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LotR Marathon IS being shown in Valley View

Discussion in 'Archive: Cleveland, OH' started by DonC, Oct 3, 2003.

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  1. Malo-ha

    Malo-ha Jedi Youngling star 2

    May 8, 2003
    Awesome, Awesome, Awesome. I was bouncing up and down in my seat during the exciting parts. Wrapped everything up beautifully.

    Did anyone else see Geoff on the news last night? Or manage to tape him?

    I've already had one offer to buy my cells (the free gift New Line gave everyone.) I told her to go look on ebay.
  2. Krash

    Krash RSA Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 11, 2000
    I saw Geoff on Channel 19 news last night
    My folks managed to tape FOX 8's story about LOTR (I feel that was my weakest i don't mind it being edited short ;) ) I was gonna call Dennise (I used to work with her, she's great) about getting a copy of her story...and I have to check Channel 3. All of in costume got ALOT of attention...imagine what it'll be like for Episode III!

    BTW...I figured what the "what is the elvish word for E-bay" reference was from! When Gandalf told the fellowship Frodo's methril shirt was worth alot of money!

    Last night was ALOT of fun! I remember telling one reporter that part of what made today special was the while you can watch movies like this at home...seeing them in the big screen, with a bucnh of people makes it even more fun, and last night was just that.
  3. Commander-DWH

    Commander-DWH Manager Emeritus star 4

    Nov 3, 2003
    *hops up and down*

    I'm seeing it at 7:55 tonight in Elyria!! Sadly, I couldn't go with my friends at midnight due to an exam, but a) the exam went well, and b) it's still opening day, darn it.

    Ooooh, I can't wait.
  4. Padawan92

    Padawan92 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 22, 2001
    *staggers into the room*

    I have been falling asleep all day in school (then again I go home a 2am and woke up at 6am!)

    Overall I thought this movie is the best one of all....loved the last battles scenes (Aragorn and the ghosts and Gondor & I knew I liked Eowyn for some reason ;) )

    Other then the horrible food, it was the best time in the world (including the gift! did anyone got a Eowyn by any chance?)

    I NEED to see this movie again!!!!

    *staggers out of the room bouncing off the walls as she walks*
  5. Jade-Walker

    Jade-Walker Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 21, 2002
    I was so psyched about the Eowyn thing at the end. I was hoping that they would use that line. It's so classic.

    But I felt like what they did with Legolas directly after rather detracted from Eowyn. [face_plain]
  6. Padawan92

    Padawan92 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 22, 2001
    You mean the thing with Gimli "That only counts for one" thing :D :D ...that was priceless.
  7. Jade-Walker

    Jade-Walker Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 21, 2002
    I mean the Oliphant thing. ;) I thought that it just overshadowed Eowyn's achievement too much.
  8. Krash

    Krash RSA Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 11, 2000
    I thought that it just overshadowed Eowyn's achievement too much.
    Not at all, she took one the leader of the Ringwraiths...girl can fight with me anytime! After that, I whispered over to Emily "that's what I'm talking 'bout!!!" Losing at All-Ohio hasn't sit well with me, and next year I expect you ladies to kick some Columbus/Cincy/DaytonWraith @## ;)

    I guess next year, I have to summon an army of dead Cleveland jedi to fight with us? :D

    And the Legolas taking down the Oliphant was really his one big moment in the movie. maybe if they'd have given some time between the two wouldn't have seemed upstaging.

    I loved that there were moments where the entire theater erupted into applause (Denethor II getting smacked by Gandalf)...I was joking with a lady in line about how IF i got "punchy" from being tired, we could always have people dressed in costume go "Rocky Horror" and get some audience participation wasn't far from the truth!

    it's still opening day
    Hope you have a good time're gonna love it!
  9. Jade-Walker

    Jade-Walker Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 21, 2002
    Yeah. Gandolf slapping Denethor was good. :D

    I still don't get his death the way they did it though. He is supposed to burn with a demented laugh and his hands tightly gripped on his palantir. They alluded to the fact that he had one and that he been seeing the future in it. But they never did anything with that. And it's not like it would have been all that hard to do. Or that they way they did his death was all that spectacular a CG shot. *shrugs* oh well.

    But I'm quite happy in how they kept this movie so much closer to the book than they last one. :D It'll be interesting to hear the commentary on the DVD's to find out why they did some of the things that they did or didn't. ;)

    Yeah. I know. Legolas didn't get as much hero time this time around. But I think that they should have put his bit before Eowyn and made hers the crowning point of the battle. Especially since they don't really do anything with her in the rest of the movie. In the books, she still has a role to fill even after that. ;)
  10. skyedancer

    skyedancer Jedi Youngling star 2

    Sep 26, 2002
    I still haven't seen it and am not reading any spoilers but heard one from a coworker by accident and here's my reaction: :_| :_|. No Faramir-Eowyn romance. I'll guess I'll have to re-read Tolkien for that. I guess Eowyn's love life in the movie is as lousy as mine right now!
  11. Krash

    Krash RSA Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 11, 2000
    they should have put his bit before Eowyn and made hers the crowning point of the battle.
    That would have been a better decision...but I try not to play "armchair quarterback" too much with movies like this.

    Short of Jackson added it into the ROTK EE DVD...did anyone notice the shot of Eomer (from the trailers) after the battle was not included. I'm guessing he was holding Theoden (crying) but it seemed like that was one of the emotional moments that was going to be an important part...since it was in the trailer???
  12. Malo-ha

    Malo-ha Jedi Youngling star 2

    May 8, 2003
    No Faramir-Eowyn romance

    Maybe there will be something in the extended version.

    did anyone notice the shot of Eomer (from the trailers) after the battle was not included.

    Yes I noticed it too but just thought I'd misssed it somehow. Glad too see someone else noticed.

    Now I just have to see when I can get the rest of our family out to see it.
  13. Krash

    Krash RSA Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 11, 2000
    Did anyone else see Geoff on the news last night?
    Apparently ALOT of people did...I visited my mom at work yesterday, and everyone in the office was telling me how they saw me on TV (granted most of these people have known me from when i was a little kid)
  14. TheRandomMenace

    TheRandomMenace Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 13, 2002
    Well, I haven't read the books so as not to be spoiled for the movies, so if I sound like I haven't read the books, I haven't.

    First off, with the terrible snow outside, driving was murder, and I missed the first 10 minutes of the film, according to my friend who had already seen it before. Would've liked to have seen Smeagol's backstory, but oh well, I'm sure I'll go again.

    I was glad to finally see Gondor. Really cool looking place, but their steward is a freaking idiot. I really didn't see a purpose to him trying to kill Faramir when Pip was telling him he was still alive. Seemed very out of place. I agree that Gandalf "bia bia" slapping him was awesome. As a matter of fact, with his staff in one hand and sword in the other, Gandalf really showed up the other main characters. I looked at my watch 2 hours into the movie before Legolas (my fave character) finally started owning anything... but wow, him owning the Oliphant was well worth it. I also thought Eowyn messing up the Ringwraith was awesome. I knew that line was coming when he said that to her. And Eowyn was just straight up hot once again. ;)

    Shelhob was really cool. I didn't expect Frodo to get owned like that.

    Gollum talking to his reflection was really well done... nice CGI in water. I loved his return to screw everything up at Mordor, that whole struggle to destroy the ring was also well done.

    I liked how Arwen and Agent Smith, I mean, Elrond had bigger roles in this movie. Elrond's discussion with Aragorn when he presented him Isildor's sword was another cool moment... had that akward father/boyfriend tone to it.

    I thought the action overall was the best out of all three films... even topping the really cool battle of Helm's Deep.


    I dunno about the first 10 minutes, but thee was no Saruman. Sauron really didn't seem all that threatening. Yeah, the army of Mordor did, but Sauron himself didn't.

    Needs more Legolas taking out Orcs and other such villainy.

    The mountain men seemed really corny to me. Did I pay to see Return of the King, or The Haunted Mansion??? :confused:

    They spent an awful lot of time setting up Eowyn believing in Merry, implying that he'd later he'd become a hero in battle and do some amazing things, only to have him lay on the ground and get all happy when Pip found him.

    I thought Peter Jackson tried to tie in too much of the Tolkien universe by having Sam "finish" everything in Bilbo's book. (I haven't read the Simarillion, was that a nod to that?) The ring is destroyed, Middle Earth is saved, Aragorn takes up his throne and there is closure to his relationship with Arwen. The movie could've ended here. The end seemed way too long and drawn out... could've been about 20 minutes shorter.

    But overall I really liked it and I'm sure I'll go see it again.
  15. Jade-Walker

    Jade-Walker Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 21, 2002
    Yeah. I guess for non-book people, the ending was long. But for those of us who have read and loved the book, it was so wonderful to see onscreen. :) And PJ only included about 1/2 of the endings!
    I bet you would have liked to have seen what happens to Legolas and Gimli. ;)

    Yes. I think PJ dropped the ball with not including Saruman. I know it's going to be in the EE, but still. He's been a major player in 2 films and wasn't in the thrid at all! [face_shocked] That's just not right.

    Yes. Eowyn rocks. :D

    And the Legolas thing was cool.

    I actually like the "Paths of the Dead" part. It's in the book and important in Aragorn's return. And it was cool to see it done if you've read the books.

    Denethor? Yeah. I think you don't get it in the movie. He has a palantir. He saw the smae things Pippin did in it--Minas Tirith burning and being destroyed. Sauron was planting those images there and Denethor bought it as being the unalterable future. So he gave up in despair once his favorite son was dead. He had no faith in Faramir. So in his despair just decided to go out in glory and take his son with him. In the book, he actually does burn--laughing and holding that palatir. It's an iconic moment in the book and I'm not sure why PJ thought it was better to just have him jump. :confused:

    But I really enjoyed it, too. :D Much better than the theatrical version (or EE version) of TT.
  16. Krash

    Krash RSA Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 11, 2000
    Emily is gonna kick my butt for saying this...but Legolas didn't have to be the star of this movie. And I think the Oliphant scene (which alot of people are comparing to AT_AT walkers) was Jackson's way of giving Legolas fans something to cheer about. I loved that they showed him and Gimli "keeping score" during the battle.

    had that akward father/boyfriend tone to it
    I think Elrond always knew Aragorn and Arwen, should be together...but as a father it was too much for him to simply let go.When she choose to stay, because of the vision of their children, it became clear that Elrond could not simply work away from the coming battle...because his daughter's fate was now tied to the outcome.

    I was at the sword shop in Great Northern...they have a limited amount of Gimli helmets, and Narsil (unbroken) Anduril (I want it!!!) is due out sometime in March!!!
  17. Padawan92

    Padawan92 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 22, 2001
    Really Legolas is not my favorite character in any of the movies or books. Aragorn is my favorite in FOTR, Eowyn in TTT, and Pippin in ROTK.

    This is the coolest movie in the world!!! I want to see it four times before I go back to school!!!
  18. Jade-Walker

    Jade-Walker Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 21, 2002
    This is the coolest movie in the world!!!
    *looks around at what site we're on*
    [face_shocked] Blasphemy!

  19. TheRandomMenace

    TheRandomMenace Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 13, 2002
    Thanks for clearing up that weird scenario with Denethor, Kim. You're right... by strictly watching the movie I didn't get why he was acting so irrational, but I suppose it would make sense that if he saw a future of despair that he would give up like that.

    I want the (re)forged Narsil!!! That is the coolest!
  20. Padawan92

    Padawan92 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 22, 2001
    I thought the scene were Faramir is told by this father that he would rather of had Faramir die instead of Boromir...that was horrible.
  21. TheRandomMenace

    TheRandomMenace Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 13, 2002
    Yeah, during that part, I uttered a tongue that should not be spoken in these parts.
  22. skyedancer

    skyedancer Jedi Youngling star 2

    Sep 26, 2002
    Sorry to bump this thread another time but I finally saw the movie over the weekend with my sister and niece. I'm thinking about going again on New Year's Day to the Regal Cinema in the Montrose area of Akron. Anyone else interested? I realize all of you football fans will be otherwise engaged.
    I have one word for the movie and it's a word I seldom use since it's so overused and that's: Awesome!
    But I'm still upset about the lack of the Faramir-Eowyn romance. :mad: :_| I mean we have Eowyn begging Aragorn not to leave the encampment and him telling her they have no future together. And we leave Faramir almost being burned alive. Then, the movie with no explanation shows them beaming at each other during Aragorn's coronation! BTW, did the movie show Eowyn at the battle at the Black Gate? I couldn't tell and this was during the time period when she was supposed to be meeting Faramir! I guess I'm trying to think ahead to the EE. Anyway, I could gush on forever about the movie but will restrain myself--for once.
  23. Commander-DWH

    Commander-DWH Manager Emeritus star 4

    Nov 3, 2003
    But I'm still upset about the lack of the Faramir-Eowyn romance. I mean we have Eowyn begging Aragorn not to leave the encampment and him telling her they have no future together. And we leave Faramir almost being burned alive. Then, the movie with no explanation shows them beaming at each other during Aragorn's coronation! BTW, did the movie show Eowyn at the battle at the Black Gate? I couldn't tell and this was during the time period when she was supposed to be meeting Faramir! I guess I'm trying to think ahead to the EE. Anyway, I could gush on forever about the movie but will restrain myself--for once.

    Well, I've heard that the extended version of Return of the King is currently sitting at a glorious FIVE HOURS LONG. Among the additions are some Saruman, as well as the Houses of Healing. So we get to watch Eowyn and Faramir get together. :D I was glad they at least showed them together at the end.
  24. Padawan92

    Padawan92 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 22, 2001
    That was good that they added the Eowyn to the end with Faramir but they still could have put more of it into the movie the first time!!! I am planning on seeing it for the third time tomorrow!!! :D :D :D :D
  25. TheRandomMenace

    TheRandomMenace Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 13, 2002
    FIVE HOURS?! [face_shocked]
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