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PT Making My Day! - Pro-Prequel Articles

Discussion in 'Prequel Trilogy' started by Jarren_Lee-Saber, Dec 10, 2014.

  1. mes520

    mes520 Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 3, 2012
    Not sure if this has been posted, if it has I apologize.

    Star Geek: Things the Prequels did BETTER than the Originals.

    Big_Benn_Klingon likes this.
  2. Luukeskywalker

    Luukeskywalker Force Ghost star 5

    Jun 23, 1999

    One of the best pro prequel articles I have read. Outstanding. I wish more people saw the films with this guy's eye and intelligence, including myself. I wish my thoughts were as articulate and profound as the way he writes. Paul McDonald is also like that, as is my buddy Cryogenic
  3. Alienware

    Alienware Jedi Master star 3

    Apr 19, 2013
    It really is. And he brings up one little detail that I've never noticed before (even though I've read like 500 pages worth of material on AotC), which is how "The shape of Padme’s dress hints at a hand gripping her throat."


    It's a great visual metaphor for what Padme is going through in that scene.
  4. solo77

    solo77 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Aug 28, 2002
    "A moody blend of James Dean and Darth Vader, Hayden Christensen’s performance is very underrated, hitting a challenging range of emotion"

    Darth_Downunder likes this.
  5. Huttslime

    Huttslime Jedi Padawan star 2

    Apr 1, 2015
    If Dean was deadpan per line elivery, had his eyes bulge out like Steve Buscemi, and had the acting skill of Lifetime tier performers he'd be Hayden Christensen
    Darth_Downunder likes this.
  6. mes520

    mes520 Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 3, 2012
    Agreed! :)

    A little update on the upcoming PT documentary, it now has $7,036.

    It only needs $7,500 to get a feature film.
    Sab Jo likes this.
  7. The_Phantom_Calamari

    The_Phantom_Calamari Force Ghost star 5

    Nov 10, 2011

    So the problem was that Christensen was too deadpan? I thought the problem was that his performance was whiny and overly emotional. Funny how he's criticized from both angles.
  8. Mindless Monster

    Mindless Monster Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 4, 2014

    Just out of curiosity: have you watched a James Dean film?
    Sab Jo likes this.
  9. KaminoPalomino

    KaminoPalomino Jedi Youngling

    May 6, 2015
    I'm currently making my way though the articles here. Really enjoying this thread!

    I just finished reading the Star Wars Ring Theory. My mind is blown.
  10. mes520

    mes520 Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 3, 2012
    Star Wars – Prequels Love

    Sab Jo, MarcJordan and Mr. Forest like this.
  11. jc1138

    jc1138 Jedi Grand Master star 2

    Nov 16, 2004
    I'll add my voice. Favorite films: 1-6 equally!
  12. Jedi Knight Fett

    Jedi Knight Fett Chosen One star 10

    Feb 18, 2014

    Where is it being funded from?
  13. mes520

    mes520 Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 3, 2012

    Indiegogo, I'd link it, but I'm not sure that's allowed. Just Google "The Prequels Strike Back".
  14. Jedi Knight Fett

    Jedi Knight Fett Chosen One star 10

    Feb 18, 2014


    I think the rule is that your not allowed to self promote but you can promote other peoples work and such.
  15. solo77

    solo77 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Aug 28, 2002
    Why yes, yes I have. Not that there were too many...
  16. GuardianSoulBlade

    GuardianSoulBlade Jedi Knight star 3

    May 26, 2015
  17. LZM65

    LZM65 Jedi Knight star 4

    Feb 24, 2015

    I didn't agree with his opinion of "Attack of the Clones", but it was a pretty good article overall.
  18. Luukeskywalker

    Luukeskywalker Force Ghost star 5

    Jun 23, 1999
    I just watched AOTC the other night and I fail to see the bad movie that many claim it is. In fact, as I sat there and watched it, I marveled at how awesome it was. Yes, there are a few moments where they acting isn't the greatest and a few cheesy moments of dialogue here and there. But by and large the vast majority of the movie is phenomenal.
  19. Jedi Knight Fett

    Jedi Knight Fett Chosen One star 10

    Feb 18, 2014
    Samnz, KaminoPalomino and mes520 like this.
  20. L110

    L110 Jedi Master star 4

    Oct 26, 2014
    Seems quite positive to me.
  21. mes520

    mes520 Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 3, 2012
    Alienware likes this.
  22. Alienware

    Alienware Jedi Master star 3

    Apr 19, 2013
    I know the prophecy about the chosen one has been discussed to death around here, but one of the podcasters has an interesting theory. He says that maybe bringing balance to the Force means both Jedi and the Sith have to be destroyed. I know it's a general consensus that only the Sith have to be destroyed, but I kinda like the theory that the Jedi (at least leaders of the Order) knew what the prophecy really meant (their own demise as well), which nicely explains their reluctance to train Anakin. Anyway, I'm not making it my official canon or anything, just an interesting thought.
  23. Iron_lord

    Iron_lord 40x Wacky Wednesday winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Sep 2, 2012
    It's actually quite a common theory. Even RoTS novelization writer Matt Stover has voiced it.

    Stover's comments were in the Star Wars on Trial book (Opposing Counsel was David Brin):

    What I find so astonishing, in fact, in Opposing Counsel's indictment is that he seems to believe that the Saga endorses rule by a secretive unelected eliteand then spends much of his argument showing how the Saga explicitly rejects that very concept.
    Yes, Yoda is secretive, and often unhelpful. The Jedi themselves—SURPRISE!—aren't exactly good guys. Perhaps Opposing Counsel never noticed. Let me enlighten him, and the Court.
    If you take a close look at the Jedi Order, you find that—in Mr. Lucas's own words—they're a cross between the Texas Rangers and the Mafia. They are a vast organisation of superheroes—real superheroes, with powers right out of Marvel or DC Comics—who wield near-absolute power in secret, without accountability to anyone but themselves and the Office of the Supreme Chancellor. They are the Justice League with interplanetary Licences to Kill.
    And guess what?
    The Chosen One is chosen to destroy them.
    Does Opposing Counsel expect the Court to believe this is an accident?
    Everything Opposing Counsel has to say about Yoda actually undermines his own case!
    If Mr. Lucas were truly advocating rule by a benevolent despot, wouldn't Yoda have turned out to be always right? Wouldn't Luke's rebellion against him have become a disaster, from which Yoda would have to rescue him, as a father rescues an errant child?
    In fact, at every turn in the Saga, when a Figure of Authority speaks out and gives strict orders ... they're wrong.
    Except when that order is to trust in the Force.
    In other words: trust the voice of the life within you. Trust yourself. Trust love, Trust faith.
    Don't trust people who claim they know what's best for you.
    The Opposing Counsel makes an eloquent argument on the virtues of questioning authority, calling its efforts "inarguably spectacular, underlying most of the accomplishments of modern-enlightenment civilisation."
    What Opposing Counsel doesn't seem to understand is that George Lucas shares this belief in questioning authority, and that the entire Star Wars saga is a brilliant lesson in the virtues of questioning authority.


    6: Jedi Hell?
    Far from being the fairy-tale Manichaean silliness Opposing Counsel pretends to believe it should be, the redemption at the end of Return of the Jedi is not Vader's, but Luke's—and the Galaxy's. Luke renounced violence in the name of love; it is this which turns the tide, and produces the final victory to save the Galaxy.
    That's the true message of Return of the Jedi: renounce violence in the name of love.
    Anakin Skywalker—Darth Vader—fulfills a distinct mythic role in the Saga: the Scourge of God. When the world (society, whatever) has become so corrupt only destruction can answer, it is the Scourge of God—customarily a tragic character (q.v. The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark)—who must carry out that destruction, and in the end by destroyed by his own violence. It's not good vs. evil or black vs. white: Anakin/Vader is in fact wiping out that old Manichaean duality that Opposing Counsel so wistfully pines for. Anakin's (and Vader's) destiny is to bring balance to the Force, remember? To do this, he destroys both the Jedi and the Sith— and, necessarily, himself—and leaves Luke with clean hands and a clear conscience, untainted by the corruption of the past, to be half of, ahem, A New Hope for a better future.
    The other half?
    His twin sister, just as gifted with Force potential, but not turning toward ascetic contemplation as a Jedi. She's turning instead toward full engagement with the world: marriage, and a family and eventual participation in the government of the New Republic (in later years as its Head of State, in fact).
    Opposing Counsel's real complaint seems to be that we don't see Anakin burning in Jedi Hell.
    Ahem again.
    Ain't no such animal as Jedi Hell. Sorry again.
    Corellians (Han Solo's people) have a tradition of Hell—nine of 'em, if I recall correctly—but they're virtually alone in the GFFA in even having the notion of an afterlife at all. The "Force-spirit" phenomenon is not an afterlife as we use the term.
    Jedi Knight Fett and Alienware like this.
  24. Alexrd

    Alexrd Chosen One star 6

    Jul 7, 2009
    In theory it would be an interesting thought, if not for the fact that it shows a great misundertanding of Star Wars. The concerns of the Council in training Anakin are valid (and those same concerns are proven time and time again throughout the movies, including the OT), it's not about their survival. And they are also ignoring the fact that there's no balance with the Jedi's destruction. The Force is not both orders, nor is it limited to them. It's bigger than that and present in all living beings, not just them. The Sith, however, are the ones provoking the imbalance.

    There are things open to interpretation, but others aren't. People may argue that the Jedi should change this and that in their conduct, but that in no way justifies the destruction of a group of selfless peacekeepers that work for the good.
    Gamiel and hairymuggle like this.
  25. mes520

    mes520 Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 3, 2012
    Fresh eyes make familiar sights more enjoyable