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San A, TX Local SW related events.

Discussion in 'MidSouth Regional Discussion' started by Tycho_Celchu-Col, Sep 5, 2001.

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  1. Tycho_Celchu-Col

    Tycho_Celchu-Col Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jun 30, 2001
    Greeatings all.

    As part of my job in bringing you the latest SW related news and info in San Antonio here is the event line up for September 2001...

    Sunday Sept. 9
    TIME: 5-8 PM
    PLACE: Grady's BBQ on Bandera Rd.
    INFO: The SWSSA will be having an annual "Meet and Eat". They will be discussing new projects for the coming year as well as planning new activities and recognizing members for thier work with the group. For more information contact

    Saturday Sept. 15
    TIME: 7-9 PM
    PLACE: Alien Worlds Comics near 281 & 410 behind Central Park Mall
    INFO: The San Antonio Chapter of Fan Force as sponsored by "The Force. Net" will hold it's monthly meeting to discuss many projects including a logo design contest and a soon to start production fan film. Other topics will be discussed as well. Memebers from all groups are engouraged to attend and participate. For more info feel free to email me directly

    Thats all for now. Celchu out!
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