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Story Marvel Movies Entries

Discussion in 'Non Star Wars Fan Fiction' started by demolition18, Oct 15, 2013.

  1. demolition18

    demolition18 Jedi Master star 1

    Oct 15, 2005
    Those are entries based on Marvel Comics. They are not done for profit. Not all those characters belong to Marvel Comics.
  2. demolition18

    demolition18 Jedi Master star 1

    Oct 15, 2005
    Blade 4


    At Dracula’s grave at night time. There is a helicopter present. Lilith is present with her minions Gus, Grant, Chase the blonde hair female who was part of the house of Chthon and Chase’s long lost son Jason. There is also the human Satanic priest named Anton Lupeski. Their chopper lands. The vampires get off with the Satanic priest. Anton Lupeski:Now I will rise your father from the dead. Blade could die when your father comes back to life.Lilith:My mother is long dead. Blade hasn’t even killed me.Anton Lupeski:The vampire hunter is a dhampir. We’ll kill that dhampir.” Anton Lupeski has his ritual book with him. The vampires are digging Dracula’s grave. They find the body of Dracula. Gus:Lilith. We have your father’s body now.” Anton Lupeski is reading from the book in Latin. Dracula rises up from the dead. Dracula clobbers the Satanic priest. Lilith:Father. This Satanist priest Anton Lupeski has brought you back to life. Blade is still alive.

    In Detroit at night time. In the House of Chathon. Inside there is present Brian Boone. Markus is there too. So is the vampire band. Markus Van Sciver:Krista Starr Detective Boone is working with Blade the half human half vampire. We’ll now kill Krista Starr.Krista:You took my family away from me. You turned those people into vampires. Blade will come and kill you.” Some other vampires come in with Krista Starr.

    Outside of the house. There are Blade and Shen on their motorcycles. They have guns and other silver weapons with them. Shen:We’ll soon wipe out all of the vampires in the world.Blade:I got Dracula’s blood. Rex Ritter informed me of Lilith the daughter of Drake.” They enter the house. Blade pulls out his sword. They enter.

    In the House of Chathon. Vampires run after Blade with their blades. Blade slices down some vampires. Shen shoots down some vampires. Boone comes up with a pistol drawn. Boone:You Blade are a stone cold killer. I am arresting you.” Boone shoots at Blade. Blade fires back at Boone. Blade shoots a silver stake into Boone. Boone is being ashed. Blade and Shen with their weapons are searching the house. Blade:Marcus must have Krista. I think that Marcus found out that Krista was working with me.” A vampire guard shows up. Blade slices him down. He ashes.

    Somewhere else in the house. There is Markus with his machete. He has it on Krista’s neck. Marcus Van Sciver:You see those men Krista? They knew your brother Zach. We’ll kill you for working with Blade.” Blade and Shen show up. Blade:Face me now Marcus.” Blade goes after Markus. Markus swings his machete at Blade. Blade blocks it with his sword. They are swinging their blades at each other. Shen shoots down some vampires with silver bullets. Shen throws a boomerang slicing down the rest of the vampires. They ash. Shen has the serum for Krista. Shen:Krista. Take this. You should be cured. Rex Ritter sent this over to me.” Krista goes over to Shen. Shen injects more serum into Krista. Krista goes down to the ground. Blade slices Markus in half. Markus ashes. Krista is now a human again. Blade:Do you feel the thirst anymore Krista Starr?Krista:No. I feel human again. Marcus killed me.Blade:I got a message from Rex Ritter. He’s Sommerfield’s ex boyfriend. He could cure me of my vampire self. I tried to when I killed Dracula wipe out all of the vampires in the world.Shen:The virus only killed nearby vampires. We need both the blood of Lilith and Dracula.Blade:Dracula’s daughter is in New York City. We’ll go after her there.Krista:I want to be on your vampire hunting team. I think that Chase went to New York City and found her son named Jason there.” Blade, Krista and Shen leave the house.

    In the house of Lilith later on at time night in New York City. There is Lilith present with many other people there. Also there are her minions Chase, Gus, Grant and Jason. There are also a band of vampires who were once familiars. Also present is the former police chief Martin Vreed. He’s now a vampire. Martin Vreed:Blade shot me in the back as he saw the blood of homeless humans. I was a familiar.Chase:I think that Blade killed Marcus. We’ll now kill Blade.Lilith:I will need you Chief Vreed to go with your pack to the church of Anton Lupeski. We’ll have the day walker to kill.” Martin Vreed departs with the band of vampires to a Satanic church.

    At the Satanic church inside at night time. There is Anton Lupeski present with many men and women Satanists. Domini the wife of Dracula and mother of Lilith Dracula’s daughter is also present. Anton Lupeski:Brothers and sisters. I have resurrected Dracula as the vampires will rule the world. We’ll have the day walker who kills vampires here for sacrifice. His name is Blade.Domini:Blade is a dhampir. That’s half human half vampire. His father is human and his mother was a human turned into a vampire when she gave birth to him. That’s what made the day walker a dhampir.” Martian Vreed with a band of vampires come into the church. Martin Vreed: We have Blade coming ot here. There are other vampire hunters out there. Let’s kill them.

    Outside of the Satanic church in NYC. There are vampire hunters Frank Drake and Taj Nital. They have guns and stakes with them. Frank Drake:Taj. You can’t speak. So I’ll do the questions of those Satanic familiars.” Martin Vreed shows up. Martin Vreed:It’s those vampire hunters. Kill them both.” Frank Drake shoots the former police chief with a stake and he ashes. Other vampires show up. Taj and Frank shoot them down. They ash. They enter the church.

    Inside a Satanic church. There is Anton Lupeski present. FBI agents Simon Black and Clyde Jensen show up. They go to talk to Anton Lupeski. Satanist in league with the vampire nation light up the candles. The vampire hunters come into the church. Many vampires go after them. Agent Black:We are after Russian Mafia boss Sven Olek and his gang. We’ll kill them all.Anton Lupeski:There might be vampire hunters after us. Go kill them.” The 2 agents of the FBI go behind the backs of the 2 vampire hunters. They aim their guns at them. Agent Jensen:FBI. You 2 are under arrest on murder charges. Where’s Blade Frank Drake?Frank Drake:Kiss my butt.Anton Lupeski:I will kill those 2 members of the Night Stalkers. One of them used to be a vampire. Blade is the hunter we fear as we are familiars.” Satanists take their weapons. Anton Lupeski pulls out his knife. Anton Lupeski:I sacrifice your souls in the name Satan.” Anton Lupeski stabs Frank Drake in the heart. He dies. Satanists put Taj Nital on the altar. Anton Lupeski: You die next you mute.” Anton Lupeski cuts Taj Nital’s head off.

    On a yacht at the Hudson River a few days later. Inside there are Abigail Whistler and Hannibal King present. Also there is Rex Ritter who used to date Sommerfield and his daughter Zoe. Rex Ritter:I used to go out with Sommerfield years ago. I found out that we needed to just Dracula’s blood for the day star virus but the blood of Lilith too. Both of them together killed by the day star virus I made more of will make the vampire race extinct hybrids who are half vampires will be cured of vampirism.” Blade shows up with Krista and Shen. Blade:Those here are Shen and Krista Starr. Krista here fought in a war on terrorists and she used to be a vampire. I took down the house of Chathon.Hannibal King:I too used to be a vampire. Rex Ritter’s ex girlfriend treated me with a cure and now I kill vampires.Abigail Whistler:I was trained by my father as a vampire hunter. I like to listen to MP3s when we are hunting vampires.Blade:Now I will urn the night stalkers. I saw that you Rex have a cure for my vampire self.Rex Ritter: Yes. My ex girlfriend’s serum didn’t work on you. I somehow knew that you are a dhampir and the day star virus didn’t kill you. It didn’t even cure you of vampirism.” They all get together.

    At the turf of the Russian Mafia in the day time. There is Russian Mafia boss Sven Olek. There is also his band of Russian thugs. Sven Olek: (In Russian Language) “There are strange tattoos on the police and FBI. We’ll kill them. I think that they work for vampires or are vampires. I didn’t even believe in vampires myself. This woman called Lily must be a vampire. I want her dead.

    Outside of Russian Mafia headquarters. There are FBI agents Simon Black and Clyde Jensen present. There is also the FBI SWAT team. Agent Jensen:FBI agents Ray Cumberland and Wilson Hale were after this vampire hunter known as Blade. I think that he’s a dhampir. That’s half human half vampire. Let’s bring them to Anton Lupeski’s church. They will kill them all and we’ll have Blade for sacrifice.” They go to inside the building.

    Back to the Russian Mafia. The Russian mob boss sees federal agents who are familiars out the window. Sven Olek: (in Russian) “The feds are here. You men in charge with me bail out and the rest of you take out those vampires. I know of the Night Stalkers. I will go to their yacht.” Sven leaves with his men in charge. Others pull out their guns.

    Somewhere else at the Russian Mafia’s turf. The FBI agents show up. Also the Russian thugs show up. Agent Black:FBI. You are all under arrest on racketeering charges.” They are firing at each other. Federal agents are being shot down by the Russian thugs. In the gun fight Agent Black is shot down and killed by a Russian thug. Agent Jensen shoots and kills that Russian thug. Agent Jensen:That was for Agent Black.” The gun fighting is going on. Those Russian mobsters are shot on the shoulders or in the legs. Agent Jensen goes over to the fall Russian thugs. Agent Jensen:Let’s take them away. You men are all under arrest.” The Russians are loaded into the trucks. Agent Jensen gets into his truck carrying the body of Agent Black.

    At the Night Stalker’s yacht later on in the day time. Outside on the pier. There is Russian Mafia boss Sven Olek with his men named Jack, Steven, Yuri, Leonid, Gregory and Ivan. Sven Olek: (In Russian) “This must be the Night Stalker’s yacht. We’ll join the team. We’ll kill vampires too.” They get onto the yacht.

    Inside of the yacht. There is Blade with Rex Ritter. Also Zoe is present. Krista Starr shows up with Hannibal King and Abigail Whistler and Shen. Rex Ritter:Dracula’s daughter Lilith has the power to bring those killed by guns and knives up as vampires. She could even turned the deceased into vampires as vampires are dead people back to life.” The Russian Mafia comes onto the yacht. The Russian mobsters come over to Blade. Sven Olek:Are you Blade who believes the vampires are out there.Blade:Yes. I killed many vampires. I have even killed familiars. Those are people working for the vampires.

    At the House of Lilith in New York City at night time. On a video screen there is Dracula eating Russian mobsters. FBI agent Clyde Jensen shows up. Agent Jensen:Agent Black was killed by the Russian Mafia. I killed that Russian who killed him.Lilith:Bring them to me in the feeding room.” They go into the feeding room.

    In the feeding room. There are the Russian mobsters and FBI Simon Black. They rise up from the dead as they have been turned into vampires. Lilith shows up. Lilith:You Simon Black will go after Blade and kill him. Also kill the scientist Rex Ritter. He wants to wipe us all out.” The Russian mobsters and Simon Black leave the house and go after the Night Stalkers.

    Outside of Night Stalkers yacht. There is Simon Black present with the former Russian mobsters. Agent Black:One of you killed me. Now we are vampires. We have this Blade to kill.” They go to the boat. Those Russian thugs have guns with them as does the FBI agent who was a familiar.

    Somewhere else on the yacht. There is the Night Stalkers team with the Russian mafia. Blade has a UV light to show the Russian mobsters. Rex Ritter shows the garlic to the Russian Mafia remnants. Rex Ritter:You kill vampires with garlic. Crosses and holy water or wooden stakes to the heart don’t do anything to them.” Abigail Whistler has a UV laser thing. She shows it to the Russians. Abigail Whistler:This thing here I used to kill vampires with is called a UV laser. It’s half has hot as the sun. It is like a knife cutting through butter.” Hannibal King has his gun with him. He shows it to the Russian mobsters. Hannibal King:This here is a gun that carries silver bullets. I kill vampires with it. Blade here has a stake gun.” Blade next displays his silver boomerangs to the Russian mob boss and the rest of his thugs. Blade:The next things are silver boomerangs that I have killed many vampires with.” The vampire squad shows up. Agent Black:Sven. Your men killed me. Now I am one of the vampires.” Everyone gets their weapons with them. Sven Olek with his gun shoots down FBI agent Simon Black. The Russian Mafia shoots down their old colluges. Blade pulls out his sword. Agent Black gets up. Blade slices the FBI agent in half. He turns into ashes. Former Russian mobsters get up. Abigail Whistler slices them with her UV laser. Hannibal King shoots down the rest with his guns. They all ash. Blade: We have lots of silver ammunition here. You Russians empty your guns. They need silver bullets.” All those Russian mobsters empty their guns. Blade is giving them silver bullets. Blade leaves the place. Rex Ritter has more of the daystar virus. Rex Ritter:I have more supplies than last time of the daystar virus. No more vampires.Blade:Welcome to the Night stalkers team.Sven Olek:I am Sven Olek the wanted Russian mob boss. Those are my associates Gregory, Steven, Jack, Ivan, Yuri and Leonid. We’ll together kill vampires.Hannibal King:I am Hannibal King. Those here are Abigail Whistler who’s father trained us as vampire killers, Krista Starr who used to be a vampire, Shen and this is Rex Ritter’s daughter Zoe. Her mother was killed by Dracula.Abigail Whistler:I tried to kill Dracula once. Blade killed him. I was born later in wedlock. I killed those vampires who killed my mother and 2 sisters.Hannibal King:I too used to be a vampire. I was cured by Sommerfield Rex’s ex girlfriend.

    At a club called the Deep later on at night time. There is Chase present with a band of vampires. Chase’s son Jason along with other teenage vampires named Windy, Will, Karen, Blake and Oliver. There are many people there gathered together at the club too in the city. Chase:Jason. Your father was killed by Blade. You can kill him.Jason:I guessed that Blade is a vampire. You used to belong to the house of Chathon.Chase:I think that Blade killed Marcus.Jason:Dad is a pure blood and you are an infected blood. Than that makes me a pure blood.Chase: Blade is after us. Many celebrities hang out here.

    Outside of the Deep in the city. There is Blade on his motorcycle. He goes over to the Deep. Blade has his weapons with him. A dee jay puts on a song called To Be Treated Rite by Terry Ried. Blade enters the club. Chase sends her son and some friends after Blade. Chase:Jason. You and your friends who are teens can kill Blade the dhampir.” Blade pulls out his sword. Blade:Chase.” Those 5 vampires pull out their guns. They shoot at Blade. Blade fires his gun on those vampires. He shoots them down. They turn to ash. Many people in the club are watching. Blade:Get out of here. Those are vampires here that I am slaying.” All those humans and the Dee Jay leave going into hiding. Blade whips out his silver stake hitting Jason in the heart. Jason ashes. Chase:Now you will pay for killing my son Blade.” Chase jumps onto Blade. Blade throws a punch clobbering Chase. Blade pulls out a silver stake. Blade:Krista didn’t kill you when she threw you many stories down the stairs.Chase:You know that won’t take effect on us.” He stabs Chase with it. Chase turns to Ash as her body burns up. Blade leaves the club.

    Outside of the Deep. There is FBI agent Clyde Jensen present. There are other agents there too. Also there are Wilson Hale and Ray Cumberland. Blade comes out of the club. Agent Cumberland:He’s the one who I apprehended before.Agent Hale:Abraham Whistler tried to kill us and he killed himself.” Blade is captured by the feds as they aim their guns at Blade. Agent Jensen:I will take Blade downtown and lock him up.Agent Cumberland:We are out of here.” Agent Jensen puts a pair of handcuffs on Blade. Agent Jensen takes Blade with him. Agent Jensen:You are under arrest Blade on murder charges. You are also now connected to the Russian Mafia.

    At the Satanic church run by Anton Lupeski. There is Anton Lupeski present along with Domini the wife of Dracula and mother of Lilith Dracula’s daughter and those devil worshippers working for vampires. Agent Jensen has Blade taken captive. Agent Jensen:Here’s the dhampir high priest Anton Lupeski.Anton Lupeski:We’ll kill the dhampir. I don’t think he’ll ash. He’s a human with vampire abilities.” Many devil worshipers take Blade up to the altar. Domini goes over to Blade. She beats him up. Domini:We will have you for sacrifice now Blade.Agent Jensen:I am going after the rest of the Night Stalkers team. We’ll kill them.” Agent Jensen leaves the place.

    At the Night Stalker’s yacht. There Rex Ritter present along with the vampire hunters and his daughter Zoe. Krista:I hope that Blade got Chase. He killed Marcus Van Sciver.Rex Ritter:We’ll go looking for Blade. You Sven Olek will go with your left over gang after Satanic priest Anton Lupeski.

    On the pier. In a car there are the FBI agents Wilson Hale and Ray Cumberland. They get out of the car. They go onto the yacht.

    Back to the Night Stalkers team. At the target range. There are the Russian mobsters with their boss are shooting with bows and arrows. Abigail Whistler is there watching them.

    Somewhere else on the yacht. There’s the rest of the night stalkers team. FBI agents Ray Cumberland and Wilson Hale show up. Hannibal King, Krista Starr and Shen aim their guns at the federal agents. Hannibal King:You tried to apprehend Blade.Agent Cumberland: We learned that there really are vampires. I worked with many of those familiars.Agent Hale:I want to join with you. Blade has been taken by Agent Jensen I think to Anton Lupeski’s church.Agent Cumberland:I want those hunters to come with me.” They take their guns off of the agents. Abby Whistler shows up with the Russian Mafia. Abigail Whistler:Those men here want to break up their criminal gang. They are the Russian mafia and they want to join us Night Stalkers.Agent Cumberland: Than you men are coming with me or we will put you in prison.” The Russian mobsters with their boss leave the place along with the 2 FBI agents.

    At the Satanic church inside. There is the whole devil worship group present. Also present are Domini with high priest Anton Lupeski. Also there is Lilith and her father Dracula. Also there are Gus, Grant and Agent Jensen of the FBI. Gus:I dug up Dracula.Grant:Blade won’t kill us now. He killed Chase and her son Jason. He killed those other vampires with them at the Deep.Dracula:Blade has killed me once. It will be payback time on him.” The men and women following Anton Lupeski bring Blade up to the alter as candles are being lit. Anton Lupeski: I sacrifice your soul in the name of Satan dhampir.

    Outside of this devil worshipping church. There are FBI agents Wilson Hale and Ray Cumberland along Sven Olek and his thugs. Sven Olek:I learned that silver and garlic along with the sun light will take effect on vampires. There are the familiars that we are dealing with.Agent Cumberland:I asked Blade about how to kill vampires. We didn’t believe him. We thought that he was a crazy stone cold killer.” They burst into the church.

    Back to the ritual. Blade is having his armor removed by Satanists. Anton Lupeski:Hail Satan. Answer to your name. Witness to this holy sacrifice. I have a dhampir who kills vampires there I bring to you.” Anton Lupeski is going over to Blade with his spiked knife. FBI agents and former Russian mobsters burst into the church. Agent Cumberland:FBI. You are all under arrest on kidnapping charges.” They aim their guns at the Satanists. They get into a gun fight. Blade is working on a way to get free of his ropes. Blade’s sword is up at the altar. Domini is by Blade. Domini:We’ll kill you with them day walker.” Blade kicks Domini on the stomach. Blade next throws a punch onto Domini. Other Satanists get into a gun fight with the Russian Mafia and FBI agents who tried to arrest Blade. Russian mobsters Greg and Steven are shot and killed. The federal agents kill those Satanists present. Domini goes for a gun. She is shot by Russian mob boss Sven Olek. Leonid and Jack are being cut down by Anton’s spiked knife. Anton Lupeski:I have more for sacrifice now.” Others fire on Ivan and Yuri. They fire back. 2 more Russian mobsters are killed in battle. The gun fighting with the FBI agents is still going on. Blade:You 2 agents now on my side and the Russian mob boss will deal with those familiars and I will kill Dracula and his daughter with other vampires.” Blade goes after Dracula and his daughter carrying his sword. Lilith:You Gus and Grant will kill Blade.” Gus and Grant go after Blade with their blades. Grant:You’re the day walker we will kill.” Blade slices them 2 down with his sword. They ash. Blade:Take me on Father Lupeski.” Blade takes on the Satanic priest Anton Lupeski. Anton Lupeski:I could stab you in the heart as I kill a dhampir.” They are fighting each other in a blade fight. They swing their blades at each other. Blade stabs Anton Lupeski in the heart. The evil priest falls dead. The Russian mob boss and FBI agents kills the rest of those Satanists. Blade goes over to the Russian Mafia boss and 2 FBI agents who pursued him for years. Blade:You 2 aren’t familiars. I worked with Agent Collins. He was killed by a vampire that he thought was a little girl and I killed that vampire and her Lurch like bodyguard in Detroit.Agent Cumberland:I will team with you now Blade. I had to go to your allies for help since we didn’t kill any vampires.” They leave the place.

    At the House of Lilith. There is Dracula present along with his daughter Lilith. Also there is FBI agent Clyde Jensen. Also there are many armed vampire guards and an army of vampires. Lilith:Agent Jensen. I will give you eternal life. You will kill the day stalkers.” Lilith bites Agent Jensen on the neck. He turns into a vampire. The vampire army leaves to bring the Satanists to them. Dracula:I think that the Satanists have been killed. I have brought you to bring their bodies to me as my daughter will make vampires out of them.

    At FBI headquarters the next day. There are some familiars in the FBI and agents Wilson Hale and Ray Cumberland. Agent Hale:The day walker got away. I know of Agent Collins killed by vampires.” Agents Hale and Cumberland find glyphs on the other agents. The 2 agents aim their guns at the familiars. Agent Cumberland:Hold it right there you familiars.” They all put their hands up.

    At the Night Stalkers yacht in the day time. There is everyone present. Rex Ritter:I have lots of supplies of the daystar virus to give you all. Blade. You need another round of serum before you put this virus in Dracula and Lilith.” Blade is given vials of the day star virus by Rex Ritter. Abby’s arrows are supplied with the day star virus by Rex Ritter. Rex Ritter supplies Krista Starr, Shen, Hannibal King and Sven Olek. Blade takes a shot of serum for his thirst. He injects it into himself. Blade: Let’s end the vampire race now.” The Night Stalkers leave the place.

    At a devil worship church at dusk. There is Dracula present. Also there is Lilith and FBI agent Clyde Jensen. Dracula: You could take off your helmets once we rise them all up.Lilith:Father. I have a sanatorium for those Satanists. We’ll take in the night stalkers and kill them all.” The vampires are suited up in sun protection. They have on the suits with them.

    Outside of the Satanic church. There are FBI agents Wilson Hale and Ray Cumberland. Agent Cumberland:We will Wilson take them all down.Agent Hale:Blade told me Ray that sun light and garlic will kill vampires along with silver.” They are going into the Satanic church.

    Back to inside of the Satanic church. All those dead Satanists and Russian mobsters rise. They are all vampires on now. Agent Jensen and Lilith remove their sun proof helmets. Lilith:Night has come. Now we will have a feeding in sacrifice as you all have eternal life.

    Back at the house of Lilith. Agent Jensen and Lilith show up with Dracula and the Satanists. Lilith:I have your new sanatorium for you Anton Lupeski and your followers.” They go to inside of the house.

    Somewhere else in the building. There is Lilith present with Count Dracula. Also present are the band of vampires. There are other vampires who killed Marcus Van Sciver’s wife and turned Marcus into a vampire. Dracula:The pure bloods have the 2 FBI agents with me.Agent Cumberland: Wilson and I have captured the familiars. I removed your dead body once.Agent Hale:Ray and I here with the Russian mob boss killed you people. Blade will kill you men and women.” The Satanists have Agents Hale and Cumberland with them.

    On the streets of New York City. There is the van there. Hannibal King is driving it. Abby is up front. Sven Olek, Krista Starr and Shen are riding in the back. Sven Olek:I think that I know where the house of Lilith is. I was hanging around there with my gang.Blade:I will follow you Hannibal King.” Blade is near Hannibal King’s van on his motorcycle. They are heading off to the house of Lilith.

    Inside the House of Lilith in the sanatorium of Anton Lupeski. There are the 2 FBI agents being chained up. Lilith shows up. There are the pure bloods there too. They are the same vampires who turned Marcus. Lilith:You 2 men will be turned as we kill you in sacrifice.Agent Cumberland:Blade has slain many vampires and familiars. He will kill you. I tried to arrest him.Lilith:I think that the vampire hunters are around here. Sven Olek and his Russian Mafia tried to kill us and take over this building as their turf.” Those pure bloods leave the place going after the vampire hunters.

    Outside of the house of Lilith. Blade parks his motorcycle there just as Hannibal King parks the van. They all get out with their weapons. Blade pulls out his silver boomerangs. Blade:We’ll end the vampire race forever. I will be all human than.

    Inside on the lower levels of the House of Lilith. There are the pure bloods. They are the Indian vampires and those who turned Markus. Also there is Domini. Blade and his vampire hunting team show up. Domini:You shot me Sven Olek.Sven Olek:I will kill you again.” Blade throws his silver boomerang onto those vampires who turned Marcus. They ash. Domini goes after the vampire hunting team. Abby Whistler shoots her with a bow. She ashes. Blade:Let’s split up in search of Dracula and even the FBI agents who were captured. You will come with me Krista. You Abby and King will go together. Shen you are taking Sven with you.” Blade goes with Krista after Dracula. Abby and Hannibal go to Anton’s sanatorium. Shen and the Russian mob boss Sven Olek go to another part of the building in search of the 2 FBI agents or Dracula himself.

    In the Satanist sanatorium. There is a ritual being started by vampire Satanists. Candles are lit up. Anton Lupeski:In the name of Satan I will take your souls and we’ll all drink your blood as we have been given eternal life.” Abigail Whistler and Hannibal King show up. Hannibal King:No more Satanism here. This ends now.Anton Lupeski:Get them. This male hunter himself used to be a vampire.” Satanist vampires go after Anton Lupeski is standing there. Those Satanist pull out their guns. Abigail Whistler with her UV laser slices those vampires. They ash. Hannibal King shoots down Satanists. A few other men and women go after the other hunters. Abby Whistler shoots them with her arrows. They disintegrate into Ash. Abby goes over to the 2 agents. She pulls out her pistol. Abigail Whistler:I will rescue those 2 agents.Agent Hale:We are out of here as soon as you free us. We’ll be taking over the FBI.” She shoots the chains around the 2 FBI agents. Anton Lupeski goes after Hannibal King with his spiked handle knife. Anton Lupeski: I will sacrifice your soul former vampire.Hannibal King:That woman who turned me was killed by Blade.” Hannibal King stabs the Satanic priest vampire in the chest with his silvery blade from his hand. The evil priest is disintegrated into ash. Some more vampires show up. Abby throws a UV bomb blowing up the rest of the Satanists. They ash. Hannibal King:Let’s go help Blade.

    At Dracula’s main part of the building. There are Blade and Krista Starr. They spot some vampires. Those vampire guards go after Blade. Blade slices them down with his silver sword. Dracula pulls out his sword. Dracula:I will kill you now Blade.” Lilith shows up. Krista:I will take on Dracula’s daughter here.” Krista takes on Lilith. Blade and Dracula get into another sword fight. They are banging sword into each other’s. Krista and Lilith are fighting each other. Lilith:You are the young woman who used to be a vampire. I will kill you former vampire.

    Somewhere else in the building. There are the Russian mobsters who were killed in the Satanic church with Agent Jensen present. Also there are some more vampires there too. Shen and Sven Olek show up. Steven:You could be one of us.Sven Olek:Never.” The vampires present fire on Shen and Sven. The 2 vampire hunters fire back on them. The 2 hunters are killing the vampires there. They ash.

    Back to Blade and Krista vs. Dracula and Lilith. The hand to hand fighting and sword fighting is going on. Dracula goes back to his regular form from human form. They are fighting each other. They are moving around the table. Blade slices Dracula on the stomach. Krista throws Lilith into the stair well. Lilith:Ready to die former vampire?Krista:I was born ready just as Blade was.

    Back to Shen and the Russian Mafia boss. Shen shoots down more vampires. Agent Jensen and Olek are shooting at each other. Agent Jensen:Now I will kill you Russian mob boss.” Shen kills some vampires. They ash. Agent Jensen shoots and kills Russian Mafia boss Sven Olek. Shen:Face me Agent Jensen.” Abby Whistler and Hannibal King show up. Agent Jensen fires on the vampire hunters. Hannibal King with sprays Agent Jensen with garlic. His head explodes. The FBI agent ashes. Abby finds the Russian mobster dead. Shen:Agent Jensen shot and kill the Russian mob boss. They are all dead now.” They go looking for Blade.

    Back to Blade vs. Dracula. Krista and Lilith are beating each other up. Krista stabs Lilith with the daystar virus vial. Krista:Kill him Blade.” Blade and Dracula continue sword fighting. Blade pulls out vials of the day star virus. He stabs Dracula with it. Dracula falls dying again. All this silver with the blood of Dracula and his daughter come out of them. Lilith:You have fought with honor. The thirst always wins.Dracula:No more of us as I am the first vampire.

    Somewhere else in the building. There are vampires who were familiars. The silver in the air getting to them. They are being burned up.

    All over the world vampires are being burned up from the daystar virus. They explode. Caudler is fighting vampires along with Dracula’s 2 other wives in New Paltz. Those vampires also ash.

    Back to Dracula and Blade. Lilith disintegrates into ash. Blade is standing near the dying Dracula. Dracula:There are other sources of evil out there. You have fought valiantly.” Dracula dies just as his daughter ashes. Hannibal King, Abigail Whistler, Krista and Shen show up. Blade’s allies take the corpse of Dracula himself. Blade:Where’s Sven Olek?Shen:He was killed by Agent Jensen. Hannibal King destroyed Agent Jensen with garlic.Blade:I am human now. This time the vampires should be extinct.

    A few days later at the yacht of the vampire hunting team. There is Krista Starr, Shen, Rex Ritter, Zoe, Hannibal King and Abigail Whistler present. Also there is Blade present. Blade is all human now. Rex Ritter:We now know for sure that the vampire nation is extinct. You are all human now Blade.Blade:No more thirst for me. I will hunt down other evil beings. I am going now.” Blade gets onto his motorcycle. He leaves the place. Blade goes driving off into the streets.

  3. demolition18

    demolition18 Jedi Master star 1

    Oct 15, 2005
    Ghost Rider: Vengeance


    Opening credits. There are shots of Johnny Blaze as the Ghost Rider battling Blackheart and his minions. There is showing of Blackheart defeated. There are shots of Johnny Blaze getting married to Roxanne Simpson and also shots of Johnny Blaze as the Ghost Rider killing Michael Badilino’s family being manipulated by Mephisto. There shots of Daimon Hellstrom bringing back Snowblind just as he was killed by one of Captain Dolan’s officers. There are also shots of Michael Badilino signing a contract in his own blood with Mephisto. There are shots of Blackheart being killed by Johnny Blaze the Ghost Rider.

    At a former church building inside at night time in New York City. There is Daimon Hellstrom present. Also there are some other men and women devil worshipping present. They have Satanic symbols there. Also there are candles lit. Daimon Hellstrom:My sister Satanna with Jennifer Kale and Topaz are dealing with other demons. Maybe we’ll find them and kill them. Barbara Ketch the sister of motorcycle stunt man Danny Ketch has been killed by a demon wannabe. We’ll find Dan Ketch and kill him.

    At NY PD headquarters at night time in the lobby. There is rookie cop Stacy Dolan present. Also there is Lt. Michael Badilino present. There are other officers of the NY PD present. Michael Badilino: We have Daimon Hellstrom the devil worship ring leader out there. He has even recruited drug dealers who worked for a man calling himself Snowblind the blind drug lord.Stacy Dolan:Snowblind managed to pull a knife on my father and was killed by one of my father’s officers. I am new to the NY PD.Michael Badilino:I also worked as a homicide detective and got promoted to lt. Let’s go nail them.” They depart for this Satanic church.

    Outside of the Satanic church. NY PD cars show up. Also Michael Badilino shows up on his police motorcycle. Stacy Dolan is in one of the cars. Michael Badilino gets off of his motorcycle while the other cops get out of their cars. They all draw guns. Michael Badilino:You follow my lead.

    Inside of the church building. There is Daimon Hellstrom at the altar. There are his followers there too. Daimon Hellstrom:The family of Michael Badilino was killed by the devil. He could be after us.” Michael Badilino with Stacy Dolan and other cops show up with guns drawn. Michael Badilino:Don’t move.Stacy Dolan:This is the NY PD. You are all under arrest.” Michael Badilino goes over to Daimon Hellstrom. Stacy Dolan and the other officers aim their guns at those devil worshippers. Michael Badilino:Put down the trident and I won’t shoot you.Daimon Hellstrom:You got me Lt. Badilino.” Daimon Hellstrom puts down the trident just as Michael Badilino aims his gun at him. Michael Badilino:Put your hands on top of your head.” Daimon Hellstrom puts his hands on top of his head.

    Later on outside of the church building. There are devil worshippers being loaded into police cars along with Daimon Hellstrom. There are Michael Badilino and Stacy Dolan present. Michael Badilino:I am investigating the death of my family. It must’ve been supernatural killings. I am going now.” Michael Badilino goes off onto his motorcycle.

    Somewhere else on the streets of New York City. There is Mephisto present. Also present are his 2 daughters Malevolence and Mephista. Michael Badilino shows up. Mephisto:Lt. Badilino. I know of you from the NY PD. The Ghost Rider Johnny Blaze killed your family. You can become Vengeance and avenge your family.Michael Badilino:Maybe I will. I want to take down my family’s killer. I just took down a band of Satanists.Mephista:You can join up with us and punish the Ghost Rider. You can come into my father’s realm. It was the demon Zarathos who manipulated Ghost Rider into killing your family.Mephisto:You can go to San Francisco. That’s where Johnny Blaze with his family currently lives.” Mephisto goes over to Michael Badilino. Michael Badilino and his motorcycle are starting to get cursed. Mephisto:You have years ago signed a contract in exchange for your soul. You can defeat the rider and then singe Zarathos.” Michael Badilino is transforming into Vengeance. Vengeance:I will do it. I am Vengeance now.Mephisto:Soon you’ll get the rider. Let’s go to California.Mephista:We also have Lilith a female demon with a family all demons. You could singe them.Mephisto:Find the one called Creed. He’s out there on Earth. Kill him.

    A few days later in Southern California at a stadium. There is Dan Ketch on his motorcycle. There is other Johnny Blaze his half brother’s manager with other members of Team Ketch. The announcer is out there too. In the crowd there are Roxanne Simpson-Blaze along with little Craig and Emma. There are people there various ages. Dan Ketch on his bike goes flying across the field. Johnny Blaze goes over to Dan Ketch his half brother. Motorcycle Ring Announcer:Dan Ketch did it. He went for the record after his half brother. Maybe soon he will clear the length of a football field at his next jump.

    Later on at night time on the road in the trailer. There is Dan Ketch present along with Johnny Blaze his half brother. Also present are the members of Team Ketch. They are heading off to Northern California. Dan Ketch:I know of the Ghost Rider from when you became my manager.Johnny Blaze:The Ghost Rider is still out there to singe the devil. Roxanne and I moved into California when we got married.

    Somewhere in Northern California. There is Vengeance on his motorcycle. Creed a Lilin shows up. Creed:You must be one of Mephisto’s minions. I’ll take you on now and Lilith with Zarathos will rule the world.” Creed makes multiples of himself. Creed:Get him. We’ll bury Mephisto.” They go after Vengeance. Vengeance gets off of his motorcycle. The multiples of Creed attack Vengeance. Vengeance takes out bone chains. He takes out the multiples of Creed. Vengeance on Creed manipulates hell fire. Vengeance:Now you’ll burn in hell and Mephisto will bring forth the end of days.” He burns Creed to death. Vengeance next whips Creed with his bone chains. Creed turns to dust. Vengeance gets back onto his motorcycle. He goes off into the night.

    At the home of the Blaze’s in San Francisco later on at night time. Johnny Blaze gets in with his half brother Dan Ketch. Roxanne Simpson-Blaze with Emma and Craig follow them into the house. Johnny Blaze turns on the lights. Johnny and Dan get into the living room. Johnny Blaze:You could take my place as the Ghost Rider once I defeat Mephisto. I know that demons killed Barbara Ketch.Dan Ketch:They will pay for this.

    At a graveyard in Northern California. There is the new Caretaker present. Hamilton Slade as the Phantom Rider shows up on his horse. He goes over to the Caretaker. Caretaker:I think that Mephisto has brought the Hell-Lords out of his realm. We need Johnny Blaze as the Ghost Rider.Phantom Rider:I will meet up with him. I think that Mephisto recruited someone from the NY PD blaming the Ghost Rider for the death of his family. We’ll get him on our side.Caretaker:Mephisto must’ve told lies to him to turn him evil. Dan Ketch has a stunt going on tomorrow.Phantom Rider:I will be there.” Hamilton Slade departs on his horse.

    At the start of midnight at a bar outside. There is Michael Badilino outside drinking beer. Malevolence and Mephista with Snowblind show up. Malevolence:This is Snowblind who’s an undead brought back by my father and Daimon Hellstrom who’s now behind bars.” They go over to Michael Badilino. Michael Badilino transforms into Vengeance. Vengeance:I will find the Ghost Rider and defeat him. We’ll than get rid of our rivals.” Mephisto with Hell-Lords Thog, Asmodeus, Olivier, Lightbearer, Beelzeboul and Marduk Kurios. Mephisto:Those are the Hell-Lords. You will Malevolence go with Vengeance and Snowblind to the grave site and find the Caretaker. Hamilton Slade the Phantom Rider descended from Carter Slade a Texas Ranger is here. We’ll bury them.” Malevolence goes over to her father. Malevolence:We’ll go to the grave site tomorrow night and we’ll find the Ghost Rider your creation that turned against you.Mephisto:I killed stunt cyclist Barton Blaze at the Quentin Carnival long ago. He was the father of Johnny Blaze.” They all vanish into the night.

    The next day at the 49ers stadium in the day time in a locker. There is Dan Ketch in his motorcycle suit present. Also there is his half brother and manager Johnny Blaze present. Dan Ketch has on his motorcycle suit. Johnny Blaze:When I was the motorcycle stunt man I cleared the length of a football field. Now I am the manager.Dan Ketch:I could go for the record. I know that your dad was killed by the devil and you want him to pay for it. I will take the curse from you just as Mephisto has fallen and I will face his rivals.” They go out on the field.

    Out on the field at dusk. There are Roxanne Simpson-Blaze along with Emma and Craig Blaze sitting in the front row seats. There are people various ages there too. Also Hamilton Slade is among the crowd. The announcer is out there too. There are monster truckers on the field. Motorcycle Ring Announcer:Everyone here. We have Dan Ketch out to try to set a new record going over the monster trucks. Let’s hear it for Dan Ketch.” Dan Ketch shows up with Johnny Blaze and the others on the team. Dan Ketch puts the visor on his helmet over this face. Dan Ketch goes off on his motorcycle flying over the football field. He lands on the other side of the field. Everyone is clapping. Motorcycle Ring Announcer:He did it. He didn’t fall off of his motorcycle. Let’s give a hand to Daniel Ketch.

    Later on outside of the 49ers Stadium. There is Johnny Blaze on his motorcycle. Also there is Dan Ketch on his motorcycle. Hamilton Slade gets onto his horse. Hamilton Slade: I know that you are Johnny Blaze the Ghost Rider.Johnny Blaze:Once I defeat Mephisto I will give the curse to my brother Dan here. I will back him up still.Hamilton Slade:I need you Johnny to come with me to the cemetery to meet with the new Caretaker. Someone was recruited by Mephisto to join him. He’s from the NY PD and blames you for the death of his family.” There is Roxanne Simpson-Blaze’s car out there. Roxanne with Emma and Craig get into the car while Dan Ketch departs from the stadium. Johnny Blaze goes off to the cemetery on his bike just as Hamilton Slade departs on his horse.

    Somewhere on the streets of San Francisco. Johnny Blaze and Hamilton Slade show up on the motorcycle and horse. It’s getting dark out. Johnny Blaze: “Let’s ride.” Hamilton Slade:We could get Vengeance to join us on our side as he’s NY PD officer Michael Badilino.Johnny Blaze:I will singe Mephisto. He killed my father long ago.” Johnny Blaze transforms into the Ghost Rider. Hamilton Slade transforms into the Phantom Rider. They go off to the cemetery.

    Somewhere else in Northern California. There is Malevolence present along with Vengeance and Snowblind. Malevolence: Since he’s blind his whole life than you could give him a ride Vengeance. He never drove any motor vehicle due to being blind.Vengeance:Hop on Snowblind. You could still manage to try to kill Captain Dolan and you got shot by one of his officers.Snowblind:I will even find the Ghost Rider. I was before a drug dealer. You took down Daimon Hellstrom before you were turned by Mephisto.” They depart for that cemetery in Northern California as Vengeance is on his motorcycle and Snowblind hops on aboard. Malevolence:I will follow you both to the cemetery. We’ll find the Ghost Rider and Phantom Rider. You can than Vengeance come into my father’s realm.

    At the Cemetery in Northern California at dusk. There is Caretaker present. The Ghost Rider and Phantom Rider show up next. They get off of the bike and horse. Caretaker:Those demons could be coming to here.Phantom Rider:The 3 witches are dealing with other demons in New York.” Ghost Rider pulls out his flaming chains. The Phantom Rider goes for his firearms. Malevolence shows up as do Vengeance and Snowblind on Vengeance’s motorcycle. They get off. Phantom Rider takes on Snowblind. Ghost Rider takes on Vengeance. Malevolence watches. Vengeance: You will die as you than went to answering Zarathos.Ghost Rider:It was Mephisto who manipulated me into killing your family.” Ghost Rider and Vengeance fight each other throwing punches onto each other. Phantom Rider and Snowblind throw punches at each other. The Phantom Rider pulls out his firearms. He shoots Snowblind with flaming bullets. In the battle Ghost Rider incapacitates Vengeance just as Caretaker strike him with the shovel. Vengeance falls to the ground turning back into Michael Badilino. Michael Badilino falls unconscious. Caretaker takes Michael Badilino into his shack. Caretaker:I’ll take him.Snowblind:You will both die.” Snowblind gets back up. Ghost Rider whips his flaming chain around Snowblind’s neck. The Phantom Rider with his flaming pistols shoots Malevolence as she attacks. Ghost Rider rips Snowblind’s head from his body. Snowblind falls dead. Malevolence is incinerated by flaming bullets of Phantom Rider Hamilton Slade. The Ghost Rider Johnny Blaze gets back onto his motorcycle. Ghost Rider: I will go home now.Phantom Rider:I singed the daughter of Mephisto. He has another one still out there and you destroyed Blackheart.” He heads off to home.

    Somewhere else on the streets of Northern California. There is Thog present. Johnny Blaze shows up on his motorcycle. Thog:You must be the Ghost Rider. You must’ve defeated Malevolence along with Vengeance and Snowblind. Now I will kill you.” Thog blasts hellfire from his hands at the Ghost Rider. He misses. Ghost Rider pulls out his flaming chains. Ghost Rider with his flaming chains strikes Thog distinitgrating him. Ghost Rider heads home.

    At the Blaze house at night time. Johnny Blaze shows up on his motorcycle. Dan Ketch comes to outside of the house. Johnny Blazes goes over to his half brother. Johnny Blaze:Let’s get in half brother. I have defeated Vengeance. Maybe against the Hell-Lords the Caretaker will persuade Vengeance to join us just as before Mephisto turned him evil he took down a devil worship band. Maybe soon we’ll move to New York City.” They get inside of the house.

    At dawn in the Caretaker’s shack at the cemetery. There is present Michael Badilino unconscious. He regains conscious. Caretaker shows up. Michael Badilino:Last I remember was being in New York.Caretaker:You are from the NY PD. You could join us against the Hell-Lords. They turned you evil.Michael Badilino:Maybe I will join the Ghost Riders.Caretaker:It was Mephisto who took control of the Ghost Rider to where he killed your family. They must’ve lied to you about Zarathos.Michael Badilino:I will meet up with Johnny Blaze. I am on his side now. Mephisto will pay for the death of my family. I believe that Zarathos his rival is coming to Earth as is Lilith the queen of demons.Caretaker:They are rivals to the Hell-Lords. A member of the Hell-Lords believes to be Lucifer. We don’t know Lightbearer’s real name. He joined with demons as there are other Hell-Lords who joined.” He goes over to the NY PD officer. Michael Badilino gets out of the shack.

    Outside at the graveyard. There is Michael Badilino’s bike. Michael Badilino comes out and goes onto his motorcycle. The Caretaker comes out next. Michael Badilino goes off to the Blaze Residence.

    At the home of the Blaze’s in the day time. In the living room. There are Johnny Blaze and Dan Ketch present. Also there is Roxanne Simpson-Blaze along with Emma and Craig. Roxanne Simpson-Blaze:Your father is the Ghost Rider. You could learn this by now. He killed the demon called Blackheart when I was pregnant with you. The devil Mephisto is responsible for your grandfather’s killing.Johnny Blaze:I wanted to own the curse Mephisto put on me and use it against him. I will avenge my father. We are the spirits of Vengeance.” The doorbell rings. Johnny Blaze:I will go get it.” Johnny Blaze goes over to answer it.

    In the front hall of the Blaze Residence. Johnny Blaze shows up. Johnny Blaze answers the door. It’s Michael Badilino there. Michael Badilino: I am Lt. Michael Badilino from the NY PD. You must be Johnny Blaze.Johnny Blaze:You must be Vengeance. Mephisto killed my father at the Quentin Carnival when I was nearly an adult. He will be punished.Michael Badilino:Mephisto has assembled the Hell-Lords team and one of them thinks that he is Lucifer the son of Satan.Ghost Rider:After we defeat Mephisto I will give the curse to my half brother Dan. Come on into the house.” He comes into the house.

    In the basement of the Blaze Residence. There is Johnny Blaze present with Dan Ketch and Michael Badilino. Johnny Blaze:Until you get the curse half brother you have this shot gun. We’ll defeat Mephisto and the Hell-Lords.Michael Badilino:I am lt. of the NY PD. I will join with you as we are called Spirits of Vengeance.Dan Ketch:I am a motorcycle stunt man. We are soon moving to New York City.” Johnny Blaze gives the flaming shot gun to Dan Ketch his half brother.

    At dusk somewhere in San Francisco. There is Mephista present along with Olivier and other members of the Hell-Lords. Mephista:I think that Vengeance has turned against us. We’ll make him pay for it. My father will even kill Johnny Blaze. Olivier. You can go after the Ghost Rider. The rest of us will pay a visit to Reverend Joshua Crowe to find Johnny Blaze with his family. He married Johnny Blaze and Roxanne Simpson.” Olivier departs on the streets of San Francisco after the Ghost Rider.

    On the streets of Northern California at night time. There are Johnny Blaze, Dan Ketch and Michael Badilino on motorcycles riding over to the cemetery. Johnny Blaze transforms into Ghost Rider. Michael Badilino transforms into Vengeance. Olivier shows up. Olivier:You will pay for your betrayal you riders.Vengeance:He’s Olivier a member of the Hell-Lords.” Olivier shoots blasts of hellfire at the Ghost Riders. Ghost Rider takes out his chain. Dan Ketch with his shot gun shoots Olivier. Nothing happens. Olivier:You will pay for this new bounty hunter of the devil.” Vengeance shoots fire at Olivier just as Olivier tries to fry him. Ghost Rider strikes Olivier with his flaming chain. He cuts him in half distinitgrating him. The riders take off to the cemetery.

    At a church at night time outside. There is Mephista present with other members of the Hell-Lords. Mephista:I need you Lightbearer to go to the cemetery and deal with Caretaker. Hamilton Slade comes into this church. We’ll go interrogate Reverend Crowe. You think that you are Lucifer the fallen angel of light.” Lightbearer departs for the cemetery after the Caretaker and Ghost Riders.

    Inside of the church at night time in the sanctuary. There is Reverend Joshua Crowe present. Mephista shows up along with the other members of the Hell-Lords present. Reverend Crowe:Can I help you all?” Mephista goes over to the minister. Mephista:Do you know where all those riders are?Reverend Crowe:I don’t have track of where they are going but you could find them at a cemetery.” Mephista throws the minister into the altar. Mephista with the Hell-Lords depart. Mephista:Let’s get out of here. He’s not worth killing.

    At the graveyard at night time. There is the Caretaker out there. The Ghost Rider Johnny Blaze with Vengeance and Dan Ketch show up. They go over to the Caretaker. Dan Ketch:I am Johnny Blaze’s half brother. We defeated another member of the Hell-Lords.” Lightbearer shows up. He projects Hellfire around the Ghost Riders. Lightbearer:I am Lucifer the fallen angel of light and I will get rid of you riders and spirits of Vengeance. We’ll then get rid of the Phantom Rider once we find him.” Dan Ketch shoots Lightbearer with the shotgun. Lightbearer shoots mystic energy at Vengeance and Dan Ketch. Johnny Blaze as the Ghost Rider fights Lightbearer hand to hand. Ghost Rider throws a hard punch onto Lightbearer knocking him down to the ground. Ghost Rider pulls out his flaming chain. Ghost Rider with his flaming chain ties up Lightbearer. He is disintegrated. Vengeance turns back into Michael Badilino. Ghost Rider turns back into Johnny Blaze. Johnny Blaze:We’ll find the rest of the Hell-Lords and defeat them.Caretaker:I know that you are Dan Ketch. Maybe you’ll be the next rider. I will move into New York City with you Johnny.Johnny Blaze:I will check on my family to make sure that Mephista won’t get to them.Caretaker:They might as well be going after a book from the bible to raise hell on Earth.Michael Badilino:We must stop this from happening.” They with Dan Ketch depart on their motorcycles.

    At the Blaze Residence outside later on at night time. Mephista shows up with the remaining Hell-Lords. Mephista:This must be the house. Let’s get them and maybe Johnny Blaze will find us a book from the bible about the end of days. There are possibilities of our future from the bible.” They enter the Blaze house.

    Inside of the living room at the Blaze House. There is Roxanne Simpson-Blaze with her kids Craig and Emma. Mephista shows up with Asmodeus, Beelzeboul and Marduk Kurios. Mephista goes over to Craig and Emma Blaze with their mother Roxanne. Mephista:You are coming with us to the cemetery and you’ll meet with my father.Roxanne Simpson-Blaze:You must be the daughter of the devil. My husband as the rider will defeat you like he did to your brother Blackheart and my husband have defeated Legion.” They all go outside.

    Outside of the Blaze Residence. There is Mephista with the 3 remaining Hell-Lords holding Johnny Blaze’s family hostage. Johnny Blaze shows up with Dan Ketch and Michael Badilino. Johnny Blaze:Let my wife go.Mephista:You 2 men change and they die. Bring my father a book from the bible. We know you have it Blaze and maybe we’ll spare the lives of your wife and kids.” They try to change. They don’t. They disappear into the night. Johnny Blaze:This book is left in the basement as I am fighting to prevent the end of days.Dan Ketch:We’ll get more ammunition.” Johnny Blaze, Dan Ketch and Michael Badilino go into the house.

    Inside of the Blaze house in the basement at night time. Johnny Blaze shows up along with Michael Badilino and Dan Ketch. Johnny Blaze goes for a book of the bible. Dan Ketch and Michael Badilino go for more ammo in their guns. Johnny Blaze: “Let’s ride.” They depart for the cemetery.

    At the graveyard at night time. There is the Caretaker there. Also present is Mephisto. Mephisto:We’ll bring forth the end of days and you’ll be in my realm. Then we’ll wipe out our rivals.” Mephista with the remaining Hell-Lords show up with Johnny Blaze’s wife and kids. Mephista: Here they are father. Maybe the riders will come with the book.Mephisto:You have done well my daughter.Roxanne Simpson-Blaze: You’ll be fried just like your son Blackheart was. You will all go to hell.Caretaker:We won’t give away the Phantom Rider if you defeat the Ghost Rider and Vengeance.

    Somewhere on the streets of San Francisco. There is Johnny Blaze with Michael Badilino and Dan Ketch on their motorcycles. They are heading off to the graveyard. Johnny Blaze transforms into the Ghost Rider. Michael Badilino transforms into Vengeance. They go to the cemetery.

    Back at the graveyard by the Caretaker’s shack. There is Mephisto present along with his daughter Mephista and the remaining Hell-Lords with Caretaker and Johnny Blaze’s family hostage. Mephisto:You 3 members of the Hell-Lords go find the spirits of Vengeance and then get the book. The rider will pay.” Asmodeus, Beelzeboul and Marduk Kurios go after the riders.

    At the cemetery gate. Ghost Rider shows up with Vengeance and Dan Ketch. Asmodeus, Beelzeboul and Marduk Kurios show up. They get off of their motorcycles. Vengeance:One of them believes he’s Satan from the bible. Let’s stop them.” Vengeance takes on Beelzeboul. Dan Ketch takes on Marduk Kurios. Ghost Rider takes on Asmodeus. They are fighting each other hand to hand. Ghost Rider with his flaming chain whips Asmodeus turning him to dust. Dan Ketch shoots down Marduk Kurios. Ghost Rider gives the penance stare onto Marduk Kurios. Ghost Rider:Look into my eyes. You killed my half sister. You’ll be punished for this.” There’s an image of Marduk Kurios killing various people including Barbara Ketch Dan’s sister. He falls to the ground. In the battle Vengeance incinerates Beelzeboul with hellfire. Dan Ketch:Let’s get the devil now.” Ghost Rider goes after Mephisto.

    Nearby the Caretaker’s shack. There are Mephisto and Mephista with Johnny Blaze’s family and the Caretaker. Mephisto:Soon I will have the world.” Johnny Blaze as the Ghost Rider shows up with Vengeance and Dan Ketch. Mephisto:Where’s the book?” Johnny Blazes gives this book of the bible to Mephisto. Ghost Rider:Right here.Dan Ketch:Every one of you not fighting them go into the shack. We’ll handle them.Mephisto:I will kill you now Riders.” Everyone else goes to inside of the Caretaker’s shack. Vengeance pulls out his bone chains. Ghost Rider pulls out his chain whip. Dan Ketch with the shot gun a few times shoots Mephisto and his daughter Mephista with fireballs. Vengeance throws spikes from his hands onto Mephisto and Mephista. Vengeance:That was for my family.” Mephisto and his daughter Mephista with their magic strike at Ghost Rider’s 2 allies. Ghost Rider pulls out his flaming chain. Ghost Rider:My turn now.” Ghost Rider swings his flaming chain onto Mephista and Mephisto. He strikes them doing damage. Ghost Rider Johnny Blaze pulls out his flaming knives. The Ghost Rider slices Mephista and Mephisto. Dan Ketch and Vengeance get back up. Vengeance throws more spikes into Mephista and Mephisto. Dan Ketch shoots them with his flaming shot gun. Ghost Rider strikes them one more time with his flaming chain. Mephista and Mephisto disintegrate. Caretaker with Johnny Blazes’s family goes over to the Ghost Rider with Dan Ketch and Vengeance. Vengeance turns back into Michael Badilino. Ghost Rider turns back into Johnny Blaze. Caretaker goes over to the Ghost Riders. Caretaker:They could come back to life. They could come back for retaliation.Johnny Blaze:Soon my brother will be the Ghost Rider and I will fight alongside him against Zarathos and Lilith with their forces.Roxanne Simpson-Blaze:I worked on a NEWS crew until Craig was born.Johnny Blaze:I didn’t to go college but my wife did. Soon we’ll live in New York City.

    Many days later at night time. There are Johnny Blaze and Dan Ketch near the Golden Gate Bridge. Dan Ketch:As I become the rider you’ll get my cursed shot gun. I will have a chain whip.” Dan Ketch gives Johnny Blaze the flaming shot gun. Johnny Blaze gives the curse to Dan Ketch. Johnny Blaze: I am not the Ghost Rider anymore half brother. Soon we’ll be living in New York City. You are the Ghost Rider now.” Dan Ketch transforms into the Ghost Rider.

    In New York City many days later. There is Johnny Blaze narrating. Johnny Blaze:I am no longer the rider but my brother and I will face Zarathos with Lilith and their forces. He is now the Ghost Rider and I am his ally.” There are Dan Ketch, Johnny Blaze and Michael Badilino on their motorcycles. Michael Badilino transforms into Vengeance. Dan Ketch transforms into Ghost Rider. Johnny Blaze’s bike goes flaming.

  4. demolition18

    demolition18 Jedi Master star 1

    Oct 15, 2005
    Ghost Rider: Real Spirits of Vengeance


    Opening Credits

    There are various images of the Ghost Rider Johnny Blaze battling Blackheart, Mephisto and Mephista. Johnny Blaze as the Ghost Rider defeats those villains. There is Vengeance killing Creed a Lilin.

    At a graveyard at night time in New York City. There are Johnny Blaze and Dan Ketch on their motorcycles. Dan Ketch has on black clothing with black gloves. Johnny Blaze:We are going to see the Caretaker just as you are the new Ghost Rider. The curse goes from me to you.” They go over to the Caretaker.

    At the Caretaker’s place at night time. There is the Caretaker there present. Johnny Blaze and Danny Ketch go over to him. Caretaker:You are the rider. The Ghost Rider. You transform at night or in the presence of evil.

    Nearby the graveyard at night time. There is Scarecrow with Madcap. Madcap:The Caretaker has connections to the Ghost Rider who defeated Mephisto.Scarecrow:I answer to Anton Hellgate. Let’s go kill the Ghost Riders and the Caretaker.” They head off to the Caretaker’s place.

    Back to the Caretaker’s shack at night time. Caretaker comes out with Johnny Blaze and Dan Ketch. The curse goes onto Danny Ketch. Johnny Blaze:You are half brother the new rider. You have a chain to pull out.” Danny Ketch transforms into Ghost Rider. Johnny Blaze pulls out his flamethrower. Danny Ketch pulls out a mystical chain. Madcap pulls out a gun. Scarecrow pulls out his axe. Scarecrow:I will kill new Ghost Rider.” Scarecrow goes slicing at Ghost Rider Dan Ketch. Dan Ketch strikes the axe with his chain. Madcap fires on the Ghost Riders. Johnny Blaze shoots Madcap with his flame thrower. Dan Ketch goes over and throws a punch onto Scarecrow. Ghost Rider:Look into my eyes.” Ghost Rider gives the penance stare onto Scarecrow. Scarecrow falls to the ground. Madcap jumps onto Johnny Blaze. Johnny Blaze throws a punch at Madcap. They go beating each other up. Johnny Blaze gives Madcap over to the Ghost Rider. Ghost Rider:Give me to me.” Ghost Rider gives Madcap the penance stare. Ghost Rider with Johnny Blaze gets onto their motorcycles. They ride off into the night. Johnny Blaze:Michael Badilino is known as Vengeance at night time or in the presence of evil.Ghost Rider:Let’s Ride.” Police sirens are going off.

    On the streets of New York. There is Johnny Blaze with Dan Ketch as the Ghost Rider on their motorcycles. Vengeance shows up on his motorcycle. Johnny Blaze:My brother now has the curse.Vengeance:I think that Zarathos and Lilith are coming to Earth. We must stop them.” They go off to Johnny Blaze’s house.

    Somewhere else in the state of New York. There is present Skinner with Outcast. Outcast and Skinner have blade bones coming out of them. Outcast has the big hand bone over his hand. He has a chain with a skull in it. Outcast:I heard that there’s a New Ghost Rider.Skinner:Also there’s rival of Mephistopheles calling himself Zarathos.” The demon Zarathos appears in human form. He has on red and blue clothing with a navy blue cape. Zarathos:The Ghost Rider has singed my rival Mephisto. Now I will rule the underworld.Lilith:My children will deal with the riders.Zarathos:It’s the motorcycle stunt man Dan Ketch as the new Ghost Rider while the old Ghost Rider Johnny Blaze a former motorcycle stunt man is now the manager of Dan Ketch his half brother.” Lilith shows up with Blackout and other off springs known as Fang a male demon, Nakota a female demon, Pilgrim a female demon, Pixil a male demon and Sister Nil a female demon. Lilith:Fang, Nakota, Pixil and Pilgrim. You go find Johnny Blaze and kill him. We’ll bring fourth the end of days.” Fang, Nakota, Pilgrim and Pixil go after the Ghost Riders.

    At the home of the Blaze family at night time in the living room. There is present Roxanne Simpson-Blaze. Also there are Emma and Craig Blaze. Also present is Jennifer Kale. Jennifer Kale:I heard about the Ghost Riders. I want to join them and the spirits of Vengeance. I defeated Mephista the daughter of Mephistopheles.” Johnny Blaze shows up with Dan Ketch and Michael Badilino of the NY PD. Johnny Blaze:We are home.Dan Ketch:I have a show to perform tomorrow.Johnny Blaze:Since you don’t have a plus one half brother there’s Captain Nolan’s daughter.” They get into the living room.

    Outside of the home of Johnny Blaze and his family. There are the demons Nakota, Fang, Pilgrim and Pixil.

    Back to inside the living room of the Blaze Residence. Dan Ketch gets up with Jennifer Kale, Johnny Blaze and Michael Badilino. Michael Badilino pulls out his gun. Michael Badilino: I see intruders. I will arrest them.” They all go to outside just as Johnny Blaze pulls out his flaming shot gun.

    Outside of the Blaze Residence. The demons are going to inside of the house. The Ghost Riders show up with Jennifer Kale. Jennifer Kale:They don’t work for Mephisto and we singed him and I helped defeat his daughter Mephista.” Jennifer Kale takes on Nakota. Dan Ketch turns into the Ghost Rider. He takes on Pilgrim. Vengeance takes on Pixil. Johnny Blaze takes on Fang. Jennifer Kale shoots magic at Nakota. They are fighting with fire. Dan Ketch with his chain whips Pilgrim. Ghost Rider:All of you back to hell.” She is being burned to ashes. Vengeance with his rib cage grabs onto Pixil. Vengeance next uppercuts Pixil. Vengeance next with the pistol shoots Pixil with hellfire. He blows up. Johnny Blaze battles Fang. Johnny Blaze with the shot gun shoots Fang. Fang disintegrates. Jennifer Kale with her magic powers disintegrates Nakota. Vengeance turns back into Michael Badilino. Ghost Rider turns back into Dan Ketch. Dan Ketch:Let’s all get back in. Who are they?Vengeance:They are demons. I once made a deal with the devil before the Ghost Rider defeated him.” Everyone goes back to inside.

    Inside of Johnny Blaze’s room later on in the day time. Johnny Blaze shows up. He goes into his closet. Johnny Blaze has a blue shirt with a brown trench coat and brown pants. Dan Ketch shows up in his black clothing. Dan Ketch:Are you still riding half brother?Johnny Blaze:Yes. I am a spirit of Vengeance. I will help you singe Zarathos. I defeated Mephisto.

    At the police station the next day. In the squad room. There is Michael Badilino with Stacy Dolan present. Also present is Captain Jack Dolan. Captain Dolan:Detective Michael Badilino. You will be working with my daughter Stacy. We are after crime boss Anton Hellgate. He is out there somewhere in New York. I transferred from a county sheriff’s department in Texas to here.” Michael Badilino and Stacy Dolan get up. Stacy Dolan:I heard of motorcycle stunt man Dan Ketch who’s brother is his manager that was once doing his job.Michael Badilino:I haven’t even found Anton Hellgate. But he’s under arrest. He even runs a local street gang.” They depart for Madison Square Garden.

    At Madison Square Garden in the day time. There are many men, women and children getting into the arena.

    In Dan Ketch’s locker room. There is Dan Ketch there. Also present is his half brother and manager Johnny Blaze. Dan Ketch goes onto his motorcycle. Dan Ketch:I heard that your manager was killed by Blackheart and you killed Blackheart.Johnny Blaze:My dad and I were motorcycle stunt men.

    Somewhere else in the arena. There is the NEWS crew. Also present is Johnny Blaze’s wife and kids with Jennifer Kale. Stacy Dolan shows up. Stacy Dolan:Dan Ketch. I am detective Stacy Dolan. I heard that you were looking for a girlfriend. I match with you.” She goes over to Danny Ketch. They shake hands. Dan Ketch:I am out there. I could never jump over helicopters. My sister in law was a news caster before being a mother.

    Later on in the field. There is Team Ketch present along with former motorcycle stunt man Johnny Blaze. Dan Ketch comes out on his motorcycle. His bike goes flying over the cars. The motorcycle lands on the other side of the field. Dan Ketch takes off his helmet. He throws it to a fan.

    On the streets of New York. There is the Team Ketch truck. Dan Ketch is riding on his motorcycle. Johnny Blaze is also on his motorcycle. Michael Badilino shows up on his motorcycle. Michael Badilino:It’s me Detective Badilino.” He goes over to Johnny Blaze and Dan Ketch. Stacy Dolan shows up in her police car. Stacy Dolan:Let’s all eat out tonight. Bring your family Johnny.” They all pull over to the side of the road. They all get near each other.

    Later on at night time in the woods in New York. There is Zarathos present. Also there is Lilith the queen of demons. Zarathos:I can sense we have a new Ghost Rider out there. Outcast. Find him and kill him. Kill Vengeance too.Lilith:We’ll take this world one city at a time. Ghost Rider has defeated Legion and Blackheart along with Mephistopheles. They have fallen.” Another one present is Outcast. They all leave the place.

    Nearby a diner in New York at night time. There is Dan Ketch on his motorcycle with Stacy Dolan on it too. It parks in the parking lot. Roxanne Simpson Blaze with Johnny Blaze shows up in Roxanne’s car with Emma and Craig Blaze present. Michael Badilino shows up on his motorcycle carrying Jennifer Kale on it. Jennifer Kale: I am seeing Michael Badilino now. We’ll all get seated together.Stacy Dolan:We haven’t apprehended crime boss Anton Hellgate yet but we’ll catch him.” They all park there. They all come into the restaurant.

    Inside of the diner. Dan Ketch, Roxanne Simpson-Blaze, Emma Blaze, Craig Blaze, Jennifer Kale, Michael Badilino, Stacy Dolan and Johnny Blaze all come to inside of the restaurant. They all get seated at a table. They all sit down. They take their menus. A waitress comes up to the table. Diner Waitress:My I take your orders now?Dan Ketch:Yes.” 4 thugs show up. They pull out their guns. Michael Badilino:Dan and I are going to the bathroom. You know what I want.” Dan Ketch gets up as does Michael Badilino.

    In the men’s bathroom of the restaurant. Dan Ketch and Michael Badilino show up. Michael Badilino: “Those guys look like they are up to no good.” They are transforming.

    Back to the eating area of the diner. The robbers are aiming their guns at everyone. Diner Robber 1:Everybody be cool. This is a robbery!Diner Robber 2:We are here for the places money. Don’t move and you won’t be hurt. No heroes.” They are aiming guns at everyone in the diner. Ghost Rider and Vengeance show up. Ghost Rider:Hey dirt bags. Try us.” The robbers fire on the Ghost Riders. Ghost Rider pulls out his mystic chain. Vengeance takes the bone chains off of his wrists. Ghost Rider and Vengeance are whipping the robbers with their chains. Stacy Dolan pulls out her gun. Stacy Dolan:NY PD. You are under arrest. Get your hands on top of your heads.” She comes up aiming it at the robbers. The robbers put their hands on their heads. Ghost Rider and Vengeance vanish into the night.

    Later on outside of the diner. There are some police cars present. There are 4 men in handcuffs. Captain Jack Dolan is also present. The robbers are being loaded into police squad cars. Dan Ketch, Roxanne Simpson-Blaze, Emma Blaze, Craig Blaze, Jennifer Kale, Michael Badilino, Stacy Dolan and Johnny Blaze all show up outside. Stacy Dolan goes over to her father. Stacy Dolan:We ordered. We will soon eat Dad. I know that Officer Edwards is now the Sheriff of where you were until you transferred to here.Dan Ketch:Michael and I went to the bathroom and the Ghost Rider showed up. He and Vengeance stopped them.

    Later on in the streets of New York. There are Dan Ketch and Stacy Dolan riding on a motorcycle. Dan Ketch transforms into the Ghost Rider. Dan Ketch:I will take you to meet the Caretaker.Stacy Dolan:I am after crime boss Anton Hellgate. My dad even arrested those who worship the devil.” He is heading off to the Caretaker’s place.

    At the cemetery at night time. There is Ghost Rider on his motorcycle with Stacy Dolan riding aboard it. They park it at the Caretaker’s shack.

    Inside of the Caretaker’s shack. There is the Caretaker present. Ghost Rider shows up with Stacy Dolan. Stacy Dolan:I am Stacy Dolan Dan Ketch’s new girlfriend.Caretaker:There was the Phantom Ranger who was a Texas Ranger named Carter Slade who once tried to defeat the devil. I became the Caretaker replacing him.

    Back to outside at the cemetery. Outcast shows up. Outcast:Where ever you are Caretaker. You will die.” He goes off to the Caretaker’s shack.

    Back to inside of the Caretaker’s shack. Stacy Dolan and the Ghost Rider get seated. Outcast shows up throwing a skull lantern into the place. Caretaker:It’s Outcast. He has managed to come back.” Ghost Rider gets up and wields his chain. Stacy Dolan pulls out her gun. There’s a big hand bone coming out of Outcast. Stacy Dolan:Stop right there or I will shoot. You are under arrest.” Stacy Dolan 3 times shoots Outcast. Nothing happens. Ghost Rider throws a punch onto Outcast. Ghost Rider:Take me on you evil one.” Outcast and Ghost Rider fight each other with chains. Ghost Rider throws a punch onto Outcast knocking him out of the Caretaker’s shack.

    Outside in the graveyard. Outcast goes flying out of the shack. Outcast:I know that you are the vigilante in New York and motorcycle stunt man Dan Ketch.” Ghost Rider goes over to Outcast. Ghost Rider shoots Outcast with hellfire disintegrating him. Ghost Rider turns back into Dan Ketch. Stacy Dolan and the Caretaker come on out. Dan Ketch:I disintegrated him.

    At a bar in New York City at night time outside. There are bikers there present. Zarathos shows up with Lilith, Blackout and Skinner. Lilith:I will devour more souls there.” They are going at the bar door. There’s an outlaw biker there. Bar Biker:This is for angels only. You don’t look like angels to me.” Skinner grabs that biker by the throat. He squashes it. He throws him into the bar. Zarathos transforms into his demon form. They enter the bar.

    Inside of the bar. The demons enter the place. Zarathos shoots flames onto some bar patrons. Blackout gets into a fight with the bikers. Blackout kills some bikers. A bartender goes over to the phone to call the police. Some bikers go over to Lilith. She kills them. Death Watch shows up with an evil ninja. Death Watch shoots the bartender. Lilith:I am looking for followers to rid us of the Ghost Riders.Death Watch:I will follow you.” He shoots down the rest of the bikers. Death Watch and Death Ninja go over to those demons. Death Ninja:I have martial arts training. I could kill the Ghost Riders.Zarathos:Let’s find Dan Ketch with his half brother Johnny Blaze. Also there is Michael Badilino possessed by a spirit of Vengeance. Kill him too.

    Later on outside of the bar. The demons show up.

    At the Blaze Residence at night time. In the living room. There is Johnny Blaze and the family. There is also Michael Badilino and Stacy Dolan. There is also Dan Ketch present. Dan Ketch:This is my brother’s living room.

    Outside of the Blaze Residence. There is Sister Nil present.

    Back to inside of the Blaze Residence. Sister Nil shows up. Dan Ketch transforms into the Ghost Rider. Stacy Dolan pulls out her gun. Ghost Rider:I detect the presence of evil.Stacy Dolan:I’ll search the house.” She goes in search of the house. Stacy Dolan aims her gun at Sister Nil. Stacy Dolan:NY PD. Hold it right there.” The female demon attacks. Stacy Dolan shoots at her. Ghost Rider takes out his mystic chain. He whips Sister Nil with it. Johnny Blaze pulls out his shot gun. He shoots Sister Nil. She disintegrates. Johnny Blaze:That was Sister Nil and offspring of Lilith. I learned allot from Hamilton Slade the descendant of Carter Slade a Texas Ranger.

    Back to outside of the Blaze Residence. Zarathos, Lilith, Skinner and Blackout all show up with Death Watch and Death Ninja. Zarathos:You Death Watch with Death Ninja deal with the Ghost Rider.Lilith:Sister Nil has failed to kill them.” The demons vanish into the night.

    Inside the lower halls of the Blaze Residence. Michael Badilino and Stacy Dolan pull out their guns. They go searching the house. Death Ninja shows up with his sword drawn. Michael Badilino:NY PD. Hold it right there or I will shoot.” Death Watch fires on the people. Ghost Rider stands in the way. Michael Badilino shoots down Death Ninja killing him. Ghost Rider whips Death Watch with his chain. Goes Rider goes over to Death Watch. He gives him the penance stare. Death Watch falls to the ground. Johnny Blaze:We have the demons to look out for.

    Later on outside. There is the whole family present along with Stacy Dolan and Michael Badilino. Michael Badilino transforms into Vengeance. Dan Ketch transforms into Ghost Rider. Ghost Rider:Let’s go pay a visit to the caretaker.

    Outside of the police station later on. There is Captain Jack Dolan going over to his police squad car. Zarathos the demon shows up. He takes Captain Dolan. Zarathos:You are the Ghost Rider’s girlfriend’s father. I want them. I will take you with me.Captain Dolan:You are under arrest.” The demon vanishes into the night.

    On the streets of New York. There are Vengeance, Johnny Blaze and Ghost Rider on their motorcycles. Stacy Dolan is on Dan Ketch’s motorcycle. Jennifer Kale is riding on the Vengeance cycle.

    At the graveyard at night time. The demons show up with Captain Dolan taken hostage. Zarathos: “I will use you to get to your daughter and I’ll singe the Ghost Riders. Let’s go see the Caretaker. You are after Anton Hellgate. Anton Hellgate will answer to me.” They go off to the Caretaker’s shack.

    Back on the streets of New York City. There’s a street gang present. The gang members fire on the motorcycles. Hellgate Gang Member:Let’s get those riders.” Ghost Rider pulls out his mystic chain. Vengeance pulls out his chain bones. Vengeance and Ghost Rider whip the street gang with chains. Jennifer Kale subdues the rest of them with her magic. Stacy Dolan gets onto her cell phone to call for back up. The Ghost Riders head off to the Caretaker’s place.

    At the Caretaker’s shack outside. There is the Caretaker stacking up logs. Zarathos shows up with Captain Dolan as his hostage. Anton Hellgate appears. Anton Hellgate:You must be the demon Zarathos. Those devil worshippers who answered to me were arrested by Captain Dolan here.” 3 motorcycles show up. Anton Hellgate goes after the Ghost Riders. Zarathos:Get them. Kill them.” He pulls out his gun. Ghost Rider with his chain whips Anton Hellgate. The motorcycles park there. Stacy Dolan pulls out her gun. She aims it at Anton Hellgate. Stacy Dolan:Al right Anton Hellgate. Put your hands on top of your head. You are under arrest.” Stacy Dolan puts her pair of handcuffs onto Anton Hellgate. Ghost Rider goes to take on Zarathos. Johnny Blaze takes on Blackout. Lilith:You are the cousin of the Ghost Riders and a sorceress. I will eat your soul.Jennifer Kale:Never.” Jennifer Kale takes on Lilith the Queen of Demons. Vengeance takes on Skinner. Vengeance and Skinner are throwing punches onto each other. They are beating each other up. They locks ribs onto each other. Vengeance gives Skinner the Penance stare. Johnny Blaze and Blackout are beating each other up. Blackout flip kicks Johnny Blaze. Blackout:You were the Ghost Rider who defeated Lord Mephisto. As my master Zarathos is the ruler we will take over the world.” Johnny Blaze pulls out his flame thrower. Jennifer Kale and Lilith are fighting each other with magic. Johnny Blaze with his flame thrower shoots down Blackout. He is burned to a crisp. Jennifer Kale with her magic sends Lilith to the underworld. Jennifer Kale:Be gone mother of demons and devourer of souls.” Zarathos shoots flames at the Ghost Rider. Zarathos:You will fall. I am not like Mephisto. I never have fallen.” Ghost Rider shoots hellfire back at Zarathos. They are fighting each other with fire. Ghost Rider with his mystic chain lights it flaming. Ghost Rider whips Zarathos. He is disintegrating. Ghost Rider again whips Zarathos. He blows up. Stacy Dolan goes over to her father. Vengeance turns back into Michael Badilino while Ghost Rider turns back into Dan Ketch. Dan Ketch:Let’s get out of here Stacy.” Police cars show up. Many of the cops get out of their cars. Dan Ketch gets onto his motorcycle. He rides off into the night.

    The Next day in Times Square. There is Dan Ketch on his motorcycle. Stacy Dolan is riding aboard it. They head off to the police station.

    Inside of the police station. In Captain Dolan’s office. There is Captain Dolan sitting at his desk. Dan Ketch shows up with Stacy Dolan. Captain Dolan:Anton Hellgate was booked last night.Dan Ketch:I better get going now.” Dan and Stacy kiss. Dan Ketch leaves the office.

    Later on at night time on the streets of New York City. There is Dan Ketch on his motorcycle. Also there is Michael Badilino on his motorcycle. Michael Badilino transforms into Vengeance. Dan Ketch transforms into the Ghost Rider. Ghost Rider:We will keep the curses and use them against other evil.


  5. demolition18

    demolition18 Jedi Master star 1

    Oct 15, 2005
    Spider-Man/Nick Fury

    Beginning of Expanded Universe Tales in between Spider-Man 2 and 3

    Beginning of Tale

    On the streets of New York City at night time. There is The Beetle out there. There’s a jewelry stores down there. The Beetle breaks the glass with his beams.

    Somewhere else on the streets of New York City. There is Spider-Man swinging by.

    Back to the jewelry store. Inside of the place. The Beetle breaks in. The alarm goes off. The Beetle takes the necklaces and diamonds. He leaves the place.

    Outside of the jewelry store. There is Spider-Man swinging by. Spider-Man:I caught you burglar.” Beetle comes out. The Beetle zaps at Spider-Man. Spider-Man shoots webs onto Beetle. Beetle flies off into the night. The Beetle:I am out of here Spider-Man.” Spider-Man on his webs gets in pursuit of The Beetle. Police cars shows up. The police cars trail The Beetle. Spider-Man goes after The Beetle.

    At a skyscraper of New York City. Spider-Man and Talon go swinging by. The Beetle zaps at Spider-Man. The Beetle:You have defeated this Doctor Octopus. I will be out of here.Spider-Man:I will stop you. The police will catch you.” Spider-Man with his webs ties up The Beetle.

    On the streets of New York City later on. There are police cars parked out there. Officer Barr comes out of his squad car. Spider-Man shows up with The Beetle tied up. Spider-Man:I got your perp.Officer Barr:Peter Parker testified against 2 men who were beating up on a school boy trying to steal from him. I am their arresting officer just as the neighbors called the police.Spider-Man:Peter Parker takes the photos of me. He heard about 2 thugs arrested and after I defeated Dr. Octopus he had to testify against those 2 thugs.” Spider-Man gives The Beetle to Officer Barr.

    At Hydra headquarters later on at night time. There is Baron Wolfgang Von Strucker present. Also there are the twins Andrea and Andreas along with their brother Werner. Also present are Mentallo, Arnold Brown, Arnold’s daughter Laura, Elise Carson, Karl Kraus, Black Wing, Jack Hammer, El Jaguar, Commander Kraken, The Fox, a woman named Man-Killer, Space Phantom, Jared Kurtz, William Darvin, James Winderfield, Nancy Winderfield, Elsie Carson, Ralph Sanzetti, Lieutenant Romulus, Lieutenant Garrotte, Lieutenant Saltz, Lieutenant Guillotine and Bob. Baron Von Strucker:I will bring forth the 4th Reich. We’ll blow up New York City releasing the virus. In New York there is Spider-Man. He just defeated Abner Jenkins who’s also known as the Beetle. We also have Rick Stoner with other Shield directors to kill and we’ll blow up the Shield building in the sky.Andrea Von Strucker:My family will rule the world as we blow up New York City.Werner Von Strucker:I will slice and dice a guy who calls himself Spider-Man from New York City. He has given up but then he came back and defeated Dr. Octopus.Baron Von Strucker:You will Black Wing go to Shield headquarters and blow it up. Take Bob and Lt. Romulus with you.Black Wing:My father runs the New York mafia too.” Black Wing and Bob depart with Lieutenant Romulus and Hydra soldiers to blow up SHIELD headquarters.

    On the streets of New York City at night time. There is Spider-Man swinging by. Hydra agents show up in their van. Bob comes out with Black Wing Lt. Romulus. Black Wing:It’s Spider-Man. Kill him. He thinks to have ended crime in New York City.Bob:Let’s take them boys.Lt. Romulus:Kill the hero.” Lt. Romulus pulls out a gun. Black Wing pulls out a bazooka. There is Shield headquarters out in the sky. Spider-Man spots Black Wing with the bazooka. Spider-Man shoots webs onto the bazooka. Spider-Man:Over here you thug.” Black Wing jumps after Spider-Man. Spider-Man throws a punch onto Black Wing. Black Wing:Kill him.” Others go after Spider-Man with guns. Spider-Man makes a web line knocking them all down. Lt. Romulus fires on Spider-Man. Spider-Man leaps out of the way. Spider-Man swinging on the webs double kicks Lt. Romulus. Spider-Man:Take me on you tough man.Bob:I will kill you Spider-Man. You killed Green Goblin and we could’ve recruited him into Hydra.” Spider-Man now takes on Bob. Bob throws a punch at Spider-Man. Spider-Man throws a punch back at Bob. They are throwing punches onto each other. Spider-Man uppercuts Bob knocking him down to the ground. Spider-Man ties up the Hydra agents with his webs. Spider-Man:I will hold you boys here for the police.” A black hawk comes out of Shield headquarters. There is Nick Fury with Contessa Valentina Fontaine De Allegra, Clay Quartermaine and Gabe Jones. Nick Fury:Spider-Man. I am Nicholas Joseph Fury agent of Shield. We are coming to nail those Hydra terrorists. You saved us.Contessa Valentina: “I am wanting to recruit you.Spider-Man:I will join with you if there are more. When I gave up I witnessed 2 men beating up on a school boy for money and I couldn’t stop them as I lost my powers and I testified against them as there was a 911 call.” They all come out with guns drawn. Many other agents of Shield show up. They aim their guns at the agents of HYDRA. Nick Fury:This is my girlfriend Valentina Fontaine Di Allegra the Contessa. Those guys are my friends Clay Quartermaine and Gabe Jones. Come aboard the black hawk with us. We’ll show you Shield headquarters and explain things to you.Spider-Man:And then I have to go home. I have classes this week to not miss.” Spider-Man gets in the black haw with Nick Fury with Contessa Valentina Fontaine Di Allegra, Clay Quartermaine and Gabe Jones. They go into Shield headquarters.

    Inside of SHIELD headquarters in the briefing room. Spider-Man shows up with Nick Fury and team. Dum Dum Dugan shows up with Colonel Rick Stoner. Nick Fury:This is director Rick Stoner. The other guy here is Timothy Dugan who we call Dum Dum.Spider-Man:You guys could back me up so I could catch classes and show up to my girlfriend’s plays.” John Allen Adams, Knockabout, Kallebach, N’Gami, Kate Nevile, Alexander Goodwin Pierce, Cliff Randal and Henry Rollins show up too. Commander Jonas Williams shows up next. Nick Fury:We have for years been at war with Hydra. We could use you to take them down. The leader of Hydra is Baron Wolfgang Von Strucker. He has an older son named Werner. He has twins that are female and male. They are Andrea and Andreas Von Strucker. Hydra is a world wide terrorist organization. If we kill Von Strucker Hydra should fall.Kate Nevile:I am Kate Nevile. Those other guys here are Alexandra Goodwin Pierce, Knockabout, Kallebach, N’Gami, John Allen Adams, Cliff Randal and Henry Rollins.Jonas Williams:I am Commander Jonas Williams of Shield. We have been targeted by Hydra. I think that they are aiming for the New York harbor to release a virus.Spider-Man:I am going home now.” Spider-Man leaves Shield headquarters heading back home.

    The next day at Hydra headquarters. There are the Von Struckers with what’s left of Hydra still standing. Baron Von Strucker:Let’s head off to the New York City harbor. We’ll blow up New York City and we will raise the 4th reich.” All of Hydra departs for the New York City harbor.

    On the New York City harbor in the day time. The Von Struckers show up with Mentallo, Arnold Brown, Arnold’s daughter Laura, Elise Carson, Karl Kraus, Jack Hammer, El Jaguar, Commander Kraken, The Fox, a woman named Man-Killer, Space Phantom, Jared Kurtz, William Darvin, James Winderfield, Nancy Winderfield, Elsie Carson, Ralph Sanzetti, Lieutenant Garrotte, Lieutenant Saltz and Lieutenant Guillotine. Baron Von Strucker:You have Jack Hammer sold us that bomb. We’ll even blow up Spider-Man with it. Last year Doctor Octopus tried to blow up half of the city.

    Somewhere else on the streets of New York City. There is Spider-Man swinging by. Therei s a black hawk carrying Nick Fury with Contessa Valentina, Clay Quartermain, Kate Nevile, Alexander Goodwin Pierce and Gabe Jones. Also there’s another chopper carrying N’Gami, Cliff Randal, Henry Rollins, Kallebach, John Allen Adams and Commander Jonas Williams. Spider-Man:My spider sense is tingling. I think that I found Hydra. This is in the Daily Bugle.” They are all heading off to the New York City harbor.

    At the New York City harbor. There is Hydra still there. Spider-Man shows up with the agents of Shield. Baron Von Strukcer:There is Spider-Man savior of New York City. Let’s kill him.Nick Fury:You took out my eye baron. I will get you for this.” The shield agents pull out guns. Shield and Hydra get into a gun fight. Spider-Man and Space Phantom fight each other hand to hand. Nick Fury kills Lt. Garrotte in the gun fight just as Clay Quartermain kills Lt. Saltz. In the battle Andrea Von Struker shoots and kills Clay Quartermain. Nick Fury:Clay! You murdered him.” N’Gami, John Allen Adams and Cliff Randal are shot down and killed by the Von Struckers. Spider-Man in battle defeats Space Phantom. Werner Von Strucker pulls out his sword. Werner Von Strucker:I will kill you now Spider-Man. I will slice you.” He takes a swipe at Spider-Man. Kate Nevile in battle shoots and kills Laura Brown. Arnold Brown fires back on Kate Nevile. Arnold Brown:That was for my daughter Laura.” In the battle Alexander Goodwin Pierce shoots and kills Arnold Brown. Spider-Man jumps out of the sword’s way. Spider-Man throws a kick onto Werner Von Strucker. Spider-Man throws a punch next onto Werner Von Strucker. Spider-Man next throws a kick onto Lt. Guillotine. Spider-Man ties up this Hydra lieutenant with his webs. Contessa Valetina in battle shoots and kills Andrea Von Strucker. Nick Fury shoots and kills Andreas Von Strucker. Baron Von Strucker puts on his Satan’s claw. Baron Von Strucker:You incapacitated my men. You won’t stop me.Spider-Man:I was the one who saved the city from Green Goblin. You could not recruit him. He killed himself trying to kill me.” Spider-Man with his webs next ties up Werner Von Strucker. Baron Wolfgang Von Strucker now takes on Spider-Man. Mentallo:Feel my mental powers Fury leader of Sheild.” Mentallo comes after Nick Fury. Nick Fury with his gun clobbers Mentallo knocking him out. Jared Kurtz is next killed in battle by Henry Rollins. Spider-Man and Baron Von Strucker are throwing punches onto each other. Von Strucker zaps Spider-Man. Baron Von Strucker:You will die Spider-Man along with Nick Fury and those Shield survivors will be my prisoners.” Those fighting on both sides reload. The gun fighting continues. Baron Von Strucker makes the move to kill Spider-Man. Nick Fury:Take me on now you Nazi baron. I killed Armin Zola. I took down Dr. Faustus.” Nick Fury now takes on Baron Von Strucker. Nick Fury many times shoots Wolfgang Von Strucker killing him. Nick Fury goes over to the bomb. Nick Fury: The bomb is over there Spider-Man.” Spider-Man gets back up. The Winderfields comes after Spider-Man. Spider-Man sticks them in a web trap. Everyone else throws down their guns. The Shield agents aim their guns at the surviving Hydra agents. Alexander Goodwin Pierce: You all hold it right there. Don’t move.” Spider-Man with his spider stregnth opens the bomb. Spider-Man pulls all of the cords. The bomb is deactivated. Spider-Man:I deactivated the bomb. Pulling all of the cords at once would help. I have my spider strength.” All those Hydra survivors put their hands behind their heads.

    A few days later on the streets of New York City. There is Spider-Man swinging by. Nick Fury shows up. Spider-Man:Nick Fury.Nick Fury: “I gave this cat burglar Warren Hardeski to the police and I fought in World War 2. I age very slow as did Wolfgang Von Strucker. We arrested Jack Hammer for illegal bomb dealing.Spider-Man:You could back me up and your agents could take down thugs who tried to rob others as I am not always there.” Nick Fury goes over to Spider-Man. Spider-Man swings away on his webs.

    End of Tale in between Spider-Man 2 and 3
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2021
  6. demolition18

    demolition18 Jedi Master star 1

    Oct 15, 2005
    Spider-Man 4


    On the streets of New York City in the day time. There are Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson walking by. There’s a video of Spider-Man swinging on webs on the billboard. Peter Parker gives the engagement ring to Mary Jane Watson. Peter Parker:Will you marry me MJ?Mary Jane:Yes I will marry you.” They kiss.

    At the lab of Dr. Curt Connors in the day time. There is Curt Connors present. He has a new arm grown in. Dr. Connors’s skin is turning green. Dr. Connors is transforming into a human lizard. A tail grows on Dr. Connors. It strikes things in the lab. Dr. Connors leaves the place.

    Outside of Dr. Connors’s lab. The Lizard comes out of the place. It does damage to the building. There are people watching. One of them gets on the cell phone to call the police.

    Somewhere else in New York City. There is Peter Parker with Mary Jane Watson walking by the apartment. Peter Parker: I will soon move out of here and we’ll buy a house in the city. I just defeated villains like Morlun and Morbius along with Man-Wolf who was John Jameson my boss’s son.” They go into Peter’s apartment.

    Inside of Peter Parker’s apartment in the room. Peter Parker comes in with Mary Jane Watson. Peter Parker gets into the place. Peter Parker:I graduated college and have the degree to teach science.” Ursula comes into Peter’s apartment. Ursula:The phone is for you Peter. It’s your boss at the Daily Bugle.

    In the halls of the apartment building. There is the telephone there. Peter Parker gets onto the phone. It’s J. Jonah Jameson. Peter Parker:Yeah!Jameson:There’s the police at Dr. Connors’s building. A man lizard has terrorized the lab. Got get photos of the place.

    Somewhere else in the apartment. There is Peter Parker. He transforms into Spider-Man.

    On the streets of New York City. There is Spider-Man swinging by on his webs. He goes into the city. Black Cat shows up. Black Cat:Call me Black Cat. I want to help you fight crime. You one time gave up.Spider-Man:I could use a hand. There’s a man lizard attacking the city who attacked Dr. Connors’s lab. I gave up one time and 2 thugs mugged a school boy with other crimes going on but those 2 thieves have been arrested by Officer Barr long ago.” Spider-Man goes over to Black Cat. Black Cat:I have been interested in you. I want to help you as we have different places to go to.” Black Cat and Spider-Man swing off into the day.

    Outside of the science lab. There are cops there. Also present is Captain George Stacy along with Officer Barr. Spider-Man and Black Cat show up. Captain Stacy:Who’s your new sidekick?Black Cat:I am Black Cat.Officer Barr:I am Officer Barr and this is Captain Stacy. We are both up for retirement once we nail Silvio Manfredi’s mob. I have arrested many criminals out there.Captain Stacy:We are investigating the disappearance of Dr. Curt Connors. Witnesses told us that a human lizard broke in and destroyed the place.” Black Cat goes over to the cops. They shake hands.

    At the Mafia headquarters in New York City. In the office of Silvio Manfredi. Also present is Elisha Silvermane along with Hammerhead and some other mobsters in New York City. There are also Harry Dumont and Eli Rumsford. Silvermane:There is a costumed hero calling himself Spider-Man. You could Hammerhead ram him. Also Captain George Stacy is building a case against us.Hammerhead:I will crush Spider-Man. He defeated your son Joey not too many years ago.Silvermane:I want Spider-Man squashed like an insect.” Hammerhead leaves the office.

    Somewhere else on the streets of New York City. There are Spider-Man and Black Cat swinging by. Spider-Man:I have taken down many criminals when I started out. Captain George Stacy’s officers are on the Silvio Manfredi case. This mob boss also goes by Silvermane.” Hammerhead shows up. Hammerhead:I will kill you both.” Hammerhead fires on Spider-Man and Black Cat. Spider-Man shoots Hammerhead’s guns with his webs. Hammerhead:I will ram you both. I’ll squash you like a bug Spider-Man.” Hammerhead rams into Spider-Man and Black Cat. They fall to the ground. Spider-Man throws a punch onto Hammerhead. Hammerhead bangs his head onto Spider-Man. Spider-Man throws a punch back onto Hammerhead. Hammerhead again rams his head into Spider-Man’s chest. Black Cat gets up. Black Cat flip kicks Hammerhead. Black Cat next sends a roundhouse kick onto Hammerhead. She knocks him out. Spider-Man ties up Hammerhead with his webs. Spider-Man ties Hammerhead to street lights. Spider-Man:Let’s leave him for the police.

    Later on in the day at the police station. There is Captain George Stacy. Officer Barr and Sgt. Neil Garrett go over to Captain George Stacy. Neil Garrett:We have Captain Stacy a man calling himself Hammerhead taken down by Spider-Man and Black Cat.Captain Stacy:I remember when I took down Walter Hardy a cat burglar before there was Spider-Man. Spider-Man when after Dennis Carradine when he started out.Officer Barr:I responded to a 911 call when Spider-Man gave up and a school boy was mugged and I arrested those 2.Captain Stacy:I remember when we arrested Flint Marko just as his partner was escaping and Spider-Man chased him down. We’ll have Hammerhead in custody.

    Later at night time outside of a theater. There is present Flash Thompson with Felicia Hardy. Peter Parker shows up. Flash Thompson:This is my new girlfriend Felicia Hardy.Peter Parker:I am Peter Parker. I take photos of Spider-Man for the Daily Bugle. My fiancé Mary Jane Watson is in the show.” He shakes hands with Felicia Hardy. Felicia Hardy:My father was arrested by the NY PD for cat burglary before there was Spider-Man. I know that you testified against 2 thieves for when Spider-Man gave up.” They have their tickets. They show their tickets to the usher. They go into to take their seats.

    In the auditorium. Peter Parker gets in with Flash Thompson and Felicia Hardy. They get seated.

    At Peter Parker’s apartment later on at night time. Peter Parker shows up with Felicia Hardy and Flash Thompson and his future wife Mary Jane Watson. Peter Parker:This is where I live. You could help me clear out my apartment.Flash Thompson:I remember we were foes in high school and we became friends in college.Peter Parker:My aunt May is living alone and she might come to the wedding.

    At the Daily Bugle the next day. There is J. Jonah Jameson in his office. Also present is Robbie Robertson. Betty Brandt is sitting at her desk. Jameson:I want the public to see that Spider-Man and Black Cat are nothing but vigilantes. They are criminals.Robbie Robertson:Black Cat was helping Spider-Man.Jameson:Black Cat is nothing but a cat burglar.” Peter Parker shows up with photos. Peter Parker comes into J. Jonah Jameson’s office. Peter Parker:I have more photos of Spider-Man. He was at the lab.Jameson:Spider-Man could’ve transformed this person into a lizard and kidnapped Dr. Connors.” Hoffman shows up next. Hoffman: I have resources on the Manfredi crime family. He’s calling himself Silvermane.” Peter Parker gives his photos to J. Jonah Jameson. Jameson:There. Now go and take more photos of Spider-Man.” Peter Parker leaves Jameson’s office. Peter Parker goes over to Betty Brandt. Betty Brandt:What do you know was going on with this human lizard?Peter Parker:Maybe Spider-Man will find out with the NY PD.

    Outside of the Daily Bugle. There is Peter Parker walking by. He transforms into Spider-Man.

    At the lab of Dr. Connors. There is Sgt. Neil Garrett present. Spider-Man swings into the facility. Neil Garrett:There you are Spider-Man.Spider-Man:I think that there are hidden cameras in the lab of Dr. Connors. Peter Parker gets the photos of me.” He goes to the surveillance discs. Spider-Man plays a video. It’s the video of Dr. Connors transforming into the Lizard. Spider-Man: I will find him and maybe cure his condition. That Lizard is Dr. Connors. Peter Parker takes the photos of me for the Daily Bugle.” Spider-Man swings off into the day.

    At the Mafia headquarters. There is Silvermane present. Also present is Elisha Silvermane. Also there are Harry Dumont and Eli Rumsford present. Silvermane:There are 2 vigilantes out there now. Spider-Man once gave up and the crime rate rose higher. There’s also a man lizard who could kill us. Let’s kill him. Harry and Eli. Go find Spider-Man. I want him dead. Hammerhead failed the police took him in. He’s in custody.” Harry and Eli depart going after Spider-Man.

    Somewhere by the sewers in New York City. Harry Dumont and Eli Rumsford show up. Eli Rumsford:It’s you.Harry Dumont:You’ll be a dead lizard.” The Lizard appears. Eli and Harry pull out their guns. They fire on the Lizard. The Lizard with his claws slashes the 2 mobsters. The Lizard departs for the sewers.

    Somewhere else in New York City. There is Spider-Man swinging by. He goes to the home of Curt Connors.

    At the home of Curt Connors on the inside. There is Martha Connors the wife of Curt Connors along with Billy Connors their son. Spider-Man shows up at the window. Spider-Man:I need to talk to you.Martha Connors:Come on in Spider-Man.” He comes into the home. Spider-Man goes to talk to Martha Connors. Spider-Man: I know that you husband is the Lizard. I saw it on video with Sgt. Neil Garrett of Captain George Stacy’s prescient.Martha Connors:Maybe a formula will change him back into himself.Spider-Man:Has he stopped by?Martha Connors:No.Spider-Man:There are also mobsters out here that Captain Stacy has a case against. There’s the hammerhead goon in custody.” Spider-Man leaves the home.

    Back to nearby the sewers. There are Harry Dumont and Eli Rumsford laying dead. Spider-Man shows up. Black Cat shows up next. Spider-Man:You just showed up in the nick of time.” There are also some cops present. Also there is present Officer Barr with Captain George Stacy. Captain Stacy:I think that those 2 men work for Silvio Manfredi. He’s the crime boss we had just discovered when you defeated Man-Wolf with Morbius and Morlun. We are investigating the crime syndicate run by Silvio Manfredi. The FBI’s organized crime division is doing an investigation on them.Spider-Man:I think that I could change The Lizard back into Dr. Connors. I think that I could find a formula.” Spider-Man and Black Cat swing off into the day.

    At the apartment building later on at dusk. Peter Parker shows up with Mary Jane Watson along with Felicia Hardy and Flash Thompson. They enter the building. Flash Thompson:I have gotten some of your stuff packed.Peter Parker:Let’s pay a visit to my Aunt May.

    Inside of Aunt May’s apartment. There is Aunt May present. There’s a knock on the door. Peter Parker:It’s your nephew Peter Parker.” Aunt May answers the door. Peter Parker and company come into the place. Peter Parker:Those are my friends Flash Thompson and Felicia Hardy. Mary Jane and I finally got engaged.Aunt May:That’s good.Peter Parker:I am even inviting the Daily Bugle staff to our wedding.Mary Jane:We want to someday have 2 kids. I’ll give up acting and modeling when we have our kids.” They all get into the living room. In the kitchen there is Peter Parker with his Aunt May. Peter Parker:I have been getting pictures of 2 mobsters slain by this man lizard. Spider-Man will take care of him.

    Later on outside of the apartment building. Peter Parker and company show up. Peter Parker leaves with Felicia Hardy. Peter Parker:Felicia and I are going home now.

    At the lab of Dr. Connors. Spider-Man and Black Cat show up. Spider-Man:I think that I have found the formulas. You keep out on watch in case any of Silvermane’s goons show up.Black Cat:Sure thing Spider-Man.” Spider-Man goes over to the formulas. Spider-Man takes the formula.

    Nearby the Italian restaurant. There are some members of Silvermane’s gang present as they come out of the place. The Lizard shows up. Italian Silvermane thug:I know that it’s your who killed Eli Rumsford and Harry Dumont.Italian Silvermane Thug 2:Let’s waste him.” Silvermane’s thugs draw guns. Silvermane’s thugs fire on the Lizard. The Lizard dives onto Silvermane’s thugs. The Lizard strikes an Italian mobster with his tail. The Lizard throws 2 mobsters against the building. The Lizard with his claws kills some mob guys. One more is standing. The Lizard pokes his claws into the last mobster. The Lizard disappears into the night.

    Somewhere else on the streets of New York City. There are Spider-Man and Black Cat swinging by. Spider-Man:Let’s follow the police. We help the police out.” Police sirens are going off. There are some police cars on the streets of New York City. Spider-Man and Black Cat swing by following the police cars.

    Back to nearby the Italian restaurant. There are cops there. There is also the forensics team. Captain George Stacy is also present. Spider-Man and Black Cat show up. Captain Stacy:I think it was this man lizard that killed them.Spider-Man:I have the formula to change Dr. Connors back to his human self. Black Cat and I will go after him.” Spider-Man and Black Cat swing off into the night.

    Later on at night time at the home of Peter Parker. Peter Parker comes in the door. He goes over to his bed.

    The next day at the Daily Bugle outside. There is Peter Parker walking to the place. He enters the building.

    Upstairs at the Daily Bugle. There is Betty Brandt sitting at her desk. Peter Parker walks by with photos in the envelope. Betty Brandt:Are they more Spider-Man photos?Peter Parker:I have taken photos of mobsters killed by the Lizard. Spider-Man and Black Cat are hunting him down.” He goes into J. Jonah Jameson’s office.

    In the office of J. Jonah Jameson. There is J. Jonah Jameson present. Also present is Robbie Robertson. Robbie Robertson:Spider-Man is fighting to make the city crime free with help from the Black Cat. The police could not find Flint Marko.Jameson:This could be doings of Spider-Man.” Peter Parker comes in with photos of Spider-Man and mob guys killed by the Lizard. Peter Parker gives those photos to J. Jonah Jameson. Peter Parker:Here are your photos Mr. Jameson.” Hoffman shows up. Hoffman:I haven’t gotten anymore of the Silvermane mob but I heard some members of that crime syndicate have been killed by the Lizard.Jameson:I need you Peter to get more photos of Spider-Man. Leave now.” Peter Parker leaves J. Jonah Jameson’s office.

    At the Mafia building in the day time in the office of Silvio Manfredi. There is Silvermane present along with his daughter Elisha. Also there is present Andre Gerard also known as Cyclone with some other members of the Mafia. Cyclone has on a special suit. Silvermane:I called you in Cyclone as you could blow away this human Lizard. I read in the Daily Bugle that he was Dr. Curt Connors all along. You created a suit for yourself. Most of us never even went to college. Go and find Spider-Man and Black Cat along with the Lizard. I want them all dead.” Cyclone leaves the office with the test of Silvermane’s gang members.

    Somewhere else on the streets of New York City. There is the Lizard present. He is going on a rampage. Spider-Man shows up with Black Cat. Spider-Man:I know that it’s your Dr. Connors. I am here to help you.” The Lizard goes after the heroes. Black Cat flip kicks the Lizard. The Lizard clobbers Black Cat with his tail. Spider-Man shoots the Lizard with his webs. The Lizard jumps after Spider-Man. Spider-Man sends an uppercut onto the Lizard. Spider-Man gives the formula to the Lizard. The Lizard turns back into Dr. Curt Connors. Dr. Connors falls the ground. Black Cat goes over to Dr. Connors. Black Cat:I got you now Dr. Connors.” Dr. Connors gets up. Dr. Connors:I was turned into a lizard and can’t believe that I have killed some mobsters.Spider-Man:Your wife and son are worried about you. I am going to hunt down the rest of those mobsters. They could try to kill you. Captain George Stacy is working on a case against the Silvermane crime family. Hammerhead is in police custody.” Spider-Man and Black Cat swing off into the day.

    In an alley in the day time. Spider-Man and Black Cat show up. Black Cat:I am Felicia Hardy. My father was a cat burglar taken down by George Stacy just before he got promoted to Captain of the NY PD before you became Spider-Man.Spider-Man:I am really Peter Parker. Mary Jane knows that I am Spider-Man. I won’t tell Flash Thompson that I am Spider-Man. Harry Osborne blamed me for the death of his father who was the Green Goblin. They are both dead now. Let’s head off to the police station and see Captain Stacy.” They head off to the police station.

    At NY PD headquarters in the day time in Captain George Stacy’s office. There is Captain Stacy present. Also present is Officer Barr. Black Cat and Spider-Man show up. Captain Stacy:Officer Barr and I will retire after we nail Silvio Manfredi and the rest of his gang. Hammerhead won’t give away his location. Where is the Lizard now?Spider-Man:I turned him back into Dr. Curt Connors. He’s home now.” They are in the place.

    Somewhere else on the streets of New York City. There is Cyclone present with some other mob guys. Cyclone:Let’s find Spider-Man and kill him. I think that he defeated this human lizard. Let’s find Dr. Connors and kill him.” Spider-Man and Black Cat show up. Spider-Man:I am your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man and I will stop you guys.Cyclone:Shoot them down while I blow them away.” Those mob guys with Cyclone pull out guns. Spider-Man shoots webs onto their guns. Cyclone shoots wind at Spider-Man and Black Cat. Black Cat roundhouse kicks Cyclone. The rest of the mob guys run up to Spider-Man. They throw punches onto Spider-Man. Spider-Man throws punches onto those mobsters. Spider-Man clobbers 2 mob guys. Spider-Man kicks a mobster. Spider-Man throws another mobster into the rest. Spider-Man with his webs ties them up along with Cyclone. Spider-Man:Now we’ll go looking for your boss.Cyclone:Silvio Manfredi’s daughter Elisha is an under boss in the syndicate. I won’t give away his turf to you.” Spider-Man and Black Cat swing off into the daytime.

    At the Daily Bugle later on in the day in the office of J. Jonah Jameson. There is J. Jonah Jameson present along with Robbie Robertson and Hoffman. Jameson:Maybe if Spider-Man is a hero he better have taken down those mobsters out there. I just gave up cigars after that incident with someone in the black suit with Spider-Man’s powers and that Sandman guy. Spider-Man saved my son John as he was Man-Wolf last year.” There is Betty Brandt sitting at her desk. Peter Parker shows up with another envelope. Peter Parker comes into the office. He gives the photos to J. Jonah Jameson. Peter Parker:There are shots of Spider-Man taking down more mobsters. I’ll go and get more pictures.” Peter Parker leaves the office.

    Later on in the day time somewhere in New York City. There is Peter Parker present along with Mary Jane Watson. Also present are Felicia Hardy and Flash Thompson. There’s also Peter Parker’s realtor. They go to the apartment for sale. Peter Parker:Maybe MJ and I will buy this apartment.

    Inside of the apartment in the day time. There are Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson walking in with the realtor who’s a woman. Peter Parker’s Realtor:I will show you around.Mary Jane: I think that we’ll buy this house.” They go through the place.

    At the apartment building of Peter Parker at dusk at Mr. Ditkovick’s room. There is Mr. Ditkovick present. Also there is his daughter Ursula. There’s a knock on the door. Mr. Ditkovick:I think I see Peter Parker. Come on in Mr. Parker.” Peter Parker comes into the place. Peter Parker goes over to Mr. Ditkovick. Peter Parker:My future wife Mary Jane Watson and I have bought our apartment. We’ll move in. I am moving out now.Mr. Ditkovick:It’s good knowing you Peter Parker.Peter Parker:Mary Jane and I want to even have kids someday. It’s good knowing you.” They shake hands. Peter Parker leaves the place.

    Somewhere else by the apartment building. Peter Parker shows up. Felicia Hardy shows up next. Felicia Hardy:I think that Dr. Connors’s lab is being targeted by Silvio Manfredi. Let’s go find Silvermane and the rest of his syndicate.Peter Parker:We’ll bring them down.” Felicia Hardy transforms into Black Cat. Peter Parker transforms into Spider-Man. They swing off into the night.

    At the Mafia building at night time. There is Silvio Manfredi present. Also there is Elisha Silvermane and gangster Dominic Tyrone. Silvermane:My goons have been captured or killed. I called you in to deal with Spider-Man and kill Dr. Connors Mr. Tyrone.Rapier:I will kill Spider-Man.Elisha Silvermane:We’ll find Spider-Man and kill him. We’ll even kill Dr. Connors. He’s killed our 2 top enforcers Eli Rumsford and Harry Dumont as the Lizard.Silvermane: Let’s get them.” They depart the place heading off to the lab of Dr. Curt Connors.

    At the lab of Dr. Connors. There is Dr. Connors present. He puts on a prosthetic arm. Black Cat and Spider-Man show up. Spider-Man:I want to cure myself of turning into the Lizard before I kill more people. I have just created a prosthetic arm.Spider-Man:The rest of the Silvermane crime syndicate could be coming to here just to kill you. I will take down Silvio Manfredi.” They come into the place.

    Outside of the lab of Dr. Connors at night time moments later. Silvio Manfredi shows up with his daughter Elisha and Dominic Tyrone also known as Rapier. Silvermane:You will my daughter kill Spider-Man and Black Cat. We’ll than kill Dr. Connors.” Spider-Man and Black Cat come out of the place swinging or ropes and webs. Elisha Silvermane:Just die you vigilantes.Black Cat:I take her on.” Elisha Manfredi goes for her gun. Black Cat swing kicks knocking the gun out of her hand. They are fighting each other hand to hand. Dominic Tyrone swings his fencing sword at Spider-Man. Rapier:I will kill you now Spider-Man.” Spider-Man grabs onto the fencing sword. He throws it aside. Silvermane is watching his daughter and Dominic Tyrone fight Spider-Man and Black Cat. He swings it at Spider-Man. Silvermane:Kill them both.” Spider-Man ducks. Spider-Man throws a punch onto Rapier. They are fighting each other hand to hand. Dr. Connors is looking out the window of the building.

    Inside of the lab of Dr. Curt Connors. There is Dr. Connors looking out the window. He sees the fighting going on. Dr. Connors goes over to the telephone to call the police.

    Back to outside. Spider-Man and Black Cat throw Elisha Silvermane and Rapier into each other. Silvermane:Now to kill you both.” Silvermane makes the move to pull out a gun. They next throw them at Silvermane. They fall to the ground. Spider-Man ties up those 3 criminals with his webs. Spider-Man:Dr. Connors must’ve called the police.” Police sirens are going off. Spider-Man and Black Cat swing off into the night.

    Later on outside of the lab of Dr. Connors. There is Dr. Connors standing there. Also present is Captain George Stacy along with Officer Barr. Other officers of the NY PD have Silvio Manfredi, Elisha Manfredi and Dominic Tyrone in handcuffs. Dr. Connors:Maybe you won’t charge me with murder. I just wanted to grow back my arm.Captain Stacy:Officer Barr and I are retiring now that we have nailed the Silvermane crime family. I can see that you have a prosthetic arm. I have the Silvermane crime family on racketeering charges.” They are being loaded into police cars.

    Many days later at the chapel in New York City. There are Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson at the altar getting married. Also present at the wedding are friends of Peter Parker’s. There are also J. Jonah Jameson, Robbie Robertson with his wife Martha and son Randy. There is also Dr. Curt Connors present. Captain George Stacy is present with his wife and their daughter Gwen Stacy. There are also present Aunt May Parker and Flash Thompson along with Felicia Hardy. MJ’s parents and aunt are present as well. Peter Parker:The Silvermane crime family will do a long time as they are all found guilty of a racketeering conspiracy.Chapel Minister:Do you Peter Parker take Mary Jane Watson to be your beloved wife till death do us part for richer and poorer?Peter Parker:I do.” Chapel Minister: Do you Mary Jane Watson take Peter Parker to be your beloved wedded husband?Mary Jane:I do.Chapel Minister:You may now kiss the bride.” Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson kiss as wife and husband.

    Later on outside of the church. There is the crowd. Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson-Parker walk outside of the chapel. Peter Parker:Good bye everyone. Spider-Man will still be out there and Captain Stacy retired with Officer Barr after Silvermane and his crime syndicate has been put away.” They are walking down the street.

  7. demolition18

    demolition18 Jedi Master star 1

    Oct 15, 2005
    Spider-Man 5


    On the streets of New York City in the day time. There is Peter Parker walking down the streets of New York City. He is walking to home.

    At Quentin Beck’s place in New York City. There is Quentin Beck present. Quentin Beck has a holographic projector with him. Also there is his suit and glass helmet. He puts it all on. Mysterio:Now I will l kill you Spider-Man.” Mysterio vanishes into the city.

    At the turf of the Skull’s gang. There is present Herman Shultz. Also there are members of the Skull’s gang. There is Herman Shultz’s suit. Also there are his shock gauntlets. Herman Shultz:I will now be known as the Shocker. Spider-Man had just defeated Hydro-Man, Alistar Smythe and his spider slayers. Spider-Man even took down not too long ago Boomerang. I will kill Spider-Man.” Herman Shultz puts on his suit. The Shocker leaves the place with the Skull’s gang.

    At the home of Peter Parker in the day time. There is Mary Jane Watson-Parker present outside. Peter Parker comes home. Mary Jane:Let’s go in.” Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson-Parker wall off into the day.

    Nearby the doctor’s office in the day time. There is Peter Parker present with Mary Jane Watson-Parker. Peter Parker:I have been taking photos for the Daily Bugle. I am going to meet up with Felicia Hardy. She and Flash Thompson had broken up after we got married.” Mary Jane has the pregnancy tube. She goes into the doctor’s office. Peter Parker walks off into the day.

    Somewhere nearby an alley in New York City. There is Felicia Hardy present. Peter Parker is walking by. Felicia Hardy goes over to Peter Parker. Felicia Hardy:My father Walter Hardy just got out of prison. The Skull’s Gang is out there.Peter Parker: I think that Dennis Carradine was part of that gang just as they conned Flint Marko into committing crimes. I found out that my parents were murdered by a communist. I want that person in prison. Flint Marko by mistake killed my uncle as Dennis Carradine bumped into him and didn’t care.

    In an alley in New York City. Peter Parker and Felicia Hardy show up. They turn into Spider-Man and Black Cat. They swing off into the day.

    In Times Square in New York City. The Skull’s gang shows up. Spider-Man and Black Cat swing by. Spider-Man:It’s over. I know that your leader is Herman Shultz.” The members of the Skull’s gang have crow bars. They run after Spider-Man and Black Cat. Spider-Man swinging by on his webs kicks a member of the Skull’s gang. Black Cat swing kicks another gang member. Black Cat:Take us on.” Others run up to them. Spider-Man and Black Cat throw punches onto a few members of the Skull’s gang. They strike Spider-Man and Black Cat with crow bars. They knock them down. Sand appears. Spider-Man:It’s Flint Marko.” The rest of the members of the Skull’s gang are knocked down by a sandstorm. It’s Flint Marko also known as the Sandman. Spider-Man and Black Cat get up. Sandman:I could be a wanted man. They got me into doing bad things. Herman Shultz is the leader of the gang. Actor and stunt man Quentin Beck has come into the city as well.” Spider-Man with his webs ties up the Skull’s gang. Spider-Man:Let’s find Herman Shultz and bring him in.Sandman:My daughter Penny has gotten better. With my powers I have decided to align with you.” Sandman departs as Spider-Man and Black Cat swing off into the day.

    At turf of the Skull’s Gang later on at dusk. There is Mysterio present. There is also the Shocker. Mysterio:I was the Hollywood actor and stunt man. I hate Spider-Man. He might’ve cost me my job. I know that you are Herman Shultz leader of the Skull’s Gang.” The Vulture comes flying in as does Scorpion in a green suit. Shocker:I am now known as the Shocker just as you are Mysterio.Mysterio:Just before I became Mysterio I mailed 5 of you.” Kraven the Hunter shows up next along with Chameleon. Chameleon:Peter Parker takes photos for the Daily Bugle. I killed his parents. Call me Chameleon.Scorpion:I am Scorpion. J. Jonah Jameson got me in this suit. After I killed Spider-Man I kill the owner of the Daily Bugle. Kraven the Hunter:I am Kraven the Hunter. I hate Spider-Man.The Vulture:My name is Adriane Toomes. You can call me the Vulture.Mysterio:We are now known as the Sinister Six. I am your leader.” They all meet up.

    Later on at night time in the home of Peter Parker. There is Mary Jane Watson-Parker present in the kitchen. She is cooking dinner.

    Outside of the home of the Parker’s. Spider-Man shows up. He swings by and comes into the place.

    Back to inside of the kitchen of the Parker’s home. There is Mary Jane present. Peter Parker comes in. Mary Jane:I am pregnant.Peter Parker:That’s good. I will soon be a dad. With Black Cat I took down the Skull’s Gang and we haven’t caught the leader yet.” He goes over to Mary Jane Watson-Parker. They kiss.

    At NY PD headquarters at night time in the office of Captain Neil Garrett. There is Neil Garrett present. Also present is Patrick Mulligan of the NY PD. Patrick Mulligan:I transferred to this prescient. Spider-Man with Black Cat just took down the Skull’s Gang.Neil Garrett:I called over Peter Parker to here when Captain Stacy wanted to show him who really killed Ben Parker. Let’s go.” They leave NY PD headquarters.

    The next day on the streets of New York City. There is Peter Parker walking to the Daily Bugle with an envelope in his hand. He walks into the building.

    Inside of the Daily Bugle upstairs. There is Betty Brandt at her desk. There is also Hoffman present. Betty Brandt:Go into Jameson’s office. You have been here for a long time.Peter Parker: Those are photos of Spider-Man fighting the Skull’s Gang.Hoffman:Captain Stacy arrested Herman Shultz and his gang after the death of Dennis Carradine.Peter Parker:Dennis Carradine made Flint Marko kill my Uncle Ben.” Peter Parker shows up with his photographs in the envelope. He goes over to J. Jonah Jameson’s office.

    In J. Jonah Jameson’s office. There is J. Jonah Jameson sitting at his desk. Also present is Robbie Robertson. Robbie Robertson:I got a source from the members of the Skull’s gang that the Sinister Six has been formed by Mysterio that master of illusions.Jameson:We have all those costumed psychos and for years I thought that Spider-Man was a criminal. I got a man in a scorpion suit to deal with Spider-Man.” Peter Parker shows up with the photos in the envelope. Peter Parker takes out the photos. Peter Parker:Here are the photos of Spider-Man and Black Cat battling the Skull’s Gang.” It is the photos of Spider-Man and Black Cat fighting the Skull’s Gang. Jameson:Good work.” Peter Parker with his camera leaves J. Jonah Jameson’s office.

    Somewhere else by the Daily Bugle in the day time. There is the Sinister Six present. Mysterio:You Chameleon could pose as Spider-Man and maybe frame him for murder. Peter Parker takes photos of Spider-Man while his wife got pregnant she gave up acting.Chameleon:I will take everyone.Shocker:Flint Marko with his powers wanted to join Spider-Man as his ally. I want him dead.” Chameleon morphs into Spider-Man. There is Flint Marko out of the sight of the Sinister Six. He is spotting them. Sandman vanishes transforming into sand.

    Back into J. Jonah Jameson’s office. There is JJJ sitting at his desk. Robbie Robertson leaves the office. Chameleon in disguise as Spider-Man shows up into the office. Jameson:Spider-Man. I knew that you were in this.” Chameleon in the Spider-Man disguise pulls out a gun. He fires on the Daily Bugle. Chameleon:Don’t move or I will blow your head off. Stop calling me a menace. You’ll pay for getting Mac Donald Gargan in the scorpion suit and trying to kill me.” Mysterio teleports in with the rest of the Sinister Six. Mysterio:We are taking over this floor.

    In the lobby of the Daily Bugle building. There is Peter Parker walking by. Peter Parker walks by the streets of New York City. Flint Marko appears as the Sandman. The Sandman goes over to Peter Parker in the back of the Daily Bugle building. Sandman:I see that 6 costumed criminals are taking hostages.Peter Parker:Let’s stop them.” Peter Parker transforms into Spider-Man.

    Back to inside of the Daily Bugle building upstairs by J. Jonah Jameson’s office. Chameleon in disguise as Spider-Man with the other members of the Sinister Six and their leader Mysterio show up have everyone taken hostage as Chameleon in disguise as Spider-Man has J. Jonah Jameson taken hostage and Shocker has Hoffman and Robbie Robertson hostage. Shocker:Try anything funny and I will blast you.” Spider-Man shows up with Sandman. Spider-Man shoots webs onto Chameleon’s guns. Spider-Man:I could see you trying to frame me in joining the sinister six.” Spider-Man and Chameleon throw punches at each other. Sandman makes sand hammers out of his hands. The Shocker shoots down Sandman shattering him into sandy pieces. Kraven the Hunter swings his knives at Spider-Man. Spider-Man swings out of the way. Mysterio shoots down Spider-Man with hallucinogenic gas. Mysterio:Come and find us if you can.” Mysterio makes multiples of himself. The Sinister Six vanishes into the day. Jameson:You Sandman are nothing but a thief. You are Spider-Man nothing but a vigilante. I hate criminals.” Someone at the Daily Bugle goes over to a phone to call the police.

    Later on outside of the Daily Bugle. Spider-Man and Sandman vanish into the day. Spider-Man swings off on webs. Police cars show up. One of them there is Patrick Mulligan driving it with Captain Neil Garrett aboard.

    Later on inside of the Daily Bugle upstairs. There is J. Jonah Jameson talking to Captain Neil Garrett. Also present are Hoffman and Betty Brandt. There is present as well Robbie Robertson. Jameson:I thought to have seen 2 Spider-Mans at once.Patrick Mulligan:We than have a shape shifter trying to frame Spider-Man.Jameson: This band calls themselves the Sinister Six.Robbie Robertson:I have pictures of them to give to you guys in the prescient.” Peter Parker shows up. Peter Parker:I heard that the Sinister Six attacked here. Spider-Man will hunt them down.

    Later on at the home of the Parker’s in the day time in the living room. There is Mary Jane Watson-Parker sitting on the couch watching television. Peter Parker shows up. Peter Parker gets seated on the couch. Peter Parker:There’s a band called the Sinister Six. I think that Mysterio the master of illusions is the leader. One of the members of the Sinister Six must be the Skull’s Gang.

    Flash back to when Peter Parker was a baby at the turf of Dmitri Smerdyakov. There is Dmitri Smerdyakov present. Also there are Mary Parker and Richard Parker present. Dmitri Smerdyakov:I think I found agents of the CIA.Richard Parker:Who might that be?” Dmitri Smerdyakov pulls out his gun. Richard Parker goes for his gun. Dmitri Smerdyakov:It’s you 2. I know that you both just had a baby.” Dmitri Smerdyakov shoots down Richard Parker killing him. He next shoots down Mary Parker killing her.

    Back to the present at the Skull’s Gang turf. The Sinister Six shows up. There is Chameleon as himself in his own costume. Mysterio:As the master of illusions we could free your gang members Shocker. We’ll than kill Spider-Man along with Black Cat and even Flint Marko. Let’s go to the police station. The cops can’t deal with us.” They depart for NY PD headquarters.

    At NY PD headquarters later on in the day time in the briefing room. There is present Captain Neil Garrett. Also there are other officers of the NY PD along with Patrick Mulligan. There are pictures of each of the Sinister Six. Captain Garrett shows them descriptions of the Sinister Six members of the leader. Neil Garrett:Those are writings of the Daily Bugle of the Sinister Six that have been identified. Herman Shultz could be joining the Sinister Six. He created a suit in prison. Mysterio is the leader of the Sinister Six. Let’s go nail them.

    Later on outside of NY PD headquarters. The Sinister Six shows up. Mysterio:Here we are. Let’s free the gang.” Captain Neil Garrett shows up with Patrick Mulligan and some other NY PD officers. Neil Garrett:It’s you guys. You are all under arrest.” Mysterio casts illusions. There are multiples of Mysterio. Mysterio:Now you have to find me.” Mysterio with energy blasts shoots down NY PD officers. The Shocker shoots waves at Patrick Mulligan and Captain Neil Garrett.

    At the holding cells of NY PD headquarters. There are members of the Skull’s Gang in holding cells. There’s a guard there. The sinister six shows up with Chameleon in disguise as Spider-Man. Chameleon in disguise as Spider-Man shoots the guard down with webs. The Vulture flies over to the guard. The Vulture:Now I will free you men.” The Vulture and Scorpion take the keys. The go over to the holding cells. The free the members of the Skull’s Gang. Shocker:We are reunited.The Vulture:I was cell mates with Flint Marko in prison. He escaped and then I just got out.

    Later on outside of NY PD headquarters. There are multiples of Mysterio. Also present are Captain Neil Garrett, Patrick Mulligan and other officers of the NY PD. They get up with guns drawn. Patrick Mulligan:Hold it right there Mysterio. You are under arrest.” They aim them at Mysterio multiples. The Sinister Six vanishes along with the Skull’s Gang. Neil Garrett:Maybe Spider-Man and Black Cat will bring them down.

    At Mysterio’s place later on at dusk. There is the whole Sinister Six present along with the Skull’s Gang. Mysterio:This is my lab. We’ll find Spider-Man and kill him.Shocker:I have brought you men out of prison. Go find Spider-Man and waste him.

    Later on in the day time at the Daily Bugle in J. Jonah Jameson’s office. There is J. Jonah Jameson sitting at his desk. Also present is Robbie Robertson. Jameson:Spider-Man must’ve webbed a cop and freed the Skull’s Gang.Robbie Robertson:It was this Chameleon person trying to frame Spider-Man for attacking the NY PD.” J. Jonah Jameson goes over to the telephone.

    At the home of Peter Parker later on in the day time. There is Peter Parker present with his wife Mary Jane Watson-Parker. The telephone rings. Peter Parker answers it. Peter Parker:Yeah!Jameson:It’s me JJJ. I want you to get photos on the jail break. The Sinister Six attacked the NY PD and tried to frame Spider-Man.Peter Parker: “I am on it.” They hang up. Peter Parker transforms into Spider-Man. Peter Parker:The Skull’s Gang escaped police custody. I better go after them.” He leaves the home.

    On the streets of New York City by NY PD headquarters. There is Spider-Man swinging by. Black Cat shows up as well. Black Cat:Let’s go off to NY PD headquarters. We’ll find things out.” They head off to NY PD headquarters.

    At the New York City Police station outside. There is Captain Neil Garrett present. There is also Detective Patrick Mulligan present. Patrick Mulligan:I will arrest them. Spider-Man could help us bring them down.Neil Garrett:I was a rookie when I arrested the Skull’s Gang and their leader Herman Shultz. They had just gotten out of prison. Herman Shultz must be a member of this Sinister Six.” Spider-Man shows up with Black Cat. They go over to the cops. Spider-Man:I will hunt down this gang. I have faced some other super villains before. I was corrupted by the black suit but I got it off and I defeated this villain in the black suit.Black Cat:We’ll find the Skull’s Gang.” Spider-Man and Black Cat swing off into the day.

    Somewhere else on the streets of New York City. There are some members of the Skull’s gang present. Spider-Man and Black Cat show up. Spider-Man:Here are 4 of them.” Those members of the Skull’s Gang pull out guns. Spider-Man shoots the guns with his webs. Those members of the Skull’s gang run up to Spider-Man and Black Cat. Black Cat:Take us on if you dare.” Spider-Man and Black Cat throw punches onto some thugs. Black Cat round house kicks a member of the Skull’s Gang. Spider-Man throws punches onto 2 members of the Skull’s Gang. One more runs up to Spider-Man and Black Cat. Spider-Man throws a punch onto that member of the Skull’s Gang. Spider-Man ties up those 4 thugs with his webs. Spider-Man and Black Cat swing off into the day time. Spider-Man:Let’s meet up with Captain Neil Garrett of the NY PD.

    At NY PD headquarters later on in the day time inside. There is Patrick Mulligan present along with Captain Neil Garrett. Spider-Man and Black Cat swing into the police station. Spider-Man:I nailed 4 members of the Skull’s Gang. We’ll find the Sinister Six.Neil Garrett:Let’s go.Patrick Mulligan:I think that I found where the Skull’s Gang is hiding.

    Later on outside of NY PD headquarters. Captain Neil Garrett gets into a police car with Patrick Mulligan driving it. Spider-Man and Black Cat follow some police cars. They swing off into the day.

    At the turf of the Skull’s gang. There is no one present. Spider-Man and Black Cat show up with the NY PD. The cops come out with guns drawn. Spider-Man:I don’t see anyone here. We’ll find them and Herman Shultz.Neil Garrett:I’ll set out a city wide manhunt for the Sinister Six and the rest of the Skull’s Gang.” Spider-Man and Black Cat depart from the Skull’s Gang turf.

    At dusk at the home of Peter Parker. Spider-Man swings by with Black Cat. They go into the house.

    In home of Peter Parker. Mary Jane Watson-Parker is there. Peter Parker and Felicia Hardy show up. Mary Jane:Let’s go to the living room.Peter Parker:Maybe soon we’ll be clothes shopping for our baby at the Manhattan Mall.” They go into the living room.

    Another Day at Mysterio’s place. There is Mysterio present along with Shocker, Chameleon, Kraven the Hunter, Scorpion and The Vulture. Also there are members of the Skull’s Gang left. Mysterio:Shocker. You and the rest of your gang could pull off a heist at the Manhattan Mall.Chameleon:I think that the photographer taking photos of Spider-Man is the son of the CIA agents that I killed many years ago.Shocker:It’s Peter Parker. He works at the Daily Bugle. One of my gang members who was partnered with Flint Marko killed Peter Parker’s Uncle Ben as of what they thought.Mysterio:Go now Shocker.” The Shocker leaves the place with the Skull’s Gang for the Manhattan Mall.

    At the Manhattan Mall at a clothing store. There are Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson-Parker walking around the store looking at baby clothes. Also present is Felicia Hardy. Mary Jane is chewing pink bubble gum. MJ blows a bubble with her gum. She sucks it back in. Peter Parker:I have been getting lots of photos of Spider-Man.Felicia Hardy:I know that you MJ used to go out with Flash Thompson back in high school. I just moved into here.

    Outside of the Manhattan Mall at the clothing store. There is Shocker with the rest of the Skull’s Gang present. Shocker:Let’s do it. Spider-Man could appear here with Black Cat. He has made the city crime free with his allies. We’ll crush Spider-Man.” They are heading to inside of the mall.

    Back to inside of the clothing store. Mary Jane blows another bubble. It pops. Peter Parker spots the Shocker with the rest of the Skull’s Gang present. Felicia Hardy:Peter and I better get going.Peter Parker:We’ll see you around. I have photos to take and sell to the Daily Bugle.” Peter Parker and Felicia Hardy go to somewhere else in the mall.

    In the back of the mall outside. Peter Parker and Felicia Hardy show up. Peter Parker:I know that it’s the Skull’s Gang. That must be Herman Shultz who attacked the Daily Bugle.” They transform into Spider-Man and Black Cat. They enter the shopping mall.

    In the halls of the Manhattan Mall. The Shocker shows up with the Skull’s Gang. Shocker:You men will take the stores and we’ll close the place. We have money to steal.” The members of the Skull’s Gang pull out their guns. Spider-Man and Black Cat show up. Spider-Man:It’s over who ever you are.Shocker:I am the Shocker leader of the Skull’s Gang.Shocker:Shoot them down.” The members of the Skull’s gang make the move to shoot down the heroes. Spider-Man shoots webs onto the guns. Mary Jane shows up blowing another bubble. It’s up to her nose. She sucks it back in. Mary Jane takes the gum out of her mouth. Spider-Man: You will Black Cat face them just as I face Shocker.” Black Cat takes on the rest of the Skull’s Gang hand to hand. The Shocker shoots blasts at Spider-Man. Spider-Man ducks out of the way. Spider-Man shoots webs onto the Shocker’s gauntlets. Shocker:You’ll pay for this Spider-Man.” Black Cat and the Shocker’s thugs are fighting each other hand to hand. She is knocking them down with kicks and punches. Black Cat bangs 2 more member of the Skull’s Gang into each other. Spider-Man with his webs ties up the Shocker and the members of the Skull’s gang. Spider-Man:Everyone call the police. We are leaving now.” Black Cat and Spider-Man vanish.

    Later on outside of the Manhattan Mall. There are police cars there. There are members of the Skull’s gang and Herman Shultz unmasked as the Shocker loaded into police cars in handcuffs. There are also Patrick Mulligan and Captain Garrett. Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson-Parker show up with Felicia Hardy. Peter Parker:I remember when you Captain Garrett called me down to NY PD headquarters as your department went after Flint Marko who accidentally shot my Uncle Ben. I am taking photos.Neil Garrett:I became Captain last year when George Stacy retired.” Peter Parker is taking photos of the situation.

    At Mysterio’s place. There is Mysterio left with Kraven the Hunter, Chameleon, Scorpion and the Vulture. Mysterio:Mary Jane Watson-Parker had me fired from a set. Let’s take her to here and frame her later for killing Spider-Man. Scorpion. You go to the Daily Bugle and you could sting Peter Parker who takes photos of Spider-Man.Scorpion:Yes. I will even zap Spider-Man.Chameleon:I will even pose as Peter Parker so we could take Mary Jane his wife. I think that she’s pregnant.Mysterio:You have done well. You can go after Jameson Scorpion for getting you stuck in this suit.” Scorpion departs for the Daily Bugle while Chameleon morphs into Peter Parker and goes looking for MJ with everyone else.

    Nearby the doctor’s office later on. Mary Jane comes out. Chameleon shows up in disguise as Peter Parker. Chameleon:It’s me Peter.” He goes over to Mary Jane. Mary Jane:I think that we are having a girl.” The rest of the Sinister Six shows up. The Vulture has his pistol aimed at Mary Jane Watson-Parker. The Vulture:Come right with us Mrs. Parker.Mary Jane:Spider-Man will stop you.

    Nearby the Daily Bugle in the day time. There is Scorpion on a wall of a building. Scorpion: Come out where ever you are Spider-Man.

    Inside of the Daily Bugle in J. Jonah Jameson’s office. There is present J. Jonah Jameson at his desk. Also there is present Hoffman. Betty Brandt is sitting at her desk. Peter Parker shows up with photos of the Manhattan Mall incident. He goes over to J. Jonah Jameson’s desk. Peter Parker:I have photos of Herman Shultz and his gang taken in.Jameson:Good.Peter Parker:I better get going now.” He gives the photos to J. Jonah Jameson. Peter Parker spots Scorpion out the window.

    In the men’s room somewhere in the Daily Bugle. Peter Parker shows up. He transforms into Spider-Man.

    Outside of the Daily Bugle. There is Scorpion going looking for J. Jonah Jameson’s office. Spider-Man shows up. Spider-Man:It’s over man dressed as a scorpion.Scorpion:I am called Scorpion. You tried to stop us here.Spider-Man:I will take you all down.” Scorpion out of his tail shoots acid at Spider-Man. Spider-Man ducks out of the way. Spider-Man swings on the Daily Bugle building with his webs. Spider-Man swing kicks Scorpion. Scorpion:Now to fatally sting you Spider-Man.” Scorpion makes the move to shoot acid out of him. Spider-Man ties up Scorpion’s hands and tail with his webs. Spider-Man next uppercuts Scorpion. Spider-Man ties up Scorpion with his webs. Spider-Man:That should hold you for the police.Scorpion:This isn’t over Spider-Man. We’ll be out with Shocker and we’ll kill you.” Spider-Man vanishes.

    Inside of the Daily Bugle later on somewhere. Spider-Man shows up. He turns back into Peter Parker. Peter Parker heads off to J. Jonah Jameson’s office.

    In J. Jonah Jameson’s office. There is J. Jonah Jameson sitting at his desk. Peter Parker shows up. Peter Parker:Someone called Scorpion tried to kill you for getting him stuck in that suit. Spider-Man took him down.Jameson:Go home. I heard that you are going to be a dad.Peter Parker:I want to see the test results of my wife.” Peter Parker comes into the place.

    At the home of Peter Parker outside. There is a police car there. Patrick Mulligan is present along with Neil Garrett the police captain. Peter Parker shows up. Neil Garrett:I think that the rest of the Sinister Six has kidnapped your wife.Peter Parker:She’s pregnant.” Peter Parker goes over to the NY PD officers. Patrick Mulligan:Maybe you’ll find her as you take photos of Spider-Man.Peter Parker:I am going now.” Peter Parker vanishes into the day.

    Somewhere else on the streets of New York City. There is Black Cat present. Spider-Man shows up. Spider-Man:The rest of the Sinister Six kidnapped my pregnant wife. I will take them down.” Sand appears. It’s Flint Marko. Sandman:I think I found where Quentin Beck was living. I know that you nailed Scorpion and the Shocker. Follow me.Spider-Man:Let’s nail the rest of them.” The trio departs for Mysterio’s place.

    At Mysterio’s place later on. There is Mysterio present along with the remains of the Sinister Six. Also there is the pregnant Mary Jane Watson-Parker present. Mysterio:I was Quentin Beck. You had me fired. Soon you will die.Mary Jane:Spider-Man will stop you. He now has allies. They’ll take you down.Mysterio:Vulture. Go find Spider-Man and kill him along with his allies. Flint Marko is the Sandman. Kill him too.Vulture:I should enjoy killing them.” The Vulture goes to outside of the place.

    Outside of Mysterio’s place. Spider-Man, Black Cat and the Sandman appear. Sandman:There it is.” The Vulture comes out firing on the heroes. The Vulture:Now you will all die.” Spider-Man shoots webs onto the Vulture’s gun. The Vulture is coming after the trio. Spider-Man throws a punch onto the Vulture. The Vulture falls down the ground. Spider-Man with his webs ties up the Vulture. Spider-Man:I will take on the rest of you.

    Inside of the apartment building in the lobby. Spider-Man appears with Black Cat and the Sandman. Mysterio appears with Chameleon and Kraven the Hunter with Mary Jane as a hostage. Chameleon pulls out his gun. He fires on Sandman. Sand is coming out of Flint Marko. Spider-Man takes on Mysterio while Black Cat takes on Kraven the Hunter. Chameleon morphs into Spider-Man. Chameleon:Spider-Man has before thought to have killed you when the symbiote corrupted him.” Chameleon posing as Spider-Man shoots Sandman with his webs. Sandman makes a sand hammer out of his hand. Sandman strikes Chameleon. Spider-Man and Mysterio are throwing punches at each other. Mary Jane:He’s the former Hollywood actor and stunt man Quentin Beck.” Kraven the Hunter swings his knives at Black Cat. Kraven the Hunter:Now to skin the cat as I hunt her.” Black Cat does a flip kick onto Kraven the Hunter. Sandman makes a sandstorm throwing Chameleon and Kraven the Hunter into each other. Spider-Man rips off Mysterio’s helmet as he defeats him in battle. Spider-Man:It is you Quentin Beck.Mysterio:You’ll pay for this Spider-Man.” Spider-Man with his webs ties up Mysterio. A resident is walking by in the building. Spider-Man ties up Kraven the Hunter and Chameleon with his webs. Spider-Man:Call the police. We have just defeated the Sinister Six.

    Later on outside of the apartment building. There are police cars there. Also there are Quentin Beck, Adriane Toomes, Chameleon and Kraven the Hunter being loaded in handcuffs into the police car. There are Patrick Mulligan and Neil Garrett present. Also there are Spider-Man, Black Cat and Sandman present. Neil Garrett:We’ll drop the charges against you Flint Marko as you didn’t mean to shoot Ben Parker.Sandman:I will fight crime now in the city instead of committing crimes.Spider-Man:I nailed the Sinister Six just as your officers Captain Garrett arrested them.” Sandman vanishes into the day. Spider-Man:You’ll be taken back home MJ in a police car. Peter Parker is waiting for you.” Spider-Man and Black Cat swing off into the day just as MJ gets into a police car.

    Many days later at the hospital in New York City in a room. There is Mary Jane on a bed. Also present are MJ’s parents and May Parker Peter’s aunt. There is present Peter Parker as well. Aunt May:It’s a girl.Mary Jane:We’ll name her May after you.Peter Parker:I better get going now. I have taken many photos of Spider-Man. He is still out there.” Peter Parker leaves the place.

    Later on in New York City. There is Spider-Man swinging by on his webs.

  8. demolition18

    demolition18 Jedi Master star 1

    Oct 15, 2005
    Spider-Man 6


    On the streets of New York City in the day time. There is Peter Parker walking by. Mary Jane Watson-Parker shows up with baby Mayday in a stroller. Mary Jane:There’s something to tell you.” Mary Jane goes over to Peter Parker. Peter Parker:What is it?Mary Jane:I am pregnant again.” Peter Parker’s cell phone rings.

    At the Daily Bugle in J. Jonah Jameson’s office. There is J. Jonah Jameson sitting at his desk. Also present is Robbie Robertson. Also there is Hoffman present. Betty Brandt is sitting at her desk outside of J. Jonah Jameson’s office. Jameson:I need a photographer at the Spaulding Chemical plant. Lonnie Lincoln is leading the Bandana’s gang. You take those photos of Spider-Man.Peter Parker:I will be there.

    In an alley in New York City. Peter Parker shows up. He transforms into Spider-Man. Spider-Man swings off the Spaulding Chemical Plant.

    At the Spaulding Chemical Plant outside. There is Lonnie Lincoln with the Bandana Gang and Randy Robertson present as well. Randy Robertson:I do want to get into the gang.Lonnie Lincoln: Let’s get moving. I knew your father Randy from when we were kids.” The thugs with crow bars break into the place. Spider-Man and Black Cat show up. Spider-Man:It’s over. I was informed by Robbie Robertson of you guys.Lonnie Lincoln:Get them! You are coming with me into the place Randy.” Lonnie Lincoln goes into the chemical plant with Randy Robertson. The Bandana gang members go after Spider-Man and Black Cat. Black Cat flip kicks 2 gang members. Some others come up to Spider-Man with crow bars. Spider-Man:Who’s next?” Spider-Man throws punches and kicks onto those members of the Bandana gang. Black Cat round house kicks a member of the Bandana’s gang. The rest of the Bandana’s gang comes up to Spider-Man. Spider-Man clobbers them. Spider-Man ties up the members of the Bandana’s gang with his webs. Spider-Man:Robbie Robertson recently told me of his son joining the gang. Let’s get Lonnie Lincoln and Randy Robertson.” Spider-Man and Black Cat enter the facility.

    Inside of the Spaulding Chemical Plant. There is present Lonnie Lincoln with Randy Robertson. Lonnie Lincoln:I broke into a mini mart and went to jail for it. Your father graduated college.” Spider-Man and Black Cat show up. Black Cat:We nailed your gang Lincoln.Lonnie Lincoln:Now to kill you both.” Lonnie Lincoln pulls out his gun. He makes the move to fire on Spider-Man and Black Cat. Spider-Man with his webs shoots Lonnie Lincoln’s gun. Lonnie Lincoln runs off into the room full of Diox-3. Spider-Man and Black Cat run after Lonnie Lincoln. Randy Robertson follows.

    In the room of Diox-3. Spider-Man and Black Cat pursue Lonnie Lincoln into the room. Randy Robertson follows. Randy Robertson pulls out his father’s service revolver. Randy Robertson shoots down Lonnie Lincoln on a catwalk. Randy Robertson:I left your gang Lincoln.Black Cat: Killing him is not the way.Randy Robertson:This man could’ve gotten my father put in jail.” Lonnie Lincoln falls down. Spider-Man races over to rescue Lonnie Lincoln. Black Cat goes over to Randy Robertson. Spider-Man puts out his hand to rescue Lonnie Lincoln falling off of the catwalk. Spider-Man:Grab onto my hand.” Lonnie Lincoln throws a punch onto Spider-Man. Lonnie Lincoln falls into the Diox-3. Spider-Man covers his eyes. Spider-Man:No!Black Cat: You did your best to save him.

    Later on outside of the Spaulding Chemical Plant. There are police cars parked there. Also there is Captain Neil Garrett present along with Detective Patrick Mulligan. Spider-Man and Black Cat are also there along with Randy Robertson. Neil Garrett:I don’t think that he’s dead. My officers couldn’t find his body.Spider-Man:If he’s still out there we’ll nail him.” Robbie Robertson shows up in his car. He gets out of the car and goes over to his son Randy. Robbie Robertson: I hope that you left the gang.Randy Robertson:I did. I shot him but he could still be alive.Spider-Man:We better get going now.” Spider-Man and Black Cat swing off into the day.

    Title Card: 6 Months Later

    At the home of Peter Parker in the day time in the living room. There is Peter Parker present. Also there is little Mayday Parker present. Mary Jane Watson-Parker is also there with the baby bump. Mary Jane:I think that we found out that Lonnie Lincoln is still alive as of what I heard on the NEWS.Peter Parker:I will go back to being Spider-Man and nail him. There could still be criminals out there. We have Black Cat and the Sandman aligned with me. I am going to work now. There are those who I didn’t take down in college in league with Alfredo Morelli. Sandman and Abner Jenkins now known as Mach-5 are going after Alfredo Morelli with those women and men. I took down the Beetle when the police had taken down 2 hoods I witnessed beat up a school boy. This was before facing Eddie Brock.” Peter Parker leaves the apartment.

    At the Daily Bugle in the day time on the inside upstairs. There is Betty Brandt sitting at her desk. Jessica Carradine shows up with a camera. Betty Brandt:You must be the new freelance photographer.Jessica Carradine:That I am.Betty Brandt:Just head off to Mr. Jameson’s office.” She heads off to J. Jonah Jameson’s office.

    In J. Jonah Jameson’s office. There is J. Jonah Jameson present. Also present is Robbie Robertson. Jessica Carradine comes into the office. Jessica Carradine:I am Jessica Carradine your new freelance photographer. My father was not killed by Spider-Man long ago. He tried to escape and fell to his death.Jameson:Our old freelance photographer has retired. Peter Parker has the staff job here now.Robbie Robertson:The Bandana’s gang has been indicted and they are behind bars.

    Outside of the Daily Bugle. There is Peter Parker walking by. Peter Parker enters the building.

    On the upper part of the Daily Bugle. Peter Parker shows up. He goes over to Betty Brandt. Betty Brandt:We have a new freelance photographer now. It’s that girl whose parents are long since divorced and her father died when Spider-Man started out.Peter Parker:I was always taking photos of Spider-Man.” Peter Parker goes into J. Jonah Jameson’s office.

    Inside of J. Jonah Jameson’s office. There is JJJ present along with Robbie Robertson. Also there is present Jessica Carradine. Peter Parker comes into the office. Jameson:Parker. This is Jessica Carradine who is the new freelance photographer.Jessica Carradine:I heard that your uncle was killed by my father.Peter Parker:Your father bumped his partner with the gun and accidently shot my Uncle Ben and Spider-Man next chased down your father before I was doing your job.” Hobie Brown shows up washing the window on J. Jonah Jameson’s office. Jameson: This is Hobie Brown. He’s washing our windows at the Daily Bugle. I just had a former detective hunt down Spider-Man for the criminal he was stuck in the suit. He’s imprisoned now. There’s a new criminal calling himself Tombstone and I want photos. Spider-Man could be hunting him down.” Peter Parker and Jessica Carradine leave the office.

    Outside of the Daily Bugle. Jessica Carradine and Peter Parker show up. Peter Parker:Someone else forged a photo of Spider-Man years ago. He ended up dead as he tried to kill Spider-Man.” Hobie Brown comes down on the thing. Peter Parker and Jessica Carradine go over to Hobie Brown. Peter Parker:Hobie Brown. I am Peter Parker the staff photographer and this is Jessica Carradine the new freelance photographer. She and I are going to take photos of Spider-Man.Hobie Brown:I have heard about Spider-Man. Your friend Harry Osborne took over the building I heard after the death of his father. I know that Spider-Man defeated the Green Goblin. Aged Mafia boss Vincent Fortunato bought the pent house of Norman Osborne long ago. I was washing windows in the building.” They shake hands.

    At the former Osborne building. There is Don Vincent Fortunato an aged Mafia boss in New York City present along with head his son Angelo now known as Venom the new leader of the Sinister Six. Also there is present Elaine Coll also known as Scorpia the female version of old sinister six member Scorpion. There is Alex O’Hirn in a Rhino costume present. The 4th of the new Sinister Six is Maxwell Dillon in the Electro costume. The 5th member of the New Sinister Six is Roderick Kingsley also known as Hobgoblin. The 6th of the new Sinister Six is Tombstone who leads the Bandanas Gang. Don Fortunato:I heard of the Sinister Six defeated by Spider-Man and Black Cat along with reformed criminal known as the Sandman who was Flint Marko. I put you 6 together as costumed criminals and you Elaine worked for me as an enforcer and you take Scorpion’s place.Scorpia:Spider-Man defeated the Silvermane crime family with the help of Black Cat.Electro:J. Jonah Jameson of the Daily Bugle got My friend Mac stuck in this suit. I will pay him a visit and kill him as I should zap him.Angelo Fortunato:I am the leader of the Sinister Six now and also an under boss in my father’s gang. You Electro will go after J. Jonah Jameson while you Tombstone go after Spider-Man and Black Cat. I really in the city found that symbiote that went missing from a science lab when Dr. Connors transformed into a human lizard.” Electro departs for the Daily Bugle after J. Jonah Jameson. While Tombstone goes after Spider-Man and Black Cat.

    Outside of the Daily Bugle in the day time. Electro shows up. He goes flying the building to J. Jonah Jameson’s office. Electro:It’s payback time Mr. Jameson.” He goes into the place.

    Inside of J. Jonah Jameson’s office. There is J. Jonah Jameson present at his desk. Also there are Robbie Robertson and Hoffman. Betty Brandt is sitting at her desk. There is also present Hobie Brown. Hobie Brown:I met your photographers.Hoffman:I heard that Spider-Man has quit since he failed to save Lonnie Lincoln from the chemicals.Robbie Robertson:Lonnie Lincoln could be Tombstone. My son Randy tried to kill him.” Electro flying by shows up in J. Jonah Jameson’s office. He enters the place. Hobie Brown:I better get going now.” Hobie Brown vanishes.

    In a men’s bathroom at the Daily Bugle. Hobie Brown shows up. Hobie Brown turns into the Prowler. He heads off to J. Jonah Jameson’s office.

    Inside of the office of J. Jonah Jameson. Electro is shooting electricity at Jameson. Electro:You got my friend stuck in his suit. Now I will kill you.” He strikes him. Electro shoots electricity on Robbie Robertson and Hoffman. The Prowler shows up. The Prowler:There is something suspicious about you. I will stop you.Electro:It’s not just Spider-Man in town. Who are you?The Prowler:I am the Prowler. I want to join with Spider-Man.Jameson:Just great. More vigilantes in the city.” Jameson gets onto his phone to call Peter Parker his staff photographer. Electro shoots electricity at The Prowler. The Prowler ducks. The Prowler pulls out his claws. Jameson:Parker. We have a new vigilante teaming with Spider-Man. Come on down to the Daily Bugle. You take photos of Spider-Man and his allies.” The Prowler and Electro fight each other with their hands. The Prowler shoots down Electro with sleeping gas. He knocks him out. The Prowler:Maybe if you talk to Peter Parker Spider-Man will come.

    Somewhere else on the streets of New York City. There is Peter Parker walking by. His cell phone rings. Peter Parker picks up. Peter Parker:I might not make it to the Daily Bugle but Spider-Man will stop by to meet his new ally.” Peter Parker goes off into an alley. He transforms into Spider-Man. Spider-Man swings off to the Daily Bugle.

    Outside of the Daily Bugle in the day time. Spider-Man shows up. The Prowler comes out of the building. Spider-Man:You must be the Prowler. Peter Parker gets photos of me.The Prowler:I call myself the Prowler.” The Prowler goes over to Spider-Man. They shake hands. The Prowler:A new super villain calling himself Electro attacked Mr. Jameson. I defeated him.” Police cars show up. One of the cars there is Patrick Mulligan driving it with Captain Neil Garrett aboard. The Prowler:I am the Prowler Spider-Man’s newest ally. I defeated Electro in J. Jonah Jameson’s office.” The cops enter the Daily Bugle.

    Inside of J. Jonah Jameson’s office. There is present J. Jonah Jameson. Also there is Electro knocked out. Spider-Man swings into the place. Spider-Man with his webs ties up Electro. Jameson:It’s you. Where’s Peter Parker?Spider-Man:I am just a hero. The Prowler saved your life.” The police show up with guns drawn. Electro wakes up tied in spider webs. Captain Neil Garrett comes into J. Jonah Jameson’s office. He puts a pair of handcuffs onto Electro. Neil Garrett:You are under arrest Electro for terrorizing the Daily Bugle.” Spider-Man swings out of the place.

    Somewhere else on the streets of New York City. Spider-Man is swinging by. Tombstone. Tombstone:It’s you Spider-Man. Now I will kill you.” Tombstone throws punches at Spider-Man. Spider-Man falls to the ground. Black Cat shows up flipping around Tombstone. Black Cat:Come and face me Lincoln.” Black Cat sends a kick onto Tombstone. Black Cat and Tombstone fight each other hand to hand. Black Cat sends a roundhouse kick onto Tombstone. Tombstone goes jumping by. Spider-Man with his webs shoots down Tombstone Black Cat: I know that you Lonnie Lincoln work for the Fortunato mob.Tombstone:You will pay for this.” Black Cat throws a punch onto the Tombstone on his face knocking him out. Jessica Carradine shows up on her skateboard. She takes photos. Jessica Carradine:I am a new photographer taking photos of you Spider-Man. The old freelance photographer retired when you 2 defeated Shriek and Carrion and but before Spencer Smythe was killed by Carrion. I know that you didn’t kill my father Spider-Man. You tried to take him down when you started out. Mach 5 is dealing with Carrion fight now as he’s in league with Alfredo Morelli.” Spider-Man with his webs next ties up Tombstone. Black Cat goes over to Jessica Carradine. Black Cat:Walter Hardy was arrested just before your father died trying to kill Spider-Man.Spider-Man:I tried to capture your father and turn him over to the police. We better get going now.” Spider-Man and Black Cat swing off into the day. Jessica Carradine goes skateboarding off into the day.

    At the former Osborne building in the lab later on at dusk. There is present Vincente Fortunato along with the remains of the Sinister Six Venom, Hobgoblin, Rhino and Scorpia. Also present are the 2 others Slug and Jimmy-6 the brother of Angelo and Don Fortunato’s other son. Vincente Fortunato:You 2 scientists got Rhino and Scorpion in their suits.Hobgoblin:I was a fashion designer. I hate Spider-Man.Rhino:I will ram Spider-Man down.Venom:Tomorrow we’ll go to the police station and free those prisoners and you will dad have a newer criminal gang. We’ll have the Sinister Six back.Vincente Fortunato:You have done well Venom my son.Venom:We’ll also take Randy Robertson and drop him in the chemicals. We’ll even kill his father who gets reports on Spider-Man.

    At the home of the Parker’s the next morning in the kitchen. There is Mayday Parker in her high chair. There is Mary Jane Watson-Parker feeding Mayday Parker. Peter Parker shows up with his camera. Peter Parker:Yesterday late afternoon Spider-Man and the Prowler nailed Electro and Tombstone. They must be in league with The Fortunato crime family. Spider-Man and his allies will find them and turn them over to the police.” Peter Parker leaves the home.

    At the former Osborne building in the penthouse in the living room. There is Don Fortunato present. Also present are Angelo Fortunato/Venom the new leader of the Sinister Six, Hobgoblin, Rhino and Scorpia. Vincente Fortunato:You know what to do.Venom:I hate cops. We are the new sinister six and we’ll kill Spider-Man. Flint Marko is out of town dealing with other villains like Alfredo Morelli and his gang.” The remains of the Sinister Six depart for NY PD headquarters.

    Outside of NY PD headquarters. There are some cops going to their police cars. The Sinister Six remains show up. Venom:You know what to do. Rhino.Rhino:Sure thing boss.” Those cops go for their guns. Rhino rams those cops. The Hobgoblin pulls out a pumpkin bomb. Venom:You stay here Hobgoblin and blow up any cops who try to shoot you down.Hobgoblin:Sure thing Tombstone.” The remains of the Sinister Six go into the police station.

    Inside of the police station. There is present Captain Neil Garrett along with Patrick Mulligan and other officers of the NY PD. Patrick Mulligan:I will arrest Angelo Fortunato wearing the symbiote. I nailed the Sinister Six a year and a half ago.Neil Garrett:Just before Lonnie Lincoln fell into the chemicals Spider-Man and Black Cat defeated Carrion and Shriek after they killed Spencer Smythe. Captain Stacy nailed Flint Marko after the death of Ben Parker just before Spider-Man showed up on the scene and chased down Dennis Carradine. His daughter is taking photos of Spider-Man along with Peter Parker.” Venom shows up with the remains of his sinister six. Venom:Get them!” Captain Neil Garrett and his officers pull out guns. Neil Garrett:You are all under arrest. I am taking you in Venom.” Scorpia shoots the cops with her energy bursts. Venom throws a punch onto some of the cops. Rhino rams Neil Garrett and Patrick Mulligan. They fall down to the ground. Venom ties up the cops with webs.

    At the holding cells. There is Max Dillon still in his Electro costume and Lonnie Lincoln present with other criminals who are Italian gangsters nailed just before Spider-Man had returned again locked up. Tombstone:Maybe we’ll all get out and you guys could work for Don Vincente Fortunato. You men were nailed just before we formed the new Sinister Six.Electro:J. Jonah Jameson got my friend stuck in his suit. I want him to die.” Venom appears along with Scorpia and Rhino. Venom has the keys to the cells. Venom:We are the Sinister Six. You men with Lonnie Lincoln and MacDonald Gargan could join with my father.Fortunato Thug 1:Sure thing. We got taken down at an Italian restaurant just before you guys formed the Sinister Six.All Other Fortunato Thugs:Yeah!Venom:I am the new leader of the Sinister Six.” Tombstone unlocks the cells.

    Later on outside of NY PD headquarters. There is present the Sinister Six along with other criminals. Venom:Let’s go.” They go off into the day.

    Later on at the Daily Bugle in J. Jonah Jameson’s office. There is present J. Jonah Jameson. He’s on the telephone with Captain Neil Garrett. Also there is Betty Brandt at her desk. Neil Garrett:All of our prisoners escaped. I think that Electro will be coming back after you.Jameson:I will alert my photographers on it if Spider-Man comes back out with Black Cat and the Prowler.” Peter Parker shows up with Jessica Carradine. They come into J. Jonah Jameson’s office. Jessica Carradine gives the photos of Spider-Man and Black Cat defeated Tombstone to J. Jonah Jameson. Jessica Carradine:More photos of Spider-Man and Black Cat.” Jameson hangs up on the phone. Peter Parker:Spider-Man will be going after this new sinister six with a new crime syndicate.Jameson:Both you go now and take photos of Spider-Man as we know that he’ll show up. All those years I thought that Spider-Man was a criminal. I thought that he killed your dad Jessica taking the law into his own hands.” Peter Parker leaves the office of J. Jonah Jameson as does Jessica Carradine.

    At the penthouse of the Osborne building. There is present Don Vincente Fortunato. Also there is the entire Sinister Six present with Jimmy-6, Slug and other Fortunato thugs. Venom:There’s your criminal gang back dad.Vincente Fortunato:Good. Maybe I could form a sinister syndicate with the new sinister six.Venom:I need you Scorpion with Rhino and Hobgoblin to find Spider-Man and kill him along with Black Cat and the Prowler.Tombstone:Black Cat helped defeat me.” Electro, Hobgoblin and the Rhino depart in New York City after Spider-Man.

    In Times Square in the day time. There are many people walking down the streets as are Felicia Hardy and Hobie Brown. Hobie Brown: “I am Hobie Brown the window washer.Felicia Hardy:I am Felicia Hardy a friend of Peter Parker’s. He’s the photographer taking photos of Spider-Man.” There is Spider-Man swinging by. Spider-Man:It’s your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.” Half of the new Sinister Six shows up. Electro strikes Spider-Man with electricity. He falls to the ground. Hobgoblin goes for a pumpkin bomb. Spider-Man grabs them with this webs. Hobgoblin:There’s Spider-Man. Now to kill you Spider-Man.Spider-Man:You and I will take on this goblin along with Electro.Hobgoblin:I am the Hobgoblin.Spider-Man:I believe that you 2 make fun of each other in those suits. It was the scientists in league with Alfredo Morelli who put those suits on you 2. The Sandman and Mach 5 are going after those 2 scientists.” Spider-Man takes on Electro. They are fighting each other hand to hand. Spider-Man makes Rhino by mistake ram into Hobgoblin by shooting a web line in between Hobgoblin and the Rhino. The Hobgoblin falls to the ground. The Hobgoblin goes after Rhino. Hobgoblin:What have you done?Rhino:Sorry. Spider-Man jumped out of the way taking down Scorpion.” Spider-Man knocks down Electro just as the Hobgoblin and Rhino fight each other trying to settle it out. Hobgoblin goes for another pumpkin bomb. Spider-Man shoots webs onto it. Spider-Man next with his webs ties up Hobgoblin as Rhino rams into Spider-Man on his web traps. Spider-Man also with his webs traps the Rhino. Jessica Carradine shows up in a cab. She gets out. Rhino defeats the Hobgoblin. Jessica Carradine gets out of the taxi. She takes a picture of the battle. Spider-Man with his webs ties up Hobgoblin and Electro. Spider-Man:I better get going now. I’ll hunt down this Tombstone with Scorpia and Venom to what the Fortunato family stole from the lab when Dr. Connors became the Lizard.” Police cars show up soon. Also Captain Neil Garrett shows up in his car. Neil Garrett and his officers draw guns. Rhino:Spider-Man turned us against each other. I by mistake rammed into Hobgoblin.Spider-Man:I will take you to the Daily Bugle with me Jessica.” Spider-Man swings off into the day holding Jessica Carradine.

    Later on at the Daily Bugle in the day time. There is J. Jonah Jameson sitting at his desk. Peter Parker shows up with Jessica Carradine. Jessica Carradine gives her photos to J. Jonah Jameson. Peter Parker:We have pictures of Spider-Man defeating the new Sinister Six members. The Fortunato Mob stole the symbiote from Dr. Connors’s lab when he became the Lizard.Jessica Carradine:Spider-Man will take down the rest of the Sinister Six.Jameson:You better get laving now and take more photos.” Peter Parker leaves the office.

    Later on in the day time in New York City. There is Mary Jane Watson-Parker with baby Mayday Parker in a stroller and Peter Parker walking by. Peter Parker:Spider-Man took down half the Sinister Six. Spider-Man with web lines turned half of the Sinister Six against each other.Mary Jane:I know that we are going to have a boy.Peter Parker:I am going to look for Spider-Man to get more photos.” They are heading off to the doctor’s office. MJ enters the doctor’s office with Mayday in the stroller. Peter Parker leaves the place.

    At NY PD headquarters in the day time in an interrogation room. There is Alex O’Hirn out of his Rhino suit along with Max Dillon not wearing the Electro mask and Roderick Kingsley out of his Hobgoblin suit. Rhino:Once I get out I will kill Mach-5 and Scorpion will kill the Sandman.Electro:I can get out of this suit. We’ll get those men now in league with Alfredo Morelli.” Detective Patrick Mulligan comes into the place. He goes to interrogate the prisoners. Patrick Mulligan:I need you to give up your boss.Roderick Kingsley:I think that Don Vincente Fortunato is behind the escape and he is the kingpin of crime. He now lives in what was the penthouse of the Osborne’s. His son Angelo also an under boss is wearing the symbiote.Electro:There were 2 scientists working for Morelli named Igor and Georgi and Mach-5 with Sandman are going after them and even going after Alfredo Morelli and his gang.Rhino:There was Elaine Coll a gangster woman in a suit calling herself Scorpia the female version of Scorpion.

    In Captain Neil Garrett’s office. There is Captain Neil Garrett sitting at his desk. There is Hobie Brown washing the windows of the police station. Detective Patrick Mulligan shows up. Neil Garrett:Did you get information Detective Mulligan?Patrick Mulligan: “Yes. The Kingpin of crime is Don Vincente Fortunato. I think that he stays in Norman Osborne’s building.Neil Garrett:Maybe we’ll get enough evidence to indict Don Fortunato and his 2 sons and Spider-Man with his allies will take down the new Sinister Six.

    At the home of the Parker’s in the day time. There is Peter Parker present in the living room sitting on the couch. The NEWS is on. Jennifer Dugan:This is Jennifer Dugan. Spider-Man has taken down half of the Sinister Six. Don Vincente Fortunato and his gang are still at large.” MJ shows up with little Mayday. Mayday goes onto the floor. Mary Jane:Do you have any name ideas for our baby?Peter Parker:Richard Benjamin. My father’s first name was Richard and my uncle’s first name was Ben. It’s like naming him after my dad and uncle.

    At the penthouse of what was the Osborne’s at dusk in the loft. There is present Vincente Fortunato. Also there is the Fortunato crime family. There are also Venom, Scorpia and Tombstone present. Vincente Fortunato:We’ll free those prisoners again. We’ll have back the Sinister Six. You could kill witnesses as they could testify against me.Tombstone:I will find Randy Robertson and bring him to the chemical plant. You are coming with me Scorpia.Venom:I am your leader now. I’ll go with you Tombstone and Scorpia.” The remains of the Sinister Six depart for Randy Robertson.

    Somewhere on the streets of New York City at dusk. There are Randy Robertson and his girlfriend Amanda walking by. Randy Robertson:After I shot Lonnie Lincoln my father got rid of his service revolver. I am no longer part of the Bandana’s Gang. They are behind bars.” Venom shows up with Scorpia and Tombstone. Tombstone:You shot me a half a year ago Randy. Now it’s payback time.” Tombstone throws a punch onto Randy Robertson. Venom:Take Randy’s girlfriend too.” Scorpia with her tail strikes Amanda. Venom ties them up with his webs.

    At the Spaulding chemical planet inside. Tombstone breaks in with Venom holding Randy Robertson and Amanda and Scorpia follows them in. Tombstone:It was me Lonnie Lincoln who you shot a half a year ago. Now we’ll throw you and your girlfriend into there.Randy Robertson:Amanda had nothing to do with this. Leave her out of this.

    At the home of the Parker’s at night time in the kitchen. There is Peter Parker putting dishes in the sink. The telephone rings. Peter Parker answers it. It’s Robbie Robertson. Peter Parker:Yeah?Robbie Robertson:I think that my son with his girlfriend has disappeared. Maybe Tombstone took them to the Spaulding Chemical Plant. You take photos of Spider-Man. Go find him and he’ll rescue Randy.Peter Parker:I am on it.” Peter Parker hangs up. Peter Parker transforms into Spider-Man.

    Somewhere else on the streets of New York City. There is Spider-Man swinging by. Black Cat and the Prowler show up next. Black Cat:I heard a report on the police scanner that the remains of the Sinister Six have taken Randy Robertson and his girlfriend Amanda.The Prowler:We’ll all work together to defeat the Sinister Six.Spider-Man:Robbie suspects that they went to the Spaulding Chemical Plant. Maybe to get even for his transformation. Lonnie Lincoln didn’t want to be saved but be became more powerful falling into the chemicals. I’ll defeat someone else as Venom.” Spider-Man with Black Cat and the Prowler depart for the Spaulding Chemical Plant.

    At the Spaulding Chemical Plant at night time. Tombstone ties up Randy Robertson with Amana his girlfriend. Also present are Scorpia and Venom. Venom:I don’t want any witnesses. Let’s drop them in.” Spider-Man shows up with Black Cat and the Prowler. Spider-Man:Let’s not. Face me Venom. I have defeated someone else known as VenomBlack Cat:You’ll face me Scorpia.The Prowler:Tombstone is mine.

    Outside of the Spaulding Chemical Plant. There is Jessica Carradine on a skateboard. She has her camera with her. She enters the place.

    Back into the Diox-3 room. Black Cat takes on Scorpia. Scorpia:Now to sting the cat.” The Prowler takes on Tombstone. Spider-Man takes on Venom. Spider-Man and Venom are throwing punches at each other. Spider-Man:I tried to save you but then you tried to throw me in and you fell in.Tombstone:As I have fallen I gave gotten more powerful.” Scorpia swings her tail at Black Cat. Black Cat does a summersault. Black Cat flip kicks Scorpia. They throw punches onto each other. Tombstone runs after the Prowler. The Prowler sends a kick onto Tombstone. Tombstone throws a punch onto The Prowler. He bangs into a railing. Tombstone:Now to squash you Spider-Man’s ally.” The Prowler shoots sleeping gas pellets at Tombstone just as he rams at the Prowler. Tombstone is struck by sleeping gas pellets. Tombstone falls down. Spider-Man uppercuts Venom knocking him down. Spider-Man takes the metal pipe from one part to his hands. Spider-Man bangs on the railings. The symbiote is coming off of Angelo Fortunato. Angelo Fortunato:You’ll pay for this Spider-Man.” The Prowler goes over to Randy Robertson and Amanda. The Prowler:I have got you both now.” Black Cat defeats Scorpia. Spider-Man throws a pumpkin bomb to the symbiote just as he pulls Angelo Fortunato away from the symbiote. He is struggling. Spider-Man:You are defeated Angelo. Don’t try to re bond or you’ll die like Eddie Brock did. I taking on Electro turned Rhino and Hobgoblin against each other to help me defeat 3 of your followers by myself.” The symbiote is blown up. Jessica Carradine comes in. Jessica Carradine:I am taking more pictures for the Daily Bugle.Spider-Man:Joe Robertson Randy’s dad called Peter Parker onto this to get to me to rescue Randy and his girlfriend.” She takes pictures of the rest of the Sinister Six defeated. Angelo Fortunato is tied up.

    Later on outside of the Spaulding chemical plant. There are police cars parked there. There is also Spider-Man with his 2 allies Black Cat and the Prowler. Also present is Randy Robertson with his girlfriend Amanda. There are Tombstone, Scorpia and Angelo Fortunato an under boss in his father’s crime syndicate with handcuffs being loaded into police cars. Jessica Carradine is also present along with Captain Neil Garrett and Detective Patrick Mulligan. Neil Garrett:Maybe the rest of the Sinister Six will testify against Don Fortunato.Spider-Man:I will with Black Cat and the Prowler nail him and the rest of his criminal gang.” Robbie Robertson shows up with his wife Martha. They go over to their son Randy. Robbie Robertson:Be more careful next time.Randy Robertson:Spider-Man and his 2 allies saved Amanda and I in the nick of time.Black Cat:Now to nail this crime kingpin.” Spider-Man and Black Cat depart after Vincente Fortunato.

    In the former Osborne building at night time in the lab of Norman Osborne. There is present Don Vincent Fortunato with his gang and his other under boss and son Jimmy-6 along with the Enforcer known as Slug. Vincente Fortunato:I haven’t heard back from Tombstone or Venom my son. Maybe Spider-Man with his allies nailed the whole Sinister Six.” Spider-Man shows up with Black Cat and the Prowler. Spider-Man shoots webs onto Slug and Jimmy-6. Spider-Man:It’s over Don Fortunato. The whole Sinister Six has been taken down.Vincente Fortunato:It’s over for you Spider-Man. You will all die.” Don Vincente Fortunato pulls out a gun. He fires on Spider-Man. Spider-Man flips out of the way of gunfire. Spider-Man:You 2 take on the rest of the Italian Mafia. I am the first super hero in the city.” Black Cat and the Prowler fight soldiers or bodyguards to Vincente Fortunato. Spider-Man’s 2 allies fight those thugs with martial arts moves while they throw punches onto them. Spider-Man shoots webs onto Don Fortunato’s goons. Spider-Man goes over to Don Vincente Fortunato. They fight each other hand to hand. Spider-Man defeats Don Vincente Fortunato just as Black Cat and the Prowler defeat his criminal gang. Spider-Man ties up Don Vincente Fortunato with his webs. Spider-Man:You are all going to prison. The Sinister Six gave you up Fortunato. Your son Angelo is being forced to give you up.Vincente Fortunato:This isn’t over Spider-Man. One day you’ll pay for this. I could form a Sinister Twelve or even a Sinister Syndicate.Spider-Man:I am retiring now as I have made the city crime free. If there’s other evil out there Black Cat and the Prowler will fight crime here as will the Sandman. There is also Mach 5 who was years ago known as the Beetle.

    Later on outside of what was the Osborne building. There’s a prison transport truck. There are Spider-Man, Black Cat and the Prowler present. Also present is Captain Neil Garrett. Patrick Mulligan has Vincente Fortunato in handcuffs. Spider-Man:I am giving up. The reformed criminal Flint Marko as the Sandman with Black Cat and the Prowler will take down criminals in the city. I am retiring but I could come back or someone else could take my place.Neil Garrett:We’ll have the Fortunato crime family behind bars. Alfredo Morelli with his gang along with Carrion and Shriek have been defeated by Sandman and Mach-5. They are arrested by the officers in another prescient. You have helped us make the city crime free Spider-Man.” Spider-Man swings off into the night.

    Many days later at a hospital in New York City in Mary Jane’s room. There is Mary Jane Watson-Parker there with little Mayday present. Also there is Peter Parker present along with Aunt May and MJ’s parents and MJ’s Aunt Anna. There are doctors present as well. Peter Parker:Vincente Fortunato with his Mafia and the Sinister Six have been convicted and are doing hard time. Also the Morelli gang is doing hard time after their defeat by 2 reformed criminals I faced long ago. I am still a photographer at the Daily Bugle.Mary Jane:I gave up acting when little Mayday was born.Peter Parker:I better get going now.” MJ gives birth to a baby boy. MJ holds baby Richard Benjamin. Aunt May:Do you have a name for him?Peter Parker:It’s Richard Benjamin named after my dad and uncle.” Peter Parker leaves the hospital room.

    On the streets of New York City. There is Peter Parker walking by. Also present is J. Jonah Jameson. Peter Parker walks by J. Jonah Jameson. Jameson:Jessica Carradine had the photos of the Fortunato crime family in handcuffs. Spider-Man has thrown in the towel.Peter Parker:There will be Black Cat and the Prowler fighting crime now in the city. Spider-Man has retired. Someday there could be a Spider-Girl or Spider-Boy replacing Spider-Man.” Peter Parker walks off into the day. Peter Parker is narrating. Peter Parker:What ever life holds in store there are Black Cat and the Prowler with the Sandman to fight crime in the city. I have retired as Spider-Man. Who am I? I’m Peter Parker your average citizen with spider like abilities.

    On the rooftops of the Empire State Building. There are Black Cat and the Prowler. They swing off into the day.

  9. demolition18

    demolition18 Jedi Master star 1

    Oct 15, 2005
    The Hulk vs. The Mummy


    In Hamunaptra in the day time in the mid 1950’s AD. There is Imhotep present with Colin Weasler. Anubis is there too. Anubis:A prophecy was made about my fall and the one who will bring me down.Imhotep:Rick O’Connell has defeated me. We will destroy the Medjai.

    In the air in Hamunaptra. There is Izzy on his magic carpet. Evie and Rick are riding aboard with Jonathan Cochran and Alex O’Connell. Rick O’Connell:Someone will be descended from me to defeat Anubis as it has been prophesized.Evie O’Connell:I was once killed and then you Alex brought me back to life and I fought my killer.Alex:I am in the Medjai. Ardeth Bay is dealing with Anubis warriors again. They just don’t stay dead. I am married and have kids now.

    Somewhere else in the city of Hamunaptra. There is Ardeth Bay with his Medjai warriors. Anubis warriors show up. Ardeth Bay:We fight to the death. We’ll take them down again and maybe vanquish Anubis.” The Medjai warriors pull out their guns and swords. Ardeth Bay pulls out his sword. Ardeth Bay gets into battle with Anubis warriors as does the Medjai.

    Over to Imhotep and Colin Weasler. There are men dressed in white who appear. Anubis: One day we’ll bring back those who followed you and brought you back to life.Imhotep:I will kill Rick O’Connell this time. The Scorpion King is also dead. You killed me twice.” Anubis vanishes. Evie, Rick, Jonathan and Alex come off of their carpet. Jonathan:Stay dead this time Imhotep.” Imhotep shoots fire balls at them. Jonathan shoots at Imhotep. Weasler:Get them and kill them.” Weasler and his goons dressed in white pull out their guns. They open fire. Evie, Rick and Jonathan fire back at them. Rick pulls out his sword. Imhotep too pulls out his sword. Rick O’Connell:Face me again Imhotep.” The others get into a gun fight with Collin Weasler’s goons. Evie kills a thug dressed in white.

    Back to Ardeth Bay and his team battling Anubis warriors. A few Medjai warriors are being sliced down by Anubis warriors. Others are being turned into sand. Ardeth Bay slices down some Anubis warriors. Ardeth Bay:There was a prophecy made that the Medjai will vanquish Anubis.

    Back to the O’Connells and Imhotep. Rick and Imhotep are swinging their swords at each other. Alex O’Connell takes the book of the living. He is reading from it. Jonathan and his sister Evie shoot down some more of Colin Weasler’s minions. Imhotep is again turned mortal. Imhotep:What have you done you brat?Alex O’Connell:I removed your immortal soul. You have less of a chance of defeating us.” He and Rick continue sword fighting each other. Other minions to Weasler and Weasler himself are being shot down and killed by Evie and Jonathan. Rick with his sword stabs Imhotep in the chest. Imhotep falls dead. Rick O’Connell:He better stay dead this time.

    Over to Anubis warriors. Members of the Medjai are cutting down Anubis warriors as is Ardeth Bay. All those warriors still standing turn into sand. It’s a victory. Ardeth Bay:I will meet with the O’Connells. Anubis will one day walk the Earth and try to take it over.

    Many days later in Egypt. There are the O’Connells present along with Jonathan and Ardeth Bay. Also present are the Medjai warriors. Ardeth Baby:Someone in the family bloodline is destined to vanquish Anubis. Maybe you are the chosen one Alex O’Connell.Evie:Alex is going back to school.” Alex goes over to Ardeth Bay.

    In Hamunaptra in the present times. On a helicopter there is the Leader present along with Miss Allure, Sabra, Madman the leader’s brother, Crimson Dynamo, Constrictor and the Collector. The Leader:My sources tell me that many years ago Imhotep is buried here. Many mummies have been defeated by the Medjai. We’ll destroy the Medjai and the Hulk.” They go over to where Imhotep is buried. They land there. There are Medjai warriors run by Rudy Paxton. Rudy Paxton:I now run the Medjai. It’s Samuel Sterns. He transformed himself. I believe that Gregory O’Connell the great grandson of the reincarnated Neferteri is the one who will vanquish Anubis. Let’s take them down.” Those Medjai warriors go after the Leader and his gang. Constrictor whips coils onto some Medjai warriors. Crimson Dynamo strikes some Medjai warriors with his powers. The Leader pulls out the book of the dead. The Leader:Now I will resurrect the mummy and we’ll take over the world.” The ground starts to shake. Anubis warriors show up. They cut down other members of the Medjai. Rudy Paxton:I think that the Samuel Sterns has brought up the armies of Anubis.” The Leader is reading from the book of the dead. Miss Allure pulls out her sword. Miss Allure:Take me on Medjai leader.” She takes on Medjai leader Rudy Paxton. Sabra shoots down some Medjai warriors with her wrist gauntlets shoots fire plasma. Miss Allure kills Rudy Paxton in the sword fight. Scarabs show up. The Anubis warriors crush the scarabs. The Leader goes over to Imhotep. Imhotep:Who are you?The Leader:I am called the Leader. Welcome back. I will rise up Anubis. Then I will rule the world.

    A few days later at a lab in Upstate New York. There is Bruce Banner present. Also there is Rick Jones present. Rick Jones:Who is the O’Connell guy that you met?Bruce Banner:He is the grandson of Rick and Evie O’Connell. Evie O’Connell was the reincarnation of the Pharaoh’s daughter.” Jennifer Walters the cousin to Bruce Banner shows up. Rick Jones:I am going out with Jennifer now. She has become the She Hulk and you are trying to cure yourself of becoming the Hulk.Bruce Banner:My real father was a bad man. He might’ve been responsible for my transformation.

    Outside of the lab. There is General John Ryker with his soldiers. Flux is also there. General Ryker:We know that The Incredible Hulk is Bruce Banner. General Ross from Colorado set out a hunt for him.” Bruce Banner shows up with Jennifer Walters coming out of the lab. Rick Jones shows up too. General Ryker:Take them down. Rick Jones is an accomplice to the Hulk. He tries to harbor him.” General Ryker and his soldiers pull out their guns. They fire on the Bruce Banner. Bruce Banner starts to turn green. He transforms into the Hulk. Jennifer Walters transforms into She-Hulk. Rick Jones:Shooting him only fuels his rage.General Ryker:Keep your mouth shut Jones.” The Hulk grows himself. The Hulk goes after the soldiers. He throws some soldiers aside. The Hulk takes on Flux. General Ryker:You are Flux one of my soldiers. Kill the Hulk.” They are throwing punches at each other. She Hulk throws a few soldiers hitting General Ryker. The Hulk uppercuts Flux knocking him down to the ground. Flux goes back to his human form. General Ryker:We’ll have medics treat the injuries that the Hulk gave one of my soldiers.” Hulk and She-Hulk leave the lab premises.

    At the Leader’s headquarters in the day time. There is the Leader present with his followers. Also there are the Leader’s thugs. The Leader:We have the mummy back to life. Maybe with him we could destroy the Incredible Hulk.” Imhotep shows up. Imhotep:What is this place?The Leader: This is upstate New York. You and I Imhotep will meet with Anubis.Imhotep:We’ll together lead the armies of Anubis.Imhotep:Yes.” Samuel Sterns with Imhotep exits the building.

    Outside of the Leader’s headquarters. There is Anubis there. The Leader and Imhotep show up. Imhotep:Samuel Sterns here is called the Leader. He wants to serve you.Anubis:Good. I think that it’s the great grandson of Evie and Rick O’Connell who is chosen to destroy me. We’ll kill him.The Leader:I am sending 4 of my followers after this man who turns into a beast called the Incredible Hulk.” They go over to near Anubis. Miss Allure, Crimson Dynamo, Sabra and Constrictor show up. The Leader:Those 4 are meta humans. Miss Allure here could make the Medjai leader commit suicide.Anubis:The new leader of the Medjai is Jeff O’Connell the grandson of Evie and Rick.The Leader:You 4 go after the Hulk. There’s also an army general from around here who is after the Hulk. Hunt him down Imhotep.” The 4 working for the Leader depart after the Hulk and his cousin.

    Somewhere else in upstate New York. There are Bruce Banner and his cousin Jennifer Walters. Jennifer Walters:I just hooked up with Rick not too long ago.Bruce Banner:My relationship with Betty Ross has come to an end. Her father was a 4 star general.” Miss Allure, Crimson Dynamo, Sabra and Constrictor show up. Miss Allure:You will answer to me Dr .Banner. I know of you and your experiments.” Miss Allure tries to take control of Bruce Banner. Constrictor with his coils strikes Bruce Banner. Constrictor:You will answer to us as we serve the Leader Samuel Sterns.” Bruce Banner runs off as his eyes are turning green. Sabra shoots plasma fire onto Jennifer Walters. Sabra:You will die now.” Jennifer Walters transforms into She-Hulk. Bruce Banner comes back as the Hulk. Crimson Dynamo zaps the Hulk with his powers. The Hulk sends out a sonic clap onto Crimson Dynamo. Sabra shoots She Hulk with her powers. She Hulk uppercuts Sabra. Miss Allure throws a punch onto She Hulk. Miss Allure:I will destroy you both.” She Hulk throws a punch back. Constrictor whips metal coils onto The Hulk more. The Hulk grabs them. The Hulk with both of his hands grabs onto Crimson Dynamo and Constrictor. Crimson Dynamo:Oh shoot!” He bangs them both onto the ground. She Hulk bangs Miss Allure and Sabra into each other. The US Army with General Ryker shows up. General Ryker:Stop right there Bruce Banner and Jennifer Walters. You 4 will be turned over to the police.” The soldiers aim their guns at the Hulk and She Hulk. The Hulk and his cousin leave the site. The other soldiers aim their guns at the villains in league with the Leader. General Ryker:Stay right where you are you 4 who serve the Leader.

    At the Leader’s quarters later on. There is the Leader present with his brother Mad Man his brother and the Collector. Also there is Imhotep. The Leader:I read history about you Imhotep. You can suck off the skin of soldiers after me. Than you are whole again and you could bring back your minions from the old days.” Imhotep leaves the place to go after the army general.

    At the Army base in upstate New York. There is General John Ryker present with his soldiers. There are tanks and military jeeps out there. Imhotep shows up with Anubis warriors. General Ryker pulls out his gun. General Ryker:They look like trouble. Let’s take down those Anubis warriors.” He fires on Imhotep. Imhotep sucks off the skin from General Ryker. General Ryker falls dead. Anubis warriors kill other soldiers. Imhotep sucks the skin off of some others like Flux in human form. He is whole again. Imhotep:You must be the soldiers hunting down the Hulk from what Anubis tells me.

    Later on at the Leader’s headquarters. There is the Leader present along with Mad Man and The Collector. Imhotep shows up. The Leader:I saw that you killed people and destroyed General Ryker. I am sending my brother Philip after the Hulk. Phil my brother. Kill him. We’ll also kill the Medjai leader himself.” Mad Man leaves the place going after the Medjai and the Hulk.

    At the home of the O’Connells in the day time. The current house of the O’Connells is a mansion. There are Jeffery and Donna O’Connell there. Also there is their son Greg and daughter Nicole. They are teens. Donna O’Connell is taking up the laundry. Donna O’Connell:Did you take leadership of the Medjai?Jeff O’Connell:Yes. My grandfather has defeated the Mummy years ago 3 times. He even defeated the Aztec mummies and Chinese mummy. Greg is destined to vanquish Anubis.

    Outside of the O’Connell’s house. There is Bruce Banner and Jennifer Walters in the dodge ram. Jennifer:Tell me again about the O’Connells.” Jennifer is driving. Bruce Banner:They have faced the Mummy and the armies of Anubis years ago. Jeff’s grandmother was Neferteri the Pharaoh’s daughter reincarnated. Jeff’s grandmother died once and came back to life. His mother was Grace O’Connell and his father was Alex O’Connell who was a little boy when his father faced the Scorpion King and killed him.” Jennifer and Bruce get out of the car. They go over to the door. Bruce Banner rings the door bell.

    In the House. There is Jeff O’Connell who hears the door bell. Nicole O’Connell:Are you getting it Dad?Jeff O’Connell:I think that I will.” He goes over to answer the door. Nicole and Greg show up. Jeff answers the door. Jeff O’Connell:It’s you Dr. Banner.Bruce Banner:This is my cousin Jennifer. I got her together with my friend Rick Jones.” Bruce and Jennifer come in. Jennifer and Bruce get into the house. Donna O’Connell shows up. Donna O’Connell:Hi Dr. Banner.Jennifer Walters:I am Bruce Banner’s cousin Jennifer Walters.Bruce Banner:My friend Rick Jones has a magic carpet like your grandfather’s friend Izzy did back in the 1930’s and 1920’s to get us to Egypt.Jeff:My son Greg here is now a Medjai warrior. I think that he’s destined to defeat Anubis.Greg O’Connell:I read about the history from my grandparents when I was a little boy. I still have my grandparents alive. They are old. They told me that my great grandmother was the Pharaoh’s daughter reincarnated.” Jeff and Greg leave the place. They have their luggage with them.

    Outside of the O’Connell’s mansion. There are Greg and his father Jeff. Also there are Bruce and Jennifer. The O’Connells put their stuff onto Jennifer’s dodge ram. Bruce Banner: This is my Cousin Jennifer’s car. I never in my life had a car. I was never driving in my life and never licensed to drive.” Philip Sterns shows up. Mad Man:You are the Medjai. I am the brother of Samuel Sterns the leader.” Jeff O’Connell pulls out his gun on Madman. Jeff O’Connell:Get off of my property or I will blow you away.Mad Man:Next I will hunt down the Hulk and kill him.” Philip Stern turns into a grey replicant of the Hulk. Jeff shoots the Grey Hulk. Grey Hulk runs after the O’Connells. Bruce Banner’s eyes are turning green. His whole body is turning green and he grows stronger. The Hulk throws a punch onto Mad Man. Jeff O’Connell:I guess now that Dr. Banner is the Hulk.” The O’Connells and Jenny get into the dodge ram. The Hulk and Mad Man are beating each other up. Jeff O’Connell:The Hulk will deal with him.” The Hulk grabs Mad Man by the neck. He chokes slams him. The Hulk stomps onto Mad Man’s head killing him. The Hulk turns back into Bruce Banner. Bruce Banner:Let’s go now. I have killed him.” Bruce Banner gets into Jennifer’s jeep.

    At the Leader’s headquarters on the outside. There is the Leader with Imhotep and The Collector. The Leader:I will send my gang after Dr. Banner. He killed my brother. It’s retaliation. Let’s get to Egypt. You could teleport us to there with your magic powers Imhotep.” Imhotep with his powers makes a portal to Egypt. They go over to there. The Leader’s thugs go over to the lab of Bruce Banner.

    Later on at Bruce Banner’s lab. Outside the dodge ram is parked there. Everyone gets out of the car. The Leader’s goons show up. Bruce Banner:I think that those are the Leader’s goons.Greg O’Connell:I will take them on.” Greg O’Connell pulls out his sword. Jeff O’Connell pulls out his guns. He fires on the Leader’s thugs just as they fire back on him. Bruce Banner and Jennifer Walters are shot down by the Leader’s thugs. Greg O’Connell:Dr. Banner. Jennifer.Jeff O’Connell:They have had gamma ray exposure. They are still alive.” They transform into the Hulk and She Hulk. Greg O’Connell blocks the gun fire with his sword. The Hulk jumps onto the ground. She Hulk clobbers some of the Leader’s thugs. Jeff O’Connell:They are Anubis warriors. We’ll take them on just as you Hulk with your cousin battle those thugs working for the Leader.” Anubis warriors show up. Greg O’Connell slices down some Anubis warriors. They turn into sand. Jeff O’Connell shoots down some of the Leader’s thugs. Jeff O’Connell gets into battle with Anubis warriors. Rick Jones shows up. Rick Jones:Hey. Let’s get onto my plane.” The Hulk and She Hulk clobber the Leader’s thugs. The Hulk sends out a sonic clap onto the rest of the Leader’s thugs. The Hulk and She Hulk go back to their human forms. Rick Jones escorts Greg O’Connell, Jeff O’Connell, Bruce Banner and She Hulk over to magic carpet. Everyone gets in. Rick Jones: You will show me where to fly to Mr. O’Connell.Jeff O’Connell:I have been trained over to Africa just when my wife and I first met.” Rick Jones goes over to the control. Rick’s magic flying carpet gets into the air.

    In Cairo, Egypt. There is the Leader present with Imhotep and The Collector. They go looking for dead bodies of Lock Na’s followers. Imhotep raises them from the dead. Anubis warriors show up. The Leader puts on his rocket pack. He has a spiked weapon on his gadgets. Scarabs all pop out. The Collector with energy beams shoots scarabs. The Leader with his spiky thing crushes some scarabs. Also Colin Weasler appears too. All those villains are restored under Imhotep’s magic.

    Somewhere else in Egypt. There are many Medjai survivors. The carpet shows up hours later. Jeff O’Connell points out the Medjai warriors. Jeff O’Connell:Those are my warriors Rick. Let’s land right there. Than we’ll go to a hotel in Cairo.” The carpet lands there. Bruce Banner puts on new clothes. Everyone pulls out their passports. Jeff O’Connell gathers up the Medjai warriors. Greg joins with the Medjai survivors. Jeff O’Connell: I am your new leader now. My son Greg is now officially a warrior. He is the one to vanquish Anubis.” Anubis warriors show up. Alex pulls out his sword as do the Medjai warriors. They get into battle with Anubis warriors. Jeff O’Connell pulls out his guns. He fires on the Anubis warriors who come after him. Greg slices them down. They turn into sand. Jeff O’Connell:Get to safety Dr. Banner before they turn you into the Hulk.” The Medjai gets into battle against Anubis warriors. Bruce Banner and Jennifer Walters go with Rick Jones to safety. Greg O’Connell slices down the rest of the Anubis warriors. Jeff O’Connell:That’s all of them here. Let’s get to our hotel.” Everyone gets onto the carpet.

    In a cave. Imhotep shows up with The Leader and The Collector. Also there is Colin Weasler. Colin Weasler puts on a new pair of glasses. Colin Weasler:I have been gone for many years now.Imhotep:I took the skin off of many army men and the general. There is an enemy of us who calls himself the Incredible Hulk. We’ll all together kill him and crush the Medjai.The Leader:My brother failed to kill Jeff O’Connell and his wife and kids. His son is a Medjai warrior.

    At a hotel in Cairo. Somewhere nearby the hotel. Rick is flying the carpet by the place. It lands by the hotel. Jeff O’Connell:I think that it’s it. Land there Rick.” Everyone gets out of the carpet. They all go over to the hotel.

    Inside the hotel at the reception desk. There is a man there. Rick Jones comes in with Bruce Banner, Jennifer Walters, Greg O’Connell and Jeffery O’Connell. Jeff O’Connell:The 5 of us are reserved for here. We are checking in.” They go to check into a hotel.

    In a hotel room. There is Bruce Banner with Jennifer Walters and Rick Jones. They are un packing. Bruce Banner:I am a scientist. I will come up with a plan to defeat Anubis.

    In the O’Connell’s room. There are Gregory and Jeffery un packing. Jeff O’Connell has his guns in a case. Jeff O’Connell:I am giving these guns to Dr. Banner and his cousin. Soon you will be carrying a gun.

    At Imhotep’s cave. There is the Leader and The Collector in a different part of the cave. The Collector leaves the cave. Imhotep shows up. The Leader:I will send you Collector to the hotel where the Medjai leader and his son are staying at. We’ll destroy the Hulk himself.

    Outside of a hotel in Cairo Egypt. There is Jeff O’Connell the leader of the Medjai present. Also there is Greg Jeff’s son. Also there is Bruce Banner with his cousin Jennifer Walters. Bruce Banner:Now we’ll defeat Anubis.” The Collector shows up. The Collector with a magic gem shoots his powers onto the Medjai leader. Bruce Banner:I will deal with him again. I am trying to as the Hulk take control of myself.” Bruce Banner jumps in the way. Bruce Banner is transforming into the Hulk. Jeff O’Connell fires on the Collector. The Hulk jumps onto the Collector. The Hulk throws a punch onto the Collector. They are beating each other up. Collector:With my gems I will kill you Hulk.” Jeff O’Connell has his gun aimed at the Collector. The Collector with the gems shoots down the Hulk. Jeff O’Connell shoots and kills the Collector. He falls dead. The Collector’s body vaporizes into thin air. Jeff O’Connell:I got him.” Everyone goes looking departs going after Imhotep.

    Outside of Imhotep’s cave. There The Medjai shows up along with the leader Jeff O’Connell. Jeff O’Connell:I will go with my warriors. You Gregory have the Hulk backing you up.” Also Greg O’Connell shows up along with Jennifer Walters and scientist Bruce Banner. Jeff O’Connell:We are spreading out right here.” The Medjai goes to a different part of the desert out to battle Anubis warriors along with Jeff O’Connell the Medjai leader. Jeff O’Connell:You 2 take your guns. My son Greg will defeat Anubis.” Jennifer Walters and Bruce Banner are given guns. They go into the cave. Bruce Banner:Let’s go destroy the Mummy and Anubis and I will take down the Leader.

    In Imhotep’s cave. There is Colin Weasler and Imhotep present. Imhotep:Weasler. The warriors have spread out in the desert. Go with the Anubis warriors and face the Medjai.” Weasler leaves the cave to lead the armies of Anubis. Greg O’Connell, Bruce Banner and Jennifer Walters show up. Bruce Banner:It’s over Samuel Sterns.Imhotep:Get them. Kill them.” The Mummy’s minions fire on the team. Bruce Banner and Jennifer Walters fire back. Greg O’Connell slices down some minions with his sword. Greg finds the scepter of Osiris. Greg O’Connell:Here’s the scepter I could use to defeat an evil god.” Jennifer and Bruce shoot down many of Imhotep’s minions. Alex slices some down. The Leader shows up. He shoots plasma shots hitting Bruce Banner and Jennifer Walters. The Leader:You 2 will take me on and you Imhotep will deal with the Medjai.” The 2 turn green. She Hulk takes on The Leader. The Hulk takes on Imhotep. Imhotep shoot s the Hulk with fireballs. The Hulk grabs Imhotep. He throws him across the room. She Hulk is struck by the Leader. The Leader:I will kill you both.” She Hulk next throws a punch onto the Leader. They are beating each other up. Greg O’Connell slices down some more thugs in red clothes killing them. She Hulk’s slams the Leader to the ground destroying his back pack. She Hulk next throws the Leader into a wall. Greg O’Connell takes the book of the living. Greg O’Connell:Dr. Banner. I know the books of the living and the dead. I will help you.” He gets down to read it. Imhotep loses his immortality. The Hulk and Imhotep continue beating each other up. Imhotep:I could as a mortal face you Hulk.

    In the desert. There is the Medjai with their leader Jeff O’Connell. They are fighting Anubis warriors. Jeff O’Connell shoots down Anubis warriors with his shot gun. Others are sliced down by Medjai warriors. Colin Weasler shoots at Jeff O’Connell. Weasler:You will die you ancestor to Rick O’Connell.” Jeff O’Connell shoots back at Colin Weasler. Others are battling Anubis warriors.

    Back to the cave fighting. She Hulk stomps on the Leader’s chest as he starts to get up. Hulk his beating up on Imhotep. The Hulk throws Imhotep to the ground. The Hulk squashes Imhotep’s neck. Alex slices down some more mummies. The cave starts to shake. The Hulk gives Imhotep the death stomp. Greg O’Connell:Let’s get out of here. I think that Anubis is rising. You killed the Mummy Dr. Banner.” Greg, She Hulk and The Hulk start running out of the cave. Anubis is rising from the ground. Anubis: You men have failed me but I will take the souls of the rest of you.

    Outside of the cave. The Hulk, She Hulk and Greg O’Connell come out of it. Anubis comes out of the ground. Anubis:I will take the souls of you 3.

    Back to Jeff O’Connell and his Medjai. The fighting is going on. Jeff O’Connell is shooting down Colin Weasler. Weasler dies again. The fighting is going on. Jeff O’Connell: We’ll take them all down. It’s a fight to the death.

    Back to Anubis outside of Imhotep’s cave. Anubis slams his hands on the Hulk and his cousin. Anubis:You 2 turn green from rage. I will take it away and kill you both.” The Hulk and She Hulk grab onto Anubis’s hands. They throw punches onto them. The Hulk sends out a sonic clap onto Anubis. Anubis falls the ground. Greg:Now I will vanquish you Anubis.” Greg takes the scepter. Anubis gets back up. Anubis:You will all die.” Greg throws the scepter into Anubis. The Hulk and She Hulk jump onto Anubis. They stomp on him. Anubis is turning into dust. Greg O’Connell: I did it. I fulfilled the prophecy.

    Back to the Medjai vs. Anubis warriors. The fighting is going on. All of those Anubis warriors turn into sand and vanish. Rick Jones shows up on his magic carpet plane. Jeff O’Connell: You have came just in time for all of us just as we have destroyed Anubis with the help of the Hulk and She Hulk.” Jeff O’Connell hops on.

    The Plane goes flying over to nearby Imhotep’s cave. Over there are Bruce Banner, Jennifer Walters back in human form along with Greg O’Connell. Bruce Banner:I Have helped Gregory O’Connell fulfill his destiny to vanquish Anubis.Jeff O’Connell:Let’s go home now.” They hope onto Rick Jones’s plane. There is everyone’s luggage on Rick Jones’s plane. They go flying off.

    Half a year later in Morocco, North Africa. There is Bruce Banner present along with Rick Jones and Jennifer Walters. There are many black people present in the background. Bruce Banner:Let’s hope that the Mummy will stay dead.Rick Jones:Jeff told me that before his parents were dating his grandfather defeated a Chinese mummy.” The Leader shows up. Bruce Banner:I thought that you died when Imhotep died and we defeated Anubis.The Leader:I managed to get out somehow.” Bruce Banner and Jennifer Walters transform into the Hulk and She Hulk. The Leader:I will kill you both now.” The Hulk grabs onto the Leader. He slams the Leader into the ground.

  10. demolition18

    demolition18 Jedi Master star 1

    Oct 15, 2005
    The Punisher vs. The Firefly/Ravencroft Clan

    The Punisher & House Of 1,000 Corpses/The Devil’s Rejects Crossover

    Chapter 1: Prison Breaks


    At a federal prison nearby Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at night time inside. There is Ivan Ravencroft with his devil worship band members and a punch of other federal prisoners. They are lifting weights and shooting hoops. There are several guards in the background with large guns.

    Outside of the federal prison. There is Otis Driftwood at his car. He parks it. Otis now has short hair and a mustache. He is heading to the reception area.

    At the prison reception area. There is a person at the reception desk. Otis shows up. Otis:I am here to visit Ivan Ravencroft.Receptionist:We’ll have a guard escort you to Ivan.

    Back at the exercise area. There is a guard who goes over to Ivan and those arrested with him. Federal Prison Guard:Ivan. You have a visitor.” The guard escorts Ivan to the visiting area. At the visiting area. Ivan sees Otis. They are talking. Ivan:Otis.Otis: Ivan. They thought that I was dead. I am still alive. Joe Wydell has thought to have killed me but he missed by 2 inches.” A guard now says time’s up minutes later. Federal Prison Guard 2:Time is up.Otis:I need more time with a friend here.Federal Prison Guard 3: He said time is up.” A guard tries to drag Otis out. Otis takes a gun from that guard. Otis shoots that guard. Federal Prison Guard 3:He’s got a gun.” Otis shoots another guard. Otis goes with Ivan over to the exercise area. The guards see Otis with a gun. Federal Prison Guard:He’s aiding an escape. Take him down now.” Otis fires back at the prison guards. The guards fire back at Otis. Otis shoots another guard. Some prisoners try to get the guard’s guns. They are shot down. Otis shoots down those guards. Ivan takes a gun. Ivan:Otis Driftwood is freeing us.” Ivan takes his men with him. Ivan’s men take guns from the prison guards. Those men in not in Ivan’s devil worship band try to escape. Otis:Let’s kill them.” Ivan and Otis kill them. They escape from the prison.

    Later on at a Woman’s prison in Pennsylvania. There is Baby in her cell with those women in Ivan’s devil worship band. A female guard is walking by. Baby sees the guard. Baby:Could you come here Guard Johnson?Female Prison Guard:What now Verra-Ellen?” A female guard comes over to Baby’s cell. Baby grabs the guard. She bangs the guard against the bars. Baby takes a gun. Baby aims it at the guard’s head. Baby:Don’t move. I have taken you captive.Female Prison Guard:Help. Verra Ellen Firefly has taken us hostage.” Baby takes the keys away. Baby unlocks the cell. Baby and the women in Ivan’s devil worship band manage to escape. Other guards go after Baby and Ivan’s female minions. They fire on Baby Firefly. Baby shoots back at the female prison guards. Baby locks this female prison guard in her cell as she is fleeing. Female Prison Guard:Baby has locked me in her cell.

    Chapter 2: Escape to Florida and The Punisher Raids Drug Deals

    The next day somewhere in Pennsylvania. There is Baby, Otis, Ivan and the devil worship band on the streets of Pennsylvania. Otis:There’s a train heading to Florida. That’s where we want to go. A new place to live and assume a new identity.Baby: They might find out. The Feds found out that my name is really Verra-Ellen Firefly with the nickname Baby.Ivan:We could recruit new people into our band there. We’ve heard about this ex FBI agent from Florida who was suspected of taking the law into his own hands.” They head off to a train station. They have guns.

    In Tampa Florida at a drug lab days later. There is a drug dealing going on. There are many men at the place. They have guns.

    Outside of the drug lab. There is The Punisher on a motorcycle. He gets off. He has his guns drawn. He bursts into the place.

    Back inside the drug lab. The Punisher shows up. Punisher:Hi guys. I know that you work for the Torro brothers who have just got out of prison.” All those men draw guns. The Punisher shoots them down dead. It’s a gun fight going on. The Punisher is killing many baddies. Some others at the desks are sitting there. The Punisher aims his gun at them. They get up. Later on The Punisher sets explosives. He blows up the narcotics.

    Chapter 3: Return of Dave, Bumpo and Joan and the new House of 1,000 Corpses

    The Next day at a diner. There is Bumpo behind the counter cooking. Joan is there too. The Punisher shows up. Joan sees Frank Castle again. Frank Castle gets seated at the table. Joan:Frank. You’re back.Punisher:I am moving back to here. You’ll be seeing me again.

    Somewhere else in Florida. There’s a house somewhere in Florida. There is Baby, Ivan and Otis there. They set up their new house. Ivan’s clan shows up. They have some new men and women in the clan. Baby and Ivan are introduced to them by Ivan. Ivan:Those people from here are joining us. I bought us 2 vans from Mickey Duka’s business.Baby:I heard about this place when the business was run by Howard Saint. Frank Castle the ex FBI agent who was thought to have been killed with his family in Puerto Rico killed Howard Saint.Otis: 2 Cuban brothers named the Torros were in league with Howard Saint. I heard it on the local news that they just got out of prison. They run a gun dealing operation. We’ll have more guns and kill more people here.Baby:Maybe the Punisher will be on our list. I want to have Sheriff Dobson from the Ruggsville Sheriff’s Department. He put us in prison after we got checked out of the hospital. He succeeded John Wydell after he was killed by Tiny. Sheriff Wydell is responsible for killing Tiny by burning the house down since the fire killed Tiny.Otis:Your mother more than 30 years ago killed his brother. Maybe we’ll get to kill the ex FBI agent Frank Castle. He’s also an ex delta force.

    Chapter 4: Return of Mickey Duka

    At the Torro’s Casino inside the office of the Torros. There is Mickey Duka there with Joe and Mike Torro. They get out of the office. Mickey Duka:Frank Castle is back in town. He killed Howard Saint. I took over his business.Joe Torro:The Saints killed your father.Mike Torro:Livia Saint might still be alive. I heard that Howard Saint threw her into the train track with the train coming.Mickey:Frank Castle tells me that he wanted Livia Saint and Quentin Glass dead. So he set them up and Howard Saint killed them.

    At the former Saint Building inside. There is Mickey Duka in his office. The Punisher shows up. Mickey and The Punisher talk business. Punisher: Where are the Torros now?Mickey:They took back their casino. Your friend from the FBI agent Moss arrested the Torro brothers some time after you killed Howard Saint. I just sold caravans to people that moved from Pennsylvania. They might be the Firefly clan that came from Ruggsville more than 30 years ago.Punisher:I was a kid trick or treating at that time.

    In an apartment. There is Bumpo with Spaker Dave and Joan. Dave no long has piercings. They are watching television. They watch the NEWS about the Firefly legend from over 30 years back casted by a man. News Reporter: It was more than 30 years ago of the Firefly murdering people from Ruggsville, Texas. Baby Firefly and Otis Driftwood are still alive today. Otis Driftwood was shot by Joe Wydell of the Philadelphia police department and was almost killed. Otis sprung Baby and Ivan Ravencroft devil worship leader from Pennsylvania. Baby Firefly was charged with forgery as she had long ago escaped from Ray Dobson of the Ruggsville Sheriff’s Department. This legend known as Dr. Satan the evil psychiatrist was killed trying to kill FBI agent Richard Maroon. Baby Firefly and Ivan Ravencroft were arrested by FBI agent Richard Maroon who had an agent infiltrating Ivan’s devil worship band.” It’s about the murders by Baby and Otis. Someone knocks on the door. It’s Frank Castle. Dave:You go answer it Bumpo.Punisher:It’s me. Frank Castle.Bumpo:Come on in.” They let him in. Joan:It’s on the news of the Firefly family legend. The last of them are Verra-Ellen Firefly also known as Baby and Otis Driftwood.Punisher:If they come here I will punish them.

    Chapter 5: The New Killing Spree

    At the Torro compound on a pier. There’s an arms deal going on. Baby, Otis and Ivan show up. Baby: I want to purchase all those guns for my gang.” They purchase the fire arms. Baby pays the bills to them. They take many kinds of guns. Torro Arms Dealer: Those men here will help you load them into your vans.Ivan:Thank you for your help.” They help them load them into the van. Baby, Otis and Ivan leave the place. Otis is driving the van.

    Back at the home of the clan. The van comes home. Ivan’s minions are there waiting. The evil trio gets out of the van. They are taking all those guns. Ivan: We have gotten our weapons. We’ll kill the Punisher if he ever gets onto us.

    Later on in Little Cuba nearby where Howard Saint first met Livia. Somewhere on the streets there’s Baby and her boyfriend hanging out there. There’s Otis in his van. Livia Saint is driving by. Baby pulls out her pistol. Livia:Can I help you with something?Baby:We are new to Little Cuba. Could you help us around?Livia:Would you like a ride?Baby:No thank you.” She shoots Livia Saint with it. Otis gets out of his van. Otis and Ivan carrying the corpse of Livia Saint from her car into the van. Otis:Let’s hurry before the police show up.” Baby, Otis and Ivan get in. They escape in it. Police sirens are going off.

    Chapter 6: The Baby Firefly History know from Joan

    Back at the apartment the next day. There is Frank Castle with Joan, Bumpo and Dave. There is talk about the Firefly family. Joan: I have lived in 7 cities in 7 years. I heard about the prison escape by Captain Spaulding and Otis Driftwood and Baby Firefly. An ex boyfriend told me about it from his parents. Baby Firefly faked her death at the hands of vigilantes. She posed as a vigilante that killed her, Otis and Captain Spaulding. It was 2 years after her mother murdered George Wydell of the Ruggsville Sheriff’s Department.

    Flashback to Halloween 1979. At a dance hall at night time. There is Baby with Otis, Spaulding and Ted Baby’s boyfriend. Baby is dressed as a fairy for Halloween. Ted is dressed up as a clown. She has long blonde hair and his young and sexy. Ted has a goatee. Otis:We’ll be outside here. We have to take new names. Sheriff Ray Dobson is after us. I killed Billy Ray Snapper. You Baby killed Rondo. We killed the un holy 2 together recently.” Baby enters the place with Ted.

    In the dance hall. There are several people dressed up as either vampires, clowns or pirates. Baby walks in with her boyfriend Ted to the adult Halloween party. The song monster mash is playing the background. Ted:I have friends here.” Baby sits at a table with Ted and some friends of his. Ted:Verra-Ellen. You have heard about those friends of mine. Guys this is my new girlfriend Verra-Ellen.” Baby has a bag of the bubble gum called double bubble original flavor. Baby:Hi. I love chewing gum. 2 years ago you have all heard of the legend of Dr. Satan. I used to live nearby there.” Baby puts 3 pieces in her mouth. Baby chews on her 3 pieces of bubble gum. Just as Baby warms up her gum she blows a bubble up to her nose. Baby pushes her giant bubble. Baby put the gum back into her mouth. Baby and Ted get up. Ted:I am getting up to dance.Baby:I’d like to get to know those friends of your’s.” Baby blows a bubble up to her eyes. Baby tilts her head back. Baby sucks that big pink bubble back into her mouth. Baby is walking around the dance hall. Baby blows a bubble the size of a baseball and pokes it with her finger. Baby wraps her gum around her finger. She takes stretches of her gum. Baby puts the gum back into her mouth. Baby is walking around chewing that wad of gum. She walks over to Ted. Baby wraps her gum around her tongue. She blows. Baby is blowing that bubble. The bubble is now up to her eyes. Ted:That’s a big bubble.” Baby keeps on blowing. Baby makes a bubble the bigger than a face sized bubble. It’s a gigantic bubble. Ted pops Baby’s huge bubble by poking it. It pops all over her face. Baby has some of her bubble gum stuck to her hair. It even pops on her costume. Baby is peeling off her bubble gum. She spits her gum out on Ted. Baby:That was the biggest bubble that I ever blew my gum into. You made a mess of me. Now you will pay for it.Ted:It’s just bubble gum popped all over you.Baby:I have managed to get bubble gum out of my hair before from blowing bubbles that big but you ruined my costume.” Baby is peeling off her bubble gum from her costume. Baby grabs Ted. Baby throws Ted out of a window.

    Otis and Captain Spaulding show up with pieces of glass. Captain Spaulding: Baby killed her boyfriend. We have to get her out of here.” Ted’s friends run up to Baby. Ted’s friend: You killed our good friend.” Otis and Spaulding cut them up with pieces of glass. Someone runs up to Baby, Otis and Spaulding with an empty whiskey bottle. Otis throws a shard of glass at that person. Otis:We have to leave here now. Sheriff Dobson and his officers are after us. The un holy 2 found us and we killed them. We killed Emma who was the daughter of Sheriff Wydell after she hired the un holy 2 on us and we killed them.” Baby, Otis and Spaulding all leave the place.

    Back to the present with The Punisher and his 3 friends. Joan:Ray Dobson and the Ruggsville Sheriff’s department went after the remnants of the Firefly clan. Bubble gum was left at the crime scene. Witnesses said that Baby blew a giant bubble and her boyfriend popped it all over her and she killed him for it and then they killed some friends to her boyfriend and others at the Halloween Party. Baby even used to chew juicy fruit and take stretches of it. I should chew gum and blow bubbles rather than smoking those cigarettes. I quit some time after I met you.

    Chapter 7: Baby Firefly vs. The Torro Brothers and Casino Murders with The Torro’s End

    At the Torro casino. There is Baby, Otis and Ivan there. They are gambling. Joe and Mike Torro show up. Many of the gamblers see that it’s the Baby Firefly and Otis Driftwood. Joe Torro:There’s the Firefly family who we sold guns to. They could kill us.Mike Torro:Everyone. It’s Baby Firefly and her boyfriend Ivan Ravencroft and Otis Driftwood.” baby, Otis and Ivan draw their guns. People shoot at Baby and Otis. They fire back. Ivan kills some people. Baby shoots Joe Torro in the head. Otis shoots the Torro pit boss. Mike Torro for his brother Joe goes for a gun. Mike Torro:You’ll pay for killing my brother Verra-Ellen Firefly.” Baby next shoots Mike Torro in the chest. People are fleeing from the casino. They go to call the police. Ivan’s minions show up. Baby:Any more of you go after us you will be dead as they are.” They take the corpses of the Torro brothers and all those other victims of the evil trio. They escape.

    At the house. There is Baby, Otis and Ivan in the basement with the corpses of Livia Saint, The Torro brothers and many other people. They even have the drug dealers killed by The Punisher. Otis:Those men were killed by this vigilante who calls himself The Punisher. We managed to steal their bodies.Ivan:You were cannibals. We’ll cut them up into pieces.Baby: This woman who we killed is the widow of business man Howard Saint. She was once thought to be dead. She managed to somehow survive the train.

    At the Torro’s compound. There are the arms dealers who worked for the Torros. The FBI shows up. There is Agent Moss with others who have worked with Frank Castle in the FBI when they went to bring down Bobby Saint and one of those agents is also Agent Gibson. The feds have their guns drawn. Agent Moss:You are all under arrest for illegal dealing of contraband firearms.Agent Gibson:Get your hands in the air.” An arms dealer opens fire on Agent Moss. Agent Moss shoots that arms dealer dead. There’s a gun fight going on. Some feds are shot down. The gun fighting is breaking out. The Punisher shows up. The Punisher kills the rest of those dealers. Agent Moss:Castle.” Frank Castle goes over to Agent Moss. There is talk about the legend of the Firefly family. Punisher:I have come to help. I heard that many people have seen the Firefly clan murder the Torro brothers.Agent Moss: I will go talk to Chief Morris.Punisher:I know that Agent Maroon arrested Baby Firefly and her boyfriend Ivan Ravencroft. Agent Smith killed Captain Spaulding. He owned a shop in Ruggsville, Texas. They kidnapped and murdered cheerleaders more than 30 years ago.

    Chapter 8: The Investigation

    At the diner the next day. There is Baby with her boyfriend at a table Joan is at the counter. The Punisher walks in the door. He gets seated a table next to Baby and Ivan. He gets up and goes to the counter. He buys orange juice. Baby:This must be Frank Castle.Ivan:He’s the ex FBI agent who was thought to have been killed with his family.Punisher:The murderers of my family are all dead. They have been punished for their crimes.

    At the police station later on. There is FBI agent Moss going to the police chief’s office. It is Chief Morris of the Tampa PD. He goes to talk to him about the Firefly family. Chief Morris:What is it Agent Weeks?Agent Moss:We have received a tip about the murders from Ruggsville more than 30 years ago here. I think that I know where the house if from a patron of the Torro’s casino.

    Later on at the house of the clan. There are some cop cars being parked there. Chief Morris is one of those officers there. Chief Morris:I’ll go in the house and investigate. You men look out for anything. If it is the Firefly and Ravencroft clan arrest them.

    Inside the house. There’s Otis Driftwood with Baby Firefly and Ivan Ravencroft. There is also Ivan’s minions. Otis:The cops are here. Any cop that comes in the house Baby you shoot that cop. This is like when we had cops in our Ruggsville house and your mother killed one. His brother hunted us down. I’ll go deal with the cops outside.” They go to somewhere else outside. They see cops outside. Otis gives another revolver to Baby. Chief Morris knocks on the door. Baby goes over to the door. Baby puts her gun in her pants. Baby answers the door. Chief Morris:I am Chief Morris of the Tampa Police Department.Baby:Come on in.Chief Morris:I am investigating some disappearances that lead up to here.

    In the backyard. There’s Chief Morris’s officers. They draw guns. They aim them everywhere looking out for Ivan’s minions. One of the cops goes under the deck. A cop finds the bodies of the Torro brothers and Livia Saint. Tampa Cop:Hey over here. I found Livia Saint dead. Also I found the Torro brothers. Let’s inform Chief Moore. Livia Saint who was Howard Saint’s wife was shot years after she was thought to be dead from the train that didn’t run her down.” There’s Otis and Ivan’s minions outside. Otis shoots the cop under the deck. Tampa Cop 2:You must be Otis Driftwood. You’re under arrest.” Other cops fire back at Ivan’s minions and Otis Driftwood. One of Ivan’s minions kills another cop.

    Back in the house. Baby gets seated with police Chief Morris. They are talking. Chief Morris:I know FBI agent Frank Castle who was to take down Robert Saint who was the son of business man Howard Saint. My officers were there too. Frank Castle was on an undercover assignment.Baby:What happened?Chief Morris:For the death of Robert Saint his whole family was killed. We weren’t able to lock them up. He took them down all by himself. He killed Howard Saint.” Baby pulls out the gun and shoots and kills Chief Morris the same way her mother shot and killed George Wydell of her former local sheriff’s department. The rest of the cops outside are being killed.

    Chapter 9: The Clan Takes Victims and Battle Plan

    The next day at the building owned by Mickey Duka now. Otis Driftwood shows up with Ivan’s minions in a van. They go into the building. There’s a woman with 6 other men. They draw pipes and baseball bats.

    In Mickey’s office. Otis shows up with Ivan’s minions. They come up to Mickey. Mickey:You must be Otis Driftwood. I heard about you on the NEWS.Otis:Take him.” Mickey screams. Otis:Shut your mouth!” They attack him with a baseball bat. Otis aims his gun at Mickey.

    At the apartment of Joan, Dave and Bumpo. There’s Baby and Ivan outside in another van. There are other’s in Ivan’s gang too. 2 of those are women. They have baseball bats and pipes too. Baby pulls out her knife. Ivan goes over to the door in the apartment of Joan, Dave and Bumpo. Baby:I’ll throw the punch on who ever answers the door.” Ivan knocks on the door. Joan answers the door. Joan:You’re Baby Firefly.” Baby throws a punch onto Joan. Others run up to Dave and Bumpo. They attack them with bats and pipes. Baby threatens Joan with a knife at her neck. Baby:You keep your mouth shut or I will cut you up into pieces.” Baby and Ivan with their clan take Dave, Joan and Bumpo out of their apartment. They put them into the other van. Ivan:Otis has Mickey Duka.” They leave.

    At the FBI headquarters. There’s Frank Castle at Gibson’s desk. Agent Moss comes in to inform Agent Gibson of kidnappings and the murders. Agent Moss:Agent Gibson. We suspect that Chief Moore was kidnapped by the legendary Otis Driftwood and Baby Firefly.Agent Gibson:Let’s go investigate then.

    Later on The Punisher goes with Agents Moss and Gibson to the apartment. They find kidnapping. There’s other officers of the Tampa PD there too. Agent Moss:It looks like the Firefly and Ravencroft clan got in and taken the 3.Punisher:Years ago Howard Saint’s men broke in and they ripped piercings off of Dave.Agent Moss:I’ll go with you Castle and take down the Firefly and Ravencroft clan.

    At night time later on at the house of Baby, Otis and Ivan in the backyard. There is Ivan and his band along with Baby and Otis holding Mickey, Joan, Dave and Bumpo. There are torches lit. Mickey:Are you going to kill us?Baby:You will be mutilated. I killed the Torro brothers. I found background on all you people. I killed Mrs. Saint.Ivan:Let’s have them over by my men.

    Back at the apartment of Moss. There is Frank Castle and Moss there too. They are loading up their guns. Punisher:I temporally come out of retirement to help you bring down the Ravencroft and Firefly clan.Moss:Good to have you back for that Frank.” They leave the place.

    Back to Baby, Otis and Ivan’s home. In the front. The car shows up. Agent Moss is driving it. Also with them is Agent Gibson. The car is parked there. The Punisher gets out of the car with with FBI agents Moss and Gibson. They draw guns. Frank Castle has hand guns and a shot gun.

    Chapter 10: The Punisher vs. the last of The Firefly clan and The Ritual and Punishment

    Back to Baby, Ivan and Otis and their clan. Ivan’s minions have guns and knives drawn. Baby:Now you 4 start running. Ha! Ha! Ha!” The 4 victims start running. Mickey sees the corpses of the Torro brothers and Livia Saint and police Chief Morris. Mickey:It’s the Torros and Mrs. Saint.” The Punisher shows up with Agent Weeks. Agent Moss:You are all under arrest on kidnapping charges.Otis:It’s the Punisher. Kill him.” Baby, Ivan, Otis and their minions open fire on The Punisher and Agent Gibson and Agent Moss. The Punisher and his FBI friends fire back. A woman with a knife runs up to the Punisher. He shoots her with his hand gun. The Punisher and the 2 FBI agents kill some with guns and knives. The Punisher kills some with his handguns. Baby, Ivan and Otis flee. 2 women and 7 men throw down their weapons. The 2 FBI agents aim their guns at them. Agent Gibson:Don’t move.” Mickey, Joan, Dave and Bumpo go over to the FBI. Agent Moss give his cell phone to Mickey. Agent Moss: Here Mickey. Call for back up.Mickey:I saw Chief Morris under the deck. I also saw the Torro brothers and Livia Saint. I thought she was dead all those years.” Mickey calls for back up.

    On the front yard. The Punisher is in pursuit of Baby, Ivan and Otis. Baby:I will kill you Frank Castle. That’s B A B Y that spells Baby. The woman who kills you ex delta force and ex FBI agent.” The evil trio fires on The Punisher. The Punisher fires back from his 2 hand guns. He shoots down Baby and Otis wounding them. He throws down his hand guns and pulls out his shot gun. The Punisher fires on Ivan Ravencroft. Baby and Otis get back up. Baby:Die!Punisher:Now I will kill you and the remnants of the devil’s rejects. The guilty will be punished.” Ivan is shooting at the Punisher as are Baby and Otis. The Punisher shoots 3 shots emptying his shot gun on Baby, Otis and Ivan. They all fall dead.

    Later on the police and FBI show up. They take away all those surviving minions in handcuffs. Agent Moss:Baby, Ivan and Otis are all dead.Agent Gibson:Frank Castle will be back into retirement then.” Frank Castle leaves in a van.

    At the home of Bumpo, Dave and Joan. There is The Punisher with Joan, Dave and Bumpo. Punisher:I am leaving again. There’s evil still out there. Evil never dies. I killed the legendary Baby Firefly. I killed the legendary Otis Driftwood. And I killed Baby’s boyfriend Ivan Ravencroft. Baby was formerly a married woman and had 2 daughters born in the 1980’s. One Baby’s daughter’s boyfriend was infiltrating Ivan Ravencroft’s clan on an investigation from the FBI.Dave:Thank you for saving us Castle.Joan:All those who went after Baby will have a victory. John Wydell is would want to see that Baby and Otis are dead. He was a sadistic vigilante.” The Punisher leaves the place.

    On the bridge in Florida. There is The Punisher out there in his car. He drives off. There’s the Punisher narrating. Punisher:Those who do evil to others will come to know me well. Rapists, murderers, psychos, sadists and thieves. I am The Punisher.


  11. demolition18

    demolition18 Jedi Master star 1

    Oct 15, 2005
    The Punisher vs. The American Psycho

    The Punisher and American Psycho Films Crossover


    Chapter 1: Contraband Raids

    At a warehouse in New York at night time. There is Leonid Yokoslo present with many other arms dealers. Yokoslo goes over to Damien Mack the arms boss. Yokoslo:I have your money for you. We will wipe out Tommy Gambino and his gang.” Many Russian mobsters appear in sight. Yokoslo and his gang purchase all those guns. Yokoslo gives the money to Mack. Yokoslo:Here’s your money.Mack:This girl who I sold a pistol to might be the American Psycho named Rachel Newman. Patrick Bateman lived here years ago.” Yokoslo and his gang leave the place. Mack leaves his men there. Mack: I’ll need all of you to sell those weapons to the gangs here if they come. I am leaving you here.” Mack leaves the place too.

    Later on outside. There is Agent Gibson with his agents present. Gibson:Frank Castle has a friend from the NY PD. He’s Lt. Roscoe Horace. Lt. Horace was on the police force long after Patrick Bateman from Pierce and Pierce. Patrick Bateman resigned that job and he was killed. I served in the delta force with Frank Castle. Frank Castle and I took down the devil worship clan lead by Ivan Ravencroft and his girlfriend Vera-Ellen Firefly and her brother Otis Driftwood. Let’s take down Damien Mack and his gang.” They go into the warehouse.

    Back to the arms deal. The FBI comes into the place. Gibson: This is the FBI. You are all under arrest for the illegal importation of contraband firearms. Get those hands up or we will open fire.” The arms dealers shoot at the feds. Agent Gibson and his agents fire back.

    Somewhere else. There is The Punisher present. He is on his motorcycle. He has his shot gun with him. He goes to Damien Mack’s turf.

    Back to the FBI vs. Damien Mack’s gang. The Punisher comes in on his motorcycle. He fires on the thugs. Agent Gibson shoots down some thugs. Gibson:Castle?” The Punisher shoots and kills many thugs there. Other thugs thrown down their guns. The Punisher goes over to Gibson. Punisher:I was an undercover op. I didn’t investigate this Rachel Newman. I was in the delta force when Patrick Bateman was killed.Gibson:I am also hunting down Rachel Newman. She faked her death in 2001. You have been moving allot.” Other agents take the illegal weapons. The Punisher gets back onto his motorcycle.

    Chapter 2: The Investigation and Rachel Newman Returns

    In an alley in New York City. There is Damien Mack somewhere in the city. Rachel Newman shows up. Rachel Newman approaches Damien Mack. Mack:Rachel Newman.Rachel:I saw that this vigilante who calls himself the Punisher is here.” Rachel Newman takes a gun from Damien Mack. She shoots him with his several times. Rachel Newman leaves the alley. The Punisher shows up moments later with Agent Gibson on his motorcycle. They find Damien Mack dead. Punisher:There’s Damien Mack. It had to have been the American Psycho Rachel Newman who did it. I know that Eric Daniels Rachel Newman’s psychiatrist testified against her. Robert Starkman left the FBI and became a college professor before I joined the FBI.” The Punisher gets off of his motorcycle. He goes in search of weapons on Damien Mack. Frank Castle finds nothing on the arms dealer. Gibson:It looks like this psycho killer killed Damien Mack with his own guns.

    At NY PD headquarters in the day time at the police station. There is Gibson present. Also there is Evelyn Williams the ex fiancé of Patrick Bateman back in the 1980’s. There’s her husband Jerry Curtis. There’s their son David and daughter Emma. Also there is Lt. Roscoe Horace. Lt. Horace:I am friends with FBI agent Frank Castle. You were once engaged to Patrick Bateman.Evelyn:I first met my husband Jerry after Patrick Bateman broke up with me. I didn’t know that he was a serial killer. I know that he’s dead now. I had my daughter one year after the war.Lt. Horace:My friend Frank Castle was in college after the Desert Storm. His family was killed. Those who killed his whole family are dead. Frank Castle killed them all. Rachel Newman killed Patrick Bateman years ago. That was self defense killing. Rachel Newman than went on a killing spree. She killed many people.Gibson:Also Rachel Newman killed former agent Bobby Starkman.” They are being walked around the police station.

    Outside of police headquarters. Lt. Horace with Gibson walks out with Evelyn Williams-Curtis and her family. Some Russian mobsters show up. Lt. Horace:It’s the Russian mafia. Leonid Yokoslo and Tommy Gambino with their criminal organizations are at war with each other. They are trying to kill each other.” There are also the cops bribed by Tommy Gambino’s gang. Lt. Horace:This is un acceptable you 6 officers here. You are taking bribes from Tommy Gambino. After this you are fired.” Russian mobsters open fire. Lt. Horace and Agent Gibson pull out their guns. Lt. Horace:Drop the guns or you are dead.” The corrupt cops fire back at the Russian mobsters. There’s a gun fight going on. Gibson:I got those people to safety.” Agent Weeks takes Evelyn and her family to safety. Agent Gibson fires back at the Russian mobsters. 2 cops bribed by the Italian mob are shot down by the Russian mobsters. The Punisher shows up. The Punisher on his motorcycle pulls out his 2 hand guns. The Punisher fires back at the Russian mobsters. Lt. Horace:Frank Castle.” He kills them. Lt. Horace shoots down a Russian mobster. The Punisher kills the rest of them present. The Punisher goes over to Agent Gibson. Gibson:The Russian mob is at war with the Italian mob. Rachel Newman has killed prostitutes. She killed their pimp named Orlando.Punisher:The guilty will be punished. I killed Otis Driftwood and Baby Firefly and Baby’s boyfriend Ivan Ravencroft. They lead the devil worship clan.Gibson:Baby Firefly never in her life was driving. She never had a driver’s license. Her brother and her boyfriend did. I found that out. Vera-Ellen Firefly just didn’t want to drive. Your friend Jimmy Weeks back in 2004 killed himself after he was suspected of being bribed by the Saints.

    Inside of the police station. There is Agent Gibson with Evelyn and her family. The Punisher goes over to them. The Punisher meets the ex fiancé of Patrick Bateman and her family. Evelyn:I am Evelyn Williams. My last name was changed to Curtis when I married Jerry. That’s my daughter Emma and my son David. I was engaged to Patrick Bateman once.Punisher:I was an undercover op. On my last assignment I infiltrated an illegal arms ring.

    Chapter 3: Mob Wars and the Rachel Newman killing spree

    The Next day at the turf of Tommy Gambino. There is Tommy Gambino in his office. Also present are from the NY PD corrupted by the Gambino’s mob are officers Boyle, Robertson, Shultz and Collins. Officer Collins:I am fired by Roscoe Horace. I will kill him.Gambino:This serial killer named Rachel Newman murdered our pimp Orlando. She has even killed innocent people. She’s no vigilante. I knew Patrick Bateman has an employee of Pierce and Pierce.” They are the cops who fought the Russian mobsters when the Punisher appeared. The 2 under bosses Tony and Freddy appear. Sonny another under boss shows up. Gambino:You Sonny, Freddy and Tony are in command of the wise guys against Leonid Yokoslo and his gang. I want him dead.” The under bosses leave the turf.

    At the Russian mob turf. There is Leonid Yokoslo present. Yokoslo:There is Tommy Gambino. I want him dead. We will take over New York City. This is the turf war. Let’s go whack those Italian mobsters.” He and his men go outside after the Italian mobsters.

    Somewhere else at the Russian mob turf. All those in Tommy Gambino’s gang with the under bosses show up. The mobsters fire on each other. Sonny: You will all die.” 2 Russian thugs are killed. Leonid Yokoslo and his gang kill the Italian mobsters. Sonny is killed by Leonid Yokoslo. The Russian thugs kill many of the Italian mobsters. Tony is killed by a Russian thug. Yokoslo kills many Italian mobsters. There are 3 more Italian mobsters left with under boss Freddy. The Punisher shows up on his motorcycle. The Punisher has a pulse rifle with him. He shoots back at the mobsters. Yokoslo:It’s the Punisher. Kill him.” The Russian mobsters shoot back at the Punisher. The Punisher kills those Russian thugs with his pulse rifle. There’s gun fighting going on. The Punisher is fighting the Russian mob as are the left over Italian mobsters. Freddy:The Punisher is not on our side. He’s a vigilante.” The rest of the Italian mobsters are being killed by the Russians in the gun fight. Leonid Yokoslo shoots and kills Freddy. The Punisher is left fighting the Russian mob. The Punisher kills many more Russian mobsters. The Punisher with his pulse rifle shoots and kills Leonid Yokoslo. The Punisher gets back onto his motorcycle.

    At the turf of Tommy Gambino on the outside. There is Rachel Newman somewhere. She has a gun in her hand. Tommy Gambino shows up with the corrupt cops. The cops spot Rachel Newman. Officer Shultz:It’s Rachel Newman.Officer Robertson:She’s Rachel Newman the American Psycho. I hunted down Patrick Bateman before his disappearance from the city.” Those cops pull their guns out. Rachel Newman fires on the corrupt cops. There’s a gun fight going on. Rachel Newman shoots down the corrupt cops left over. One cop is killed the gun fight. Tommy Gambino takes his gun out. Gambino:You killed my pimp. You killed the prostitutes.Rachel:I killed Orlando’s body guards.” Tommy Gambino fires on Rachel Newman. Rachel Newman kills 2 more corrupt cops. There’s Tommy Gambino with Officer Shultz left. They keep shooting at Rachel Newman. Rachel Newman shoots down Officer Shultz with her last bullet. Rachel pulls out a knife. She throws it into Tommy Gambino. Gambino: You will die for this your psycho killer.” Tommy Gambino shoots back at Rachel Newman. The knife goes into Tommy Gambino’s chest. Tommy Gambino falls to the ground. Tommy Gambino dies. More police sirens go off. Rachel Newman vanishes from site.

    Later on. There is Lt. Horace with his officers. Also present is FBI agent Jimmy Weeks. They are at the dead bodies. Lt. Horace:I fired those 4 officers of mine.Jimmy Weeks: I have also found Tommy Gambino.” There is also the forensics team.

    Chapter 4: The Punisher vs. Mini Mart Robbers

    At a van nearby a mini mart at night time. There are some men and a woman in the van. They have guns with them. They put on ski masks. They come out of the van. Mini Mart Robber 1:We’ll pull this one out clean.Female Mini Mart Robber:Serial killer Rachel Newman is here. She kills anyone. Even criminals.Mini Mart Robber 2: We work for Malcolm Harris. He has allot of robberies being pulled. He’s charged with some counts of armed robbery.

    In the mini mart. There is a man at the cash register. The robbery crew bursts into the store. They put on their masks. They aim their guns at the clerk. Mini Mart Robber 3:Give me the money. Open the register now.

    On the streets of New York City. There is the Punisher walking by. He spots people up ahead at the mini mart robbing the store. The Punisher pulls out his 2 hand guns. He goes running up to the store.

    Back to inside the mini mart. The store clerk has the register opened with a gun in his face. There are others aiming guns searching for people. A woman is by the door. Female Mini Mart Robber:There’s someone coming in.” The Punisher shows up. The robbers exit the place.

    In the parking lot. There is the Punisher. The robbers come out of the mini mart. They fire on the Punisher. The Punisher fires back. The Punisher kills the woman robber with his hand gun. The Punisher fights with some more robbers in a gun fight. The Punisher kills 2 more robbers. The gun fighting goes on. The Punisher kills the rest of the robbers. Police sirens show up. The Punisher vanishes.

    Later on. There is the police department present. The mini mart clerk comes out. He talks with the cops. Mini Mart Clerk:It’s like some guy saw people robbing me. A man with a skull on his shirt came and kill them all out here.

    Chapter 5: The Punisher thwarting a Bank Robbery

    The next day at a bank in New York City. There are several people there present. There are men, women and children who are girls and boys. There are male and female bank employees.

    Outside in a van. There are some men with guns. They have on black clothing and ski masks. The robbers are carrying hand guns. Bank Robber:We’ll hit this one for Malcolm Harris. A few others were killed robbing the mini mart last night by a vigilante.Bank Robber 2:We’ll kill this vigilante if he tries to stop us.” They get out of their van.

    On the streets of New York City. There is the Punisher on his motorcycle. He has a magnum on him with a shot gun. He is near a bank. He sees men up ahead with guns.

    Inside the bank. There are the robbers. They go fire on the bank. Bank Robber:Everyone get down and absolute silence and you won’t get shot.Bank Robber 3:We kill the heroes. Don’t even try to stop us. Cooperate. We are here for the banks money. Not your money.” There are bank security guards. The robbers aim their guns at the bank security. The bank security guards are tied up. Everyone gets down. A robber aims his gun at a teller. Bank Robber 4:Take me to the vault now.” The teller takes that robber to the vault. The Punisher is outside on his motorcycle. He comes in with his magnum drawn. A robber goes over to the door. Punisher:Drop the gun.” That robber at the door tries to shoot and kill The Punisher. The Punisher shoots down a robber and kills him. Someone else sends out the silent alarm. Bank Robber:It’s that vigilante.” The other robbers fire back onto The Punisher. The Punisher with his magnum fires back. The Punisher in the gun fight kills another robber. The other robbers fire back on the Punisher. The Punisher shoots down 3 more robbers. 2 more take off. The Punisher goes after them.

    Outside of the bank. Many police cars show up. The cops get out of the police cars. The robbers come out of the bank with the Punisher after them. The cops aim their guns at the robbers. The rest of the robbers are captured. Cop at Bank:Don’t move. You are under arrest on armed robbery charges.” The Punisher comes out of the bank somewhere else.

    Chapter 6: Enter the NYC Gang

    At the gang turf. There is Malcolm Harris. There are men and women various races like Asian, Hispanic, African and even White. There are 3 women in the gang. They are all dressed punk style. They have hair colors that are green and blood red. A woman in the gang who is white has blood red hair. There’s a female Hispanic in the gang with purple hair. They have guns with them. Malcolm:My girlfriend Rachel Newman killed the serial killer from here around here long ago named Patrick Bateman. We have vigilantes on our hands. We kill vigilantes. This vigilante calling himself the Punisher killed my crews that were robbing a mini mart and a bank.

    At NY PD headquarters. In a squad room. There is Lt. Horace standing there. There are many cops seated. Gibson is also present. They have pictures of gang leader Malcolm Harris. Lt. Horace:This is gang leader Malcolm Harris. He lead to the robberies of a mini mart and a bank. The vigilante known as the Punisher killed them.” Now Lt. Horace shows pictures of Frank Castle now known as the Punisher. Lt. Horace:This is Frank Castle who I used to be friends with years ago. He was in the FBI. Someone was killed in the arms raid. He killed the killers of his family because he didn’t see one man in prison.Gibson:Frank Castle and I took down a sadistic devil worship band. Frank Castle in self defense killed the remains of the Firefly family and Baby Firefly’s boyfriend.

    Somewhere else on the streets of New York City. There is the Punisher on his motorcycle. Agent Gibson also shows up. Jack Gibson is talking to the Punisher. Gibson:The police are after you for taking the law into your own hands. I am here to hunt down Rachel Newman. I will go back home after she is taken down. She murdered former FBI agent Robert Starkman.

    Chapter 7: Rachel Newman continues a killing spree

    On the streets of New York City at night time. There is a woman walking by. She has a purse. Somewhere else there are 2 muggers. The muggers pull out the switch blade. The 2 muggers pull out their switch blades on this woman. Mugger:Hand over your purse or my brother and I will slit your throat.” The Punisher is driving by on his motorcycle. The Punisher pulls out his magnum. The Punisher aims his magnum at the 2 muggers. Punisher:Drop the knives or I will kill you both.” The 2 muggers throw down their switch blades. Punisher:Now get out of here or you will be arrested.” They run off. The Punisher goes over to the mugging victim. Punisher:I was once an undercover FBI agent. I am in the law enforcement.

    Somewhere else in New York City at the apartment of Rachel Newman. Outside there is a car. There are the NYC gang members. There is a Hispanic woman with purple hair with a man with green hair and 1 guy with blue hair with black guy who has blonde hair and 1 Hispanic male. They pull out guns. They enter Rachel Newman’s apartment.

    In Rachel Newman’s room. There is Rachel Newman present. The Hispanic woman knocks on the door. She answers the door. Rachel:Come on in. Take a seat. I have an All American Rejects CD to play. They got popular by their song called It Ends Tonight.” The gang members come in. Rachel Newman puts on pop music. The gangs sit down. Rachel Newman takes a hook. Rachel:I am Harris’s girlfriend.Hispanic Female member:This vigilante is killing us. He might be after your boyfriend.Rachel:I am going to kill this vigilante.” Rachel Newman comes up behind the Hispanic female gang member’s back. She stabs her with a hook. Rachel takes a chainsaw. The others in the gang pull out clubs. Rachel Newman with her chainsaw slices the black male gang member. Rachel next slices down the man with green hair. Others swing clubs at Rachel Newman. The Hispanic male pulls out a revolver. Hispanic Gang Member:Die you killer!” He shoots at Rachel Newman. Rachel throws her chainsaw at the Hispanic male. The thug with blue hair takes chains. He swings his chains at Rachel Newman. Rachel Newman grabs the chains. She wraps the chains around this gang member’s neck. Rachel:Now you will die. I will strangle you.” She chokes him to death.

    Chapter 8: The Punisher vs. the NYC Gang

    Nearby the gang turf later on at night time. There are police cars there. The cops come out of their cars. The cops come out of their cars with Lt. Horace. They all have their guns drawn. Lt. Horace:We’ll apprehend Malcolm Harris here and than we apprehend The Punisher and Rachel Newman. There will be no more murders in the city.” They go after the gangs. They come out with guns drawn.

    Somewhere else on Malcolm Harris’s turf. There is Malcolm Harris with his thugs present. Malcolm:The fuzz is here after us. I’ll go to Rachel’s apartment. Go take out the police. This vigilante known as the Punisher will take us down here.” Malcolm Harris leaves the place.

    Somewhere else near Malcolm Harris’s turf. There is the Punisher coming by on his motorcycle.

    Back to the NY PD. Lt. Horace: NY PD. Put those hands up. You are all under arrest.” All those gang members fire on the cops. Lt. Horace and his officers fire back. Lt. Horace shoots down the woman with long blonde hair. An Asian thug is shot down by a New York City cop. Cops shoot down gang members. The Punisher shows up. The Punisher has berrettas. The Punisher with his berrettas shoots down a Hispanic guy, a woman with blood red hair, a white guy with orange hair with a few more thugs. The Punisher shoots and kills some more gang members. Lt. Horace shoots down 2 more gang members. All those other gang members throw down their guns. Cop at Gang Turf:Don’t move. Drop the weapons.Lt. Horace:Frank Castle. You are under arrest for vigilantism.Punisher:You’ll have to catch me first.” The Punisher leaves the place on his motorcycle.

    Chapter 9: The Punisher vs. Rachel Newman and Escape from the Police

    At the apartment of Rachel Newman. There is Rachel Newman at her apartment. Her gang leader boyfriend Malcolm Harris knocks on the door. Rachel Newman answers the door. Malcolm Harris comes in. Rachel:Have a seat Malcolm.Malcolm:I run a gang here in the city. The vigilante called the Punisher is after me. The pigs are after me too.” Malcolm Harris gets seated somewhere in the apartment. Rachael has a pair of scissors. She grabs Malcolm Harris. She ties him up to a chair with duct tape. Malcolm:You must be the serial killer that killed Patrick Bateman years ago. You are Rachel Newman. You’re not Jaclyn Hearth.” Rachel many times stabs Malcolm Harris with blood squirting out of him. Malcolm Harris dies. Rachel:Die! Die!

    Nearby Rachel’s apartment. There is the Punisher on a motorcycle coming to Rachel Newman’s apartment. The Punisher pulls out his Uzi. He goes to Rachel Newman’s apartment. The Punisher gets to Rachael Newman’s apartment. He goes after the girl who won’t die. The Punisher enters Rachel Newman’s apartment.

    Back to Rachel Newman. Rachel Newman pulls out her pistol. She is dragging the body of Malcolm Harris. The Punisher shows up. The Punisher has his Uzis aimed at Rachel Newman. Punisher:Drop the gun or I will shoot you and maybe kill you.” Rachel Newman fires on the Punisher. The Punisher fires back. The Punisher goes after Rachel Newman in her apartment. They shoot at each other. The Punisher is shooting the stairs with his guns trying to shoot down Rachel Newman. Rachel Newman and the Punisher throw down their guns that they are fighting with. Rachel Newman pulls out a butcher knife. The Punisher pulls out his hand gun. Rachel:You’re the vigilante killing my dead boyfriend’s gang members. Now I will kill you.” The Punisher shoots down Rachel Newman as she goes dashing at him with her knife. The Punisher shoots Rachel Newman more. Rachel Newman dies.

    Later on the cops show up. The Punisher leaves the place. The cops go looking for many dead people. They have their guns drawn. They go looking for The Punisher. Lt. Horace shows up. Lt. Horace finds the corpse of gang leader Malcolm Harris. Lt. Horace:Officers. I found the gang leader Malcolm. It had to have been Rachel Newman who did it.” Another cop who has found the body of Rachel Newman goes over to Lt. Horace. Cop at Newman’s Apartment:Lt. Horace. I found Rachel Newman. It looks like The Punisher did it.Lt. Horace:Take him down. Agent Gibson just recently got promoted.

    On the streets. There is the Punisher driving off on his motorcycle in the night. Frank Castle does some narration. Punisher:Frank Castle is long dead. I am the Punisher. I killed those evil legends known as Firefly Clan and Rachel Newman the American Psycho. The Battle of good vs. evil never ends and I will fight this never ending war.

  12. demolition18

    demolition18 Jedi Master star 1

    Oct 15, 2005
    The Punisher vs. The Shadows

    The Punisher and Devil’s Prey and 2004 Toolbox Murders Crossovers


    Chapter 1

    In Pennsylvania at night time at the turf of the Shadows. There are candles lit. There is a woman who’s a prostitute hanging onto the table. There are devil worshipers there. Minister Seth is also present. 3 men who are FBI agents Givens, Harrison and Blaine show up. Seth:So good of you 3 organized crime division agents to show up. We’ll go take the pimp Steven Gonzalez. We’ll kill him. The pimp is connected to mob boss Paulie Zocorro. Kill him. A girl and a guy thought to have killed me years ago. I killed them.” The devil worshipers cut up the prostitute. She dies. Seth walks around with the 3 devil worshiping agents.

    At the turf of pimp Steven Gonzalez inside later on in the day in Philadelphia. There is Steven Gonzalez there with the money. There are Steven’s body guards. There are also other women present. Steven:One of us was kidnapped and killed. The feds are after Paulie Zocorro. There’s a devil worship group called the Shadows.

    Outside of Steven’s turf. There is a man in a ski mask carrying a toolbox. He goes into the place.

    Back to Steven Gonzalez and his crew. The toolbox killer shows up. Steven:You can’t just show up here if you aren’t into any of those women here.” Steven’s men pull out their guns. Steven pulls out his revolver. Steven:Let’s all kill this lunatic.” They go in search of the toolbox killer. The toolbox killer throws a hammer into one of Steve’s men. The Toolbox killer pulls out his nail gun. He shoots down Steve’s Men in the head and hearth with the nail gun. Steven shoots the Toolbox killer. Steven:Die you psycho killer with the toolbox.” The Toolbox killer next shoots Steven the nail gun. The Toolbox killer shoots down the hookers. One hooker is goes for a gun. The last hooker shoots the Toolbox killer many times. The last surviving hookers go for the nail gun. The killer gets back up. The killer stabs a hooker with a screwdriver. The last hooker flees. The killer pulls out a hammer. The killer throws the hammer into the fleeing hooker’s head. The killer goes over to the hammer. That killer many times bashes the last hooker’s head killing her.

    Chapter 2

    At the liquor store in Philadelphia inside later on at night time. There is a man at the counter present. He has the name Mark on his name tag. Frank Castle walks into the place. He goes looking around. 2 men come into the place. They put on their ski masks. Mark:Can I do anything for you?Liquor Store robber 1:Yeah. Open the register now.Liquor store Robber 2:Give up the money or I will shoot you.” They pull out guns. Frank Castle is somewhere in the store. The men aim their guns at the clerk. Frank Castle pulls out his hand gun. The clerk goes over to the register. The Punisher spots the robbers. The Punisher aims his guns at the robbers. Punisher:Hold it right there.Liquor store robber 1:Put down the gun or I will shoot you.Punisher:Me first.” A robber goes after the Punisher. Frank Castle shoots that robber in the chest killing him. The other robber goes after The Punisher. The Punisher kills the other robber. The Punisher purchases some liquor. Punisher:I am buying this stuff. I was once in the law enforcement. I could deal with robbers.” He goes over to the counter. He pays.

    Outside of the liquor store somewhere. There is the toolbox killer. He has a hammer with him. The Punisher comes by on his motorcycle nearby the Delaware river. The toolbox killer throws his hammer onto the Punisher’s motorcycle. He falls off. The Punisher pulls out his hand gun. The Punisher shoots the Toolbox killer. Nothing happens. The Punisher takes the hammer. The Toolbox killer pulls out a screwdriver. The Punisher throws the hammer onto the Toolbox Killer’s head. The Punisher pulls out a knife. The Toolbox killer gets back up with the screwdriver. The Punisher fights the Toolbox killer in a fight using a knife and screwdriver. The Punisher stabs the Toolbox killer in the neck. The Punisher throws a kick on the Toolbox killer throwing him into the Delaware River. He is washed away. Frank Castle gets back onto his motorcycle.

    Chapter 3

    At FBI headquarters the next day in Pennsylvania. In the deputy director’s office. There is Richard Maroon sitting at his desk. 3 agents named Givens, Harrison and Blane show up. Richard Maroon:Agents Givens, Harrison and Blane. Have you found mob boss Paulie Zocorro yet?Agent Givens:No. but a pimp named Steven Gonzalez and his crew were murdered by tools. The toolbox murders happened in New York. Nell and Steven Burrows just had a baby girl named Alyssa recently. They have informed us about it.Richard Maroon:After I arrested Baby Firefly, Ivan Ravencroft and their devil worship clan I went for my promotion to deputy director. I am having the kidnapping division out there too for works of the Shadows a devil worship band. Seth Gande became the new minister after the death of Reverend Henry Phillips. Baby and Ivan escaped from prison and they were killed by the Punisher. Otis Driftwood is for sure dead.” They are going over the mob case. The agents leave the office.

    At the mob headquarters in the day time in Philadelphia. There is Paulie Zocorro present with many other Italian men. Zocorro:Our pimp was killed maybe by the Shadows a devil worship band. I think that the federal agents on us are part of the Shadows devil worship band.” They go to the outside. On the streets a car comes by. They are members of Edwin Clifton’s gang. Zocorro:It’s Edwin Clifton’s gang. Kill them.” They shoot. The mob guys pull out their guns. 3 mobsters are killed. Paulie and his hoods shoot back. Paulie kills the driver of the car. The car goes crashing. The other gang members come out of the car. They fire on the mob hoods. Paulie and his hoods fire back. The mob guys kill the gang members left over. Zocorro:That must’ve been a message from Edwin Clifton. I think that he’s also a devil worshipper.

    Later on at the turf of Edwin Clifton. There is Edwin Clifton with an assortment of men and women white or Hispanic or African American. 4 of them are females. 3 females are white and 1 is Hispanic. There’s a male with green hair while one of the white females has pink hair. They have guns and chains with them and clubs too they are holding. Clifton:I run the gang. We are at war with Paulie Zocorro and his mob family. We’ll kill them all. Also a vigilante known as the Punisher is here in Philadelphia. We’ll kill him too.

    Chapter 4

    Later on in the day time at Burke’s grill the place owned by Kenny Burke Baby Firefly’s ex husband. There is Krystal Burke at the counter. There are many men and women with children present. There are many men and women in the place too. Deputy Director Richard Maroon is sitting at a table. With him are Jessica Burke and her boyfriend Jonathan Maroon the FBI deputy director’s son. Jessica:My sister and Chris Smith broke up. I know that the vigilante who calls himself the Punisher killed my mother and Uncle Otis and even Ivan mom’s boyfriend. It was self defense.Jonathan:Some friends of mine on the football team were killed by Ivan and his minions.Richard Maroon:I am expecting a visit from Frank Castle the former FBI agent.Jessica: Mom and Ivan and Uncle Otis made the choice to get themselves killed.” They are eating burgers and fries. Agent Maroon has a cup of root beer. Frank Castle walks into the place. He goes over to Richard Maroon. Frank Castle gets seated. Punisher:I will work with you. This must be the place owned by Baby Firefly’s ex husband.Jessica:Hannah is my step mother. I never knew until college that my mother was the crazed devil worshipping serial killer from Ruggsville back in the 1970’s.Richard Maroon:The feds have brought in the remnants of the clan.Punisher:I killed many of Ivan Ravencroft’s minions.

    Outside of Kenny’s restaurant. There is a Cadillac parked. There are some members of Clifton’s gang. They have knives and clubs with them. One of them is the woman with pink hair. There’s 4 males and 1 female. They enter the restaurant.

    Back to inside Kenny’s. The gang members aim their knives and clubs at everyone in the restaurant. Kenny’s Restaurant gang member:Everyone be cool. We are robbing the place. If you any of you try to stop us we’ll beat you up and stab you with those weapons. Cooperate.” A male gang member who’s Hispanic aims his knife in the face of Krystal Burke. Hispanic restaurant gang member:Both of you don’t move or I will beat it out of you.” The Punisher goes for his gun. So does Agent Maroon. 2 more gang members with their clubs aim them at The Punisher, Deputy Director Maroon and Jessica Burke and Jonathan Maroon. The Punisher aims his gun at the 2 gang members. Punisher:Drop it right there or I will kill you.” The female goes looking for the owner/manager. They throw down their clubs. The female gang member is holding Kenny Burke hostage. Female restaurant gang member:Put down the gun Castle or I will slit Baby Firefly’s ex husband’s throat.” The Punisher aims his gun at the female gang member. Punisher:You drop the gun or you are dead. I killed the remains of the Firefly family in Florida. I am the Punisher.” There are 3 more men working there who get down onto the floor. The Punisher shoots the female gang member in the head. 1 more male gang members goes to Krystal and the 3 men working with her. 2 more men go for their clubs. The Punisher shoots and kills another with a knife. 2 more swing their clubs at Agent Maroon. Agent Maroon kicks a thug. Richard Maroon:You are under arrest for assaulting a federal agent.” He uppercuts the other. Agent Maroon is fighting 2 of the gang members hand to hand. Another gang member strikes at the Punisher with a club. The Punisher throws a punch back onto that gang member. There’s a bunch of hand to hand fight. The Punisher pulls out his gun. Punisher:You 3 don’t move.” He rounds up the 3 surviving gang members.

    Later on at the restaurant outside. There is Captain Joe Wydell and his officers. Frank Castle goes over to Captain Wydell. Joe Wydell:Frank Castle. I am Captain Joseph Wydell of the Philadelphia police department. My Uncle John killed a the Firefly family like you have.Punisher:John Wydell as the Ruggsville Sheriff hunted down the family after Drake Houston retired.Joe Wydell:Houston’s granddaughter is the mother of my kids and my wife. Houston fought with devil worshipers before he ever deal with the Firefly family. Drake Houston past away 10 years ago. He died of possibly old age.Punisher:My whole family was killed and I killed the killers. For years I thought that Livia Saint the woman responsible for my whole family was killed. She was shot by Baby Firefly.Joe Wydell:My ancestry comes to vigilante justice. They have been devil slayers.” 3 gang members are being loaded into police squad cars by the cops. Richard Maroon shows up with his son and son’s girlfriend.

    Chapter 5

    Outside of mob headquarters in the day time. There is a van behind the car with the agents of the FBI. There are the 3 Satanic FBI agents. Agent Givens:We’ll have Paulie Zocorro killed anyways. Captain Joe Wydell’s family was a branch of devil slayers.Agent Harrison:Joe Wydell is not vigilante. His Uncle John could just kill us if he had found us out as devil worshippers.” The 3 agents come out with their guns drawn. They enter mob headquarters.

    Somewhere else in Zocorro’s turf. There is Paulie with his surviving hoods. Zocorro:I think that the agents Givens, Harrison and Blane are devil worshipers. We’ll kill them if it’s them.” The 3 FBI agents show up. Zocorro Hood:It’s those devil worshiping agents.Zocorro:Kill them.” Paulie’s hoods pull out guns. The Feds pull out their guns too. The mobsters and FBI agents shoot at each other. There’s a gun fighting going on. Agent Givens gets killed by one of Paulie’s hoods. Agent Harrison shoots and kills that mob hood that killed Agent Givens. Agent Blane shoots and kills 3 mob hoods. The 2 agents kill some more mob hoods. There are 5 hoods and Paulie still alive. Paulie’s 5 left over hoods thrown down their guns. Zocorro:We give up.Agent Blane:Put your hands on top of your heads.” The 2 agents have their guns aimed at Paulie Zocorro and his 5 left over hoods. The 2 agents bring the mobsters still alive out at gun point.

    Back to the outside. There is Rave Shadow who comes out of the van. Rave Shadow:Here they come.” The 2 FBI agents have the mob guys loaded into the van as they come out. There are some others dressed in black clothing. One of them is a blonde hair woman. They load the 5 mob guys into the van with their boss. Rave Shadow:Our place in Howard’s point was destroyed by teens that we killed years ago. We have taken over what was once Ivan Ravencroft’s turf. He was killed by the Punisher as was his girlfriend Baby Firefly the crazed serial killer from Ruggsville back in the 1970’s along with her brother Otis Driftwood a sadistic serial killer from the 1970’s Ruggsville.

    Chapter 6

    At the turf of the Shadows at night time. There is Minister Seth there present. The Shadows members come in with 5 mobsters and their boss. Zocorro:It must be you Pastor Gande who is the leader.Seth:That I am. I know that you won’t want to join us.Zocorro:I would kill you now Reverend if I had my hands free. No one messes with mob boss Paulie Zocorro.” There are candles lit. The Shadows members remove the clothes of the mob hoods. The Shadows paint a pentagram onto the place. Fawn shows up. Fawn:I killed some myself. I faked killing members of the Shadows years ago and I faked being hunted down by them.” She is a female with long brown hair. Fawn pulls out her knife. Fawn goes over to mob boss Paulie Zocorro. Fawn:I will cut you up you mob hood.” She stabs him in the heart killing him. Other mobsters are cut up by members of the Shadows. Seth:A vigilante calling himself the Punisher is out there. Find him and kill him.” Some other members of the Shadows leave the place.

    At the gas station later on at night time. There’s a connivance store there too. There is the Punisher stopping by. 3 other men from a car come by with guns. They park the car somewhere else. The robbers all pull out their guns. A gas station attendant shows up. The 3 men aim their guns at the gas station attendant. Frank Castle pulls out his berretta. Punisher:Freeze. I caught you 3 attempting rob this gas station. Get out of here all 3 of you before I kill you.” He aims it at the 3 robbers. The 3 robbers leave the place. The Punisher has his motorcycle filled up with gas. Punisher:I just need a refill on my bike.

    Somewhere else in Philadelphia on the streets. There is a van behind the robber’s car. The Shadows members have their lights on. Gas station robber:It must be the pigs after us for attempting to rob a gas station.” They bang their van into the car. The car stops. The men pull out their guns. The members of the Shadows come out with clown masks on and black cloaks on them. They pull out machetes. A robber fires on the Shadows. A member of the Satanic cut throws a knife into a robber. 2 more show up behind the robber’s backs as the robbers are looking for the Shadows members. 2 more are slashed. A woman paints a pentagram on the road and then “The Shadows”. The members of the Shadows get into their van. The Punisher shows up later on. In the van 1 of them remove their hoods and masks. 1 of them is the blonde hair woman who chased Susan after Seth killed the Sheriff of Howard’s Point years ago. The Punisher pulls out his berretta. Punisher:Hold it right there costumed serial killers.” The Shadows members all pull out their knives. That blonde hair woman dashes with her knife at the Punisher. The Punisher shoots her in the chest killing her. Others attack the Punisher with machetes. The Punisher shoots them down several times killing them. The Punisher leaves there on his motorcycle.

    Chapter 7

    On the streets of Philadelphia the next day. There are police cars parked out there. There are cops removed all of those dead bodies. Joe Wydell shows up. There is police tape put down there. Joe Wydell:In my family blood line we have been devil slayers. My Uncle John killed the woman that murdered my father. It must be the Shadows who did it.” The cops are walking around the scene.

    At FBI headquarters. At Richard Maroon’s office. There is Richard Maroon present. Frank Castle is sitting in front of his desk. Punisher:Some members of the Shadows tried to kill me last night. I killed them.Richard Maroon:One of my agents got whacked yesterday trying to arrest mobsters. I suspect that the 3 agents of organized crime are part of the Shadows.Punisher:What makes you think that?Richard Maroon: I am not sure. Seth Gande was the new minister at the local Methodist church after the death of Henry Phillips. I suspect that the Shadows killed him.” Agents Harrison and Blaine show up. Agent Harrison:The Punisher last night killed Agent Givens. We arrested the mobsters.” Agent Blaine goes for a gun. Richard Maroon kicks that devil worship agent on the hand. Richard Maroon: I think that you helped the Shadows kidnap mob boss Paulie Zocorro and than they killed him.” Agent Harrison throws a punch onto the Punisher. Agent Blaine throws a punch onto Richard Maroon. Richard Maroon kicks that devil worship agent in the face. The Punisher throws a punch back onto Agent Harrison. The Punisher and FBI deputy director and the 2 agents in the Shadows throw beat each other up. Agent Maroon puts his hand cuffs onto the 2 agents. Richard Maroon:I will have you 2 in custody on kidnapping conspiracy charges.

    At the turf of Edwin Clifton. There are all of Edwin Clifton’s gang members left over.

    Outside of the gang turf. There are many police cars parked outside. There is Joe Wydell in his dodge ram. He parks his car too. Captain Wydell and his officers get out of the police cars. The cops all get out with guns drawn. Joe Wydell also draws his gun. Joe Wydell:Edwin Clifton and his gang are here. We’ll take them all down. Some of the gang members have been murdered by Paul Zocorro. 2 more were killed by the Punisher and 3 were arrested by me.” They enter the place.

    Back to Clifton’s gang. The cops all come in. Joe Wydell:Philadelphia Police Department. You are under arrest. Put those hands up or we will open fire.” The gang members pull out their Uzis. The gang members and the cops fire on each other. Joe Wydell kills a gang member. 2 cops are shot down. They are wearing body armor. Joe Wydell shoots down a few more gang members. 1 of them is the Hispanic female shot and killed by Captain Wydell. All those gang members throw down their guns. The cops and Captain Wydell all put their handcuffs on the surviving gang members. Joe Wydell:Where’s Edwin Clifton?

    Chapter 8

    At the Methodist Church in Pennsylvania later on in the day time. A car shows up. It’s a blue Taurus. It’s FBI agent Richard Maroon in it. The Punisher next shows up on his motorcycle. Richard Maroon:We’ll talk to Pastor Gande about the murder of Reverend Phillips.” They both park at the church. Minister Seth comes out of the church. Frank Castle and Agent Maroon go over to the minister. Seth:Reverend Phillips has been the minister here for many years. He was murdered and I took his place. The Shadows did that because they think that they are more powerful than God himself.

    Inside the church. There is Minister Seth walking Richard Maroon and Frank Castle around the church. Seth:Teenagers once tried to kill the Shadows. 2 more teens when they were in college years ago half a year later were killed by the Shadows.

    Outside of the church later on. Richard Maroon and Frank Castle leave the church. They get onto their motorcycle and car. They both drive off. Edwin Clifton shows up. Seth:We’ll bring them in for the ritual. Vera-Ellen Firefly also known as Baby who came from Ruggsville over 30 years ago has 2 daughters that live here. The older daughter’s ex boyfriend is a federal agent who arrested the devil worship clan that was here once. We’ll kill the Punisher.

    Later on in Philadelphia on the streets. There is Jessica Burke driving her jeep with Jonathan Maroon in the car. Jonathan Maroon:My dad got promoted after he arrested your mother and her boyfriend with their devil worship clan.Jessica:I never found out that my mother was a serial killer from Ruggsville 30 years ago until your father arrested her.

    Somewhere else on the streets of Philadelphia. There’s another van going by with members of the Shadows in it. There is a police car behind the van. It’s Jake driving the car. Jake drives in front of the van. He pulls over the van. Jake:Pull over right here.” They both park. Jake comes out with his gun drawn. Jake:I just need to talk to you. Do you know who those kids think you are?” Seth comes out of the van. Jake gets onto his walkie talkie. Jake:Officers. It’s Pastor Gande in the devil worship band. Seth Gande the minister. I think that he’s the leader of the Shadows.” Seth pulls out his revolver. Seth:The Gnome King.” Jake and Seth fight each other in a gun fight. Seth kills Jake. Fawn comes out of the van with some other members of the Shadows. Fawn:The daughters of 1970’s crazed serial killer Baby Firefly are in this city. I think at Kenny’s.Seth:Let’s go there.

    Later on nearby Kenny’s restaurant. Jessica is driving by. Krystal is leaving the place. The Shadows van shows up. The members come out lead by Fawn. They grab Baby Firefly’s 2 daughters and Agent Maroon’s son. Minister Seth comes out. Jessica:It was you all along Pastor Gande. My mother was killed by the Punisher. Maybe the Punisher will kill you next.” The 3 are loaded into the van.

    Chapter 9

    Later on at the Restaurant. There is Captain Wydell present with his officers. Agent Maroon shows up with his agents next. The Punisher comes by on his motorcycle. Joe Wydell:I had reports that one of my officers was killed by Pastor Seth Gande. He might as well be the leader of the Shadows.Richard Maroon:How could you guess that? 2 of my OCD agents that I arrested had to be let go.Joe Wydell:A minister is a religious leader so I think that Seth is the minister. He’s a Methodist minister.Punisher:Ivan Ravencroft recruited many gang members who’s leader was killed by you in a gun fight into his devil worship band. Agent Maroon and I working together arrested Ivan and his girlfriend Baby. Captain Spaulding was killed by Agent Smith and you almost killed Otis Driftwood. I killed Otis Driftwood in Florida.” There is yellow tape put on by one of Captain Wydell’s officers.

    At the turf of the Shadows. There are the Shadows members with Fawn and Minister Seth present. There the Shadows members with Krystal and Jessica Burke with Jonathan Maroon taken hostage. Rave Shadow is there too. The Shadow’s members remove the shirt of Jonathan Maroon. The shirts of Vera-Ellen Firefly’s 2 daughters are being ripped. They are all being tied up. Seth:You will be part of the ritual. I knew that you didn’t want to join your mother and mother’s boyfriend’s devil worship band.

    At FBI headquarters in the day time. In the briefing room. There is Deputy Director Richard Maroon present. There are many agents present. Richard Maroon is briefing the agents. Also Chris Smith the ex boyfriend of Krystal Burke and field agent shows up. Richard Maroon:We have teaming with Captain Wydell and his officers arrested Ivan Ravencroft and his devil worship band and I arrested Baby Firefly. Captain Wydell nearly killed Otis Driftwood. He thought to have. We have to find out the church of the Shadows. Reverend Seth Gande is their leader. We’ll take him down too.” OCD agents Blaine and Harrison show up. They pull out guns. Agent Blane:You agents aren’t going to find the Shadows.” Agent Smith and the other agents pull out their guns. Chris Smith:Drop the guns or I will shoot.” The 2 satanic agents fire on the other agents. Chris Smith shoots and kills Agent Blaine. Agent Harrison shoots at the other agents. One of them shoots and kills Agent Harrison. Richard Maroon:Frank Castle is a long retired FBI agent who killed Vera-Ellen Firefly and her boyfriend Ivan Ravencroft. He also killed Otis Driftwood.

    At the police headquarters in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. There is Captain Wydell in his office. Frank Castle shows up. Frank Castle gets seated. Punisher:I knew that your ancestor killed evil killers for a living.Joe Wydell:I knew that Baby was also the crazed serial killer from Ruggsville 30 years ago. My uncle succeeded Drake Houston senior after he retired as Ruggsville sheriff. He killed Mother Firefly who killed by father.Punisher:I killed my family’s killers. Livia Saint who was the wife of Howard Saint arranged for my who family killed because I killed their son. I killed their other son and Howard Saint himself. I made him kill his wife. I know that Baby Firefly killed her. Baby Firefly also killed the Torro Brothers who were once in league with Howard Saint.Joe Wydell:Together we’ll hunt down the turf of the Shadows. I’ll need you to follow Edwin Clifton there. Edwin Clifton the gang leader that I am hunting down is in on it.

    Chapter 10

    At the turf of the Shadows outside in the day time. There is Rave Shadow awaiting Edwin Clifton. The Punisher is somewhere on his motorcycle. He is hiding himself. Clifton:Captain Joe Wydell’s family has been devil slayers. His father and Uncle are long dead as are those who killed them.Rave Shadow:I hosted a party to lure some victims to me years ago.” The Punisher leaves on his motorcycle.

    At Philadelphia police station at night time. There is the Punisher on his motorcycle. There is Richard Maroon in his Taurus. Captain Wydell shows up. Punisher:I have found the Shadows turf. Follow me. It’s nearby the city of Philadelphia.Joe Wydell:Let’s go there. I could’ve hired the un holy 2 but those 2 sadistic devil worship serial killers that you killed have killed them years ago.” They all leave for the Shadows turf.

    At the Shadow’s turf at night time. Inside there are many men and women in their cloaks. Minister Seth has his cape on. He has the machete. The candles are all lightened up. There are Baby Firefly’s 2 daughters and Jonathan Maroon. Fawn is suited up in black clothing as is gang leader Edwin Clifton. Also there is Gracie the fat waitress and Eli the creepy cook from Howard’s Point. Rave Shadow who hosted the party years ago is also there. The victims are being moved around. All those devil worshipers have the wine glasses filled with blood. Seth:Oh bow to me ol Lucifer fallen angel of light. It is you who we worship. Give us your powers so we can do your evil work.” Fawn: “Brothers and sisters. Tonight’s the night we have been waiting for. To drink the blood of the non believers. We sacrifice those 3 tonight.Seth:To Earth’s dark chamber ol Lucifer grant us eternal life again and we can kill those devil slayers.

    Outside of the Shadow’s turf. There is the Punisher on his motorcycle. Captain Wydell and Agent Maroon follow the Punisher. The Punisher pulls out his guns. The Punisher has a machine gun with him. Punisher:I’ll fire a warning shot on them.” The Punisher fires his machine gun on the place. The devil worshippers are being fired on. Captain Wydell and Agent Maroon pull out their guns. The Punisher pulls out his 2 hand guns. They burst into the place.

    Inside the Shadow’s turf. Richard Maroon:FBI. You are under arrest on kidnapping charges.Joe Wydell:Philadelphia police department. You are under arrest for the murder of a Philadelphia cop. Put those hands up all of you or we will shoot.” Many members of Shadows pull out their knives. The Punisher shoots them with his 2 hand guns. The Punisher shoots down Gracie and Eli. Agent Maroon kicks some devil worshippers. A few others attack with knives. Jonathan Maroon:Dad. You have come to save us.” Joe Wydell shoots them down. The cop and federal agent free Krystal and Jessica Burke. Agent Maroon rescues his son. Richard Maroon:If they killed you Jonathan than I would want them dead. Go now. Frank Castle and I with Captain Wydell will deal with them.” Krystal Burke, Jessica Burke and Jonathan Maroon leave the place. Fawn charges with her knife at The Punisher. The Punisher shoots Fawn many times and kills her. The Punisher shoots the rest of those members of the Shadows. Edwin Clifton runs up to Captain Wydell. Joe Wydell:You are under arrest for gang activity and devil worship activity. Your rivals have joined Ivan Ravencroft’s gang.” Captain Wydell throws a punch on Edwin Clifton. Rave Shadow takes on Richard Maroon. Richard Maroon:I am arresting you on kidnapping charges of many people over all those years.” They fight each other hand to hand. The Punisher battles Minister Seth hand to hand. Seth:I killed Reverend Phillips here. I killed the Howard’s Point sheriff years ago.” Agent Maroon lays a jump kick on Rave Shadow. There’s a bunch of hand to hand fighting going on with survivors of the Shadows. Captain Wydell throws Edwin Clifton into the candles. Agent Maroon jump kicks Rave Shadow through tables. Seth grabs the Punishers throat. Seth:I know that you won’t join us vigilante. I will kill you.” The Punisher throws many punches on Minister Seth. The Punisher throws Minister Seth into the candles knocking them down. The Punisher throws a shot of liquor into the place. Punisher:Let’s destroy this place. Your family has been devil slayers Captain Wydell.” The candles fall to the ground. The place catches on fire. The wood is burning. The Punisher leaves the place with FBI deputy director Maroon and Captain Wydell. The place goes up in flames. Punisher:Burn in hell evil doers.

    Outside of the devil worship house. The place is going up in flames. The satanic church explodes. The 3 men get to their vehicles. The 2 girls and 1 boy are nearby Captain Wydell’s car. The Punisher gets onto his motorcycle. Punisher:I have killed this evil minister and his followers.” Minister Seth comes out cooked again. Seth:You will pay for this Castle. You killed everyone else here.” He goes after everyone. The Punisher takes his shot gun from the motorcycle. He shoots Minister Seth many times killing him. Minister Seth falls dead. Punisher:Maybe he will stay dead. I killed the Toolbox killer too.” Krystal gets into Captain Wydell’s car with Joe Wydell himself. Jessica and Jonathan get into Richard Maroon’s car with him. The Punisher gets back onto his motorcycle. They all leave the place. The satanic church explodes more.

    Many days later at FBI headquarters in the state of Pennsylvania. There is Richard Maroon with Agent Chris Smith present. The Punisher is there on his motorcycle. Punisher:I was retired before you joined the FBI agent Smith. The Shadows are gone for sure now. Any more evil out there I will combat it.Richard Maroon:I know about the Wydell bloodline now as they were devil slayers. I am not a vigilante and neither is Captain Wydell like his uncle was.Punisher:I am leaving now. There is work to do still.” The Punisher leaves the place on his motorcycle.

  13. demolition18

    demolition18 Jedi Master star 1

    Oct 15, 2005
    Deleted Reply
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2022
  14. demolition18

    demolition18 Jedi Master star 1

    Oct 15, 2005
    Marvel Knights: The Movie


    Opening Credits

    On the turf of New York City at night time. There is Biggie Benton and his gang. Biggie Benton:I set up a good cop who won’t take bribes from the Kingpin. Now we’ll rid the city of Daredevil. Willie Lincoln’s lawyer can’t even drive since he’s blind.” They have supplies of drugs with them.

    At Josie’s Bar in New York City outside. There is Daredevil standing on a rooftop. Black Widow shows up. Black Widow:I have come to help. I am also an agent of Shield. You know that the Chaste is at war against the Hand. Shield is at war with HYDRA. Nick Fury wants to form an alliance against the Kingpin.Daredevil:I took down Bullseye and now we’ll take down the Kingpin. I have for a long time been after Wilson Fisk. He killed my father.” Black Widow and Daredevil swing into Josie’s Bar.

    Inside of Josie’s Bar. There are Turk and Grotto seated at a table. Daredevil and Black Widow swing into the place. Turk:It’s Daredevil. Let’s get out of here.Daredevil:You are answering our questions Turk.” Turk and Grotto go running. Daredevil and Black Widow go after Turk and Grotto. Daredevil grabs onto Turk just as Black Widow grabs onto Grotto. Black Widow:Let’s go outside and talk.” Daredevil with Black Widow drag Turk and Grotto outside.

    Outside of Josie’s Bar. Daredevil shows up with Black Widow holding Turk and Grotto. Daredevil:Who framed Willie Lincoln for corruption?Turk:There are officers to Captain Nick Manolis taking bribes.Grotto:Biggie Benton framed Willie Lincoln. Also the Serbian Mafia is in league with Wilson Fisk.

    At the turf of the Serbian Mafia. There are Serbian gangsters present. Also there is their leader.

    Outside of the Serbian Mafia turf. There is Luke Cage present. The Serbian gangsters out of the place. Luke Cage:Come on. Bring it on.” They fire on Luke Cage. Luke Cage just stands there. Shang Chi shows up. Shang Chi swings his nun chucks. Some Serbian gangsters run up to Shang Chi. Shang Chi:I have come to help you. We’re after the same thing.” Shang Chi fights them with various martial arts moves. Luke Cage runs after the guys with the guns. Luke Cage throws them aside. Luke Cage next grabs onto the Serbian Mafia boss. Nick Fury shows up with agents of Shield. They aim their guns at the Serbian gangsters. Nick Fury:All of you. Hold it right there. You are all under arrest.” Luke Cage goes over to Shang Chi. Shang Chi:My name is Shang Chi.Luke Cage: I am Luke Cage also known as Power Man.” They shake hands. Nick Fury goes over to Luke Cage and Shang Chi. Nick Fury:I know of your powers. I have been looking for people to recruit. The Kingpin has corrupted the law. I only trust Nick Manolis.

    At the turf of Biggie Benton in the day time. There is Biggie Benton with his thugs. Biggie Benton:Let’s find Daredevil and kill him.” They pull out guns. Daredevil and Black Widow appear. Daredevil:It’s over Biggie.” Biggie’s thugs fire on Daredevil and Black Widow. Black Widow fires back on her wrists. Daredevil throws his billy clubs striking some thugs. The billy clubs bounce back to Daredevil. Black Widow is fighting Biggie’s thugs with martial arts moves as they throw down their guns. Black Widow is throwing kicks and punches onto Biggie’s thugs as they attack her. Daredevil is fighting them too. Daredevil band hands 2 more of Biggie’s goons. Daredevil throws his billy club striking Biggie Benton just as he goes for his knife. Daredevil next jump kicks Biggie Benton. Daredevil: Turk and Grotto gave you guys up.” Nick Fury shows up next in his flying bike. Nick Fury goes over to Daredevil and Black Widow. Nick Fury:Daredevil. I am Nick Fury of Shield.Daredevil:I swing on rooftops. Black Widow has told me of you just when I was interrogating Turk.

    At the Kingpin’s headquarters at night time. In Wilson Fisk’s office. There is Wilson Fisk sitting at his desk. His son Richard shows up. Richard Fisk:Dad. There’s something you might want to see.Fisk:I think that Biggie Benton has been taking down along with the Serbian Mafia.Richard Fisk:Yes. I will start calling myself the Rose just like you are the Kingpin.

    At Shield headquarters at night time. In the building in the briefing room. There is Nick Fury at his seat. Also present are Daredevil, Black Widow, Luke Cage, Shang Chi and Moon Knight. Nick Fury:You 2 Moon Knight and Daredevil can reveal your true identities. I am Nick Fury agent of Shield.” Daredevil and Moon Knight remove their masks revealing themselves at Matt Murdock and Mark Spector. Daredevil:Since I am blind I can’t drive so I get around by foot and swinging on ropes.Black Widow:Matt has never had a driver’s license or even a learner’s permit. I drove him around when he was in law school and we were dating each other.Nick Fury:You can all leave now. I know that you Matt Murdock are representing the good cop Willie Lincoln.Daredevil:Maybe I will get the bad cops behind bars.” The heroes all depart Shield headquarters.

    The next day at the apartment of Matt Murdock. There is Matt Murdock at his bed. Matt Murdock comes out of bed. Matt Murdock gets his red and white cane.

    Later on in the streets of New York City. There is Matt Murdock walking by with his blind man’s walking cane. Foggy Nelson shows up on the streets of New York City. Foggy:Matt. It’s me your friend Foggy.” Foggy goes over to Matt. They head off to the law office. Foggy:We are hiring a new secretary. Her name is Karen Page.

    Inside the office of Murdock and Nelson. Matt and Foggy show up. They get to their desks.

    At the courthouse in the day time inside. There is everyone seated. There is Willie Lincoln sitting there. Also there is Judge Woods. Also present are Matt Murdock and Foggy Nelson. Captain Nick Manolis is also present with his officers. Nick Fury is in the court room too. Turk and Grotto are also present. Biggie Benton is also there with his lawyer. Matt Murdock:You see justice is blind but it can be heard and today the truth will come out.Judge Woods:The court finds Biggie Benton guilty of bribery. Captain Nick Manolis. Arrest those officers of your’s. The court finds Willie Lincoln not guilty of bribery.

    Later on outside of the court house. There is Ben Urich from the Daily Bugle present. Urich:It’s me Ben Urich.” Willie Lincoln comes out of the court house. Ben Urich goes over to Willie Lincoln. Urich:Officer Lincoln. How does it feel to be acquitted?Willie Lincoln: It feels great. Now I’ll arrest this Kingpin of crime.” Everyone else comes out of the court house. Matt Murdock:I have connections to Daredevil. There’s an alliance being formed.

    At the Fisk tower later on. In Wilson Fisk’s office. There is Wilson Fisk sitting at his desk. He has the Daily Bugle with him. Richard Fisk comes into the office. Kingpin:Richard. The cop that Benton framed is innocent. Willie Lincoln could be coming after us.Richard Fisk:We have others here and a hired assassin named Mary.

    Somewhere else at the Fisk Tower later on. There is The Kingpin present with mobster Tombstone. Also present are Big Ben, Bullet and Bengal. Typhoid Mary is there too. Kingpin:You guys will pull off heists. Also Daredevil is on us.Tombstone:My thugs with the painted faces and alternate hair colors are at Josie’s Bar. I’ll even rob a connivance store.Typhoid Mary:I’ll kill the heroes.Big Ben:Luke Cage got me put behind bars. His defense lawyer was Matt Murdock the blind man.Kingpin: I don’t have proof but I think that Daredevil is Matt Murdock the blind lawyer.

    At Josie’s Bar at night time on the inside. There’s a street gang there. Also there’s Turk and Grotto. They have bizarre hair colors. They have neon painted faces and neon hair colors like blue and orange. Their faces are painted like skeletons. Grotto:Daredevil pushes us into informing him of things.Turk:I know that you guys work for Tombstone. I am on the look out for Daredevil.” Turk and Grotto leave the place.

    In an alley at night time. There are Turk and Grotto walking by. Daredevil appears. Daredevil:Turk. We need information.” The rest of the Marvel Knights team appears out of no where. Turk throws a punch onto Daredevil. Daredevil throws a punch back at Turk. They are fist fighting. Daredevil uppercuts Turk knocking him down to the ground. Grotto starts running. Moon Knight with his stick trips Grotto. Daredevil grabs Turk by the shirt. Daredevil:What’s going on with the Kingpin?Turk:He has put together some super villains. Wilson Fisk also has a son named Richard who is calling himself the Rose.Grotto:Kingpin also hired an assassin named Typhoid Mary.Daredevil:We call ourselves the Marvel Knights.

    Later on at NY PD headquarters. In the office of Captain Nick Manolis. There is Nick Manolis at his desk. Willie Lincoln comes into Nick’s office. Manolis:What is it Detective Lincoln?Willie Lincoln:I just got an anonymous tip. There are heroes getting information from Turk and Grotto.

    In the halls of NY PD headquarters. There is Nick Manolis walking down the halls. Daredevil shows up. Now Moon Knight, Black Widow, Shang Chi and Luke Cage show up. Willie Lincoln appears next. Daredevil:I just got informed by Turk that the Kingpin is doing business with a street gang and a biker gang and some other super criminals.Luke Cage:I was once arrested as I was accused of being in a gang and than I got my powers. My defense lawyer is blind.

    At the Fisk building. There is Wilson Fisk sitting at his desk. Turk and Grotto come into the office of Wilson Fisk. They get seated. Kingpin:Daredevil has pressed you 2 for information. I just did business with an assassin called Typhoid Mary. Maybe he will leave you 2 alone.

    On the streets of New York City. There are outlaw bikers out there with the leader. They are going down the street on motorcycles. Out of nowhere comes Daredevil’s billy club. It strikes the leader of the biker gang. Black Widow shoots a zip line striking an outlaw biker. The rest of them get off of motorcycles. Black Widow:You are all under arrest.” Some of the outlaw bikers with their guns shoot Luke Cage. Luke Cage clobbers them. Others come up to Shang Chi and Moon Knight with chains. Moon Knight hits some with his stick. Shang Chi clobbers some with nun chucks. Daredevil and Black Widow are fighting the rest of the biker gang with martial arts moves. Daredevil bangs 2 bikers into each other. Nick Fury and his agents of Shield appear in flying cars. The Shield agents aim their guns at the outlaw bikers. Nick Fury:You are all under arrest. Good work Marvel Knights.Black Widow:We are next off to Josie’s Bar.” The Marvel Knights swing or walk off into the night.

    At Josie’s Bar at night time outside. There is the street gang with the weird looks. Daredevil and Black Widow appear on zip lines. Luke Cage, Shang Chi and Moon Knight appear next. Moon Knight:We are stopping you all.” The Marvel Knights get into a fist fight with the gang. They are beating each other up. Daredevil double kicks 2 gang members. Shang Chi throws kung fu punches onto some gang members. Luke Cage throws some gang members against the wall. Moon Knight throws boomerangs into 2 more of them. Daredevil and Black Widow finish off the gang members. Police sirens are going off. Daredevil:It’s the police. They are after you.” Daredevil and Black Widow swing off into the night as does Moon Knight. Shang Chi and Luke Cage disappear. Cops come out of the cars with guns drawn.

    The next morning at the apartment of Matt Murdock. There is Matt Murdock getting dressed up for work. He leaves his apartment holding his walking cane.

    Outside of Matt Murdock’s apartment. There’s a cab being driven by Marc Spector. Matt Murdock hops into the taxi. Marc Spector drives off into the day. Marc Spector:Where to?Matt Murdock:The Manhattan diner.Marc Spector:As Moon Knight and you as Daredevil we’ll bring down Wilson Fisk and his gang.

    At a diner in New York City. Marc Spector shows up driving the cab carrying Matt Murdock. The cab parks there. Matt Murdock gets out of the taxi.

    Inside of the diner. There is Foggy Nelson seated at a table with Karen Page. Foggy:Matt over here.” Matt Murdock comes into the place. He gets seated with Karen and Foggy. Foggy:Matt this is Karen. Karen this is Matt Murdock.” Matt Murdock and Karen Page shake hands.

    Outside of the diner. There is Luke Cage walking down the street with Jessica Jones. Luke Cage:I think that my lawyer Matt Murdock is eating there.” They enter the diner.

    Over to the law office’s table. Matt Murdock gets up. Foggy:We are over here Luke.” Luke Cage and Jessica Jones walk over to the table. They get seated. Luke Cage:This is my girlfriend Jessica Jones.

    At the Fisk Tower later on. In the Kingpin’s office. There is Wilson Fisk seated at his desk. There is also Kingpin thugs seated there. Kingpin:4 of you will rob the Manhattan Bank. The 2 of you will be with Tombstone robbing a mini mart. Let’s get moving.” Those thugs in league with the Kingpin leave the office.

    At the Manhattan bank in the day time. There are 4 Kingpin thugs out there. They all have guns. They enter the bank.

    Nearby the Manhattan Bank. There is Black Widow swinging by. Also there is Shang Chi. Black Widow:I am a trained spy. I think that there are men out to rob the Manhattan Bank.Shang Chi:I will kick their butts.” They go over to the bank.

    Inside of the Manhattan bank. There are many people there. There are tellers. 4 of the Kingpin thugs enter the bank. They go aiming their guns at everyone. Kingpin thug 1: Everyone be cool. This is a robbery.Kingpin Thug 2:Everyone get down or be shot.” Shang Chi and Black Widow burst into the bank. Shang Chi:We are the Marvel Knights and it’s over.” Shang Chi throws nun chucks onto the guns knocking them out of the hands of 2 robbers. Black Widow pulls out her gun. She aims them at the other 2. Black Widow:Put the guns down and your hands on top of your heads and I won’t have to shoot you.Kingpin Thug 3:I will kick your butt China Man.” 2 of the robbers come up to Shang Chi. One throws his fist at him. Shang Chi jump kicks that robber. Shang Chi is fighting the other robber with his fist. They are beating each other up. Shang Chi:Call the police. We have them.” One of the tellers goes to call the police.

    Later on outside of the bank. There are cops loading the 4 robbers into police cars. There are Black Widow and Shang Chi standing there.

    At the office of Murdock and Nelson. There is Foggy Nelson seated at his desk as is Matt Murdock. Karen Page comes into the office. Karen Page:Matt Murdock. Luke Cage has come to see you.Matt Murdock:I am on it.

    Later on outside of the law office. There are Matt Murdock and Luke Cage walking down the street. Luke Cage:Your ex girlfriend Natasha thwarted a robbery at the Manhattan bank. I think that tonight The Kingpin will order a mini mart robbery.Matt Murdock:I never had a driver’s license. I was too young to drive when I lost my sight. Natasha could give me a ride.

    At night time at the Shield building. There is Black Widow driving her flying car. Matt Murdock is riding shot gun.

    Inside of Shield headquarters. There is the Marvel Knights vehicle. Daredevil shows up with Black Widow. Luke Cage, Shang Chi and Moon Knight show up next. Moon Knight: In our civilian forms I could drive Matt Murdock around the city since he can’t drive. I will be the pilot of this vehicle.

    Somewhere else in the Shield building. There is Nick Fury. The Marvel Knights show up. Nick Fury:I will deal with the Kingpin. You Marvel Knights battle those in league with the Kingpin.” They all leave the place. Nick Fury puts on his jet pack.

    At the Marvel Knights vehicle inside. The Marvel Knights all with Nick Fury come into the vehicle. Moon Knight gets into the pilot’s seat. Moon Knight flies his vehicle of into the night. Moon Knight:As Mark Spector I drive taxi cabs.

    At a mini mart at night time outside. There are 3 thugs there with handguns. Moon Knight:I spot my suspicions on 3 men. One of them is Tombstone.Luke Cage:I know of him. He was known as Lonnie Lincoln. No relation to Willie Lincoln.” They enter the place. The Marvel Knights vehicle is flying by. It lands there.

    Inside of the mini mart. There is the clerk standing there. The 2 thugs with Tombstone come in with guns drawn. Tombstone:Be cool. We just want the store’s money. Open it now.” Luke Cage bursts into the store. Luke Cage:I know it’s you Lonnie Lincoln.Tombstone:Luke Cage. Shoot him.” Tombstone and 2 other robbers shoot Luke Cage.

    Outside of the mini mart. The 2 robbers along with Tombstone are thrown to outside. The other heroes appear. Nick Fury goes over to them with his gun aimed at them. Nick Fury:Hold it right there you 3 felons.

    At the Daily Bugle at night time in Ben Urich’s office. There is Ben Urich typing up the story. Daredevil appears on the window. Daredevil comes into the office. Urich:I am getting the story. What do you guys call yourselves?Daredevil:Marvel Knights.” Daredevil hops out of the window and swings off into the night.

    At the Fisk Tower. Daredevil swings onto the roof top. Also Moon Knight’s chopper lands there. The heroes all come out of the vehicle.

    Inside of Wilson Fisk’s office. There are Big Ben, Bullet, Bengal, Typhoid Mary and the Rose along with the Kingpin. Kingpin:Let’s go after the heroes. I will help you Typhoid Mary. Nick Fury has formed the Avengers. He puts many heroes together. I will personally deal with Nick Fury the agent of Shield.” They all leave the office.

    In the lobby of the Fisk building. Daredevil pulls out his billy clubs. Kingpin and those other super villains appear. Kingpin:It’s you Colonel Fury. You fought in World War 2.” Black Widow takes on Typhoid Mary. Typhoid Mary:I will deal with you avenger and agent of Shield.” Daredevil takes on the Rose. Moon Knight takes on Bullet. Luke Cage takes on Big Ben. Big Ben:We meet again Luke Cage.Luke Cage:I just took down Lonnie Lincoln.” Shang Chi takes on Bengal. Nick Fury takes on the Kingpin of crime. Luke Cage and Big Ben are throwing punches at each other. Luke Cage throws Big Ben to the ground.

    Shang Chi and Bengal are fighting each other hand to hand. Black Widow and Typhoid Mary throw kicks and punches at each other. Nick Fury and the Kingpin lock onto each other. Kingpin:I will crush you agent of Shield.” Daredevil and the Rose are also fist fighting. Bullet fires on Moon Knight. Moon Knight blocks the shots with his sticks. Moon Knight throws a boomerang striking Bullet.

    Moon Knight with his stick knocks out Bullet. Luke Cage throws a punch incapacitating Big Ben. Bengal goes charging at Shang Chi. Shang Chi with round house kicks Bengal. Black Widow uppercuts Typhoid Mary knocking her to the ground. Daredevil and the Rose are throwing punches at each other. Daredevil throws a punch onto the Rose in the face. Daredevil rips off the Rose’s mask. Daredevil kicks the Rose on the knees. The Kingpin throws a hard punch onto Nick Fury. Nick Fury throws a punch back onto the Kingpin in the stomach. They are beating each other up. Nick Fury kicks the Kingpin on the legs. Nick Fury pulls out his gun. Nick Fury with the handle of his gun hits the Kingpin on the head. Nick Fury aims his gun at Wilson Fisk the kingpin of crime in the face. Nick Fury:Hold it right there Kingpin of crime or I will shoot.” The Kingpin puts his hands up. Kingpin:I give up.

    Later on outside of the Fisk building. There are police cars there. Also there is a prison transport truck. There are Wilson Fisk, Richard Fisk, Big Ben, Bengal, Bullet and Typhoid Mary in handcuffs. They are being loaded into the prison transport truck in handcuffs. Over to Nick Manolis and Willie Lincoln. The Marvel Knights with Nick Fury go over to the cops Nick Manolis and Willie Lincoln. Nick Manolis:You have done well. What do you guys call yourselves?Daredevil:We are the Marvel Knights. Bullseye has rotted in prison and so he should stay there.” They are talking. Daredevil swings off into the night.

    The next day at the café. There is Matt Murdock with Karen Page there. Also present is Foggy Nelson. Luke Cage with Nick Fury is there too. Nick Fury gives the Daily Bugle to Foggy Nelson. Nick Fury:Thank you for your help Luke Cage.Matt Murdock:Colonel Fury. I am now going out with Karen. We need to get up.” Matt Murdock and Karen Page get up.

    Outside of the café. There is Matt Murdock with Karen Page. They are walking down the streets.

    At night time on the streets of New York City by the Daily Bugle. There is the whole Marvel Knights team present. Ben Urich comes outside of the building. Urich: “So the Marvel Knights it is?” Daredevil:We are splitting up.Luke Cage:We go out on our own. Black Widow is Daredevil’s partner. We are disbanding the Marvel Knights team.” Daredevil and Black Widow swing off into the night as does Moon Knight. Luke Cage and Shang Chi walk off into the night.

  15. demolition18

    demolition18 Jedi Master star 1

    Oct 15, 2005
    This Marvel Knights movie entry is based on and following an earlier script of the Daredevil movie to when Bullseye is taken in but Wilson Fisk/The Kingpin isn't. The 2 Ghost Rider ones are what should be the true sequels to the 2007 Nicholas Cage movie. There are Spider-Man sequels that are to the Sam Raimi movies. This is to be updated with Marvel Comics.
  16. demolition18

    demolition18 Jedi Master star 1

    Oct 15, 2005
    The Punisher: Another War Zone


    Opening Credits

    Somewhere underground in New York City at night time. There is Frank Castle there. There is on the NEWS paper about the crime family run by Tommy Franco. Tommy Franco has been set free. There are also talks in the paper about a criminal mastermind calling himself Barracuda. The Punisher is arming himself up. The Punisher departs for the Franco safe house.

    Somewhere on a deck of the Gambino safe house in New York City at night time. There is Tommy Franco the boss of bosses present. Also there is Barracuda. Also present are the bodyguards Teddy, Georgie, Sammy, Vito and Frankie. Barracuda:Your brother Tommy is in the Gnucci crime family. We’ll unite and align against the Punisher. He wages a one man war against crime in the city. He’s not the only one to take the law into his own hands.Tommy Franco: I have hit men to kill The Punisher. I know that he killed Billy Russoti and others in his gang.Barracuda:You could bring me the Punisher’s head. I’ll unite your gang with Ma Gnucci’s gang.” Barracuda leaves the safe house. Teddy and Frankie go looking for the Punisher or other vigilantes.

    Somewhere else near the Franco safe house. Teddy and Frankie appear. The Punisher shows up next. Teddy:It’s that vigilante. He killed those who killed his family long ago.Frankie:We have hit men on him.” The Punisher gets into a hand to hand fight with the 2 bodyguards. The Punisher sends an uppercut onto Teddy knocking him down. Frankie and the Punisher are throwing punches at each other. The Punisher kicks Frankie in the belly. The Punisher next slams Frankie to the ground. The Punisher pulls out his 2 pistols. Punisher:Stay there. I am coming for Gambino and then for Barracuda.

    In the living room of the safe house. There are present mob captains Vinnie and Mikey with lieutenants Louie, Antonio and Angelo. Also there are Mafia hit men present. Tommy Franco shows up with Vito, Sammy and Georgie. Tommy Franco:We have a vigilante who’s hunting us down. We’ll kill him. He years ago killed an undercover agent by mistake when there was the Caesarea crime family.” The mob hit men with under bosses draw guns. The lights turn out. The lights turn back on. The Punisher shoots down mob hit men and under bosses with his guns. There are some mob hit men dead. There are under bosses bullet wounded. The 2 bosses Vinnie and Mikey appear. The Punisher slices them down with his knives. The Punisher shoots and kills Mafia godfather Tommy Franco. The Punisher throws a knife into Georgie’s head. The Punisher shoots down Sammy and Vito killing them. The Punisher shoots the bullet wounded mobsters. Police sirens are going off.

    Somewhere else nearby the Franco safe house. There is Frank Castle there.

    Back on the yard of the safe house outside. There are police cars parked there. Sgt. Martin Soap comes out of his car. There are other cops there. 3 of the cops present worship the devil. Martin Soap:I was just promoted to sergeant. I headed the Punisher task force years ago but he killed a mugger on me.” They have the 2 surviving bodyguards Teddy and Frankie. They load them into a police squad car. Satanic Cop 1:We’ll take the body guards and interrogate them. This would be about the Punisher and keep your minds wide open.

    At a former church building later on at night time in New York on the inside. There are candles lit. There is Peter Hall present. Also present is evil high priest Paul Wright with his sister Nina. There are also the 3 girls named Brianna, Mary and Wendy. Peter Hall: You 3 girls are into witch craft. There’s also a vigilante calling himself the Punisher out there. We’ll take him and sacrifice him. He’s waged a one man war on organized crime.Paul Wright:I am the high priest. We’ll do a ritual on him and this criminal mastermind calling himself Barracuda. My sister here could kill this vigilante. Even on those in organized crime as there are agents after the Gnucci crime family.” FBI agents of the Organized Crime Division Marcus Parker and Henry Cole show up with Peter Gnucci the nephew of Ma Gnucci the nephew of Ma Gnucci along with Dino Gnucci the brother of Ma Gnucci. Marcus Parker:I have brought in 2 members of the Gnucci crime family. We’ll soon take the rest and we’ll sacrifice Ma Gnucci the female boss.Nina Wright:Good. The Gambinos are in different crime families.” Peter Hall draws his knife. There are cops worshiping the devil that show up next with body guards Teddy and Frankie. Satanic Cop 2:The Punisher didn’t kill them. Here they are for you.” Those Italian mobsters are placed on the altar. Paul Wright:You could sister slash those in the Gambino crime family as the Punisher didn’t kill them.” The devil worship leader slices up members of the Gnucci family while the Nina Wright slashes the 2 body guards.

    The next day at the place owned by Barracuda. There is Barracuda present. Also present is female mob leader Ma Gnucci. Also present are the bodyguards Charles Franco the brother of the late mob god father Tommy Franco and Allen Malaniano the brother of Gnucci mob captain Joey. Also there is Latin Kings leader Luis Chavez. Biker gang leader Rodger Lane is also present wearing blue clothes. They are doing business. Barracuda:We’ll find the Punisher. He killed the Gambino crime family.Charles Franco:The Punisher will pay for it. The 2 body guards to my late brother haven’t been seen anymore.Barracuda:We have our rivals who worship the devil. They might’ve taken your nephew and brother Ma Gnucci.Ma Gnucci:We’ll have them and the Punisher next. I know that the Punisher isn’t the only one to take the law into his own hands. The Russian Mafia lead by Tiberiu Bulat killed by the Asian street gang and an Asian gang killed each other. The Punisher whacked out the Irish Mafia.Barracuda:I know that the Punisher killed Jigsaw along with an African street gang in league with him. We’ll waste the Punisher. I’ll run all the crime in the city. Tiberiu Bulat was arrested by the NY PD along with survivors on both sides. Christu was dealing to Arab terrorists who are also hunted by the feds.

    Later on at the turf of the Latin Kings in New York City. There is Luis Chavez present with members of the Latin Kings. Luis Chavez:We’ll find the Punisher and bust caps in him. There’s also a devil worship band lead by Peter Hall. We’ll cap them as well. Sgt. Martin Soap of the NY PD is doing an investigation of this devil worship band and has been suspecting some cops of devil worship.” They pull out guns. 3 cops who worship the devil show up with guns drawn. Satanic Cop 3:You are under arrest. Put your hands up or we will open fire.” The Latin Kings get into a gun fight with the Satanic cops. There are gang members shot down by the police and killed. One of the Satanic Cops is shot and killed by Luis Chavez the leader of the Latin Kings. Another Satanic cop shoots and kills Luis Chavez. Satanic Cop 1:You’ll pay for killing him.” The rest of those thugs throw down their guns. Latin Kings Member 1:We give up.Satanic Cop 3:You have the rights to remain silent.

    At the police station later on. There are cops with surviving members of the Latin Kings present. Also there are the 2 Satanic Cops along with Sgt. Martin Soap. Satanic Cop 1:We got them. We’ll also hunt down the Punisher and bring him in for taking the law into his own hands. I know he’s Frank Castle. His family was killed and then when he started out he killed those who killed his family.” Martin Soap pulls out his gun. He aims his gun at the 2 satanic cops. Martin Soap:I suspect you 2 are worshipping the devil. Put your hands up. Frank Castle saved me from a mugger after the death of Billy Russoti and his brother known as Looney Bin Jim.” They put their hands in the air. Captain Ross shows up. Captain Ross:What’s going on here? I believe that there’s a motorcycle gang in league with Barracuda.Martin Soap:Those 2 I believe worship the devil. Another one working with them was killed by the Latin Kings.

    Somewhere else on the streets of New York City. There is the Punisher present. He has an assault rifle with him and Berettas.

    At the turf of the Motorcycle gang. There is Rodger Lane present. Also there are many other outlaw bikers present. Rodger Lane:We’ll have deals going down. Let’s waste the Punisher. He’s not the only one to take the law into his own hands. He killed Billy Russoti and his gang.” The Punisher shows up. Rodger Lane:It’s the Punisher. Get him!” Those bikers go for guns and machetes. The Punisher with his assault rifle shoots and kills some outlaw bikers. Captain Ross with Sgt. Martin Soap and some other NY PD officers burst into the place. Captain Ross: NY PD. You are all under arrest.” The other bikers with guns get into a gun fight with Captain Ross and his officers. The Punisher throws aside his assault rifle. The Punisher shoots down bikers with machetes using his berrettas. Rodger Lane draws his knife. The Punisher with a berretta shoots and kills Rodger Lane. Other bikers throw down their guns. Lane Biker 1:We give up.Martin Soap: “Stay right where you are.” Frank Castle gets onto a motorcycle. Captain Ross:Hold it right there Castle.” He leaves the biker gang turf.

    At a bar in New York City at dusk. There are people there present. Also present are Gnucci mob captain Harold Rossi and Lieutenants Christopher Perrilio and Jack Ferroni. Barracuda is also there. Barracuda:The Punisher has whacked out our biker gang. Those who survived are arrested by the NY PD. Rodger Lane is dead.Harold Rossi:The Punisher killed the Franco crime family. We’ll also take our devil worship rivals.Barracuda:You might even have devil worshipping federal agents after you. I peaked onto a satanic ritual.” Barracuda leaves the bar. FBI agents Henry Cole and Marcus Parker show up. They show badges. Henry Cole:FBI. I know that you are a captain in the Gnucci crime family Harold Rossi. You are under arrest. 2 of you others are lieutenants.Marcus Parker:You are coming with us.” They take the 2 under bosses and one boss.

    At the Donatelli house at night time. Frank Castle shows up on a motorcycle. He goes to knock on the door. Angela answers the door. Angela goes over to Frank Castle. Angela Donatelli:Frank. I remember years ago you by mistake killed my husband. I haven’t dated in 3 months.” They kiss. Grace shows up next. Angela Donatelli:Come on in.” Frank Castle gets into the house.

    At the church building at night time. There is present occult leader Peter Hall. Also present are Nina and Paul Wright. There are the 3 witches Madeline, Brianna and Wendy present. FBI Agents Henry Cole and Marcus Parker show up with Harold Rossi, Christopher Perrilio and Jack Ferroni. Marcus Parker:We have 3 of those in the Gnucci crime family. We’ll hunt down the rest.Peter Hall:Good. We’ll take the Punisher too. It’s a war zone in the city.” The agents place them at the altar. Paul Wright:You 3 girls slash them.” The 3 witches slash those Italian mobsters. Those Italian mobsters die.

    At the turf of Ma Gnucci later on at night time. There is Ma Gnucci present with her bodyguards. Also present is the boss Joey Malaniano. Under Bosses there are Mac Savino and Anthony Corelli. There are also wise guys with a couple of women in Ma Gnucci’s gang. Ma Gnucci:We haven’t heard back from Harold Rossi or Jack Ferroni or even Christopher Perrilio. Let’s go looking for them. We’ll have revenge for my brother and my nephew killed in satanic sacrifice.” The wise guys pull out crow bars. Ma Gnucci’s lieutenants pull out baseball bats. Ma Gnucci:We could with crow bars and baseball bats beat those Satanists to death. I’ll shoot them and we could even drop things on them.

    Outside of Ma Gnucci’s turf. There is Barracuda out there. Barracuda:Our biker gang and street gang have been arrested or killed. The leaders are also dead. A couple of agents after you worship the devil. I think that they took Rossi, Perrilio and Ferroni.Ma Gnucci:We’ll beat them to death and then we have the Punisher to kill.Barracuda:You have done well.” They go after those worshipping the devil.

    Back at the house of the Donatelli’s in the dining room. There is present Frank Castle. Also present are Grace and Angela. Frank Castle:I took out the Franco crime family. We have the Gnucci crime family left. I think that the Latin Kings have been arrested. Also Rodger Lane’s biker gang I have killed along with Rodger Lane. We are hunting down the Gnucci crime family.Angela Donatelli:I want to be with you. I’ll send Grace to my parents until this is over.Punisher:I saved Martin Soap outside of a church from being mugged.

    At the police station later on at night in Captain Ross’s office. There is Captain Ross present with Sgt. Martin Soap. Captain Ross:3 of those in the Gnucci crime family have been caught by the feds at a bar.Martin Soap:We might even have agents in on this devil worship thing. I’ll arrest them.

    At the church building later on at night time. There is present Peter Hall. Also there are Mary, Brianna, Wendy, Nina Wright, Paul Wright and FBI agents Marcus Parker and Henry Cole. Peter Hall:I’ll go with you people after the Gnucci crime family.” Barracuda shows up with the Gnucci crime family. Marcus Parker and Henry Cole are struck by wise guys with crow bars as they try to go for their guns. Barracuda throws a punch onto Peter Hall. Barracuda:Never mess with us.” Joey M with the 2 under bosses beat up on Nina and Paul Wright with baseball bats. Wise guys strike 3 women into witch craft. Ma Gnucci pulls out a gun. Barracuda breaks Peter Hall’s neck killing him. Ma Gnucci shoots and kills Nina and Paul Wright. Ma Gnucci:This is what you get for messing with the Gnuccis.” The boss and under bosses beat the 2 federal agents to death while wise guys pound the 3 witch types to death. Barracuda:I believe that 2 other cops worshiping the devil have been apprehended by the NY PD or The Punisher killed them. Let’s now go hunting him down. Also there’s the Friends Stand United to work with us on the Punisher plot.” Barracuda with the Gnucci crime family depart from the place.

    At the Donatelli home the next day in the kitchen. There is present Angela with her daughter Grace. Frank Castle shows up coming down the stairs. Frank Castle:You should Grace stay with your grandparents. Your mother and I will take care of business. There’s the Gnucci crime family out there. I was going to give up once because of by mistake killing your father who I thought was part of the Caesarea crime family.” There’s the door bell ringing. Frank Castle:I’ll go get it.” Frank Castle goes to answer the door.

    Outside on the front door in the morning. There is Sgt. Martin Soap standing there. Frank Castle answers the door. Frank Castle:I know that you are still going after those terrorists who were in Queens when I was dealing with Billy Russoti and his gang. You support me now as I saved you from being mugged.Martin Soap:I think I know where there are gangs meeting up. Ma Gnucci is in league with Barracuda. Barracuda with the Gnucci crime family killed Peter Hall with the rest of his devil worship band violently.” Sgt. Martin Soap comes into the house. They are talking.

    At Broad street hotel. There is present Barracuda. Also present is the whole remaining Gnucci crime family. There is also present Friends Stand United gang with members various races. The leader is a white guy named Buddy Jefferson. Barracuda:We’ll form our army. The Punisher whacked by biker gang and killed the leader. The Latin Kings are dead or arrest as the leader is dead. You’ll join with us and the Punisher will be dead.Buddy Jefferson:The Punisher is the one who killed Jigsaw as of what a Russian mob boss in prison said. The Punisher one time by mistake killed an undercover federal agent.Barracuda:We’ll waste the Punisher. Sgt. Martin Soap is on us too. So is Captain Ross. Let’s kill them too.

    Later on in the day at the Punisher’s lair. There is Frank Castle present. Also present are Sgt. Martin Soap of the NY PD and Angela Donatelli the widow of an agent that Frank Castle by mistake whacked out. Martin Soap and Angela Donatelli are taking arms. The Punisher is loading himself up. The Punisher:Let’s take down the Gnucci crime family. I’ll try not to kill. I’ll face Barracuda and you could arrest him Sgt. Soap.Martin Soap:A member of the Latin Kings said that the rest of the gang is meeting up at the Broad Street hotel where you killed Jigsaw and his brother. I was told of even Friends Stand United being called in by Barracuda.” They depart for the hotel.

    Outside of the Hotel. The Punisher shows up with Angela Donatelli and Martin Soap. Paul Budiansky and Agent Miller of the FBI show up. Paul Budiansky:The Gnucci crime family murdered agents Henry Cole and Marcus Parker. I am with you to deal with this crime family.Agent Miller:Those 2 agents were part of Peter Hall’s devil worship band.The Punisher:I’ll let you agents in with me this time. I’ll try not to kill. You’ll arrest them.” They all draw guns. The Punisher has hand guns in his hands. They enter the building.

    Somewhere on the lobby of the hotel. There is the Friends Stand United with their leader present. Buddy Jefferson:It’s the Punisher. They must be accomplices to him.” The Punisher shows up with his back up. Buddy Jefferson and his gang get into a gun fight with the Punisher and crew. They shoot down gang members killing them as they fire on them. The Punisher with a hand gun shoots and kills Buddy Jefferson. The others are shot down by the Punisher next with his hand guns. The Punisher with Martin Soap and Angela Donatelli reload their guns as do the 2 FBI agents who worked on the Jigsaw case. The Punisher:I think Barracuda with the Gnucci crime family are upstairs. Let’s go in search for them. Let’s stick together in search of them.

    Somewhere on the stair ways to the hotel. There is the Punisher present with Martin Soap and Angela Donatelli along with 2 FBI agents Miller and Budiansky. They get to the 5th floor.

    Somewhere on the 5 floor. There is Ma Gnucci present with the remains of the gang. Ma Gnucci:Let’s get the Punisher and kill him.” The Punisher and his allies show up. Paul Budiansky:You are all under arrest on murder charges of 2 of my agents.Martin Soap:You are under arrest for murder. Put your hands up or we’ll open fire on you.Ma Gnucci:I think not. The Punisher will die along with you widow of Nicky Donatelli.” They get into a gun fight with Ma Gnucci and the rest of the gang. There are mobsters being shot down. Frank Castle with his 2 hand guns shoots and kills the 2 surviving under bosses. Joey M goes firing on the Punisher. The Punisher shoots him down next. Wise guys with the women in the gang are shot and killed by Angela and those who were on the Punisher Task Force. Frank Castle shoots down Ma Gnucci with Charles Franco and Allen Malaniano. Charles Franco: You’ll pay for my brother you vigilante.” There are bullet wounded mobsters. The Punisher shoots them killing them and next shoots Ma Gnucci in the head. The Punisher:She really tried to kill us. I am going to find Barracuda.” The Punisher goes after Barracuda. The others go outside.

    Somewhere else in the hotel where The Punisher defeated Jig Saw. There is present Barracuda. He pulls out his guns. The Punisher shows up. The Punisher:This is where I killed Billy Russoti. I’ll take you down here. Give up or you die. I really had it with killing. I am turning you over to the NY PD and FBI.Barracuda:Over my dead body.The Punisher:Fine than. I kill you.” He and Barracuda get into a gun fight. They throw down their guns. Barracuda:I could beat a vigilante to death.” The Punisher gets into a hand to hand fight with Barracuda. They throw kicks and punches at each other. The Punisher slams Barracuda to the ground. The Punisher throws a knife into Barracuda’s head killing him. Barracuda falls dead. The Punisher:This is what you get for trying to kill me.

    Later on outside of the hotel. There are agents Budiansky and Miller. Also is Sgt. Martin Soap along with Angela Donatelli. Frank Castle comes out of the hotel. He goes over to Angela Donatelli. Martin Soap:Where is Barracuda? I had only one known picture of him.The Punisher:He got killed trying to kill me. I love you Grace.” They kiss.

    Many days later at a Catholic Church in New York City. There is the Punisher present. Also present is Father Hackett. Father Hackett:Have you had enough with killing?The Punisher:Maybe. It was a war zone out here. Those devil worshippers are dead.Father Hackett:They attacked my church. They were beaten to death I heard.The Punisher:Those who killed them are dead now too.” The Punisher goes outside of the church.

    Outside of the church at night time. There is Martin Soap present. The Punisher shows up next. Martin Soap:Those terrorists have been all over New York City. I have been for years after them. The Russian Mafia was dealing those biological weapons to them.” They go over to each other. An Arab terrorist band shows up with their leader. They pull out guns. Martin Soap:It’s them.The Punisher:I will give up my vigilante ways after we take them down.” The Punisher takes out his assault rifle while Martin Soap draws his hand gun. Martin Soap:You are under arrest. Drop the guns or we open fire.” Frank Castle and Martin Soap get into a gun fight with those terrorists. The Punisher blows that leader’s head off with his assault rifle. They are all dead. The Punisher:That’s all of them.Martin Soap:We have been for years after them. I know that you were Special Forces long ago. You could fight against terrorists.The Punisher:I am now just known as Frank Castle and not the Punisher anymore.

    Last edited: Jan 15, 2022
  17. demolition18

    demolition18 Jedi Master star 1

    Oct 15, 2005
    There are changes on the Punisher one. There is Gambino reference a well known real life mob family but Franco is the name in the Punisher War Zone sequel to reference the Dolph Lundgren Punisher movie.