled, the Robins growling and lunging at their leashes. His smile broadened. ”That wasn’t the last I conquered, and this one will fall too, whether by this mystery man’s hand or by mine. There are others.”

    He laughed deeply, then turned the button over as the speedster had said, gazing upon its surface.

    As the pin dropped into the speedster’s hands, a flash of blue lightning crackled across the skies of Gotham to the Clocktower and surged through the Speedster. He seem to vibrate faster now and small blue sparks flew off of him.

    He looked down at the pin. “He will not need to come to personally deal with you. You know of the legends. You know of the power he wields. No, he will have his servants here in Gotham deal with you, once you attract his attention.”

    “On what conquered earths... in which of the Batman Who Laughs’ Gothams has The man named Bane ever ruled? You’ve killed him in other universes and he’s never broken you... You have not encountered a version of him like the one that now calls Gotham his own.”

    BWL took the news that that overarching evil was headed toward this Earth, this Gotham, in stride, a simple laugh and an add to his list of things he’d have to confront later. He was powerful but this was a different Gotham and world from the ones he ruled and he did not have his full resources here...yet. So one obstacle at a time.

    ”Bane?” a chilling laugh broke from his lips and the Robins growled again as if they’d just been offered a 5 star meal. ”Faced him before, broken him before, dominated his mind and soul before, so what makes this one special? What backer does he have, Darkseid perhaps, as you’ve intimated is coming?”

    He considered departing immediately but perhaps the speedster had more information he would be willing to speak upon. ”So why is Bane the head of this new evil that stands in my way, currently? And what price are you asking for me to rid Gotham of him?”

    He was asking the wrong questions. But the speedster's time was running out. He wasn't supposed to be here as it was. Neither of them.

    Lightning crackled off of him against as he began vibrate uncontrollably now.

    "You seek answers. You seek to destroy. Bane will not grant you either. He will only grant you death."

    A flash of lightning and the speedster was gone.

    The Robins snapped at the empty air the speedster had occupied. BWL simply grinned, this particular speedster had a flair for the dramatic but usually gave enough information to be of use rather than simply co opt them or destroy them. That the Bane of this world was the way he was did give him valuable information but he needed more.

    He moved to the ledge at the edge of the roof, staging mostly to the shadows as he stared out over Gotham. There was much going on here, and elsewhere he was sure, if the threat was as vast as the Reverse Flash had seemed to imply. But this was another world for him to take and he wasn’t going to allow such an interloper as Darkseid, even given his power, take it. And that all began with dealing with such threats as this world’s Bane seemed to be.

    TAG: @The Jedi in the Pumas
  15. The Jedi in the Pumas

    The Jedi in the Pumas Force Ghost star 5

    Jun 23, 2018
    ooc: Update for the JL. The following is being televised and streamed. If the JL decided (amongst themselves) if and whom would travel to Kahndaq and who would monitor the situation remotely, all the members will receive this news. @TheAdmiral and I are working on the closing of the Iceberg Lounge scene (Poor Harley Quinn :( )


    -A Few Hours After the Incident at the Hall of Justice

    Shiruta, Capital of Kahndaq

    The reporter looked extremely nervous on camera. Most of the observers in the Central Hall of Shiruta were nervous. A foreigner was here. A Silver man from the United States. No the world had seen him before his appearance mere hours ago outside the Hall of Justice. He was alone, which was highly unusual in a diplomatic meeting, but as Kahndaq had begun to mobilize their military for the impending invasion of Qurac and Bialya, there had been a shutdown of communications. The people of Kahndaq knew what that meant: Black Adam thought that war was the only way to protect Kahndaq and the Metas that were being granted asylum there. This had numerous international implications:

    -The United Nations were dealing with Human Rights complaints from Metas that were seeking to leave their home countries and were being held by the governments without cause. The primary, and closest to Kahndaq, offender was Qurac. There were rumors that metas were being pulled off the streets because Qurac feared that metas fleeing to Kahndaq would empower Kahndaq and embolden Black Adam. Little did they know, Black Adam did not want for confidence.
    -Qurac and Bialya went to the UN asking for assistance in defending their borders. The Security Council, in a hasty vote, approved sending peacekeeping forces to Qurac's borders. Black Adam saw this (Invaders from the West, from countries that were also accused of building meta-programs) as an act of aggression and had shut down most outside communication while he contemplated what to do next.
    -The presence of the one known as Captain Atom, crossing borders without approval from Kahndaq (but approved by the President to lead negotiations), only served to raise the alert for most of the Middle Eastern and European forces. His arrival had been unannounced and brash, but so far he had done nothing but demand a meeting with the ruler of Kahndaq...

    Mistake One.



    In a seated position in the middle of the Central Hall, Black Adam beckoned Captain Nathaniel Adams forward. The Captain stood fast. The news cameras being broadcast all over the world and every news station and even some cellphone videos recording live on social media picked up the smirk that appeared on the Silver Man's face.

    "I am not here for a social visit, sir. I'm here to tell you to command your forces to stand down on the Qurac border."

    Mistake Two.

    In an odd, spine-tingling way, silence erupted in the chamber. The reporter could feel beads of sweat starting to roll down his face. He was not the only one. No one....NO ONE told Black Adam what to do.

    The Ruler of Kahndaq remained seated and said nothing.

    No answer, fine then. Atom thought as he strolled down the aisle lined with the barefoot citizens of Kahndaq. Their eyes remained closed, as did Black Adam's, as Atom came to a stop, inappropriately standing above the seated ruler.

    Mistake Three.

    "The United States nor the United Nations will allow you-"

    The massive, ancient hand of Black Adam tightened around Atom's throat. He moved so fast that no one registered what was happening until both men were floating in the air, Atom's reaching and attempting to pull Black Adam's hand from his neck.

    "I MUST INFORM YOU, INVADER... KAHNDAQ WILL NOT BOW TO THE UNITED NATIONS, AMERICA, OR ANY FOREIGN POWER." Black Adam stated calmly, in contrast to the power and echo of his voice through the chamber.

    Atom's eyes began to glow. Then there was a bright blue flash. And all the feeds went blank.

    Reports from Kahndaq

    -The Capital of Shiruta has become a battlefield between the ruler of Kahndaq, Black Adam, and the American Metahuman Atom.
    -Kahndaq forces have begun to advance on the border defenses of Qurac.
    -Reports indicate that United States helicopters and jets are entering Kahndaq with troops to contain the situation.

    Tag: The Justice League (@greyjedi125 @Darth_Elu @Kurisan @Shadowsun @TheAdmiral
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2020
  16. galactic-vagabond422

    galactic-vagabond422 Force Ghost star 4

    Jul 11, 2009
    IC Dick Grayson (Nightwing)
    Gotham City

    "Well can anyone be called a regular Joe in this city?" Nightwing shot back with a slight arch to his eyebrow. He did take a moment to stop and ponder for a moment. A normal guy getting taken in by the Court of Owls. That didn't fit their MO, or at the very least didn't at first blush seem like something they would waste time and effort on. There had to be something going on. Looking to Batgirl then further on the hero waited for their partners in crime fighting to show. "Anything else we should know Harv?"

    TAG: @Kurisan @TheAdmiral @Jerjerrod-Lennox @HanSolo29
  17. TheAdmiral

    TheAdmiral Chosen One star 4

    Mar 28, 2004
    Shiruta, Capital of Kahndaq

    The Young Justice had been on a mission in Bialiya hunting for Psimon, who had been working with Queen Bee again. Some people never learn. Though this time it was different. The team had found that the Bialiyan monarch was trying to pull off a false flag operation in Kahndaq that would provoke Black Adam into plunging the region into a never ending and bloody conflict.

    This whole situation worried them. Queen Bee, Psimon and the rest of the second rate goons that were involved in this were never considered suicidal. Yes, they had made stupid and half-baked plans, but never something like this.

    M’gann, or Miss Martian, managed to glimpse something in the mind of Cheshire, Artemis’ big sister, that this was part of a bigger plot. But what exactly was that? The Martian teenager was not able to tell as the poisonous assassin managed to escape.

    Connor and Wally were all for going to Kahndaq, and Aqualad and Red Robin wanted them to contact the League first, before rushing into action. Artemis was worried that her sister was going to get herself killed, despite her being a villain and supported her boyfriend, Kid Flash, as she wanted to save Cheshire..

    The Martian teenager weighed in on them to sneak in, see what they were doing and then report to the League if there was time. If not they would simply try to stop them… and hope they would not cause an international incident… or have to face Black Adam…


    Simon Baz, was hovering just outside Kahndaq airspace. He was going to serve as a sort of AWACS as the military types would call it. His ring was picking up all sorts of signals. One made him frown then pressed a button on his earpiece “Umm, guys, have we approved a mission of the Young Justice in Kahndaq?” he asked “As it seems, our young protegees are there for some unfathomable reason...”

    TAG: @Kurisan @greyjedi125 @Darth_Elu @Shadowsun @The Jedi in the Pumas

    OOC: Unfortunately @HanSolo29 had to step down from the role, so their character will be left in a coma for now, so @Kurisan and @galactic-vagabond422 can proceed

    Streets of Gotham


    Damian Wayne, known as Robin, and Jon Clark, known as the other Superboy, were on patrol that evening. An opportunity the young half-Kryptonian was relishing. Damian too, but never tell that to anyone.

    They were sitting on the edge of a building’s rooftop. Eating hot dogs and sipping on Colas, they were having one of those boring evenings. A couple of muggers, a drug dealer and an abusive pimp. Nothing too challenging. That worried Damian, but he did not say anything to his friend.

    Something caught their attention, an armored truck speeding towards what appeared to be a police car. Before they could do anything the large vehicle smashed the side of the car. Superboy flew off towards the crash site. It had been a hit and run kind of situation.

    Damian used the grappling hook to glide down. “Go after the perps!” he ordered Jon, but his friend frowned and shook his head “There are people in here, one’s injured!” he exclaimed.

    Robin decided to drop it. His League of Assassins training told him to leave the wounded as they were weak and would only hold you back, but his father, Bruce Wayne, would not approve.

    Jon pulled the side door away as if it was made out of cardboard “You okay… detectives?” he used his x-ray vision to see their badges and check for internal injuries. The one sitting in the seat on the side where the truck struck them seemed to be alive and unconscious. The other one seemed lucid enough to reply.

    TAG: @Jerjerrod-Lennox

    Arkham Asylum

    Harvey grunted at the first comment, then restrained an acidic comment about being called Harv by a boy in a costume. “What worries me is that they did not take any of the other looneys from here.” he grimaced.

    TAG: @galactic-vagabond422 @Kurisan
  18. Kurisan

    Kurisan Jedi Master star 4

    Apr 26, 2016
    Arkham Asylum, Gotham City


    Barbara leapt back from her embrace with Dick as the newcomer cleared his throat, loudly. She was embarrassed to be caught in such an unprofessional moment, and imagined it did little for Nightwing’s reputation, either.

    However, she sighed with relief when she saw it was Bullock.

    The gruff detective scratched his bottom. “I see you did not give my colleague the courtesy of arriving together. Do you want to go in or do you prefer to wait for the rookies?”

    Dick recovered quickly. "What do you think Batgirl, should we wait for the slowpokes and get them used to working with us, or take a look for ourselves first?"

    Barbara cast her look away into the night. Where were the detectives? Harvey Bullock did not wait for an answer.

    Grinning and scratching his stubble, he said, “Can’t say I missed you. Well, a normal day in Arkham I must say. Though this time it is different. This time it is not one of your usual menagerie of crazies. A regular Joe has been snatched by one of them Talons.”

    "Well, can anyone be called a regular Joe in this city?" replied Dick. "Anything else we should know, Harv?"

    Barbara thought about the missing detectives. They might have got lost… but at the back of her mind she knew there was more to it: a hunch that the night was restless with dark deeds.

    She caught Dick’s last words and nodded, her attention finally back on the matter at hand.

    She said, “Maybe we should get started. Can we see his room? There may be some clues. Also, do we know of any, err, associates inside? You know, people he talked to a lot?”

    TAG: @galactic-vagabond422 @TheAdmiral @The Jedi in the Pumas
  19. darthbernael

    darthbernael EU Community Mod, Fuego, Pyrofuego! star 5 Staff Member Manager VIP - Game Winner

    Apr 15, 2019
    IC John Constantine and @TheAdmiral as Bobo
    Oblivion Bar

    John had wandered into the main bar area, after leaving the frightened coat checker behind. As he wandered he could feel those with power, and those without that were trying to mingle and learn or just be seen with those that did, scattered around. In a way these were his people but even among them he stood almost as an outsider, many not trusting him, many scared of him, but all would call upon him if needed, even if they warded themselves after, as they were shoving him out the door, with their thanks.

    As he got to the bar, he heard Bobo speak up, a wry grin touching his face, at least he didn’t have to search long to find him. ”You may want to anyway after I tell you why I’m here, but until then, a glass of Ardbeg, if you would.”

    He turned his back on the bar for a moment, seeing the covert glances shifting suddenly, his voice hadn’t been that low and he was sure some of those still here were wondering what fresh hell was coming with his appearance. Here and there small flashes showed other magic users trying to covertly disappear, possibly to lay low, with him being here.

    Turning around as he heard the glass being set before him, he took a drag of his cig and looked round to see if there were any other servers around. ”Anyone able to spell you at the bar? I’d rather not speak out here, but do need a word with you.”

    Bobo nodded and poured him the drink "Frank here..." he gestured at Frankenstein "Will take over the bar." he placed the towel that he used to wipe the glasses on the counter "We can speak over there." Bobo pointed at a booth on the side, away from prying eyes "Must be an interesting story that you are gonna tell me."

    John picked up the whisky glass, and wandered over to the booth Bobo had indicated. Before sitting down he swiped an ashtray from a nearby table, his eyes telling the occupants to try and object. One began but their compatriot hushed them quickly, seeing the mood he was in. He sat down, lighting a cig, and then waited for Bobo to join him. ”You know Xanadu, and Alex, the Swamp Thing, yes?” he began without preamble.

    Bobo sat with a sigh and stared at Constantine then burst out laughing "Is that some sort of a joke?" he asked when he calmed down "Of course I know them! Everyone here knows them!"

    Constantine took a drag off his cig, ”****er…”

    He tried to decide how much Bobo needed to know but realized that he’d figure out even more that John would say, so he began. ”I was home after a case and got an emergency call from Xanadu. A quick teleport and I found her fighting some creature. It became apparent that it was Alex, but also not. Circe had possessed him and was trying to kill Xanadu. I drove her from him after some cryptic words from her.”

    A sip of his whisky, ”Alex was quite distraught, of course, and took off into the night. Xanadu told me that something very dark is coming and that I needed to find Zatanna and warn the Justice League Dark.”

    He coughed, deep, long, and hacking, trying to laugh in the cough, ”Given our past, I doubt Zatanna would take kindly to me just showing up or making it easy for me to find her. So….you’d know best where she is. Which brought me here;”

    Sitting back he took another swig of the whisky, letting the soothing burn travel down his throat.

    Bobo grinned at his comment, but said nothing. Then the grin evaporated from his face as he listened intently "That is not good..." he muttered under his breath "Well I am a member of the Justice League Dark too, you know..." the Detective Chimp stated matter-of-factly "Besides our leader is Wonder Woman." he scratched his chin "Though I guess Zatanna would know more about this than her." he took a swig "I think she is with Doctor Fate, but can't be sure, still trying to find a way to bring her father back..." he sighed "Also am not sure that she would be glad to see you." Bobo smirked.

    Constantine chuckled, a wet sound, ”So you see why I came to you first rather than seeking her out directly. She’d be more likely to listen if it’s both of us there than just me. But Xanadu did specify her and not Wonder Woman, so that makes me think the Justice League itself has another threat or another aspect of the threat to counter.”

    He sipped the whisky again, mind going back to past encounters with Zatanna and wincing slightly, their relationship was tenuous at best. But she did enjoy working with a team whereas he was more of a lone operator, partially as most of the rest tended not to agree with how he handled situations. ”So do we need to wait until your shift is over or should we slip out to my House and travel to Dr. Fate’s?”

    Bobo considered what he heard "Yeah, the Madame usually knows what she is saying, so you are right on that account." he took a sip then grinned "Oh, I am just helping out." he laughed "They will be alright." Bobo was itching to go on the field for some time now "Maybe we can swing by and take Doc Langstrom with us?"

    John finished the glass of Ardbeg, letting the last warm tones of it wash through him before he smiled wryly, ”Works for me. But if he’s still in Gotham I’d prefer not to take the House into that den of vigilantes and villains. So, unless you know right where he is, I’ll have it bring us close, and then we can drive or teleport the remaining distance.”

    Bobo scratched his head "I think he is still in the Hall of Justice's basement..." he chuckled "That's where the Justice League Dark's HQ is." he pursed his lips "Talk about taking the Dark part too literally..."

    Constantine frowned slightly, the regular Justice League weren’t exactly fans of his and he knew they’d have to find a way into the basement without teleporting as he was sure there were multiple levels of protection on the building to prevent just that. ”Then we go get him but you’re going to have to get me in and vouch for me, I don’t need those do gooders in the main League getting their tights in a bunch when I show up. Yes, yes, I annoy so many.”

    He stood, tapping out the cig in the ashtray, slipping another between his lips, then looked down at Bobo, ”Ready when you are…”

    TAG: @TheAdmiral
  20. greyjedi125

    greyjedi125 Chosen One star 6

    Apr 29, 2002
    IC: Shazam
    The Kahndaq Crisis

    It was written all over his face. The abject disbelief. How was it possible that such a thing could occur in the age of reason. Worse still, those same rational minds knowingly streamed and televised a disaster in the making.

    It was clearly written in all their faces. They knew what was about to happen. No one seemed surprised, and yet….

    Shazam understood.

    The people felt helpless. Powerless. Agents of violence and War had come to their homeland, intent on sparking an event that would bring untold suffering to innocents.

    Greed. Vanity. Pride. Wrath. These were all on full display, yet those who claimed to uphold nobler virtues fueled and perpetuated these vices.

    The Justice League would not stand for it. Shazam wouldn’t stand for it.

    It took him a moment to center himself and regain his composure. Even with his eyes closed, lighting streaked around him, betraying the inner storm of roiling emotions. Injustice was a sure fire way to get his blood boiling. Yet, there was nothing to be gained by recklessness or by acting alone.

    The streaks of lightning diminished in prominence, then in frequency, until they were almost completely gone.

    “I was really hoping this would not happen.”

    There was regret in Shazam’s voice, but also unwavering determination.

    Shazam turned away from the screens which had shown the news feed and the subsequent reports. He had concluded that war must have been the goal all along. However, to victimize so many for the vain whims of the few, was simply unacceptable. If the conflict could be resolved with the winner of a super powered slugfest, then there would be no need for the deployment of armies. No, this was no school-ground brawl. Nothing was ever so simple in the ‘real world’. History had proven that time and time again. He didn’t need Solomon’s wisdom to help him see the hand of corruption.

    Big Red turned towards Martian Manhunter and Wonder Woman, his expression grim; quite a contrast from his usually jovial demeanor. Shazam opened his mouth to speak just as Simon Baz’s message came through their comms.

    “Umm, guys, have we approved a mission of the Young Justice in Kahndaq?” he asked “As it seems, our young protegees are there for some unfathomable reason...”

    Shazam’s eyebrow went up.

    Young Justice? In Kahndaq?”

    As a ‘teen’ himself ( or rather, his Billy persona ), he more than understood the implications. He shook his head, knowing he needn't voice the obvious. It was a second disaster in the making. If Baz had gotten wind of their presence...

    “So, let’s see, Kahndaq is roughly 6,000 miles from here across the Atlantic. That should take me about……hmmm...”

    Shazam depressed the ‘push-to-talk’ switch on the adjacent console.

    “Baz, this is Shazam. I will be joining you in about 1.45 minutes, more or less, over.”

    Without missing a beat, he turned to J’onn and Diana.

    “I’m sorry, but I need to be over there. Meet me as soon as you can….”

    And with that, there was a blinding flash of lightning as Shazam streaked out of the Justice Hall like a bolt of living lightning, which was followed by the roar of thunder. To him, nearly two minutes, even at his speed, seemed like a literal eternity. However, true to his calculations, Shazam flashed into view several meters away from the Green Lantern.

    “I came as fast as I could…” the hero in red explained as he arrived, though the truth was, he could have been much faster still.

    “J’onn, I’m with Baz, holding position.” He made sure to report-in, at least, before turning back to Simon.

    “So, where are they? I hope they’re not in any trouble.” He inquired, unsure of what answer to expect.

    Tag: @Kurisan, @Darth_Elu, @Shadowsun, @TheAdmiral, @The Jedi in the Pumas
  21. galactic-vagabond422

    galactic-vagabond422 Force Ghost star 4

    Jul 11, 2009
    IC Dick Grayson (Nightwing)
    Gotham City

    “What worries me is that they did not take any of the other looneys from here.” Harvey replied though Dick could see the contained venom on his tongue. That was a quandary as well, there were no shortage of dangerous and brilliant criminals held within Arkham's walls. Maybe there was something about this man that drew the Owl's attention.

    He turned his head to Batgirl giving a nod.

    "We'll take a look, let your colleagues catch up later." He said making his way towards the looney bin.

    TAG: @Kurisan @TheAdmiral @Jerjerrod-Lennox
  22. Darth_Elu

    Darth_Elu Chosen One star 7

    Jan 2, 2003
    Martian Manhunter IC:
    ~Hall of Justice, Washington DC, United States~

    As they were already in the middle of preparations for a variety of issues, most notably their plans for Kahndaq when they would get to it (which wouldn’t be long), an alert quickly notified all of them within the Justice League currently within the base to head for the monitors. Something big was happening.

    J’onn let his lips thin in concern and made his hasty way to the central monitors, where everyone was seemingly gathering.

    And then he watched. Silent. His lips not thinning any less, but rather more, and his eyes quietly taking it all in. Concern, sadness, and yet a tactical analysis ever-running all going at the same time. It would appear their involvement in Kahndaq just got moved up to a more immediate timeline.

    The lightning all around Shazam spoke of his inner emotions and he well understood after watching what transpired between Black Adam and Captain Atom, the whole area now becoming a battlefield.

    “I was really hoping this would not happen.”

    “I believe we are all in agreement on that,” the martian replied sadly.

    It didn’t take them long to all face each other, knowing they now had to make instant preparations. But then something else was thrown onto the fire. A report from Baz.

    “Umm, guys, have we approved a mission of the Young Justice in Kahndaq?”

    J’onn looked hard at the comm station and immediately replied. “No. Do not tell me…”

    “As it seems, our young protégées are there for some unfathomable reason…”

    Shazam was alarmed at this as well. “Young Justice? In Kahndaq?”

    “This is alarming, we need to move quickly, now for both Young Justice who are in over their heads as well as the citizens of the area.”

    It would appear ‘Big Red’ was already in calculations about personal travel and immediately chimed in with his own response over the communication channel.

    “Baz, this is Shazam. I will be joining you in about 1.45 minutes, more or less, over.”

    The quick calculation was impressive as was the prompt response. His eyes met Shazam’s right after his announcement.

    “I’m sorry, but I need to be over there. Meet me as soon as you can….”

    “Do not apologize. See you shortly and stay safe, Shazam.”

    With a flash of lightning, the newer member of the Justice League was gone and already en route.

    Folding his arms, he looked to the others with him. “It would appear our direction has been made, let us depart. Once we get there, we may need to split up between Young Justice and the general citizenry…or possible intervention in the duel itself. We’ll have to see if more developments occur on the way. I suggest we grab anything we need and get going now.”

    He began making his way to their hangar so they could travel as a group. They would need to be swift in all coming decisions without question.

    “J’onn, I’m with Baz, holding position.”

    It would appear Shazam was as quick as claimed. He spoke through his own personal communication device he always had on him for league business.

    “Very good. If things seem too chaotic, wait for our arrival, otherwise I suggest Baz set up a landing zone for us and you do some initial scouting, Shazam. But only if you feel you can do so carefully. We need to move as one right now unless emergencies dictate otherwise.”

    He looked to Diana for whether she agreed or had other ideas as they moved.

    Tag: Shazam, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Flash, Supergirl, Jessica, Green Arrow, Any other JL Members around

    @greyjedi125 @Kurisan @Shadowsun @TheAdmiral @The Jedi in the Pumas
  23. Kurisan

    Kurisan Jedi Master star 4

    Apr 26, 2016
    Wonder Woman IC:
    ~Hall of Justice, Washington DC, United States~


    Diana watched the monitor, stunned, as the conflict erupted between Captain Atom and Black Adam.

    But true to form, the Justice League sprang into immediate action. Shazam went ahead to meet with Baz to recon the scene, displaying his awesome speed in flight. Then the worrying news that agents from Young Justice had turned up.

    Diana's brow creased. The time for deliberations were past.

    J'onn looked a question at her.

    "We have to move, now. I suggest we take the Javelin 7. It is waiting, fuelled and ready to go..."


    @greyjedi125 @Darth_Elu @Shadowsun @TheAdmiral @The Jedi in the Pumas
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2020
  24. AgentViper007

    AgentViper007 Force Ghost star 7

    Mar 9, 2005
    OOC: Getting down with the kids, combo fun with @TheAdmiral :)

    IC: Adrian Montrose, Damian Wayne, Jon Clark
    Location: On the streets of Gotham City

    They were on their way…

    His partner was still staying silent in the car so Adrian drove along watching for anything in case he had to pull over. The police radio crackled about something tasty going on over at a place called the Iceberg Lounge.

    Adrian was very tempted to head there but he had orders from the Commissioner to head to the asylum at the moment. All of a sudden two ladies who seemed to be wearing rather tight clothing roared past on motorbikes.

    "What the bloody hell is it with these women and wearing clothing that looks about a size too small?" he remarked out loud. He had a good mind to go after them and pull them over for speeding, tight costumes or not.

    Before he could even think about maybe calling it in a truck smashed into the side of the car. Adrian had to let go of the wheel as his body smashed into the drivers door. It had hit his partner's side and as he groggily looked over...he wished he hadn't.

    The door on his side was ripped open by, now was he seeing things….a kid in a costume?

    Bloody hell even the kids are getting involved!

    "Do we look okay?"Adrian growled his Northern Irish accent coming out in full force "We've just been hit by a truck. I can't call for help as it looks like the radio is smashed. My partner looks pretty bad so we need medical assistance".

    He tried to get out, he was still groggy but he had to try and catch these bastards "Is the driver still about?".

    "Spare us the sarcasm." Robin said in his no-nonsense voice, which was an amusing sight given how short he was. Though a lot of people had made the mistake to underestimate him, the son of Talia Al Ghul and Bruce Wayne, trained by both, the current leader of the Teen Titans.

    Jon Clark, the son of Superman and Lois Lane, was friendlier and more jovial "I think I can carry your colleague to the nearest hospital." he mused "I am pretty strong." he grinned.

    "As for your question, it was a hit and run, we decided to help you first." Damian cut in, though the truth was that his camera managed to record the license plate, but given the reception they were given he withheld that information.

    As Adrian stood up he tried to get his bearings. He was pretty bashed up but not as bad as his partner.

    He nodded at the kid in blue "Get him there as quick as you can. I don't think he is looking too good so the sooner you get him there the better".

    He looked at the kid in red "I'm Detective Adrian Montrose. I didn't think kids in this city would be doing as dangerous things as the adults…."

    Adrian made his way towards the truck to inspect it and look for clues "If this is a hit and run, I need details on the driver if you saw him run. Because no doubt if you have come to help us, you saw him or maybe even her run away".

    Jon nodded and managed to unbuckle the seatbelt. Then slowly pulled him out of the car and cradled him. After that he simply flew away.

    "We start early here." Damian smirked. "Are you sure that you are up to chasing them down?" he tilted his head.

    Adrian folded his arms "Kid, I was tackling terrorists when you were just a glint in your mothers eye. I won't stop until that driver is found, arrested and put in a jail cell."

    "Besides I owe it to my partner to find them. Well we had only just started being partners and he hadn't said two words to me but still…."

    "And I am Batman's son!" Damian smirked, but did not add that he was Talia Al Ghul's son and Ra's grandson. In hindsight that remark felt rather petty, but the cat was out of the bag. "Shouldn't you wait for reinforcements? I can deal with those guys myself."

    Of course Adrian had heard of the Bat himself. To be honest he was getting tired of these costumed vigilantes running around thinking they owned Gotham.

    "I don't think reinforcements will be coming kid" he said, continuing his inspection of the truck "Not unless a civilian called this accident in. And these guys? Well from what I have seen so far in this city these criminals make the ones I dealt with in London seem like petty thieves".

    "You might need backup if things go south".

    "Superboy will make sure to call them." Damian nodded "You haven't seen their bosses." he gave a small smirk "Then these guys will look like petty thieves to you." he pressed his index finger on his mask to activate the Batcomputer, running a trace on the vehicle. The computer was linked to the GCPD's, though the police were not aware of that "It seems they are headed towards the docks..."

    Adrian frowned "Have we got any units on route? Because you seem to know where the driver is heading….."

    He still had his gun and badge, maybe he could commandeer a vehicle and head there or maybe get a squad car to pick him up.

    TBC, TAG: @TheAdmiral
  25. Shadowsun

    Shadowsun Force Ghost star 4

    Jun 26, 2017
    OOC: What's this Shadowsun made a mistake? Alright so I put in my CS that Aquaman has the trident of Neptune. When I meant the trident of Poseidon. (Which at the time I didn't know where different things, talked with our wonderful GMs and they said it is fine for me to have the latter) Hence this version of Aquaman can fly and has a couple other abilities. (Like teleporting via water)

    IC: Aquaman

    The Kahndaq Crisis

    Arthur's eyes remained transfixed on the monitors relaying the broadcast, his face growing in disbelief. Captain Atom's arrogance was on full display, his brash actions only causing to escalate the situation further. Aquaman turned to face Shazam, busy calculating how long it would take to get there. The issue was compounded by the news that the Young Justice were also reported to be in Kahndaq. Annoyance bubbled to the surface once more as he thought about how recklessness of the Young Justice, regardless of whether they knew it or not.

    "Looks like our hand has been forced." mouthed Aquaman giving a sideways glance to Diana and J'onn. Arthur's fingers wrapped around the trident, looking back to the Martian Manhunter for a brief moment. The time for talking had come to a swift end. Action was what was now needed.

    “It would appear our direction has been made, let us depart. Once we get there, we may need to split up between Young Justice and the general citizenry…or possible intervention in the duel itself. We’ll have to see if more developments occur on the way. I suggest we grab anything we need and get going now.”

    Arthur opened his mouth to speak and then closed it as Diana replied.

    "We have to move, now. I suggest we take the Javelin 7. It is waiting, fueled and ready to go..."

    "Agreed, but the Javelin 7 is far too slow for me, I can teleport once I reach the Atlantic." he then turned back to J'onn. "Would it not be faster if you flew there?"

    Aquaman then turned, not really giving time for a response and flew off to the Atlantic ocean. Once there he dove in channeling the power of the god Poseidon through his trident to teleport him to just outside Kahndaq. It would not be long before he would spot Shazam and Simon Baz.

    Arthur gave a swift nod to 'Big Red' before turning his attention to the Green Lantern.

    "Are they all here?" he stated more than asked knowing that most likely they were. His expression grew into a frown. He thought he had taught Aqualad better than rushing off into situation unplanned and unprepared without contacting the League.

    TAG: @greyjedi125 @The Jedi in the Pumas @TheAdmiral @Darth_Elu @Kurisan
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2020