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Meetup in Glasgow

Discussion in 'Archive: Scotland' started by LadyVader81, Jul 18, 2002.

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  1. MrDankDonk

    MrDankDonk Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 28, 2001
    listen hen, if you come to Glasgow for a piss-up with a bunch of guys who you met on a star wars chatroom, you deserve locked up.......
    however, if you must, I'll put you in touch with some trustworthy (young-ish) female friends with a spare bed for the night (one that disn'y involve a thirty-year-old married-man bringing a horlicks to yir room with his nightgown on)........ [face_laugh]
  2. Az-Azzameen

    Az-Azzameen Jedi Knight star 5

    May 24, 2002
  3. PadawanSDM

    PadawanSDM Jedi Padawan star 4

    Sep 27, 2000
    Ignore me, I'm losing it at the moment.

    I hope to come along, even for a while if only to see if everyone is as geekish as imagine.
  4. Az-Azzameen

    Az-Azzameen Jedi Knight star 5

    May 24, 2002

    I've been to one before - more so I think! :p
  5. PadawanSDM

    PadawanSDM Jedi Padawan star 4

    Sep 27, 2000
    Well we shall see Az. You definitely coming along?
  6. Az-Azzameen

    Az-Azzameen Jedi Knight star 5

    May 24, 2002
    May do. Dunno yet though. I am going on holiday in September, but it will be one of these last minute things so I have no dates. If I'm available I'll be going. Hopefully, I can wangle some free accomodation in Glasgow... :D
  7. westford

    westford Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 25, 2002
    however, if you must, I'll put you in touch with some trustworthy (young-ish) female friends with a spare bed for the night (one that disn'y involve a thirty-year-old married-man bringing a horlicks to yir room with his nightgown on)........

    Erm, I live in Paisley Mr DD...
  8. MrDankDonk

    MrDankDonk Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 28, 2001
    all the more reason to get a comfortable bed for the night in the west-end.... :D have one night's sleep without the sound of sirens ringing in yir ears [face_laugh]

    but seriously, you can catch the late night loonie bus from George Square....... that runs at 2am, doesn't it?

    I actually knows loads of people from Paisley. And they are all quite nice... and only a few of them have actually been to prison.......
  9. toochilled

    toochilled Jedi Knight star 5

    Oct 17, 2000
    ''I actually knows loads of people from Paisley. And they are all quite nice... and only a few of them have actually been to prison....... ''


  10. MrDankDonk

    MrDankDonk Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 28, 2001
    yo Chilly....

    busy today, are we?

    ya seem to be peppering the territory with economical one word interspersions, in the manner of a man with some work to do (for a change)

  11. toochilled

    toochilled Jedi Knight star 5

    Oct 17, 2000

    like feck i am :p

    Weeeeeeeelll - I have some stuff to do but after a weekend of sun, breasts, beer, gin, breasts, sun, and beer my brain feels rather frazzled :D

    So far I've spent 5 hours trying to write one email. i think a cigarette may help.....
  12. clone-warrior

    clone-warrior Jedi Youngling

    Dec 12, 2000
    My young padawan (or wee brother as he's more commonly know) will probably come along too although he doesn't post here.
  13. MrDankDonk

    MrDankDonk Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 28, 2001
    no siiiissssters?
  14. toochilled

    toochilled Jedi Knight star 5

    Oct 17, 2000
    bollox - fag didn't help so i think i'll head to the pub instead.

    Gordy - no need to worry about sisters mate. It's the west end just after university has begun.


    //drools at the memories of old and those yet to be made.

    My plan for accomodation?? - Pull a lass from Murano Street :D :D :D
  15. MrDankDonk

    MrDankDonk Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 28, 2001

    Imminent Chilly-Boy rampage... lock up yir girlfriends, sisters, mums and better looking pets........
  16. westford

    westford Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 25, 2002
    Fortunately I have a built-in male repellant...
  17. MrDankDonk

    MrDankDonk Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 28, 2001
    what... like something that pops up and squirts us with CS gas or something?

    Acme Male Repellant - available in a range of flavours.........
  18. clone-warrior

    clone-warrior Jedi Youngling

    Dec 12, 2000
    MR DD You wouldn't believe me if I told you there is another one and that they are twins. AND they have been seperated to protect their identity, ones in Peterhead, ones in Renfrew. However, the haven't had any embarrasing near misses like those other twins you may be thinking about
  19. toochilled

    toochilled Jedi Knight star 5

    Oct 17, 2000
    May be a change of plan.

    It is posible that this girl I pretty much lust over may be coming to visit me that weekend. If she does then I'll be in London.
    I'll confirm either way once she books her ticket :D :D :D
  20. MrDankDonk

    MrDankDonk Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 28, 2001
    imagine putting a sexual conquest higher on yir list of priorities than a visit to Glasgow....

    //imagines for a moment //

    aye, I can see the sense in that, right enough.....

    but us non-shaggers will stick to our 28th Sept date for now.....
  21. Dot-Cotton

    Dot-Cotton Jedi Youngling

    Mar 21, 2001
    Ooooer, I can maybe manage this now
  22. MrDankDonk

    MrDankDonk Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 28, 2001
    bring yir ciggies, hen...... I'm gaspin'..........
  23. Han_Djobb

    Han_Djobb Jedi Youngling

    Aug 26, 2002
    Can I come then?
  24. Az-Azzameen

    Az-Azzameen Jedi Knight star 5

    May 24, 2002
  25. westford

    westford Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 25, 2002
    Non-shaggers? Bah!
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